Co-worker effect on new nurse socialization

    Item Description
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    Thesis advisor: Golden, Kathleen
    Committee member: Warburton, Terry
    Committee member: Agostini, Jolynn
    Degree granting institution: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
    Date Created
    Date Issued
    Socialization is a difficult process in most professions. The movement from outsider to insider can be made more or less stressful depending on co-workers. Nursing is a particular field that tends to make it difficult for newcomers to "fit in" (Meissner, 1986). Therefore, the question arises, do co-workers affect the socialization process of new nurses in the hospital setting with respect to task performance, social support, sponsorship, and coaching factors? In this study three hospitals were utilized in the Erie, PA area. The criteria for this study specified nurses who have been in the hospital setting between 3 months and 2 years. A total of 29 surveys were entered into the study. A self administered survey was employed and developed from material found in the literature review and was modeled after the Mentoring and Communication Support Scale (Hell et. al., 1989). The survey consisted of 24 quantitative questions, 3 qualitative questions, and an optional space for name and phone number. Respondents were grouped based on a mean split, with Group 1 above the mean, and Group 2 below the mean. Each group was analyzed using a t-test comparing them to each of the 4 dimensions and to each individual question. The analysis found a significant probability (p<=.005) in 3 of the 4 dimensions (task, sponsorship and coaching). The qualitative answers supported this finding. In addition, mentoring was found to be an important element in those nurses who were more highly socialized.

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    Place Published
    Edinboro, Pa.
    pdf, 70 pages; 3MB
    Maas Agostini, Michele. (1996). Co-worker effect on new nurse socialization. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Access from Pennsylvania Western University Edinboro Archives.