The Attitudes of Primary Care Providers in South Central Pennsylvania Towards Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Migraine Treatment

    Item Description
    Linked Agent
    Thesis advisor: Kelly, Deborah
    Committee member: Bassetti-Barrett, Colleen
    Committee member: Stiller, Catherine
    Degree granting institution: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
    Degree granting institution: Clarion University of Pennsylvania
    Department: Nursing
    Date Created
    Date Issued
    Migraines are a common and debilitating medical issue. Many patients are turning to complementary and alternative medicine to either augment or replace conventional medical treatment for this. However, it is unclear what their primary care providers’ attitudes are toward the use of CAM and the PCP’s knowledge base in this area. This study was designed to determine PCPs’ attitudes towards CAM and if a brief educational presentation regarding CAM modalities frequently used for migraines had any impact on their attitude towards CAM. There was a pre survey, a Power Point presentation discussing common CAM used for migraines, and a post survey. This was a small study, with 13 participants completing the pre survey and 10 completing the post survey. There was no significant difference between the pre and post intervention groups (p=0.46, significance level of <0.05). However, both groups had a mostly favorable attitude towards CAM. Gender, work setting, and credentials did not impact attitudes towards CAM. Acupuncture, relaxation therapy, massage, and chiropractic care were the CAM modalities that the providers felt the most comfortable discussing. The findings from this study can be used as a guide for future educational offerings and CAM services in the area. Suggestions for future research include offering a continuing medical education credit to boost participation.
    Resource Type
    34 pages
    400 KB
    Physical Form
    Boyer, S.E. (2021). The Attitudes of Primary Care Providers in South Central Pennsylvania Towards Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Migraine Treatment. Edinboro and Clarion Universities of Pennsylvania.
    Accessed from Pennsylvania Western University Archives