Improving mental health recovery following crisis on a college campus through policy development
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Author: Chelton, Andrea Lynn
Thesis advisor: Bassetti-Barrett, Colleen
Committee member: Maloney, Susan
Committee member: Dahle, Jim
Degree granting institution: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Degree granting institution: Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Degree name: Doctor of Nursing Practice
Date Created
Crisis events, both manmade and natural, could materialize at any time on the campus of a higher education institution, and often have a detrimental impact to the mental health of those experiencing the event. There is already a high prevalence in mental health disorders in college-age individuals and crisis events can often precipitate immediate and long-lasting effects to mental health regardless of an individual’s mental state. Educational institutions have a duty to develop comprehensive crisis management plans that address safety of mental health, as well as physiological, before, during, and after crisis events.
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Chelton, A.L. Improving mental health recovery following crisis on a college campus through policy development. [Dissertation]. Edinboro and Clarion Universities of Pennsylvania, 2022.
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