1952-09 Socialist Monthly

    Item Description
    Date Issued

       The central article this month is a commemoration of the death of Sacco and Vanzetti, martyrs to the "bloodthirsty gods of capitalism."  The AFL is also criticized for its reactionary policies, as is the efforts of the Wage Stabilization Board.  Miners from Shenandoah, PA are recognized for their efforts to bring democracy to the trade unions.  More news from the unions is discussed, as are war profits and climbing prices.  The "Workers of the World" column by John Loeb discusses the potential that the Soviets have the hydrogen bomb, the unpopularity of Americans, and Stalinist injustices.  One of the themes of this edition is Soviet fawning over Stalin, expressed from poetry ("Stalin is My Sunshine") to a new perfume called "Breath of Stalin."  The article also expresses the hope of a Third Camp movement of colonial nations, against the imperialism of both Stalin and capitalism.

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    New York, New York
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