1948-10-15 Counterattack
Item Description
Counterattack in this issue accuses broadcasting networks of accidentally leaking the contents of a presidential address to communists, because many communists have connections in the media. The address detailed the Vinson mission, a diplomatic effort to resolve the atomic energy disputes, the Berlin blockade, and other diplomatic impasses. They also advocate more teamwork between Marshall and Dulles on foreign policy. The newsletter also urges loyalty checks at the state and local level and using the federal courts to crack down on the Communist Party, as U.S. District Judge J Foster Symes did when members refused a grand jury subpoena. Federal Judges J Waties Waring and John C. Knox were guests of honor at a communist front, the National Lawyers Guild. Further discussion includes a struggle between the communist union officials and an office workers union of the CIO. The newsletter also denounces presidential candidate Wallace for accusing Jews of aiding "reactionaries" and Professor Ralph Barton Perry of Harvard as a sponsor of communist fronts.