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Both foam rolling (FR), and ischemic compression (IC) have been shown to be effective in treating muscle tightness, but the literature lacks studies comparing them. This study was a crossover design consisting of 11 healthy NCAA Division II and III collegiate basketball players. Subjects underwent, in a randomized order, 3 treatments: 1) 2x90s trials of FR, 2) 3x30-60s of IC and 3) No treatment; with a 1-week period between each treatment. Variables measure pre and post treatment were: active hamstring range of motion (ROM), pain-pressure threshold (PPT), vertical jump height (VJ), and peak power output (PPO). A global rate of change survey (GROC) was given to measure the subject's perceived effect of the treatment. This study found, following each of the three treatments, a significant increase in ROM, VJ, and PPO. The improvement recorded in ROM, VJ and PPO does not appear to be the result of FR or IC.