Lizzie Siddal

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    Item Description
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    Date Created
    Place Published
    Lock Haven, PA
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    Lizzie Siddal's face is recognized the world over:she was the face of the Pre-Raphaelites, the first "super­ model" muse who inspired some of the greatest artistic achievements of her day. Yet few now know her name. In her own right,she was a poet and an artist whose work at one point garnered greater success than the man who later became her husband: Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Struggling her entire adult life to navigate the Pre-Raphaelite artistic circle and her passionate relationship with Rossetti, it was the loss of a stillborn daughter and post-partum depression (considered shameful at the time) that irrevocably destroyed Siddal: she took her own life at the age of 32,possibly due to a second failed pregnancy. I celebrate Lizzie Siddal as one of the multitude of women whose accomplishments are overshadowed in life and death by the men whom they inspire.

    This image may be used for only non-commercial educational purposes. Commercial publication requires permission. Contact the Lock Haven University Archives, Stevenson Library, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA 17745 or (570) 484-2545.