Katherin Jefferts Schori

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    In 2006, Jefferts Schori was elected 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the United States (ECUSA). She is the first female primate in the Anglican Church worldwide. Jefferts Schori is an active supporter of same-sex marriage and has approved the blessing of same-sex unions within the church. In a recent statement, Katharine Jefferts Schori wrote, "Healing is the primary work of people of faith and the communities of which they are a part. Christians, as disciples of One who came to save (rescue, heal,make whole) the world and its inhabitants,seek to heal their relationships with one another and with all that is. Episcopalians believe this is God's mission and we are its ministers or servants. We are meant to seek to repair what is breached and broken, to stitch up what is torn,to heal what is sick,to release what is imprisoned and oppressed,to comfort the dying,to encourage the ignored,forlorn, and grieving. Our life finds meaning in responding to the cries around u

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