Frances Benjamin Johnston

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    Item Description
    Resource Type
    Linked Agent
    Creator: Karen Elias
    Date Created
    Place Published
    Lock Haven, PA
    Description Long

    I admire her as an artist who was able to capture stunning photographs of many of her contemporaries (Susan B. Anthony, Mark Twain,Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Natalie Barney, George Washington Carver); as a photo-journalist who documented the lives of coal miners, iron and mill workers, American Indians, and the students and teachers at the Hampton Institute; and as a woman. who flaunted the dictates of her times by defining herself as 'lhe New Woman," one who lived independently and worked tirelessly to support herself through the practice of photography

    This image may be used for only non-commercial educational purposes. Commercial publication requires permission. Contact the Lock Haven University Archives, Stevenson Library, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA 17745 or (570) 484-2545.