The Effects of the Fab Lab Learning Environment of Students with Mental Health Diagnosis

    Item Description
    A Doctoral Capstone Project
    Linked Agent
    Date Issued
    For years, students with mental health diagnoses have encountered many barriers in their respective education programs. Teachers and other professionals have been unsure and unaware of many of the successful strategies to engage these students in learning and providing essential skills for success in life. All too often, medication has become the primary way to alter behaviors and symptoms of students who suffer from mental health issues. This study focuses on a group of students who have at least one mental health diagnosis. Through reviews of literature, a historical timeline is presented on strategies provided to these students, as well as a definition and overview of many of the common types of mental health diagnoses. Students are observed in both the traditional classroom environment and the Fab Lab. The purpose of this study is to determine if student behaviors, attendance, and mental health symptoms can be minimized and altered in the Fab Lab setting which could promote more learning opportunities. The study also includes analyzing teacher and social worker perceptions on both learning environments.
    Resource Type
    State System Era
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