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February 25, 1974
Modern Library Becomes
Academic, Cultural Heart
The academic and cultural
heart of Edinboro State
College, the new 7-story
library, has been chosen as
the central focal point of the
overall campus. Educators,
businessmen and legislators
acknowledged the potential of
the new high-rise facility at
the recent groundbreaking
Library Architect William
Janusey of Janusey, Schaad
be included are 2 self-service
elevators. These will be
available for use by students
and faculty. The third floor is
completely mechanics while
the other floors are devoted to
reading areas and shelving."
Saul Weinstein, director of
libraries, stressed "the
availability and flexibility in
function of the new library.
With this new facility,
Edinboro State College's
acknowledged the project as
a symbol of the progress of
the College.
Dr. Chester T. McNerney,
president of Edinboro State
College, spoke on consortia
and the sharing of the library,
"The central objective of this
College is academic-cultural
and this
beautiful facility is an im
portant factor in such
Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new, modern 7>story library takes place as Dr.
Chester T. McNerney delves into the hard, snow-covered ground.
and Associates, stated, "The
library is a functional type of
building where information
can be gotten easily . and
quickly. A modular layout
system, the library is more
than 100,000 square feet in
area and will contain ap
proximately 450,000 volumes
of books.
"Precast in white concrete,
the glass Is solar bronze to let
in light but reflect glare;
there will be a gold crown on
top emphasizing the high-rise
'.tructure. A special feature to
qualifications for university
strengthened. The workable
Interior includes a seating
capacity for 1400."
progression." Dr. McNerney
added that the library is the
41st building on the campus.
For the past 7 years, VicePresident of Development
Commending the event as a James Dronsfield has had an
significant achievement in important role In the com
the development of Edinboro pletion of the master building
State College were Dr. Harold plan and especially the
com library. To be completed
missioner of the Department within a 22-month con
of Education, and State struction period, the new
Senator Budd Dwyer. Mr. library Is expected to be open
Max P. Gabreski, president in the summer or fall of the
of the Board of Trustees, also Bicentennial Year, 1976.
February 25, 1974
Modern Library Becomes
Academic, Cultural Heart
The academic and cultural
heart of Edinboro State
College, the new 7-story
library, has been chosen as
the central focal point of the
overall campus. Educators,
businessmen and legislators
acknowledged the potential of
the new high-rise facility at
the recent groundbreaking
Library Architect William
Janusey of Janusey, Schaad
be included are 2 self-service
elevators. These will be
available for use by students
and faculty. The third floor is
completely mechanics while
the other floors are devoted to
reading areas and shelving."
Saul Weinstein, director of
libraries, stressed "the
availability and flexibility in
function of the new library.
With this new facility,
Edinboro State College's
acknowledged the project as
a symbol of the progress of
the College.
Dr. Chester T. McNerney,
president of Edinboro State
College, spoke on consortia
and the sharing of the library,
"The central objective of this
College is academic-cultural
and this
beautiful facility is an im
portant factor in such
Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new, modern 7>story library takes place as Dr.
Chester T. McNerney delves into the hard, snow-covered ground.
and Associates, stated, "The
library is a functional type of
building where information
can be gotten easily . and
quickly. A modular layout
system, the library is more
than 100,000 square feet in
area and will contain ap
proximately 450,000 volumes
of books.
"Precast in white concrete,
the glass Is solar bronze to let
in light but reflect glare;
there will be a gold crown on
top emphasizing the high-rise
'.tructure. A special feature to
qualifications for university
strengthened. The workable
Interior includes a seating
capacity for 1400."
progression." Dr. McNerney
added that the library is the
41st building on the campus.
For the past 7 years, VicePresident of Development
Commending the event as a James Dronsfield has had an
significant achievement in important role In the com
the development of Edinboro pletion of the master building
State College were Dr. Harold plan and especially the
com library. To be completed
missioner of the Department within a 22-month con
of Education, and State struction period, the new
Senator Budd Dwyer. Mr. library Is expected to be open
Max P. Gabreski, president in the summer or fall of the
of the Board of Trustees, also Bicentennial Year, 1976.