Thu, 09/26/2024 - 14:52
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mu EfiF., archives


H©riwdl "^dliool

Ju»e f Ir5^
’Biwel'ccf) Imwdrcil
10:00 C *ffi.

SpGcial ^Recognition fov Scholarship, Excellence in Teaching
and Tvofessional A.iiitude


Gertrude Marion Edgerton, Edinboro
Mary Agnes Hanks, Edinboro
Alice Irene Leacock, Edinboro
Fulton Hugh McKay, Edinboro

Virginia Seabrooke, Erie
Helen Elizabeth Studebaker, Erie
Gladys Walker, Erie
Cleora Muriel Wheeling, Cochranton







Frederick (g. Henke, *iPk. dD.

Address .

‘Doris Sanford


Edward Howard (griggs, L. H. D)., LL. *D.

Education fov the TfeW Eva
Gloss Introduction

L. H. ‘VanHouten, ‘Director Eric ‘DrancK.

"Presentation of "Piplomas



Principal 6. 6. Crawford



(guests please remain in seats until (graduates pass out

nViiss Kathryn



(d. "KCartin, organist



. Addicott, Nellie Josephine
Anderson, Maude Elizabeth
Baldwin, Leda Elisabeth
Barron, Ethel Susan
Bell, Mrs. Margaret Colton
Benedict, Ida Wilimina
Bennett, Nellie Donna
Bens, Alice Elsie
Blake, Edith Valentine
Branch, Margaret Elizabeth
Brennan, Grace Margaret
Brown, Irene Elizabeth
Burke, Mary Virginia
Capito, Mary Josephine
Carr, Josephine
Chambers, Thelma Irene
Cook, Elizabeth M.
Corrigan, Helen Mildred
Davies, Juanita
DeCecco, Lillia Lucia
Diefenderfer, Dorothy May
DiTullio, Mary Jeannette
Donovan, Margaret Anne
Eldredge, Grace Virginia
Ewalt, Anna Mary
Franklin, Mary Viola
GifFord, Adaline Helen

Gilmore, Frances Adelia
Graves, Mildred Bernice
GriiFen, Florence Eleanor
Hanks, Mary Agnes
Harned, Donna Beatrice
Harned, Georgia June
Henry, Marion Grace
Hindman, Willa
Howard, Delia Gertrude
Hurley, Josephine Pauline
Keefe, Bernice Marie
Kopanski, AnnaBelle
Kreider, Katherine Dorothy
Lawson, Beatrice
Lewis, Cyril
Locke, Florence Anne
Lupher, Helen Antoinette
MacDonald, Edna Elizabeth
McCarthy, Cora J.
McKean, Helen Belle
Maloney, Catherine Isabelle
Massello, Anna Margaret
Maxted, Louise Elizabeth
Mechling, Dorothy Alice
Miller, Madeline Augusta
Monks, Doris Rachel
Morgan, Ethel May

Nelson, Leona Geraldine
Osborne, Erma Pearl
Parsons, Georgia Elizabeth
Pearson, Ellen Victoria
Pegg, Leora Evelyn
Perry, Faye Gladys
Phelps, Edythe Isabel
Ralston, Marian Elizabeth
Rae, Helen Zoe
Reed, Mary Janice
Rilling, Teresa
Rodgers, Leta Irene
Russell, Iva Alice
Rogers, Marie Elizabeth
Sanford, Doris Adelaide
Schell, Florence Irene
Schuler, Veura- Joyce
Slater, Edith
Smith, Kathryn Blanche
Struchen, Lauretta Anna
Summerton, Alice N.
Swalley, Margaret
Thompson, Mildred Elmes
Walker, Gladys
Warner, Mrs. Alzora Alcorn
Whitton, Edith May
Zimmer, Myrna Irene

Adsit, Helen Annette
Anderson, Lillian Victoria
Anderson, Mildred Isabel
Anderson, Mildred Marie
Applebee, Agatha Helen
Arundel, Mary Margaret
Ash, Beatrice Eleanor
Babo, Beatrice Anne
Babcock, Ethlyne Asenath
Baker, Marian
Bisbee, Calista Candace
Blair, Dorothy

Bobbitt, Mattie
Boughner, Mildred Andre
Bovee, Aris Olivia
Breckley, Marie Susan
Brennan, Anna Audrey
Brown, Ruth
Bruce, Ruth Matilda
Burns, Elizabeth Mary
Campbell, Hazel Elouise
Campbell, Laura Jean
Carney, Edna Patrica
Carney, Ethel Matilda

Cieslinski, Marie Madeline
Cole, Ruth Eunice
Conway, Helen
Cowden, Freda Mae
Covey, Mary Elizabeth
Covley, Dorothy Margaret
Cramer, Viola I.
Curry, Kathryn
Davis, Neva Thelma
Dembrowska, Eugenie
DeNunzio, Celia
Dunlap, Nell B.

Early, Mary Agnes
Edgerton, Gertrude Marion
Ellison, Bernice Lucille
Firth, Nella Gertrude
Foster, Kathryn Amelia
Fox, Elva Elizabeth
Friedrichs, Olga Elsie
Galinsky, Frances
Gambatese, Susie Mary
Gerbracht, Catherine Marie
Gilbert, Marian Oakes
. Grande, Lucy Marcella
Grande, Virginia May
Griffis, Isabel Emeline^
Hain, Marcella Amelia
Hall, Vida lone
Handley, Ruby Evangeline
Helfrey, Irene Jean
Hirsch, Evelyn Frances
Howard, Hazel Laura
Huckelbery, Helen Elva
Humm, Rosa Adelaide
Huya, Agnes Madeline
Infield, Pauline Henderson
Johnson, Sigrid Mathilda

Joiner, Marion
Kane, Anna Blanche
Kellison, Lolita Hilda
King, Mildred Letitia
Kingsley, Erma Lavina
Kinney, Mrs. Charlotte Serena
Kinney, Julia Rita
Koehler, Martha
Leary, Mary Monica
Limbert, Dorothy Sarah
Luke, Louise
Martin, Florence Evelyn
Mascharka, Helen Florence
Miller, Mary Eleanor
Minnick, Mildred Lorraine
Mogel, Cecelia
Mohney, Myrtle
Mosher, Milda Ethelyn
Nelson, Homer Edward
O’Brien, Ella Cornelia
Perkins, Ruth Esther
Pogorzelski, Helen Catherine
Prussia, Grace Alice
Quilman, Ruth Lavinia
Radel, Violet Lucretia
Randall, Gertrude Marie

Reinecke, Elizabeth Frances
Renner, Karolyn Mariette
Robinson, Florence Margaret
Roestel, Charlotte
Ross, Arloe Ned
Schuler, Fred A.
Schuster, Ruth Eleanor
Schwartz, Mary Catherine
Snyder, Ellen Margaret
Stallsmith, Mary Etta
Steele, Mildred Genevieve
Steward, June Emeline
Studebaker, Helen Elizabeth
Sullivan, Mary Zita
Swift, Leatha Adelaide
Sybrant, Mildred Marion
Tonty, Mary Lucille
Virtue, Eleanor Adeline
Walker, Frances Emma
Weeter, Blanche
Williams, Marjorie Elen
Wills, Pearl Ray
Wingert, Madelyn Christine
Wykoff, Marian Frances
Zurich, Rose Louise

Babcock, Gilberta Louise.
Bacon, Clara Cordelia
Bull, Marian Elizabeth
Burns, John Joseph, Jr.
Cohen, Anna
Dauchey, Marion Elizabeth
Davis, Cecielia Dickinsonj

Norris, William Atmore
Hartman, Agnes Elizabeth
Owens, Ruth Ethel
Hawkins, Glenda Mabel
Hedderick,MabelEliz ’b’hMatildaSeabrooke, Virginia
Simmons, Ellen Tudor
Hoffman, Wilma
Spetz, Mrs. Sara V.
Irwin, Irene Ethel
Sullivan, Helen Irene
Minnicks, Paul
Wheeling, Cleora Muriel
Mitcheltree, Alice Elizabeth
Newton, John Willard
Raymond, Ronald E.

McKay, Fulton Hugh

Bush, May
Davids, Paul A.
Davis, John Booker
Huber, Florence
Jackson, Jean Elizabeth

Kearney, Mary Rita
Lauer, Dorothy Cassandra
Leacock, Alice Irene
Marchetti, Joseph Francis
Ognibene, Grace Caroline
Patton, Elizabeth

Emma Bechtel
Esther Bryon
Dorothy Hayes
Arvilla Hirsch

William Hoffman
Louise Jenkins
Martha Lambert
Ronald McCreary

Pope, Eva H.
Pratt, Russell Wallace
Rhodes, Mrs. Iva
Williamson, Mrs. Marjorie Fritts
Zerbe, Isabelle Eva

Frances Metzler
Winifred Mong
Rebecca Sponsler
Isabel Troutman


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■prratJiPttt of AUrglj>^»*y QlnUrgr


10:011 (0>lnrk A. M.
j^unbag. iMag 30, 1920

Nnimal &rljool AoMtorium

March .................................................................... Organ
Hymn ...................... ..............................................No. 28
Invocation ............... , .The Reverend Ivan M. Shreve
Scripture Reading ..

The Reverend Joseph Lindsay

Solo—Selected ................................ S. Gordon Emery
Baccalaureate Sermon .....President James A. Beebe
Hymn ...................... ............................................. No. 20
Benediction ............ ......The Reverend H. K. Steele
Audience will please remain in their places until the
class moves out.

mb ^antltg



formal ^clfool

utftifc ^ou to be presewt burhtg

(ilnmmenttmmi ^etk
^ay 29-^ime 1



Saturday, May 29, 11:00 A. M.,
12:00 M.,
2:00 P. M.,
2:00-8:00 P. M.,
3:30 P. M.,
6:00 P. M.,
7:30 P. M.,

Alumni Business Meeting
Alumni Dinner
Group Meetings
Art Exhibit
Alumni Basketball Game
Campus Luncheon
Reception to Faculty, Graduating
Class and Alumni, Principal and
Mrs. C. C. Crawford
8:30 P. M., Alumni Dance
Sunday, May 30, 10:00 A. M., Baccalaureate Sermon by the Rev­
erend James Albert Beebe, D. D.,
President of Allegheny College

Sunday, May 30,

4:00 P. M., Organ Recital
7:45 P. M., Annual Sermon before the Religious
Associations, by the Reverend Glenn
M. Crawford, Pastor First Presby­
terian Church, West Alexander,
Monday, May 31, 10:00 A. M., Pageant, Seniors, Edinboro
3:00 P. M., Pageant, Seniors, Erie Branch
8:15 P. M., Class of ’26 Play

Tuesday, June 1, 10:00 A. M., Commencement Exercises
Commencement Address by Doctor
Edward Howard Griggs, Croton-onHudson