Thu, 09/12/2024 - 13:22
Edited Text
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Council of Trustees' SpecialMeeting
Friday, February 19,2010
ReederLecture Hall
ChairmanShieldscalledthe SpecialMeetingof the EdinboroUniversityof Pennsylvania
Council of Trusteesto order at 3:03 p.m. in the ReederLectureHall. He requestedthe
RecordingSecretary,SherriGalvin, to conductRoll Call. The following Councilmemberswere
eitherin attendanceor participatedvia teleconference:
Mr. JoshuaBow -via phone(initially on call, but departedcall re: interviewat
graduateschoolin Michigan)
Dr. RaymondDombrowski
Mr. JohnEvans-via phone
Mr. Daniel Higham-via phone(not on the call whenroll call wastaken,but
joined call during executivesessionandremainedonthe line)
Mr. JohnHoran
Mrs. Virginia McGarvey-via phone
Mr. JohnPulice-via phone
Mr. Harold Shields-via phone
Mr. Harry Thomas-via phone
Absent: TrusteesCatherineManning,SSJ;vacancy(dueto resignationof
Dr. JosephCacchione)
In additionto Council membersJohnHoranandDr. RaymondDombrowski,the
following individualswerepresent:
Mr. TerrenceCarlin, AssociateVice Presidentfor Partnershipsand Development
Ms. Kimberly Fabrizio,ExecutiveAssistantto the President
Ms. SherriA. Galvin, RecordingSecretaryand Assistantto the President
Ms. ColeenPanko,Coordinatorof SpecialEvents
Mr. JeffPinski, AssociateDirectorof University Communications
Ms. Amy Neil, AssistantVice Presidentfor CommunicationsandMarketing
Following Roll Call, ChairmanShieldsdeclareda quorum. He thenopenedthe floor for Public
Comment. Hearingno requestby a memberof the public to speak,ChairmanShieldsclosedthe
floor. At 3:10p.m., the Chairannouncedthat membersof the Council would convenein
Executivesessionfor approximately30-40minutes. At the conclusionof this session,the Chair
would makeappropriatenotification to the RecordingSecretarywhomwould reconvenethose
membersof the public in attendance.
At 3:40 p.m., ChairmanShieldsreconvenedthe SpecialMeetingof the EdinboroUniversityof
Trustees.The Chairacknowledgedthe Chairof the PresidentialEvaluationCommittee,Trustee
JohnHoran,andthoseCouncil memberswho assistedin the formal evaluationprocessand
subsequentpreparationof the ExecutiveSummaryfor submissionto ChancellorCavanaugh.
Theseincluded: TrusteesJoshuaBow andDaniel Higham. ChairmanShieldscalled on

Presidential Evaluation Committee Chair John Horan to deliver the Committee's findings,
elaborate on the fonnal evaluation process and bring forward its recommendation. Trustee
Horan began by thanking all those constituents who participated in the review process. He
remarked specifically on the excellent staff support provided by Office of the Provost staff
member, Carla Gutting, who handled the logistics of inviting and scheduling one hour meetings
with various constituent groups. The Evaluation Committee reviewed the 2008-09 System
Accountability Report and the 2009 President's Annual Report covering the year's
accomplishments and a look to the future. The Presidential Evaluation Committee worked with
an external consultant (Dr. Barbara Butterfield), considered input from one hour meetings with
internal constituent groups of the University including: union leaders, faculty senate,the
President's executive cabinet, coaches,students,alwnni, trustees and foundation members; as
well as external constituents from Edinboro, Meadville and Erie communities. In eachmeeting,
constituents were given the opportunity to speak privately with any member of the Presidential
Evaluation Committee. Assurance was provided that individual comments made in groups or
individually would not be attributed. Trustee Horan reported that a total of 135 constituents were
sent invitations to participate in this review process and 76 attended to take advantageof
interaction both in the context of the constituent group as well as individually. He further
explained that a fonnal set of questions were posed, not with the intent to limit input, but to focus
attention to Board and Council expectations and to provide standardization acrossthe process.
Meetings with constituencies were held on Wednesday,January 27 through January 29,2010.
Chainnan Shields observed the process as an ex-officio member of the Presidential Evaluation
Committee, and Dr. Peter Garland, PASSHE Executive Vice Chancellor, also observed on behalf
of the Chancellor's office. In addition, the approximately 11 resource documents were utilized
in the evaluation process and are available through the university. Trustee Horan closed his
commentary noting the overwhelming conclusion from this processwas that "Edinboro
University has thrived during the last 18 months under the leadership of President Brown."
Therefore, it was the unanimous recommendation of the Presidential Evaluation Committee that
President Brown's evaluation be approved by the Edinboro Council of Trustees and forwarded to
the Chancellor Office with a strong recommendation for extension of President Jeremy D.
Brown's contract, in accordancewith Board of Governors' policy. It was voted, on motion of
Trustee Horan, secondedby Trustee Dombrowski, to approve the evaluation as presented by the
Presidential Evaluation Committee and forward it to the Chancellor's office with its strong
recommendation for extension of President Jeremy D. Brown's contract. Since a number of
Council members participated via conference call, it was necessaryfor the Recording Secretary
to conduct a call vote. The motion carried with unanimous approval by the Council. Chainnan
Shields extended congratulations on behalf of the Council to President Brown and thanked the
Committee members for a job well done.
Chainnan Shields called for additional comments and/or concerns. Hearing none, the
Chair entertained a motion calling for adjournment of the meeting. It was voted, on motion of
Trustee McGarvey, secondedby Trustee Pulice to adjourn the meeting. The Special Meeting of
the Council adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next scheduledpublic, quarterly businessmeeting of the
Council will be held on Monday, March 15, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,

"~~}\J~~ ~~
Sherri A. Galvin
Assistant to the President
and Recording SecretaryI

