Thu, 09/12/2024 - 13:22
Edited Text
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Council of TrusteesMeeting
Monday, June 14,2010
Van Houten Dining Hall- South
Following the conclusionof individual Committeemeetingsandthe Council's annualtour
of the facilities asmandatedby Act 188,membersarrived atthe President'sSuitelocatedin Van
HoutenDining Hall for the dinnersession.PresidentBrownjoined ChairmanShieldsandCouncil
membersto dine with themandhold opendiscussionsrelativeto a variety of topics. After dinner,
PresidentBrown and Council membersadjournedto the southdining hall to convenethe public
At 6:05p.m., ChairpersonShieldscalledto orderthe Junepublic quarterlybusiness
meetingof the Edinboro University of PennsylvaniaCouncil of Trustees.He requestedthe
RecordingSecretarySherri Galvinto conductRoll Call andverified a quorumwaspresent.The
following Council memberswere in attendance:
Dr. RaymondDombrowski
Mr. DennisFrampton
Mr. Daniel Higham
Mr. JohnHoran
CatherineManning, SSJ
Mrs. Virginia McGarvey
Mr. JohnPulice
Mr. Harold Shields
Absent: TrusteesJohnEvans,JohnHoran,andHarry Thomasaswell asthe student
representativedueto the graduationof JoshuaBow on May 8,2010.
In additionto PresidentBrown, the following individualswere in attendanceatthe public
Dr. R. ScottBaldwin, Deanof GraduateStudiesand Research
Dr. JamesBolton, Interim Deanof Education
Mr. Sid Booker,AssociateVice Presidentfor HumanResourcesand FacultyRelations
Ms. Julie Chacona,Director of Major Gifts
Ms. Kimberly Fabrizio,ExecutiveAssistantto the President,Directorof Continuing
Educationand Interim Directorof Admissions
Ms. SherriA. Galvin, Assistantto the PresidentandRecordingSecretary
Mr. GordonHerbst,Vice Presidentfor Financeand Administration
Ms. Valerie Hayes,Director of Social Equity and University Ombudsperson
Dr. Andrew Lawlor, AssociateVice Presidentfor Technology& Communications
Ms. Amy Neil, AssistantVice Presidentfor CommunicationsandMarketing
Mr. JeffPinski, AssociateDirector of University Communications
Dr. KahanSablo,Interim Vice Presidentfor StudentAffairs andDeanof StudentLife
Dr. Terry Smith,Deanof Liberal Arts
Guests: Felix "Chip" Folletti, GreaterPennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters
Dr. Philip Ginnetti, Provost-select(begins employment on July 1)
Cathy Joritz (former faculty member of the Art Department)
Tim Styborski, Greater Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters
Next, Chairperson Shields verified that a quorum was present and then moved to the first item of
action, Old Business-Minutes from the March 15 meeting. The Chair solicited concerns, comments,
corrections or additions. Hearing none, the Chair entertained a motion for approval of the Minutes from
the March 15, 2010, meeting. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Dombrowski, secondedby Trustee
Pulice to approve the above-referencedMinutes as presented. The motion carried with the unanimous
approval by the Council.
The Chair called for comment(s) from the public in attendanceand inquired if anyone
cared to speak. He noted that it is the Council's pr~ctice to allow any person(s) seeking to deliver
comments to the Council an allotted time period of five minutes each. Chairperson Shields
recognized the public comment speakerand asked her to state her name. The individual who
steppedforward identified herself as Cathy Joritz, a former animation professor at the university.
She inquired if she was permitted to go over the five minute limit. The Chair stated that would
not be possible and, for the record stated that it was 6:09 p.m. Ms. Joritz stated that for the sake
of the newly appointed Trustee, Dennis Frampton, that she wanted to reiterate several of the
questions posed to Council members at the last public Council of Trustees meeting. These
has been done to remedy the pro-male, anti-female bias in the animation
.Since there are no women faculty members in the cinema/animation area, what are
the Trustees doing to ensure that the area does not foster general discrimination
and the creation of sexually offensive material?
that the Trustees do something to ensure that SGA funds were distributed
equally among male and female students.
Ms. Joritz also presentedtwo new areasof concern. She noted the following:
.Because the university will be hosting the 2010 Annual Disabilities Conference in
August, Ms. Joritz revisited her requestmade to the administration back in 2005 or
2006. She recalled that the buttons in the elevators located in Doucette Hall are
too high for wheelchair-bound studentsto operate. Therefore, wheelchair-bound
students sit in their chairs for lengthy periods of time either trapped inside the
elevator or outside waiting for other individuals/professors to assistthem. She also
feels that the upcoming conference should be renamed the "Specially-abled"
Conference for Students.
Ms. Joritz asked if the Council minutes from the last meeting were posted
online. Chairman Shields respondedin the negative. Ms. Joritz requestedthe
university to do so as quickly as possible.
Chairperson Shields thanked Ms. Joritz for her comments. He invited others in attendanceto
deliver their comments during the Public Comment period. The Chair recognized the next
speaker, Felix "Chip" Folletti, who stated that he was a representative from the Greater
Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters. Mr. Folletti utilized his time to addressthe
Council about alleged code violations, perceived liability and financial issuesassociatedwith the
construction of Phase1 of the studenthousing project. Also, on behalf of the union, he also
expressedconcerns and dissatisfaction with regard to the awarding of bids related to Phase2 of
The Highlands at Edinboro studenthousing project.
The Chair thanked Mr. Folletti for his comments and then solicited additional public comment(s).
Noting no other requeststo speak, Chairperson Shields closed the public comment period.
Prior to proceeding to the President's Report, the Chair introduced to the public Mr. Dennis
Frampton, the newest member of the Edinboro University Council of Trustees, who was
appointed by Governor Rendell and confirmed by the Senate. He noted Mr. Frampton is known
by many as a long.:time supporter of Edinboro University; a graduate ofEdinboro; member of the
Crawford County community for many, many years; and as past President of the Foundation. The
Chair noted his dedicated work with the Foundation including The Highlands studenthousing
project. Mr. Frampton is currently President ofC&J Industries in Meadville, Pennsylvania and
his accomplishments are many. Therefore, and on behalf of the Council of Trustees, Chairman
Shields extended a warm welcome. A round of applausewas extended to Mr. Frampton.
Mr. Frampton was then invited to say a few words. He talked about his first experience at the
university which was in the capacity as an autumn scholar. His academic careerwas launched in
his late 30's while working full-time. Mr. Frampton spoke about his last ten years of service and
work with the Foundation which will be coming to a close in October. He stated that he looks
forward to his work with the Council and university which has been very enjoyable and fulfilling.
The Chair then called on President Brown to deliver the President's Report to the Council.
Dr. Brown thanked Chairperson Shields and proceededto provide the following highlights and
-The Presidentnoted times of uncertainty when one speaks about the
budget; however, there is a senseof anticipation in terms of the state appropriation
and its inclusion of performance funding. Salaries and benefits are a significant
component of this equation and represent about 81% of the budget distribution.
The university hopes to achieve some savings by not filling vacant job positions
while at the sametime preserving the academic integrity of the institution. He
noted that being fiscally prudent in the past, coupled with a significant increase in
enrollment, have enabled the university to maintain operations without instituting
drastic or Draconian measures. Therefore, the enrollment growth and the
reputation of the university is helping us do well in very difficult times.
-Last meeting, President Brown referred to a newly coined term
"scary good" which he noted gets "scarier" every day. He noted that there are
over 300 applications over the whole of last year at this point in time.
Applications are 9% higher than last year. At this time, the freshmen and transfer
admits are over 11% higher than this time last year. Deposits for freshmen and
transfer studentsare 17% aheadof last year and about 42% over the Fall 2008.
When one reviews the increase,we compare favorably with other schools within
the State Systemand seemto be well aheadof our sister institutions in terms of
their growth. The President stated that there is a trend in the number of students
registering early; about 800 studentswho have registered over this time last year
which is about an 11% increase. This increase allows the university to plan more
-The Masters of Education program has, once again, been cited by
US. News & World Report magazine for being one of the nation's largest online
graduateprograms. Edinboro is currently ranked 14thin the top 25 and shows
even greaterapproval of the studentscoming into the program.
-A detailed report will be provided later in the meeting. 'The
Presidentnoted the news is good, however.
Issues -The searchfor the Dean of Education will be reopened
starting this fall. A searchcommittee has beenformed and an advertisement
running for a new Director of Admissions. Lastly, President Brown introduced to
the Council Dr. Philip Ginnetti, Dean of the Beeghly College of Education at
Youngstown State University, who has been selectedto serve as the university's
next Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs effective July 1,2010. Dr.
Ginnetti was askedto stand and received a round of applause.
Growth -':"ThePresidentnoted that campus growth is an extension of
excellence in everything that we do. The Human Services Building is on schedule
to be completed in November with classesslated to begin Spring semester2011.
Phase2 of the studenthousing project, The Highlands at Edinboro University, has
-The university is continuing discussions with the Precision
Manufacturing Institute (PMI) and will be offering some PMI-like programs to the
general public at the Porreco campus this fall. It is hoped to grow substantially the
number of studentswho are taking courses in the technical areas at the Porreco
.Center. With respectto Town/Gown partnerships, the Presidentpointed to the
Edinboro Growth Initiative which is basically a group of individuals from town
who have assembledto create a strategic plan to develop the downtown area and
bring growth to Edinboro. President Brown noted with the pleasurethe receipt by
Edinboro as a Route 6N Heritage Community designation. The designation links
Edinboro with vital communities acrossthe 400-mile of U.S. Route 6 that crosses
Pennsylvania's northern tier which he believes will greatly enhancethe local
economic development in the area.
Visits -As the result of recent international visits overseas,the
university is pleasedto host six Korean nursing studentswho started their degree
programs on June 7. These studentswill be pursuing a Bachelor of Science Nursing degree in our new program. The university recently received a visit from
a representativelocated in Shanghai, China, who is helping us establish
partnerships in that part of the world. The Presidentnoted that there are language
and culture groups scheduledto visit Edinboro this summer.
b Beijing City College (PROC) -11 students from July 11 -August 6
0 Russia -3 college students will be taking an International Marketing
course and Introduction to American culture
0 Ewha Media High School (Korea) -28 studentswill work to enhancetheir
English skills and work on a special project with our animation faculty
from August 3-17
0 Providence University of Taiwan -8 individuals scheduledto participate
in the SummerBridge Program
-The Women's Basketball team will be traveling to Taiwan in August
to play some exhibition games against local universities there. He noted that this
will be a terrific experience for everybody. President Brown reported that Jarrod
: I
King, two-time All-American, has also beennamed to the 2010 ESPN The
Magazine University Division Academic All-America Men's At-Large Team for
the second straight year. Without even playing its first game of the season,the
President proudly reported that the Fighting Scots Football team is ranked 9thin
the 2010 Sporting News Division II Top 25 and picked 24thaccording to Lindy's
Sports Annuals Division II poll.
News -The Presidentnoted that for the second consecutive year,
the university has been named a "Military Friendly School" by G.1 Jobs. These
annual rankings honor the top 15% of colleges, universities, and trade schools
doing the most to recruit and retain America's veterans as students. A wonderful
event was held last week which servedto beautify the campus where faculty and
staffwere in charge of pre-identified. areas for the planting of perennials and
annual flowers. The university also recently served host to the Bioethics
Conference with nearly 250 attendees;some from as far as Bolvia and South
America. The sponsorship of free outdoor movies during the summer months has
continued with films offered at the Porreco campus on Thursday evening and main
campus on Friday. The Presidentnoted plans are underway to hold a Legislative
Breakfast on August 2.
Chairman Shields thanked President Brown for the excellent report and solicited any comments or
questions. Next, the Chair asked Trustees Dombrowski and McGarvey to join him for a
presentation. The Chair noted the mourning by all with regard to the passing of President
Brown's mother a brief time ago and appropriatenessby the Trustees to help in support of the
scholarship established in her memory. They ceremonially presentedto President Brown a check
in the amount of $1,425 which representeda collective contribution by Council members in
support of the recently establishedBarbara Curbishley Memorial Scholarship. President Brown
noted his profound appreciation for this gesture of kindness in memory of his mother. A round of
applause ensuedfollowing the check presentation.
Next, Chairman Shields moved to New Business. He noted that the annual review of the
facilities took place today. The Trustees along with Vice President Herbst and Mr. William
Coleman visited Compton Hall and the new Human ServicesBuilding as part of the review. A
new format was utilized where a review of the Facilities Master Plan was undertaken prior to the
tour; thus, allowing Trustees a better understanding of the plan and its implementation.
The Chair next moved on to the next item of businessAcademic Affairs Committee
report. Trustee Dombrowski reported that following the meeting with the Academic Affairs
Committee, and based upon the recommendation of PresidentBrown, he brought forward two
It was voted, on motion of Trustee Dombrowski, secondedby Trustee Pulice to approve a
new program, Minor in Geographic Information Systemsas presented. The Chair called
for any discussion and then called for the vote.
It was voted, on motion of Trustee Dombrowski, secondedby Trustee Pulice to approve
the following program revisions:
Associate of Science in Preschool Education
Bachelor of Arts in Geography -Urban and Regional Planning Concentration
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Trades Leadership
Master of Social Work
in Athletic Coaching
in Fitness Instruction/Personal Training
in Health Studies
in Sculpture
Chairman Shields asked for any discussion. Hearing no requests,the Chair called for the vote.
Both motions a~presentedby Trustee Dombrowski carried with unanimous approval by the
Council. Trustee Dombrowski then called on Dr. Terry Smith, Dean of Liberal Arts, to provide a
brief committee report. Dr. Smith noted the distribution of a written Academic Affairs report
which contains a wealth of information. He instead highlighted approaching events.
Conference -Dr. Smith extended deep appreciation and thanks to the
University Advancement office for sponsoring this conference. He noted that this
conference was very significant as was the opportunity to hear well-known lecturers and
authors. .Most notably was the format of the conferencewhere participants were permitted
to interact with the presenterand others who provided for an enriching interdisciplinary
-Dr. Smith noted the recent publication of an article in Erie Times-News
talking about the collaboration that PASSHE is creating for program~including Physics
and Foreign Languages. He then elaborated on university efforts on this topic. Edinboro
has been one of the innovators and since 2003 have been collaborating with Slippery Rock
and Clarion in the delivery of Russian and German coursesto one another utilizing
interactive television as the medium for delivery. One of the advantageswith
collaborating with our PASSHE neighbors is that our faculty are able to travel to the other
campus to meet students and faculty and vice versa which createsa face-to-face
relationship betweenthe students and faculty even though distance education technology
is being used. In 2007, California University was added as a collaborative partner and
now other parts of PASSHE are reviewing this model. We are also looking at a similar
concept with regard to offering physics courses. Meetings have recently taken place with
officials at Slippery Rock to discuss the collaborative delivery of physics courses. A
tentative plan has been developed for the offering of these courses in the Fall 2011 and is
pending a lengthy approval process at both campuses. These and like partnerships prove
to be not only cost effective, but also raise the quality of the program offering.
Visits -Dean Smith reported that the Mathematics and Computer Science
Department is expecting a visiting from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET) in September. The accreditation review team will be reviewIng the
university's theoretical track in computer science.
Studies and Center for Distance Learning -These offices have been
manually converting all 534 online courses from the ECollege format to the Desire2Learn
(D2L) format that will be used to deliver online courses. This processwill create a
superior product and save the university about $200,000.
of Education -A reception is being sponsored on June 16 in recognition of the
professional development schools that have beencreated in consultation with the Erie
School District and PenncrestSchool District. About 150 teachersand principals are
involved in these collaborations which are done to the mutual benefit of Edinboro and of
the school districts. Edinboro delivers workshops that are chosen by the faculty and
principals at the various schools. Those schools provide us with field and studentteaching
placements. Edinboro students volunteer at those schools tutoring, and some of those
schools bring their middle school studentsto campus to find out what it would be like to
attend Edinboro which helps to create an early opportunity for them to make the right
choice to attend Edinboro for their college education. Dr. Bolton invites all Council
members to attend this event.
Chairman Shields thanked Dr. Smith for his delivery of an informative report and solicited any
questions or comments.
For the record, the following Academic Affairs-related items were provided to Council
members for their information and review. Theseincluded:
Individuals granted tenure -May 2010
Dr. Richard Deal
Ms. Karen Ernst
Dr. Melissa Gibson Hancox
Dr. Jay Hanes
Mr. Gary Hanna
Dr. Patrick Jones
Dr. Amy McClune
Dr. Lee Williams
Dr. Theodore Yeshion
Communications & Media Studies
Political Science/Criminal Justice
Faculty Members Awarded Sabbaticals During the 2011-2012 Academic Year
Year 2011-2012
Dr. Gary Grant
(full Dav)
Fall 2011 (full Day)
Mr. Benedict Gibson
Mr. Barry Gray
D N. h I Stu ' k
r. IC 0 as
plans y
Dr. Sandra Waite-Stupiansky
Elementary, Middle and Secondary
uca Ion
Early Childhood and Special Education
SDrine: 2012 (full Day)
Mr. Malcolm Christhilf
Dr. CharlesEdwards
Dr. JeanFaieta
Mr. JamesHenson
Dr. Dale Hunter
Dr. JerraJenrette
Dr. DebraKubinski
Dr. PamelaLasher
Dr. Mary PanicciaCarden
Dr. JamesRobertsJr.
Mr. Bruce Skolnick
Dr. Andre Smith
Dr. Amy Weschler
Early ChildhoodandSpecialEducation
Mathematicsand ComputerScience
Biology and HealthServices
History andAnthropology
Mathematicsand ComputerScience
Advisor -Liberal Arts
History and Anthropology
Hearingno requestsfor further discussionor questions,the Chairmovedto a reporton behalf of
the CommunicationsandMarketingCommitteeby AssistantVice PresidentAmy Neil. She
providedthe following divisionhighlights:
.The Communicationsstaff promotednumerouscampuseventssincethe lastbusiness
meeting. Ms. Neil spokeaboutone in particular-the GoldenApple Awardsprogramand
end-of-yearbanquet.The GoldenApple specialairedthis pastweekendon WJET
televisionstation. This productionwill be availableboth on DVD andvia website.
.Using email andthe campusemergencycommunicationssystem,E2Campus,the
communicationsteamrecentlynotified the campuscommunityof an urgenttornado
warning. Positive feedbackwasreceivedfrom faculty and staff. The Crisis
CommunicationPlan continuesto be updatedon a regularlybasisto reflectchangesin
policies, etc.
.The Communicationsoffice purchasedaccessto a Nation-wideMedia databasewhich will
allow us to targetour pressreleasesandmediapitchesmore effectivelyto writers,
reporters,andpublications. This is new territory for the CommunicationsandMarketing
department,and it is the hopethatthis servicewill garnernationalexposureon behalfof
our faculty, studentsandEdinboroUniversity.
Marketing and Publications
.Work continueson the creationof comprehensive
marketingcampaignstwo majorareas
this year -Continuing EducationandBoro Living. The Boro Living campaignwill focus
on getting our studentsto live and stayin the residencehalls. Also, the ownerof a large
concreteWelcometo Edinborosign locatedon Route99 nearthe CunninghamJeep
dealershiphasdonatedthe signto Edinborowhich will be updatedandredesigned.
Ron Cox alsodesignedthe newEdinboroidentificationbadges;createdsignsfor
insidethe PorrecoBarn; designedthe summercampbannerhangingin McComb
Fieldhouseaswell aslogos for CampusBeautification,the DisabilitiesConferenceandthe
Council of President'sretreat.He alsodevelopedthe designconceptfor the new
universitycoin andtartanizedthe multipurposeroomof the PogueStudentCenter,just to
namea few projects.Also in the works is a largeFighting Scotcut-outfor HamiltonHall
andupdatedoutdoorsignagefor McCombFieldhouse.
the area of social media, we have gained nearly 170 Twitter followers for a total of
1,507 followers. Ms. Neil provided a comparison noting that Slippery Rock has 95
the last three months, the total number of YouTube video views on Edinboro
University's channel increasedto 36,505 views. The most popular video is Kilts of
, Destiny singing "Danny Boy" at the Millennium Scholarship Luncheon.
gained nearly 1,000 Facebook fans for a total of over 4,180 fans which is still
more than Gannon and Mercyhurst combined. The Facebook fans come from numerous
countries, with the U.S. being number one, followed by Canada,Pakistan, Germany, India
and Turkey.
a pocket brochure has been designed and produced about Edinboro University.
This portable factbook is easierto transport than the Annual Report and can readily be
updated on an annual basis with ease. Additional brochures were provided to Chairman
Harold Shields for his use and others invited to request them as needed.
Chairman Shields solicited any questions or comments. Hearing none, the Chair moved to the
next agenda item -a report from Vice President Gordon Herbst on behalf of the Finance and
Administration Committee.
Vice President Herbst reported that the Finance and Administration Committee met earlier
in the day to review those items recommended for consideration and action by the Council. These
materials were provided to members of the Council in advanceof the meeting along with the
agenda. Under New Business -Action Items, Vice President Herbst proposed that the Council
put forth a motion to accept PresidentBrown's recommendation for the approval of Contracts and
Purchases for the period March 1 -May 30, 2010. He reminded Council members that the
contracts and purchase orders were listed in the encumberedamounts for the fiscal year as
opposed to the payment amounts. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Manning, secondedby
Trustee Dombrowski to accept President Brown's recommendation for approval of the Contracts
and Purchasesas reviewed for the period March 1 -May 30,2010. The Chair directed the vote
and noted that the motion carried with unanimous approval by the ~ouncil.
Secondly, Vice President Herbst requestedthat the Council accept PresidentBrown's
recommendation and acceptthe 2010 Facilities Report as presented. It was voted, on motion of
Trustee McGarvey, secondedby Trustee Higham to acceptthe 2010 Facilities Report. Chairman
Shields thanked Vice President Herbst and his staff for providing an informative tour of the
facilities this afternoon. For the record, the motion carried with the unanimous approval by the
Next, Vice President Herbst noted several pages of personnel transactions since the
March 15,2010, Council meeting which were being presented for their review and information.
These included:
Adams, Ms. Sara,part-time (50%), temporary, Instructor, Music Department, Fall 2010
semester, contingent upon enrollment, at Pay Range QOl, Pay Step 01, effective August 28,2010.
Amidon, Mr. Bradley, part-time (up to 50%), temporary, Instructor, Music Department,
2010-11 academic year, with salary based on number of students enrolled for the courses,
contingent upon enrollment, at Pay Range QOl, Pay Step 01, effective August 28,2010.
continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations
Black, Ms. Jacqueline,part-time (up to 8%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollment. The salarywill be baseduponnumberof
studentsenrolledandcalculatedat the rank of Instructor,effectiveAugust28,2010.
Bland, Mr. GaryD., regular,full-time, PASSHEManager, Grade190,Database
Administrator,TechnologyandCommunicationsDepartment,2010-11academicyear at
$55,002.00effective May 17,2010.
Bouquin,Ms. Samantha,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer
ScienceDepartment,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Brown Hogarty,Ms. Donna,full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Bukva,Mr. Emir, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Burnette,Ms. Sherry,full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,Social Work Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28, 2010.
Christoph,Ms. Doretha,part-time(75%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $32,304.30effective
Claster,Mr. SamuelM., full-time, temporary,Instructor,ScoiologyDepartment,2010-11
academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Cordell,Ms. Linda, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Culbertson,Ms. Kare,n,regular,full-time, Clerk Typist 2, Office of the Vice Presidentfor
FinanceandAdministration,at $25,702.00effective March22,2010.
Dalbec,Ms. StaceyA., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 22, 2010.
DiNicola, Mr. AnthonyM., regular,full-time, Semi-SkilledLaborer/Groundskeeper,
MaintenanceDepartment,at $25,702.00effective March22,2010.
Duell, Mr. Scott,regular,part-time(wage),NurseAide, Office with Studentswith
Disabilities, at $13.14hourly for hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveApril 12,2010.
Frambes,Ms. NancyA., full-time, temporary,Instructor,PsychologyDepartment,201011 academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effectiveAugust28,2010.
Galante,Mr. JeremyA., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11
academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $45,225.97effective August28, 2010.
Garrett,Mr. Michael J., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11
academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Gilreath,Ms. Marilyn M., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Communications& Media
StudiesDepartment,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Ginnetti, Dr. Phillip E., ProvostandVice Presidentfor AcademicAffairs, at $175,000
effective July 1,2010.
Goodwill, Mr. David L., regular,full-time (9 month), SUA 2, Coordinatorof Campus
ProgrammingandRecreation,StudentActivities, at $32,145.00effective August28,2010.
Gruber,Ms. Armorel, part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,ForeignLanguages
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $10,768.09effective
Hall, Mr. JamesE., regular,full-time, TemperatureControlsTechnician,Facilities
Department,at $28,968.00effectiveJune1,2010.
continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations
Hebert,Ms. Karen,full-time, temporary,Instructor,ForeignLanguagesDepartment,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Isaac,Mr. Brent, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Jackson,Mr. NathanM., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 11,2010.
Kashif, Dr. Sadaf,part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,CommunicationandMedia
StudiesDepartment,contingentupon enrollmentat $2,956.29effective summer2010 session"F".
Kilburn, Mr. Korey, full-time, tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,Mathematicsand
ComputerScienceDepartment,at $49,861.80effectiveAugust28,2010.
Kimmy, Ms. RhondaG., regular,full-time CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 22, 2010.
Kolupski, Ms. CharleneJ., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Social Work Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effectixe August28,2010.
Kutruff, Ms. BarbaraJ., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 10,2010.
Lawson,Dr. Danielle,full-time, tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,Communications&
Media StudiesDepartment,at $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
Leech,Ms. Lee Ann, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Lute, Mr. Charles,part-time,temporary,Instructor,Music Department,contingentupon
enrollment,(42%),Fall 2010 semesterat $9,972.34,and(8%), Spring2011 semesterat $1,975.47
effective August28, 2010.
Mann,Mr. Erik, part time (up to 50%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,2010-11
academicyear,salarybasedon numberof studentsenrolled,contingentuponenrollment,at Pay
RangeQ01, Pay Step01, effective August28,2010.
Melchiori, Ms. Carolina,part-time,temporary(up to 8%), Instructor,Music Department,
2010-11academicyear,salarybasedon numberof studentsenrolled,contingentuponenrollment,
at PayRangeQ01, Pay Step01, effective August28,2010.
Miller, Mr. JosephF., regular,full-time, PASSHEManager, Grade180,Associate
Director of ResidenceLife, ResidenceLife & HousingOffice, 2010-11academicyear at
$52,000.00effectiveMay 24, 2010.
Murray, Ms. Mary A., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Communication& Media
StudiesDepartment,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollment,at $21,536.18effective
August28, 2010.
Neff, Dr. PatriciaE., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SociologyDepartment,
2010-11 academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
O'Neil, Mr. Ryan,regular,part-time(wage),NurseAide, Office for Studentswith
Disabilities, at $13.14hourly for hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveApril 19,2010.
Proulx, Ms. Suzanne,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Riley, Ms. Linda C., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 17,2010.
Schmidt,Ms. Amy, part-time,Instructor,Departmentof Biology and HealthServices,
contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effectivewith summer2010 session"E".
Schruers,Dr. Eric J., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,Art Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
Silvis, Mr. Randall,full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effective August28,2010.
continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations
Simmons,Ms. Mikah, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28, 2010.
Sitter,Ms. SusanE., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28, 2010.
Snelick,Mr. Richard,full-time, temporary(wage),CustodialWorker 1, Facilities
Department,at $11.66hourly effective May 20, 2010 throughAugust27,2010.
Stoll, Mr. Dwayne,full-time, temporary(wage),CustodialWorker 1, Facilities
Department,at $11.66hourly effective May 20, 2010throughAugust27, 2010.
Streiff, Ms. Kimberly W., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Suhy;Ms. Lori, full-time, temporary,CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$11.66hourly effective May 20,2010 throughAugust27,2010.
Sun,Dr. Zhongxin,full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SociologyDepartment,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
Swick, Dr. JohnC., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics
Department,Fall 2010 semester,contingentuponenrollmentat $10,768.10effectiveAugust28,
Tattersall,Ms. Carolyn, PerDiem, Instructor,Nursing Department,at$28.71hourly for
hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveMay 24, 2010.
Thomas,Ms. Nancy,full-time, temporary(wage),CustodialWorker 1, Facilities
Department,at $11.66hourly effective May 20, 2010 throughAugust27, 2010.
Tyler, Dr. KarenK., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,ProfessionalStudies
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $49,861.80effective
Verderese,Ms. Carol, PerDiem, Instructor,NursingDepartment,at$28.71hourly for
hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveJune3, 2010.
Wertz,Mr. R. James,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Communication& Media Studies
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Wheeler,Ms. Heather,part-time,PerDiem, Athletic Trainer,AcademicSupportand
StudentAffairs FacultyDepartment,at$28.71hourly for hoursworked on an as-needed
effective May 15,2010.
Wilkes, Dr. ScottA., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Social Work Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effective August28,2010.
Zimmerman,Ms. Melisa, part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics
Department,Fall 2010semester,contingentuponenrollmentat $10,768.10effectiveAugust28,
Cerminara,Mr. Kyle, part-time,AssistantAthletic Coachof Wrestling,Athletics
Department,effectivecloseof businessApril 30,2010.
Cooney,Mr. JamesP., Directorof Admissions,effectivecloseof businessJune11,2010.
Jackson,Mary E., NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,effectivecloseof
businessJune7, 2010.
Kimmy, Ms. Tammy,part-time,SubstituteUniversityRegisteredNurse,GheringHealth
andWellnessCenter,effectivecloseof business,December14,2009.
McLaughlin,Mr. Matthew,part-time,NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,
effectivecloseof businessApril 10,2010.
continued -Resignations
Moore, Ms. Tammy, Cheerleader
Adviser,Athletics Department,effectivecloseof
businessApril 23, 2010.
Shafer,Ms. Crystal,part-time,NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,effective
closeof businessApril 27, 2010.
Bauer,Dr. Karen,Professor,Early Childhoodand SpecialEducationDepartment,
effec~vecloseof businessJune4,2010.
Dunn, Dr. James,Professor,BusinessandEconomicsDepartment,effectivecloseof
businessJune4, 2010.
Lipkovich, Dr. Mary K., Professor,HealthandPhysicalEducationDepartment,effective
closeof businessJune30,2010.
Stevens,Dr. Kathleen,AssistantProfessor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducation
Department,effectivecloseof businessJune4, 2010.
John,Mr. Christopher,PerDiem, Athletic Trainer,effectivecloseof businessMay 14,
Braxton,Mr. Keith P., regular,full-time, non-faculty,AssistantFootballCoach,contract
extensionfrom March20, 2010 throughMarch19,2011 at $35,824.35.
Cleary,Mr. J. Patrick, AssistantMen's BasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough
Flynn, Mr. Tim, HeadWrestling Coach,contractextensionthroughMarch28,2013.
Niedbala,Mr. Kim, regular, full-time, non-faculty,AssistantFootballCoach,contract
extensionfrom March 13,2010 throughMarch12,2011 at $44,989.13.
Rhodes,Mr. Christopher,HeadMen's andWomen's SwimmingCoach,contract
extensionfrom April 1,2011 throughMarch31,2013.
Swank,Mr. Stanley,HeadWomen'sBasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough
March28, 2013.
Walcavich,Mr. Greg,HeadMen's BasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough
March28, 2013.
Yurcich, Ms. Julie, regular,full-time, Assistant,non-facultyCoach,Women'sTrack and
Fieldcontractextensionfrom March3,2010 throughMarch2, 2011.
Yurcich, Mr. Michael T., AssistantFootballCoach,contractextensionthroughMarch 31,
Althof, Ms. Susan,re-assignment
to regular,full-time (12 month), Clerk Typist 2,
UndergraduateAdmissionsOffice, effectiveJune2, 2010.
Carson,Ms. Eboni, part-time,temporary,Clerk Typist 2, Health& PhysicalEducation
Department,effective'June21, 2010 throughJuly 16,2010.
Conklin, Ms. Sharon,full-time, temporary,preparationfor Fall 2010 semesterincluding
studentschedulingand generalorganizationwork, effective August 16,2010 throughAugust27,
continued -Change in Status
Jenkins,Ms. Janet,full-time, temporary,preparationfor Fall 2010 semesterincluding
studentschedulingand generalorganizationwork, effective August16,2010 throughAugust27,
Martin, Ms. ReNesha,full-time, temporary,planning for RHC & ARHC training program,
effective July 31, 2010throughAugust27, 2010.
Przybylski,Ms. Penny,full-time, temporary,planning for RHC & ARHC training
program,effectiveJuly 31, 2010 throughAugust27, 2010.
Barbich,Michelle, from AssistantDirectorof StudentActivities to regular,full-time,
Director of CampusLife and LeadershipDevelopmentat $55,898.00effectiveMarch 13,2010.
Gallagher,Dr. Jody, from Coordinatorof Academicand CareerAdvisementto regular,
full-time, Director,Office of Careerand Adult StudentServicesat $64,849.00effective April 10,
Peters,Mr. William, reclassificationandsimultaneouspromotionfrom Electricianto
MediumVoltageElectrician,MaintenanceDepartmentat $32,685.00effectiveFebruary27,2010.
Involuntary Cyclical Leave Without Pay With Benefits (L WOP)
Acker, Ms. DeborahR.
Carson,Ms. Eboni
Drake,Ms. Lisa
Revak,Ms. Reva
Shorts,Ms. Deborah
Thompson,Ms. Starla
Tingley, Ms. Penny
Clerk Stenographer
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Involuntary Cyclical Leave Without Pay With Benefits (L WOP)
Bryant, Ms. E. Carol
Budzynski,Ms. Tiffany
Dado, Ms. JoyeL.
Mughal,Dr. Nazir A., Professor,History and AnthropologyDepartment,leavewithout
pay, effective September2010throughMay 2011.
Siple,Dr. Barbara,AssociateProfessor,CounselingandPsychologicalServices
Department,leavewithout payand without benefits,effective May 24, 2010 throughAugust29,
0 Two departmentshave been merged (Career Development and Adult Student
Services)and is now referred to as Career Services and Adult Student
Sablo has worked throughout the course of the semesterwith the Student Life
sub-committee of the Senatewhere 'a study was conducted to explore whether or
not first semesterfreshman pledging had any impact on freshman grade point
averages(GPAs). A five-year review offraternity/sorority GPAs showed a
significant disparity between first semesterfreshman new initiate GPAs and upper
division Greek GPAs. This difference was most noticeable in male initiates.
Although the GPA disparity could not be attributed solely to pledging/intake,
recommendationshave been made to President Brown that will provide increased
support and, if necessary,punitive actions for organizations with substandard
neophyte GPAs. The approved changeswill be incorporated into the Greek
Relationship Statementthat is being drafted to further define the relationship
betweenthe university and its national fraternities and sororities.
an effort to provide additional late night events for students, Interim Vice
President Sablo announcedthe hiring of Mr. Dave Goodwill to the Campus Life
and Leadership Development staff. Mr. Goodwill comes to us from Penn State Shenango,where he worked in the activities office. This hire is significant as all
new employees in campus life are being hired to work evening shifts. In this
division, Dr. Sablo is challenging the premise of the 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. work
day, and working hard to ensure that staff are available in the evenings when our
studentsare more readily available for co-curricular experiences.
ROTC program recently commissioned four cadets at the rank of Second
Lieutenants in the U.S. Army. The keynote speakerat the ceremony was U.S.
Army Major General Mari K. Eder, an Edinboro University alumna.
support of student development for the StudentAffairs division's essential
studentemployees, ResidenceLife and Campus Life staff will be hosting ajoint
leadershiptraining weekend for studentworkers to instruct them on leadership
principles, professionalism, diversity and other essential human relations skills.
For some of our more visible student employment positions (RAs, Pogue Center
workers, etc.,) we are raising the bar with our training programs to assist them with
their professional life after Edinboro and to insure that the university is well
representedwith its first line studentworkers.
in support of leadership development, we will again certify our Universal
Challenge high and low ROPES course so that departmentsand student groups can
engagein the confidence and team building exercises, such as traversing 40 feet in
the air from a zip line.
student orientation continues to be a university-wide collaborative effort.
This year the process has been changed. Currently, we are tracking approximately
400 orientation reservations aheadof last year, which is consistent with increased
housing contract requests. It has also beennoted in the housing requests that there
are an increasing number of commuter and community college transfer students
seeking on campus accommodations. We attribute this growth to increased
Miller, Ms. Susan,Instructor, Nursing Department, effective close of business June 4,
Lastly, Vice President Herbst provided an update from the University Services, Inc. (USI)
Board of Directors meeting held on May 18. Theseincluded:
Bookstore Updates Point of Sales System -The update has been completed without
i~cident. As previously reported, advantagesto this upgradeare:
1. Each register will be both a cash register as well as a PC;
2. There is a more stable credit card processing function allowing for faster
transactions; and
3. A more stable student financial aid interface and the ability of adding a gift
card component to the system as well as acceptanceof debit card transactions
with a PIN.
Adoption of the 2010/2011 Operating Budget -The 2010/2011 Operating Budget was
adopted with no changes.
New USI Scholarship/Grant -The Board is considering the establishmentof a new
scholarship aimed at students who cannot get sufficient financial aid or loans or those who
are not able to secure scholarships.
Chairman Shields solicited any comments and/or questions of Vice PresidentHerbst. Next,
Chairman Shields called on Interim Vice President Kahan Sablo to provide a report on behalf of
the Student Affairs Committee. Dr. Sablo sharedthe following highlights from his respective
area of responsibility which included:
week Interim Vice President Sablo attended a conference on learning outcomes
assessmentin student affairs. Currently the StudentAffairs division is reviewing its
mission statementwith intentions on presenting revised divisional goals/objectives,
and accompanying learning outcomes, at the StudentAffairs divisional retreat in
we plan for the future, the division of StudentAffairs continues to be reviewed for
organizational effectiveness. Recentreorganizations this past semesterhave moved to
realigned various departmentsas follows:
Residence Life and Orientation now consists of the Office of Student Judicial
Affairs, New Student Orientation, and ResidenceLife and Housing.
A new departmenthas been created -Campus Life and Leadership
Development. This new department consists of ROTC, Multicultural Affairs,
Pogue Student Center, Programming and Recreation, and non-academics
facilities scheduling.
'" t
enrollment and an increase in marketing efforts for TheHighlands. A copy of The
Highlands marketing plan was distributed to Council members for their review.
grant proposal has been submitted to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
(PLCB) to assist with the reduction of underage and high risk drinking among
college students. Weare currently partners in a PASSHE Statewide Coalition
grant targeting high risk drinking among freshman residencehall students. In
response,this summer, staff in Residence Life, Campus Life, and the Health
Center will complete Brief Alcohol Screening Intervention for College Students
(BASICS) training to instruct them on how to thoroughly screenstudentswho
violations. Theofresults
of thisAlcohol
effort will
pre and post
test administrations
the CORE
summer the university organizes multiple camps to promote the university
and raise scholarship money for our students. Our athletic camps are structured to
provide campers with an outstanding learning experience in their sport, while
simultaneously bringing recognition to the university and its athletic programs.
Any assistanceand/or referrals that you can make for our camp program would be
greatly appreciated. This summer camps will be offered for:
; ,if
Chairman Shields solicited comments and/or questions. Trustee McGarvey inquired if a ROPES
course sessioncould be arranged for the Council. Interim Vice President Sablo responded in the
affirmative and indicated that it could be easily arranged.
Hearing no additional comments or concerns,the Chair called on Trustee Manning to
provide an update regarding the exit interview sessionconducted with the exiting student
representative, JoshuaBow. Trustee Manning reported that she and Trustee Thomas met with
Trustee Bow for a review of his term. She noted it was a very positive, upbeatmeeting. During
the session, many aspectsof his experience as the studenttrustee were reviewed and discussed.
Trustee Manning noted that he is an exceptional young man. In preparation of the next incoming
student trustee, Mr. Bow has assembledand will make available a binder to aid the new incoming
student trustee. A copy of the completed exit interview will be on file in the President's Office as
well as with the Chair of the Council. Trustee Manning specifically noted Mr. Bow's
acknowledgement and appreciation for all of the Trustees who helped him to understand the role
of a Trustee. Mr. Bow has also made some recommendations to assistthe next mentor and
remaining Council members to guide the new incoming studenttrustee. Trustee Manning stated
that she learned as much from Mr. Bow as he learned from her as his mentor. Chairman Shields
thanked Trustee Manning for her report and work as Mr. Bow's mentor.
The Chair asked the University Advancement ~ommittee representativeto stepforward
for the delivery of the committee report. Ms. Julie Chacona extended the following highlights on
behalf of Vice President Whitehair who was unable to attend due to scheduledvacation:
Universitv Advancement
of today, the Advancement office has raised more than $4,000,000 for fiscal year
2009-10 which is a record for Edinboro University compared to last year at this time
when $2.9 million in raised dollars.
Chacona reported that six major gifts in excessof $10,000 have beenreceived by
the Advancement office.
and since the last businessmeeting, $58,000 in direct sponsorshipcontributions
in support of the Bioethics Conferencehave beenrecorded.
.On June 1, the Edinboro University Foundation closed on $60,820,000 in Revenue
Bonds for Phase II of the studenthousing project. Construction has begun on the four
buildings that offer suite-style housing adding an additional 856 beds to The
Highlands at Edinboro University. All four buildings are scheduledto open in the Fall
Edinboro University Alumni Board had a 100% giving rate to the university for
the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
Board approved Dan Walsh as a new member of the Alumni Board. Dan is a
2008 graduate with a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Economics. He currently works as
a Credit Analyst for First National Bank and is pursuing his MBA.
Edinboro University Alumni Board approved the following Executive Committee
Officers effective April 2010:
0 President -Dave lrlbacher (one-year term)
0 Vice President -Terry Pytlarz (one-year term)
0 Treasurer -Mary Timashenka (one-year term)
0 Secretary -Pat Santelli (one-year term)
Alumni Association will host an event in Pittsburgh tomorrow evening with over
100 alumni registered to attend. On July 29, an alumni gathering event is being
scheduled in Cleveland, Ohio at Nighttown (Cleveland Heights).
Board retreat will be held on August 3,2010, for the Alumni Association Board of
2010 will be held September24-25.
on November 19, the 3rdAnnual Presidential Scholarship Gala will be held at
the Erie Ambassador Banquet and Conference Center. At this celebration, Trustee
Virginia McGarvey will be honored.
Chairperson Shields invited questions concerning Ms. Chacona's report on behalf of Vice pre:i:~:t
Whitehair. Hearing none, he moved to the final agenda item which was an update of the PACT
Executive Committee. In Trustee Thomas' absence, the Chair noted discussions relative to upcoming
meetings at Kutztown University in the Fall 2010. He anticipates good representation by Edinboro
Trustees at this conference since group transportation will be scheduled. The fall conference at
Kutztown will set the precedence for Edinboro's hosting of the PACT Conference at Edinboro in
Spring 2011. Dates currently under consideration fall between April 5 and May 1.
Lastly, Chairman Shields reported that planning is underway for the "Legislative Breakfast
meeting to be hosted by President Brown on Monday, August 2.
The Chair solicited additional items for the good of the order. Hearing no requests for
additional discussion, Chairman Shields called for a motion to adjourn. It was voted, on motion of
Trustee Pulice, seconded by Trustee Manning to adjourn the quarterly business meeting. The
quarterly business meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m. The next quarterly business meeting of the
Edinboro University Council will be preceded by a study session to be held on Monday, August 23,
Respectfully submitted,
~ \1Jv~
Q .\..9-0.-0"\1v-'
Sherri A. Galvin
Assistant to the President
and Recording Secretary
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Council of TrusteesMeeting
Monday, June 14,2010
Van Houten Dining Hall- South
Following the conclusionof individual Committeemeetingsandthe Council's annualtour
of the facilities asmandatedby Act 188,membersarrived atthe President'sSuitelocatedin Van
HoutenDining Hall for the dinnersession.PresidentBrownjoined ChairmanShieldsandCouncil
membersto dine with themandhold opendiscussionsrelativeto a variety of topics. After dinner,
PresidentBrown and Council membersadjournedto the southdining hall to convenethe public
At 6:05p.m., ChairpersonShieldscalledto orderthe Junepublic quarterlybusiness
meetingof the Edinboro University of PennsylvaniaCouncil of Trustees.He requestedthe
RecordingSecretarySherri Galvinto conductRoll Call andverified a quorumwaspresent.The
following Council memberswere in attendance:
Dr. RaymondDombrowski
Mr. DennisFrampton
Mr. Daniel Higham
Mr. JohnHoran
CatherineManning, SSJ
Mrs. Virginia McGarvey
Mr. JohnPulice
Mr. Harold Shields
Absent: TrusteesJohnEvans,JohnHoran,andHarry Thomasaswell asthe student
representativedueto the graduationof JoshuaBow on May 8,2010.
In additionto PresidentBrown, the following individualswere in attendanceatthe public
Dr. R. ScottBaldwin, Deanof GraduateStudiesand Research
Dr. JamesBolton, Interim Deanof Education
Mr. Sid Booker,AssociateVice Presidentfor HumanResourcesand FacultyRelations
Ms. Julie Chacona,Director of Major Gifts
Ms. Kimberly Fabrizio,ExecutiveAssistantto the President,Directorof Continuing
Educationand Interim Directorof Admissions
Ms. SherriA. Galvin, Assistantto the PresidentandRecordingSecretary
Mr. GordonHerbst,Vice Presidentfor Financeand Administration
Ms. Valerie Hayes,Director of Social Equity and University Ombudsperson
Dr. Andrew Lawlor, AssociateVice Presidentfor Technology& Communications
Ms. Amy Neil, AssistantVice Presidentfor CommunicationsandMarketing
Mr. JeffPinski, AssociateDirector of University Communications
Dr. KahanSablo,Interim Vice Presidentfor StudentAffairs andDeanof StudentLife
Dr. Terry Smith,Deanof Liberal Arts
Guests: Felix "Chip" Folletti, GreaterPennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters
Dr. Philip Ginnetti, Provost-select(begins employment on July 1)
Cathy Joritz (former faculty member of the Art Department)
Tim Styborski, Greater Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters
Next, Chairperson Shields verified that a quorum was present and then moved to the first item of
action, Old Business-Minutes from the March 15 meeting. The Chair solicited concerns, comments,
corrections or additions. Hearing none, the Chair entertained a motion for approval of the Minutes from
the March 15, 2010, meeting. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Dombrowski, secondedby Trustee
Pulice to approve the above-referencedMinutes as presented. The motion carried with the unanimous
approval by the Council.
The Chair called for comment(s) from the public in attendanceand inquired if anyone
cared to speak. He noted that it is the Council's pr~ctice to allow any person(s) seeking to deliver
comments to the Council an allotted time period of five minutes each. Chairperson Shields
recognized the public comment speakerand asked her to state her name. The individual who
steppedforward identified herself as Cathy Joritz, a former animation professor at the university.
She inquired if she was permitted to go over the five minute limit. The Chair stated that would
not be possible and, for the record stated that it was 6:09 p.m. Ms. Joritz stated that for the sake
of the newly appointed Trustee, Dennis Frampton, that she wanted to reiterate several of the
questions posed to Council members at the last public Council of Trustees meeting. These
has been done to remedy the pro-male, anti-female bias in the animation
.Since there are no women faculty members in the cinema/animation area, what are
the Trustees doing to ensure that the area does not foster general discrimination
and the creation of sexually offensive material?
that the Trustees do something to ensure that SGA funds were distributed
equally among male and female students.
Ms. Joritz also presentedtwo new areasof concern. She noted the following:
.Because the university will be hosting the 2010 Annual Disabilities Conference in
August, Ms. Joritz revisited her requestmade to the administration back in 2005 or
2006. She recalled that the buttons in the elevators located in Doucette Hall are
too high for wheelchair-bound studentsto operate. Therefore, wheelchair-bound
students sit in their chairs for lengthy periods of time either trapped inside the
elevator or outside waiting for other individuals/professors to assistthem. She also
feels that the upcoming conference should be renamed the "Specially-abled"
Conference for Students.
Ms. Joritz asked if the Council minutes from the last meeting were posted
online. Chairman Shields respondedin the negative. Ms. Joritz requestedthe
university to do so as quickly as possible.
Chairperson Shields thanked Ms. Joritz for her comments. He invited others in attendanceto
deliver their comments during the Public Comment period. The Chair recognized the next
speaker, Felix "Chip" Folletti, who stated that he was a representative from the Greater
Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters. Mr. Folletti utilized his time to addressthe
Council about alleged code violations, perceived liability and financial issuesassociatedwith the
construction of Phase1 of the studenthousing project. Also, on behalf of the union, he also
expressedconcerns and dissatisfaction with regard to the awarding of bids related to Phase2 of
The Highlands at Edinboro studenthousing project.
The Chair thanked Mr. Folletti for his comments and then solicited additional public comment(s).
Noting no other requeststo speak, Chairperson Shields closed the public comment period.
Prior to proceeding to the President's Report, the Chair introduced to the public Mr. Dennis
Frampton, the newest member of the Edinboro University Council of Trustees, who was
appointed by Governor Rendell and confirmed by the Senate. He noted Mr. Frampton is known
by many as a long.:time supporter of Edinboro University; a graduate ofEdinboro; member of the
Crawford County community for many, many years; and as past President of the Foundation. The
Chair noted his dedicated work with the Foundation including The Highlands studenthousing
project. Mr. Frampton is currently President ofC&J Industries in Meadville, Pennsylvania and
his accomplishments are many. Therefore, and on behalf of the Council of Trustees, Chairman
Shields extended a warm welcome. A round of applausewas extended to Mr. Frampton.
Mr. Frampton was then invited to say a few words. He talked about his first experience at the
university which was in the capacity as an autumn scholar. His academic careerwas launched in
his late 30's while working full-time. Mr. Frampton spoke about his last ten years of service and
work with the Foundation which will be coming to a close in October. He stated that he looks
forward to his work with the Council and university which has been very enjoyable and fulfilling.
The Chair then called on President Brown to deliver the President's Report to the Council.
Dr. Brown thanked Chairperson Shields and proceededto provide the following highlights and
-The Presidentnoted times of uncertainty when one speaks about the
budget; however, there is a senseof anticipation in terms of the state appropriation
and its inclusion of performance funding. Salaries and benefits are a significant
component of this equation and represent about 81% of the budget distribution.
The university hopes to achieve some savings by not filling vacant job positions
while at the sametime preserving the academic integrity of the institution. He
noted that being fiscally prudent in the past, coupled with a significant increase in
enrollment, have enabled the university to maintain operations without instituting
drastic or Draconian measures. Therefore, the enrollment growth and the
reputation of the university is helping us do well in very difficult times.
-Last meeting, President Brown referred to a newly coined term
"scary good" which he noted gets "scarier" every day. He noted that there are
over 300 applications over the whole of last year at this point in time.
Applications are 9% higher than last year. At this time, the freshmen and transfer
admits are over 11% higher than this time last year. Deposits for freshmen and
transfer studentsare 17% aheadof last year and about 42% over the Fall 2008.
When one reviews the increase,we compare favorably with other schools within
the State Systemand seemto be well aheadof our sister institutions in terms of
their growth. The President stated that there is a trend in the number of students
registering early; about 800 studentswho have registered over this time last year
which is about an 11% increase. This increase allows the university to plan more
-The Masters of Education program has, once again, been cited by
US. News & World Report magazine for being one of the nation's largest online
graduateprograms. Edinboro is currently ranked 14thin the top 25 and shows
even greaterapproval of the studentscoming into the program.
-A detailed report will be provided later in the meeting. 'The
Presidentnoted the news is good, however.
Issues -The searchfor the Dean of Education will be reopened
starting this fall. A searchcommittee has beenformed and an advertisement
running for a new Director of Admissions. Lastly, President Brown introduced to
the Council Dr. Philip Ginnetti, Dean of the Beeghly College of Education at
Youngstown State University, who has been selectedto serve as the university's
next Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs effective July 1,2010. Dr.
Ginnetti was askedto stand and received a round of applause.
Growth -':"ThePresidentnoted that campus growth is an extension of
excellence in everything that we do. The Human Services Building is on schedule
to be completed in November with classesslated to begin Spring semester2011.
Phase2 of the studenthousing project, The Highlands at Edinboro University, has
-The university is continuing discussions with the Precision
Manufacturing Institute (PMI) and will be offering some PMI-like programs to the
general public at the Porreco campus this fall. It is hoped to grow substantially the
number of studentswho are taking courses in the technical areas at the Porreco
.Center. With respectto Town/Gown partnerships, the Presidentpointed to the
Edinboro Growth Initiative which is basically a group of individuals from town
who have assembledto create a strategic plan to develop the downtown area and
bring growth to Edinboro. President Brown noted with the pleasurethe receipt by
Edinboro as a Route 6N Heritage Community designation. The designation links
Edinboro with vital communities acrossthe 400-mile of U.S. Route 6 that crosses
Pennsylvania's northern tier which he believes will greatly enhancethe local
economic development in the area.
Visits -As the result of recent international visits overseas,the
university is pleasedto host six Korean nursing studentswho started their degree
programs on June 7. These studentswill be pursuing a Bachelor of Science Nursing degree in our new program. The university recently received a visit from
a representativelocated in Shanghai, China, who is helping us establish
partnerships in that part of the world. The Presidentnoted that there are language
and culture groups scheduledto visit Edinboro this summer.
b Beijing City College (PROC) -11 students from July 11 -August 6
0 Russia -3 college students will be taking an International Marketing
course and Introduction to American culture
0 Ewha Media High School (Korea) -28 studentswill work to enhancetheir
English skills and work on a special project with our animation faculty
from August 3-17
0 Providence University of Taiwan -8 individuals scheduledto participate
in the SummerBridge Program
-The Women's Basketball team will be traveling to Taiwan in August
to play some exhibition games against local universities there. He noted that this
will be a terrific experience for everybody. President Brown reported that Jarrod
: I
King, two-time All-American, has also beennamed to the 2010 ESPN The
Magazine University Division Academic All-America Men's At-Large Team for
the second straight year. Without even playing its first game of the season,the
President proudly reported that the Fighting Scots Football team is ranked 9thin
the 2010 Sporting News Division II Top 25 and picked 24thaccording to Lindy's
Sports Annuals Division II poll.
News -The Presidentnoted that for the second consecutive year,
the university has been named a "Military Friendly School" by G.1 Jobs. These
annual rankings honor the top 15% of colleges, universities, and trade schools
doing the most to recruit and retain America's veterans as students. A wonderful
event was held last week which servedto beautify the campus where faculty and
staffwere in charge of pre-identified. areas for the planting of perennials and
annual flowers. The university also recently served host to the Bioethics
Conference with nearly 250 attendees;some from as far as Bolvia and South
America. The sponsorship of free outdoor movies during the summer months has
continued with films offered at the Porreco campus on Thursday evening and main
campus on Friday. The Presidentnoted plans are underway to hold a Legislative
Breakfast on August 2.
Chairman Shields thanked President Brown for the excellent report and solicited any comments or
questions. Next, the Chair asked Trustees Dombrowski and McGarvey to join him for a
presentation. The Chair noted the mourning by all with regard to the passing of President
Brown's mother a brief time ago and appropriatenessby the Trustees to help in support of the
scholarship established in her memory. They ceremonially presentedto President Brown a check
in the amount of $1,425 which representeda collective contribution by Council members in
support of the recently establishedBarbara Curbishley Memorial Scholarship. President Brown
noted his profound appreciation for this gesture of kindness in memory of his mother. A round of
applause ensuedfollowing the check presentation.
Next, Chairman Shields moved to New Business. He noted that the annual review of the
facilities took place today. The Trustees along with Vice President Herbst and Mr. William
Coleman visited Compton Hall and the new Human ServicesBuilding as part of the review. A
new format was utilized where a review of the Facilities Master Plan was undertaken prior to the
tour; thus, allowing Trustees a better understanding of the plan and its implementation.
The Chair next moved on to the next item of businessAcademic Affairs Committee
report. Trustee Dombrowski reported that following the meeting with the Academic Affairs
Committee, and based upon the recommendation of PresidentBrown, he brought forward two
It was voted, on motion of Trustee Dombrowski, secondedby Trustee Pulice to approve a
new program, Minor in Geographic Information Systemsas presented. The Chair called
for any discussion and then called for the vote.
It was voted, on motion of Trustee Dombrowski, secondedby Trustee Pulice to approve
the following program revisions:
Associate of Science in Preschool Education
Bachelor of Arts in Geography -Urban and Regional Planning Concentration
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Trades Leadership
Master of Social Work
in Athletic Coaching
in Fitness Instruction/Personal Training
in Health Studies
in Sculpture
Chairman Shields asked for any discussion. Hearing no requests,the Chair called for the vote.
Both motions a~presentedby Trustee Dombrowski carried with unanimous approval by the
Council. Trustee Dombrowski then called on Dr. Terry Smith, Dean of Liberal Arts, to provide a
brief committee report. Dr. Smith noted the distribution of a written Academic Affairs report
which contains a wealth of information. He instead highlighted approaching events.
Conference -Dr. Smith extended deep appreciation and thanks to the
University Advancement office for sponsoring this conference. He noted that this
conference was very significant as was the opportunity to hear well-known lecturers and
authors. .Most notably was the format of the conferencewhere participants were permitted
to interact with the presenterand others who provided for an enriching interdisciplinary
-Dr. Smith noted the recent publication of an article in Erie Times-News
talking about the collaboration that PASSHE is creating for program~including Physics
and Foreign Languages. He then elaborated on university efforts on this topic. Edinboro
has been one of the innovators and since 2003 have been collaborating with Slippery Rock
and Clarion in the delivery of Russian and German coursesto one another utilizing
interactive television as the medium for delivery. One of the advantageswith
collaborating with our PASSHE neighbors is that our faculty are able to travel to the other
campus to meet students and faculty and vice versa which createsa face-to-face
relationship betweenthe students and faculty even though distance education technology
is being used. In 2007, California University was added as a collaborative partner and
now other parts of PASSHE are reviewing this model. We are also looking at a similar
concept with regard to offering physics courses. Meetings have recently taken place with
officials at Slippery Rock to discuss the collaborative delivery of physics courses. A
tentative plan has been developed for the offering of these courses in the Fall 2011 and is
pending a lengthy approval process at both campuses. These and like partnerships prove
to be not only cost effective, but also raise the quality of the program offering.
Visits -Dean Smith reported that the Mathematics and Computer Science
Department is expecting a visiting from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET) in September. The accreditation review team will be reviewIng the
university's theoretical track in computer science.
Studies and Center for Distance Learning -These offices have been
manually converting all 534 online courses from the ECollege format to the Desire2Learn
(D2L) format that will be used to deliver online courses. This processwill create a
superior product and save the university about $200,000.
of Education -A reception is being sponsored on June 16 in recognition of the
professional development schools that have beencreated in consultation with the Erie
School District and PenncrestSchool District. About 150 teachersand principals are
involved in these collaborations which are done to the mutual benefit of Edinboro and of
the school districts. Edinboro delivers workshops that are chosen by the faculty and
principals at the various schools. Those schools provide us with field and studentteaching
placements. Edinboro students volunteer at those schools tutoring, and some of those
schools bring their middle school studentsto campus to find out what it would be like to
attend Edinboro which helps to create an early opportunity for them to make the right
choice to attend Edinboro for their college education. Dr. Bolton invites all Council
members to attend this event.
Chairman Shields thanked Dr. Smith for his delivery of an informative report and solicited any
questions or comments.
For the record, the following Academic Affairs-related items were provided to Council
members for their information and review. Theseincluded:
Individuals granted tenure -May 2010
Dr. Richard Deal
Ms. Karen Ernst
Dr. Melissa Gibson Hancox
Dr. Jay Hanes
Mr. Gary Hanna
Dr. Patrick Jones
Dr. Amy McClune
Dr. Lee Williams
Dr. Theodore Yeshion
Communications & Media Studies
Political Science/Criminal Justice
Faculty Members Awarded Sabbaticals During the 2011-2012 Academic Year
Year 2011-2012
Dr. Gary Grant
(full Dav)
Fall 2011 (full Day)
Mr. Benedict Gibson
Mr. Barry Gray
D N. h I Stu ' k
r. IC 0 as
plans y
Dr. Sandra Waite-Stupiansky
Elementary, Middle and Secondary
uca Ion
Early Childhood and Special Education
SDrine: 2012 (full Day)
Mr. Malcolm Christhilf
Dr. CharlesEdwards
Dr. JeanFaieta
Mr. JamesHenson
Dr. Dale Hunter
Dr. JerraJenrette
Dr. DebraKubinski
Dr. PamelaLasher
Dr. Mary PanicciaCarden
Dr. JamesRobertsJr.
Mr. Bruce Skolnick
Dr. Andre Smith
Dr. Amy Weschler
Early ChildhoodandSpecialEducation
Mathematicsand ComputerScience
Biology and HealthServices
History andAnthropology
Mathematicsand ComputerScience
Advisor -Liberal Arts
History and Anthropology
Hearingno requestsfor further discussionor questions,the Chairmovedto a reporton behalf of
the CommunicationsandMarketingCommitteeby AssistantVice PresidentAmy Neil. She
providedthe following divisionhighlights:
.The Communicationsstaff promotednumerouscampuseventssincethe lastbusiness
meeting. Ms. Neil spokeaboutone in particular-the GoldenApple Awardsprogramand
end-of-yearbanquet.The GoldenApple specialairedthis pastweekendon WJET
televisionstation. This productionwill be availableboth on DVD andvia website.
.Using email andthe campusemergencycommunicationssystem,E2Campus,the
communicationsteamrecentlynotified the campuscommunityof an urgenttornado
warning. Positive feedbackwasreceivedfrom faculty and staff. The Crisis
CommunicationPlan continuesto be updatedon a regularlybasisto reflectchangesin
policies, etc.
.The Communicationsoffice purchasedaccessto a Nation-wideMedia databasewhich will
allow us to targetour pressreleasesandmediapitchesmore effectivelyto writers,
reporters,andpublications. This is new territory for the CommunicationsandMarketing
department,and it is the hopethatthis servicewill garnernationalexposureon behalfof
our faculty, studentsandEdinboroUniversity.
Marketing and Publications
.Work continueson the creationof comprehensive
marketingcampaignstwo majorareas
this year -Continuing EducationandBoro Living. The Boro Living campaignwill focus
on getting our studentsto live and stayin the residencehalls. Also, the ownerof a large
concreteWelcometo Edinborosign locatedon Route99 nearthe CunninghamJeep
dealershiphasdonatedthe signto Edinborowhich will be updatedandredesigned.
Ron Cox alsodesignedthe newEdinboroidentificationbadges;createdsignsfor
insidethe PorrecoBarn; designedthe summercampbannerhangingin McComb
Fieldhouseaswell aslogos for CampusBeautification,the DisabilitiesConferenceandthe
Council of President'sretreat.He alsodevelopedthe designconceptfor the new
universitycoin andtartanizedthe multipurposeroomof the PogueStudentCenter,just to
namea few projects.Also in the works is a largeFighting Scotcut-outfor HamiltonHall
andupdatedoutdoorsignagefor McCombFieldhouse.
the area of social media, we have gained nearly 170 Twitter followers for a total of
1,507 followers. Ms. Neil provided a comparison noting that Slippery Rock has 95
the last three months, the total number of YouTube video views on Edinboro
University's channel increasedto 36,505 views. The most popular video is Kilts of
, Destiny singing "Danny Boy" at the Millennium Scholarship Luncheon.
gained nearly 1,000 Facebook fans for a total of over 4,180 fans which is still
more than Gannon and Mercyhurst combined. The Facebook fans come from numerous
countries, with the U.S. being number one, followed by Canada,Pakistan, Germany, India
and Turkey.
a pocket brochure has been designed and produced about Edinboro University.
This portable factbook is easierto transport than the Annual Report and can readily be
updated on an annual basis with ease. Additional brochures were provided to Chairman
Harold Shields for his use and others invited to request them as needed.
Chairman Shields solicited any questions or comments. Hearing none, the Chair moved to the
next agenda item -a report from Vice President Gordon Herbst on behalf of the Finance and
Administration Committee.
Vice President Herbst reported that the Finance and Administration Committee met earlier
in the day to review those items recommended for consideration and action by the Council. These
materials were provided to members of the Council in advanceof the meeting along with the
agenda. Under New Business -Action Items, Vice President Herbst proposed that the Council
put forth a motion to accept PresidentBrown's recommendation for the approval of Contracts and
Purchases for the period March 1 -May 30, 2010. He reminded Council members that the
contracts and purchase orders were listed in the encumberedamounts for the fiscal year as
opposed to the payment amounts. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Manning, secondedby
Trustee Dombrowski to accept President Brown's recommendation for approval of the Contracts
and Purchasesas reviewed for the period March 1 -May 30,2010. The Chair directed the vote
and noted that the motion carried with unanimous approval by the ~ouncil.
Secondly, Vice President Herbst requestedthat the Council accept PresidentBrown's
recommendation and acceptthe 2010 Facilities Report as presented. It was voted, on motion of
Trustee McGarvey, secondedby Trustee Higham to acceptthe 2010 Facilities Report. Chairman
Shields thanked Vice President Herbst and his staff for providing an informative tour of the
facilities this afternoon. For the record, the motion carried with the unanimous approval by the
Next, Vice President Herbst noted several pages of personnel transactions since the
March 15,2010, Council meeting which were being presented for their review and information.
These included:
Adams, Ms. Sara,part-time (50%), temporary, Instructor, Music Department, Fall 2010
semester, contingent upon enrollment, at Pay Range QOl, Pay Step 01, effective August 28,2010.
Amidon, Mr. Bradley, part-time (up to 50%), temporary, Instructor, Music Department,
2010-11 academic year, with salary based on number of students enrolled for the courses,
contingent upon enrollment, at Pay Range QOl, Pay Step 01, effective August 28,2010.
continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations
Black, Ms. Jacqueline,part-time (up to 8%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollment. The salarywill be baseduponnumberof
studentsenrolledandcalculatedat the rank of Instructor,effectiveAugust28,2010.
Bland, Mr. GaryD., regular,full-time, PASSHEManager, Grade190,Database
Administrator,TechnologyandCommunicationsDepartment,2010-11academicyear at
$55,002.00effective May 17,2010.
Bouquin,Ms. Samantha,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer
ScienceDepartment,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Brown Hogarty,Ms. Donna,full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Bukva,Mr. Emir, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Burnette,Ms. Sherry,full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,Social Work Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28, 2010.
Christoph,Ms. Doretha,part-time(75%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $32,304.30effective
Claster,Mr. SamuelM., full-time, temporary,Instructor,ScoiologyDepartment,2010-11
academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Cordell,Ms. Linda, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Culbertson,Ms. Kare,n,regular,full-time, Clerk Typist 2, Office of the Vice Presidentfor
FinanceandAdministration,at $25,702.00effective March22,2010.
Dalbec,Ms. StaceyA., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 22, 2010.
DiNicola, Mr. AnthonyM., regular,full-time, Semi-SkilledLaborer/Groundskeeper,
MaintenanceDepartment,at $25,702.00effective March22,2010.
Duell, Mr. Scott,regular,part-time(wage),NurseAide, Office with Studentswith
Disabilities, at $13.14hourly for hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveApril 12,2010.
Frambes,Ms. NancyA., full-time, temporary,Instructor,PsychologyDepartment,201011 academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effectiveAugust28,2010.
Galante,Mr. JeremyA., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11
academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $45,225.97effective August28, 2010.
Garrett,Mr. Michael J., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11
academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Gilreath,Ms. Marilyn M., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Communications& Media
StudiesDepartment,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Ginnetti, Dr. Phillip E., ProvostandVice Presidentfor AcademicAffairs, at $175,000
effective July 1,2010.
Goodwill, Mr. David L., regular,full-time (9 month), SUA 2, Coordinatorof Campus
ProgrammingandRecreation,StudentActivities, at $32,145.00effective August28,2010.
Gruber,Ms. Armorel, part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,ForeignLanguages
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $10,768.09effective
Hall, Mr. JamesE., regular,full-time, TemperatureControlsTechnician,Facilities
Department,at $28,968.00effectiveJune1,2010.
continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations
Hebert,Ms. Karen,full-time, temporary,Instructor,ForeignLanguagesDepartment,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Isaac,Mr. Brent, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Jackson,Mr. NathanM., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 11,2010.
Kashif, Dr. Sadaf,part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,CommunicationandMedia
StudiesDepartment,contingentupon enrollmentat $2,956.29effective summer2010 session"F".
Kilburn, Mr. Korey, full-time, tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,Mathematicsand
ComputerScienceDepartment,at $49,861.80effectiveAugust28,2010.
Kimmy, Ms. RhondaG., regular,full-time CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 22, 2010.
Kolupski, Ms. CharleneJ., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Social Work Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effectixe August28,2010.
Kutruff, Ms. BarbaraJ., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 10,2010.
Lawson,Dr. Danielle,full-time, tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,Communications&
Media StudiesDepartment,at $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
Leech,Ms. Lee Ann, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Lute, Mr. Charles,part-time,temporary,Instructor,Music Department,contingentupon
enrollment,(42%),Fall 2010 semesterat $9,972.34,and(8%), Spring2011 semesterat $1,975.47
effective August28, 2010.
Mann,Mr. Erik, part time (up to 50%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,2010-11
academicyear,salarybasedon numberof studentsenrolled,contingentuponenrollment,at Pay
RangeQ01, Pay Step01, effective August28,2010.
Melchiori, Ms. Carolina,part-time,temporary(up to 8%), Instructor,Music Department,
2010-11academicyear,salarybasedon numberof studentsenrolled,contingentuponenrollment,
at PayRangeQ01, Pay Step01, effective August28,2010.
Miller, Mr. JosephF., regular,full-time, PASSHEManager, Grade180,Associate
Director of ResidenceLife, ResidenceLife & HousingOffice, 2010-11academicyear at
$52,000.00effectiveMay 24, 2010.
Murray, Ms. Mary A., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Communication& Media
StudiesDepartment,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollment,at $21,536.18effective
August28, 2010.
Neff, Dr. PatriciaE., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SociologyDepartment,
2010-11 academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
O'Neil, Mr. Ryan,regular,part-time(wage),NurseAide, Office for Studentswith
Disabilities, at $13.14hourly for hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveApril 19,2010.
Proulx, Ms. Suzanne,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2010-11academic
year, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effectiveAugust28,2010.
Riley, Ms. Linda C., regular,full-time, CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$22,807.00effectiveApril 17,2010.
Schmidt,Ms. Amy, part-time,Instructor,Departmentof Biology and HealthServices,
contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effectivewith summer2010 session"E".
Schruers,Dr. Eric J., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,Art Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
Silvis, Mr. Randall,full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts Department,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effective August28,2010.
continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations
Simmons,Ms. Mikah, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28, 2010.
Sitter,Ms. SusanE., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28, 2010.
Snelick,Mr. Richard,full-time, temporary(wage),CustodialWorker 1, Facilities
Department,at $11.66hourly effective May 20, 2010 throughAugust27,2010.
Stoll, Mr. Dwayne,full-time, temporary(wage),CustodialWorker 1, Facilities
Department,at $11.66hourly effective May 20, 2010throughAugust27, 2010.
Streiff, Ms. Kimberly W., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August28,2010.
Suhy;Ms. Lori, full-time, temporary,CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment,at
$11.66hourly effective May 20,2010 throughAugust27,2010.
Sun,Dr. Zhongxin,full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SociologyDepartment,
2010-11academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August28,2010.
Swick, Dr. JohnC., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics
Department,Fall 2010 semester,contingentuponenrollmentat $10,768.10effectiveAugust28,
Tattersall,Ms. Carolyn, PerDiem, Instructor,Nursing Department,at$28.71hourly for
hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveMay 24, 2010.
Thomas,Ms. Nancy,full-time, temporary(wage),CustodialWorker 1, Facilities
Department,at $11.66hourly effective May 20, 2010 throughAugust27, 2010.
Tyler, Dr. KarenK., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,ProfessionalStudies
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $49,861.80effective
Verderese,Ms. Carol, PerDiem, Instructor,NursingDepartment,at$28.71hourly for
hoursworked on an as-needed
basiseffectiveJune3, 2010.
Wertz,Mr. R. James,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Communication& Media Studies
Department,2010-11academicyear, contingentuponenrollmentat $43,072.35effective
Wheeler,Ms. Heather,part-time,PerDiem, Athletic Trainer,AcademicSupportand
StudentAffairs FacultyDepartment,at$28.71hourly for hoursworked on an as-needed
effective May 15,2010.
Wilkes, Dr. ScottA., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Social Work Department,2010-11
academicyear,contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effective August28,2010.
Zimmerman,Ms. Melisa, part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics
Department,Fall 2010semester,contingentuponenrollmentat $10,768.10effectiveAugust28,
Cerminara,Mr. Kyle, part-time,AssistantAthletic Coachof Wrestling,Athletics
Department,effectivecloseof businessApril 30,2010.
Cooney,Mr. JamesP., Directorof Admissions,effectivecloseof businessJune11,2010.
Jackson,Mary E., NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,effectivecloseof
businessJune7, 2010.
Kimmy, Ms. Tammy,part-time,SubstituteUniversityRegisteredNurse,GheringHealth
andWellnessCenter,effectivecloseof business,December14,2009.
McLaughlin,Mr. Matthew,part-time,NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,
effectivecloseof businessApril 10,2010.
continued -Resignations
Moore, Ms. Tammy, Cheerleader
Adviser,Athletics Department,effectivecloseof
businessApril 23, 2010.
Shafer,Ms. Crystal,part-time,NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,effective
closeof businessApril 27, 2010.
Bauer,Dr. Karen,Professor,Early Childhoodand SpecialEducationDepartment,
effec~vecloseof businessJune4,2010.
Dunn, Dr. James,Professor,BusinessandEconomicsDepartment,effectivecloseof
businessJune4, 2010.
Lipkovich, Dr. Mary K., Professor,HealthandPhysicalEducationDepartment,effective
closeof businessJune30,2010.
Stevens,Dr. Kathleen,AssistantProfessor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducation
Department,effectivecloseof businessJune4, 2010.
John,Mr. Christopher,PerDiem, Athletic Trainer,effectivecloseof businessMay 14,
Braxton,Mr. Keith P., regular,full-time, non-faculty,AssistantFootballCoach,contract
extensionfrom March20, 2010 throughMarch19,2011 at $35,824.35.
Cleary,Mr. J. Patrick, AssistantMen's BasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough
Flynn, Mr. Tim, HeadWrestling Coach,contractextensionthroughMarch28,2013.
Niedbala,Mr. Kim, regular, full-time, non-faculty,AssistantFootballCoach,contract
extensionfrom March 13,2010 throughMarch12,2011 at $44,989.13.
Rhodes,Mr. Christopher,HeadMen's andWomen's SwimmingCoach,contract
extensionfrom April 1,2011 throughMarch31,2013.
Swank,Mr. Stanley,HeadWomen'sBasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough
March28, 2013.
Walcavich,Mr. Greg,HeadMen's BasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough
March28, 2013.
Yurcich, Ms. Julie, regular,full-time, Assistant,non-facultyCoach,Women'sTrack and
Fieldcontractextensionfrom March3,2010 throughMarch2, 2011.
Yurcich, Mr. Michael T., AssistantFootballCoach,contractextensionthroughMarch 31,
Althof, Ms. Susan,re-assignment
to regular,full-time (12 month), Clerk Typist 2,
UndergraduateAdmissionsOffice, effectiveJune2, 2010.
Carson,Ms. Eboni, part-time,temporary,Clerk Typist 2, Health& PhysicalEducation
Department,effective'June21, 2010 throughJuly 16,2010.
Conklin, Ms. Sharon,full-time, temporary,preparationfor Fall 2010 semesterincluding
studentschedulingand generalorganizationwork, effective August 16,2010 throughAugust27,
continued -Change in Status
Jenkins,Ms. Janet,full-time, temporary,preparationfor Fall 2010 semesterincluding
studentschedulingand generalorganizationwork, effective August16,2010 throughAugust27,
Martin, Ms. ReNesha,full-time, temporary,planning for RHC & ARHC training program,
effective July 31, 2010throughAugust27, 2010.
Przybylski,Ms. Penny,full-time, temporary,planning for RHC & ARHC training
program,effectiveJuly 31, 2010 throughAugust27, 2010.
Barbich,Michelle, from AssistantDirectorof StudentActivities to regular,full-time,
Director of CampusLife and LeadershipDevelopmentat $55,898.00effectiveMarch 13,2010.
Gallagher,Dr. Jody, from Coordinatorof Academicand CareerAdvisementto regular,
full-time, Director,Office of Careerand Adult StudentServicesat $64,849.00effective April 10,
Peters,Mr. William, reclassificationandsimultaneouspromotionfrom Electricianto
MediumVoltageElectrician,MaintenanceDepartmentat $32,685.00effectiveFebruary27,2010.
Involuntary Cyclical Leave Without Pay With Benefits (L WOP)
Acker, Ms. DeborahR.
Carson,Ms. Eboni
Drake,Ms. Lisa
Revak,Ms. Reva
Shorts,Ms. Deborah
Thompson,Ms. Starla
Tingley, Ms. Penny
Clerk Stenographer
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Clerk Typist 2
Involuntary Cyclical Leave Without Pay With Benefits (L WOP)
Bryant, Ms. E. Carol
Budzynski,Ms. Tiffany
Dado, Ms. JoyeL.
Mughal,Dr. Nazir A., Professor,History and AnthropologyDepartment,leavewithout
pay, effective September2010throughMay 2011.
Siple,Dr. Barbara,AssociateProfessor,CounselingandPsychologicalServices
Department,leavewithout payand without benefits,effective May 24, 2010 throughAugust29,
0 Two departmentshave been merged (Career Development and Adult Student
Services)and is now referred to as Career Services and Adult Student
Sablo has worked throughout the course of the semesterwith the Student Life
sub-committee of the Senatewhere 'a study was conducted to explore whether or
not first semesterfreshman pledging had any impact on freshman grade point
averages(GPAs). A five-year review offraternity/sorority GPAs showed a
significant disparity between first semesterfreshman new initiate GPAs and upper
division Greek GPAs. This difference was most noticeable in male initiates.
Although the GPA disparity could not be attributed solely to pledging/intake,
recommendationshave been made to President Brown that will provide increased
support and, if necessary,punitive actions for organizations with substandard
neophyte GPAs. The approved changeswill be incorporated into the Greek
Relationship Statementthat is being drafted to further define the relationship
betweenthe university and its national fraternities and sororities.
an effort to provide additional late night events for students, Interim Vice
President Sablo announcedthe hiring of Mr. Dave Goodwill to the Campus Life
and Leadership Development staff. Mr. Goodwill comes to us from Penn State Shenango,where he worked in the activities office. This hire is significant as all
new employees in campus life are being hired to work evening shifts. In this
division, Dr. Sablo is challenging the premise of the 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. work
day, and working hard to ensure that staff are available in the evenings when our
studentsare more readily available for co-curricular experiences.
ROTC program recently commissioned four cadets at the rank of Second
Lieutenants in the U.S. Army. The keynote speakerat the ceremony was U.S.
Army Major General Mari K. Eder, an Edinboro University alumna.
support of student development for the StudentAffairs division's essential
studentemployees, ResidenceLife and Campus Life staff will be hosting ajoint
leadershiptraining weekend for studentworkers to instruct them on leadership
principles, professionalism, diversity and other essential human relations skills.
For some of our more visible student employment positions (RAs, Pogue Center
workers, etc.,) we are raising the bar with our training programs to assist them with
their professional life after Edinboro and to insure that the university is well
representedwith its first line studentworkers.
in support of leadership development, we will again certify our Universal
Challenge high and low ROPES course so that departmentsand student groups can
engagein the confidence and team building exercises, such as traversing 40 feet in
the air from a zip line.
student orientation continues to be a university-wide collaborative effort.
This year the process has been changed. Currently, we are tracking approximately
400 orientation reservations aheadof last year, which is consistent with increased
housing contract requests. It has also beennoted in the housing requests that there
are an increasing number of commuter and community college transfer students
seeking on campus accommodations. We attribute this growth to increased
Miller, Ms. Susan,Instructor, Nursing Department, effective close of business June 4,
Lastly, Vice President Herbst provided an update from the University Services, Inc. (USI)
Board of Directors meeting held on May 18. Theseincluded:
Bookstore Updates Point of Sales System -The update has been completed without
i~cident. As previously reported, advantagesto this upgradeare:
1. Each register will be both a cash register as well as a PC;
2. There is a more stable credit card processing function allowing for faster
transactions; and
3. A more stable student financial aid interface and the ability of adding a gift
card component to the system as well as acceptanceof debit card transactions
with a PIN.
Adoption of the 2010/2011 Operating Budget -The 2010/2011 Operating Budget was
adopted with no changes.
New USI Scholarship/Grant -The Board is considering the establishmentof a new
scholarship aimed at students who cannot get sufficient financial aid or loans or those who
are not able to secure scholarships.
Chairman Shields solicited any comments and/or questions of Vice PresidentHerbst. Next,
Chairman Shields called on Interim Vice President Kahan Sablo to provide a report on behalf of
the Student Affairs Committee. Dr. Sablo sharedthe following highlights from his respective
area of responsibility which included:
week Interim Vice President Sablo attended a conference on learning outcomes
assessmentin student affairs. Currently the StudentAffairs division is reviewing its
mission statementwith intentions on presenting revised divisional goals/objectives,
and accompanying learning outcomes, at the StudentAffairs divisional retreat in
we plan for the future, the division of StudentAffairs continues to be reviewed for
organizational effectiveness. Recentreorganizations this past semesterhave moved to
realigned various departmentsas follows:
Residence Life and Orientation now consists of the Office of Student Judicial
Affairs, New Student Orientation, and ResidenceLife and Housing.
A new departmenthas been created -Campus Life and Leadership
Development. This new department consists of ROTC, Multicultural Affairs,
Pogue Student Center, Programming and Recreation, and non-academics
facilities scheduling.
'" t
enrollment and an increase in marketing efforts for TheHighlands. A copy of The
Highlands marketing plan was distributed to Council members for their review.
grant proposal has been submitted to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
(PLCB) to assist with the reduction of underage and high risk drinking among
college students. Weare currently partners in a PASSHE Statewide Coalition
grant targeting high risk drinking among freshman residencehall students. In
response,this summer, staff in Residence Life, Campus Life, and the Health
Center will complete Brief Alcohol Screening Intervention for College Students
(BASICS) training to instruct them on how to thoroughly screenstudentswho
violations. Theofresults
of thisAlcohol
effort will
pre and post
test administrations
the CORE
summer the university organizes multiple camps to promote the university
and raise scholarship money for our students. Our athletic camps are structured to
provide campers with an outstanding learning experience in their sport, while
simultaneously bringing recognition to the university and its athletic programs.
Any assistanceand/or referrals that you can make for our camp program would be
greatly appreciated. This summer camps will be offered for:
; ,if
Chairman Shields solicited comments and/or questions. Trustee McGarvey inquired if a ROPES
course sessioncould be arranged for the Council. Interim Vice President Sablo responded in the
affirmative and indicated that it could be easily arranged.
Hearing no additional comments or concerns,the Chair called on Trustee Manning to
provide an update regarding the exit interview sessionconducted with the exiting student
representative, JoshuaBow. Trustee Manning reported that she and Trustee Thomas met with
Trustee Bow for a review of his term. She noted it was a very positive, upbeatmeeting. During
the session, many aspectsof his experience as the studenttrustee were reviewed and discussed.
Trustee Manning noted that he is an exceptional young man. In preparation of the next incoming
student trustee, Mr. Bow has assembledand will make available a binder to aid the new incoming
student trustee. A copy of the completed exit interview will be on file in the President's Office as
well as with the Chair of the Council. Trustee Manning specifically noted Mr. Bow's
acknowledgement and appreciation for all of the Trustees who helped him to understand the role
of a Trustee. Mr. Bow has also made some recommendations to assistthe next mentor and
remaining Council members to guide the new incoming studenttrustee. Trustee Manning stated
that she learned as much from Mr. Bow as he learned from her as his mentor. Chairman Shields
thanked Trustee Manning for her report and work as Mr. Bow's mentor.
The Chair asked the University Advancement ~ommittee representativeto stepforward
for the delivery of the committee report. Ms. Julie Chacona extended the following highlights on
behalf of Vice President Whitehair who was unable to attend due to scheduledvacation:
Universitv Advancement
of today, the Advancement office has raised more than $4,000,000 for fiscal year
2009-10 which is a record for Edinboro University compared to last year at this time
when $2.9 million in raised dollars.
Chacona reported that six major gifts in excessof $10,000 have beenreceived by
the Advancement office.
and since the last businessmeeting, $58,000 in direct sponsorshipcontributions
in support of the Bioethics Conferencehave beenrecorded.
.On June 1, the Edinboro University Foundation closed on $60,820,000 in Revenue
Bonds for Phase II of the studenthousing project. Construction has begun on the four
buildings that offer suite-style housing adding an additional 856 beds to The
Highlands at Edinboro University. All four buildings are scheduledto open in the Fall
Edinboro University Alumni Board had a 100% giving rate to the university for
the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
Board approved Dan Walsh as a new member of the Alumni Board. Dan is a
2008 graduate with a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Economics. He currently works as
a Credit Analyst for First National Bank and is pursuing his MBA.
Edinboro University Alumni Board approved the following Executive Committee
Officers effective April 2010:
0 President -Dave lrlbacher (one-year term)
0 Vice President -Terry Pytlarz (one-year term)
0 Treasurer -Mary Timashenka (one-year term)
0 Secretary -Pat Santelli (one-year term)
Alumni Association will host an event in Pittsburgh tomorrow evening with over
100 alumni registered to attend. On July 29, an alumni gathering event is being
scheduled in Cleveland, Ohio at Nighttown (Cleveland Heights).
Board retreat will be held on August 3,2010, for the Alumni Association Board of
2010 will be held September24-25.
on November 19, the 3rdAnnual Presidential Scholarship Gala will be held at
the Erie Ambassador Banquet and Conference Center. At this celebration, Trustee
Virginia McGarvey will be honored.
Chairperson Shields invited questions concerning Ms. Chacona's report on behalf of Vice pre:i:~:t
Whitehair. Hearing none, he moved to the final agenda item which was an update of the PACT
Executive Committee. In Trustee Thomas' absence, the Chair noted discussions relative to upcoming
meetings at Kutztown University in the Fall 2010. He anticipates good representation by Edinboro
Trustees at this conference since group transportation will be scheduled. The fall conference at
Kutztown will set the precedence for Edinboro's hosting of the PACT Conference at Edinboro in
Spring 2011. Dates currently under consideration fall between April 5 and May 1.
Lastly, Chairman Shields reported that planning is underway for the "Legislative Breakfast
meeting to be hosted by President Brown on Monday, August 2.
The Chair solicited additional items for the good of the order. Hearing no requests for
additional discussion, Chairman Shields called for a motion to adjourn. It was voted, on motion of
Trustee Pulice, seconded by Trustee Manning to adjourn the quarterly business meeting. The
quarterly business meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m. The next quarterly business meeting of the
Edinboro University Council will be preceded by a study session to be held on Monday, August 23,
Respectfully submitted,
~ \1Jv~
Q .\..9-0.-0"\1v-'
Sherri A. Galvin
Assistant to the President
and Recording Secretary
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