Tue, 09/10/2024 - 18:54
Edited Text



Professor of Psychology
1284 Conewango Avenue
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Phone 723-5955
Dr. Lee was born In China and
educated in China, Canada and America.
The author of seven books and many arti­
cles in both Chinese and English, he is
also gaining recognition as a lecturer at
various eastern colleges and universities.
His areas of competence are philosophy,
psychology, international education and
comparative religion. He has also taught
in these areas at several universities.
Title of Lecture (Each Is 40 min.)
|. "Influence of Eastern philosophy on West­
ern Psychology.**
II. "Everyday philosophy of Life in the East
and West.**
Ill* "What is Confucianism?**
IV* "The Study of Mohism in Japan and Eur­
V* “Dr. Coady and Dr. Sun Yat-sen on Socia­
VI* "Mao Tse-tung*s Alienation as shown in his
VII* "Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Tse-tung:
Graphological Analysis.**
VIII* "The Two First Ladies of Modern China.'*
IX* "A Chinese understanding of woman."
X* ‘"Gentleman* As Understood by Ancient
and Modern Chinese."
XI* "Malay and her Educational problems."
XII* "Mao Tse-tung*s poems and Their impact
on Chinese Education."
XIII* "The Soci-educational Thoughts of Mo
XIV* "Chinese Education; Confucius versus Mao
XV* "Chinese Humanism and Christian Spirit­
ual ity."
XVI* "Mission Works in Buddhism and Christ­
XVII. "The Catholic Church in China; Its past,
present, Future.
XVIII. "Where will China Go? A Religious Ap­
XIX. "Thomas Merton and Zen Buddhism."
XX. "Mysticism; Buddhist, Taoist and Christ-

Robert E. Pol ley, B* A., M. A.
Associate professor in Soc/Anthropology

Beulah M. Polley, B* A., M. A.
Assistant professor in Education

1284 Conewango Avenue
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Phone 723-7072

1284 Conewango Avenue
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Phone 723-7072

complimented by a strong educa­
tional and anthropological studies and
also thirteen years of teaching experience,
Mr. polley’s classroom Instruction in his­
tory, anthropology and sociology is well
developed. His formal education is from
Morehead State College, Ky., Montana
State University, Northern Illinois uni­
versity, the University of Colorado and
Colorado State College. For the latter, he
is presently writing his doctoral disserta­
tion which deals with the local history of
Warren County.

Reading specialist and former pub­
lic school teacher for levels 2-12, Mrs.
Polley brings enriched professional ex­
periences to her college courses In teach­
ing of reading and language arts, early
childhood education and education In
American society. She has traveled through­
out U. S., Mexico and Canada and in her
travels In this country has taught In four
other states, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming
and Illinois, she holds degrees from Mon­
tana State University and the University of
Northern Colorado and has completed ad­
ditional graduate work at Gannon College,
the Pennsylvania state university and the
University of Wyoming.

Title of Lecture
I. “Proxemics: A Study of Culturally
Defined spatial Relationships."
(30 min.)
This explains how intercultural
communication is affected by
various uses of space.
II. "An Anthropological Analysis of
Religion"(40 min.)
This identifies and explains the
components of religion and uses
Christianity as a reference.

Title of Lecture
“The Emotional Development of
the Elementary School Child.”
(25 min.)
This offers an explanation of
the child's developing indi­
viduality and a self-concept.


Representative faculty members of
the warren Campus of Edlnboro State
College, Warren, Pennsylvania, offer to
interested community, business, or school
groups a continuing educational service of
program lecturers. Acting independently
from the group and the Warren Campus
itself, each educator will directly discuss
and negotiate any terms about a speaking
invitation with the inquiring interested
For further information please write
or call:
Dr. Cyrus Lee, Chairman
Faculty Lecture Service,
Warren Campus
Edinboro State College,
Warren, Pa. 16365

Richard E. Andersen, B. A., M. A.
Associate professor English/Speech
1284 Conewango Avenue
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Phone 723-3394

Tel. (814) 726-0291
Warren Campus
Edlnboro State College
The Warren Campus is a two-year
accrediated school of liberal arts and
teacher education. From an initial enroll­
ment of 51 students in 1961, its enrollment
now is 400. Twenty resident faculty mem­
bers offer personalized teaching situations
which result In a more stimulating and
intimate educational experience. |n the
school term 1971-72, the campus will re­
locate from East Street School to 196
acres of land in Conewango Township,
Warren County, present plans call for the
renovation of two buildings formerly under
the Pennsylvania Department of Public
This brochure is prepared by Mrs.
Thomas Walsh, director of Public Re­
lations, Warren Campus, Edinboro State

Actor, director, writer and teacher,
Mr. Andersen is a most welcomed con­
tributor to warren community theatregroups
and particularly to the Warren Campus
which he also founded. He has eighteen
years of teaching experience in the Warren
County Schools and five years at the
Warren Campus.
Mr. Andersen holds degrees from
Allegheny College, Meadville, and the
Pennsylvania State University. Presently
enrolled in the doctoral program at Penn
State, he is investigating creative dra­
matics as a teaching technique in high
school English.

Wallace F. Jewell, Jr., B. S., M. S.
Assistant Professor in Mathematics
110 North Parker Street
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Phone 723-3795
A graduate from Lock Haven State
College and Syracuse University, Mr.
Jewell also has graduate credits from the
Pennsylvania State university, Lehigh
University and the university of Pitts­
burgh. He taught mathematics at Warren
Area High school for eleven years and
attended four National Science Foundation
Presently pursuing doctoral stud­
ies at the New York State University at
Buffalo, he also avails himself readily to
his church, community sports programs,
P.T.A. and the Kiwanis Club.
Title of Lecture (Each is accompanied by
overhead projection overlaps and
takes 45 min. of program time.)
I. “The History and Development of
Not a technical talk, this lec­
ture describes various types of
computers and presents elemen­
tary ideas of their operation.

I. “Production of a One-Act Play.”
(40 min.)
This is a dramatic presentation.

II. “Tractenberg Speed Arithmetic.”
This information about addition
and multiplication can be help­
ful to everyone, but particularly
III. “Integral Roots of Numbers by
utilize this information.

II. “William
playwright. (30 min.).
“King Lear,” Shakespeare’s
monumental tragedy is the core
of this lecture.

IV. “Modern? Mathematics.”
Interested parents can learn
some of the basic concepts of
sets, logic and the structure of
the number system.

Title of Lecture

Frank R. Johnson, B. S., M. Ed.
410 - 4th Avenue
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365
Phone 726-0947
Speech Therapist in Warren
ough Schools ~ 1951-56.


Speech Therapist in Warren County
Schools - 1956-58.
In 1958 went to Edinboro State
College as Assistant Professor of Psy­
chology and Speech and Hearing.
In 1964 returned to Warren as Ad­
ministrative Director of Warren Campus,
Edinboro State College.
NOW a candidate for the Ph.D. in
Education at State university of New York
at Buffalo.

Married and has five children.