Tue, 08/20/2024 - 18:26
Edited Text
Volume Thirty-Five
October, 1930
Number One
st^ te teachers college
President’s Letter to the A lu m n i__ _______
Home Coming Day, Saturday, November 15
______ -
Intra-Mural Classes For Teachers in S e rv ice ___ __T
Calendar of Coming Events ______ ____________ _______4
Second Semester Opens Januarv 1 9 ____ ________ _
Football O u tlook _„ _______ _______ ______ ,_____;___ ;__ A
Rootball Schedule 1930 _______>
____________ ___________ j.
Basketball Schedule 1930-1931 ________________________ I.
Qounty Alumni Reunions _ !______r ______¡vy_________ i
I ':
i ; V ,
, ■
- ' . V ; ■
Wanted—Alumni .News
s ..................... J
___ _ _____________ „ 1 .
Alumni Personals-__ _____________________ _______ .___ i.
Positions Held By Members of the Class of 1930
Cupid’s C olu m n ___ ___ i_____________ 1___
Stork Column ______________________________
Obituary J . ^ j j f e \ i I C
Roster of Classes 1902-1910
k LiClJ
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__ _____ •
__ ______
The Teachers College Herald
Entered as Second Class Mail at the Post Office at Shippensburg, Pa.
under the Act of August 24, 1912.
MARION H. BLOOD ______ H-______________ _____-----------— Editor
ADA V. HORTON, ’8 8 _________________ Honorary Personal Editor
MRS. HARRIET WYLIE STEWART, ’9 3 __________ Personal Editor
J. S. HEIGES, ’9 1 _____________ _______________ Business Manager
Dear Alumnus:
I am deeply gratified to be able to address a larger number of
the graduates through the columns of this number of the Herald
than was possible on previous occasions. For, beginning with this
issue we 'have abolished subscription charges, and will be glad to
send the journal free of cost to all Alumni who may wish to receive it.
The purpose of the Herald will be two-fold: to give news of the
college and information in regard to the Alumni to all who are inter
ested, and to discuss various educational topics from time to time that
should be of interest and service to teachers and superintendents.
My formal message will necessarily be brief as I shall allow the
columns of the Herald to speak for themselves on a variety of matters
in which I know you will he interested.
I shall speak briefly,
however, on a few matters in which you and your fellow Alumni are
likely to be concerned.
Our attendance is satisfactory even though it does not equal the
high water mark of last year. The slump in business has made
itself felt in the enrollment of teachers colleges. In our case, we
have the added drought— the worst in forty years— in the Cumberland
Valley as a deterrent factor in maintaining our last year’s enrollment.
No part of the State was hit quite so hard as this valley by the long
continued drought and the consequent loss of revenue to our farming
community. As a result it was necessary for at least forty students
from Franklin and Cumberland Counties alone to cancel their regis
trations and change their school plans for the year. We sincerely
trust that financial conditions may so improve during the coming
year as to make it possible for these students to enroll next year.
Two very gratifying features of our enrollment are the increase
in the four year students and the increase in enrollment of students
from outside our service area. The decrease has been confined to the
two year course.
The coming year should be a busy one for us from the standpoint
of new buildings and repairs,' for the new library will be under
construction and contracts for repairs and renovations to the
President’s residence and for grading and leveling the land adjoining
the campus will be let.
Another matter of general interest is the organization of
intra-mural Saturday and mid-week classes for teachers in service.
Classes in Educational Biology, Philology, American Government,
American Literature, and Educational Tests are now offered and a
still larger number will be offered next semester.
Elsewhere the attention of those of you who were graduated
from the two and three year courses and who are still engaged in
teaching is called to the opportunity open to you in the four year
All indications point to a four year post high school
requirement in the near future for all new entrants into the
elementary field. This will mean that outstanding positions will be
available only to those who have completed the four year B. S. course.
Finally, don’t forget that Saturday, November 15, is Home
Coming Day for those of you who were graduated in the evennumbered years. We regret that we can’t invite all of you, but the
Alumni organization is so large that we cannot accommodate more
than half of you with your wives and husbands and your high school
guest at the Home Coming Dinner. You are all welcome to the
game with Millersville and the other exercises of the day. A time
-schedule will be found on another page.
I hope to see many of you at the various county and city alumni
reunions that will be held during the next few weeks. These reunions
can be made the pleasantest events of the year.
Trusting that this may- be the most successful school year in
your history, I am
Fraternally yours,
Ezra Lehman, ’89.
The Big Day this year will be Saturday, November fifteenth.
This year the graduates in the even numbered years; their wives or
husbands, and a member of the graduating class of their local high
school, will be invited.
A special letter will be sent to all the
graduates above indicated, but this is an advanced reminder so that
you may check the day on your calendar.
The program for the day will be as follows:
2:00 P. M. Football game B B Eckels Field — Shippensburg vs.
4:00 P. M. Alumni Tea — Women’s Dormitory.
6:30 P. M. Dinner — College Dining Room.
9:00-11:30 P. M. Reception — Dance, Gymnasium.
We should like to invite! all of the Alumni to the dinner, but we
can accommodate only five hundred and fifty in the college dining
room and so we can have only the classes of the even numbered years
this year. Next year, of course, the “ odd” classes will have their
But all Alumni without regard to class are invited to be our
guests at the football game, the tea, and the reception. Begin now,
Alumni, to plan for thé Big Day!
Under the direction of Dr. J. S. Heiges, Dean of Instruction, the
college has organized five intra-mural classes for teachers in service.
These meet on Wednesday evenings and Saturday forenoons, and
carry with them full academic and professional credit.
The classes organized are in Educational Biology, Philology,
American Government, Educational Tests, and American Literature.
A large number will be offered during the second semester beginning
Saturday, January 24, if the demand justifies such action.
Members of the Alumni in the two and the three year classes are
urged to take advantage of these opportunities which will naturally
appeal with special force •to students residing within a.radius of
thirty or even forty miles from the college. The day is at hand when
graduates who are able to offer work in advance of the two and the
three year curricula will have a decided advantage in the matter of
positions over others. By taking advantage of the intra-mural
courses and those offered during the Summer Session, it will be
possible for a teacher in service to carry from ten to fifteen semester
hours during the year.
Persons interested in enrolling in any class during the second
semester are urged to write to Dr. Heiges indicating the subject or
subjects desired.
Friday, October 31 — 8:00 P. M. — Julius Caesar — Shakespearean
Saturday, November 1 — 7:30 P. M. — Hallowe’en Masquerade.
Saturday, November 15 — Home Coming Day.
Tuesday, November 18—8:00 P. M.-JUustrated Lecture— “ Tee Pee
Fires and Northern Lights”— Col. Philip Moore.
Thursday, January 15— 8:00 P. M.— Concert—Kremlin Art Quartette.
The second semester will open Monday, January 19.
anticipate thirty-five or forty openings in our dormitories at that
time. This will enable us to provide rooms in our dormitories for
all women students.
This opportunity should appeal to all students who wish to start
upon their work at mid-year rather than to wait until next September.
An increasingly large number of students are being graduated from
high schools in January. There is no reason why such persons should
lose a half year in their advanced work by waiting until September
to enter college. Incidentally, it should be said that there are always
openings in the public schools shortly after the Christmas vacation
and that graduates in the mid-year class are usually able to secure
satisfactory positions immediately after their graduation.
Alumpi will please call the attention of students qualified to
enter at the beginning of the second semester to the opportunities
open to them.
The football season of 1930 was opened Saturday, September 27,
with a victory for our team over the strong Millersburg Athletic
Club, 35-0. A number of our former athletes were in the lineup for
The prospects for the season seem bright and, unless the team
is handicapped through too many injuries, it ¡should give a good
account of itself.
Last year Coach Dresser worked with an idea of developing
material and kept a large squad out all season. Two full teams were
carried on all trips and as many men as possible saw service. As a
result, this year we have a large squad of experienced men to carry
out the season’s schedule.
There are a number of new men from the Freshman :Class that
have had considerable experience and who made a good showing in
the opening game. The coaches are getting down to stiff drilling,
and training thé team gradually in order to reach its peak on Home
Coming Day.
There are twenty-five men training for Cross Country under the
leadership of Capt. Glessner. We hope to have a meet with some
college here on Home Coming Day.
September 27—Millersburg A. C.—Home
October 4—Kutztown—Away
October 11— California—Home
October 18—East Stroudsburg—Home
October 25—Lock Haven—Away
November 1— Shepherd College—Home
November 8—Bloomsburg—Away
November 15—Millersville—Home
November 22—Indiana—Home
Dr. J. S. Heiges has arranged the following basket hall schedule.
The open dates will be filled shortly.
December 13—Kutztown—-Home
December 19— Open
January 10—Bloomsburg—Home
J anuary 17— MHllersville—Miller sville
January 23—Bloomsburg-—Bloomsburg
January 24— Lock Haven—Lock Haven
January 30—Open
January 31—Open
February 7— Lock Haven—Home
February 10—West Chester—Home.
February 14—Kutztown— Kutztown
February 21— Open
February 28—Millersville-^Home
March 6—Indiana—Indiana
March 7— California—California
March 10—West Chester—West Chester.
Adams County led off early this season by holding the largest
Alumni Rally and Banquet in its history under the able leadership of
Assistant County Superintendent J. Floyd Slaybaugh and his efficient
committee. The banquet was held on Wednesday,“September 3, from
12 o’clock noon until 2:00 P. M. in the basement of the Gettysburg
Methodist Church. One hundred and forty-six Alumni and guests
were present. Prof. Charles Taylor of Arendtsville made an excellent
toastmaster. Dr. Lehman brought the greetings of the college and
told of the plans for the future. Supt. Shank spoke of the fine spirit
o f cooperation between the college and the Adams County Schools.
Other members of the Alumni spoke briefly. One of the enjoyable
features of the banquet was the singing of college and other
songs. The following officers were re-elected:
President, J. Floyd Slaybaugh, ’16, Gettysburg; Vice-President,
C. I. Raffensperger, ’17, Biglerville; Secretary, Helen Drais Taylor,
’21, Arendtsville, Pa.
Mrs. Ernest Wolf, ’99, of Harrisburg, has announced that the
Dauphin County Alumni Association will hold its annual banquet on
Thursday evening, October 16, at 6:30 P. M., in Zwingli Hall, Broad
and Susquehanna streets, Harrisburg. An interesting, peppy pro
gram has been provided and Dauphin County will undoubtedly go
over with a bang.
Blair Hess, ’23, President of the Mifflin-Juniata County Assoc
iation, is working hard to secure a big turn out of the Alumni and
former students o f Mifflin and Juniata Counties at the banquet to be
held in Lewistown, Tuesday, October 14. The steady growth in the
number of students from Mifflin and Juniata speaks well for the
work of this organization.
The home county Alumni of Mother Cumberland will be mar
shalled by the President, W. M. Rife, ’91, for the annual dinner,
Thursday noon, October 16. No body of the Alumni have been more
loyal than those who live almost within the shadows of the college.
The plans of the Perry, Bedford, Huntingdon, and York County
organizations have not yet been announced, but their annual meetings
will undoubtedly be held during the week of the County Institute.
This number of the Herald will go into the families of nearly
three thousand of our Alumni. All who receive it will be impressed by
the relatively small amount of Alumni news that it contains: but we
have published all that has been sent to us. We are anxious to make
the Herald a real medium in the exchange of news among the Alumni.
But you must send us items of interest about yourself and other
graduates if the Alumni columns are to function as they should. We
want to hear from you from time to time so that we can pass on the
news to others. Marriages, births, and deaths in our college family
are always items of special interest. News of this kind should be
sent to Mrs. H. Wfylie Stewart at the College or to Miss Ada V.
Horton, North Prince street, Shippensburg, Pa.
’83 Miss Ella Noftsker, who recently retired from teaching after
more than forty years of service, was the guest of the Shippensburg
teachers, supervisors,, and School Board at a dinner held at Piney
Mountain Inn near Chambersburg.
’87 Mrs. Frank Gates (Carrie Harris) was recently elected Presi
dent of the Shippensburg Civic Club.
’93 Dr. George L. Omwake, President of Ursinus College, deliver
ed the opening address to the Freshmen of that institution on Septem
ber 18.
’94 Dr. Hiram E. Shenk, Harrisburg, State Archivest, was a
recent speaker at Mifflinburg, Union County.
’02 W. J. Kines, who has been Principal of the Hulmeville Schools
for several years, has assumed his duties as Supervising Principal of
the schools of Bristol Township, Bucks County.
’10 R. H. Beard, for a number of years Supervising Principal of
the schools of Portage, Pennsylvania, recently resigned that position
to become Director of Educational Research at the State Teachers
College, Indiana, Pennsylvania.
’17 Mrs. Meryl Frankhouse Morgan has written us an interesting
letter. We learn that she has received both the Bachelors and
Masters Degree from the University of Arizona. She has specialized
in Education and in History and Political Science. During the past
year she taught in the University Summer School in Tucson, Arizona.
She sends greetings to all her former friends at Shippensburg.
’18 Shriver L. Coover has been appointed Director o f the Train
ing Center.for Industrial Arts Teachers at the State Teachers College,
California, Pennsylvania. After completing his work at Shippens
burg, Mr. Coover specialized in industrial arts and recently received
his masters degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a fre
quent contributor to Industrial Arts Magazine, and the Industrial
Education Magazine.
’24 Miss Gail Walker of Fannettsburg is one of the newly elected
teachers in the Chambersburg Public Schools. She takes the place
of Miss Belle Gillan, ’05, who has been granted a leave o f absence
because of ill health.
’26 Margaret K. Lehman is teaching Senior English classes and
coaching dramatics in the Doylestown High School.
The July number of the Herald contained a long list of graduates
of the Class of 1930 and the positions that will be held by them.
Since the publication of that number o f the Herald we have learned
of the following additional placements.
William Hudson and Harold C. Reed, both graduates of the four
year course, will teach in the high school at Gloucester City;:-New
Jersey. Mr. Hudson will be the head of the Geography Department
in the Junior High School, and Mr. Reed will teach Science and serve
as Assistant Coach in the Senior High School.
John Fitzgerald will teach Mathematics and Science in the Eldred, McKean County, High School.
Martha E. Campbell has“;been elected teacher of English and
French in the Pennsylvania Soldiers Orphans School, High School
Department, at Scotland, Pa.
Members of the two year group have places as followsfifesi
Hazel Andrews— Pine Grove School, Franklin County.
Harriet Boone—Walnut, Pa.
Ruthanna Buck—Intermediate Grade,-».Enola, Cumberland County.
Ethel Allen is substituting in the Schools of Harrisburg.
Ethel Bradenbaughi will teach the fifth grade at Hershey.
Christine Bossert— Rural School in Perry County.
Helen Cohill,—Mt Pleasant School,,Monroe Twp., Cumberland County.
Dorothy Carter—Second Grade, York, Pa.
Algie Emery— Rural School in Center County.
Myrtle Frey— Rural School in York County.
Laura Irwin— Intermediate Grades) Bellewood, Pa.
Mary Kerr—5th Grade, Carlisle, Pa.
Inez Kolb— Rural School, Adams County.
Mildred Knippel-SRural School, York County.
Mary Krug— 5th Grade, York, Pa.
Grace Kuhn— Grade one, Cashtown, Pa.
Catherine Ihrig—Wilson Bldg., York, Pa.
Floyd Kelley—Three Springs, Huntingdon County,
Mary Grattan—Intermediate Grade, Portage, Pa.
Hazel Grissinger—Grades three, four, and five, Broad Top City.
James MjcDannell— Rural School, Adams County.
Anna Messner—Washington Twp.,. Dauphin County.
Kathryn Metzker— Consolidated School, Bedford County.
Cecelia Millhouse—Rural School, York County.
Mary Lewis— Grade two, Langhorne, Pa.
Ruth LongsWellsville, Pa.
Louise Lower—York, Pa.
Phyllis Mingle—Grade one, Mountaindale, Pa.
Nellie JVliller—Rural School', Bedford County.
Mary Myers—Primary Grades, Hyndman, Pa.
Verna McCleary—Rural School, Bedford County.
Idella Oxley—Fourth. Grade, Steelton, Pa.
Stanton Benchoff—Fifth Grade, Vintondale, Pa.
Sarah Oyer—Rural School, Adams County.
Bertha Peeht— Rural School, Mifflin County.
Mary Rebert—Rural School, Silver Spring Twp., Cumberland County.
Lelia Rinard—Rural School, Bedford County.
Erna Schetrompf—Rural School, Fulton County.
Blair Shaffer—Rural School, Bedford County.
Blanche Bates—2nd Grade, Wormleysburg, Pa.
Harriet Bernhardt— Swatara Twp., Dauphin County.
Lou Dennis Betts— Quincy Twp., Franklin County.
Evelyn Bowser— Grades one to four, Pleasantville, Pa.
Fay Bradford—Rural School, Juniata County.
Mabel Brymesser—Pennsboro Twp., Cumberland County.
Virginia Burley—Grades five and six, Upper Paxton, Dauphin County.
Helen Cless— Grade five, Harris Bldg., Harrisburg,
Kathryn Conover—Mt. Joy Twp., Adams County.
Ivalilian Crist—Paint Twp., Somerset County.
Martha Critchley—Grades one and two, Shiremanstown, Pa.
Kathleen Dorner—Intermediate Grades, Carlisle, Pa.
Velda Duvall—Rural School, Fulton County.
Ruby Elliott— Rural School, Franklin County.
Isabel Fretz, First 'Grade, Boiling Springs, Pa.
Mary Garrettson—Rural School, Cumberland County.
Lowell Gearheart—Montgomery Twp., Franklin County.
Erma Thumma—Grades two and three, Swatara Twp., Dauphin Co.
Harriet Robinson—Hoffman Orphanage, Adams County.
Isabel Shoap—First Grade, Hew Cumberland, Pa.
Parker Smith—Rural School, York County.
Helen Vanderau— Grades one, two, and three, Quincy Orphanage,
Franklin County.
Ada Wagner— Rural School, Juniata County.
Margaret Wentz—Rural School, Adams County.
Miriam Wilt, Rural School, York County.
Mildred Wagner, 5, 6, and 7 grades, Milroy, Pa.
Kauffman-Witmer. Miss Grace Witmer, a former student at
Shippensburg, was married to Mr. Lester Kauffman in the Bethel
United Brethren Church near Dover, Pa„ by Rev. W. T. Kaufman.
Mr. Kauffman is Pastor of the Carlisle United Brethren church and
will attend Gettysburg Theological Seminary during the coming year.
Briner-Rinehart. The marriage of Miss Catherine Rinehart and
Mr. Paul G. Briner has been announced by Miss Rinehart’s mother.
The ceremony took place on July 29 in the Lutheran Church at New
port. Miss Rinehart was a former student o f Shippensburg.
Miss Elizabeth Sarah Goodling, ’29, was
married to Mr. Charles Wilmer Knouse on Saturday, June 21, at Penbrook, Pa.
Eiler-Seip. Mrs. Anna C. Seip has announced the marriage of
her daughter, Irene ’22, on June 23 to Mr. James H. Eiler.
Shuler-Blackburn. Mr. Philip K. 'Shuler, ’30 and Miss Phyllis E.
Blackburn, ’27, were married at the home of the bride, Hummelstown,
Pa., on August 15. Mrs, Shuler has taught for the last three years
in the schools of West Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Shuler will reside
in Hershey where Mr. Shuler, will teach during the coming year.
Coover-Alter. Mrs. Margaret Alter of Shippensburg has an
nounced the marriage of her daughter Mary Margaret to Mr. Samuel
M. Coover, ’05, of Shippensburg, on August 28. .The ceremony was
performed by Rev. R. A. Blair o f the Covenanter Church of New
Kensington, at the home of the bride. The newly-weds will reside in
Shippensburg where Mr. Coover has been engaged in business for a
number of years.
Barbour-Gibbs, Miss Carrie Gibbs ’26, of Chambersburg and Mr.
J. William Barbour, ’30, o f Shippensburg, were married at York by
the bride’s pastor, Rev. E. E.. Spatz, August 23. Mr. and Mrs.
Barbour will reside at the LaRue Apartments, Newtown, Pa., where
Mr. Barbour will teach in the high school and act as athletic coach.
Kintner-McElroy. Miss Mary Renfew McElroy, ’06, of Fayette
ville, Pa., was married at her home- on August 5, to Mr. Ralph J.
Kintner of East Orange, N. J., by Rev. Ralph W. Linn of the St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church at Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Kintner will
reside at Breezewood, N. J., where the bride was formerly employed
as a teacher of domestic science in the high school.
Shuler-Baxstresser. Mr. Clarence A. Shuler, ’26, of Highspire,
and Miss Edith Baxstresser of Middletown were married at the
Church of God, August 23, by Rev. Jonaes Martin. They will reside
at the corner of Spring and Main streets in Middletown.
Walker-Bair. Miss Ruthanna Bair ’28, of Camp Hill was married
to Mr. Paul H. Walker of Lewisberry at Goldsboro, Pa., by the Rev.
J. H. August Borléis, They will reside in Connellsville where Mr.
Walker is an instructor in the high school.
Schwinger-Smith. Mr. E. Raymond 'Schwinger, ’30, and Miss
Anna Ruth Smith of Hagerstown, :Md., were married in the Hagers
town, Md., Lutheran church on August 14. Mr. and Mrs. Schwinger
left immediately for Morrisville, Pa., where Mr.. Schwinger is em
ployed as a teacher in the high school.
Hosler-Kendig. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kendig o f Newburg have
announced the marriage of their daughter Grace Luetta, ’25, to Victor
Hosier of Upper Mifflin Township, Cumberland County. They will
reside in the Clouse Property in 'Carlisle, Pa.
Ryan-Gibbons. Miss Kathleen Virginia Gibbons, ’23, of Altoona,
became the ibride of Mr. Earl H. Ryan, ’26, formerly of Miechanicsburg, on June 26. The ceremony was performed in St. Luke’s Epis
copal Church, Altoona, by the Rector, Rev. R. L. Hatch. Mr. Ryan
is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Columbia Uni
versity. He is instructor in the Department of Public Speaking in
the College of the City of New York. The newly-weds will reside
at Valley Stream, Long Island.
Jordon-Rhine. Miss Maude Rhine, ’19, of Marion and Mr. Roy
W. Jordon of Philadelphia were married at the home of the bride on
July 17 by John C. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Jordon will reside in
Cupid Gets Busy Among Thie Faculty and Former Members
Mr. Harper J. Wentz ’18 and Miss Kathryn Wilson ’23 were
united in marriage on August 9 at the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Wilson at Abbottstown. Mrs. Wentz has been
a teacher for several years in the East Berlin High School. Mr.
Wentz was graduated from Franklin and Marshall College and re
cently received the master degree from Teachers College, Columbia
University. They reside at North Morris street, Shippensburg, Pa.
Miss Kathryn Cox, who will be remembered as a former art
teacher at this institution, was married to Mr. Richard Wellington
Smith of Atlanta, Georgia, but formerly of Gardner, Mass. Mir. and
Mrs. Smith will reside at Peach Tree Hills, Willow Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs, Robert Bowman Hudson has announced the marriage of her
daughter, Ellen Howe, to Mr. Thomas Jefferson Pennington on Sat
urday, September 6 in New York City. Mjr. Pennington is known to
many of our graduates because o f his work as a teacher of English,
and as faculty adviser for the Campus Reflector.
He is now a
member of the faculty of the College of the City of New York.
PRICE. Doris Cope Price was born at Bair’s Maternity Home,
Waynesboro, Pa., on May 21, 1930. She will reside permanently at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Price. M rs/Trice will be remem
bered as Sara Cope, ’19.
HOSTETTER. Mr. and Mrs. John Hostetter of Carlisle an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis May, on Tuesday, September
2. Mrs. Hostetter will be remembered as Miss Helen Booz ’21.
Estella E. Felton
Estella E. Felton died at her home near Breezewood, Bedford
County, May 12, 1930.
She was graduated from the Shippensburg State Normal in 1897.
After teaching a few years in her home county she went to
Johnstown where she taught for some time when ill health caused
her to resign. She remained with her home folks for some time
and again resumed work in Bedford County.
She possessed rare charms of heart and mind and was a member
of the Methodist church. Many times do we remember of the good
deeds she has done and we know that she’s rewarded with a heavenly
crown she won.
Frances A. Fetter
Miss Frances A. Fetter, died at her home, 22 North Earl street,
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, on September 11, after an illness of
several years. Miss Fetter was graduated from this institution in
1879 and taught for a number of years in the schools of Cumberland
County. Her last ten years as a teacher were spent in the schools
of Mechanicsburg. She was buried in the family plot in Spring Hill
Cemetery with Rev. F. I. M. Thomas, her pastor, officiating.
Martha Wahrmann Reed
Martha Wahrmann Reed ’23 died on June 13 at the Allentown
Hospital following birth of babe. She was aged 27 years 8 months
and 28 days. Before her marriage to Jacob Reed she taught in the
public schools of Allentown. Funeral services were held from her
late home 1617% Tilghman street, Allentown and Grace Lutheran
Church. Interment was made in Grandview Cemetery, Allentown.
She is survived by her husband, a two-year old daughter, Doris Ann,
Baby Reed, her parents, Rev and Mrs. H. E. C. Wahrmann, and the
following sisters and brother, Mrs. J. Earl Snyder, Shamokin, Ruth,
’24, Carrie ’29, Hilda, Luther and Frieda.
Dr. E. W. Cashman
Dr. E. W. Cashman died at his home in York Springs on Septem
ber 6. He was aged sixty-nine years and had been in failing health
for several months.
Dr. Cashman was widely known in Adams County and will be
remembered by many of our Alumni as a former student at this in
stitution. He entered the medical school at the University of Penn
sylvania and after his graduation located in York Springs where he
practiced his profession for forty-five years. He is survived by his
widow, a son, and a daughter.
Class of 1902
Adams, Charles H., Bartow, Florida.
Beacham, H. H., 801 56th St., Eldorado, Pa.
Beck, Alice (Ivins, William A.), Media, Pa. R. No. 3.
Bell, Gail R., Gettysburg, Pa. R. No. 10.
Billow, M. 0., 2419 North Fifth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Bogner, Isaac F., Dauphin, Pa.
Bollinger, Howard W., Newton Hamilton, Pa.
Bosserman, Lemuel A., Barnesboro, Pa.
Bovey, W. O.
Bower, Mary A. (Fullerton), 511 N. Blaekstone St., Jackson, Mich.
Boyd, Ardella M. (Möhler, I. S.), Walnut Bottom, Pa.
Browne, Clare J.
Brubaker, Gertrude, Hummelstown, Pa.
Burd, E. H., 310 Broadway, West Cape May, N. J.
Campbell, R. C., Died August 15, 1910.
Clegg, Aletha M., New Bloomfield, Pa.
Clever, Cora B., (Rupp, Paul B.), Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
Crist, J. R., Newport, Pa.
Cunningham, Elizabeth (Harper), Easthampton, Mass.
Davis, Maude, Died April 1, 1903.
Davis, W. Ray, Marysville, Pa.
Deardorff, Grace B. (Bream, John C.), Gettysburg, Pa.
Dick, Edith B. (Bowman, Samuel A.), Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Diven, Helen (Blessing, Edward H.), New Bloomfield, Pa.
Downs, Gwendolyn (Pentz, H. L.), 1108 W. Broad St., Bethlehem, Pa.
Eisenhart, Elsie E., Ebensburg Pa.
Elliott, Matilda S. (Stuart, H. C.), 504 N. 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Eppley, Mabel (Roberts, F. W .), Marysville, Pa.
Feidt, Charles P., 3516 Brisban St., Paxtang, Pa.
Felton, Edna L. (Boor), Bedford, Pa. R. No. 3.
Felty, Mervin E., Carlisle, Pa.
Ferguson, J. F., Camp Hill, Pa. R. No. 1.
Fickes, W. Sager, Box 750, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Fishel, W. G., 2114 Market St., York, Pa.
Fogelsanger, Florence (Murphy Rev. Ross D.), 2260 N. Park Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Foose, Carrie M., Died July 12, 1905.
Foote, James R., Died February 16, 1928.
Fulton, Laura B., 531 Graham St., Carlisle, Pa.
Gingrich, Elmer H., 406 E. Cherry St., Palmyra, Pa.
Gray, Alyce S., 1326 Vernon St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Gray, Harry E. D., 229 W. Second St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Greenawalt, Levi F., Everett, Pa. R. No. 2.
Grove, Rhoda (Fishel, W. G.), 2114 Market St., York, Pa.
Grubb, Cloyd, Died January 28, 1921.
Grubb, Clarence, Millerstown, Pa.
Guyer, Roy J., Storrs, Conn.
Hamil, R. C., Venetia, Pa.
Hamilton Sadee I. (Billow, M. O.), 2419 N. Fifth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Harlan, Maÿme (Failor, F. A.), 104 E. Simpson St.,: Mechanicsburg,
Hershey, Abner, 167 Hazelwood Ave., Barbertown, Ohio.
Hershey, Samuel E., Cor. Brandon & Welty Sts., Greensburg, Pa.
Hill, Bess B. (Bair), Died December 22, 1918.
Hoak, Blanche J. (Greenawalt, L. P.), River Drive, Harrisburg, Pa.
Hocker, Arthur P., Died February 21, 1925.
Hocker, P. L,, 2522 Lexington St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Hoke, H. A., Spring Grove, Pa.
Holtzinger, Ella B. (Edgar), 415 Spruce St., Altoona, Pa.
Hoover, Minnie
Howard, Eli G., 116 W. Maple St., York, Pa.
Jackson, Andrew, New Buffalo, Pa.
Jacoby, Ralph, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Kapp, Edith M. (Williams, L, P.), 11 W. Coover St., Mechanicsburg,
Kennedy, W. F., 1611 Hillsdale Ave., Dormont, Pa.
Kines, T. P., 15 S. i5th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Kines, W. J., Elizabethtown, Pa.
Knupp, Charles A., Died October 17, 1918.
Kob, John F., 1501 Swatara St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Konhaus, Frank B., Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Kuntz, Letti (Strayer), Dillsburg, Pa.
Landis, Sara^Feidt, Charles P.), 3516 Brisban- Sti, Paxtang, Pa.
Leopold, W. L., 504 Elliott St., Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Ludwig, L. G., Muncy, Pa.
Lukens, Annie E. (Shearn, G’. S.), Keystone Apts., 2nd and Donnan
.'Sts., Washington, Pa.
McCloskey, Minnie R. (Baker, J. M.), 4159 Drexel Bldg., Chicago, 111.
McCune, Elizabeth (McClelland, Jeff), Kennett Square, Pa.
McFarland, Mabel (Richards, John I.), 221 Clarenden Ave., Canton,
McMorris, Edith, 5 Lincoln Apts., Ardmore, Pa.
McSherry, S. E., Died August 24, 1905.
Martin, C. C., Carlisle, Pa.
Metzger, Almena K., 1436 W. Market St., York, Pa.
Miller, Edgar A., Gettysburg, Pa.
Miller, Mary B. (Noll, Walter L.), Chatham, N. J. R. No. 2.
Miller, N. Grace (Walters, Blaine E.)> Brownsville, Texas. >
Mitchell, Alton R.
Morrette, Rhoda (Rider, Ira), 1502 Market St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Mountz, Elsie K. (Noel, J. P.), 808 Gasco Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Mountz, Harry W., Spring Lake, N. J.
Moyer, Viola (Hempel).
Myers, Daisy A. (Erwin, Frank), 1503A Third St., Washington, D.
Myers, Frank 0;, Singer Bldg., 149 Broadway, New York City, N.
Myers, J. C., Stockton, Illinois.
Nickles, Nora K. (Knupp, J. Arthur), Cor. 6th & Potomac Ave.,
Waynesboro, Pa.
Nisley, Violet E. (Shaffer, Roy), Died August 18, 1911.
Noll, Walter L., Chatham, N. J. R. No. 2.
Ober, Charles H., New Buffalo, Pa.
Peiffer, Elmer E.jBlll N. Franklin St.* Waynesboro, Pa.
Peters, Sue (Wright), Breezewood, Pa.
Plank, Grace F. (Weikert, C. R.), 22 N. Highland Ave., York, Pa.
Potter, Clara A. (Countermine).
Rice, W. G.,; Carlisle, Pa.
Riddlesberger, H. M., 104 S. Broad St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Ridgway, Frances L. (Shelby, Sidney R.), 16 Charles 'St., Uniontown,
Rhea, John R., Tarentum, Pa.
Shive, John W., New Brunswick, N. J.
Shryock, Mabel K.
Smith, L. E., Hagerstown, Md. R. No. 4.
Smith, Mervin E., New Freedom, Pa.
Spangler, C. W., Dover, Pa.
Sparrow, Jeannette (Plank), Died December 11, 1915.
Stevens, Phaniah (Dawson), Stockett, Montana.
Stevens, Isa (White, H. W .), 499 W. Mt. Carmel Ave., Glenside, Pa.
Stine, Harvey A., 1701 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Stover, Anna (Emigh), Died 1919.
Strohm, Zora E. (Demmy, Rev. A. S.), Narberth, Pa.
Swartz, Zula M., New Bloomfield, Pa.
Sweigart, S. C., Linglestown, Pa. R. No. 2.
Taughenbaugh, Jane C. (Weaver, Frank), Gettysburg, Pa.
Tolan, Margaret (Brandner, Jack F.), 412 Prospect Ave., West
Bethlehem, P'a.
Walhay, W. D., Died April 12, 1918.
Wlalter, Ada M., 315 W. Main St., Hummelstown, Pa’.
Walter, Genifrede, 211 High St., Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Walters, Nettie B. (Grimm, Edward L.), 1536 Walnut.St., Harrisburg,
Ward, Charles H., 239 N j 14th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Weaver, Willis A., Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 6.
Whitcomb, Murray R., 346 S. West St., Carlisle, Pa.
White, Laura (Geib, F. W .), Marysville, Pa.
White, Mabel (Cunningham, R. H.), Marysville, Pa.
Whorley, J. Edward, 242 Maclay St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Williams, Effie, Box No. 142, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Witmer, Sadie (Weigrist, Elam), Died October 30, 1925.
Class of 1903
Bittinger, Helen (Bowman), Allen, Pa.
Clever, Sara Blanche, 313 E. King St., Shippensburg, 'Pa.
Crunkleton, L. Dale, 325 Fourth St., New Cumberland, Pa.
Cunningham, Elizabeth (Harper, Jay), Easthampton, Mass. .
Davis, W. P., Died October 17, 1915.
Fogelsanger, Florence (Murphy, Rev. Ross D.), 2260 N. Park Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Fulcher, Maude L. (Calahan, James M.), Morgantown, West Virginia.
Greason, Nell W., Carlisle, Pa.
Guyer, Roy J., Storrs, Conn.
Hafer, John R., 102 E. 26th St., Lansdowne, Pa.
Hamilton, Mary C. (Runkle, H. W .), 1429 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Hemphill, Thomas, Box 393, Newville, Pa.
Jackson, Andrew, New Buffalo, Pa.
Jones, Grace (Zug, George), Chambersburg, Pa.
Kutzmiller, Jessie H. (Willis, William), Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 2.
Lentz, Rosa (Clemens), York Haven, Pa.
McCullough, Jane H., 102 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle, Pa.
Marshall, Sabina (Lee, William O.), South Pork, Pa.
Mellinger, Ira C., Died February 12, 1921.
Middlekoff, Ethel K. (Thompson, P. J.), “ The Guerrard” , New Castle,
Myers, Eva M. (Sheaffer, Oliver), 76 Washington Blvd., Williamsport,
Newton, Emily M. (Johnson, Jay S.), 903 Adams St., Owosso, Mich.
Nickles, Nora K. (Knupp, J. Arthur), Cor. 6th & Potomac Ave.,
Waynesboro, Pa.
Patterson, Flora B. (Clark, Howard C.), Morrisville, Pa.
Taylor, Roy M., Shippensburg, Pa.
Wherry, William G., 325 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J.
Whorley, J. Edward, 242 Maclay St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Wineman, George E., 36 Seeley Black, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Zumbro, W. F., Died October 7, 1921.
Class of 1904
Adams, Frank A., 145 Sylvan Terrace, Harrisburg, Pa.
Angle, Edith (Herman, P. W.), Box No. 245, Manette, Washington.
Arnold, Frank A., Bedford, Pa.
Baughman, Edna, Hanover, Pa.
Berry, Bess F., 100 31st St., Woodcliffe, N. J.
Blair, Elizabeth, Chambersburg, Pa.
Bingham, Claire N. (Hawley), Los Angeles, Calif. (General Delivery)
Bressler, R. G., 2041 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Burkhart, Miriam M. (Bower, James), 2750 Webster St., Berkeley,
Clegg, Aletha, New Bloomfield, Pa.
Corwin, Helen A., 126 W. 97th St., New York City, N. Y.
Deardorff, Anna V. (Bushey, J. Blaine), Biglerville, Pa.
Dengler, Margie (Croll, E. E.), 264 Mather Row, Jenkintown, Pa.
Dohner, Naomi (Uhler, Joseph M.), 860 Maple 'St., Indiana, Pa.
1 HE
Dunlap, James M., Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 2.
Eldon, Clara B., Mont Alto, Pa.
Evans, Harry W., 229 Willow St., Carlisle, Pa.
Foltz, Mary (Sauder, Joseph B.),22 E. Holly Ave., Oaklyn, N. J.
Frey, Charles S., Fairfield, Pa.
Gardner, Stelle (Myers, Grover), Gardners, Pa.
Geyer, A. R., Middletown, Pa.
Glessner, Gertrude (Taylor, Roy M.), 206 N. Prince St., Shippens
burg, Pa.
Gray, Winfield H., Elliottsburg, Pa.
Heefner, Annie (Eshelman, E. E.), Crystal, Michigan.
Hemphill, J. Sharpe, Newville, Pa.
Jacoby, Ralph, Mechanicsburg, Pa,
Jones, Anna M., Yakima, Washington.
Jumper, Alice, 4 No. 3rd St., Steelton, Pa.
Kapp, George E., 53 Waller Ave., White Plains, N. Y.
Klepper, Rebecca I. (Rentz, G. S.), Naval Air Station, Pensacola,
McPherson, Robert E., New Bloomfield, Pa.
Mlanbeck, Araminta (Hockley), 212 Chestnut St., Lebanon, Pa.
Martin, Florence (Cohick, Willis), Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 8.
Mason, Maude (Turner), Doylestown, Pa.
Means, M. Isabella (Haverstick, H. W .), 240 Mooreland Ave., Carlisle,
Miller, Donie A. (Reneker, Walter L.)
Miller, Edgar A., Gettysburg, Pa.
Morrison, Edith, Shippensburg, Pa.
Myers, Blanche (Webber, H. R.), 201 Leon Ave., Norwood, Pa,
Myers, 'Velva, Greason, Pa.
Needy, Mabel, 24 W, Main St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Nickles, Mary (Mark, George E.), Shippensburg, Pa.
Ober, C. R., New Buffalo, Pa.
Plum, Charles N., 605 Beacon Ave., Paulsboro, N. J.
Reeder, John C., Shippensburg, Pa.
Reeder, Mary K. (Biggs, Rev. Elmer J.), 140 Headley Terrace, Irv
ington, N. J.
Reese, Earl, Chambersburg, Pa.
Reisner, Wilhelmina (Nelson, Russell), St. James School, Md.
Reynolds, Lottie, Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Ruth, Mark W., Newburg, Pa.
Ruthrauff, Mabel (Hetrick, Dr. D. J.), 122 S. Broad St., Waynesboro,
Sanders,. Bertha (Miller, Lester), 500 E. Catherine St., Chambers-
burg, Pa,
Sheaffer, Esther (Landis), Enola, Pa.
Shipman, Ira W., Died August 31, 1909.
Smith, Anna (Taylor, Kyle), Reedsville, Pa.
Smith, Lydia (Reese, Rush), Shippensburg, Pa.
Speck, V. Pearl, 53 W. 91st St., New York City, N. Y.
Stamy, Leslie D., 15 Howard St., Apt, 9, Atlanta, Georgia.
Starry, W. Roy, York Springs, Pa.
Strohm, Pearl (Emerick, Irvin K.), 1007 California Ave., Avalon,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ward, John A., 50 S. Pomfret St., Carlisle, Pa.
Wolfe, Grover C., 34 Progress, Pa.
Wright, Jessie, 362 Locust St., Steelton, Pa.
Yohe, Ira H., 35 S. 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Class of 1905
Arter, Florence (White, J. R.), Mt. Yernon, N. Y.
Bailey, William, Died July 10, 1912,
Barner, Charles I., Liverpool, Pa.
Beard, Florence (McNeill, J. P.), Sitka, Alaska.
Bender, E. Ethan, 738 N. Sixth St., Allentown, Pa.
Bitner, E. T., Waynesboro, Pa.
Bitting, Pearl, Died September 27, 1910.
Bittinger, Margaretta (Marks, Bruce E.), 1515 Naudain St., Harris
burg, Pa.
Blessley, Ruth F. (Konhaus, Frank B.), Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Bortner, L. S., Englishtown, N. J,
Clemens, Lloyd C. Died February 6, 1922.
Cochlin, C. L., 3027 Chestnut St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Coover, Katie (Railing, Jerry R.), Shippensburg, Pa.
Coover, Samuel, Shippensburg, Pa.
Cover, Linnie (Kunkel, G. E.), 523 E. King St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Dinsmore, Mary (Hoke), Millstone, Md.
Dunlap, Lena M., 43 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
Edwards, Ethel V. (Boggs, Francis S.), 2822 Oak St., Jacksonville,
Egolf, Ruth G., Schellsburg, Pa.
Eldon, James B., 1741 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Eshenower, Grace, 1416 Yerbeke St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Eyster, Helen, 608 N. West St., Carlisle, Pa.
Foreman, Nellie (Enck, Samuel G.), Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 5.
Gillan, Carrie B., Port Loudon, Pa.
Gingrich, Alma, Palmyra, Pa.
Gochenauer, Carrie (Reeser, Dr. N. B.), 139 E. Chestnut St., Lancas
ter, Pa.
Gochenauer, Joice (Morrison), Barnitz, Pa.
Goshorn, Kathryn (Minium, Raymond N.), 22 E. Keller St., Meehanicsburg, Pa,
Gray, Helen (Robertson, Clifford), 449 Fourth St., Charleroi, Pa.
Griffith, Thomas C., Enola, Pa.
Grimm, Iva M., 1202 E. King St., York, Pa.
Haar, Emma, Hanover, Pa.
Harbold, Flora E. (Raynolds, Paul), Died April 16, 1923.
Henry, Donald N., 13 Rudolph Ave., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Heyler, Elizabeth (Stacks), York, Pa. R. No. 4.
Hixson, Grace (Patterson, Williams), 549 High St., South Browns
ville, Pa.
Hocker, Florence (Goodfellow, G. B.), Box D, Highspire, Pa.
Jackson, Edith (Ober, Charles H.), New Buffalo, Pa.
Jobe, Stella M. (Stallsmith, J. C.), York Springs, Pa.
Johnson,, Clara (Calbert, Rev. T. J.), 623 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore,
Jones, Martha (Prout, Haydn P.), Wisconisco, Pa.
Koons, Ralph, Newville, Pa.
LeFever, Grace (Scott, William A ), Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 8.
LeFever, Fannie L, 1221 Foulkrod St., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.
Line, George W., 21 S. Pitt St., Carlisle, Pa.
Logue, Webster M., 119 Park Ave., New Castle, Pa,
'Lyter, George C., Montourville, Pa.
MlcCulloch, Leila, Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 2.
McCullough, Mary (Robison, Corbin E.), 425 Maple St., Fort Morgan,
Mc'Keever, Emily (Schnurman, Carl H.,), 1647 Linden St., Allentown,
McLaughlin, John H., Westfield, N. J.
Morton, W. Don, 2721 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa.
Mowrey, D. Floyd, 431 Harris St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Myers, Ethel, 2304 First St.,, N. W., Washington, D. G.
Myers, Garry C., 1000 Elban Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland Ohio.
Oberholtzer, Araminta, (Richardson, Clark).
Pearson, Jean E., York Springs, Pa.
Pearson, Hazel E., York Springs, Pa.
Philips, Elizabeth, Died October 31, 1918.
Plasterer, Blanche, Died April 18, 1909.
Reese, Bessie, Burnt Cabins, Pa.
Rhodes, Harriet, Millersburg, Pa.
Robb, Nellie (Weaver, Arthur G.), 219 S. Ninth St., Lebanon, Pa.
Schwartz, Paul A., York, Pa. R. No. 7.
Sheaffer, Ira L., Northampton, Pa. R. No. 2.
Shuck, Ira W., Waynesboro, Pa.
Spong, Bertha (Ferguson, J. F.), Camp Hill, Pa. R. No. 1.
Stambaugh, Elda G., 213 Muench St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Strickhouser, Mary (Gandy), 8215 West Chester Pike, Philadelphia,
Stuart, Ella, Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 5.
Thomas, S. B., Died August 15, 1927.
Uhler, J. M., 860 Maple St., Indiana, Pa.
Underwood, Alfred I., 8 S. Norris Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.
Watson, W. Stuart, 606 DeKalb St., Norristown, Pa.
Whetstone, 'George H., 134 Snider Ave., Waynesboro, Pa.
Wier, Eva., 11 N. 34th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wise, Nancy (Taylor, Theo), 55 Cleveland Ave., Norwood, Pa.
Class of 1906
Agle, Brady, Box 212, Progress, Pa.
Bailey, Jennie P., Died March 10, 1910.
Baish, Melvin, Artesia, New Mexico.
Barbour, Florence L., Boiling Springs, Pa.
Barrett, Ethel C, (Gregg, Walter E.), Newport, Pa.
Bentz, Lillian M., Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.
Berry, ,C. Bruce, 316 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Books, Blanche F. (Alberti), Cambridge, Nebraska.
Brown, Norway (Lau, Eli), Littlestown, Pa.
Brunner, Cora A. (Miller, Nelson G.), 28 N. Fourth St., Lemoyne, Pa.
Carothers Carl O., Box 106, Grafton, Pa.
Clark, Mattie (Gillan, C. Frank), St. Thomas, Pa.
Commerer, Bessie (Felix, B. H.), Newville, Pa. R. No. 1,
Cook, Scott H., 6601 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Coover, Iva (McCaleb), Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 8.
Cover, Verna (Hustler), Died February 22, 1922.
Craig, Hugh, Montpelier Station, Virginia.
Craig, Mary (Colliflower, G. R.), Died June 20, 1915.
Cramer, Harry A., Died August 17, 1911.
Daniels, J. Frank, Rutledge, Pa.
Dohner, Samuel L., Charleston, West Virginia, c-o Union Mission.
Eichinger, Katherine (Cobean), Died June, 1922.
Elliot, Ruth (Wyckoff, J. Harvey), Died May 1, 1925.
Enck, Rhoda (Strock), Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Fogelsanger, Effie M., Shippensburg, Pa.
Foreman, Sadiei E. (Moyer), Linglestown, Pa.
Fought, Anna G. (Hempt, G. L.), Camp Hill, Pa.
Geiss, Elmer E., 1114 Exeter St., Reading, Pa.
Gracey, G. Reed, New Cumberland, Pa.
Gracey, Mary L. (VanWart, J. S.), 327 Meadow St., Rye, New York.
Graham, Frances Mj., Newville, Pa,
Hartman, Anna (Carbaugh) Arendtsville, Pa.
Hauer, Raymond L., 2253 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Henry, Emma A. (Srnyser, James A.), 1906 Walnut St., Harrisburg,
Hershey, L. Otis, Dillsburg, Pa. R. No. 4.
Hill, Carolyn (Morton, W. Don), 2721 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa.
Hoffner, Lizzie E. (Hoffman, James A ), Elizabethville, Pa.
Kann, Grace (Heiser, J. M.), Newville, Pa.
Keiter, William I., 53 Linden Ave., Cherrydale, Virginia.
Kimmei, W. J., Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. 6.
Kirkpatrick, Harry M., 214 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Kuhn, Samuel, 492 E. Queen St., Chambersburg, Pa,
Lehman, Helen M. (Whitmoyer, Raymond), 43 N. Aberdeen Place,
Atlantic City, N. J.
McClelland, Mary (Line, Edgar L.) 1002 Seventeenth St., Altoona, Pa,
McCullough, Hugh, 7932 Westmoreland Ave., Swissvale, Pa.
McCune, W. Alexander, 204 Reilly St., Harrisburg, Pa.
McElroy, Mary, 37 Ridgewood St., Ridgewood, N. J.
McLaughlin, Curtin C., Millersburg, Pa.
McNaughton, Carrie (Stowder, W. W .), 1108 21st St., Altoona, Pa.
Mellinger, Gertrude (Weidner, Harry E.), Gardners, Pa.
Mowery, Raymond G., Quincy, Pa.
Myers, Hattie B., 1617 N. 'Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Myers, M. Edith, Died February 1928.
Myers, Paul F., 102 Melrose St., Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Neagley, H. C., Fallsington, Pa.
Neagley, S. M., State Teachers College, California, Pa.
Patton, Ruth (Grove Melvin), 625 Hummel Ave., Lemoyne, Pa.
Quig, Evelyn, East Waterford, Pa.
Reinecker, D. Elizabeth (Hicks), 203 S. St. N. E-, Washington, D. C.
Russell, Helen (Allen, Abram), Lees Cross Roads, Pa.
Schubauer, Catherine (Keller, Davis C.), Linglestown, Pa. R. 1.
Scott, J. Belle (Stackhouse, James L.), 620 Weygadt Drive, Easton,
Seville, Harry E., Trafford, Pa.
Sheely, Clinton 'C., 320 Baltimore St., Greencastle, Pa.
Shields, Laura ,M., Died August 29, 1913.
Shutt, Ella N., Elizabethville, Pa.
Sloan, Emma, 216 Venango St. Johnstown, Pa.
Smith, Bessie (Allison, Robert), Shippensburg, Pa.
Smith, Maude (Nell), 2710 Jefferson St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Snoke Errol, Shippensburg, Pa.
Stambaugh, Claudia (Senft, W. Clarence), Spring Grove, Pa.
Starry, D. Ralph, 1309 Denmark Road, Plainfield, N. J.
Swartz Amy (Spangler, Rev. Henry T.), Lutherville, Maryland.
Taughinbaugh, Abigail V. (Linton, Rev. J. M.), 4500 Tyson St.,
Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa.
Thrush, Clarence, Progress, Pa.
Trogler, M ary-(Rotz, J. S.), Fort Loudon, Pa.
Troxell, Helen M. (Greist, J. R.), 321 Second Ave., Spokane, Wash
Unger, S. Dewey, 810 N. 16th St'4 Harrisburg, Pa.
Zeigler, Paul B., State Sanitarium, Säbillisville Md.
Zerfoss Helen (Angeny), Quarters E. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H.
Class of 1907
Agle, Nancy (Bush, Eugene) Palmyra, N. J.
Arnold, Robert, 1256 Girard Ave., Wyomissing, Pa.
Asper, Elda M., 1616 Swatara St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Arter, Esther K. (White, James) Arlington,-Virginia.
Barr, Mary (Abbott) Colfax, Washington.
Benner, Grace (Appier, John) Gettysburg, Pa.
Berry, Alta (Goyt, H. A.) 46 Stewart Place, Shippensburg, Pa,
Bittinger, Laura, Biglerville, Pa.
Bowman, Harry S., 626 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bream, Carrie E. (Bream, Guy E.), Gettysburg, Pa.
Brinkerhoff, Lulu (Hudd, Rev. Albert) 61 W. Oneida St., Oswego, N.
Brown, Bess (Devany) 520 Jefferson Ave., Elizabeth, N. J.
Brown, Marge (Fox, Alvin) 173 Madison Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J.
Byers, Olive (Dintman, W, P.)2210 S. Third St., Steelton, Pa.
Clever, Ethel, 313 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Chase, Amy, 322 S. 87st St., W. Philadelphia, Pa.
Clippinger, Florence, 407 Otterbein Press, Dayton, Ohio.
Cook, James E., Evanston, Wyoming.
Craig, Emma (Reed, Donald) 34 E. North St., Hagerstown, Md.
Cross, E. May, Parkton, Md.
Cunningham, Janet, Fairfield, Pa.
Curley, Emma, Mercersburg, Pa.
Diehl, Luther, Greencastle, Pa.
Dohner, Benprah, (Freeman, Walter) Died November 13, 1914.
Dohner, Emma (Diggins, Prof. Eldon 0 .) 1140 Bedford St., Johns
town, Pa.
Dohner, Ruth (Harrison, J. J.) 5th Floor, S. W. Tel. Building, Ft.
Worth, Texas.
Early, Snively, Greencastle, Pa.
Eby, Cora (Geiss, Elmer) Elizabethville, Pa.
Fickes, M. Gertrude (Wolf, Lawrence), Newport, Pa.
Fisher, Nora (Dohner, A. J.) 11 Johnston St., Salem, N. J.
Fogelsanger, S. L., Manchester, Md.
Foltz, Emma, Died August, 1914.
Freet, J. L., 556 Nelson St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Gettel, Zora, Y. W. C. A., Atlantic City, N. J.
Gilbert, Elsie (Henry, Marvin) 338 E. Burd St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Goodhart, Oren, 1937 State St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Gossert, Carrie (Newman) Waynesboro, Pa.
Grubb, Norman, Millerstown, Pà.
Grubb, Orpha (Yottey, George) 1609 Naudin St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Guyer, George, 1302 N. James St., Rome, N. Y.
Hamil, Nell, (Gordon, James) 868 Fourth Ave., New Kensington, Pa.
Harbison, Harriet, (Fleming, J. E.) 201 Burk St., Easton, Pa.
Harlacher, John E., 4007 Trowbridge St., El Paso, Texas. ~
Hosfeld, Nell (Byers, W. A.) Lampeter, Pa.
Ickes, Mary (Cocklin, Grove) Shippensburg, Pa.
Irwin, Bess (Cunningham, Robert) .Died October 19, 1913.
Johns, Violet (Richter).
Johnson, Charles, 706 Orange St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Johnston, Grace (McDearmid), 124 Glenn Ave., Ottawa, Canada.
Jones, Desse, St. Thomas, Pa.
Jones, James B., Died September 21, 1924.
Kadel, Ruth (Hassler, Samuel) Waynesboro, Pa.
Kauffman, Winifred (Thompson, George), Gettysburg, Pa.
Kidwell, Imogene (Stout, John), Sheridan, Wyoming.
Kilraine, Sadie, Williamstown, Pa.
Kraber, Laura (Nace, William H.), 23 Fourth St., Hanover, Pa.
Kreiner, Edna (Bennet, John), 1835 Holly St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Lay, Ella (Adams, Thomas), 446 N. College St., Carlisle, Pa.
Lehmer, Gertrude (McKissick, William), Dillsburg, Pa.
Long, Lulu (Long, James), Russellville, Arkansas.
Longenecker, Bertha (Shafer, H. M.), 509 Arthur Ave., Scottdale, Pa.
Martin, Kathryn (Gosserd, Robert V.), 306 Third St., Ambridge, Pa.
Mayberry, Myrtle (Stough, Mulford), 210 S. East St., Carlisle, Pa.
Mehring, Edna (Krug, Milton), 1042 W. Market St., York, Pa.
Mellinger, Stelle (Etter, Ralph), Lock Box 76, Steelton, Pa.
Mickey, Lois (Skillington, Rev. J. W.), Mount Union, Pa., 11 W.
Shirley St.
Moorehead, Muriel, Shippensburg, Pa.
Myers, Besse H. Dawson, New Mexico.
Galley 8 Galley 9 'Galley 8 Galley 8 Galley 8 Bailey 8 Bailey 8 8888
Myers, Ruth (Schaeffer, Earl), Camp Hill, Pa.
Orris, Belle (Ritchie, Rev. A. G.), 5845 Catherine St., Philadelphia,
Rahauser, Mary (Miller, J. Raymond), Chambersburg, Pa. R. 9.
Rauch, Caroline, Progress.
Reddig, Harriet, (Mellinger, William), Newville, Pa.
Rhodes, Bess (Johns), Columbia, Pa.
Richwine, Georgei H., N. 17th St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Rumbaugh, Ulrich, D., Millerstown, Pa.
Senft, Edna, Spring Grove, Pa. .
Shank, Raymond, Burford Ave., Gettysburg, Pa.
Sheaffer, Irvin D., 342 West Broad St., Hazleton, Pa.
Sheaffer, Margaret (Garman, I. R.), Newville, Pa. R. 1.
Shearer, Simon S., Shippensburg, Pa.
Shively, Naomi (Barchatt, Walter), Troxelville, Pa.
Shriner, Clara (Zimmerman, John I.).
Shriner, Harriet, Shippensburg, Pa.
Sieber, Grace, Mifflintown, Pa.
Smith, Portis, Wellsville, Pa.
Speese, Pearl (Dorn, George), Bound Brook, N. Y.
Stough, Mulford 210 S. West St., Carlisle, Pa.
Thrush, Earl, Shippensburg, Pa.
Tritt, Charles, Harrington, Delaware.
Walker, Alice, J., Newport, Pa.
Walter, Alma (Gordon, J. D), 731 Lehman St., Lebanon, Pa.
Wiebe Peter, Hillsboro, Kansas.
Wineman, Fredyth (Caughey, Rev. F. M.), 305 Joy St., Red Oak,
Wire, Levi, Beverly, N. J.
Witherspoon, Edith (White, Louis).
Young, Effa, 129 N. Carlisle, St., Greencastle, Pa.
Class of 1908
Auker, E. H., Died January, 1917.
Bair, Milton H., Littlestown, Pa.
Boher, Nellie J., 127 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
Book, William I.
Brindle, Emma (Bortz, E. H.), 8314 West Chester Pike, Kirklyn,
Upper Darby, Pa.
Brindle, Mary E., 1 Bronson Apts., Ardmore, Pa.
Byers, Ada M., 1836 Regina St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Conn, Mary C. (McClure, Charles), East Waterford, Pa.
Coper, Anna M. (Guyer, George), 1302 N. James St., Rome, N. Y.
Cowan Archie W.
Cremer, Margaretta (Fluke, William G.), Saxton, Pa.
Dale, Ella E. (Fisher, Joseph E.), Wets Leisingring, Pa.
Dunkle, Margie I., Died January 1926.
Eldon, Lydia, Shippensburg, Pa.
Elicker, Walter G., 36 E. Clay St., Roselle Park, N. J.
Eyster, Jane C. (Hesier, C. B.), Newville, Pa. R. No. 1.
Fahs, Bruce H., Selinsgrove, Pa.
Falk, Dora M., (Hensel, Forrest), 618 Market St., Lykens, Pa.
Ferree Mjary E., 137 Cooper Ave., Woodlynne, N. J.
Fogelsanger, Kathryn E. (Coffey, John), 308 E. King St., Shippens
burg, Pa.
Follmar, Anna G. (Zepp, William), York Springs, Pa.
Follmar, Edith E. (Tritt, Charles), 1928 North St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Gettel, Mabel F. (Crider, J. N.), 6614 Woodside Ave., Woodside, Long
Island, N. Y.
Gift, Neadia P. (Schaeffer, C. R.), 305 W. Main St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Gingrich, Irvin R., 406 Cherry St., Palmyra, Pa.
Good, John L., Died October 2, 1923.
Hays, Alice M. (Spangler, John), 409 Humphrey Ave., Oak Park,
Hays, Ethel V. (D uffy), Wlebster Mills, Pa.
Hedding, Margaret M., 319 Walnut Ave., Altoona, Pa.
Helt, C. F., Garrett, Pa.
Hempt, Grace E., 3025 Market St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Henneberger, Minnie B. (Middour, Emory J.), Oregon St., Mercersburg, Pa.
Hess, Maurice A., McPherson, Kansas.
Hockenberry, Myrtle (Young), Died January 21, 1930.
Hoffman, Thomas, 22 W. Market St., York, Pa.
Hollar, Julia (McCullough, William), 3139 West Boulevard, Cleve
land, Ohio.
Hoon, Iva (Hoover, H. A.), Box 54, Newville, Pa.
Hoover, Grace (Bender, Charles S.), Catherine St., Chambersburg:, Pa.
Houston, Elizabeth (Fickes, B. K.), Massillon, Ohio.
Hoyert, J. Harry, Riverdale, Md.
Humphries, J. H., 45 Chestnut St., Salinas, California.
Jackson, J. Roy, 618 Franklin Ave., Aliquippa, Pa.
Jones, Kathryn F. (Keene, E. L.), 603 Spruce St., Lykens, Pa.
Knouse, Roy D., Westminster, Md. R. No. 1.
Kob, John F., 1501 Swatara St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Kuhn, Jennie (Elliott, Greencastle, Pa.
LaWall, Marian L. (Horn, George), 7211 Broadway, San Antonio,
LeFever, June (Lanfield, Herman), Dallard Station, Seattle, Wash
LeVan, Mjae J., 5615 Nebraska Ave., Washington, D. C.
Leonard, Bertha E. (Fry, Fred), Sharon, Pa.
Light, Ruth A. (Erdman, Harry), 813 Maple St., Lebanon, Pa.
Macbeth, Blanche J. (Huber, Charles L.), Macungie, Pa.
McClelland, Eleanor, 114 Maple Ave., Morristown, N. J.
McClelland, Winifred (Hunt, E. W .), 42 Delaware Ave., Lambertville, N. J.
McCullough, Mary D. (Shurtleff), Fairmount, West Virginia.
Martin, Ella F., 228 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Miller, Minnie B. (Gamble, Harvey), Died July 11, 1915.
Morrison, George, Carlisle, Pa.
Myers, Janet, Marion, Pa.
Noonan, Denny C., 4714 Eighth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Washington.
Palmer, Alonza C., Comwall-on-Hudson, New York.
Pearson, Raymond W., Fort Benning, Georgia.
Reagle, Emily B. (Transue), Bangor, Pa.
Rice, Blanche M., Port Washington, Long Island.
Robinson, Eva., Newport, Pa.
Robinson, Jean C., 100 31st St., West New York, N. Y.
Sauble, Carrie E. (Dicks, Charles N.), Hampton, Pa.
Schaeffer, Earle H., 307 Mechanics Trust Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa.
Scouller, Helen (Mains, Glenn D.), Newville, Pa.
Senseney, Edna M. (McClelland, John), King St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Class,©f 1909
Ausherman, Naomi (Cutshall, John), 308 S. 17th St., Allentown, Pa.
Bellows, Mary A. (Domblazer, Frederick).
Bender, Huldah (Rearick, J. Harold), 22 S. 19th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Benner, Carrie V. (Butt, George L.), Media, Pa. R. No. 2.
Benner, planche, 603 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.
Bitner, Ethel (Lourie), Shippensburg, Pa.
Bowman, Egar, Newville, 'Pa.
Brady, Maude (Yohe, Ira), 35 S. 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Brandt, Anna (Stultz, Dallas), Newport, Pa.
Burke, 'Grace M. (Fogelsanger,. Grist A.), Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 3.
Charlton, Marian J., Williamsport, Maryland.
Crissey, Flora V. (Shoemaker), Schellsburg, Pa.
Cutshall, John L., 308 S. 17th St., Allentown ,Pa_
Deardorff, Oliver F., Etters, Pa.
Detweiler, Bertha E., Shippensburg, Pa.
Eby, Lena (Hatz, James B.)
Eichelberger, G. H.
Elicker, Bertha A. (Hummel, E. A .), Lock Box 253, Mays Landing,
N. J.
Etters, Esma (Keener, John F.), 149 Arch St., Akron, Ohio.
Etter, Ethel C. (Barnes).
Floyd, Rodney, Plainfield, N. J.
Fogelsanger, Eva.
Frantz, Mlary (Cure, John W .), Mansfield, Pa.
Freed, Bertha (Aldinger, Charles S.), 707 Pennsylvania Ave., York,
Gingrich, Clayton C., Hershey, 'Pa.
Green, Jennie, Steelton, Pa.
Hargleroad, Lillian, Park Ridge, N. J.
Harrison, Elsive V., Ithica, N. Y.
Heiges, P. M., 77 Beech St., East Orange, N. J.
Herring, Elizabeth C., Fairfield, Pa.
Hicks, Jennie (Holland, Cloyd C.), 2029 Penn St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9999999
Hoch, Clarence E., 5120 Kncaid St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hollar Rhea (Faust, J. C.), 28 N. Carlisle St., Greencastle, Pa.
Hollinger, Jacob, Somerfield, N. J.
Houston, Mary K. (Knox, Karl Z.), 182 W. North Broadway, Colum
bus, Ohio.
Igartua, John S., Box 33, Lares, Porto Rico.
Jackson, Margaret (Johnson, Fred ), New Buffalo, Pa.
Jobe, Charles R., Covina, California.
Johnston, Helen (Dimm), Moore Cottage, East Northfield, Mass.
Jordan,. Florence, Mercersburg, Pa.
Keener, John F., Goodyear Heights, Akron, Ohio.
Kendall, Hattie B. (Alden, E. G.), 110 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville,
N. J.
Kendall, Martha (Kelso, Harry W.), 35 Fifth St., McDonald, Pa.
Kniley, Florence (Swab, R. E.)> Schofield Barracks, 21st U. S. In
fantry, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kreider, Emma M.
Lehman, Besse (Hipps)
Lerew, Beatrice (Grimes, Harry), Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Lichtenwalner, Edith, 'Plainfield, N. J.
Lichtenwalner, Viola, 1419 Pine St., Steelton, Pa.
Long, Esther M. (Walker, R. C.), 415 Garfield Square, Pottsville, Pa.
McMeen, Edith, 710 Lexington Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Markley, G. Hayes, 148 S. Elmer St., Westfield, N. J.
Matter, Ralph P., State Hospital, Bloserburg, Pa.
Means, Mary (Lindsey, Walter), Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 5.
Mehring, Mary (Hollinger, Jacob), Somerville, N. J.
Mellott, Mae (Hagerman, H. K.), 136 S. Sixth St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Messinger, George M., Morganza, Pa.
Middour, Emory J., Oregon St., Mercersburg, Pa.
Miller, Evers S., 227 Fifth Ave., Chambersburg, Pa.
Morrow, Ruth, Shippensburg, Pa.
Naugle, Harold, 19 Anna D., Apts., Second St., Pottsville, Pa.
Noftsker, Claire T. (Burns, Forrest).
Orndorff, Anna G., Wisconisco, Pa.
Oyler, Bertha M. (Goas, Horace Z.), 34 Whittingham, West Orange,
N. J.
Peightel, Luck (Cutshall, Allen), Three Springs, Pa.
Reeder, Helen F. (Sinsabaugh, Grant), 189 Laurel Ave., Irvington,
N. J.
Rinedollar, Maude (Paylor), McGonnellsburg, Pa.
Seabrook, Marian (Turner, James E.), 62 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Shive, Clyde S., Shippensburg, Pa.
Shuck, A. C., Ocean City, Maryland.
Shupp, Edna (Broderick, J. H.), Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.
Shutt, Beulah I., Moorestown, N. J.
Smith, Hettie (Numer, William), Newport, Pa.
Shively, Mary L., Shippensburg, Pa.
Snyder, Erma J.
Stutenroth, Emily K.
Troxel, Mary (Kendlehart, J. B.), 235 Clearview Road, Emsworth,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wenger, Mark T., 308 W. Second Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Wilson, Grace A., Carlisle, Pa. R. 1.
Class of 1910
Agle, Loubertia (Shoap, Carl), 2215 Yale St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Allen, Florence (Ocker, William F.), Shippensburg, Pa. R. 2.
Barner, Blanche (Gipe, H. C.), Harrisburg, Pa. R. 4.
Beard, Ralph E., State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa.
Boyer, Charles E., Waldorf, Minnesota.
Braucht, Bessie (Miller, Arthur), 243 E. Market St., Williamstown,
Brenneman, John, Bowmansdale, Pa.
Cassell, Floyd F., 1333 Taylor Ave., New Kensington, Pa.
Christopher, Mary, Saxton, 'Pa.
Cook, Carrie (Coyle, Joseph M.), Lansdowne, Md.
Cope, Nellie (Coover, Roy), Shippensburg, Pa. R. 1.
Coyle, Joseph, Lansdowne, Md.
Cressler, Grace (Matheus, M. S.), Media, Pa.
Daugherty, Laura (Higgins), Iron Springs, Pa.
Davis, William V., 1117 Twenty-First Ave., Altoona, Pa.
Deardorff, Isabel F., (Watson, Y. S.), Tracey, California.
DeWalt, Kathryn B., (Science), Swissvale, Pa.
Dimm, Floy E., (Boyer, C. C.), 2414 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington,
D. C.
Doyle, Harry G., Doylesburg, Pa.
Duke, Ruth, 131 Coulter Ave., Ardmore, Pa.
Eberly, Florence (Rupp), 442 W. Simpson St., Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Fluke, William G., Saxton, Pa.
Fogelsanger, Nellie (Coover, Jacob), Shippensburg, Pa.
Fulton, Edna (Reiley, D. C.), Bedford, 'Pa.
Gardner, Mary E., Royalton, Pa.
Garver, Kathryn (Barrie, E. L.)
Gibboney, Vashti (Stahle, Clyde V.), 329 S. Main St., Greensburg, Pa.
Good, Albie (Newcomer, J. Galen), Waynesboro, Pa. R, 4.
Grove, J. Seth, Shippensburg, Pa.
Hale, Lee M., 202 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Hendershot, Walter S., Clairton, Wilson Station, Pa.
Herman, Viola (Hertzler, C. A ,), Carlisle, Pa. R. 6.
Hileman, Gertrude R., 1008 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Hixon, Beatrice (Alexander, W. I.), 1354 High St., Bowling Green,
Hoffer, Elsie (Johnson, Emil), 1801 West St., Homestead, Pa.
Hoffman, Harry H., Ephrata, Pa.
Hoffman, Mary (Doyle, L. F.), 85 S. Arlington St., Akron, Ohio.
Hoke, John B.
Johnstown, Mary (Dufgey, H. A.), McConnellsburg, Pa.
Jones, Ethel MJ. (Shope, G. W .), St. Thomas, Pa.
Jones, Helen (Gotwals, Vernon D.), 129 W. Tenth St., Conshohocken,
Jones, Russell J., Beaverdale, Pa.
Karns, Edna G.
Kell, James A., New Alexandria, Pa.
Kendig, Lillian (Cole, H. Verde), Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Linn, Stella (Newman, Edgar H.), Hanover, Junction, Pa.
Loy, Mary C., Newville, Pa.
Macbeth, Reynolds 0., Aspers, Pa.
McNeal, Mary (McIntyre, W. B.), Six Mile Run, Pa.
Marshall, Janet (Jeffreys, D. C.), Lenoir, North Carolina.
Matthews, Robert E., 1316 Vernon St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Miller, Ellen, Elizabethville, Pa.
Myers, Blanche (Harlacher, Josef B.), 210 Spring St., Chevy Chase,
Neff, Ruth, Fayetteville, Pa.
Nelson, Russell, St. James School, Md.
Newman, Ava (Harbourt), Titusville, N. J.
Peffer, Elmer E., Altoona, !Pa.
Peffer, Parker S., 221 W. Louther St., Carlisle, Pa.
Peiffer, Vera C., 206 N. Thirty Third St., West Philadelphia, Pa.
Rhodes, Anna M. (Werden, Grant), 124 N. Mastin Ave., Syracuse, N.
Robinson, Martha E. (Criswell, William), Shippensburg, Pa.
Robinson, Helen D. (Beck, Thomas), 114 N. Grand St., Lewistown, Pa.
Scott, Helen (Grove, J. Seth), Shippensburg, Pa.
Shive, Ruth (Behney, L. H.), 329 Paige Ave., Warren, Ohio.
Shimer, Grace E., 1125 Shehy St., Youngstown, Ohio.
Snider, Floyd H., State College, 'Pa.
Snoke, Ruth (Cassell, Floyd), 1333 Taylor Ave., New Kensington, Pa.
Snyder, Annabell, Lancaster, Wisconsin.
Thrush, Romaine (Stevens, Albert S.), 58 Hassard St., New Bruns
wick, N. J.
White, James W., Germantown, Md.
Witherspoon, Andrew C., 548 E. Thirty-Eighth St., Baltimore, Md.
Wolf, Verna M. (Railing, William), Suffolk, Virginia.
Zeigler, Clyde, 906 Green St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Zimmerman, Charles H., Fairfield, Pa.
October, 1930
Number One
st^ te teachers college
President’s Letter to the A lu m n i__ _______
Home Coming Day, Saturday, November 15
______ -
Intra-Mural Classes For Teachers in S e rv ice ___ __T
Calendar of Coming Events ______ ____________ _______4
Second Semester Opens Januarv 1 9 ____ ________ _
Football O u tlook _„ _______ _______ ______ ,_____;___ ;__ A
Rootball Schedule 1930 _______>
____________ ___________ j.
Basketball Schedule 1930-1931 ________________________ I.
Qounty Alumni Reunions _ !______r ______¡vy_________ i
I ':
i ; V ,
, ■
- ' . V ; ■
Wanted—Alumni .News
s ..................... J
___ _ _____________ „ 1 .
Alumni Personals-__ _____________________ _______ .___ i.
Positions Held By Members of the Class of 1930
Cupid’s C olu m n ___ ___ i_____________ 1___
Stork Column ______________________________
Obituary J . ^ j j f e \ i I C
Roster of Classes 1902-1910
k LiClJ
-¿.l JL¿rki.
__ _____ •
__ ______
The Teachers College Herald
Entered as Second Class Mail at the Post Office at Shippensburg, Pa.
under the Act of August 24, 1912.
MARION H. BLOOD ______ H-______________ _____-----------— Editor
ADA V. HORTON, ’8 8 _________________ Honorary Personal Editor
MRS. HARRIET WYLIE STEWART, ’9 3 __________ Personal Editor
J. S. HEIGES, ’9 1 _____________ _______________ Business Manager
Dear Alumnus:
I am deeply gratified to be able to address a larger number of
the graduates through the columns of this number of the Herald
than was possible on previous occasions. For, beginning with this
issue we 'have abolished subscription charges, and will be glad to
send the journal free of cost to all Alumni who may wish to receive it.
The purpose of the Herald will be two-fold: to give news of the
college and information in regard to the Alumni to all who are inter
ested, and to discuss various educational topics from time to time that
should be of interest and service to teachers and superintendents.
My formal message will necessarily be brief as I shall allow the
columns of the Herald to speak for themselves on a variety of matters
in which I know you will he interested.
I shall speak briefly,
however, on a few matters in which you and your fellow Alumni are
likely to be concerned.
Our attendance is satisfactory even though it does not equal the
high water mark of last year. The slump in business has made
itself felt in the enrollment of teachers colleges. In our case, we
have the added drought— the worst in forty years— in the Cumberland
Valley as a deterrent factor in maintaining our last year’s enrollment.
No part of the State was hit quite so hard as this valley by the long
continued drought and the consequent loss of revenue to our farming
community. As a result it was necessary for at least forty students
from Franklin and Cumberland Counties alone to cancel their regis
trations and change their school plans for the year. We sincerely
trust that financial conditions may so improve during the coming
year as to make it possible for these students to enroll next year.
Two very gratifying features of our enrollment are the increase
in the four year students and the increase in enrollment of students
from outside our service area. The decrease has been confined to the
two year course.
The coming year should be a busy one for us from the standpoint
of new buildings and repairs,' for the new library will be under
construction and contracts for repairs and renovations to the
President’s residence and for grading and leveling the land adjoining
the campus will be let.
Another matter of general interest is the organization of
intra-mural Saturday and mid-week classes for teachers in service.
Classes in Educational Biology, Philology, American Government,
American Literature, and Educational Tests are now offered and a
still larger number will be offered next semester.
Elsewhere the attention of those of you who were graduated
from the two and three year courses and who are still engaged in
teaching is called to the opportunity open to you in the four year
All indications point to a four year post high school
requirement in the near future for all new entrants into the
elementary field. This will mean that outstanding positions will be
available only to those who have completed the four year B. S. course.
Finally, don’t forget that Saturday, November 15, is Home
Coming Day for those of you who were graduated in the evennumbered years. We regret that we can’t invite all of you, but the
Alumni organization is so large that we cannot accommodate more
than half of you with your wives and husbands and your high school
guest at the Home Coming Dinner. You are all welcome to the
game with Millersville and the other exercises of the day. A time
-schedule will be found on another page.
I hope to see many of you at the various county and city alumni
reunions that will be held during the next few weeks. These reunions
can be made the pleasantest events of the year.
Trusting that this may- be the most successful school year in
your history, I am
Fraternally yours,
Ezra Lehman, ’89.
The Big Day this year will be Saturday, November fifteenth.
This year the graduates in the even numbered years; their wives or
husbands, and a member of the graduating class of their local high
school, will be invited.
A special letter will be sent to all the
graduates above indicated, but this is an advanced reminder so that
you may check the day on your calendar.
The program for the day will be as follows:
2:00 P. M. Football game B B Eckels Field — Shippensburg vs.
4:00 P. M. Alumni Tea — Women’s Dormitory.
6:30 P. M. Dinner — College Dining Room.
9:00-11:30 P. M. Reception — Dance, Gymnasium.
We should like to invite! all of the Alumni to the dinner, but we
can accommodate only five hundred and fifty in the college dining
room and so we can have only the classes of the even numbered years
this year. Next year, of course, the “ odd” classes will have their
But all Alumni without regard to class are invited to be our
guests at the football game, the tea, and the reception. Begin now,
Alumni, to plan for thé Big Day!
Under the direction of Dr. J. S. Heiges, Dean of Instruction, the
college has organized five intra-mural classes for teachers in service.
These meet on Wednesday evenings and Saturday forenoons, and
carry with them full academic and professional credit.
The classes organized are in Educational Biology, Philology,
American Government, Educational Tests, and American Literature.
A large number will be offered during the second semester beginning
Saturday, January 24, if the demand justifies such action.
Members of the Alumni in the two and the three year classes are
urged to take advantage of these opportunities which will naturally
appeal with special force •to students residing within a.radius of
thirty or even forty miles from the college. The day is at hand when
graduates who are able to offer work in advance of the two and the
three year curricula will have a decided advantage in the matter of
positions over others. By taking advantage of the intra-mural
courses and those offered during the Summer Session, it will be
possible for a teacher in service to carry from ten to fifteen semester
hours during the year.
Persons interested in enrolling in any class during the second
semester are urged to write to Dr. Heiges indicating the subject or
subjects desired.
Friday, October 31 — 8:00 P. M. — Julius Caesar — Shakespearean
Saturday, November 1 — 7:30 P. M. — Hallowe’en Masquerade.
Saturday, November 15 — Home Coming Day.
Tuesday, November 18—8:00 P. M.-JUustrated Lecture— “ Tee Pee
Fires and Northern Lights”— Col. Philip Moore.
Thursday, January 15— 8:00 P. M.— Concert—Kremlin Art Quartette.
The second semester will open Monday, January 19.
anticipate thirty-five or forty openings in our dormitories at that
time. This will enable us to provide rooms in our dormitories for
all women students.
This opportunity should appeal to all students who wish to start
upon their work at mid-year rather than to wait until next September.
An increasingly large number of students are being graduated from
high schools in January. There is no reason why such persons should
lose a half year in their advanced work by waiting until September
to enter college. Incidentally, it should be said that there are always
openings in the public schools shortly after the Christmas vacation
and that graduates in the mid-year class are usually able to secure
satisfactory positions immediately after their graduation.
Alumpi will please call the attention of students qualified to
enter at the beginning of the second semester to the opportunities
open to them.
The football season of 1930 was opened Saturday, September 27,
with a victory for our team over the strong Millersburg Athletic
Club, 35-0. A number of our former athletes were in the lineup for
The prospects for the season seem bright and, unless the team
is handicapped through too many injuries, it ¡should give a good
account of itself.
Last year Coach Dresser worked with an idea of developing
material and kept a large squad out all season. Two full teams were
carried on all trips and as many men as possible saw service. As a
result, this year we have a large squad of experienced men to carry
out the season’s schedule.
There are a number of new men from the Freshman :Class that
have had considerable experience and who made a good showing in
the opening game. The coaches are getting down to stiff drilling,
and training thé team gradually in order to reach its peak on Home
Coming Day.
There are twenty-five men training for Cross Country under the
leadership of Capt. Glessner. We hope to have a meet with some
college here on Home Coming Day.
September 27—Millersburg A. C.—Home
October 4—Kutztown—Away
October 11— California—Home
October 18—East Stroudsburg—Home
October 25—Lock Haven—Away
November 1— Shepherd College—Home
November 8—Bloomsburg—Away
November 15—Millersville—Home
November 22—Indiana—Home
Dr. J. S. Heiges has arranged the following basket hall schedule.
The open dates will be filled shortly.
December 13—Kutztown—-Home
December 19— Open
January 10—Bloomsburg—Home
J anuary 17— MHllersville—Miller sville
January 23—Bloomsburg-—Bloomsburg
January 24— Lock Haven—Lock Haven
January 30—Open
January 31—Open
February 7— Lock Haven—Home
February 10—West Chester—Home.
February 14—Kutztown— Kutztown
February 21— Open
February 28—Millersville-^Home
March 6—Indiana—Indiana
March 7— California—California
March 10—West Chester—West Chester.
Adams County led off early this season by holding the largest
Alumni Rally and Banquet in its history under the able leadership of
Assistant County Superintendent J. Floyd Slaybaugh and his efficient
committee. The banquet was held on Wednesday,“September 3, from
12 o’clock noon until 2:00 P. M. in the basement of the Gettysburg
Methodist Church. One hundred and forty-six Alumni and guests
were present. Prof. Charles Taylor of Arendtsville made an excellent
toastmaster. Dr. Lehman brought the greetings of the college and
told of the plans for the future. Supt. Shank spoke of the fine spirit
o f cooperation between the college and the Adams County Schools.
Other members of the Alumni spoke briefly. One of the enjoyable
features of the banquet was the singing of college and other
songs. The following officers were re-elected:
President, J. Floyd Slaybaugh, ’16, Gettysburg; Vice-President,
C. I. Raffensperger, ’17, Biglerville; Secretary, Helen Drais Taylor,
’21, Arendtsville, Pa.
Mrs. Ernest Wolf, ’99, of Harrisburg, has announced that the
Dauphin County Alumni Association will hold its annual banquet on
Thursday evening, October 16, at 6:30 P. M., in Zwingli Hall, Broad
and Susquehanna streets, Harrisburg. An interesting, peppy pro
gram has been provided and Dauphin County will undoubtedly go
over with a bang.
Blair Hess, ’23, President of the Mifflin-Juniata County Assoc
iation, is working hard to secure a big turn out of the Alumni and
former students o f Mifflin and Juniata Counties at the banquet to be
held in Lewistown, Tuesday, October 14. The steady growth in the
number of students from Mifflin and Juniata speaks well for the
work of this organization.
The home county Alumni of Mother Cumberland will be mar
shalled by the President, W. M. Rife, ’91, for the annual dinner,
Thursday noon, October 16. No body of the Alumni have been more
loyal than those who live almost within the shadows of the college.
The plans of the Perry, Bedford, Huntingdon, and York County
organizations have not yet been announced, but their annual meetings
will undoubtedly be held during the week of the County Institute.
This number of the Herald will go into the families of nearly
three thousand of our Alumni. All who receive it will be impressed by
the relatively small amount of Alumni news that it contains: but we
have published all that has been sent to us. We are anxious to make
the Herald a real medium in the exchange of news among the Alumni.
But you must send us items of interest about yourself and other
graduates if the Alumni columns are to function as they should. We
want to hear from you from time to time so that we can pass on the
news to others. Marriages, births, and deaths in our college family
are always items of special interest. News of this kind should be
sent to Mrs. H. Wfylie Stewart at the College or to Miss Ada V.
Horton, North Prince street, Shippensburg, Pa.
’83 Miss Ella Noftsker, who recently retired from teaching after
more than forty years of service, was the guest of the Shippensburg
teachers, supervisors,, and School Board at a dinner held at Piney
Mountain Inn near Chambersburg.
’87 Mrs. Frank Gates (Carrie Harris) was recently elected Presi
dent of the Shippensburg Civic Club.
’93 Dr. George L. Omwake, President of Ursinus College, deliver
ed the opening address to the Freshmen of that institution on Septem
ber 18.
’94 Dr. Hiram E. Shenk, Harrisburg, State Archivest, was a
recent speaker at Mifflinburg, Union County.
’02 W. J. Kines, who has been Principal of the Hulmeville Schools
for several years, has assumed his duties as Supervising Principal of
the schools of Bristol Township, Bucks County.
’10 R. H. Beard, for a number of years Supervising Principal of
the schools of Portage, Pennsylvania, recently resigned that position
to become Director of Educational Research at the State Teachers
College, Indiana, Pennsylvania.
’17 Mrs. Meryl Frankhouse Morgan has written us an interesting
letter. We learn that she has received both the Bachelors and
Masters Degree from the University of Arizona. She has specialized
in Education and in History and Political Science. During the past
year she taught in the University Summer School in Tucson, Arizona.
She sends greetings to all her former friends at Shippensburg.
’18 Shriver L. Coover has been appointed Director o f the Train
ing Center.for Industrial Arts Teachers at the State Teachers College,
California, Pennsylvania. After completing his work at Shippens
burg, Mr. Coover specialized in industrial arts and recently received
his masters degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a fre
quent contributor to Industrial Arts Magazine, and the Industrial
Education Magazine.
’24 Miss Gail Walker of Fannettsburg is one of the newly elected
teachers in the Chambersburg Public Schools. She takes the place
of Miss Belle Gillan, ’05, who has been granted a leave o f absence
because of ill health.
’26 Margaret K. Lehman is teaching Senior English classes and
coaching dramatics in the Doylestown High School.
The July number of the Herald contained a long list of graduates
of the Class of 1930 and the positions that will be held by them.
Since the publication of that number o f the Herald we have learned
of the following additional placements.
William Hudson and Harold C. Reed, both graduates of the four
year course, will teach in the high school at Gloucester City;:-New
Jersey. Mr. Hudson will be the head of the Geography Department
in the Junior High School, and Mr. Reed will teach Science and serve
as Assistant Coach in the Senior High School.
John Fitzgerald will teach Mathematics and Science in the Eldred, McKean County, High School.
Martha E. Campbell has“;been elected teacher of English and
French in the Pennsylvania Soldiers Orphans School, High School
Department, at Scotland, Pa.
Members of the two year group have places as followsfifesi
Hazel Andrews— Pine Grove School, Franklin County.
Harriet Boone—Walnut, Pa.
Ruthanna Buck—Intermediate Grade,-».Enola, Cumberland County.
Ethel Allen is substituting in the Schools of Harrisburg.
Ethel Bradenbaughi will teach the fifth grade at Hershey.
Christine Bossert— Rural School in Perry County.
Helen Cohill,—Mt Pleasant School,,Monroe Twp., Cumberland County.
Dorothy Carter—Second Grade, York, Pa.
Algie Emery— Rural School in Center County.
Myrtle Frey— Rural School in York County.
Laura Irwin— Intermediate Grades) Bellewood, Pa.
Mary Kerr—5th Grade, Carlisle, Pa.
Inez Kolb— Rural School, Adams County.
Mildred Knippel-SRural School, York County.
Mary Krug— 5th Grade, York, Pa.
Grace Kuhn— Grade one, Cashtown, Pa.
Catherine Ihrig—Wilson Bldg., York, Pa.
Floyd Kelley—Three Springs, Huntingdon County,
Mary Grattan—Intermediate Grade, Portage, Pa.
Hazel Grissinger—Grades three, four, and five, Broad Top City.
James MjcDannell— Rural School, Adams County.
Anna Messner—Washington Twp.,. Dauphin County.
Kathryn Metzker— Consolidated School, Bedford County.
Cecelia Millhouse—Rural School, York County.
Mary Lewis— Grade two, Langhorne, Pa.
Ruth LongsWellsville, Pa.
Louise Lower—York, Pa.
Phyllis Mingle—Grade one, Mountaindale, Pa.
Nellie JVliller—Rural School', Bedford County.
Mary Myers—Primary Grades, Hyndman, Pa.
Verna McCleary—Rural School, Bedford County.
Idella Oxley—Fourth. Grade, Steelton, Pa.
Stanton Benchoff—Fifth Grade, Vintondale, Pa.
Sarah Oyer—Rural School, Adams County.
Bertha Peeht— Rural School, Mifflin County.
Mary Rebert—Rural School, Silver Spring Twp., Cumberland County.
Lelia Rinard—Rural School, Bedford County.
Erna Schetrompf—Rural School, Fulton County.
Blair Shaffer—Rural School, Bedford County.
Blanche Bates—2nd Grade, Wormleysburg, Pa.
Harriet Bernhardt— Swatara Twp., Dauphin County.
Lou Dennis Betts— Quincy Twp., Franklin County.
Evelyn Bowser— Grades one to four, Pleasantville, Pa.
Fay Bradford—Rural School, Juniata County.
Mabel Brymesser—Pennsboro Twp., Cumberland County.
Virginia Burley—Grades five and six, Upper Paxton, Dauphin County.
Helen Cless— Grade five, Harris Bldg., Harrisburg,
Kathryn Conover—Mt. Joy Twp., Adams County.
Ivalilian Crist—Paint Twp., Somerset County.
Martha Critchley—Grades one and two, Shiremanstown, Pa.
Kathleen Dorner—Intermediate Grades, Carlisle, Pa.
Velda Duvall—Rural School, Fulton County.
Ruby Elliott— Rural School, Franklin County.
Isabel Fretz, First 'Grade, Boiling Springs, Pa.
Mary Garrettson—Rural School, Cumberland County.
Lowell Gearheart—Montgomery Twp., Franklin County.
Erma Thumma—Grades two and three, Swatara Twp., Dauphin Co.
Harriet Robinson—Hoffman Orphanage, Adams County.
Isabel Shoap—First Grade, Hew Cumberland, Pa.
Parker Smith—Rural School, York County.
Helen Vanderau— Grades one, two, and three, Quincy Orphanage,
Franklin County.
Ada Wagner— Rural School, Juniata County.
Margaret Wentz—Rural School, Adams County.
Miriam Wilt, Rural School, York County.
Mildred Wagner, 5, 6, and 7 grades, Milroy, Pa.
Kauffman-Witmer. Miss Grace Witmer, a former student at
Shippensburg, was married to Mr. Lester Kauffman in the Bethel
United Brethren Church near Dover, Pa„ by Rev. W. T. Kaufman.
Mr. Kauffman is Pastor of the Carlisle United Brethren church and
will attend Gettysburg Theological Seminary during the coming year.
Briner-Rinehart. The marriage of Miss Catherine Rinehart and
Mr. Paul G. Briner has been announced by Miss Rinehart’s mother.
The ceremony took place on July 29 in the Lutheran Church at New
port. Miss Rinehart was a former student o f Shippensburg.
Miss Elizabeth Sarah Goodling, ’29, was
married to Mr. Charles Wilmer Knouse on Saturday, June 21, at Penbrook, Pa.
Eiler-Seip. Mrs. Anna C. Seip has announced the marriage of
her daughter, Irene ’22, on June 23 to Mr. James H. Eiler.
Shuler-Blackburn. Mr. Philip K. 'Shuler, ’30 and Miss Phyllis E.
Blackburn, ’27, were married at the home of the bride, Hummelstown,
Pa., on August 15. Mrs, Shuler has taught for the last three years
in the schools of West Fairview. Mr. and Mrs. Shuler will reside
in Hershey where Mr. Shuler, will teach during the coming year.
Coover-Alter. Mrs. Margaret Alter of Shippensburg has an
nounced the marriage of her daughter Mary Margaret to Mr. Samuel
M. Coover, ’05, of Shippensburg, on August 28. .The ceremony was
performed by Rev. R. A. Blair o f the Covenanter Church of New
Kensington, at the home of the bride. The newly-weds will reside in
Shippensburg where Mr. Coover has been engaged in business for a
number of years.
Barbour-Gibbs, Miss Carrie Gibbs ’26, of Chambersburg and Mr.
J. William Barbour, ’30, o f Shippensburg, were married at York by
the bride’s pastor, Rev. E. E.. Spatz, August 23. Mr. and Mrs.
Barbour will reside at the LaRue Apartments, Newtown, Pa., where
Mr. Barbour will teach in the high school and act as athletic coach.
Kintner-McElroy. Miss Mary Renfew McElroy, ’06, of Fayette
ville, Pa., was married at her home- on August 5, to Mr. Ralph J.
Kintner of East Orange, N. J., by Rev. Ralph W. Linn of the St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church at Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Kintner will
reside at Breezewood, N. J., where the bride was formerly employed
as a teacher of domestic science in the high school.
Shuler-Baxstresser. Mr. Clarence A. Shuler, ’26, of Highspire,
and Miss Edith Baxstresser of Middletown were married at the
Church of God, August 23, by Rev. Jonaes Martin. They will reside
at the corner of Spring and Main streets in Middletown.
Walker-Bair. Miss Ruthanna Bair ’28, of Camp Hill was married
to Mr. Paul H. Walker of Lewisberry at Goldsboro, Pa., by the Rev.
J. H. August Borléis, They will reside in Connellsville where Mr.
Walker is an instructor in the high school.
Schwinger-Smith. Mr. E. Raymond 'Schwinger, ’30, and Miss
Anna Ruth Smith of Hagerstown, :Md., were married in the Hagers
town, Md., Lutheran church on August 14. Mr. and Mrs. Schwinger
left immediately for Morrisville, Pa., where Mr.. Schwinger is em
ployed as a teacher in the high school.
Hosler-Kendig. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kendig o f Newburg have
announced the marriage of their daughter Grace Luetta, ’25, to Victor
Hosier of Upper Mifflin Township, Cumberland County. They will
reside in the Clouse Property in 'Carlisle, Pa.
Ryan-Gibbons. Miss Kathleen Virginia Gibbons, ’23, of Altoona,
became the ibride of Mr. Earl H. Ryan, ’26, formerly of Miechanicsburg, on June 26. The ceremony was performed in St. Luke’s Epis
copal Church, Altoona, by the Rector, Rev. R. L. Hatch. Mr. Ryan
is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Columbia Uni
versity. He is instructor in the Department of Public Speaking in
the College of the City of New York. The newly-weds will reside
at Valley Stream, Long Island.
Jordon-Rhine. Miss Maude Rhine, ’19, of Marion and Mr. Roy
W. Jordon of Philadelphia were married at the home of the bride on
July 17 by John C. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Jordon will reside in
Cupid Gets Busy Among Thie Faculty and Former Members
Mr. Harper J. Wentz ’18 and Miss Kathryn Wilson ’23 were
united in marriage on August 9 at the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Wilson at Abbottstown. Mrs. Wentz has been
a teacher for several years in the East Berlin High School. Mr.
Wentz was graduated from Franklin and Marshall College and re
cently received the master degree from Teachers College, Columbia
University. They reside at North Morris street, Shippensburg, Pa.
Miss Kathryn Cox, who will be remembered as a former art
teacher at this institution, was married to Mr. Richard Wellington
Smith of Atlanta, Georgia, but formerly of Gardner, Mass. Mir. and
Mrs. Smith will reside at Peach Tree Hills, Willow Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs, Robert Bowman Hudson has announced the marriage of her
daughter, Ellen Howe, to Mr. Thomas Jefferson Pennington on Sat
urday, September 6 in New York City. Mjr. Pennington is known to
many of our graduates because o f his work as a teacher of English,
and as faculty adviser for the Campus Reflector.
He is now a
member of the faculty of the College of the City of New York.
PRICE. Doris Cope Price was born at Bair’s Maternity Home,
Waynesboro, Pa., on May 21, 1930. She will reside permanently at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Price. M rs/Trice will be remem
bered as Sara Cope, ’19.
HOSTETTER. Mr. and Mrs. John Hostetter of Carlisle an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis May, on Tuesday, September
2. Mrs. Hostetter will be remembered as Miss Helen Booz ’21.
Estella E. Felton
Estella E. Felton died at her home near Breezewood, Bedford
County, May 12, 1930.
She was graduated from the Shippensburg State Normal in 1897.
After teaching a few years in her home county she went to
Johnstown where she taught for some time when ill health caused
her to resign. She remained with her home folks for some time
and again resumed work in Bedford County.
She possessed rare charms of heart and mind and was a member
of the Methodist church. Many times do we remember of the good
deeds she has done and we know that she’s rewarded with a heavenly
crown she won.
Frances A. Fetter
Miss Frances A. Fetter, died at her home, 22 North Earl street,
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, on September 11, after an illness of
several years. Miss Fetter was graduated from this institution in
1879 and taught for a number of years in the schools of Cumberland
County. Her last ten years as a teacher were spent in the schools
of Mechanicsburg. She was buried in the family plot in Spring Hill
Cemetery with Rev. F. I. M. Thomas, her pastor, officiating.
Martha Wahrmann Reed
Martha Wahrmann Reed ’23 died on June 13 at the Allentown
Hospital following birth of babe. She was aged 27 years 8 months
and 28 days. Before her marriage to Jacob Reed she taught in the
public schools of Allentown. Funeral services were held from her
late home 1617% Tilghman street, Allentown and Grace Lutheran
Church. Interment was made in Grandview Cemetery, Allentown.
She is survived by her husband, a two-year old daughter, Doris Ann,
Baby Reed, her parents, Rev and Mrs. H. E. C. Wahrmann, and the
following sisters and brother, Mrs. J. Earl Snyder, Shamokin, Ruth,
’24, Carrie ’29, Hilda, Luther and Frieda.
Dr. E. W. Cashman
Dr. E. W. Cashman died at his home in York Springs on Septem
ber 6. He was aged sixty-nine years and had been in failing health
for several months.
Dr. Cashman was widely known in Adams County and will be
remembered by many of our Alumni as a former student at this in
stitution. He entered the medical school at the University of Penn
sylvania and after his graduation located in York Springs where he
practiced his profession for forty-five years. He is survived by his
widow, a son, and a daughter.
Class of 1902
Adams, Charles H., Bartow, Florida.
Beacham, H. H., 801 56th St., Eldorado, Pa.
Beck, Alice (Ivins, William A.), Media, Pa. R. No. 3.
Bell, Gail R., Gettysburg, Pa. R. No. 10.
Billow, M. 0., 2419 North Fifth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Bogner, Isaac F., Dauphin, Pa.
Bollinger, Howard W., Newton Hamilton, Pa.
Bosserman, Lemuel A., Barnesboro, Pa.
Bovey, W. O.
Bower, Mary A. (Fullerton), 511 N. Blaekstone St., Jackson, Mich.
Boyd, Ardella M. (Möhler, I. S.), Walnut Bottom, Pa.
Browne, Clare J.
Brubaker, Gertrude, Hummelstown, Pa.
Burd, E. H., 310 Broadway, West Cape May, N. J.
Campbell, R. C., Died August 15, 1910.
Clegg, Aletha M., New Bloomfield, Pa.
Clever, Cora B., (Rupp, Paul B.), Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
Crist, J. R., Newport, Pa.
Cunningham, Elizabeth (Harper), Easthampton, Mass.
Davis, Maude, Died April 1, 1903.
Davis, W. Ray, Marysville, Pa.
Deardorff, Grace B. (Bream, John C.), Gettysburg, Pa.
Dick, Edith B. (Bowman, Samuel A.), Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Diven, Helen (Blessing, Edward H.), New Bloomfield, Pa.
Downs, Gwendolyn (Pentz, H. L.), 1108 W. Broad St., Bethlehem, Pa.
Eisenhart, Elsie E., Ebensburg Pa.
Elliott, Matilda S. (Stuart, H. C.), 504 N. 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Eppley, Mabel (Roberts, F. W .), Marysville, Pa.
Feidt, Charles P., 3516 Brisban St., Paxtang, Pa.
Felton, Edna L. (Boor), Bedford, Pa. R. No. 3.
Felty, Mervin E., Carlisle, Pa.
Ferguson, J. F., Camp Hill, Pa. R. No. 1.
Fickes, W. Sager, Box 750, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Fishel, W. G., 2114 Market St., York, Pa.
Fogelsanger, Florence (Murphy Rev. Ross D.), 2260 N. Park Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Foose, Carrie M., Died July 12, 1905.
Foote, James R., Died February 16, 1928.
Fulton, Laura B., 531 Graham St., Carlisle, Pa.
Gingrich, Elmer H., 406 E. Cherry St., Palmyra, Pa.
Gray, Alyce S., 1326 Vernon St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Gray, Harry E. D., 229 W. Second St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Greenawalt, Levi F., Everett, Pa. R. No. 2.
Grove, Rhoda (Fishel, W. G.), 2114 Market St., York, Pa.
Grubb, Cloyd, Died January 28, 1921.
Grubb, Clarence, Millerstown, Pa.
Guyer, Roy J., Storrs, Conn.
Hamil, R. C., Venetia, Pa.
Hamilton Sadee I. (Billow, M. O.), 2419 N. Fifth St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Harlan, Maÿme (Failor, F. A.), 104 E. Simpson St.,: Mechanicsburg,
Hershey, Abner, 167 Hazelwood Ave., Barbertown, Ohio.
Hershey, Samuel E., Cor. Brandon & Welty Sts., Greensburg, Pa.
Hill, Bess B. (Bair), Died December 22, 1918.
Hoak, Blanche J. (Greenawalt, L. P.), River Drive, Harrisburg, Pa.
Hocker, Arthur P., Died February 21, 1925.
Hocker, P. L,, 2522 Lexington St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Hoke, H. A., Spring Grove, Pa.
Holtzinger, Ella B. (Edgar), 415 Spruce St., Altoona, Pa.
Hoover, Minnie
Howard, Eli G., 116 W. Maple St., York, Pa.
Jackson, Andrew, New Buffalo, Pa.
Jacoby, Ralph, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Kapp, Edith M. (Williams, L, P.), 11 W. Coover St., Mechanicsburg,
Kennedy, W. F., 1611 Hillsdale Ave., Dormont, Pa.
Kines, T. P., 15 S. i5th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Kines, W. J., Elizabethtown, Pa.
Knupp, Charles A., Died October 17, 1918.
Kob, John F., 1501 Swatara St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Konhaus, Frank B., Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Kuntz, Letti (Strayer), Dillsburg, Pa.
Landis, Sara^Feidt, Charles P.), 3516 Brisban- Sti, Paxtang, Pa.
Leopold, W. L., 504 Elliott St., Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Ludwig, L. G., Muncy, Pa.
Lukens, Annie E. (Shearn, G’. S.), Keystone Apts., 2nd and Donnan
.'Sts., Washington, Pa.
McCloskey, Minnie R. (Baker, J. M.), 4159 Drexel Bldg., Chicago, 111.
McCune, Elizabeth (McClelland, Jeff), Kennett Square, Pa.
McFarland, Mabel (Richards, John I.), 221 Clarenden Ave., Canton,
McMorris, Edith, 5 Lincoln Apts., Ardmore, Pa.
McSherry, S. E., Died August 24, 1905.
Martin, C. C., Carlisle, Pa.
Metzger, Almena K., 1436 W. Market St., York, Pa.
Miller, Edgar A., Gettysburg, Pa.
Miller, Mary B. (Noll, Walter L.), Chatham, N. J. R. No. 2.
Miller, N. Grace (Walters, Blaine E.)> Brownsville, Texas. >
Mitchell, Alton R.
Morrette, Rhoda (Rider, Ira), 1502 Market St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Mountz, Elsie K. (Noel, J. P.), 808 Gasco Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Mountz, Harry W., Spring Lake, N. J.
Moyer, Viola (Hempel).
Myers, Daisy A. (Erwin, Frank), 1503A Third St., Washington, D.
Myers, Frank 0;, Singer Bldg., 149 Broadway, New York City, N.
Myers, J. C., Stockton, Illinois.
Nickles, Nora K. (Knupp, J. Arthur), Cor. 6th & Potomac Ave.,
Waynesboro, Pa.
Nisley, Violet E. (Shaffer, Roy), Died August 18, 1911.
Noll, Walter L., Chatham, N. J. R. No. 2.
Ober, Charles H., New Buffalo, Pa.
Peiffer, Elmer E.jBlll N. Franklin St.* Waynesboro, Pa.
Peters, Sue (Wright), Breezewood, Pa.
Plank, Grace F. (Weikert, C. R.), 22 N. Highland Ave., York, Pa.
Potter, Clara A. (Countermine).
Rice, W. G.,; Carlisle, Pa.
Riddlesberger, H. M., 104 S. Broad St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Ridgway, Frances L. (Shelby, Sidney R.), 16 Charles 'St., Uniontown,
Rhea, John R., Tarentum, Pa.
Shive, John W., New Brunswick, N. J.
Shryock, Mabel K.
Smith, L. E., Hagerstown, Md. R. No. 4.
Smith, Mervin E., New Freedom, Pa.
Spangler, C. W., Dover, Pa.
Sparrow, Jeannette (Plank), Died December 11, 1915.
Stevens, Phaniah (Dawson), Stockett, Montana.
Stevens, Isa (White, H. W .), 499 W. Mt. Carmel Ave., Glenside, Pa.
Stine, Harvey A., 1701 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Stover, Anna (Emigh), Died 1919.
Strohm, Zora E. (Demmy, Rev. A. S.), Narberth, Pa.
Swartz, Zula M., New Bloomfield, Pa.
Sweigart, S. C., Linglestown, Pa. R. No. 2.
Taughenbaugh, Jane C. (Weaver, Frank), Gettysburg, Pa.
Tolan, Margaret (Brandner, Jack F.), 412 Prospect Ave., West
Bethlehem, P'a.
Walhay, W. D., Died April 12, 1918.
Wlalter, Ada M., 315 W. Main St., Hummelstown, Pa’.
Walter, Genifrede, 211 High St., Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Walters, Nettie B. (Grimm, Edward L.), 1536 Walnut.St., Harrisburg,
Ward, Charles H., 239 N j 14th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Weaver, Willis A., Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 6.
Whitcomb, Murray R., 346 S. West St., Carlisle, Pa.
White, Laura (Geib, F. W .), Marysville, Pa.
White, Mabel (Cunningham, R. H.), Marysville, Pa.
Whorley, J. Edward, 242 Maclay St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Williams, Effie, Box No. 142, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Witmer, Sadie (Weigrist, Elam), Died October 30, 1925.
Class of 1903
Bittinger, Helen (Bowman), Allen, Pa.
Clever, Sara Blanche, 313 E. King St., Shippensburg, 'Pa.
Crunkleton, L. Dale, 325 Fourth St., New Cumberland, Pa.
Cunningham, Elizabeth (Harper, Jay), Easthampton, Mass. .
Davis, W. P., Died October 17, 1915.
Fogelsanger, Florence (Murphy, Rev. Ross D.), 2260 N. Park Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Fulcher, Maude L. (Calahan, James M.), Morgantown, West Virginia.
Greason, Nell W., Carlisle, Pa.
Guyer, Roy J., Storrs, Conn.
Hafer, John R., 102 E. 26th St., Lansdowne, Pa.
Hamilton, Mary C. (Runkle, H. W .), 1429 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Hemphill, Thomas, Box 393, Newville, Pa.
Jackson, Andrew, New Buffalo, Pa.
Jones, Grace (Zug, George), Chambersburg, Pa.
Kutzmiller, Jessie H. (Willis, William), Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 2.
Lentz, Rosa (Clemens), York Haven, Pa.
McCullough, Jane H., 102 W. Pomfret St., Carlisle, Pa.
Marshall, Sabina (Lee, William O.), South Pork, Pa.
Mellinger, Ira C., Died February 12, 1921.
Middlekoff, Ethel K. (Thompson, P. J.), “ The Guerrard” , New Castle,
Myers, Eva M. (Sheaffer, Oliver), 76 Washington Blvd., Williamsport,
Newton, Emily M. (Johnson, Jay S.), 903 Adams St., Owosso, Mich.
Nickles, Nora K. (Knupp, J. Arthur), Cor. 6th & Potomac Ave.,
Waynesboro, Pa.
Patterson, Flora B. (Clark, Howard C.), Morrisville, Pa.
Taylor, Roy M., Shippensburg, Pa.
Wherry, William G., 325 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J.
Whorley, J. Edward, 242 Maclay St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Wineman, George E., 36 Seeley Black, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Zumbro, W. F., Died October 7, 1921.
Class of 1904
Adams, Frank A., 145 Sylvan Terrace, Harrisburg, Pa.
Angle, Edith (Herman, P. W.), Box No. 245, Manette, Washington.
Arnold, Frank A., Bedford, Pa.
Baughman, Edna, Hanover, Pa.
Berry, Bess F., 100 31st St., Woodcliffe, N. J.
Blair, Elizabeth, Chambersburg, Pa.
Bingham, Claire N. (Hawley), Los Angeles, Calif. (General Delivery)
Bressler, R. G., 2041 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Burkhart, Miriam M. (Bower, James), 2750 Webster St., Berkeley,
Clegg, Aletha, New Bloomfield, Pa.
Corwin, Helen A., 126 W. 97th St., New York City, N. Y.
Deardorff, Anna V. (Bushey, J. Blaine), Biglerville, Pa.
Dengler, Margie (Croll, E. E.), 264 Mather Row, Jenkintown, Pa.
Dohner, Naomi (Uhler, Joseph M.), 860 Maple 'St., Indiana, Pa.
1 HE
Dunlap, James M., Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 2.
Eldon, Clara B., Mont Alto, Pa.
Evans, Harry W., 229 Willow St., Carlisle, Pa.
Foltz, Mary (Sauder, Joseph B.),22 E. Holly Ave., Oaklyn, N. J.
Frey, Charles S., Fairfield, Pa.
Gardner, Stelle (Myers, Grover), Gardners, Pa.
Geyer, A. R., Middletown, Pa.
Glessner, Gertrude (Taylor, Roy M.), 206 N. Prince St., Shippens
burg, Pa.
Gray, Winfield H., Elliottsburg, Pa.
Heefner, Annie (Eshelman, E. E.), Crystal, Michigan.
Hemphill, J. Sharpe, Newville, Pa.
Jacoby, Ralph, Mechanicsburg, Pa,
Jones, Anna M., Yakima, Washington.
Jumper, Alice, 4 No. 3rd St., Steelton, Pa.
Kapp, George E., 53 Waller Ave., White Plains, N. Y.
Klepper, Rebecca I. (Rentz, G. S.), Naval Air Station, Pensacola,
McPherson, Robert E., New Bloomfield, Pa.
Mlanbeck, Araminta (Hockley), 212 Chestnut St., Lebanon, Pa.
Martin, Florence (Cohick, Willis), Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 8.
Mason, Maude (Turner), Doylestown, Pa.
Means, M. Isabella (Haverstick, H. W .), 240 Mooreland Ave., Carlisle,
Miller, Donie A. (Reneker, Walter L.)
Miller, Edgar A., Gettysburg, Pa.
Morrison, Edith, Shippensburg, Pa.
Myers, Blanche (Webber, H. R.), 201 Leon Ave., Norwood, Pa,
Myers, 'Velva, Greason, Pa.
Needy, Mabel, 24 W, Main St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Nickles, Mary (Mark, George E.), Shippensburg, Pa.
Ober, C. R., New Buffalo, Pa.
Plum, Charles N., 605 Beacon Ave., Paulsboro, N. J.
Reeder, John C., Shippensburg, Pa.
Reeder, Mary K. (Biggs, Rev. Elmer J.), 140 Headley Terrace, Irv
ington, N. J.
Reese, Earl, Chambersburg, Pa.
Reisner, Wilhelmina (Nelson, Russell), St. James School, Md.
Reynolds, Lottie, Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Ruth, Mark W., Newburg, Pa.
Ruthrauff, Mabel (Hetrick, Dr. D. J.), 122 S. Broad St., Waynesboro,
Sanders,. Bertha (Miller, Lester), 500 E. Catherine St., Chambers-
burg, Pa,
Sheaffer, Esther (Landis), Enola, Pa.
Shipman, Ira W., Died August 31, 1909.
Smith, Anna (Taylor, Kyle), Reedsville, Pa.
Smith, Lydia (Reese, Rush), Shippensburg, Pa.
Speck, V. Pearl, 53 W. 91st St., New York City, N. Y.
Stamy, Leslie D., 15 Howard St., Apt, 9, Atlanta, Georgia.
Starry, W. Roy, York Springs, Pa.
Strohm, Pearl (Emerick, Irvin K.), 1007 California Ave., Avalon,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ward, John A., 50 S. Pomfret St., Carlisle, Pa.
Wolfe, Grover C., 34 Progress, Pa.
Wright, Jessie, 362 Locust St., Steelton, Pa.
Yohe, Ira H., 35 S. 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Class of 1905
Arter, Florence (White, J. R.), Mt. Yernon, N. Y.
Bailey, William, Died July 10, 1912,
Barner, Charles I., Liverpool, Pa.
Beard, Florence (McNeill, J. P.), Sitka, Alaska.
Bender, E. Ethan, 738 N. Sixth St., Allentown, Pa.
Bitner, E. T., Waynesboro, Pa.
Bitting, Pearl, Died September 27, 1910.
Bittinger, Margaretta (Marks, Bruce E.), 1515 Naudain St., Harris
burg, Pa.
Blessley, Ruth F. (Konhaus, Frank B.), Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Bortner, L. S., Englishtown, N. J,
Clemens, Lloyd C. Died February 6, 1922.
Cochlin, C. L., 3027 Chestnut St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Coover, Katie (Railing, Jerry R.), Shippensburg, Pa.
Coover, Samuel, Shippensburg, Pa.
Cover, Linnie (Kunkel, G. E.), 523 E. King St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Dinsmore, Mary (Hoke), Millstone, Md.
Dunlap, Lena M., 43 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
Edwards, Ethel V. (Boggs, Francis S.), 2822 Oak St., Jacksonville,
Egolf, Ruth G., Schellsburg, Pa.
Eldon, James B., 1741 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Eshenower, Grace, 1416 Yerbeke St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Eyster, Helen, 608 N. West St., Carlisle, Pa.
Foreman, Nellie (Enck, Samuel G.), Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 5.
Gillan, Carrie B., Port Loudon, Pa.
Gingrich, Alma, Palmyra, Pa.
Gochenauer, Carrie (Reeser, Dr. N. B.), 139 E. Chestnut St., Lancas
ter, Pa.
Gochenauer, Joice (Morrison), Barnitz, Pa.
Goshorn, Kathryn (Minium, Raymond N.), 22 E. Keller St., Meehanicsburg, Pa,
Gray, Helen (Robertson, Clifford), 449 Fourth St., Charleroi, Pa.
Griffith, Thomas C., Enola, Pa.
Grimm, Iva M., 1202 E. King St., York, Pa.
Haar, Emma, Hanover, Pa.
Harbold, Flora E. (Raynolds, Paul), Died April 16, 1923.
Henry, Donald N., 13 Rudolph Ave., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Heyler, Elizabeth (Stacks), York, Pa. R. No. 4.
Hixson, Grace (Patterson, Williams), 549 High St., South Browns
ville, Pa.
Hocker, Florence (Goodfellow, G. B.), Box D, Highspire, Pa.
Jackson, Edith (Ober, Charles H.), New Buffalo, Pa.
Jobe, Stella M. (Stallsmith, J. C.), York Springs, Pa.
Johnson,, Clara (Calbert, Rev. T. J.), 623 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore,
Jones, Martha (Prout, Haydn P.), Wisconisco, Pa.
Koons, Ralph, Newville, Pa.
LeFever, Grace (Scott, William A ), Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 8.
LeFever, Fannie L, 1221 Foulkrod St., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.
Line, George W., 21 S. Pitt St., Carlisle, Pa.
Logue, Webster M., 119 Park Ave., New Castle, Pa,
'Lyter, George C., Montourville, Pa.
MlcCulloch, Leila, Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 2.
McCullough, Mary (Robison, Corbin E.), 425 Maple St., Fort Morgan,
Mc'Keever, Emily (Schnurman, Carl H.,), 1647 Linden St., Allentown,
McLaughlin, John H., Westfield, N. J.
Morton, W. Don, 2721 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa.
Mowrey, D. Floyd, 431 Harris St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Myers, Ethel, 2304 First St.,, N. W., Washington, D. G.
Myers, Garry C., 1000 Elban Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland Ohio.
Oberholtzer, Araminta, (Richardson, Clark).
Pearson, Jean E., York Springs, Pa.
Pearson, Hazel E., York Springs, Pa.
Philips, Elizabeth, Died October 31, 1918.
Plasterer, Blanche, Died April 18, 1909.
Reese, Bessie, Burnt Cabins, Pa.
Rhodes, Harriet, Millersburg, Pa.
Robb, Nellie (Weaver, Arthur G.), 219 S. Ninth St., Lebanon, Pa.
Schwartz, Paul A., York, Pa. R. No. 7.
Sheaffer, Ira L., Northampton, Pa. R. No. 2.
Shuck, Ira W., Waynesboro, Pa.
Spong, Bertha (Ferguson, J. F.), Camp Hill, Pa. R. No. 1.
Stambaugh, Elda G., 213 Muench St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Strickhouser, Mary (Gandy), 8215 West Chester Pike, Philadelphia,
Stuart, Ella, Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 5.
Thomas, S. B., Died August 15, 1927.
Uhler, J. M., 860 Maple St., Indiana, Pa.
Underwood, Alfred I., 8 S. Norris Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.
Watson, W. Stuart, 606 DeKalb St., Norristown, Pa.
Whetstone, 'George H., 134 Snider Ave., Waynesboro, Pa.
Wier, Eva., 11 N. 34th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wise, Nancy (Taylor, Theo), 55 Cleveland Ave., Norwood, Pa.
Class of 1906
Agle, Brady, Box 212, Progress, Pa.
Bailey, Jennie P., Died March 10, 1910.
Baish, Melvin, Artesia, New Mexico.
Barbour, Florence L., Boiling Springs, Pa.
Barrett, Ethel C, (Gregg, Walter E.), Newport, Pa.
Bentz, Lillian M., Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.
Berry, ,C. Bruce, 316 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Books, Blanche F. (Alberti), Cambridge, Nebraska.
Brown, Norway (Lau, Eli), Littlestown, Pa.
Brunner, Cora A. (Miller, Nelson G.), 28 N. Fourth St., Lemoyne, Pa.
Carothers Carl O., Box 106, Grafton, Pa.
Clark, Mattie (Gillan, C. Frank), St. Thomas, Pa.
Commerer, Bessie (Felix, B. H.), Newville, Pa. R. No. 1,
Cook, Scott H., 6601 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Coover, Iva (McCaleb), Carlisle, Pa. R. No. 8.
Cover, Verna (Hustler), Died February 22, 1922.
Craig, Hugh, Montpelier Station, Virginia.
Craig, Mary (Colliflower, G. R.), Died June 20, 1915.
Cramer, Harry A., Died August 17, 1911.
Daniels, J. Frank, Rutledge, Pa.
Dohner, Samuel L., Charleston, West Virginia, c-o Union Mission.
Eichinger, Katherine (Cobean), Died June, 1922.
Elliot, Ruth (Wyckoff, J. Harvey), Died May 1, 1925.
Enck, Rhoda (Strock), Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. No. 1.
Fogelsanger, Effie M., Shippensburg, Pa.
Foreman, Sadiei E. (Moyer), Linglestown, Pa.
Fought, Anna G. (Hempt, G. L.), Camp Hill, Pa.
Geiss, Elmer E., 1114 Exeter St., Reading, Pa.
Gracey, G. Reed, New Cumberland, Pa.
Gracey, Mary L. (VanWart, J. S.), 327 Meadow St., Rye, New York.
Graham, Frances Mj., Newville, Pa,
Hartman, Anna (Carbaugh) Arendtsville, Pa.
Hauer, Raymond L., 2253 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Henry, Emma A. (Srnyser, James A.), 1906 Walnut St., Harrisburg,
Hershey, L. Otis, Dillsburg, Pa. R. No. 4.
Hill, Carolyn (Morton, W. Don), 2721 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa.
Hoffner, Lizzie E. (Hoffman, James A ), Elizabethville, Pa.
Kann, Grace (Heiser, J. M.), Newville, Pa.
Keiter, William I., 53 Linden Ave., Cherrydale, Virginia.
Kimmei, W. J., Mechanicsburg, Pa. R. 6.
Kirkpatrick, Harry M., 214 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Kuhn, Samuel, 492 E. Queen St., Chambersburg, Pa,
Lehman, Helen M. (Whitmoyer, Raymond), 43 N. Aberdeen Place,
Atlantic City, N. J.
McClelland, Mary (Line, Edgar L.) 1002 Seventeenth St., Altoona, Pa,
McCullough, Hugh, 7932 Westmoreland Ave., Swissvale, Pa.
McCune, W. Alexander, 204 Reilly St., Harrisburg, Pa.
McElroy, Mary, 37 Ridgewood St., Ridgewood, N. J.
McLaughlin, Curtin C., Millersburg, Pa.
McNaughton, Carrie (Stowder, W. W .), 1108 21st St., Altoona, Pa.
Mellinger, Gertrude (Weidner, Harry E.), Gardners, Pa.
Mowery, Raymond G., Quincy, Pa.
Myers, Hattie B., 1617 N. 'Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Myers, M. Edith, Died February 1928.
Myers, Paul F., 102 Melrose St., Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Neagley, H. C., Fallsington, Pa.
Neagley, S. M., State Teachers College, California, Pa.
Patton, Ruth (Grove Melvin), 625 Hummel Ave., Lemoyne, Pa.
Quig, Evelyn, East Waterford, Pa.
Reinecker, D. Elizabeth (Hicks), 203 S. St. N. E-, Washington, D. C.
Russell, Helen (Allen, Abram), Lees Cross Roads, Pa.
Schubauer, Catherine (Keller, Davis C.), Linglestown, Pa. R. 1.
Scott, J. Belle (Stackhouse, James L.), 620 Weygadt Drive, Easton,
Seville, Harry E., Trafford, Pa.
Sheely, Clinton 'C., 320 Baltimore St., Greencastle, Pa.
Shields, Laura ,M., Died August 29, 1913.
Shutt, Ella N., Elizabethville, Pa.
Sloan, Emma, 216 Venango St. Johnstown, Pa.
Smith, Bessie (Allison, Robert), Shippensburg, Pa.
Smith, Maude (Nell), 2710 Jefferson St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Snoke Errol, Shippensburg, Pa.
Stambaugh, Claudia (Senft, W. Clarence), Spring Grove, Pa.
Starry, D. Ralph, 1309 Denmark Road, Plainfield, N. J.
Swartz Amy (Spangler, Rev. Henry T.), Lutherville, Maryland.
Taughinbaugh, Abigail V. (Linton, Rev. J. M.), 4500 Tyson St.,
Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa.
Thrush, Clarence, Progress, Pa.
Trogler, M ary-(Rotz, J. S.), Fort Loudon, Pa.
Troxell, Helen M. (Greist, J. R.), 321 Second Ave., Spokane, Wash
Unger, S. Dewey, 810 N. 16th St'4 Harrisburg, Pa.
Zeigler, Paul B., State Sanitarium, Säbillisville Md.
Zerfoss Helen (Angeny), Quarters E. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H.
Class of 1907
Agle, Nancy (Bush, Eugene) Palmyra, N. J.
Arnold, Robert, 1256 Girard Ave., Wyomissing, Pa.
Asper, Elda M., 1616 Swatara St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Arter, Esther K. (White, James) Arlington,-Virginia.
Barr, Mary (Abbott) Colfax, Washington.
Benner, Grace (Appier, John) Gettysburg, Pa.
Berry, Alta (Goyt, H. A.) 46 Stewart Place, Shippensburg, Pa,
Bittinger, Laura, Biglerville, Pa.
Bowman, Harry S., 626 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bream, Carrie E. (Bream, Guy E.), Gettysburg, Pa.
Brinkerhoff, Lulu (Hudd, Rev. Albert) 61 W. Oneida St., Oswego, N.
Brown, Bess (Devany) 520 Jefferson Ave., Elizabeth, N. J.
Brown, Marge (Fox, Alvin) 173 Madison Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J.
Byers, Olive (Dintman, W, P.)2210 S. Third St., Steelton, Pa.
Clever, Ethel, 313 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Chase, Amy, 322 S. 87st St., W. Philadelphia, Pa.
Clippinger, Florence, 407 Otterbein Press, Dayton, Ohio.
Cook, James E., Evanston, Wyoming.
Craig, Emma (Reed, Donald) 34 E. North St., Hagerstown, Md.
Cross, E. May, Parkton, Md.
Cunningham, Janet, Fairfield, Pa.
Curley, Emma, Mercersburg, Pa.
Diehl, Luther, Greencastle, Pa.
Dohner, Benprah, (Freeman, Walter) Died November 13, 1914.
Dohner, Emma (Diggins, Prof. Eldon 0 .) 1140 Bedford St., Johns
town, Pa.
Dohner, Ruth (Harrison, J. J.) 5th Floor, S. W. Tel. Building, Ft.
Worth, Texas.
Early, Snively, Greencastle, Pa.
Eby, Cora (Geiss, Elmer) Elizabethville, Pa.
Fickes, M. Gertrude (Wolf, Lawrence), Newport, Pa.
Fisher, Nora (Dohner, A. J.) 11 Johnston St., Salem, N. J.
Fogelsanger, S. L., Manchester, Md.
Foltz, Emma, Died August, 1914.
Freet, J. L., 556 Nelson St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Gettel, Zora, Y. W. C. A., Atlantic City, N. J.
Gilbert, Elsie (Henry, Marvin) 338 E. Burd St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Goodhart, Oren, 1937 State St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Gossert, Carrie (Newman) Waynesboro, Pa.
Grubb, Norman, Millerstown, Pà.
Grubb, Orpha (Yottey, George) 1609 Naudin St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Guyer, George, 1302 N. James St., Rome, N. Y.
Hamil, Nell, (Gordon, James) 868 Fourth Ave., New Kensington, Pa.
Harbison, Harriet, (Fleming, J. E.) 201 Burk St., Easton, Pa.
Harlacher, John E., 4007 Trowbridge St., El Paso, Texas. ~
Hosfeld, Nell (Byers, W. A.) Lampeter, Pa.
Ickes, Mary (Cocklin, Grove) Shippensburg, Pa.
Irwin, Bess (Cunningham, Robert) .Died October 19, 1913.
Johns, Violet (Richter).
Johnson, Charles, 706 Orange St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Johnston, Grace (McDearmid), 124 Glenn Ave., Ottawa, Canada.
Jones, Desse, St. Thomas, Pa.
Jones, James B., Died September 21, 1924.
Kadel, Ruth (Hassler, Samuel) Waynesboro, Pa.
Kauffman, Winifred (Thompson, George), Gettysburg, Pa.
Kidwell, Imogene (Stout, John), Sheridan, Wyoming.
Kilraine, Sadie, Williamstown, Pa.
Kraber, Laura (Nace, William H.), 23 Fourth St., Hanover, Pa.
Kreiner, Edna (Bennet, John), 1835 Holly St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Lay, Ella (Adams, Thomas), 446 N. College St., Carlisle, Pa.
Lehmer, Gertrude (McKissick, William), Dillsburg, Pa.
Long, Lulu (Long, James), Russellville, Arkansas.
Longenecker, Bertha (Shafer, H. M.), 509 Arthur Ave., Scottdale, Pa.
Martin, Kathryn (Gosserd, Robert V.), 306 Third St., Ambridge, Pa.
Mayberry, Myrtle (Stough, Mulford), 210 S. East St., Carlisle, Pa.
Mehring, Edna (Krug, Milton), 1042 W. Market St., York, Pa.
Mellinger, Stelle (Etter, Ralph), Lock Box 76, Steelton, Pa.
Mickey, Lois (Skillington, Rev. J. W.), Mount Union, Pa., 11 W.
Shirley St.
Moorehead, Muriel, Shippensburg, Pa.
Myers, Besse H. Dawson, New Mexico.
Galley 8 Galley 9 'Galley 8 Galley 8 Galley 8 Bailey 8 Bailey 8 8888
Myers, Ruth (Schaeffer, Earl), Camp Hill, Pa.
Orris, Belle (Ritchie, Rev. A. G.), 5845 Catherine St., Philadelphia,
Rahauser, Mary (Miller, J. Raymond), Chambersburg, Pa. R. 9.
Rauch, Caroline, Progress.
Reddig, Harriet, (Mellinger, William), Newville, Pa.
Rhodes, Bess (Johns), Columbia, Pa.
Richwine, Georgei H., N. 17th St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Rumbaugh, Ulrich, D., Millerstown, Pa.
Senft, Edna, Spring Grove, Pa. .
Shank, Raymond, Burford Ave., Gettysburg, Pa.
Sheaffer, Irvin D., 342 West Broad St., Hazleton, Pa.
Sheaffer, Margaret (Garman, I. R.), Newville, Pa. R. 1.
Shearer, Simon S., Shippensburg, Pa.
Shively, Naomi (Barchatt, Walter), Troxelville, Pa.
Shriner, Clara (Zimmerman, John I.).
Shriner, Harriet, Shippensburg, Pa.
Sieber, Grace, Mifflintown, Pa.
Smith, Portis, Wellsville, Pa.
Speese, Pearl (Dorn, George), Bound Brook, N. Y.
Stough, Mulford 210 S. West St., Carlisle, Pa.
Thrush, Earl, Shippensburg, Pa.
Tritt, Charles, Harrington, Delaware.
Walker, Alice, J., Newport, Pa.
Walter, Alma (Gordon, J. D), 731 Lehman St., Lebanon, Pa.
Wiebe Peter, Hillsboro, Kansas.
Wineman, Fredyth (Caughey, Rev. F. M.), 305 Joy St., Red Oak,
Wire, Levi, Beverly, N. J.
Witherspoon, Edith (White, Louis).
Young, Effa, 129 N. Carlisle, St., Greencastle, Pa.
Class of 1908
Auker, E. H., Died January, 1917.
Bair, Milton H., Littlestown, Pa.
Boher, Nellie J., 127 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
Book, William I.
Brindle, Emma (Bortz, E. H.), 8314 West Chester Pike, Kirklyn,
Upper Darby, Pa.
Brindle, Mary E., 1 Bronson Apts., Ardmore, Pa.
Byers, Ada M., 1836 Regina St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Conn, Mary C. (McClure, Charles), East Waterford, Pa.
Coper, Anna M. (Guyer, George), 1302 N. James St., Rome, N. Y.
Cowan Archie W.
Cremer, Margaretta (Fluke, William G.), Saxton, Pa.
Dale, Ella E. (Fisher, Joseph E.), Wets Leisingring, Pa.
Dunkle, Margie I., Died January 1926.
Eldon, Lydia, Shippensburg, Pa.
Elicker, Walter G., 36 E. Clay St., Roselle Park, N. J.
Eyster, Jane C. (Hesier, C. B.), Newville, Pa. R. No. 1.
Fahs, Bruce H., Selinsgrove, Pa.
Falk, Dora M., (Hensel, Forrest), 618 Market St., Lykens, Pa.
Ferree Mjary E., 137 Cooper Ave., Woodlynne, N. J.
Fogelsanger, Kathryn E. (Coffey, John), 308 E. King St., Shippens
burg, Pa.
Follmar, Anna G. (Zepp, William), York Springs, Pa.
Follmar, Edith E. (Tritt, Charles), 1928 North St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Gettel, Mabel F. (Crider, J. N.), 6614 Woodside Ave., Woodside, Long
Island, N. Y.
Gift, Neadia P. (Schaeffer, C. R.), 305 W. Main St., Waynesboro, Pa.
Gingrich, Irvin R., 406 Cherry St., Palmyra, Pa.
Good, John L., Died October 2, 1923.
Hays, Alice M. (Spangler, John), 409 Humphrey Ave., Oak Park,
Hays, Ethel V. (D uffy), Wlebster Mills, Pa.
Hedding, Margaret M., 319 Walnut Ave., Altoona, Pa.
Helt, C. F., Garrett, Pa.
Hempt, Grace E., 3025 Market St., Camp Hill, Pa.
Henneberger, Minnie B. (Middour, Emory J.), Oregon St., Mercersburg, Pa.
Hess, Maurice A., McPherson, Kansas.
Hockenberry, Myrtle (Young), Died January 21, 1930.
Hoffman, Thomas, 22 W. Market St., York, Pa.
Hollar, Julia (McCullough, William), 3139 West Boulevard, Cleve
land, Ohio.
Hoon, Iva (Hoover, H. A.), Box 54, Newville, Pa.
Hoover, Grace (Bender, Charles S.), Catherine St., Chambersburg:, Pa.
Houston, Elizabeth (Fickes, B. K.), Massillon, Ohio.
Hoyert, J. Harry, Riverdale, Md.
Humphries, J. H., 45 Chestnut St., Salinas, California.
Jackson, J. Roy, 618 Franklin Ave., Aliquippa, Pa.
Jones, Kathryn F. (Keene, E. L.), 603 Spruce St., Lykens, Pa.
Knouse, Roy D., Westminster, Md. R. No. 1.
Kob, John F., 1501 Swatara St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Kuhn, Jennie (Elliott, Greencastle, Pa.
LaWall, Marian L. (Horn, George), 7211 Broadway, San Antonio,
LeFever, June (Lanfield, Herman), Dallard Station, Seattle, Wash
LeVan, Mjae J., 5615 Nebraska Ave., Washington, D. C.
Leonard, Bertha E. (Fry, Fred), Sharon, Pa.
Light, Ruth A. (Erdman, Harry), 813 Maple St., Lebanon, Pa.
Macbeth, Blanche J. (Huber, Charles L.), Macungie, Pa.
McClelland, Eleanor, 114 Maple Ave., Morristown, N. J.
McClelland, Winifred (Hunt, E. W .), 42 Delaware Ave., Lambertville, N. J.
McCullough, Mary D. (Shurtleff), Fairmount, West Virginia.
Martin, Ella F., 228 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Miller, Minnie B. (Gamble, Harvey), Died July 11, 1915.
Morrison, George, Carlisle, Pa.
Myers, Janet, Marion, Pa.
Noonan, Denny C., 4714 Eighth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Washington.
Palmer, Alonza C., Comwall-on-Hudson, New York.
Pearson, Raymond W., Fort Benning, Georgia.
Reagle, Emily B. (Transue), Bangor, Pa.
Rice, Blanche M., Port Washington, Long Island.
Robinson, Eva., Newport, Pa.
Robinson, Jean C., 100 31st St., West New York, N. Y.
Sauble, Carrie E. (Dicks, Charles N.), Hampton, Pa.
Schaeffer, Earle H., 307 Mechanics Trust Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa.
Scouller, Helen (Mains, Glenn D.), Newville, Pa.
Senseney, Edna M. (McClelland, John), King St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Class,©f 1909
Ausherman, Naomi (Cutshall, John), 308 S. 17th St., Allentown, Pa.
Bellows, Mary A. (Domblazer, Frederick).
Bender, Huldah (Rearick, J. Harold), 22 S. 19th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Benner, Carrie V. (Butt, George L.), Media, Pa. R. No. 2.
Benner, planche, 603 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.
Bitner, Ethel (Lourie), Shippensburg, Pa.
Bowman, Egar, Newville, 'Pa.
Brady, Maude (Yohe, Ira), 35 S. 13th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Brandt, Anna (Stultz, Dallas), Newport, Pa.
Burke, 'Grace M. (Fogelsanger,. Grist A.), Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 3.
Charlton, Marian J., Williamsport, Maryland.
Crissey, Flora V. (Shoemaker), Schellsburg, Pa.
Cutshall, John L., 308 S. 17th St., Allentown ,Pa_
Deardorff, Oliver F., Etters, Pa.
Detweiler, Bertha E., Shippensburg, Pa.
Eby, Lena (Hatz, James B.)
Eichelberger, G. H.
Elicker, Bertha A. (Hummel, E. A .), Lock Box 253, Mays Landing,
N. J.
Etters, Esma (Keener, John F.), 149 Arch St., Akron, Ohio.
Etter, Ethel C. (Barnes).
Floyd, Rodney, Plainfield, N. J.
Fogelsanger, Eva.
Frantz, Mlary (Cure, John W .), Mansfield, Pa.
Freed, Bertha (Aldinger, Charles S.), 707 Pennsylvania Ave., York,
Gingrich, Clayton C., Hershey, 'Pa.
Green, Jennie, Steelton, Pa.
Hargleroad, Lillian, Park Ridge, N. J.
Harrison, Elsive V., Ithica, N. Y.
Heiges, P. M., 77 Beech St., East Orange, N. J.
Herring, Elizabeth C., Fairfield, Pa.
Hicks, Jennie (Holland, Cloyd C.), 2029 Penn St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9 Galley 9999999
Hoch, Clarence E., 5120 Kncaid St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hollar Rhea (Faust, J. C.), 28 N. Carlisle St., Greencastle, Pa.
Hollinger, Jacob, Somerfield, N. J.
Houston, Mary K. (Knox, Karl Z.), 182 W. North Broadway, Colum
bus, Ohio.
Igartua, John S., Box 33, Lares, Porto Rico.
Jackson, Margaret (Johnson, Fred ), New Buffalo, Pa.
Jobe, Charles R., Covina, California.
Johnston, Helen (Dimm), Moore Cottage, East Northfield, Mass.
Jordan,. Florence, Mercersburg, Pa.
Keener, John F., Goodyear Heights, Akron, Ohio.
Kendall, Hattie B. (Alden, E. G.), 110 E. Maple Ave., Merchantville,
N. J.
Kendall, Martha (Kelso, Harry W.), 35 Fifth St., McDonald, Pa.
Kniley, Florence (Swab, R. E.)> Schofield Barracks, 21st U. S. In
fantry, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kreider, Emma M.
Lehman, Besse (Hipps)
Lerew, Beatrice (Grimes, Harry), Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Lichtenwalner, Edith, 'Plainfield, N. J.
Lichtenwalner, Viola, 1419 Pine St., Steelton, Pa.
Long, Esther M. (Walker, R. C.), 415 Garfield Square, Pottsville, Pa.
McMeen, Edith, 710 Lexington Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Markley, G. Hayes, 148 S. Elmer St., Westfield, N. J.
Matter, Ralph P., State Hospital, Bloserburg, Pa.
Means, Mary (Lindsey, Walter), Shippensburg, Pa. R. No. 5.
Mehring, Mary (Hollinger, Jacob), Somerville, N. J.
Mellott, Mae (Hagerman, H. K.), 136 S. Sixth St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Messinger, George M., Morganza, Pa.
Middour, Emory J., Oregon St., Mercersburg, Pa.
Miller, Evers S., 227 Fifth Ave., Chambersburg, Pa.
Morrow, Ruth, Shippensburg, Pa.
Naugle, Harold, 19 Anna D., Apts., Second St., Pottsville, Pa.
Noftsker, Claire T. (Burns, Forrest).
Orndorff, Anna G., Wisconisco, Pa.
Oyler, Bertha M. (Goas, Horace Z.), 34 Whittingham, West Orange,
N. J.
Peightel, Luck (Cutshall, Allen), Three Springs, Pa.
Reeder, Helen F. (Sinsabaugh, Grant), 189 Laurel Ave., Irvington,
N. J.
Rinedollar, Maude (Paylor), McGonnellsburg, Pa.
Seabrook, Marian (Turner, James E.), 62 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Shive, Clyde S., Shippensburg, Pa.
Shuck, A. C., Ocean City, Maryland.
Shupp, Edna (Broderick, J. H.), Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.
Shutt, Beulah I., Moorestown, N. J.
Smith, Hettie (Numer, William), Newport, Pa.
Shively, Mary L., Shippensburg, Pa.
Snyder, Erma J.
Stutenroth, Emily K.
Troxel, Mary (Kendlehart, J. B.), 235 Clearview Road, Emsworth,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wenger, Mark T., 308 W. Second Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Wilson, Grace A., Carlisle, Pa. R. 1.
Class of 1910
Agle, Loubertia (Shoap, Carl), 2215 Yale St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Allen, Florence (Ocker, William F.), Shippensburg, Pa. R. 2.
Barner, Blanche (Gipe, H. C.), Harrisburg, Pa. R. 4.
Beard, Ralph E., State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa.
Boyer, Charles E., Waldorf, Minnesota.
Braucht, Bessie (Miller, Arthur), 243 E. Market St., Williamstown,
Brenneman, John, Bowmansdale, Pa.
Cassell, Floyd F., 1333 Taylor Ave., New Kensington, Pa.
Christopher, Mary, Saxton, 'Pa.
Cook, Carrie (Coyle, Joseph M.), Lansdowne, Md.
Cope, Nellie (Coover, Roy), Shippensburg, Pa. R. 1.
Coyle, Joseph, Lansdowne, Md.
Cressler, Grace (Matheus, M. S.), Media, Pa.
Daugherty, Laura (Higgins), Iron Springs, Pa.
Davis, William V., 1117 Twenty-First Ave., Altoona, Pa.
Deardorff, Isabel F., (Watson, Y. S.), Tracey, California.
DeWalt, Kathryn B., (Science), Swissvale, Pa.
Dimm, Floy E., (Boyer, C. C.), 2414 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington,
D. C.
Doyle, Harry G., Doylesburg, Pa.
Duke, Ruth, 131 Coulter Ave., Ardmore, Pa.
Eberly, Florence (Rupp), 442 W. Simpson St., Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Fluke, William G., Saxton, Pa.
Fogelsanger, Nellie (Coover, Jacob), Shippensburg, Pa.
Fulton, Edna (Reiley, D. C.), Bedford, 'Pa.
Gardner, Mary E., Royalton, Pa.
Garver, Kathryn (Barrie, E. L.)
Gibboney, Vashti (Stahle, Clyde V.), 329 S. Main St., Greensburg, Pa.
Good, Albie (Newcomer, J. Galen), Waynesboro, Pa. R, 4.
Grove, J. Seth, Shippensburg, Pa.
Hale, Lee M., 202 E. King St., Shippensburg, Pa.
Hendershot, Walter S., Clairton, Wilson Station, Pa.
Herman, Viola (Hertzler, C. A ,), Carlisle, Pa. R. 6.
Hileman, Gertrude R., 1008 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Hixon, Beatrice (Alexander, W. I.), 1354 High St., Bowling Green,
Hoffer, Elsie (Johnson, Emil), 1801 West St., Homestead, Pa.
Hoffman, Harry H., Ephrata, Pa.
Hoffman, Mary (Doyle, L. F.), 85 S. Arlington St., Akron, Ohio.
Hoke, John B.
Johnstown, Mary (Dufgey, H. A.), McConnellsburg, Pa.
Jones, Ethel MJ. (Shope, G. W .), St. Thomas, Pa.
Jones, Helen (Gotwals, Vernon D.), 129 W. Tenth St., Conshohocken,
Jones, Russell J., Beaverdale, Pa.
Karns, Edna G.
Kell, James A., New Alexandria, Pa.
Kendig, Lillian (Cole, H. Verde), Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Linn, Stella (Newman, Edgar H.), Hanover, Junction, Pa.
Loy, Mary C., Newville, Pa.
Macbeth, Reynolds 0., Aspers, Pa.
McNeal, Mary (McIntyre, W. B.), Six Mile Run, Pa.
Marshall, Janet (Jeffreys, D. C.), Lenoir, North Carolina.
Matthews, Robert E., 1316 Vernon St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Miller, Ellen, Elizabethville, Pa.
Myers, Blanche (Harlacher, Josef B.), 210 Spring St., Chevy Chase,
Neff, Ruth, Fayetteville, Pa.
Nelson, Russell, St. James School, Md.
Newman, Ava (Harbourt), Titusville, N. J.
Peffer, Elmer E., Altoona, !Pa.
Peffer, Parker S., 221 W. Louther St., Carlisle, Pa.
Peiffer, Vera C., 206 N. Thirty Third St., West Philadelphia, Pa.
Rhodes, Anna M. (Werden, Grant), 124 N. Mastin Ave., Syracuse, N.
Robinson, Martha E. (Criswell, William), Shippensburg, Pa.
Robinson, Helen D. (Beck, Thomas), 114 N. Grand St., Lewistown, Pa.
Scott, Helen (Grove, J. Seth), Shippensburg, Pa.
Shive, Ruth (Behney, L. H.), 329 Paige Ave., Warren, Ohio.
Shimer, Grace E., 1125 Shehy St., Youngstown, Ohio.
Snider, Floyd H., State College, 'Pa.
Snoke, Ruth (Cassell, Floyd), 1333 Taylor Ave., New Kensington, Pa.
Snyder, Annabell, Lancaster, Wisconsin.
Thrush, Romaine (Stevens, Albert S.), 58 Hassard St., New Bruns
wick, N. J.
White, James W., Germantown, Md.
Witherspoon, Andrew C., 548 E. Thirty-Eighth St., Baltimore, Md.
Wolf, Verna M. (Railing, William), Suffolk, Virginia.
Zeigler, Clyde, 906 Green St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Zimmerman, Charles H., Fairfield, Pa.
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