Wed, 08/28/2024 - 18:00
Edited Text
Historic Pamphlet Collection, 1916-2003
Box 1:
After Agnes: A Report on Flood Recovery Assistance / Harry E. Whipskey, The Pennsylvania
Historical and Museum Commissions, 1973.
The Ailanthus Tree in Pennsylvania / Joseph S. Illick and E.F. Brouse, Pennsylvania Department
of Forests and Waters, January 1926.
The American Petroleum Industry its Beginnings in Pennsylvania! / Paul H. Giddens, August
Amish Life / John A. Hostetler, Herald Press 1983.
The Amish and the Mennonites: A Study of the Social Customs and Habits of Pennsylvania's
"Plain People" / Ammon Monroe Aurand Jr., The Aurand Press, 1938.
The Amish of Lancaster County Pennsylvania / Berenice Steinfeldt, 1940.
Aurand's Collection of Pennsylvania German Stories and Poems / A. M. Aurand. M. Aurand &
Son, 1916.
50 Birds and Mammals of Pennsylvania/Toni Williams, Pennsylvania Game Commission, 1982.
Charter of Kings Charles II of England and William Penn's Frames of Government for
Pennsylvania/Lester K. Ade, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction
State Library and Museum, 1939.
Child Life of the Pennsylvania Germans/A. Monroe Aurand Jr., The Aurand Press, 1947.
A Chronicle of the Free Library's Neighbor to Neighbor Century IV Celebrations/The Free
Library of Philadelphia, circa 1990s.
A Chronology of Events in Pennsylvania Forestry Showing Things As They Happened to Penn's
Woods/ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Office of
Resources Management Bureau of Forestry, 1975.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Its Governor: The Honorable Tom Ride/ The
Newcomen Society of the United States, 2000.
The Common Trees and Shrubs of Pennsylvania Native and Introduced/ George S. Perry,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters, 1932.

Common Trees of Pennsylvania/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Forests and
Waters, 1955.
Dauphin County Court House/ Dauphin County Bar Association, December 1943.
Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans/ A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., The Aurand Press, 1946.
Elysburg - First Hundred Years: 1791-1891/ Joseph A. Meiser and Sarah Roadarmel Meiser,
Elysburg Garden Club, 1991.
Emporium Cameron County Pennsylvania/Emporium-Cameron County Chamber of Commerce,
Fort Roberdeau and its Founder/ The Altoona Area Public Library, The Blair County
Bicentennial Commission, 1975.
Freedom From Darkness Two Centuries of Progress/ The Sheer Pennsylvania Association for the
Blind, 1976.
A Guide to Old Economy/ Daniel B. Reibel, The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
Commission, 1972.
Hemlock: The State Tree of Pennsylvania/ The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1948.
Historical Date McKean County 1804-1935/ C. W. Lillibridge, 1934.
Historical Districts in Pennsylvania/ D. G. Scholsser, Pennsylvania Department of Community
Affairs, March 1978.
An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania in
America/ Gabriel Thomas, The Aurand Press, 1935.
How Mennonites Came to Be/ J. C. Wenger, Herald Press, 1977.
John Stevens: Father of the American Railroads/ Leonard M. Fanning, The Mercer Publishing
Company, 1956.
Little Known Facts About Building in the New World/ A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., The Aurand
Press, 1938.
Mennonite Life/ John A. Hostetler, Herald Press, 1983.
The Negro in Pennsylvania History/ Ira V. Brown, The Pennsylvania Historical Association,
Nuclear Power in Perspective/ Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, 1970.

Old Mills of Perry County/ The Perry County Tourist Bureau, 1989.
Old Philadelphia and Historic Germantown/ The Philadelphia Transportation Co., 1960.
Origins of Names of Army and Air Corps Posts, Camps, & Stations in World War II in
Pennsylvania/Allen Mary Moore, 1952.
Our People: The Amish and Mennonites of Ohio/ Levi Miller, Herald Press, 1983.

Box 2:
P.E.L Fact Book for 1989/ Pennsylvania Economy League, Inc., 1989.
P.E.L Fact Book for 1990/ Pennsylvania Economy League, Inc., 1990.
P.E.L Fact Book for 1992/ Pennsylvania Economy League, Inc., 1992.
The Pennsylvania Capitol/ The Pennsylvania General Assembly, 2003.
Pennsylvania Caves/ Ralph W. Stone, Pennsylvania Department of Internal Affairs, 1932.
Pennsylvania Coal Data 1989/ Pennsylvania Coal Association, 1989.
Pennsylvania Coal Data 1991/ Pennsylvania Coal Association, 1991.
Pennsylvania History/ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1990.
Pennsylvania History in Outline / S. K. Stevens, Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1942.
Pennsylvania House of Representatives/ Phillip Levin Company, 1982.
The Pennsylvania Legislative Process/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House of
Pennsylvania Turnpike System: The World's Greatest Highway/ Pennsylvania Turnpike
Commission, 1953.
Pennsylvania Reptiles & Amphibians/Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Fish Commission, 1950.
Philadelphia Mapmakers/Jefferson M. Moak, The Shackamaxon Society Inc., 1976.
Philadelphia at 300: A Time of Reflection/ William J. Green, The Newcomen Society in North
America, 1983.

Pine Creek Tomorrow/ Timothy T. Palmer, Pine Creek Environmental Program, 1975.
The Poles in Pennsylvania/Matthew S. Madga, The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
Commission, 1986.
Preventing Soil Erosion: Simple Systems of Saving Soil, Water, and Toil/ The Pennsylvania
State College School of Agriculture, 1945.
Reminiscences of An Old Man on Life in York County, Pa in the Nineteenth Century: Diary and
Collections of Henry Bott/ Carl E. Hatch and Richard E. Kohler, Martin Library Publications,
Resources- Responsibility & Coordination related to the Comprehensive Study of the
Susquehanna River Basin/ The Interstate Advisory Committee on the Susquehanna River Basin,
Rural Sketches/ Guy Graybill, The Country Print Shop, 1975.
See Pennsylvania’s Flaming Foliage: More Autumn Color Than Any Other State/ Pennsylvania
Travel Development Bureau, 1962.
The Senate of Pennsylvania/ The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Circa 1970s.
Susquehanna River Basin Compact/ Interstate Advisory Committee on the Susquehanna River
Basin, June 1966.
Susquehanna Waterway: The West Branch in Lycoming County/ Timothy T. Palmer, Grit
Publishing Company, June 1975.
The Welsh in Pennsylvania/ Matthew S. Magda, The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
Commissions, 1986.
What Does the Fuel Crisis Mean to Your Electric Service in Pennsylvania?/ Pennsylvania
Electric Association, 1974.
What Mennonites Believe/ J.C. Wenger, Herald Press, 1977.
The Wright Brothers: Fathers of the Airplane Industry/ Leonard M. Fanning, Mercer Publishing
Company, 1956.
World War I: York, Pennsylvania's Response/ Carl E. Hatch and Joseph B. Hicks, Strine
Publishing Company, 1972.
100 Years of Free Public Schools In Pennsylvania 1834-1934/ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Public Instruction, 1934.

1791-1991 200 Years of Our Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights and Beyond/ Michael Cusack,
Scholastic Inc., 1991.
York County Historic Sites and Tour Guide/ William H. Shank, circa 1950's.
York, PA, in the Roaring 20s/ Carl E. Hatch, Joseph B. Hicks, Richard E. Kohler, Strine
Publishing Company, 1973.