Wed, 08/28/2024 - 17:52
Edited Text
Radical Student Publications Collection, 1966-1972
Donated by David Greenwald, 1970 graduate UC-Berkeley and Bloomsburg faculty member
Box 1:
Abortion, 1966
This folder contains fliers that promote legalization of abortion in California.
American Federation of Teachers, 1966-67
AFT Local 1570 was the union that represented student workers at the University of
California, Berkeley. These fliers provide information about strikes and marches to protest
decisions of the administration.
Berkeley Campus, 1966-69
This folder contains fliers related to activities on the Berkeley campus. Topics covered
include a student strike protesting a Navy recruitment table on campus, disagreements with
Chancellor Heyns and the administration, and police on campus.
Campus Vietnam Day Committee (VDC), 1966-67
The Vietnam Day Committee was a coalition of political groups and student groups that
opposed the Vietnam War. This folder includes fliers about anti-war rallies, a rally against
the Dow Chemical Company for manufacturing napalm, and lectures by Franz Schumann,
Dave Dellinger, and Dr. Noam Chomsky.
Capital Punishment, 1966-67
This folder contains information distributed by Citizens Against Legalized Murder opposing
capital punishment.
Children - Schools and Camps, 1966
This folder contains information about the Philadelphia public schools, Cal Camp, and Pinel,
a small nongraded school.
Committee for Establishment of Community, 1967
This organization attempted to resolve conflicts on the Berkeley campus. This folder
contains informative fliers, a proposal for institutional change, and text of a speech by Craig
Concert and Event Posters, 1966-68
This folder contains posters advertising concerts, films, poetry readings, and other events in
the Berkeley area. Many events took place in the Jabberwock, the Avalon ballroom, and
Fillmore auditorium. Performers included the Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe
and the Fish, and the Grateful Dead.
Draft, 1966-67
This folder contains information about the draft, consequences for objecting to the draft, and
fliers promoting Stop the Draft Week.
Economy and Labor, 1966-67
This folder contains fliers about poverty, poor working conditions for farmers, food
shortages, and opposition to a used book store.
Free University of Berkeley, 1966-68
The Free University of Berkeley was created to protest the Educational Establishment and to
offer innovative classes. This folder includes fliers and course catalogues.

Independent Socialist Club, 1966-67
This folder contains fliers distributed by the Independent Socialist Club about socialism, free
speech, events on campus, the Vietnam War, student power, racial issues, and state, national,
and international politics.
International Affairs, 1966-67
This folder contains informational fliers about South Africa, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Iran,
and the Middle East.
Mind Expansion, Psychedelics, Special Interest, 1966-68
This folder contains fliers on a wide variety of topics including lectures on psychedelics,
workshops to expand participants’ awareness or build interpersonal relationships, Campus
Crusade for Christ, women’s liberation, and sexual freedom forums.
Politics, 1966-68, 1972
This folder contains fliers and pamphlets about city, state, and national elections. Many of
the fliers were produced by the Campus Committee for New Politics.
Racial Issues, 1966-68
This folder contains fliers related to racial issues in Berkley and through the nation. Topics
mentioned include the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, Malcolm X, Charles Mingus,
police brutality, Huey Newton, and the Black Panther Party.
Scientology, 1968
This folder contains fliers promoting Scientology and inviting people to meetings.
Students for a Democratic Society, 1966-68
Students for a Democratic Society was a radical student activist organization. These fliers
publicize strikes, rallies and membership meetings and provide information about the rising
cost of living, Student Power, Black Power, Workers Power, the war, the draft, and the
University administration.
Vietnam, 1966-67
This folder contains information opposing the Vietnam War and suggests ways for people to
support the anti-war movement. Fliers oppose the use of napalm, depict the horrific living
conditions in Vietnam, advertise films about Vietnam, and promote Vietnam week.
War, 1966-67
This folder contains fliers about war, peace, protests, and patriotism without specifically
mentioning Vietnam. One flier announces a demonstration against the House Un-American
Activities Committee.