Tue, 05/07/2024 - 18:24
Edited Text
In this Issue:
The Kissing I
Disease - Pg. 3


BSC Professor Uses Hypnosis
To Explore Infants' Experiences

Dr. Margaret Webber,
professor of Special Education
at BSC, has been conducting
research through the use of
hypnosis 'to explore what the
baby experiences during the
birth process. This research,
which is giving new insights into
how perceptive an infant is,
seems to provide guidelines for
mothers and fathers about what
they should do during
pregnancy and the actual birth,
and establishes a relationship
between later behavior and the
experiences of the baby during
the birth.
Although hypnotists do not
need to be certified in Pennsylvania , Dr. Webber did
receive certification as a
hypnotist. She has been acInterest began after
she was hypnotized.

cepted as a member of the
Association to Advance Ethical
Hypnosis A(AAEH) whose
main belief is tha t hypnosis
should be in the hands of trained
and competent hypnotists .
Therefore , members are
required to be professionals.
Webber became interested in
this type of research when she
herself was hypnotized and
regressed back to her birth. She
explains, "I had a question in
my life that could not be answered on a conscious level. "
Webber says she has always
hated loud noises and intense
heat. "I discovered that I was
born at noon and when the
sirens went off I couldn't bring
my hands up to cover my ears. I
also had a rash over my body
and when I emerged into the
world the air hitting me made
me feel like I was burning. I
began to see a relationship
between the birth experience
and the dislikes and likes that
people have, especially ones
they can't explain," she says.
Webber then began to focus her
studies on these experiences.
Webber explains that every
experience a person has "is
imprinted in their mind.
Hypnosis allows an individual to
describe events or feelings
which are at a subconscious

level. To get the person to
describe their birth, Webber
regresses the person back into
the uterus, through the birth
process, and into the minutes
and days immediately following
the birth.
"Babies know where they are
in utero and know how they feel.
We .don't know how they know,
but many researchers are
getting the same results," said
Webber. So that the person can
describe what is happening,
Webber instructs the person
under hypnosis to use the
language they have now to
comment on what happened
back when they didn't have
verbal skills. To verify what the
hypnotized person reveals,
Webber tries to have the mother
present"to confirm what is said.
One of the major findings of
this research is that babies are
much more perceptive than we
have previously believed.
Webber regressed one woman
all the way back to six months
in the womb and the individual
could describe what was happening. Webber believes this
research could cause major
understanding human development.
Hypnosis regresses' individual back to birth
This research also supports
more conventional studies
which show that how the mother
takes care of herself and the
method of birth used is extremely critical.
"By comparing children who
were born with their mothers
sedated and those of natural
childbirth, things such as the
lighting and temperature of the
delivery room can have
significant consequences to the
development of the child.
Placing the child with the
mother and father within
minutes of birth has also been
found to be extremely important ," Webber concluded
from her preliminary studies.
"The ones who had been united
with the mother and father soon
after birth seemed to be more

loving and trusting as adults
and had a better relationship
with their parents.
Finally, Webber feels that
h y p n o - r e g r e s s i o n could
revolutionize the practice of
psychiatry and the treatment of
disturbed individuals. "Unlike
psychotherapy which can be hit
and miss, hypnosis can isolate
specific experiences that may
have caused you to be what you
are-good or bad," said Webber. '
She gives an example of
David, a 19-year-old womanhater who has always disliked
women except mothers. When
taken back to two hours after
his birth, David remembers a
nurse calling him the ugliest
baby she has ever seen. He got
mad at this and feels that this
was a significant event in his
subsequent behavior.
Webber feels hypnoregression can re volutionize

"Both my own research and
that which I have read tend to
suggest that in some cases, if
not all, there is a direct
relaitonship between the late
stages of inutera (the immediate
minutes, hours, and days after
the birth) and behavior in late
life," Webber says. However,
she cuations that "these studies
shouldn't be construed as the
ultimate answer because much
more hard study needs to be


PBL Conference

The Eastern Region Leadership Conference was held late last
month. Several members of BSC's Nu Omicron Chapter of the
national business organization Phi Beta Lambda attended this
annual conference, which brought together all FBLA (high school
level) and PBL members from the Eastern Region.
The conference was held in Amherst, New York, which is near
one of the most spectacular sites in the world; Niagara Falls. The
memberswho attendedhad the chance to do some local touring and
shopping. Also, on Friday and Saturday evenings, there was a
dance held in the grand ballroom of the Mariott Hotel.
The members also attended various workshops throughout the
weekend that considered all aspects of the business world. One of
the workshops dealt with life on a college campus, another explainedhow to build skills for a successful interview, and one explained how to give "life" to your chapter.
The members who attended felt that the workshop was
educationaland interesting. As participantsof the conference, they
had the opportunity to reach new goals besides meeting people
from other states.

Performax Workshop
Upcoming for Women
The Columbia and Montour
Counties Women's Conference
'83 "Midterm Events" Committee will present a Perf ormax
workshop on Saturday, Nov. 20,
from 9 a.m. t o l p.m. in Room
106 of Bakeless Center for the
Humanities. The workshop is
open to all women in the area.
However, registration is
limited,' and there is a $15
registration fee which covers
the cost of all materials.
Conducted by Dr. Janice
McElroy, executive director of
Resource Development Ser. vices, Allentown, the workshop
will provide participants with
an opportunity to identify their
work behavioral styles and how
they differ from others, thus
helping to minimize potential

conflicts when working with
The workshops will feature
the copyrighted Performax
materials which, through a selfadministered
questions, collects and returns
information about the user in a
rapid, economical way. The
system has been tested and
proven effective in the training
and development of personnel,
coaching and counseling,
career path planning, team
building, conflict resolution,
Registration deadline is
November 12. For more information , or to register,
contact Florence Thompson at
the Women's Center, Bloomsburg, 784-6631.

Disability Awareness
Arrives at BSC

A disability awareness program will be sponsored by Project
Awareness tonight from 6-9 p.m. in the President's Lounge. The
theme will be "Walk in my Shoes" and will focus on the social
aspectsof havinga disability at BSC. From 6.15 to 7:00 p.m., "Kids
on the Block", a puppet show about disabilities will be presented.
Next, the movie "A Different Approach" will be shown until 7:20.
From 7:30-8:15 a panel of four disabled BSC students will speak
about what it is like to have a disability at BSC. To conclude the
evening, Nieta Kimmel, a nationally-known mouth artist, will
speak. Refreshments will be served.

Cynthia Dandrad*

HARRY STRAUSSER III, BSC senior, spoke in Haas Auditorium for the opening ceremonies
of the 14th Annual Mad Hatter Tournament last weekend.' The tournament, sponsored
by BSC's Forensic Society, engaged 150 students from 21 schools in nine categories of
individual speaking events.

Letters to the Editor
Something Fishy

Dear Editor:
It's Friday evening, and I just
got back from dinner - and do
you know what? I'm disgusted.
It's the fish. I'm sick of fish.
Fish, fish, fish! Give me a
break ! What's going on here
anyway? Do the cows and birds
go on strike on Friday mornings
so that all we are left with are
these miserable fish?
I don't know - maybe it's me.
But it seems every Friday I go
to lunch and what do I find on
the menu? Fish sandwiches.
Well O.K. I guess a little variety
is good for me. In fact, eating
my fish sandwich probably sets
me up for my. coverage of the
five basic food groups. I guess
you have to keep the old system
running right. So now it's dinner
time and I'm all prepared , to
sink my teeth into a nice roast
or something - and what? Do my
eyes deceive me? Fish again! I
mean, I' m going bananas ,
which I would prefer by, the
way, oyer this fish bit. Anyway
one-does have to eat something,
sol figure I'll try my luck at the
salad bar. What's there? Oh no,
tuna fish! Someone please help.
I know, maybe the soup, What?
Fish soup? Ahhhhhh!
Well, I , must say. that I'm
certainly glad to stay out late
enough oh Thursday nights so
that I can't possibly attend
Friday morning breakfast at
the Commons. They probably
serve fish omlettes or even fish
tea ! Oh, perhaps I'm stretching
the truth a bit, but you had
better watch out, kids, because
at this very minute somewhere
out there in the cereal sea,
Captain Crunch and his crew
are probably being taken over
by the inevitable.

appears to be an attitude
of disgust and mistrust and
these things seem to have been
filtering through each and
every Greek group. This is said
and a shame, but most of all, it
needs to be looked at.
Too much emphasis is being
Coverage Praise
placed on social activities. I am
beginning to believe tha t many
Dear Editor :
times we live and die for our
We would like to thank the
banquets and date parties.
Campus Voice for the coverage
When was the last time one of us
given to the World Population
headed a benefit or drive?
Day Program held recently at
That's not even the most im- ,
the college. The program
portant thing. The most imfeatured population specialists
portant question ' is when was
Werner Fornos and Barberry
the last time we put our heart
Byfield. We attribute the large
and soul into a cause? Not just
student participation in these
attended a function or sold
programs to the publicity from
tickets, for a . cause dazedly
the Campus Voice. Thanks
because we didn't care what we.
again for your cooperation in
were doing or what it was for ;
covering so vital a topic.
Dr. Ted Shanoski ¦ we were just told we had to be
there or sell something because
Dr. Chang Roh
everybody had a responsibility
System Questioned?
to do so. We are supposed to
reach out to everyone, yet we
Dear Editor :
even reach out to ourcan't
I would like you to print this in
What are we doing here?
the hopes of getting some kind
, of response from anyone in- Have we lost something
volved in the Greek system at
(Continued on Pago 4)
BSC. What I have to say is this."I
. have seen the Greek system go
through drastic changes in the
past year, most of them for the
betterment of ¦:new pledge
classes. But I have also been
Greek long enough to see that it
is time each sorority and
It's 3 p.m. on a sunny, fall
fraternity took a good long look
Wednesday afternoon and all
at themselves because changes
your classes are over for the
' are
day. Now it's time to trudge
organizations. What do we
home and start the major
really Have to offer studentsassignment
that' s
and of equal importance-what
tomorrow at 2 p.m. You're
do we have to offer ourselves?
really anxious to get home and
Recently, I have noticed a
get that project underway,
campus-wide attitude of apathy
and of boredom within our
Of course not! ! Gone are your
organizations. Worse yet, there
days of beginning an assignment a week ahead of time.
Can't someone do anything?
Peanut butter and jelly is a poor
substitute for my Friday
evening dinner , and I'm afraid I
just can 't hang on much longer
before I....break.
Fished to Death

Campus Voice Staff
Vol. LXI No. 25

Moorrabwrg Stat* Coflog*. fA 17115 bx «7 KU8 M9-3101 .

Executive Editor
Managing Editor
News Editors
News Asst
Feature Editors
Feature Assts
Sports Editors
Photo Editor
Ad Manager
Ad Asst
Copy Editors
Copy Assts
Circulation Manager
Business Manager

Debbie Berkley
Angel Grasso
Patty Hagmann, Patrick Murphy
Betsy Wollam
Mike Yamrus, Mike Dillon
Charles Pennypacker , Stephanie Richardson
Ninette Friscia
Dan Campbell , Dan Loughlin,
Wade Douglas
Kent Hagedorn
Nancy Barg
Tony Crouthamel
Meg Roney, Frank Heckel ,
Lori Ziegenfus
Joanne Wizna , Patti Marcavage,
Clndi MacHatton
Merrill Troxell
Neil Renaldi
Mr. Richard Savage •

Th» Vole* it govwrwd by Iho Editorial Board with th* final ' rMpaniibility for
I all malarial ratting with tha executive adltor a> ttattd In tha Joint Statement
| ofFreedom, fttohtiandftetponilWIItleiof ttudentt at BSC
Tha Volca reserve! tha right to adit all letteri and copy •ubmittad. A maximum
of 450 wordt will ba placad on all lattara to tha editor with an allowance for
exceptions. All letteri muil be tioned and have an oddnm and prion*, number
for verification. Nomot will ba withhold upon request.
Tha opinio™ voiced In tha columns; ortklat and notice* or. not neceitarlly
honorad by tha emir* staff. An untignad ttaff aditorlol denotes a major editorial

: All copy must be submitted by 5 p.m.
on Sundays,. Tuesdays or Thursdays. A
i two day notice must be given for late
or postponed articles.

by Berke Breathed

Procrastination —- The Easy
or Hard way?

where it's at.


being the first in your class to
complete the project, and being
prepared days-in-advance for a
presentation. Procrastina tion is
"where it's at" and in following
a few basic ideas you too will be
able to consider yourself part of
the procrastinating crowd.
It takes a creative and constantly inventive mind to
procrastinate. As soon as you
think you are ready to start that
mind-boggling assignment, it's
time to drea m up another way
to prolong doing it. Some people
are, naturally, better at it than
others and they are the ones
who come up with the most
incredulous reasons for putting
things off. I am a procrastinator
to the core and am not easily
outdone by my four roommates.
We definitely provide a lot of
competition for each other. If
you really want to be a true
procrastinator, all you need, to
remember is do everything else
possible but the assignment.
Here's how you, the true procrastinator, would handle the
assignment due the following
day at 2 p.m.
Since it's a gorgeous day, you
decide to take the long way

home from campus to enjoy the
fall foliage in all its brilliant
firey colors. Today, for some
reason everything seems so
much more beautiful and
dazzling. You spend extra time
staring in wonder.
Upon reaching the cozy
comfort of your humble
dwelling, you completely
collapse on the couch knowing
you can't possibly do another
thing until you relax for at least
an hour. Aaaah! You quickly
kick off the stylish but confining
footwear and suddenly find
yourself propped up in restful
position. Three o'clock, huh?
Might as well turn on the
television and catch a few
scenes from your favorite soap
opera: "General Hospital" . It's
about time you caught up on
Luke's new love life.
After GH you feel so comMight as well turn on
the TV and watch your
favorite soap.
fortable tha t you can't manage
to get up. "I'll sit here for only a
few more minutes and see
what's on the late afternoon
movie," you say to yourself.
Before you know it, 4:30 rolls
around and for the past half
hour you 've been unbelievingly
watching one of those beach
flicks with Frankie Avalon and
Annette Funicello. Your mind
wanders off to the rumbling and
grumbling of your stomach
which reminds you that dinner
is quickly approaching.
"Darn. I guess. I don'tu have
enough time before supper to
start this big assignment. I
probably wouldn't be able to
concentrate on . it; that well
anyway, " you say to yourself.
Instead, you head out to the

kitchen to cook up something
scrumptious for dinner tonight.
Lasagna sounds like a good
choice since it takes a long time
to prepare. After a casual ,
relaxed meal with your
roommates, and some afterdinner conversation, it's time to
clean up. Who's the first to
volunteer to do the dishes? You
are, of course! You can 't
possibly start your work
Procrastination is not
hard to learn...
knowing tha t things are not in
order in the kitchen.
By 7:30 . all the dishes are
washed and the kitchen is
spotless. Now it is time to go
upstairs to your bedroom where
-it' s quiet and you can concentrate on that paper you have
to write'.
Fixing yourself comfortably
on the soft bed, you set all the
work you need to do in front of
and all around you. Now can
you finally start to do your
studies? No way!!! The room is
a mess with dirty clothes spread
out all over the bed and floor,
dust at least an inch thick
covers the bureau and stereo
stand, arid scads Of rumpled
paper lie haphazardly around
the waste, paper can. You can't
possibly work in a filthy room.
Time to clean up! After 45
minutes of dilligently dusting,
sweeping and scrubbing, the
bedroom is' spotless.but you still
haven 't begun any work.
Rrring! Rrring! It's the
telephone and . wouldn't you
know it , Joe Schmo from
Arizona is calling to see how
you've been .thesev past two
years. It's been so long and you
have so much catching up to do.
(Continued on.Poge 3)^,. .

How to Develop

Here's to Your Health:

Misconceptions about Mono

By: Susan Kroll-Smith, RN
Let the talk to you very
generally abou t Mononucleosis.
I think there are several
misconceptions which we have
generally held about the disease
that should be put to rest.
Mono is caused by a virus
which is present in the saliva of
the infected person. Swapping
spit is the most frequent mode
of transmission. Hence, the old
familiar name "KissingDisease". It has not yet been .
well documented whether the
illness can be transmitted by
coughing and sneezing. ' But
what is being well substantiated

Mono has been noted
as the Kissing-Disease,
but is not contagious
as previously believed.
with research is that mono is
not the highly contagious
disease which we previously
believed it; to be. In fact, house
and roommates are probably at

no special risk. An intimate
partner , on the other hand , most
probably will be at some increased risk.
I bet you all know the symptoms, ( fever, chills, headache,
swollen glands , and sore
throat). But you must also
realize that all of these symptoms are very typical of a
simple viral cold or tonsillitis
such as strep throat. So, no need
to panic, a cold or throat infection is much more likely than
mono. If your symptoms
(especially sore throat) seem to
be worsening and you are
running a fever, come see us.
If you do receive the
diagnosis, Mono, you need to
know that it is a self-limiting
infection for which there is no
specific therapy. There is no
cure. Previously therapy
involved strict bedrest for 4-6
weeks and then limited activity
for about three months. What a
horror for a student! But things
have changed a lot. Today
treatment is symptomatic only.
In other words, you do'what you

(Continued from Page 2)

He asks if you were busy.
"No. Just sort of hanging out,
not really doing much of
anything, " you respond.
"Great! I've got an hour to
shoot the breeze." Once again
you've been sidetracked into
doing something other than that
About 9:30 Joe finally calls its
quits and hangs up. You think to
yourself , "This is getting
ridiculous ! I've got to sit down
and get that taper done. If I
don't do it now, I'll be up all
night." .
You hear the clock strike ten
times and you feel your eyelids
getting heavy. You have to
wake up and be fully alert in

order to perform well on the ''
homework. The solution: go for
a run. Running always clears
your mind and gets the blood
pumping through the veins.
Once you decide that, you
take off on your exercise regime*
for easily half an hour trying to
pep yourself up so you can
study. On your jogging expedition you detour to the
campus student union and pop
in to see what's going on. Maybe
you'll run . into that cute guy
you 've been eyeing all
semester. No sooner do you
enter the snack bar than you see
five friends from the class in
which the assignment's due.
"Did you finish the assignment already?" you ask hoping

feel like. Certainly, if you are
feeling wasted you need to increase rest and sleep, but
usually the only requirement is
that you avoid strenuous
exercise (lifting, straining, or
competitive sports). This
precaution , is so that one's
spleen, enlarged due to mono, is
not damaged. Other than increased rest, one treats symptoms with fluids and aspirin,
and salt water gargle for the

If you have Mono, avoid
strenuous . exercise,
lifting, or competitive
sports. '• '' ¦ ' . '
spre throat. Antibiotics are riot
effective treatment.
Symptoms can last from
several days to several months,
typically 1-3 weeks, and
chances are good that you will
remain here on campus. So here
rests the myth-Mono is usually
not the terror that we understand it to be.

Self - confidence has a snowball effect , claims the Education
Outreach Director of Columbia Montour Family Planning. The
first meeting of the Womens Students Seminar Series, sponsored by
the Affirmative Action Office, was held last Thursday night at 7:30
in the coffeehouse. Constance Gaynor discussed self-confidence
and how to develop it in college.
. Participation was encouraged in. an informal discussion including about 15 people.
Gaynor raised questions and discussed how and why it's important to learn to rely on ourselves and pur own judgement
without the help of others.
Our self-concept involves our judgements, feelings, and
uniqueness. It is the primary aspect of self-confidence. According
to Gaynor, the development of one's self-confidence is related to the
degree of permissiveness that girls are grantedas children.
"Self-awareness is recognizing and knowing what our own interests are," said Gaynor. This includes defining what's okay for
each and every one of us. "These personal values change as we go
through different stages of our lives."
Achievable goals are the building blocks of self-confidence. If a
person has virtually no self-confidence, Gaynor explained, she
should start with short term goals and slowly devleop long term
. Decision making and risk taking also increases self confidence!
This involves figuring and weighing out all options, then being able
to accept the consequences. "To gain self-confidence we must be
willing to risk and not be afraid to lose, otherwise we will lead an
uneventful unsuccessful life," said Gaynor. A student agreed,
pointing out that Thomas Edison had 178 failures before he invented the light bulb!
Positive attitudes are obvious in a well-developed self-concept.
Self-confidence can expand one's horizons, build stronger friendships and foster independence. As Constance Gaynor said,
"Happiness comes from within and is a self-sustaining process."

: they tod liayen't started it yet.

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"No way! We were all just
sitting around here discussing
it, trying to figure out how we're
gonna write it out. The prof's
crazy. How does he expect us to
get done? It's due tomorrow!"
The conversation soon turns
into a bull session and you don't
leave for home until 11:30 p.m ;
This is it. Midnight. You've
completely blown the entire
evening by procrastinating and
now it's time to prove yourself.
Strangely enough, this time
when you start to complete the
assignment, you succeed and
actually get it done in just two

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(Continued on Page 4)

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BSC Football


Huskies Drop Season Finale

It ended as quick as it started.
The Warriors of East Stroudsburg shattered the one game
winning streak of the Huskies
by destroying the visitors 34-7
on Saturday.
ESSC scored in every quarter
and kept the Huskies out of the
endzone until late in the game to
rack up their eighth win of the
season. Kicker Joe Pingitore
got the Warriors on the board
first as he booted a 27 yard field
goal midway through the
opening quarter. The score
capped a 13 play drive that

covered 68 yards.
The host team tacked on three
touchdowns in the second
stanza to give them an overwhelming 24-0 halftime lead.
Tailback Dell Walker scored the
first touchdow n when he
scampered around left end for
nine yards. The score was set up
when BSC's punter Bob Gabel
fumbled the snap from center.
The Warriors recovered and
went in two plays later.
East Stroudsburg got their
two six pointers via the air as
quarterback Andy Baranek hit
speedster Bob Maney with a

pair of scoring tosses of six and
eight yards. Pingitore added
both PAT's.
Early in the third quarter

With reserves playing much
of the fourth quarter, each team
was able to chalk up scores. For
the Warriors, Pingitore added
his second field goal of the day
from 27 yards out to put the host
squad up by 34 points.
The Huskies avoided a
shutout with four minutes to go
as fullback Eric Case plunged
over from the one to culminate
a 15 play drive of eighty yards.
Kicker Rick Farris added the
extra point.
The Huskies finished the
regular season with a 1-7-1 log.
East Stroudsburg on the other
hand won the PSAC Eastern
Division and will travel to
Edinboro in two weeks to take
on the Fighting Scots for the
state championships.

ESSC won the East Division of the PSAC
with a 6-0 record In
the conference .
Baranek struck again as he hit
reserve fullback Tony Angeli
with a 14 yard TD pass.
Pingitore remained perfect on
his kicks by splitting the
¦uprights to make it ESSC 31,-

(Continued from page 2)

throughout the years amongst
all the changes ?
If you are Greek , ask yourself
that. The answer will be yes,
something is happening; we are
deteriorating. The greek
system appears to have become
so weak we may be dying out.
We only represent less than one
seventh of the student
population. That's less than
fifteen per cent and that tells us
something right there.
What do students who choose
to remain independent think of
us? The replies have been more
negative than positive. "I have
just as many friends without
it." "It's a joke." "I'm secure
enough not to have to sell mv
soul for friends. " "I hate being
in a clique." "All they do is talk
about each other and party
every night. " Is this how we
appear ? Snotty and ignorant?
Even more pathetic is the
organizations within themselves. "I'm sick of this and
that." "Let's blow off the
meeting." "I'm tired of people
telling me where to go and what
to do." "Did you hear about soand-so and so-and-so?"
Apathy and backstabbing
within organizations, and it
seems to have worsened. I ask

i^wS :


I'^icr w,,h i

all of the Greeks, why?
We have all heard of
something called "imagebuilding", haven't we? Well, we
seem to be doing a hell of a job
on shooting ourselves down in
the eye of the public, students
and professors alike. It's high
time we looked within ourselves, discovered what was
wrong and fixed it. We need to .
rebuild a foundation that is
rapidly crumbling. And we need
to do it now, before it's too late.
We must open those lines of
communication once again.
Don't just blow this off ,
Greeks. We have to be strong
within ourselves and join
together as one Greek system.
It takes units strong within
themselves to pull together and
make a whole. We are not
exactly radiating wholeness.
We really have to look at ourselves and realize that we have
been losing and what we have
been doing wrong. And that we
have been sitting down and
watching it happen right in

front of our noses. Does
anybody care? A suggestion is
that before pledging rolls
around again, we pull ourselves
together. We can 't keep
pretending anymore we have
what we don't because sooner or
later, it's going to show through,
and if and when it does, our
Greek system won 't stand a
Concerned and confused


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Starts this afternoon.

(Continued from Page 3)

Procrastination is not that
hard to learn at all and after
awhile comes quite easily ; even
naturally . Whenever you're
about to start something on
time just remember to think of
something else you can do and
do it. You'll soon be on your way
to being a true procrastinator.

. Announcements

THERE IS A CRAFT FAIR this Fri. ana Z ., Nov 12 and 13, in
Multi A&B of Kehr Union. .Over 20 dealers . Excellent opportunity
to buy Xmas gifts ! Free to the public.

SOCCER NO. 4,' - PROSPER you have great speed and outstanding
skills. Well played against ESSC. - By Loyal Fan
CLOUSEAU,TRY AN earring and dentures. - Innej
5 FEET 2 INCHES OF AWESOMENESS, Ever been dazed and confused...,
I have. - Speedy
KEVIN, It wasn't my fault last' time but I'm sorry anyway. I think

you got my message anyhow. Happy Belated Anniversary, Kevin!

-Love again,San X6
HEY WALLY?...Yeah Beav? Is it better to be a soup can, a banana or
EH? Sue has to know! - Love,Anita.
HEY BUH BAYBUH! Happy Birthday , Buckwheat. (You have friends?)
-Love,Your roomie
TRACY, The memories are all in my mind. Happy Anniversary. I
Love You! -Jake
M.B., Thanks fora special weekend. Hope there's MORE - Bill
SEXXY AMY,Happy Birthday Suit Day - Love Ya,KTR

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Join our classes In preparation (or
your Winter 1983 Exams. Classes
start soon I

tonight at Nelson —

CV Classifieds


Volleyball starts

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