Thu, 04/11/2024 - 17:19
Edited Text
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G.G.A Establishes Students Standard Committee
Judiciar y Committee Duties Pres. Gockley Evaluates Committee
The following is an up-to-date
statement on the Community Government Association Standards
Committee which was approved by
College Council in the eleventh regular meeting of the 1965/66 academic year (held Mar. 28th , 1966).
An Overview
The elected leaders of your College Council have created a new
grou p which will be known as the
Community Government Association Standards Committee. The
Committee will consist of a chairman, elected by College Council
from either the representative of
the sophomore or the representative of the junior class, and seven
working members which will include the remaining class representatives to College Council.
The duties of the Standards Committee include: *
1. To enunciate the approved college community dress and social
2. To enforce approved policies
within the limits of delegatory power derived from mutual consent of
the social deans.
3. To properly utilize this authority in disciplining policy violators.
4. To justly discipline all offenders and to maintain records of such
offenses for each academic year.
5. To direct a student observer
group (all College Council members and class officers elected-atlarge) whose responsibility it will
be to report violations in a prescribed and formal manner. (Policy
violations will also be reported by
faculty members and college administrative officials.)
6. To submit a written report to
each College Council member concerning all violations and penalties
occurring between the period of
each College Council meeting.
The disciplinary powers of the
Standards Committee:
Punitive action will normally be
based upon a four-step continualviolation system. The first offense
will usually result in a verbal warning by the committee. The second
violation will be answered with a
verbal and written warning with
notice of impending action if
unsanctioned practices continue.
Third-time offenders will face social probation with the length of
portunity for senior women to ob-
serithe penalty determined by
ousness of the offense.
Any fourth-time offenses will result in immediate notification of
the appropriate social dean with a
committee recommendation of severe disciplinary action.
The Standards Committee will
hear all cases of policy violation
except for those situations demanding immediate and decisive action
by the social deans.
The chairmen of the Standards
Committee will be directly responsible to the College Council for his
own and his group 's actions.
Social Policy Statement
As proven by past performances,
it is known that the maj ority of the
students of Bloomsburg State College are y/rnng adults and are
therefore mature individuals. No
responsible person consciously desires to bring disgrace upon himself or his institution. Each student's behavior is his own. He
should always act with discretion
in order to elicit only positive comments for himself and his college.
So entrusting the individual with
his own social responsibility, it is
necessary to be aware of:
1. His aetions with regard to
school property and the possessions
of others.
2. The presence of other people.
3. The behavior demanded by
each social situation.
Regrettably, we must be realistically prepared for that small minority among us who cannot control
their own behavior. Social responsibility in such cases will be assumed
by the Standards Committee of
CGA and, in severe situations, action will be taken by the appropriate college administrators.
In accordance with the above, the
individual student of Bloomsburg
State College is accountable to the
students, faculty, and administration for representing himself and
his institution well.
Student Dress Policy
Your CGA is readily aware of the
fact that Bloomsburg's student population is composed of modern generation whose philosophy of living
is concerned with new styles in
modes of dress. Casualness is in
vogue. As fellow students, your
CGA representatives are in complete sympathy and favor the maj or trends in taste and styles. However, we , as future adults, cannot
overlook or disregard our social responsibilities and must concern
ourselves with appropriate dress.
So, for this reason, your Standards
Committee has established the following college policy:
1. Casual wear is not permitted
in the Commons, Administrative
offices , classes, and all of Carver
Hall. (Exception: the showing of a
movie by the Social Recreation
2. Casual clothes may be worn
whenever a student is not attending classes.
3. Dress other than casual wear
requires socks for male students.
4. On Sunday, casual wear will
not be worn before 12:00 noon.
5. Dances will be casual wear unless otherwise specified by the Social Recreation Committee, in conjunction with the Social Deans.
Criteria For Dress
Formal: (men) tuxedo or dinner
wear; (women) gowns.
Informal: (men) Dark suits, Sunday dress, sport coat and slacks;
(women) cocktail dresses, Sunday
dress, party dresses.
Classwear: (men) slacks, presentable shirts, sweaters, socks, and
shoes; (female) dresses, shirts,
blouses, sweaters, and shoes.
Casual: (men and women) Bermuda shorts, shorts, cut-offs, blue
dungarees( jeans ), and sweatshirts.
Association of University Women.
Fuculty, Students ,Gu es tsHold
AlbColhge Picnic Tomor row;
Mombors of tho faculty non-instructlonal porsonnel, together with
their families and guests and students are invited to attend the All-
Fellow Students:
Your College Council has initiated a new committee known as the
Community Government Association Standards Committee. Its origin actually stems from our "all
night" effort in which we asked for
an updating of social and dress policies. Democracy takes time, and a
year later, we see the final results
—an endeavor of the students to
regulate and to enforce the policies
that we, as students, develop.
When I. was asked to give justification for asking for a more liberal dress policy, I merely stated
that all we wanted was a chance to
relax when we please as we would
in our home. The administration,
realizing that this is our home, complied with our needs and ga*ve us
complete support.
The next question was who is going to handle the individuals who
Col logo Picnic to be held at Rolling Green Park, tomorrow.
Buses will leave from Long
Porch at 1:00 p.m. and arrive at the
park at 2:00, Tho time from 2:00 to
5:80 will bo devoted to volleyball,
badminton, the male student vs.
faculty softball game, horseshoes,
ridos, etc. A picnic lunch will bo
served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Buses
will roturn at 7:30 . for tho bnnd
danco in Husky Lounge at 8:30.
Tlckots will be sold to non-boardin g stud ents, faculty, an d guests at
a cost of 50 conts per tlckot, Boardin g students will roceivo one ticket
without charge upon presentation
of their meal ticket, Free bus transportation will be provided on a
first-come, first-served basis,
Support the Standards Committee.
ng Season;
Gil Gockl ey
go beyond the written policies. This
is where our committee comes into
the foreground.
Looking at the policy obj ectively,
one can see it is benefiting the students and giving us what we sought
for many years. But, a warning
must be issued! I imagine that
there are some students among us
who will fight and purposely try to
block the policies of the Standards
Those that try to destroy the
committee, those that ridicule the
committee, or those that refuse to
cooperate, must be made to understand that this is the strongest student committee ever established at
Bloomsburg State College. This
committee will have the sole responsibility to enforce, regulate,
and review any matters pertaining
to its written policy.
No dean or faculty member will
know who, why, or when a student
has been called in by the committee. Could anything be more fair to
the students here at Bloomsburg?
The students must understand
that the Standards Committee is
for the benefit of the students, and
that their cooperation in following
these policies will insure the success of this committee.
If you have any questions pertaining to the Standards Committee
or any other phase of our college
community, please feel free to contact me or any of your CGA representatives.
Gil Gockley,
President, CGA
mercial College, Bangkok, Thailand. There were approximately
25,000 contestants competing with
each team requiring a minimum of
15 minutes. The BSC team was comprised of 25 students. The British
Isles, Asia , many of the islands,
and North and South America are
only a few of the areas represented
in the International Contest
Team Wi nners
The second prize is an engraved
gold wall-plaque awarded to Professor Rygiel as teacher of the
class.' Each team member received
a certificate of merit. The following
shorthand students, pictured above,
comprised tho team : Shar yn Creasy,
Salley Hoffcckcr , Charlynne Plrmann , Carol yn Fox, Doroth y Tiley,
Gall Morris, Shirley Jones , Sandra
Burkhart, Thomas Stolmock , Marcello Douglas, Phyllis Arti , Rose
Chlkl, Jane Kuszowlcz, Susan
Brown, Sally Miles, Carl Hack, Elizabeth Beck, Tonya Yachna, Angelica Sacco, Sharon MacQ ulston, Julia
Fllo, Joan Bailie, Jane Pellcn, Mary
ymond Scott, Tony Pastor, Fred
iring, and Sammy Kaye. He has
d a morning TV show in New
rk City and has done TV guest
3ts on NBC , the most recent bel the Johnny Carson Show. He
s managed and directed theatri. units. He has clone commentar; for fashion shows, dog shows,
d sporting events. He has enterned GI's in Korea, Greenland,
aska, Japan, and Europe. Other
tivities of Spring Weekend inide the All-College Picnic tomorw, band dances tomorrow night
d Sunday afternoon.
Council Discusses
rariety of Topics
College Council passed a numr of items at its thirteenth regar meeting Monday night Items
proved included: fund raising reest by Sigma Alpha Eta; constitional revision of the Interna>nal Relations Club and the cheeraders; purchase of televisions
d sewing machines for the girls'
rms; $300 for .a CGA scholarship.
tagie Sale
Sigma Alpha Eta requested perIssion to sell hoagies at the
oomsburg Fair. The profits would
used to finance the programs of
e fraternity, especially those benting the handicapped. Revision
the IRC constitution was conrned with membership, officers ,
sctions. committees, adviser, and
iaws. The revised Cheerleaders'
nstitution provides for men
:eerleaders, lists qualities for
embership. and sets limits eligiuv.v»,
rn ^ lUS Xj . A l U , uiuaucui
me for membership.
Charlynne Pirmann, Joan Bafile ,
Kathy Dean requested purchase
Carolyn Fox, Susan Brown, Sandra of two TVs. one for East and one
Burkhart , Tanya Yachna , Jane Kas- for West Hall. The need for the
zowica, Gail Morris, Sharon Mac- sets was explained as due to a planQuiston, Shirley Jones. Pins were sets was explained as due to a
received by Marilyn Horn , Angelica planned partitioning of the girls*
Sacco, Dorothy Tiley, and Rose unit lounges. The purchase of a
sewing machine for each dorm was
Prior to entering the Interna- also approved.
tional OGA Shorthand Contest , ProThe Radio Club presented a refessor Rygiel's shorthand students port on the progress of the prowon first prize for three years in posed campus radio station. Counsuccession in the National Short- cil discussed the problems arising
hand Contest. His students also from the venture. Progress reports
earned third place three times in were also presented on the Obiter
the Worldwide competition prior to policy and transportation commitwinning second place this year. In tees.
Council also made provision for
two separate years, two of his students ranged first ami second in a finalizing of the Standards Committee. Steve Boston presented a
the individual group.
rport on the recent Student GovThe following
received a small letter for their ernment Conference. Larry Glomeritorious shorthand outlines; eckcr reported on the Judici ar y
Mavcella Douglas, Sharyh J. Creasy, Board being set up by the MRA .
Emmaj ane Pellen, Charlynne Pir- In closing the meeting Council
mann, Joan Baflle, Sandra Burk- urged all students to support the
hart, Sally Hoffecker, Angelica Big Name Entertainment concert ,
to be present ed toni ght.
Sacco, and Dorothy Tiley,
BSC Trackme
Lose to Mans
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Clemin going in the 120 high 1
Schnable winning the shotput.
The Husky trackmen won thei
first two victories of the season o:
the same afternoon at the Centra
High field against Kutztown an'
East Stroudsburg. The Huskies too:
ten first and six seconds to put ther
way in the lead with 76 points. Eas
Stroudsburg had 58 and Kutztowi
Figfiolino Stars
Competing in four events, Jo*
Figliolino gave a remarkable pei
formance. After bringing the 44C
yard relay team to victory, Joe wen
on to capture both the 100 and 220
yard dashes, running the 220 ii
21.8, his fastest time this season
In the long distances, Irwin Za
blocky took both the mile and two
mile runs and Joe Fazzari had om
of his best days with a first in th<
880 and a second in the mile behim
Zablocky. Joe also ran in the milt
relay. The Huskies swept the two
mile, with Tom Gingher and Die]
Yost placing second and third anc
Jim Reifinger took a second in th<
Clemm Wins Hurdles
Paul Clemm won the 120 higl
hurdles and in the 330 intermediat<
hurdles freshman Tom Huston
competing unofficially, bettered hi:
own record set the week before a
Lock Haven by .3 second with ;
time of 40.0.
Gene Shershen won the j avelir
and Emerson Schnable took tht
shot-put. John Zarski finished sec
ond in the discus Etna" third in tht
shot. The high j ump was won ty
John Montgomery with a leap o.
Epp ley 's Pharmacy
Main and Iron Str»«ti
Prescription Specialis t
C.G.A. Council Consm ^ Constiti ^^ K!
College Council .and the Administration have approved the following proposals for revision of the
Community Government Association Constitution. These proposals
are actually amendments which
must be approved by two-thirds of
the quorum of CGA, quorum being
a maj ority of the association.
Each article to be amended will
be first printed as it was, and then
as it will be under the new amendments.
Article II, Obj ect. Original—"The
obj ect of this organization shall be
to cooperate with the responsible
authorities in promoting personal
and group responsibility in guiding
and regulating the affairs and activities of all students under the
jurisdictions of the College." The
revision" would change the last part
to read ". . . activities of all full
time undergraduate students under
the jurisdiction of the College."
Article III , Membership. Original
— "All students and faculty under
the jurisdiction of the Bloomsburg
State College at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania , shall be, ipso facto, members of the Association." Revision
— "All full-time students in the undergraduate school shall be members of the Association. Full-time
faculty members shall also be members of the Community Government Association."
Faculty members shall become
members of the Association upon
payment of the faculty activities
fee thirty (30) days following the
beginning of the semester. The total membership for voting purposes
shall be determined by the Dean of
Students and certified by the President of the College."
Article IV, Meetings of the Association. Original — "Meetings of
the Association will be held during
assembly periods upon call by the
President of the Association or by
petition of twenty or more members."Revision—"Regular meetings
of the Association will be held upon call of the President of the Association or by petition of 100 or
more members.
Special meetings may be called
at the discretion of the President
of the Association."
Article VI, The College Council.
Here the revision would add one
member to the College Council.
Sec. 4 — "(g) A non-administrative
faculty member elected by the
Bloomsburg State College Faculty
Association as their representative
in College Council."
Article VIII , Officers. The revision deals with the duties of the
Recording Secretary. -Original —
"Section 2. Duties, (c) It shall be
the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings at all meetings and to
have custody of all papers of the
College Council. The Recording
Secretary shall appoint the C.G.A.
Office Committee." The revision
would strike out the sentence reading "... The Recording Secretary
shall appoint the C.G.A. Office Committee."
Article IX, Procedure For Officer
Election. Original— "Section 1. The
President of the Association shall
be a member of the Senior class
for both semesters of his terra. The
Vice-President shall be a member
of the Junior class. The Recording
Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be
members of the Sophomore or Junior class. The citizenship and scholarship records of all nominees shall
be satisfactory as certified by the
President of the College.
"Section 2. (a) Petitions shall be
required of all candidates for offices of the Association. The proper
form must be secured from the
Chairman of the Election Board
and returned to him one week
prior to the date of nominations.
(b) At a meeting of the Association two weeks preceding the date
of the final election, nominations
of all approved candidates shall be
made from the floor. A list of nominees shall be posted one week before the primary election.
(c) A primary election shall be
Thursday, May 5, 1966
Editor , William J. Howrli.s
Adviso r , Mr. Richard Savage
Business Mgr., Ronaui J ackson
The M AROON & GOLD is published by
the students of Bloomsbur g State College ,
Bloomsburg, Pa. and U a member of the
Columbia Scholastic Press Association and
the Collegiate Press Service.
Please return ballot to one of
the two ballot boxes located outside Husky Lounge and outside
the Library. Please take a few
minutes to help support this
proj ect by voting.
Vol. XUV
Constit utional Rev i
of the Bloomsbufg
State College
Communi ty Government Association 's
"Constitution "
I accept the revised changes of the C.G.A.
Thank You
A special note of thanks is extended to Bruce Anderson and
his committee who developed
the actual groundwork for the
Standards Committee. Without
their work, the committee would
still be in the planning stage.
Thanks to Bruce Anderson,
chairman; Skip Bracken, Connie
Fry , Bob Boose, Libby Deal, Ann
Smalser, and Steve Boston.
their tei ^A 1Tho j:itlzenshi |»-of-alll
nominees shall be satisfactor y, as n
certified by-the-Dean of Students , s
and the scholarshi p records of all I!
nominees shall be satisfactor y asi
certified by the Dean of Inst ruc- :
"Section 2. (c) The total / member- •
ship of the Association ( for voting \
purposes) shall be determined by y
the Dean of Students and certified I
by the President of the College or r
an administrative officer designated I
by him, not more than one week ;
prior to the primary election.
(e) A final election shall be held !
for the purpose of selecting by ballot the Officers of the Association.
A maj ority of the votes cast by one
half of the total membership is
necessary for the election of in
officer. "
Section 2., paragraphs (a) , (b),
and (d) remain unchanged, as do
sections 3 and 4.
Council, in passing these revi- .
sions sought to provide for a more
flexible method of student selfgovernment. Students, faculty, and
administration are urged to vote on
the proposals. Questions concerning any of these proposals may be
directed to any member of College
held for the purpose of selecting
nominees and a notice shall be
posted one week before the primary election. In the event that
there are only two • nominees for
any given office , no primary election for that office will be necessary.
(d) A final election shall be held
for the purpose of selecting by ballot the officers of the Association.
A maj ority of the votes cast by a
quorum is necessary for the election of an officer.
"Section 3. Class representatives
of the College Council shall be
elected at the same time as the
class officers. Freshman officers and
re p resentatives shall be elected at
the end of the first grading period.
"Section 4. The elections for Community Government Association officers shall be completed not less
than eight weeks before the termination of the second semester."
Revised—"Section 1. The President of the Association shall be a
member of the j unior or senior
claSs for the duration of his term.
The Vice-President, Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer shall be members of the sophomore, junior or
senior classes for the duration of
I do not accept the revised changes of the
C.G.A. Constitution.
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G.G.A Establishes Students Standard Committee
Judiciar y Committee Duties Pres. Gockley Evaluates Committee
The following is an up-to-date
statement on the Community Government Association Standards
Committee which was approved by
College Council in the eleventh regular meeting of the 1965/66 academic year (held Mar. 28th , 1966).
An Overview
The elected leaders of your College Council have created a new
grou p which will be known as the
Community Government Association Standards Committee. The
Committee will consist of a chairman, elected by College Council
from either the representative of
the sophomore or the representative of the junior class, and seven
working members which will include the remaining class representatives to College Council.
The duties of the Standards Committee include: *
1. To enunciate the approved college community dress and social
2. To enforce approved policies
within the limits of delegatory power derived from mutual consent of
the social deans.
3. To properly utilize this authority in disciplining policy violators.
4. To justly discipline all offenders and to maintain records of such
offenses for each academic year.
5. To direct a student observer
group (all College Council members and class officers elected-atlarge) whose responsibility it will
be to report violations in a prescribed and formal manner. (Policy
violations will also be reported by
faculty members and college administrative officials.)
6. To submit a written report to
each College Council member concerning all violations and penalties
occurring between the period of
each College Council meeting.
The disciplinary powers of the
Standards Committee:
Punitive action will normally be
based upon a four-step continualviolation system. The first offense
will usually result in a verbal warning by the committee. The second
violation will be answered with a
verbal and written warning with
notice of impending action if
unsanctioned practices continue.
Third-time offenders will face social probation with the length of
portunity for senior women to ob-
serithe penalty determined by
ousness of the offense.
Any fourth-time offenses will result in immediate notification of
the appropriate social dean with a
committee recommendation of severe disciplinary action.
The Standards Committee will
hear all cases of policy violation
except for those situations demanding immediate and decisive action
by the social deans.
The chairmen of the Standards
Committee will be directly responsible to the College Council for his
own and his group 's actions.
Social Policy Statement
As proven by past performances,
it is known that the maj ority of the
students of Bloomsburg State College are y/rnng adults and are
therefore mature individuals. No
responsible person consciously desires to bring disgrace upon himself or his institution. Each student's behavior is his own. He
should always act with discretion
in order to elicit only positive comments for himself and his college.
So entrusting the individual with
his own social responsibility, it is
necessary to be aware of:
1. His aetions with regard to
school property and the possessions
of others.
2. The presence of other people.
3. The behavior demanded by
each social situation.
Regrettably, we must be realistically prepared for that small minority among us who cannot control
their own behavior. Social responsibility in such cases will be assumed
by the Standards Committee of
CGA and, in severe situations, action will be taken by the appropriate college administrators.
In accordance with the above, the
individual student of Bloomsburg
State College is accountable to the
students, faculty, and administration for representing himself and
his institution well.
Student Dress Policy
Your CGA is readily aware of the
fact that Bloomsburg's student population is composed of modern generation whose philosophy of living
is concerned with new styles in
modes of dress. Casualness is in
vogue. As fellow students, your
CGA representatives are in complete sympathy and favor the maj or trends in taste and styles. However, we , as future adults, cannot
overlook or disregard our social responsibilities and must concern
ourselves with appropriate dress.
So, for this reason, your Standards
Committee has established the following college policy:
1. Casual wear is not permitted
in the Commons, Administrative
offices , classes, and all of Carver
Hall. (Exception: the showing of a
movie by the Social Recreation
2. Casual clothes may be worn
whenever a student is not attending classes.
3. Dress other than casual wear
requires socks for male students.
4. On Sunday, casual wear will
not be worn before 12:00 noon.
5. Dances will be casual wear unless otherwise specified by the Social Recreation Committee, in conjunction with the Social Deans.
Criteria For Dress
Formal: (men) tuxedo or dinner
wear; (women) gowns.
Informal: (men) Dark suits, Sunday dress, sport coat and slacks;
(women) cocktail dresses, Sunday
dress, party dresses.
Classwear: (men) slacks, presentable shirts, sweaters, socks, and
shoes; (female) dresses, shirts,
blouses, sweaters, and shoes.
Casual: (men and women) Bermuda shorts, shorts, cut-offs, blue
dungarees( jeans ), and sweatshirts.
Association of University Women.
Fuculty, Students ,Gu es tsHold
AlbColhge Picnic Tomor row;
Mombors of tho faculty non-instructlonal porsonnel, together with
their families and guests and students are invited to attend the All-
Fellow Students:
Your College Council has initiated a new committee known as the
Community Government Association Standards Committee. Its origin actually stems from our "all
night" effort in which we asked for
an updating of social and dress policies. Democracy takes time, and a
year later, we see the final results
—an endeavor of the students to
regulate and to enforce the policies
that we, as students, develop.
When I. was asked to give justification for asking for a more liberal dress policy, I merely stated
that all we wanted was a chance to
relax when we please as we would
in our home. The administration,
realizing that this is our home, complied with our needs and ga*ve us
complete support.
The next question was who is going to handle the individuals who
Col logo Picnic to be held at Rolling Green Park, tomorrow.
Buses will leave from Long
Porch at 1:00 p.m. and arrive at the
park at 2:00, Tho time from 2:00 to
5:80 will bo devoted to volleyball,
badminton, the male student vs.
faculty softball game, horseshoes,
ridos, etc. A picnic lunch will bo
served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Buses
will roturn at 7:30 . for tho bnnd
danco in Husky Lounge at 8:30.
Tlckots will be sold to non-boardin g stud ents, faculty, an d guests at
a cost of 50 conts per tlckot, Boardin g students will roceivo one ticket
without charge upon presentation
of their meal ticket, Free bus transportation will be provided on a
first-come, first-served basis,
Support the Standards Committee.
ng Season;
Gil Gockl ey
go beyond the written policies. This
is where our committee comes into
the foreground.
Looking at the policy obj ectively,
one can see it is benefiting the students and giving us what we sought
for many years. But, a warning
must be issued! I imagine that
there are some students among us
who will fight and purposely try to
block the policies of the Standards
Those that try to destroy the
committee, those that ridicule the
committee, or those that refuse to
cooperate, must be made to understand that this is the strongest student committee ever established at
Bloomsburg State College. This
committee will have the sole responsibility to enforce, regulate,
and review any matters pertaining
to its written policy.
No dean or faculty member will
know who, why, or when a student
has been called in by the committee. Could anything be more fair to
the students here at Bloomsburg?
The students must understand
that the Standards Committee is
for the benefit of the students, and
that their cooperation in following
these policies will insure the success of this committee.
If you have any questions pertaining to the Standards Committee
or any other phase of our college
community, please feel free to contact me or any of your CGA representatives.
Gil Gockley,
President, CGA
mercial College, Bangkok, Thailand. There were approximately
25,000 contestants competing with
each team requiring a minimum of
15 minutes. The BSC team was comprised of 25 students. The British
Isles, Asia , many of the islands,
and North and South America are
only a few of the areas represented
in the International Contest
Team Wi nners
The second prize is an engraved
gold wall-plaque awarded to Professor Rygiel as teacher of the
class.' Each team member received
a certificate of merit. The following
shorthand students, pictured above,
comprised tho team : Shar yn Creasy,
Salley Hoffcckcr , Charlynne Plrmann , Carol yn Fox, Doroth y Tiley,
Gall Morris, Shirley Jones , Sandra
Burkhart, Thomas Stolmock , Marcello Douglas, Phyllis Arti , Rose
Chlkl, Jane Kuszowlcz, Susan
Brown, Sally Miles, Carl Hack, Elizabeth Beck, Tonya Yachna, Angelica Sacco, Sharon MacQ ulston, Julia
Fllo, Joan Bailie, Jane Pellcn, Mary
ymond Scott, Tony Pastor, Fred
iring, and Sammy Kaye. He has
d a morning TV show in New
rk City and has done TV guest
3ts on NBC , the most recent bel the Johnny Carson Show. He
s managed and directed theatri. units. He has clone commentar; for fashion shows, dog shows,
d sporting events. He has enterned GI's in Korea, Greenland,
aska, Japan, and Europe. Other
tivities of Spring Weekend inide the All-College Picnic tomorw, band dances tomorrow night
d Sunday afternoon.
Council Discusses
rariety of Topics
College Council passed a numr of items at its thirteenth regar meeting Monday night Items
proved included: fund raising reest by Sigma Alpha Eta; constitional revision of the Interna>nal Relations Club and the cheeraders; purchase of televisions
d sewing machines for the girls'
rms; $300 for .a CGA scholarship.
tagie Sale
Sigma Alpha Eta requested perIssion to sell hoagies at the
oomsburg Fair. The profits would
used to finance the programs of
e fraternity, especially those benting the handicapped. Revision
the IRC constitution was conrned with membership, officers ,
sctions. committees, adviser, and
iaws. The revised Cheerleaders'
nstitution provides for men
:eerleaders, lists qualities for
embership. and sets limits eligiuv.v»,
rn ^ lUS Xj . A l U , uiuaucui
me for membership.
Charlynne Pirmann, Joan Bafile ,
Kathy Dean requested purchase
Carolyn Fox, Susan Brown, Sandra of two TVs. one for East and one
Burkhart , Tanya Yachna , Jane Kas- for West Hall. The need for the
zowica, Gail Morris, Sharon Mac- sets was explained as due to a planQuiston, Shirley Jones. Pins were sets was explained as due to a
received by Marilyn Horn , Angelica planned partitioning of the girls*
Sacco, Dorothy Tiley, and Rose unit lounges. The purchase of a
sewing machine for each dorm was
Prior to entering the Interna- also approved.
tional OGA Shorthand Contest , ProThe Radio Club presented a refessor Rygiel's shorthand students port on the progress of the prowon first prize for three years in posed campus radio station. Counsuccession in the National Short- cil discussed the problems arising
hand Contest. His students also from the venture. Progress reports
earned third place three times in were also presented on the Obiter
the Worldwide competition prior to policy and transportation commitwinning second place this year. In tees.
Council also made provision for
two separate years, two of his students ranged first ami second in a finalizing of the Standards Committee. Steve Boston presented a
the individual group.
rport on the recent Student GovThe following
received a small letter for their ernment Conference. Larry Glomeritorious shorthand outlines; eckcr reported on the Judici ar y
Mavcella Douglas, Sharyh J. Creasy, Board being set up by the MRA .
Emmaj ane Pellen, Charlynne Pir- In closing the meeting Council
mann, Joan Baflle, Sandra Burk- urged all students to support the
hart, Sally Hoffecker, Angelica Big Name Entertainment concert ,
to be present ed toni ght.
Sacco, and Dorothy Tiley,
BSC Trackme
Lose to Mans
— ---¦¦
1—vim ^^v~* *¦¦
,,-f - . - . . . . "1AMCJJ-J JCJJ ^ijUClQ ^Jjjmj ^^^
Clemin going in the 120 high 1
Schnable winning the shotput.
The Husky trackmen won thei
first two victories of the season o:
the same afternoon at the Centra
High field against Kutztown an'
East Stroudsburg. The Huskies too:
ten first and six seconds to put ther
way in the lead with 76 points. Eas
Stroudsburg had 58 and Kutztowi
Figfiolino Stars
Competing in four events, Jo*
Figliolino gave a remarkable pei
formance. After bringing the 44C
yard relay team to victory, Joe wen
on to capture both the 100 and 220
yard dashes, running the 220 ii
21.8, his fastest time this season
In the long distances, Irwin Za
blocky took both the mile and two
mile runs and Joe Fazzari had om
of his best days with a first in th<
880 and a second in the mile behim
Zablocky. Joe also ran in the milt
relay. The Huskies swept the two
mile, with Tom Gingher and Die]
Yost placing second and third anc
Jim Reifinger took a second in th<
Clemm Wins Hurdles
Paul Clemm won the 120 higl
hurdles and in the 330 intermediat<
hurdles freshman Tom Huston
competing unofficially, bettered hi:
own record set the week before a
Lock Haven by .3 second with ;
time of 40.0.
Gene Shershen won the j avelir
and Emerson Schnable took tht
shot-put. John Zarski finished sec
ond in the discus Etna" third in tht
shot. The high j ump was won ty
John Montgomery with a leap o.
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Main and Iron Str»«ti
Prescription Specialis t
C.G.A. Council Consm ^ Constiti ^^ K!
College Council .and the Administration have approved the following proposals for revision of the
Community Government Association Constitution. These proposals
are actually amendments which
must be approved by two-thirds of
the quorum of CGA, quorum being
a maj ority of the association.
Each article to be amended will
be first printed as it was, and then
as it will be under the new amendments.
Article II, Obj ect. Original—"The
obj ect of this organization shall be
to cooperate with the responsible
authorities in promoting personal
and group responsibility in guiding
and regulating the affairs and activities of all students under the
jurisdictions of the College." The
revision" would change the last part
to read ". . . activities of all full
time undergraduate students under
the jurisdiction of the College."
Article III , Membership. Original
— "All students and faculty under
the jurisdiction of the Bloomsburg
State College at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania , shall be, ipso facto, members of the Association." Revision
— "All full-time students in the undergraduate school shall be members of the Association. Full-time
faculty members shall also be members of the Community Government Association."
Faculty members shall become
members of the Association upon
payment of the faculty activities
fee thirty (30) days following the
beginning of the semester. The total membership for voting purposes
shall be determined by the Dean of
Students and certified by the President of the College."
Article IV, Meetings of the Association. Original — "Meetings of
the Association will be held during
assembly periods upon call by the
President of the Association or by
petition of twenty or more members."Revision—"Regular meetings
of the Association will be held upon call of the President of the Association or by petition of 100 or
more members.
Special meetings may be called
at the discretion of the President
of the Association."
Article VI, The College Council.
Here the revision would add one
member to the College Council.
Sec. 4 — "(g) A non-administrative
faculty member elected by the
Bloomsburg State College Faculty
Association as their representative
in College Council."
Article VIII , Officers. The revision deals with the duties of the
Recording Secretary. -Original —
"Section 2. Duties, (c) It shall be
the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings at all meetings and to
have custody of all papers of the
College Council. The Recording
Secretary shall appoint the C.G.A.
Office Committee." The revision
would strike out the sentence reading "... The Recording Secretary
shall appoint the C.G.A. Office Committee."
Article IX, Procedure For Officer
Election. Original— "Section 1. The
President of the Association shall
be a member of the Senior class
for both semesters of his terra. The
Vice-President shall be a member
of the Junior class. The Recording
Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be
members of the Sophomore or Junior class. The citizenship and scholarship records of all nominees shall
be satisfactory as certified by the
President of the College.
"Section 2. (a) Petitions shall be
required of all candidates for offices of the Association. The proper
form must be secured from the
Chairman of the Election Board
and returned to him one week
prior to the date of nominations.
(b) At a meeting of the Association two weeks preceding the date
of the final election, nominations
of all approved candidates shall be
made from the floor. A list of nominees shall be posted one week before the primary election.
(c) A primary election shall be
Thursday, May 5, 1966
Editor , William J. Howrli.s
Adviso r , Mr. Richard Savage
Business Mgr., Ronaui J ackson
The M AROON & GOLD is published by
the students of Bloomsbur g State College ,
Bloomsburg, Pa. and U a member of the
Columbia Scholastic Press Association and
the Collegiate Press Service.
Please return ballot to one of
the two ballot boxes located outside Husky Lounge and outside
the Library. Please take a few
minutes to help support this
proj ect by voting.
Vol. XUV
Constit utional Rev i
of the Bloomsbufg
State College
Communi ty Government Association 's
"Constitution "
I accept the revised changes of the C.G.A.
Thank You
A special note of thanks is extended to Bruce Anderson and
his committee who developed
the actual groundwork for the
Standards Committee. Without
their work, the committee would
still be in the planning stage.
Thanks to Bruce Anderson,
chairman; Skip Bracken, Connie
Fry , Bob Boose, Libby Deal, Ann
Smalser, and Steve Boston.
their tei ^A 1Tho j:itlzenshi |»-of-alll
nominees shall be satisfactor y, as n
certified by-the-Dean of Students , s
and the scholarshi p records of all I!
nominees shall be satisfactor y asi
certified by the Dean of Inst ruc- :
"Section 2. (c) The total / member- •
ship of the Association ( for voting \
purposes) shall be determined by y
the Dean of Students and certified I
by the President of the College or r
an administrative officer designated I
by him, not more than one week ;
prior to the primary election.
(e) A final election shall be held !
for the purpose of selecting by ballot the Officers of the Association.
A maj ority of the votes cast by one
half of the total membership is
necessary for the election of in
officer. "
Section 2., paragraphs (a) , (b),
and (d) remain unchanged, as do
sections 3 and 4.
Council, in passing these revi- .
sions sought to provide for a more
flexible method of student selfgovernment. Students, faculty, and
administration are urged to vote on
the proposals. Questions concerning any of these proposals may be
directed to any member of College
held for the purpose of selecting
nominees and a notice shall be
posted one week before the primary election. In the event that
there are only two • nominees for
any given office , no primary election for that office will be necessary.
(d) A final election shall be held
for the purpose of selecting by ballot the officers of the Association.
A maj ority of the votes cast by a
quorum is necessary for the election of an officer.
"Section 3. Class representatives
of the College Council shall be
elected at the same time as the
class officers. Freshman officers and
re p resentatives shall be elected at
the end of the first grading period.
"Section 4. The elections for Community Government Association officers shall be completed not less
than eight weeks before the termination of the second semester."
Revised—"Section 1. The President of the Association shall be a
member of the j unior or senior
claSs for the duration of his term.
The Vice-President, Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer shall be members of the sophomore, junior or
senior classes for the duration of
I do not accept the revised changes of the
C.G.A. Constitution.
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