Fri, 04/05/2024 - 17:49
Edited Text
Shapp gets petition ;
talks on student vote
Gov . Milton J. Shapp addressed
a capacity crowd in Haas
auditorium last Thursday. The
governor received a standing
j ovation while the introduction of
I Dr. Nossen brought a mixed
response from the audience.
Before entering Haas, Shapp
accepted a petition from a
student delegation with some 2000
s ig h t i n g
dissatisfaction with the college
administration. After his speech
the governor in a surprise move,
answered questions from the
Shapp's address to the student
body, his first since the passage
of the 18-year-old voting amendment, stressed the young voter's
ability to change the shape of
state and national politics
through participation.
Shapp talks on student Involvement in politics.
Successful start
for sexuality
by Cindy Michener
In the presence of a capacity
crowd in Kuster Auditorium the
AWS began its series of sexuality
Programs last Wed., Sept 29, with
the topic "Human Expression of
Love. " The panelists were
Reverend Jay Rochelle, campus
pastor , Mr. John Walker ,
Associate Dean of Students, and
his wife and in place of Mr. and
Mrs . Don Camplese was Mr.
Charles Thomas , director of
Counseling Services.
Rev. Rochelle began the
program speaking of the four
prongs of love - physical ,
emotional , intellectual , an 'd
spiritual. He then mentioned
relations ,
other's bodies and emotionally
with the "father concept in a
K/wj frionrl
rela tionships. " Mrs . Walker
added that "you must know
yourself first" to be in love and
Mr. Thomas said you have "to
learn to love" and be able to
differentiate between loving
someone when things are going
good and bad.
The final point brought up by
the panelists was separating
"what one is and one does." Rev.
Rochelle said that many times we
didn 't like an act of a person and
we immediately call him an SOB
but we have reacted on the
person not on the act.
Some of the questions that
highlighted the question and
answer period were : How do you
know when a relat ionship is
superficial or everlasting? The
Rev. answere d that you can 't
a lwa ys t ell whether the
relationship will be everlasting —
fo r a rela ti onsh ip changes from
day to day, but that i t w ill become
m or e f ul fi lled when p eople are
h on est w it h ea c h other. Mrs.
Wa lker took issue with him
sa yi n g that you should think
bef or e you sp eak and not be as
op en as the Reverend thinks
y ou should b e. The R everend
spoke up explaining you must be
ab le t o ex p ress how you feel at all
times, "A n honest ex pression
won 't hurt another person. "
A n o ther q uest i on f rom the
a ud ien ce was whether you should
or shouldn ' t unburden your
con science on another p erson
even if it ma y hurt them. Rev.
R ochelle answered "you don 't
have to do a p sy chological
stri ptea se to be intimate with
W alker and Thoma s b rought i n
t he l ove f or oth er people, particularly of the same sex. Walke r
stated tha t you must recognize in
yourself deep feelings for friends
of your own sex , b ut he kiddingly
a dded he di dn 't want an y
headlines readin g, "Dean in
f avor of h om osexuali ty ."
The Rev. said there is a falling
apart of the male sterot ype. Men
should be able to show their
e mot io ns if th e situation is
worthy of it , b ecause "your
friends can pick you up and put
you back t oget her again. " He
cont i nued by sa yi ng that it was
like " bui lding brid ges" with your
( lev. Rochelle then defined love
an un " h onest , dee p, op en
rela ti onsh ip w i th a basis of
caring and trust. The platform of someone.
(eentlnu ad on paga four)
trust can build and rebuild
Approximately 300 high school,
college, and university students
and faculty attended the grand
opening of the Spanish Cultural
Center's Susquehanna, Chapter of
Hispania last Saturday in Carver
Dr. Alfred E. Tonolo of the
Spanish Department presided
during the opening.
President Nossen opened the
program with a welcoming
speech. Then Professor Jamie
Ferran , the Director of the
cultura l center at Syracuse
University compared the Chapter
opening to launching a boat of
Culture on the
Susquehanna River.
Congressman Daniel Flood of
Columbia County expressed
gratitude for the cooperation and
courtesy extended to him by the
Spanish Embassy in Washington.
Flood had aided Dr. Tonolo by
having Casanova represent Spain
and the Spanish Embassy during
Saturday 's activ ities. Senor and
Senora Casonova arrived F rida y
and were overnigh t guests of the
Nossen's at Buckalew P lace.
Casanova noted tha t Spanish
wa s t he most w idely spoken and
st ud ied fore ign language in the
U n ite d Stat es accord ing to recent
statistics . He attributed this to
the cap ability and enthusiasm of
t he p rof essionals who teach the
lan guage.
H e al so sa id "One must not
forget that a foreign language is
only a mean s, an institution that
p erm i ts one to f am i liarize
himself with another culture and '
h is own characteris ti c values and
points of view!*.
•Under the Demo. State ComThe auditorium rang with
mittee's changes concerning the applause wher^concerningFord's
selection process of the National appointments. Shapp stated that
Convention, Penna. will go to the he "will continue to make such
convention, in Miami Beach, with appointments because this
representative government will, indeed, to the
delegation possible.
best of my ability, become the
The requirement that 75 per people's advocate ." Shapp
cent of the delegates must be stressed this point in his
elected by the people was the inauguration
most important change sighted January.
by Shapp. In the past, no more
During his address the
than 60 per cent were elected and Governor presented a letter to
that figure was subject to the Mike Siptroth, C.G.A. President
arbitrary decision of the State concerning his intentions to
Committee. Of the remaining 25 appoint a student to the board of
per cent, 15 per cent will be each of the state colleges who
selected by the delegates elected would not simply represent the
in the Primary and ten per cent !students, but act as a trustee in
will be named by the new State : the fullest sense of the word.
committees elected next year.
In closing, Shapp stressed his
The primary purpose of th& philosophy on education would
elections, Shapp said, is to help "prefer people to buildings" and
redress any imbalance of young "education to schooling". Shapp
people , women , members of addressed the 50th Penna.
minority groups or other Education Congress two weeks
segments of our society.
Shapp added that he personally
Following his address Shapp
insisted that the Demo. Comm. acknowledged the petition he
write into the new regulations a received from the students and
provision which would state said he wished to answer
specificially that voters between questions from the audience. He
the ages of 18 and 21 would be also stated he preferred no
eligible to become delegates.. inquiries concerning the Nossen This will require a change in Houk controversy. Although the
legislation. Shapp has called Governor made no direct
upon the legislative leaders in reference to anyone on campus
H a rri sb u rg to enact this he did state that the controversy
provision into state law.
should remain "unnamed".
Shapp felt one of his most
The questions that followed
crucial decisions was the concerned changes in PHEAA
nomination of a State Director of scholarship program , the effect
Selective Service. Under heavv of (he state income state tax on
criticismJie named Bob Ford, 31, college students., the freeze on
a former enlisted Marine, who state jobs and the situation yet to
began a program to advance be verified between the inveteran's education and help dependent and democratic
returning Vietnam Veterans. factions of the patronage system.
Ford is the youngest Selective A statement handed to the
Service Director in the Nation Governor along with the petition
and replaces a distinguished called for "an independent ingeneral who was 81 years old . vestigating committee to be
The average age of draft boardl formed" so t hat progress can be
members in Pa. is 65.
made at BSC.
News Briefs
BSC students who are residents
of Schu ylkill coun ty can obtain
ab sentee balloting material for
the upcomin g elections from Bob
McCormick , P. O. Box 2408,
Room 128, Elwell .
BSC's B Club will be selling
mums for Homecoming from 8:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon, Saturday, Oct.
9 , in the Student Union Building.
Hupp vi ewed inertl y after accepting petition outside Hats.
President ial Hotlin e
Question : I would like to ask
the president about a rumored
pay increa se for the facul ty . I
have heard that the faculty will
ask for , and receive, a large
increase. If so, how will it affect
the students in terms of tuition
and housing?
(Name of the questioner
withheld upon request.)
Answer: Faculty members, in
accordance with academic rank ,
are placed on a specific line in the
pay scale. Advancement in steps
on this line amount to-about 5 per
cent and are mandatory, except
for the last two, which are optional and need not be granted.
Ten per cent of the faculty each
year may be given a merit increment of one step beyond that
mandated , prov ided that in so
doing an individual does not
exceed the maximum of his line.
These are state-wide procedures .
Under provisions of Act 195, the
faculty may be represented by a
bargaining agency for collective
negotiations. An election to select
that agency on a state-wide basis
is being held this week. I cannot ,
of course , anticipate what the
bargaining unit will ask for or
what it will receive, but all
negotiations and settlements will
reflect and apply to all fourteen
state-owned institutions.
I see no way in which the
student will be affected in terms
of housing. It is possibl e,
however , for faculty salaries to
be increased and tui tion to rise at
the same time. Even prior to any
lorm of negotiations, the State
Master Plan calls for an increase
in tuition at the state-owned to
$800.00 , but to this point we have
received no information relative
to the possible implementation of
this tuition increase .
in the realization that private
funds are necessary to fulfill
those educational objectives
which either cannot or should not
be financed by the state. In addition to raising funds of its own
(and contributions have been
received from alumni , faculty ,
friends of the college and administrative officers ) , the
Foundation serves as a
depository for a number of
restricted accounts, and these
accounts may be used only for the
purpose designated by the
depositing group or individual .
It is a legal entity , subject to
lx)th state and local audit , has tax
exempt status , and is a membership corporation which includes students , alumni, trustees,
facul ty and administrative officers. It serves the entire college
community through the funds
that it collects and disperses. It is
strictly a non-profit operation ,
and no officer , director or
member realizes any personal
advantage of any kind , other than
the satisfaction of participation
in its worth-while purposes.
Question : Why are freshmen
who attended the 1971 summer
orientation program in the
process of receiving a refund of
$(>.00? (Question asked orally,and
answered volun tarily by the
President. )
Thus the actual costs were less
than budgeted , and the amoun t of
$(>.l)o is being returned to each
freshman partici pant. This
program is a service to students ,
must be self-supporting, but is
nol designed to operate at a
profit. Should , after all costs and
returns be figured , there remain
an excess, it is earmarked exclusively for on-going activities
throug h the year related to the
orientation purposes.
Due to unfo rseen circumstances , the Maroon and
Gold is now very sadly left
with a gaping hole in its
editorial staff. This hole has
l>een left by the resignation of
the Sports Editor. Therefore ,
the M&G is now accepting
applications from all interested parties for the
position of said Sports Editor.
II you are interested in sports
and have at least a partial
talent in writing, and are
newspapers, this is the place
lor you. Come and join us , we
need you ! Sports is an important
part of extra curricular life at BSC and we
need a man who knows what's
going on. So if you're interested , write an application
stating your name , box
number and qualifications,
and either place it in Box 301
or drop it off in room 234
Wall er Hall.
Orientation Prog ram is in its
second year of operation , and is
still being refined. The budget for
1971 was anticipated and submitte d by the appropriate persons in Student Personnel early
in the last academic year, and
Because of the wage-price costs were predicted upon anBy Joe Miklos
freeze, the faculty have to this ticipated expenditures. During
time received neither their the 1970 sessions , the American
It is common knowledge that a
earned "mandated" increases or College Testing Program was man was killed at a free concert
included among the activities ,
meri t increases for this year.
and inclusion of a repeat of this put on by the Rolling Stones at
test for 1971 was long considered Altamont , California. It is also
common to hear the Stones acQuestion : What exactly is the but ultimately dropped .
cused of being the cause of this
nature and function of the
death - a fter all they did "hire"
Bloomsbur g
The decision to drop the ACT Ihe Hell's Angels as body guards
(question asked orally 5 and program is due to the fact that did n ' t they ?
answered volun tarily by the Dr. Merrit Sanders, Educational
To be certain , most people
Testing Services , designed a test don 't really know what went on
which suDDlied the college with down at Altamont un less they 've
similar information as would the seen the movie Gimme Shelter or
Answer: The
ACT program.
esta blished during
read one of the assorted reports
in Itock publications. In the end,
(Jimine Shelter is perhaps the
best view of what was going on.
The producers of the film have
been accused of rip-offs of all
Jim Sachetti
ki nds. That only the v iewer can
Business Manager
Carol Kishbaug h
decide. The Mayles brothers
Co-Managing Editors
Karen Keinard
(producers ) were originall y
Sue Sprague
hired by the Stones to make a
News Editor
Frank Pizzoli
lilm of their last U.S. tour. That
Feat ur e Editor
Terry Blass
(hey don 't do it doesn 't really
Sports Editor
John Hoffman
mutter , for they have produced a
Art Editor
John Stugrin
line documentary of the events
Photo Editor
Tom SchoflekJ
leading up to the Altamont
Photog rapher
Kate Calpin
Linda Ennls
Co-Copy Editors
Nancy Van Pelt
T fii , u reui numan neing is
in front of the camera . No,
did not know what was
Contributin g Editor
until the death had
already occurred. No , Hell's
Angels were not hired by the
Hulling Stones. Yes, you f eel
STAFF: Kay Boyle * ,
useous at the sight of a rea l
Kil ns" , Steve Conno lley, Ellt n Doyle, Mark Foucart
kille d on the silver ( ?)
Krist in Kolbever , Joyce Keefer , Marty Kleiner , Sally
Kurren , Dan Mare«h, Joe MeOavln . Mike Mefc lnger,
Hul the flick is jus tified. In the
Cindy Mtehener, Joe Mlklos, Rose Montayne, Jim Nallo ,
end , one perceives that the Stones
are NOT to blame. For some
Bob Olive r , Sue Rtlc henbauch , Tom Roekovlch , Denite
insight , lor a glimpse of what
Ross , Craig
went on at Altumont , catch
Teitsworth (ex-offlclo ), Sam
Shelter. Then make your
Yeakel , John Woo dwar d, Mike Yarme y .
own ju dgement of the Stones and
Hie movie. II is not ea sy to judge
a lilm that appeals with fact and
The MAO it located In Room 234 Waller; if you can 't
ri'pellK with a sordid crimo.
come up, call Ixt 323 or Write Box 301 .
Gimme Shelter is a "fact" film.
See it.
tomBS Jlffij P
Kdi t o r :
During the question session
with President Nossen, a student
assorted that Bloomsburg was
dilator y because it has no
secondary education program in
physical education , and that this
has handicapped athletics. He
asserted further that while
Bloomsburg had failed , Kutztown. Mansfield and Millersville
had added such majors. Both of
his statements were incorrect.
More tha n two years ago, while
I was serving as curriculum
consultant in the Office of Higher
Education in Harrisburg, I
analysed a detailed proposal
from Dr. Moore and President
Andruss to establish such a
program. My colleagues and I
establishing any other new
programs in this field in any of
the colleges.
We spent a great deal of time
studying the total physical
education situation in Lock
Haven. West Chester , East
Stroudsburg, and Slippery Rock
before we drew our conclusions
and made our recommendations.
It was a professional recommendation based on need and on
educational grounds.
The needs of Pennsylvan ia for
graduates in this field are amply
supplied by the four existing
programs, and will continue to be
a mply supp lied. Additional
11rograms for men would accentuate over-supply .
on educational grounds ,
lUoomsburg 's sta ff , while of high
quality , would have to be supplemented by a number of additional persons in order to round
out the faculty for a first class
program ; even in 1969 we knew
that we were facing an austerity
period that would make it impossible to do this. Because
M l o o m s b u r g 's m a x i m u m
enrollment is limited by such
commodations on campus and in
the community,any new program
must obtain its students at the
expense of existing programs,
and would thus cause inefficient
utilization of facilities and
dilution of quality.
It is unfortunate that the
student who made the statement
had received and believed false
information . I hold an official list
from Harrisburg of secondary
programs in all colleges of the
Commonwealth as my authority
for the statement that programs
have not been added — students
are welcome to re-examine this if
they wish to see the entire
situation . This list is certified as
of October 1, 1971.
Hobart F. Heller
Acting Vice-President and
Dean of the Faculties
Fifth Colu mn
by Blass
"I wanna grow up to be a
Sorry, folks, but Byrds or no
Byrds , I don't think I really want
to be governor , anymore.
For a while there it looked
interesting, the prospect of little
old popular me being governor of
(his state , elected by the people to
take all their common wealth.
But , after Governor Milton
Shapp 's visit to Bloomsburg State
College Thursday, I have come to
the realization that a job such as
his is just too ta xing. Let me
explain * * *
Imagine , I think as I stand in
front of Haas Auditorium imagine
the glory of being escorted up
here by a regular parade complete with marching band and
girls who actually manage to
twirl batons between their legs
and dresses without damaging
anything or even missing a beat.
Imagine , driving up to the
friendly college on the hill in a
shiny limo , air-conditioned so
perfectly that your aides have to
re member to keep their sphincter
muscles tight so as not to lose
that new natural gas contract.
Imagine , how the roof on
Bakeless could house at least a
hundred snipers . \Jh , yeah , forget
that , the car is here !
Out he comes, the Honorable
(lovcrnor His Majesty Milton
Shapp, and for some reason I am
disuppointed. Muybe it' s his
black shoes which
somehow don 't match what I
thought he'd be wearing. Maybe
it ' s because of all the p eople who
engulf him ( "Govnor , we got
this petition here and we'd like
you to look at it will you?") and
he doesn 't know whut the hell is
Hoing on but he stands there
kindn smiling and nodding while
the whole lime his eyes urc going
"Lemme outta here ! Air! Gimme
air!" Maybe it's beca use he's
only one mnn , nnd he 's scared .
What ! The Governor of Pennsylvania scared? Why, that's
saoircligious. Why should he be
scared? Isn 't this institution of
higher learning forever called the
FRIENDLY college? Scared?
Suddenly , the speech by the
students is over and the hands
are shaken and the "Nossen 4 ExPresident" sign is lowered as this
big cowboy type in a gray suit
which has a multi thousand dollar
walkie-talkie gizmo in its pocket
spreads his wings, his arms are
that big, and says "Make way for
the Governor , give the Governor
room , make way for the
Governor ." He doesn't have to
tell me, he has already shoved
me directly behind his back, no
mean feat considering that up
until now I've been standing
alongside of him looking at the
mul ti thousand collar gizmo in his
pocket. I have an insane urge to
kick him a good one on his ankle,
but my wish is forever un gran ted
as the crowd pushes me and even
the cowboy inside. I have lost all
nif, i
guv ci uui .
Brownian motion finds me
inside Haas. My fi rst thought as I
ta ke my seat is that from now on
BNE concerts can have aislesitte rs, because if the governor
doesn 't merit the rent-a-cops
bodily pulling kids away, neither
does the James Gang. But that's
beside the point. The point is that
I am getting more and more
scared by the politics of politics.
For instance: Fr. Nossen is
IxmxhI. Loudly. He smiles. He has
to. He can 't suddenly get up while
the governor sits there and give
the audience any lype of obscene
gesture. He has to smile. It's
sickening that he has to, but he
does it. And it' s sickening the way
he does it. And when Gov. Shapp
finally mentions the petition
against Nossen and says things
will be looked into as the faithful audience applaud s, Nossen
kinda shakes his heud up and
down and smiles, as if to say,
"Well, it' s all j ust so SILLY. "
Which may lie (rue , but I doubt
thai Nossen finds it all that funnv.
( continued on page four )
Huskies win !
by The Duke
Bloomsburg State College
Huskies , under the direction of
Coach Bill Sproule, nipped the
Mounties of Mansfield State
Saturday afternoon 21-20 on the
losers field .
The locals, directed by quarterback Joe Geiger, jumped into
an early lead just 4 min. into the
ball game when Geiger passed to
iice running back Bob Warner for
15 yards and a score. Neil
')berholzer added the extra point.
In the second quarter with
11:35 remaining, soph. George
(Iruber capped a 40-yard scoring
drive; however, the two point
conversion was missed , making
the score BSC—13, MSC—0.
Two minutes later Bob Warner
kept the scoring alive in the
second quarter with a touchdown
and a two point conversion .
Mansfield came alive in the
last few minutes of the first half
with a 20-yard pass from Dwight
Kauffman to Andy Pazahanick,
capitalizing on a 60-yard drive in
13 plays. Joe Olenoskie converted
the extra point.
The Moun tie defense toughened
up in the second half and held the
Huskies scoreless while the
Mansfield offense scrambled to
even the score.
With minutes remaining Brad
Finn picked off a seven-yard
Kauffman pass with Joe Olenoski
adding the extra point. Four
plays later, Mansfield regained
possession of the ball and drove
five yards before Joe Dcmozik
caught a * 40 yard Kauffman
aerial. With just 12 seconds
remaining, Mansfield elected to
go lor the win instea d of settling
lor a tie, but the attempt went for
naught, and the Huskies won 21-
Next game for the Huskies will
be this Saturday, Homecoming
day, against California State,
2:00 p.m. Be there!
Future PhD 's need help?
Are there any undergraduates
who have already i decided to
obtain a Ph D. and teach at a
college? This decision should
ca use one to make a number of
plans and contingency plans.
These plans should be made for
the period of time from
graduat ion to being accepted as a
New coach for
Husk y Dribblers
by Dan McKinney
BSC basketball fans will see
someone new in command of the
Huskies when* the 1971-72
basketball season rolls around.
Charles Chronister has been
appointed Head Basketball
Coach replacing Earl Voss, who
has since taken a position at West
Chester State.
Chonister, a native of East
Berlin , Pa., is an alumnus of East
Stroudsburg State College, and
he comes to Bloomsburg with
considerable coaching experience. For the past four years
he served as assistan t coach at
Gettysburg College under Robert
Hulton. Prior to this he served 3
years as head coach at Hanover
High School near York, and also
served a one year tenure as
Freshman Basketball Coach at
East Stroudsburg State.
Chronister is not entirely unfamiliar with the Bloomsburg
program , having attended
college with Mr. Burton Reese
who will be his assistant. He also
has seen the Huskies in action in
the past and indicated that a new
system may be implemented to
take advantage of certain team
When asked how the coaching
squabbles which have plagued
BSC recently affected him ,
Chronister said that he is a
newcomer with a fresh outlook,
and does not foresee any difficulties in this new position.
Commenting on how the
facilities at BSC compare to those
at Gettysburg, Chronister noted.
"they don 't now, but when
construction of the new gym*is
completed they will compare
Chronister also mentioned that
at the present time there is a need
for student managers for the
upcoming season. A minimum of
four managers is needed, and
anyone who has had any experience with managing or is
interested in gaining some experience should contact Mr.
Chronister, in his office in Cen-
prof , at one's first teaching post. teaching to provide a safe haven
H. Ronald , Rouse, National in case recession dries up
Director of the Woodrow Wilson fellowships or other means of*
Fellowship Foundation reports employment.
that many of today's new Ph D's
M.A. can provide a post at
are caught in unpleasant cir- a The
or community college.
cumstances. Part of their This is another
of keeping
unemployment problem conies on one's journeymethod
a Ph. D. which
from the " over reaction of the can provide tocollege
graduate schools to the need for teaching experience.
college teachers in the 60*s.
Other factors are the recession
Hopefully the economic and
and the latest wave of anti- political situation of the 1980's,
academic climate. Both these when today 's undergraduates
factors are reducing the number will be entering the job market,
of fellowships which might be * will be changed for the better. If
granted by foundations, or they aren't, these strategies will
federal or state government.
provide a safe lodging while the
What can today 's un- wolf paces near the door.
dergraduates do to protect
themselves from conditions such
as are running rampant today?
One may wish to obtain cer- LOSE LIVES
tification for secondary school
During 1970 6,500 people were
killed as a result of driving off the
tennial Gym.
road, according to an annual
"I am very optimistic about survey by The Travelers Inthis season," said Chronister. surance Companies. Reasons for
''Bloomsburg definitely has this type of accident are tired
talent, and it is my job to utilize it motorists, unsafe cars, and those
to the greatest degree possible." under the influence of alcohol.
"It is my hope that with five
minutes remaining in . every
game we will still have a good WEEKEND DRIVING
Almost 40 per cent of all highchance of winning."
way deaths occur on weekends—
The Huskies will count on the 56 per cent between 6 p.m. and 6
experience of Paul Kuhn and a.m., according to statistics
Howard Johnson plus the height compiled by The Travelers Inof 6'8" John Willis, a transfer surance Companies. "Never on
student, to mold the attack this weekends" might be a driver
motto worth observing.
Cheyney and East Stroudsburg
appear to be the teams to beat in
the State College Conference, but
the Huskies aren't conceding a
thing to any opponent on the 197172 slate.
J oin the
Cast chosen for
Arsenic and Old Lace
OCT. 6
Sponsore d by A PSCUF Campai gn Committee
Mr. William Acierno, associate
director of the Bloomsburg
Players , has announced the
casting of "Arsenic and Old
Lace", the Bloomsburg Players'
production of the slap-happy
murder marathon , which is being
presented at the Haas Center
beginning October 21.
In the roles of Martha and Abby
Brewster, the two gentle old
sisters whose love for charitable
acts has taken an alarming turn,
Ann Brisk and Becky Ermisch
will be seen.
The part of Mortimer
Brewster , drama critic and
nephew of the two most charming
gouls in the world , will be played
by Dan Demczko last seen with
the players in the role of DeSade
in "Marat-Sade". His brother
Teddy, who has spent his life
under the mista ken (or is it
mistaken? ) impression that he is
Teddy Roosevelt, will be played
by Daniel Boone. (Yes , he's a
relative. ) Elaine Harper , Mortimer's fiancee, will be played by
Brenda Walton . Lin Naylor will
be the menacing Einstein, and
Officer O'Hara , the pla y writing
policemen will be played by Bill
Others in the cast will be Ed
Goman , Ron Klinetob , Phil
Davis, Pete Gentele, and Kerry
"Arsenic and Old Lace" was
the fourth longest running hit
when it closed after 1444 performances in New York. A season
ago it was revived on television
with Lillian Gish and Helen
Perf orman ces are open to t h e
public. The box office in Haas
Center will be open one week
prior to the production dates
from ll a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fifth Col umn
Statistics compiled by The
Travelers Insurance Companies
suggest its safer to ride in a truck
(continued from page two)
than in a car. In 1970, over 54,000
boss has seen it , and then makes passenger cars were involved in
Politics—God , it must kill a chopping
"Cut it short ." motions fatal accidents compared to
man . Now I consider Shapp an with his hands. Even' if Shapp 12,400 commercial vehicles.
extraord inary politician . While I wan ts to stay with us for an hour
didn 't find his speech exactly or so more, even if he wan ts to
revoluntionary or even par- screw politics and take off his
ticularly exciting, it was at least clothes and do therapy touching
concerned with change , no type sessions with some of the comatter how insignificant some' eds, even if he just wants to sneak
people may think the changes. by and deliberately step on'
The BSC Concert Choir ,
Very few politicians are con- Nossen's foot as he's leaving, he directed by William K. Decker, is
cerned enough about change. can 't, there's that little guy off to putting the finishing touches on
Change loses voters. Lyndon the side making "C'mon Miltie, the music to be presented in the
Johnson knows how much a vou're late " motions .
annual Pops Concert , October
country's attitude can change.
But the speech is over and so is 10th at 8:15 pm in Haas
Nixon has yet to learn. Shapp the applause. Only the Gov- Auditorium .
knows, and Shapp knows enough lernor & President Nossen know
Variety is added to the
to initiate some change. Softly the condition of BSC's 'most program by the soloists who were
spoken and corny jokey as his illustrious foot. Governor Shapp selected recently . They include:
speech was, somehow I was is hustled out , smiling and Bob Burnett doing "Mean
impressed by the honesty of the handing out shakes and nodding, Mistreater; " Michele Seliga ,
man—which is why the heebie- the whole time the back of his "You've Got a Friend ;" Peg
jeebies got me: politics, it must head saying 'Lemme out of here, Christian ,
kill a man.
if I can 't stay anymore cuz of
Here's a man on stage staring answer more questions, just let Musser singing "This House is
down at students, who are sup- me out!" and he's gone.
Not a Home."
posed to be a motley bunch
Dawn Sharbaugh and Jim
But not really . Tonight he'll go
anyway, and facing into the to the fair. Tonight he'll have
McKeown team up to do "Let It
merciless T.V. cameras. Here's a another escort of bands and Be Me." Kathy Simpson will sing
man doing his damndest to make
and assorted lackeys. and play the guitar to the music
something of the state which majorettes
And when he's
shaking of "Rocka My Soul ;" Cel Wrona
started out with Ben Franklin more hands andthrough
kissing babies will do "Let Me Be The One"
and ended up with Ray Shafer , and trying to keep the terror out while Carl Kishbaugh will do
and all the time off to the one side of his eyes, maybe he'll have time "Something. " Mary Jean
of the stage stands his aide, for a rest before he does some Cassale will do "I don't Know
mocking the entire thing.
real honest-to-God Governoring. How To Love Him." Ben Wagner
Now it's not the aide's job to Except , God help him, he can 't will sing "Joy to the World ."
Featuared in an instrumental
mock. Hell, no. He just stands rest at one of the strip shows...ya
there to the side, every so often see, there might be some idiot fromdance version of the theme
"Love Story " are Fran
reaching into his coat pocket to with a camera...
and Scott Atherton as the
pull out a stopwatch. He looks at
Thursday is over. And I don 't
. Accompanists include
it, holds it toward the Governor's want to be governor anymore.
Keith Kull, and
line of vision , makes sure the
Maybe I'll settle for college
on piano; Steve
Hartman , percussion; Janice
44th Annual Homecom ing
The 44th Annual Homecoming
Tonight the Student Union
celebration at BSC will feature a building will be the sight of film
variety of activities during the spots of BSC in the "Good Ole
woek of October 6-10.
Days" — 1929-70. During this
time all Homecoming queen
candidates will be introduced and
the ten semi-finalists will be
announced. At 9:15 the movie
"Jenny " will be shown.
A pep rally will be held behind
Barber , flute ; and Bill DeRose, Andruss Library on Thursday at
string bass. The chorography for (> p.m. The program will include
the show was arranged by Fran an introduction of the football
team , announcement of the fiv e
This year 's program includes a finalists in the Homecoming
blend of music from a few years Queen contest , and skits
ago, new music , and even some presented by the fraternities and
jazz . The choir has tried to select sororities. As a grand finale,
the most popular and well-known fireworks will be displayed. A
arrangements of the songs, in- band dance will follow imcluding the Mammas' and the mediately in the Student Union.
Papas' arrangement of "MonThe "N . Y . Rock Ensemble" ,
day, Monday, " the Jackson preceded by Paul Geremia , will
Five's version of "I'll Be There," appear Friday evening in Haas
and the Carpenter's arrangement Auditorium , with all seats
of the theme from the movie reserved. During intermission,
"Lovers and Other Strangers." the crowning of the Homecoming
Whatever your tastes in music, Queen and the.introduction of her
they are sure to be satisified. court will take place. There will
There is no charge for admission also be a plaque presented to the
to the concert and you don't have Irat that had the highest
to worry about dressing formally. academic average for the Spring
Choose the fashion you most 1970 semester.
prefer to wear ; like the music, it
Saturday will feature the
will prov ide variety .
Homecoming parade and the
Remember! The Concert Husky-California State football
Choir 's Pops Concert will be game. Prizes wih\ be awarded
presented October 10th in Haas during half-time for the best
Auditorium .
decorated floats and men's and
women 's residence halls on
Saturday evening will bring
two separate semi-formal dances
to the Scranton Commons.
On Sunday a "Pops Concert"
will be presented by the college
Concert Choir under the direction
of Richard Stanislaw in Haas
Auditorium at 8:15 p.m.
Bob O.
Pop s soloists announced
John 's Food
Try Our Weekend Special
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OVvwt Stamp*
In concert —cast of 40
Buckn ell Concert Committee
Eppley 's
NOTICE : The Class of '73 will
be able to order their class rings.
Orders will be taken at the
(continue d from page on*)
Bookstore Lounge during the
week Oct. 4th — 8th from 10:00
The final question was how far
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily . A $10.00
you go or how much
deposit is required. Rings will be
give? Mr. Walker
here for Christmas. Order them
stated that you should be able to
discover when you are being
misused. The Rev. added
C h r i s t i a n "everything and nothing. " Mrs.
Fellowship holds weekday prayer Walker said you should give all
services at 6:30 and 10:00, 2nd you want as long as you can feel
floor Waller Hall Lounge.
comfortable with yourself—you
must keep your identity ." Mr.
Thomas ended, by saying, "you
The Bloomsburg Psychological can tell when a person is worth
Association will meet today in it. "
Kuster Auditorium in Hartline.
The next sexuality program
Reverend Jay Rochelle, guest of will be later this month . Some of
the evening, will speak on the future topics are Pre-Marital
brief Sex, Childbirth , Abortion , and
"Encounters. "
organizational meeting will What to Expect From Your
follow . Everyone is welcome to Gynecologist presented by
various guest speakers.
No need to come in person. Simply write or phone:
Dial (215) 548-0300
roc k o pera w l ih re ver enc e
Davis Gym B uckn ell Univ.
21st Year of Service to
tt pfo ^fl Al1 Bualneaa
Phone and Mall
Teaohers and Educators VtO^V
740 West Nedro Ave. • Philadelphia , Pa. 19120
Tlefceh $8.00
8iOO pj r \ .
Tic k ets A vai l abl e:
Buckrwll Bookatora
Holnw Music
Contra) Mutlc
Wlllla miport
Univ. Cmttr
SufqiMhanra U,
lUcoid Room
State College
Shapp gets petition ;
talks on student vote
Gov . Milton J. Shapp addressed
a capacity crowd in Haas
auditorium last Thursday. The
governor received a standing
j ovation while the introduction of
I Dr. Nossen brought a mixed
response from the audience.
Before entering Haas, Shapp
accepted a petition from a
student delegation with some 2000
s ig h t i n g
dissatisfaction with the college
administration. After his speech
the governor in a surprise move,
answered questions from the
Shapp's address to the student
body, his first since the passage
of the 18-year-old voting amendment, stressed the young voter's
ability to change the shape of
state and national politics
through participation.
Shapp talks on student Involvement in politics.
Successful start
for sexuality
by Cindy Michener
In the presence of a capacity
crowd in Kuster Auditorium the
AWS began its series of sexuality
Programs last Wed., Sept 29, with
the topic "Human Expression of
Love. " The panelists were
Reverend Jay Rochelle, campus
pastor , Mr. John Walker ,
Associate Dean of Students, and
his wife and in place of Mr. and
Mrs . Don Camplese was Mr.
Charles Thomas , director of
Counseling Services.
Rev. Rochelle began the
program speaking of the four
prongs of love - physical ,
emotional , intellectual , an 'd
spiritual. He then mentioned
relations ,
other's bodies and emotionally
with the "father concept in a
K/wj frionrl
rela tionships. " Mrs . Walker
added that "you must know
yourself first" to be in love and
Mr. Thomas said you have "to
learn to love" and be able to
differentiate between loving
someone when things are going
good and bad.
The final point brought up by
the panelists was separating
"what one is and one does." Rev.
Rochelle said that many times we
didn 't like an act of a person and
we immediately call him an SOB
but we have reacted on the
person not on the act.
Some of the questions that
highlighted the question and
answer period were : How do you
know when a relat ionship is
superficial or everlasting? The
Rev. answere d that you can 't
a lwa ys t ell whether the
relationship will be everlasting —
fo r a rela ti onsh ip changes from
day to day, but that i t w ill become
m or e f ul fi lled when p eople are
h on est w it h ea c h other. Mrs.
Wa lker took issue with him
sa yi n g that you should think
bef or e you sp eak and not be as
op en as the Reverend thinks
y ou should b e. The R everend
spoke up explaining you must be
ab le t o ex p ress how you feel at all
times, "A n honest ex pression
won 't hurt another person. "
A n o ther q uest i on f rom the
a ud ien ce was whether you should
or shouldn ' t unburden your
con science on another p erson
even if it ma y hurt them. Rev.
R ochelle answered "you don 't
have to do a p sy chological
stri ptea se to be intimate with
W alker and Thoma s b rought i n
t he l ove f or oth er people, particularly of the same sex. Walke r
stated tha t you must recognize in
yourself deep feelings for friends
of your own sex , b ut he kiddingly
a dded he di dn 't want an y
headlines readin g, "Dean in
f avor of h om osexuali ty ."
The Rev. said there is a falling
apart of the male sterot ype. Men
should be able to show their
e mot io ns if th e situation is
worthy of it , b ecause "your
friends can pick you up and put
you back t oget her again. " He
cont i nued by sa yi ng that it was
like " bui lding brid ges" with your
( lev. Rochelle then defined love
an un " h onest , dee p, op en
rela ti onsh ip w i th a basis of
caring and trust. The platform of someone.
(eentlnu ad on paga four)
trust can build and rebuild
Approximately 300 high school,
college, and university students
and faculty attended the grand
opening of the Spanish Cultural
Center's Susquehanna, Chapter of
Hispania last Saturday in Carver
Dr. Alfred E. Tonolo of the
Spanish Department presided
during the opening.
President Nossen opened the
program with a welcoming
speech. Then Professor Jamie
Ferran , the Director of the
cultura l center at Syracuse
University compared the Chapter
opening to launching a boat of
Culture on the
Susquehanna River.
Congressman Daniel Flood of
Columbia County expressed
gratitude for the cooperation and
courtesy extended to him by the
Spanish Embassy in Washington.
Flood had aided Dr. Tonolo by
having Casanova represent Spain
and the Spanish Embassy during
Saturday 's activ ities. Senor and
Senora Casonova arrived F rida y
and were overnigh t guests of the
Nossen's at Buckalew P lace.
Casanova noted tha t Spanish
wa s t he most w idely spoken and
st ud ied fore ign language in the
U n ite d Stat es accord ing to recent
statistics . He attributed this to
the cap ability and enthusiasm of
t he p rof essionals who teach the
lan guage.
H e al so sa id "One must not
forget that a foreign language is
only a mean s, an institution that
p erm i ts one to f am i liarize
himself with another culture and '
h is own characteris ti c values and
points of view!*.
•Under the Demo. State ComThe auditorium rang with
mittee's changes concerning the applause wher^concerningFord's
selection process of the National appointments. Shapp stated that
Convention, Penna. will go to the he "will continue to make such
convention, in Miami Beach, with appointments because this
representative government will, indeed, to the
delegation possible.
best of my ability, become the
The requirement that 75 per people's advocate ." Shapp
cent of the delegates must be stressed this point in his
elected by the people was the inauguration
most important change sighted January.
by Shapp. In the past, no more
During his address the
than 60 per cent were elected and Governor presented a letter to
that figure was subject to the Mike Siptroth, C.G.A. President
arbitrary decision of the State concerning his intentions to
Committee. Of the remaining 25 appoint a student to the board of
per cent, 15 per cent will be each of the state colleges who
selected by the delegates elected would not simply represent the
in the Primary and ten per cent !students, but act as a trustee in
will be named by the new State : the fullest sense of the word.
committees elected next year.
In closing, Shapp stressed his
The primary purpose of th& philosophy on education would
elections, Shapp said, is to help "prefer people to buildings" and
redress any imbalance of young "education to schooling". Shapp
people , women , members of addressed the 50th Penna.
minority groups or other Education Congress two weeks
segments of our society.
Shapp added that he personally
Following his address Shapp
insisted that the Demo. Comm. acknowledged the petition he
write into the new regulations a received from the students and
provision which would state said he wished to answer
specificially that voters between questions from the audience. He
the ages of 18 and 21 would be also stated he preferred no
eligible to become delegates.. inquiries concerning the Nossen This will require a change in Houk controversy. Although the
legislation. Shapp has called Governor made no direct
upon the legislative leaders in reference to anyone on campus
H a rri sb u rg to enact this he did state that the controversy
provision into state law.
should remain "unnamed".
Shapp felt one of his most
The questions that followed
crucial decisions was the concerned changes in PHEAA
nomination of a State Director of scholarship program , the effect
Selective Service. Under heavv of (he state income state tax on
criticismJie named Bob Ford, 31, college students., the freeze on
a former enlisted Marine, who state jobs and the situation yet to
began a program to advance be verified between the inveteran's education and help dependent and democratic
returning Vietnam Veterans. factions of the patronage system.
Ford is the youngest Selective A statement handed to the
Service Director in the Nation Governor along with the petition
and replaces a distinguished called for "an independent ingeneral who was 81 years old . vestigating committee to be
The average age of draft boardl formed" so t hat progress can be
members in Pa. is 65.
made at BSC.
News Briefs
BSC students who are residents
of Schu ylkill coun ty can obtain
ab sentee balloting material for
the upcomin g elections from Bob
McCormick , P. O. Box 2408,
Room 128, Elwell .
BSC's B Club will be selling
mums for Homecoming from 8:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon, Saturday, Oct.
9 , in the Student Union Building.
Hupp vi ewed inertl y after accepting petition outside Hats.
President ial Hotlin e
Question : I would like to ask
the president about a rumored
pay increa se for the facul ty . I
have heard that the faculty will
ask for , and receive, a large
increase. If so, how will it affect
the students in terms of tuition
and housing?
(Name of the questioner
withheld upon request.)
Answer: Faculty members, in
accordance with academic rank ,
are placed on a specific line in the
pay scale. Advancement in steps
on this line amount to-about 5 per
cent and are mandatory, except
for the last two, which are optional and need not be granted.
Ten per cent of the faculty each
year may be given a merit increment of one step beyond that
mandated , prov ided that in so
doing an individual does not
exceed the maximum of his line.
These are state-wide procedures .
Under provisions of Act 195, the
faculty may be represented by a
bargaining agency for collective
negotiations. An election to select
that agency on a state-wide basis
is being held this week. I cannot ,
of course , anticipate what the
bargaining unit will ask for or
what it will receive, but all
negotiations and settlements will
reflect and apply to all fourteen
state-owned institutions.
I see no way in which the
student will be affected in terms
of housing. It is possibl e,
however , for faculty salaries to
be increased and tui tion to rise at
the same time. Even prior to any
lorm of negotiations, the State
Master Plan calls for an increase
in tuition at the state-owned to
$800.00 , but to this point we have
received no information relative
to the possible implementation of
this tuition increase .
in the realization that private
funds are necessary to fulfill
those educational objectives
which either cannot or should not
be financed by the state. In addition to raising funds of its own
(and contributions have been
received from alumni , faculty ,
friends of the college and administrative officers ) , the
Foundation serves as a
depository for a number of
restricted accounts, and these
accounts may be used only for the
purpose designated by the
depositing group or individual .
It is a legal entity , subject to
lx)th state and local audit , has tax
exempt status , and is a membership corporation which includes students , alumni, trustees,
facul ty and administrative officers. It serves the entire college
community through the funds
that it collects and disperses. It is
strictly a non-profit operation ,
and no officer , director or
member realizes any personal
advantage of any kind , other than
the satisfaction of participation
in its worth-while purposes.
Question : Why are freshmen
who attended the 1971 summer
orientation program in the
process of receiving a refund of
$(>.00? (Question asked orally,and
answered volun tarily by the
President. )
Thus the actual costs were less
than budgeted , and the amoun t of
$(>.l)o is being returned to each
freshman partici pant. This
program is a service to students ,
must be self-supporting, but is
nol designed to operate at a
profit. Should , after all costs and
returns be figured , there remain
an excess, it is earmarked exclusively for on-going activities
throug h the year related to the
orientation purposes.
Due to unfo rseen circumstances , the Maroon and
Gold is now very sadly left
with a gaping hole in its
editorial staff. This hole has
l>een left by the resignation of
the Sports Editor. Therefore ,
the M&G is now accepting
applications from all interested parties for the
position of said Sports Editor.
II you are interested in sports
and have at least a partial
talent in writing, and are
newspapers, this is the place
lor you. Come and join us , we
need you ! Sports is an important
part of extra curricular life at BSC and we
need a man who knows what's
going on. So if you're interested , write an application
stating your name , box
number and qualifications,
and either place it in Box 301
or drop it off in room 234
Wall er Hall.
Orientation Prog ram is in its
second year of operation , and is
still being refined. The budget for
1971 was anticipated and submitte d by the appropriate persons in Student Personnel early
in the last academic year, and
Because of the wage-price costs were predicted upon anBy Joe Miklos
freeze, the faculty have to this ticipated expenditures. During
time received neither their the 1970 sessions , the American
It is common knowledge that a
earned "mandated" increases or College Testing Program was man was killed at a free concert
included among the activities ,
meri t increases for this year.
and inclusion of a repeat of this put on by the Rolling Stones at
test for 1971 was long considered Altamont , California. It is also
common to hear the Stones acQuestion : What exactly is the but ultimately dropped .
cused of being the cause of this
nature and function of the
death - a fter all they did "hire"
Bloomsbur g
The decision to drop the ACT Ihe Hell's Angels as body guards
(question asked orally 5 and program is due to the fact that did n ' t they ?
answered volun tarily by the Dr. Merrit Sanders, Educational
To be certain , most people
Testing Services , designed a test don 't really know what went on
which suDDlied the college with down at Altamont un less they 've
similar information as would the seen the movie Gimme Shelter or
Answer: The
ACT program.
esta blished during
read one of the assorted reports
in Itock publications. In the end,
(Jimine Shelter is perhaps the
best view of what was going on.
The producers of the film have
been accused of rip-offs of all
Jim Sachetti
ki nds. That only the v iewer can
Business Manager
Carol Kishbaug h
decide. The Mayles brothers
Co-Managing Editors
Karen Keinard
(producers ) were originall y
Sue Sprague
hired by the Stones to make a
News Editor
Frank Pizzoli
lilm of their last U.S. tour. That
Feat ur e Editor
Terry Blass
(hey don 't do it doesn 't really
Sports Editor
John Hoffman
mutter , for they have produced a
Art Editor
John Stugrin
line documentary of the events
Photo Editor
Tom SchoflekJ
leading up to the Altamont
Photog rapher
Kate Calpin
Linda Ennls
Co-Copy Editors
Nancy Van Pelt
T fii , u reui numan neing is
in front of the camera . No,
did not know what was
Contributin g Editor
until the death had
already occurred. No , Hell's
Angels were not hired by the
Hulling Stones. Yes, you f eel
STAFF: Kay Boyle * ,
useous at the sight of a rea l
Kil ns" , Steve Conno lley, Ellt n Doyle, Mark Foucart
kille d on the silver ( ?)
Krist in Kolbever , Joyce Keefer , Marty Kleiner , Sally
Kurren , Dan Mare«h, Joe MeOavln . Mike Mefc lnger,
Hul the flick is jus tified. In the
Cindy Mtehener, Joe Mlklos, Rose Montayne, Jim Nallo ,
end , one perceives that the Stones
are NOT to blame. For some
Bob Olive r , Sue Rtlc henbauch , Tom Roekovlch , Denite
insight , lor a glimpse of what
Ross , Craig
went on at Altumont , catch
Teitsworth (ex-offlclo ), Sam
Shelter. Then make your
Yeakel , John Woo dwar d, Mike Yarme y .
own ju dgement of the Stones and
Hie movie. II is not ea sy to judge
a lilm that appeals with fact and
The MAO it located In Room 234 Waller; if you can 't
ri'pellK with a sordid crimo.
come up, call Ixt 323 or Write Box 301 .
Gimme Shelter is a "fact" film.
See it.
tomBS Jlffij P
Kdi t o r :
During the question session
with President Nossen, a student
assorted that Bloomsburg was
dilator y because it has no
secondary education program in
physical education , and that this
has handicapped athletics. He
asserted further that while
Bloomsburg had failed , Kutztown. Mansfield and Millersville
had added such majors. Both of
his statements were incorrect.
More tha n two years ago, while
I was serving as curriculum
consultant in the Office of Higher
Education in Harrisburg, I
analysed a detailed proposal
from Dr. Moore and President
Andruss to establish such a
program. My colleagues and I
establishing any other new
programs in this field in any of
the colleges.
We spent a great deal of time
studying the total physical
education situation in Lock
Haven. West Chester , East
Stroudsburg, and Slippery Rock
before we drew our conclusions
and made our recommendations.
It was a professional recommendation based on need and on
educational grounds.
The needs of Pennsylvan ia for
graduates in this field are amply
supplied by the four existing
programs, and will continue to be
a mply supp lied. Additional
11rograms for men would accentuate over-supply .
on educational grounds ,
lUoomsburg 's sta ff , while of high
quality , would have to be supplemented by a number of additional persons in order to round
out the faculty for a first class
program ; even in 1969 we knew
that we were facing an austerity
period that would make it impossible to do this. Because
M l o o m s b u r g 's m a x i m u m
enrollment is limited by such
commodations on campus and in
the community,any new program
must obtain its students at the
expense of existing programs,
and would thus cause inefficient
utilization of facilities and
dilution of quality.
It is unfortunate that the
student who made the statement
had received and believed false
information . I hold an official list
from Harrisburg of secondary
programs in all colleges of the
Commonwealth as my authority
for the statement that programs
have not been added — students
are welcome to re-examine this if
they wish to see the entire
situation . This list is certified as
of October 1, 1971.
Hobart F. Heller
Acting Vice-President and
Dean of the Faculties
Fifth Colu mn
by Blass
"I wanna grow up to be a
Sorry, folks, but Byrds or no
Byrds , I don't think I really want
to be governor , anymore.
For a while there it looked
interesting, the prospect of little
old popular me being governor of
(his state , elected by the people to
take all their common wealth.
But , after Governor Milton
Shapp 's visit to Bloomsburg State
College Thursday, I have come to
the realization that a job such as
his is just too ta xing. Let me
explain * * *
Imagine , I think as I stand in
front of Haas Auditorium imagine
the glory of being escorted up
here by a regular parade complete with marching band and
girls who actually manage to
twirl batons between their legs
and dresses without damaging
anything or even missing a beat.
Imagine , driving up to the
friendly college on the hill in a
shiny limo , air-conditioned so
perfectly that your aides have to
re member to keep their sphincter
muscles tight so as not to lose
that new natural gas contract.
Imagine , how the roof on
Bakeless could house at least a
hundred snipers . \Jh , yeah , forget
that , the car is here !
Out he comes, the Honorable
(lovcrnor His Majesty Milton
Shapp, and for some reason I am
disuppointed. Muybe it' s his
black shoes which
somehow don 't match what I
thought he'd be wearing. Maybe
it ' s because of all the p eople who
engulf him ( "Govnor , we got
this petition here and we'd like
you to look at it will you?") and
he doesn 't know whut the hell is
Hoing on but he stands there
kindn smiling and nodding while
the whole lime his eyes urc going
"Lemme outta here ! Air! Gimme
air!" Maybe it's beca use he's
only one mnn , nnd he 's scared .
What ! The Governor of Pennsylvania scared? Why, that's
saoircligious. Why should he be
scared? Isn 't this institution of
higher learning forever called the
FRIENDLY college? Scared?
Suddenly , the speech by the
students is over and the hands
are shaken and the "Nossen 4 ExPresident" sign is lowered as this
big cowboy type in a gray suit
which has a multi thousand dollar
walkie-talkie gizmo in its pocket
spreads his wings, his arms are
that big, and says "Make way for
the Governor , give the Governor
room , make way for the
Governor ." He doesn't have to
tell me, he has already shoved
me directly behind his back, no
mean feat considering that up
until now I've been standing
alongside of him looking at the
mul ti thousand collar gizmo in his
pocket. I have an insane urge to
kick him a good one on his ankle,
but my wish is forever un gran ted
as the crowd pushes me and even
the cowboy inside. I have lost all
nif, i
guv ci uui .
Brownian motion finds me
inside Haas. My fi rst thought as I
ta ke my seat is that from now on
BNE concerts can have aislesitte rs, because if the governor
doesn 't merit the rent-a-cops
bodily pulling kids away, neither
does the James Gang. But that's
beside the point. The point is that
I am getting more and more
scared by the politics of politics.
For instance: Fr. Nossen is
IxmxhI. Loudly. He smiles. He has
to. He can 't suddenly get up while
the governor sits there and give
the audience any lype of obscene
gesture. He has to smile. It's
sickening that he has to, but he
does it. And it' s sickening the way
he does it. And when Gov. Shapp
finally mentions the petition
against Nossen and says things
will be looked into as the faithful audience applaud s, Nossen
kinda shakes his heud up and
down and smiles, as if to say,
"Well, it' s all j ust so SILLY. "
Which may lie (rue , but I doubt
thai Nossen finds it all that funnv.
( continued on page four )
Huskies win !
by The Duke
Bloomsburg State College
Huskies , under the direction of
Coach Bill Sproule, nipped the
Mounties of Mansfield State
Saturday afternoon 21-20 on the
losers field .
The locals, directed by quarterback Joe Geiger, jumped into
an early lead just 4 min. into the
ball game when Geiger passed to
iice running back Bob Warner for
15 yards and a score. Neil
')berholzer added the extra point.
In the second quarter with
11:35 remaining, soph. George
(Iruber capped a 40-yard scoring
drive; however, the two point
conversion was missed , making
the score BSC—13, MSC—0.
Two minutes later Bob Warner
kept the scoring alive in the
second quarter with a touchdown
and a two point conversion .
Mansfield came alive in the
last few minutes of the first half
with a 20-yard pass from Dwight
Kauffman to Andy Pazahanick,
capitalizing on a 60-yard drive in
13 plays. Joe Olenoskie converted
the extra point.
The Moun tie defense toughened
up in the second half and held the
Huskies scoreless while the
Mansfield offense scrambled to
even the score.
With minutes remaining Brad
Finn picked off a seven-yard
Kauffman pass with Joe Olenoski
adding the extra point. Four
plays later, Mansfield regained
possession of the ball and drove
five yards before Joe Dcmozik
caught a * 40 yard Kauffman
aerial. With just 12 seconds
remaining, Mansfield elected to
go lor the win instea d of settling
lor a tie, but the attempt went for
naught, and the Huskies won 21-
Next game for the Huskies will
be this Saturday, Homecoming
day, against California State,
2:00 p.m. Be there!
Future PhD 's need help?
Are there any undergraduates
who have already i decided to
obtain a Ph D. and teach at a
college? This decision should
ca use one to make a number of
plans and contingency plans.
These plans should be made for
the period of time from
graduat ion to being accepted as a
New coach for
Husk y Dribblers
by Dan McKinney
BSC basketball fans will see
someone new in command of the
Huskies when* the 1971-72
basketball season rolls around.
Charles Chronister has been
appointed Head Basketball
Coach replacing Earl Voss, who
has since taken a position at West
Chester State.
Chonister, a native of East
Berlin , Pa., is an alumnus of East
Stroudsburg State College, and
he comes to Bloomsburg with
considerable coaching experience. For the past four years
he served as assistan t coach at
Gettysburg College under Robert
Hulton. Prior to this he served 3
years as head coach at Hanover
High School near York, and also
served a one year tenure as
Freshman Basketball Coach at
East Stroudsburg State.
Chronister is not entirely unfamiliar with the Bloomsburg
program , having attended
college with Mr. Burton Reese
who will be his assistant. He also
has seen the Huskies in action in
the past and indicated that a new
system may be implemented to
take advantage of certain team
When asked how the coaching
squabbles which have plagued
BSC recently affected him ,
Chronister said that he is a
newcomer with a fresh outlook,
and does not foresee any difficulties in this new position.
Commenting on how the
facilities at BSC compare to those
at Gettysburg, Chronister noted.
"they don 't now, but when
construction of the new gym*is
completed they will compare
Chronister also mentioned that
at the present time there is a need
for student managers for the
upcoming season. A minimum of
four managers is needed, and
anyone who has had any experience with managing or is
interested in gaining some experience should contact Mr.
Chronister, in his office in Cen-
prof , at one's first teaching post. teaching to provide a safe haven
H. Ronald , Rouse, National in case recession dries up
Director of the Woodrow Wilson fellowships or other means of*
Fellowship Foundation reports employment.
that many of today's new Ph D's
M.A. can provide a post at
are caught in unpleasant cir- a The
or community college.
cumstances. Part of their This is another
of keeping
unemployment problem conies on one's journeymethod
a Ph. D. which
from the " over reaction of the can provide tocollege
graduate schools to the need for teaching experience.
college teachers in the 60*s.
Other factors are the recession
Hopefully the economic and
and the latest wave of anti- political situation of the 1980's,
academic climate. Both these when today 's undergraduates
factors are reducing the number will be entering the job market,
of fellowships which might be * will be changed for the better. If
granted by foundations, or they aren't, these strategies will
federal or state government.
provide a safe lodging while the
What can today 's un- wolf paces near the door.
dergraduates do to protect
themselves from conditions such
as are running rampant today?
One may wish to obtain cer- LOSE LIVES
tification for secondary school
During 1970 6,500 people were
killed as a result of driving off the
tennial Gym.
road, according to an annual
"I am very optimistic about survey by The Travelers Inthis season," said Chronister. surance Companies. Reasons for
''Bloomsburg definitely has this type of accident are tired
talent, and it is my job to utilize it motorists, unsafe cars, and those
to the greatest degree possible." under the influence of alcohol.
"It is my hope that with five
minutes remaining in . every
game we will still have a good WEEKEND DRIVING
Almost 40 per cent of all highchance of winning."
way deaths occur on weekends—
The Huskies will count on the 56 per cent between 6 p.m. and 6
experience of Paul Kuhn and a.m., according to statistics
Howard Johnson plus the height compiled by The Travelers Inof 6'8" John Willis, a transfer surance Companies. "Never on
student, to mold the attack this weekends" might be a driver
motto worth observing.
Cheyney and East Stroudsburg
appear to be the teams to beat in
the State College Conference, but
the Huskies aren't conceding a
thing to any opponent on the 197172 slate.
J oin the
Cast chosen for
Arsenic and Old Lace
OCT. 6
Sponsore d by A PSCUF Campai gn Committee
Mr. William Acierno, associate
director of the Bloomsburg
Players , has announced the
casting of "Arsenic and Old
Lace", the Bloomsburg Players'
production of the slap-happy
murder marathon , which is being
presented at the Haas Center
beginning October 21.
In the roles of Martha and Abby
Brewster, the two gentle old
sisters whose love for charitable
acts has taken an alarming turn,
Ann Brisk and Becky Ermisch
will be seen.
The part of Mortimer
Brewster , drama critic and
nephew of the two most charming
gouls in the world , will be played
by Dan Demczko last seen with
the players in the role of DeSade
in "Marat-Sade". His brother
Teddy, who has spent his life
under the mista ken (or is it
mistaken? ) impression that he is
Teddy Roosevelt, will be played
by Daniel Boone. (Yes , he's a
relative. ) Elaine Harper , Mortimer's fiancee, will be played by
Brenda Walton . Lin Naylor will
be the menacing Einstein, and
Officer O'Hara , the pla y writing
policemen will be played by Bill
Others in the cast will be Ed
Goman , Ron Klinetob , Phil
Davis, Pete Gentele, and Kerry
"Arsenic and Old Lace" was
the fourth longest running hit
when it closed after 1444 performances in New York. A season
ago it was revived on television
with Lillian Gish and Helen
Perf orman ces are open to t h e
public. The box office in Haas
Center will be open one week
prior to the production dates
from ll a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fifth Col umn
Statistics compiled by The
Travelers Insurance Companies
suggest its safer to ride in a truck
(continued from page two)
than in a car. In 1970, over 54,000
boss has seen it , and then makes passenger cars were involved in
Politics—God , it must kill a chopping
"Cut it short ." motions fatal accidents compared to
man . Now I consider Shapp an with his hands. Even' if Shapp 12,400 commercial vehicles.
extraord inary politician . While I wan ts to stay with us for an hour
didn 't find his speech exactly or so more, even if he wan ts to
revoluntionary or even par- screw politics and take off his
ticularly exciting, it was at least clothes and do therapy touching
concerned with change , no type sessions with some of the comatter how insignificant some' eds, even if he just wants to sneak
people may think the changes. by and deliberately step on'
The BSC Concert Choir ,
Very few politicians are con- Nossen's foot as he's leaving, he directed by William K. Decker, is
cerned enough about change. can 't, there's that little guy off to putting the finishing touches on
Change loses voters. Lyndon the side making "C'mon Miltie, the music to be presented in the
Johnson knows how much a vou're late " motions .
annual Pops Concert , October
country's attitude can change.
But the speech is over and so is 10th at 8:15 pm in Haas
Nixon has yet to learn. Shapp the applause. Only the Gov- Auditorium .
knows, and Shapp knows enough lernor & President Nossen know
Variety is added to the
to initiate some change. Softly the condition of BSC's 'most program by the soloists who were
spoken and corny jokey as his illustrious foot. Governor Shapp selected recently . They include:
speech was, somehow I was is hustled out , smiling and Bob Burnett doing "Mean
impressed by the honesty of the handing out shakes and nodding, Mistreater; " Michele Seliga ,
man—which is why the heebie- the whole time the back of his "You've Got a Friend ;" Peg
jeebies got me: politics, it must head saying 'Lemme out of here, Christian ,
kill a man.
if I can 't stay anymore cuz of
Here's a man on stage staring answer more questions, just let Musser singing "This House is
down at students, who are sup- me out!" and he's gone.
Not a Home."
posed to be a motley bunch
Dawn Sharbaugh and Jim
But not really . Tonight he'll go
anyway, and facing into the to the fair. Tonight he'll have
McKeown team up to do "Let It
merciless T.V. cameras. Here's a another escort of bands and Be Me." Kathy Simpson will sing
man doing his damndest to make
and assorted lackeys. and play the guitar to the music
something of the state which majorettes
And when he's
shaking of "Rocka My Soul ;" Cel Wrona
started out with Ben Franklin more hands andthrough
kissing babies will do "Let Me Be The One"
and ended up with Ray Shafer , and trying to keep the terror out while Carl Kishbaugh will do
and all the time off to the one side of his eyes, maybe he'll have time "Something. " Mary Jean
of the stage stands his aide, for a rest before he does some Cassale will do "I don't Know
mocking the entire thing.
real honest-to-God Governoring. How To Love Him." Ben Wagner
Now it's not the aide's job to Except , God help him, he can 't will sing "Joy to the World ."
Featuared in an instrumental
mock. Hell, no. He just stands rest at one of the strip shows...ya
there to the side, every so often see, there might be some idiot fromdance version of the theme
"Love Story " are Fran
reaching into his coat pocket to with a camera...
and Scott Atherton as the
pull out a stopwatch. He looks at
Thursday is over. And I don 't
. Accompanists include
it, holds it toward the Governor's want to be governor anymore.
Keith Kull, and
line of vision , makes sure the
Maybe I'll settle for college
on piano; Steve
Hartman , percussion; Janice
44th Annual Homecom ing
The 44th Annual Homecoming
Tonight the Student Union
celebration at BSC will feature a building will be the sight of film
variety of activities during the spots of BSC in the "Good Ole
woek of October 6-10.
Days" — 1929-70. During this
time all Homecoming queen
candidates will be introduced and
the ten semi-finalists will be
announced. At 9:15 the movie
"Jenny " will be shown.
A pep rally will be held behind
Barber , flute ; and Bill DeRose, Andruss Library on Thursday at
string bass. The chorography for (> p.m. The program will include
the show was arranged by Fran an introduction of the football
team , announcement of the fiv e
This year 's program includes a finalists in the Homecoming
blend of music from a few years Queen contest , and skits
ago, new music , and even some presented by the fraternities and
jazz . The choir has tried to select sororities. As a grand finale,
the most popular and well-known fireworks will be displayed. A
arrangements of the songs, in- band dance will follow imcluding the Mammas' and the mediately in the Student Union.
Papas' arrangement of "MonThe "N . Y . Rock Ensemble" ,
day, Monday, " the Jackson preceded by Paul Geremia , will
Five's version of "I'll Be There," appear Friday evening in Haas
and the Carpenter's arrangement Auditorium , with all seats
of the theme from the movie reserved. During intermission,
"Lovers and Other Strangers." the crowning of the Homecoming
Whatever your tastes in music, Queen and the.introduction of her
they are sure to be satisified. court will take place. There will
There is no charge for admission also be a plaque presented to the
to the concert and you don't have Irat that had the highest
to worry about dressing formally. academic average for the Spring
Choose the fashion you most 1970 semester.
prefer to wear ; like the music, it
Saturday will feature the
will prov ide variety .
Homecoming parade and the
Remember! The Concert Husky-California State football
Choir 's Pops Concert will be game. Prizes wih\ be awarded
presented October 10th in Haas during half-time for the best
Auditorium .
decorated floats and men's and
women 's residence halls on
Saturday evening will bring
two separate semi-formal dances
to the Scranton Commons.
On Sunday a "Pops Concert"
will be presented by the college
Concert Choir under the direction
of Richard Stanislaw in Haas
Auditorium at 8:15 p.m.
Bob O.
Pop s soloists announced
John 's Food
Try Our Weekend Special
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OVvwt Stamp*
In concert —cast of 40
Buckn ell Concert Committee
Eppley 's
NOTICE : The Class of '73 will
be able to order their class rings.
Orders will be taken at the
(continue d from page on*)
Bookstore Lounge during the
week Oct. 4th — 8th from 10:00
The final question was how far
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily . A $10.00
you go or how much
deposit is required. Rings will be
give? Mr. Walker
here for Christmas. Order them
stated that you should be able to
discover when you are being
misused. The Rev. added
C h r i s t i a n "everything and nothing. " Mrs.
Fellowship holds weekday prayer Walker said you should give all
services at 6:30 and 10:00, 2nd you want as long as you can feel
floor Waller Hall Lounge.
comfortable with yourself—you
must keep your identity ." Mr.
Thomas ended, by saying, "you
The Bloomsburg Psychological can tell when a person is worth
Association will meet today in it. "
Kuster Auditorium in Hartline.
The next sexuality program
Reverend Jay Rochelle, guest of will be later this month . Some of
the evening, will speak on the future topics are Pre-Marital
brief Sex, Childbirth , Abortion , and
"Encounters. "
organizational meeting will What to Expect From Your
follow . Everyone is welcome to Gynecologist presented by
various guest speakers.
No need to come in person. Simply write or phone:
Dial (215) 548-0300
roc k o pera w l ih re ver enc e
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21st Year of Service to
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740 West Nedro Ave. • Philadelphia , Pa. 19120
Tlefceh $8.00
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Media of