Fri, 04/05/2024 - 16:05
Edited Text
Schedulin g Explained

Owe of 111* bouncing rock number s of the award-winning musical
"YOUR OWN THING" is sung by the rock troupe who call themselves the Apocalyp se. L to R, Kris Johnson, Jen Stevens, Marc
Allen III, Elaine Pefricoff and Ronnie Hall. 5.

Your OwnTh ing
Bloomsbur g State College will
have a first on Monday, October
26 when YOUR OWN THING opens
the 1970-71 Arti sts and Lecture
a Rock Musical which won the
New York Critics Circle Award ,
tor the Best Musical. Clive
Barnes of the N.Y. Times describes YOUR OWN THING "A
cheer ful , joyful and blissfully
irreverent muslcal...as modern
as toda y " .
YOUR OWN THING is loosely,
ver y loosely, ada pted from of all
people , Shakespeare 's Twelfth
Night (but then he ada pted that
from somethin g else). The new
adap tat ion see ms to have wor k ed ,
for in addition to awards , It played
Off Broadway for three years and
at one time had three companies
on tour in all majo r cities.
The cast is young , but with a
wealt h of musical comedy back-

ground , some of it gained in
the Broadwa y and touring companies, as well as major musicals on Broadwa y, film and TV.
Danny Apolinar (co-composer)
has a RCA -Vlctor single of
"Flowers and the Middle Year s"
from the show. Hal He ster ,
also a co-composer , has his own
rousin g, now thin g. BSC students
receive admission withou t charge
by presentin g ID» s. Other tickets
may be bought at the Stud . Union .
The F acult y may obta in t ickets
or admission with Activities
Cards . The public may write or
call f or tick ets to th e C olle ge
or obtain tickets at the door on
the evening of the performanc e,
C urta in t i me i s 8 :1 5 In Haas
Auditoriu m, Monday , Octob er

Student Teaching Meeting

All sebond ar y students who in-

ten d to do the ir stu dent teac hin g
th e nex t aca dem ic y ear , 1971-

72 , will meet in Carver Aud itori .
um from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m . on
Tuesday, October 27 , 1970, to
complete applications . It is extremel y important that all stu dents who intend to student teach
at t hi s t ime be present .
Because of the lar ge number of
stu dents who intend to student
teach next year , it is I mperative
that applications be made out now .
Those who fail to do so may find
themse lves in an embarras sing
position as far as stude nt teach *
ing assignments go.
Students should know the fol>
lowing Information for this meeting: your overall Quality Point
Avera ge, your Quality Point Avera ge in your teachin g field, and

the num ber of credits you have

to date . This is information that

every student should be able to
figure out for himself .


is Coming
October 26,
Haas Auditorium

A open meetin g on Schedulin g
was held Tuesday night in the
Bookstore Loun ge, on ra th er
short notice . Dean Hoch , Mr .
Bunge, £L*d Mr . Davis from the
ad hoc Committee on Schedulin g
discussed the new system in
some detail with interested students .
It was pointed out that the purpose of the meetings on Wednesday and Thursday was to deter mine the number of students who
wish to take each course that
could conceivably be offered by
the faculty present in the Spring
Semester . The list of courses in
each major , usual ly similar to
the out-dated College Catalog listings, is a reflection of the capabilities of each depart ment at this
time .
The information gained by each
student listing the courses he
wants, will be used by the department chairmen to determine
the actual courses that will be offered . This system is preferable
to the past system of rotatin g
course offer ings or relying on
limited student opinion .
Obviously, there are not enough
instructors to teach every course
that was requested in the ur st
tally . Therefore , decisions will
have to be made by the depart ment chairmen as to which of the
re queatodxw KTM will
* ba offered
and how niaifrycan"bis offered after the general. , multi-section
courses are sattifled . lt should be
pointe d out that there will be a
better utiliza tion of instructor s
and more courses offered since
the exact number of sections of
the general courses can be det erm '.n^rt wwf no more instruc -

Hot Box
The Art Depart ment is con*
struct ing a new kiln and an outside sculpture area behind the
Bakeless Center for the Humanl *
t ies , accor ding to Mr . Ronald F .
Bower , Assistant Professor of
Art . The ki ln , a device for fir ing
p otter y , reaches tem per atures as
high as 2600 degree s Fahrenheit .
Larger than any that they have
had in the past (20 cubic feet),
the kiln allows for high-fire
stoneware and porcel ain to be
ma de. The new kiln uses natural
gas Instead of electricity as a
heat source , allowing for a red uct ion t ype atmosphere , which
makes It possible to create
colors that could not be achieved
under normal conditions .
The new kiln was or iginally
planned to go inside Bakeless ,
but . since vent ing and chimneys
created a problem , it was de*
elded to put it outside . It will
be In operation as soon as the
gat and electricity connection *

are made .

tors allocated to these than are sense" for m .
necessar y, leaving more time for
upper level courses .
The final determfitfftloii of the
At this time , all students will Master Schedule will not be made
have to again request the courses until several weeks before the
they wish to take from the realis - Spring Semester begins. Many
tic list of choices that can be of- chan ges occur between the time
fered simultaneously . Most stu- that the Maste r Schedule is made
dents will merely repeat what up and the beginnin g of the sethey listed on the first tally , pro - mest er . The result last year was
vided all the courses they re * that almost 30 per cent of the
quested reappear on the second Maste r Schedu le had to be
list (the list of courses that will chan ged during the first week 'i
be offered) . Those who asked for classes .
courses that could not be offered
A machine can do the difficult ,
must then choose from the list
of ALL the courses ' to be offer- time consumin g parts of pre ed a replacement for the course paring a Master Schedule in a
or courses that didn 't appear . On ver y short time . Althou gh the
the old system , if a student didn 't overall schedul e is still to be
done manuall y, it can be done
get a course he selected there
were only a limited number of more accurate ly and in a much
courses that were open and fit shorter time than on the old
in the student ' s schedule . On the system . This will hopefully ennew system , th e courses ar e able administrators to spend the
chosen first and fit into a patter n first few days of class adj ustby a computer matrix that elimi- ing individ ual schedules to suit
nated conflicts for over 94 per individual needs rather than trycent of the freshman class that ing to re-work a Master Schedused it to schedule for this ule with many chan ges not caused
semester .
by individual adjustments , but by
Once this final tally of all stu- course and instructor chan ges is
dents who will be taking cour ses in the past.
that were offered basically by
student demand is made , then and
A committee is being extablish only, then can individual sections
ed to re-wor k the
"dro p-ad"
and pr ocessors be assigned for pr ocedure so that the maximum
number of stude nts"with reas ons
each course. Since j thenumber
and selection of sections cannot - -tbJ xlMuiga ;wBl ba ^ablejpdo so.
be made accurately earlier , it is CGA President , Mike Pilligalli,
impossible to choose the exact w ill choose stu dents to serve on
the committee .
section for an individual student
with the equipment available .
Special consideratio n will be
Investi gation into systems that
for athletes , band memcan simultaneously
course s an d instructors is bein g bers , and ot hers who must have
ma de. At this time , nothin g that certain period s of the day free .
can be used here is available , These names will be provided by
but hopes are high for the future . the advisors of each organi zation
(ex: Russ Houck for Wr estling) .
(Ed . note : it doesn 't seem logical
that everyone can get all the
will also be
pro f s he wants , somebody has to
wor k dur-<
get the duds4 Perhaps a system
of pre f erence by cre di ts earne d
ers must
can be instituted when the equip *
the stument becomes available .)
certa in
U nder t h e present system ,
of rea.
schedules will be made out sensons
iors • first and so on in such a
probmanner that conflicts in courses
lems that will ari se Is to be
(after the second tally ) will probdetermined
by the committee .
ably only occur in the sophomore
and freshman schedules . The
I t is obvious t hat no system ,
progra m matrix will try thou past or present , will give every sands of possible combinations
one the exact schedule desired
before rejecting a schedule as As always , you have to take your.
irresolvable . T hese sch edules
chances .
will be rcentered using the additional choice that students will
have provided on the " mar k

Fin. Aid
Over $2 million in financial
aid will be extended to Blooms*
bur g State College students befor e the end of the current college year , accordin g to Robert L .
Duncan , Director of Financial
Aid . Approximately 3,000 or 75
per cent of all under grad uate students will be receivin g some form
of aid,
The three major loan progr ams include the Stat e Guaranteed Loan , the National Defense
Student Loan, and the BSC Alum *
nl Loan . Over $1 million Is to
be provided by banks for BSC
stud ents throu gh the
Guarant y Loan pr ogram .

Major Nancy P. Hanson ,
AMSC (Army Mtdlcal Specialist Corps ), will bo on the
Bloorasbu rg campus on Wed- •
nosda y, Octob er 28, 1970, in
the lobby of Hartllno Science
Cen t er t o t alk t o in t eres t ed
woman studen t s In re gard t o
the Army Physical Therap)

Employment will amount Lo an
addit ional $300,000 In funds to
be distributed to appro ximately
600 students . This does not Include $72 ,000 paid to sttjcjient employees of ARA School sCnd Col lege Services in operation of the
College Commons .
The most import ant source of
aid to many students Is the
FHEAA admini stered State Sen.
olarshi p. Tenative awards for
this year total nearly $900,000.
althou gh only the first half of
this award ha s been promi sed
thus far .


So you want to get us out of
Vietnam? You hate this war, thi s
war in the wrong place at the
wrong time.
Well , a lot of people hate war ,
but they are not confused by the
intellectual lies and foul reports
that pass as "news."
The people who hate war as
much as you , also hate what will
happen to the South Vietnamese
when the sweet "nationalists,"
communists as you call them ,
take over. And take over they
will , because the word is out now
about what the peacenik solution
to the war will be if you have
your way. That word is coalition ,
or death to any South Vietnamese
who isn't a communist.
The comm unists proved that ,
•when they took over the ancient
city of Hue during the TET offensive. The sweet harmless "nationalists," as you call them,
killed hundreds ofpeasants with a
shot in the head at close range ,
burial alive, and other agonizing
forms of murder , for which the
communists are noted.
> Let us go back to the reasons
why you are so wrong, so reckless with the truth and with the
fate of millions.

Practical Poe try

I had a professor last semester I adored ,
Mr . Deake Gifford was his
I enjoyed his class and was
never bored ,
And hoped this semester would
be the same.

I read the article in the
Morning Press ,
And it made my heart fill
with rage.
To know the people will take
it as gospel-truth no less,
Since it was a "major " item
for the front page.

I was sure economics was
something to dread.
But Porter made it as interesting as anyone can.
That's why I can 't believe what
I read—
What may happen to this respectable man.

Then having to set and listen
to the Dean tell me
That I would have a change
next class that met ,
Was something cruel and I
hoped couldn 't be.
I'm hoping some minds are
changed, cause it isn 't final yet.

So what if he changed class
He taught the subject so I
Dr. Skehan?
could understand.
the students only that
Now i sn't that what a teacher
is for ?
Students w eren 't denied a
I honestly feel that he is being
clas s, so what do they mean
By relieving the m of their
Aren 't teachers kept for their
duties since they switched.
ability anymore?
(cont inued on page four)



NO. 10

Bill TeiUworth
Editor -in-C hief
Botiims Manager

dor Remsen

Edit or

Tom Funk

News Editor

Sam Trapana
... j j m Sachetti
Torry Blast

Ce-Foaturt Editors
f porti BdHor

Jack Hoffman

Copy Editor

;,.. Linda

Pat Helle r
Carol Klshbaugh

Wwto Editor

Mark Fouctrt

Art Editor


John ttugrin
Konntth C. Hoffman

STAFF: Shelley Brunoz zl, Kato Calpin , Jim Chap man,
Carmen Clull o, Lora Duckworth , Kathi Farroll , Jim
Ffynn , Karen Gable, Elaine Hariung , Pam Hickey, Andrea
Hoffman, Cathy Jack , Karon Keinard , Su»i Kress,
M a ndell , Cindy Michene r, Jeanne M o r g m,
Randoo Pray, Sonya Rutkowski . Tom Schof ield , Glen
lv# Wri «hf Joanna Chowka , Sue Sprague , Jody
Hoff, \J?.
MJke Hock , Fr'ank Pixi oli , Dave Watt , Jess e Jam es.


All opinions expresse d by columnist s and Uatu n writers,
including letter-to the- edito r, are not necessarily th ose of the
publication but tho se of the Individ uals.
Call Ext . 323 or Writ e 301

You say we are killing Vietnamese. You bet your last McCarthy button we are , We are
killing communists who have invaded the south with the full intent of taking it over and Sovietizing it. The south will become an
unliveable hell. Why do you ignore
Hue? Why do you ignore Hue?
Why, in lauding the sweet nationalist s, don 't y ou call them by their
real name, communists? You
know , these "nationalists " build
walls and kill people, our brothers, who try to escape to freedom. How many times has this
happened at the Berlin Wall?

Why have you praised Ho Chi
Mlnh and criticized South Vietnamese President Thieu? Do you
know you are praising a bloodthirsty cutthroat who learned
everything he knew about killing
at the Russian Communist Comintern 's school for revolutionaries in Moscow during the
1920' s? You didn't know that
because Mike Wallace , Eric Sevareid, Huntley and Brinkley,
and Walter Cronkite never mentioned it. The Library of Congress mentioned it , back in 1965,
when it released his biography.
Ask why the liberal news media
ignored it. You should be rather
angry, because you have been
given only the news the media
wanted you to have. Still , they
and you think he was a great
patriot. You say Thieu and Ky
are corrup t . You have it ass
Thieu and Ky are the leaders
of a nation whose countryside is
filled with refugees whofled from
advancing communist tyranny.
Thieu and Ky are not corrupt;
they represent the last bastion in
a divided country for people who
don »t want to be enslaved under
communism. W ould you deny
these people the right to live their
lives in freedom?
Americans are tired of this
war. They want to win it; not being subj ect to the incessant propagandizing of doves, dupes, and
soft-headed friends and pacifists
of communism, whose voices
have been amplified by a news
media that doesn 't deserve the
name. The constant , bloodcurdling misconceptions to get us out
of Vietnam are nothing more than
those of a mouse with an amplifier . And you think it is the voice
of the majority!
(continued on page four)

Fifth Column
Eventual Response to Forum

by Blass
Capsuli zation of the M&G: ya
bend yer nose to the grindstone
and all ya get is a whet dream.
In case ya haven 't noticed , I
been away for awhile. Haven 't
been writing. I've been in the
type of mood where all ya want
to do is find some young, noble
and unmar ried teacher and crawl
into her virgi n recesses, .Yeah ,
this M&G stuff is getting me
down. Particularly the letters.
The letters. Lessee, Drucker
calls me illiterate (an unsubstantiated claim; I'm not illiterate , I know who my parents
are) and then at Pr. Nossen's
rap-in he sez the only way to
end this polarization Is to quit
And those letters we get telling us to ditch the peace symbol
cuz it' s not In the interests of
all students. W ell, we HAVE
ditched the symbol , but only because we can 't figger out what
to do with it , with the new banner
and all. But I shouldn't talk
about the peace symbol here ,it's
not in all student' s Interests.
Meanwhile I've heard some
complaints about my mention of
t o
Thrills." Comments like "Sure
everybody does it , but why write
abou t it?" ab oun d s, and I' m no t

sure whethe r It means mastur bates J ust plain or everybody does
it to " Cheap Thrills . " And then
th ere are commen t s lik e "Th at
sort of thing ought to be In the
GADFLY , not the M4G . " Weird.
But it's Iron ic. I mention masturbation and right away everybody
wants to beat me.
Yeah , I been depre ssed. A bout
the usual national stuff. And
about Can ada at war with Itself. I mean , ya 'd th ink with
all the U.S. ' s experience with
wcr , Canada would ask us for

And I been depressed
about the mess here at BSC .
For instance:
— Despite all the grief , hasslings, and a very premature editorial on these pages , the computer has won out . It was a
school policy j ust like that , automatically. And I don 't really '
know what we can do about it .
In the Industrial Revolution , a
similar situation no doubt , the
workers made obvious their discontent by throwing shoes in the
machine. So dldja ever throw
shoes at a Spectra 70?
— Profs are getting fired right
and left . No, make that profs
are getting fired left.
— Didj a know CGA is virtually
a puppet organization , that any
damn thing It tries can be vetoed
by Pr. Nossen? Didj a know
when Country Joe and Fish were
suggested as BNE here , Pr. Nossen just said "no"? Ok ay, it's
no use carping about the Fish ,
in fac t we should Cheer Pr. Nossen on. Any way, I was at the
last CGA meet and I saw how
perfectly Parliamentary Procedure has been named , it
couldn't be any better : Robert' s
Rules of Order.
Okay , I'm disgusted , and I've
been disguested. But all these
things Just made me kinda lick
my wounds, maybe I never would
have mentioned any of them. But
this , this FORUM ! I don't know
you , Robert Vastnskl , and you
don't know me. And neither your
letter or my reply is likely to
chan ge that , but we can alw ays
try , mebbe not to know each
othe r , but at least to understand .
How , afte r all the lives Vietnam has cost us , afte r all the
bombs that have been dro pped ,
after all the hatre d the war has
(continued on page four)

I've got this friend who claims
he 's a hedonist. I asked him
what he really meant by that and
he told me , "I guess with me
it' s kind of sexual . I'll take a
piece anyway I can get it ."
That's the way I feel about
the Vietnam war . I'll take a
peace anyway I can gei it .
The reaction to this , of course ,
is "ahah, you 're for peace at
any price . That 's just what the
enemy wants."
Then I' ve gotta go through this
other rap:
"Wh ose enemy?"
"Our enemy. The Viet Cong. "
"The Viet Cong ever threaten
you? Did they ever threaten our
Am erican shores? Did they ever
drop any bombs on a city YOU
were in?"
"No , but we 're at war with
them and I' m behind my country."
"My representatives in congress
didn 't vote to declare
war on North Vietnam . And
personally, I don 't believe in
rule by Kings ."
"Yeah , but we can't let the
commies take over any more of
the world . It ain 't right for people
not to be free?"
"O .K ., so how come we 're
screwing around in Vietnam .
Why aren 't we freeing the Russians . Or the Chinese . There
are a hell of a lot more Chinese than Vietnamese for pete ' s
sake ."
"W e can't attack Russia or
China because they 've got atomic
weapons . You want everyone to
get blown up?"
"W ell , lets face it, if the
communist countries of this
world decide to conquer the earth
by force we aren 't going to hold
Chinese ,
900 ,000,000
400 ,000 ,000 Russians , and a couple of hundred million assorted
Yugoslavs , Bulgarians , Cubans,
Loreansm East Germans, Czechoslovakians, and so forth without
using Atomic weapons , right? "
• 'We 'd have to use them ."
"And if we used them , they
would , and then the whole world
would be free . Free dust particles heading for Alpha Centuri .
II it was the only solution , it
dropping bombs and shooting
people is the only way 20th century earth can find to solve
its problems , then one way or
another Mr ., we are going to
lose. If we stick to conventional
warfare we ' re outnumbered and
outgunned . The Chinese could
paddle over in canoes and we
wouldn 't be able to drop bombs
fast enough to kill them all . And
if we go to thermonuclear weapons , of which each side has
enough to blow up the earth seven
times or so, nobody knows exactly what will h appen . But everyone knows it won't be good . For
either side .
"Better dead than red ."
"That 's what I' m saying. IF
a. d m .



—p — • — — - •

Peace Symbol ?
The U. S. Patent Office has
gi ven the go-ahead to a competition for commercial trademark right s to the peace symbol.
Two compan ies, the In tercontinent Shoe Corp . of New York
and LUV , Inc . are biddin g for
t o
In ternation ally used symbol , the
upside dowo "Y" in a circle
with a bar extending through the
f ork of t he "Y" . The sign
or iginat ed from the semaphore
code for Nuclear Disarmament—
ND- and was fir st used In Brita in duri ng the ban -the -bomb demonstration s In the late fifties.
The sign Is now widely used
as an anti -war protest here and
abroad , and has been attacked as
(conti nued on page four)

Intramura l Sporting News . . . .

The Men 's Intram ural Arche ry
Tournament started on Thursday ,
October 15 , 1970 . It will con tin ue
until completion .
M atch shooter s mus t make arrangeme nts with their opponent
during the scheduled time. For
example , a' person in Round 1
mus t shoot the match with his opponent during the period of October 15 to 22 . M atc he s not shot
during the scheduled date will be
declared forfeit s. It is the responsibilit y of the winner to notify the Intramural Office that he
has won directly after his match .
Each match will consist of the
total points of 12 arrow s shot at
20 yards and 12 arrows shot at

30 yards . All arrows passing
through the target will be scored
as 3 points. The method of scoring will be as follows: Bull's
Eye Gold — 9 points . Red — 7
points . Blue — 5 points , Blac k
- 3 points , White - 1 point.

Shooter s may use their own
equipment or , secure it from the
Department of Health and Physical Education ' s Equipment R oom.
1 1/13

- 10/22
R ound 1
- 10/29
R ound 2
- 11/5
Round 3
- 11/12
Round 4
- 11/19
Round 5
Bracket Winners


The women 's intermural football teams are off to a great
start so £ar . On M onda y, <^ctober 19, Team 2 rallied against
Team 4, with a final score oi
8-6 in favor of Team 2. The score
was tied 6-6 , until Team 2 received 2 points on a safety, where
they tagged Team 4 down in
their end zone . The rules of this
gam e are very similar to those
of varsity football , with the exception that the girls pull tags
off of their opponents belts, which
are worn around the ir waists , instead of tacklin g each other c
Team 2 will continue its plays
on Tuesda y, October 27th with
another game on the pr esident 's
field. •

Men's Schedule

John Zarski , Assistant Dean
of Men and 'moderator of Men 's
intramural football today released the schedule of games
yet to be p layed. They are as
Monday , Oct. 26, 19*70
East Eighth St. vs. Al's
Officials : Lac ock , Ciullo , Salbo
Tuesday , Oct . 27, 1970
North "B" vs. Phi Sigma Kappa
Officials : Massar o, Davies , Pedergnana
Wednesday, Oct . 28 , 1970
Third East vs. The Who
Alumni ,
Officials: Seaman ,
Jame s
Thursday , Oct . 29 , 1970
Seventh E lwell vs. Sixth Elwell
Officials: Calahan , Madden , Hamilton
Monday , Nov. 2, 1970
Sigma Pi vs. S.O .B.
Officials : Hassel , Viani , Puhak

Card Tourney





See the Huski es in Act ion Tomorrow , 1 :30
Against Cheney State

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34 E. Main Street and
Scottown Shopping
Cen ter

by Duke Hoffman
Thursday evening October 15
marked the first invitational
**Screw your neighbor " card
tournament at BSC . Resident men
from North and Elwell halls met
at 9:30 in the E lwell Hall recreation room for the contest . P articip ants inc luded veterans John
Ficek , Gary Eby , Leo Wisme ski
and Duke Hoffman , alon g with
rookies Andy Kusma and Phil
Brown . Joe Forte mbaugh was
unable to attend as a result of an
inj ury sustained to his shuffling
The point limit was 250 and
any membe r reaching that quota
was eliminated . Joh n Ficek was
first to bite the dust with a total
of 257 points . Second was Leo
Wisneski , who afte r winning the
first 3 hand s and winding up with
a 249 score yielded with a 262
total. Phil Br own and Gary Eby
were the next to be eliminated
with scores of 282 and 259 r esoectivelv. The finalists were
Andy Kusma and Duke Hoffman .
After 5 hands of close play,
Kusma defeated Hoffman 233 to
268. The first two place finishers will receive T-shirts signify
( continued on page four )

Terry Lee crosses lin e in first place position during Monday 's
cross-country meet against Kings College.

Harriers Win 6th,
Beat Kings 15-43

Bloomsbur g State C ollege's
cross-country contingent ran its
record to 7-1 yesterday afternoon
by blanking Kings College , 15-43 ,
at Wllkes-Barre.
Bloomsbur g's Terr y Lee , who
has been finishing second most
of the seas on , poured it on yesterday to take the top spot at
25:49 , 10 seconds shy of the
course record .
Tim Waechte r captured second
best showing on a tim e of 26:33
as three Huskie s followed for
the fir st five positions before
Chris Fa rrell of Kings grabbed
sixth place.
Paul Pelletier garnered third
at 26:35 , Larry Horwi tz picked
up fourth with a time of 27:11
and Charlie Grahm came home
fifth on a 27:25 showing .
Larry Strohl was the only othe r
Bloomsbur g runner to finish in

the top ten when he copped ninth
posi tion , crossing the finish line
at 28:15.
Bloomsburg 's only loss came
in its first meet against Millersville State College. The loc als
close out the home camp aign
tomorrow against Shlppen sburg .
Frid ay the men of coach Clyde
Noble tr avel to Mansfield to take
on t he M ount aineers bef ore the
NAIA meet at Millersvllle next
6 7 8 10 13- 43
1 2 3 4 5- 15

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18 Weit Main Street

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Bloomsbur g, Pa. .


(conti nued from pago two)

Have you ever looked around
The New York Times Is with
to see who is with you in this? you , but then , you know all ab out
Well , those merry -makers in It. Don 't you? This great newsthe Kremlin , who captured a third
paper said that Fide l Castr o was
of the world 's population since the George Washington of the
1917 , by starvation , imprisoning
Car ibbean. I know people who
of at least 40 million souls, and didn ' t believe the Times. The y
mere murde r , are with you. They have been leaving Fidel 's Island
are "nationalists " too. They have Paradise at the rate of thousands
sent tanks into Hungary and a month for the past three years ,
Czechoslovakia to snuff out the on refu gee flights . With a news. sparks of freedom. And you say paper like the Times behind you ,
we are "im perial ists. "
how could you possibly be right?
Like some Congressmen point Oh y*es , Fidel is solidly behind
ed out , Hanoi is on your side. you, Fidel believes in "nationalYou have allied your self to the ist patriotism " a la Nor th Vietbutchers of Hue . The record of name se. He orders that people
this crime has been documented.
who escape from his "workers '
There are thousands of recorded
aradise " in innertubes , creak y
incidents of beheadings ', disen- rowboats , etc., be machine- gunbowelments , and murders. But ned to death ! Are you beginning
you couldn 't have known that be- to feel uneas y?
cause Chet , David , W alter and
The Americans for Democratic
Eric never mentioned it. Instead , Action are right In there too. It
they wer e too busy telling stor ies believes in and Is pushin g every
about napalm and the Dow Chem - program Marx ever conceived .
ical Company.
If the A.D.A. gets its way, we.'ll
be just as Vietnamese are such patriotic na- viet Union — provided we get
tionalists , why are they massing rid of most of our telephone s,
troo ps in Laos , Cambodia , and. 80 per cent of our consume r
Thailand ? Why are they doing goods , and last but not least , our
this? Who is Invadin g whom ? Try
"cot »»
to put McCar thy, Halfbright (FulAbsolutely bubbling with enbright) , and company on the spot joyment over the war dissent is
into giving us the answers I
the American Civil Liberties
North Korea is on your side , Union, which has represented
just about every anarchist and
too. It constantly sends saboteur
team s Into South Kore a to "na- com munist who ever broke a U.
tionalize and liberate " it . North
S. law. H owever , the A .C.L.U.
Korea also treats American pris- did take up a few case s of loyal
loners with the utmost of care. Ameri cans , only to ke ep up its ,
Remember when the crew of the
"fa ir -and unbiased positi on."
Pueblo tried to tell you the stories
This Vietnam war dissent is
of their inhuman treatment by mostly if not wholly a sham.
the "peace loving" communists?
It is only one of the program s
Just reme mber , North Korea is dreamed up by the communists ,
r ooting lor you every time you who have a great vested interest
take to the streets or indul ge in in seeing us *bug-out " of Vietyour fantasies at a Vietnam Moranam. Go to Hawaii In five years ,
torium .
if we pull out of Vietnam , and
The East European satellites
you might be arrested by a Bolare on your side because they
shevik for surfi ng, when you
are supplying the tools with which should have been picking pineapto k i l l the "Imperialistic " ples or coconuts for the glorious future of communism. Fidel
and South VietAmericans
a similar plan going in his
Europeans have no choice. M os- canefields. You cut cane or get
cow does the choosin g. Remem - plan ted.
ber Dubcek? C zechoslovakia?
If you think I' m full of hot air ,
get a load of the following stateLook around you again . Why
even the clergy is on your side.
ment made by V .I. Lenin , f oun der
A tiny , microsco pic portion of of the U.S.S.R. and considered to
these disciples of God , who deny be the "god" of the Reds. He
said, "As long as capitalism and
Him , who preach of doing your
own thing In church , such as com mun i sm exi st we cannot live
'rocki n ' and a 'rollin 1 wh en y ou In peace; in the end , one or th e
sh ould be a 'pr ayln ', are all for othe r will trium ph— a funeral
"love " of the communists. The dirge will be sung over either the
Soviet Republics of the capitalist
ver y communists who surpress
religion everywhere they crawl . worl d. "
Who are the scholarly type s beBelieve me , the communists
out to get you and me I Are
sors who wouldn 't recogni ze a you going to be par t of the move. com munist if one hit the m on the ment that Is dedicated to destro yhead with a hammer and sickle I ing your country and your freeThey counsel draft evasion, SDS dom? Or are you going to be par t
courses , and the "corr upt " na- of the movement that Is going to
ture of our government. They re pulse the force of Im perialishave taught many all they know , tic and athiestlc communism?
which isn't much. They teach
pennissivlsm and irres ponsibi l- Parts of this article were obtainity, but fall to teach the real ed from an essay written by
Americ an value s or about our Keith Kathan , Editor of the Life
Line Foundation .
representative democracy.

Patented Peace
Symbol ?
(co ntinued from page two )

the "anti-Christ" by right-wing
fundamentalists. Intercontlnent
Shoe Corp. manufactures leather
good with the peace sign
Inscribed. LUV , Inc ., which has
already officially co-opted "luv "
In its corporate name, manufacture s "bou tique-typehigh-fashion
clothing for the junior customer/' according to a company spokesman*
The trademark would not prohibit use of the peaoe sign, except In a brandname for marketable goods.


Dr. Ralph Ireland , Professor
and Chairman of the Department
of Sociology, has just been informed that his article , "Some
Effects of Apartheid on Indian
Education In the Republic of South
Africa," has been published in
the April , 1070, issue of the
Indian Journal of Social Research. This article deals with
the effects of apartheid on the
organization and currlculums of
the elementary, secondary, technical , vocational, and higher educational Institutions for the Indian group and with some of
the hope s and aspirations of the
Indian students and the opportunities open to them.

(continued fro m, page two )

As a good professor he should
definite ly stay .
It 's the studen ts that profit
from taking him.
If misunderstandings are left
to get In the way .
Then the chances for a respected college are grim .
Why Dean Hoch set In class
last year with me
Has deeper meaning than the
eye can see.
I' m beginning to understand
that at BSC
C onformity and non-Involvement are In, and not ab ility.
S. W .

B rie fs
Sing Out

"Sin g out ," ur ges the BSC
Men 's Glee Club In its search
for additional members. There
is still time to learn the music
they are preparing for the AH men will be welcomed as
fellow members.
Rehear sals are held on Tuesdays and Thursda ys at 3:30 in
Room 227 Haas Auditorium. Be

Rap - In

Anothe r "rap-in " will be held
on Tue sday , Oct . 27 , 1970 in the
Schuykill Hall lounge at 7:00p.m.
Dr . Car lough will address the
group on the topic "The New
Morali ty ."

Tuto rs

Tut or s are needed in all subject are as. Any Interested students should see Mr. Zarski in
Elwell Hall.


The 1970 Olympian will go on
sale Monday, Oct . 26 In the
Stud ent Union Building. BSC 's
literary magazine will be sold
for 40 cents , which means that
you can get 25 copies for a mere
ten dollar bill. If finances are
pre ssing, you will be allowed to
purchas e a single copy. If you
desi re to prevent excess damage
t o y our magaz ine , advise your
friends to buy their own Olympian
Instead of reading yours .

Fifth Column
(contin ued from page two )

caused in this country , how can
you write comethin g like th at ?
Seven years , man , and where have
you been? (think...will ya think...
I mean I can ask you to think
the same as you can feel obligated to explain to me who V. I.
Lenin was...I know awrea dy who
V. I. Lenin was..'which doesn 't
label me cuz you know who he
was too.r.too bad we can't forget
who he was...thlnk..)
Think , as I'm sure you do , of
Ameri ca 's honor. You want us
to emerge with honor - okay,
wonderful , but why didn 't somebody worr y about America 's
honor BE F OR E we got into Viet
Think: how can Nixton , a
Quaker , sleep at night?
Think: .Hav e we done anything
better to Viet Nam than the
"atheistic Communists " would
Think: why should everybody
have to ado pt the Americ an Way
of Life?
So what if the m dirty Commie s
are atheists?
If we can grant
people freedom of religion , why
can 't we tolerate freedom FROM
religion? Still, if they becam e unatheists , would you enfor ce your
God unto them or let the m choose?
you say Eric Chet
David and Walte r have slanted
the news. Sounds like Pat Buchanan is writin g your stuff , Bob;
I seem to have hear d Acnew say
But withou t Eric Chet
David and W alter we never would
have found out about My Lai.
Think: My Lai: Americans
with God on their side playing
Think of the
reaction to My Lai . Granted ,
most people reac ted with horror
and indignation , the horror and
indignation of knowin g what we 're
doing, th e reaction" of "what
the hell ARE we doing? " But
not everybody reacted like that.
There were others shocked and
outraged when they saw those
extinguished lives mutilated ,and
twi sted onto our front pages;


they were P.u. 'd awrignt; tney
called editor s and complained ,
The Alpine Club of WilUams- complained
that they were offendport (P. O. Box 501, Williamsoffended
not because of the
port , Pa. 17701) has published its
again st humanity encrimes
schedule of monthly hikes through dorsed by thi s countr y, offended
m ountains
of central not by the thought that somePennsylvania , October through body
loved those bodies while
March. The next scheduled they lived (and loved), no, uhhuhm
hike s are on Sundays , Oct. 25, they were offended because those
Nov. 29 , and Dec. 13. Interested faculty and students are cor pses of raw tissue just so
invited to write directly to the muc h waste they saw on their

Alpine C lub for further Information.
Dues are $2 single,
$3 per couple . Robert Solenberger , a local member , will be
glad to give information on locations and transportation — also
on hiking possibilities near
Bloomsburg. Phone 784-0267.

Charles N. Yeager

Dispensing Optieianr
120 E. Main St.
Preemptions filled * repairs




Fine Jewelry and
Watc h Repair
21 I
. Main It., Bloomsbur g

i oirre ngm auuui one imng.
I consider myself a pacifier .
A pacifist . Not a "pacifi st of
communi sm ," not a dupe , not a
coward. I'm not as paranoid as
you seem to be , I don 't think
everyone's out to get me, J ust
some people, and I'd rather have
them kill me than me kill them .
Ya know , it's written somewhere



t_ A.

_ •_


112W. M«ln



"Thou shalt not kill. " Until
you , Acnew , Nixton , or anybody
else with God on his side gets
the word from Up-Higher and
the word Is revised to "well,
ya can kill if yer country says
so," then maybe I'll grab my
M-l , join the M arine ROTC so's
I can get my ptc In the M&G
page one , and maybe then I'll
go out and kill dem gooks. But
I doubt it. Killing for peace is
still killing.
Sure pacifism is idealistic ,
right. But what 's left? How else
can we deal with the Nixtons ,
the Commie-haters , the haterCommies?
And pacifism has
worked . Way back when, China
simply sucked Us invaders up into
her culture . The Sumerians did
the same thing to the beligerent
Akaddians. So maybe turnin g the
other cheek will work . Okay ,
somebody else says killing anybody who disagrees is the best ,
the most effective policy: are
you any bette r than him when you
tr y the same?

Cuz don't you see? We need
to understand. Yeah ., you 've
heard it before, so have' I. M aybe we still disagree. Probably.
But I'll tell ya what. I promise:
I won't kill you, no matter what.
How's that , huh, feel any more
secure? And if anybody wants
to kill me cuz they don 't like ol
me , well, I certainly don't like
the idea , but then again, neither
will that God my murderer will
have to face. Understand?
(and oh yeah, ya said ya 'd
bet a McCar thy button...j ust one
question...which McCarthy?)
Come see our Lingerie
and Foundation Lines . . •

Eudora 's
Corset Shop
1 E. Main St.
Best wishes for a
Successful - Homecom ing !

(continue d frdm page

Ing their honor s from money collected as registration fees.
A similar tournament Is planned for the same time next

front pages were NAKED. Sure ,
it' s okay for the kids to see
corpses, but Gcd will trample
out or something if Johnny and
Sue see NUDE, DIRTY corpses.
And you tell me , Mr. Jasinski ,
that this country doesn't have
something drastically wrong?



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