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Course Form (One form per course, lab, or recitation)
NORTHEAST Integrated Curriculum Committee
Date: 9/20/2022
Contact person: Conrad Quintyn
Anthropology, Criminal Justice & Sociology
Program: Anthropology
Tracking # (For Provost office use only)
CIP# (For Provost office use only)
Select which actions you are requesting for X__ Undergraduate __ Graduate
☒ Course Modified for Integration
☐ Course Not Previously Offered at any campus
Click modalities that the course may be offered (80% +)
☒Face-to-Face/In person X ☐ Online (100%) ☐ Interactive TV ☒ Multi-modal
New University
Course Prefix
New University
Course Number
New University
Course Title
Introduction to Biological Anthropology GE
Current University
Course Prefix
Current University
Course Number
Current University
Course Title
*Only list Current Courses that are equivalent to the New Course
Human Origins
New Course for Integrated University
7. Will the course be seeking General Education approval?
☐ No ☒ Yes (if yes, go to next section General Education Approval- click on this link)
8. Resources at Each Campus: List any resources, including faculty, facilities, technology, equipment,
or library resources necessary at each campus listed above.
The course will be offered within load of current faculty and will be available to all three campuses. For
face to face offering there are no additional resources needed beyond current classroom technology. For
online offering there are no additional resources needed. For multi-modal offering classroom will need to
be equipped with proper technology to facilitate synchronous communications with faculty member and
students in-person and those students that are accessing the class remotely.
Identify on which campuses the course is intended to be offered in the integrated university
(for administration use only): Face to face at BU, multimodal at LHU and MU.
☒ BU
9. Identify Departments/Programs/Courses impacted by changes on this form
No other departments, courses, programs, campuses are impacted.
10. Indicate Semester and Year Course will be implemented: Fall semester 2023
11. Provide a rationale for how this course relates to the mission and goals of the related program:
A B.A. in Anthropology provides students with skills needed to understand social and cultural
systems, and helps them develop critical thinking, analytical, problem-solving, and presentation
skills necessary for professional success. The goals of the Anthropology program are to have
students be able to: 1. Identify diverse worldviews, 2. Describe anthropological theories, 3. Apply
ethical principles in research, 4. Conduct research, 5. Demonstrate effective communication skills,
and 6) Evaluate the viability of potential solutions
12. Abbreviated Title (for Master Schedule, Maximum 20 spaces): INTRO to BIO ANT
13. Course Description for Catalog (Maximum 75 words -start with an action verb.):
Explores biological anthropology which includes evolution versus creationism; scientific
method; evolutionary theory; evolutionary basis for skin color; evolutionary forces; speciation;
primates; emergence and development of the extinct bipedal human ancestors; the evolution of
big brain; the evolution of tools/culture; Neanderthals; and origins of modern humans. Open to
all students. Serves as a foundation course for the anthropology major and minor; lecture and
discussion; offered every semester.
14. Credit(s): 3
Clock Hours: 3
Lecture: hours
Recitation: hours Lab: hours
Contract Hours: 3 Lecture: hours
Recitation: hours Lab: hours
15. Prerequisites (Courses completed prior to taking this course):
16. Co-requisites (Courses which must be taken simultaneously with other courses):
17. Enrollment Restrictions (e.g., limited to majors in program XXX, restricted from majors in program
XXX, etc.): None
18. Repeatable: Can this course be repeated for credit as a multi-topic class, not just for a grade
☒ No ☐ Yes: How many times is the course repeatable?
19. Dual-Level or Cross-Listed: Is this course dual-level? ☐Yes ☒No.
20. Estimated Frequency of Offering: Every semester—this course is a required core course for the
21. Recommended class size for student success: Provide the recommended class size number and a
clear rationale based on accreditation guidelines, discipline standards, or pedagogical limitations.
The recommended class size for student success is 35. This course is writing, presentation, and
discussion intensive. The recommended class size is to meet the needs of students by allowing for
meaningful classroom discussions, more personal communication, inclusion of all students in
assessment of performance in formal and informal presentation settings, and working with
students on a one-on-one basis, and it is based on review of students' performance.
Submit a Master Course Syllabus – (see attached)
Locate the required Curricular Theme, Program Goal, and Learning Objectives and Desired Outcomes for
your selected area of this program in the General Education Plan (click on this link).
GE-1: Select the Curricular Theme and Program Goal you are applying from the drop down below (click
on the words Choose an item, then click on the arrow and select one option):
Natural World & Technologies: Nat. World
GE-2: How does your course fit into the General Education Curricular Theme and Program Goal to which
you are applying (be sure to address all of the required areas of the selected Program Goal)?
Introduction to Biological Anthropology familiarizes students with the principle of natural selection and
how it relates to genetics and the synthetic theory of organic evolution, particularly the evolution of
humans and our extinct bipedal ancestors. As such, scientific principles will be applied in order for
students to examine and discuss these evolutionary mechanisms which led to the modern human
morphology. Additionally, this course summarizes the human fossil record of archaic and early modern
human forms. Finally, students are introduced to modern primates and primate behavior. Given the clear
emphasis of the course on the significance of a hominin and primate ancestry on modern human biology,
this course is more than appropriate for learning objective (N).
ANTH 140 will benefit the university by providing a multifaceted course that applies to one university goal
(N) and that will create an educated student body prepared to work within a global world.
GE-3: List the Course Specific SLOs that correspond to the General Education SLOs of the relevant
Curricular Theme and Program Goal and explain how your course will meet each one of these Course
Objectives. Please be specific and use examples to align in column two and to demonstrate how this will be
implemented in column three.
Course Specific Student Learning
Objectives (SLOs)
General Education Student
Learning Objectives (SLOs)
How do the methods and
structure of the course provide
students with the opportunity
to meet each aligned pair of
General Education and Course
Specific SLOs?
Students will identify the principle
foundational concepts of
evolutionary theory as applied to
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of scientific
principles and theories specific
to the discipline, and can explain
their origins
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will give
students a basic knowledge of
the foundation concepts.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will identify and
categorize key biological &
archaeological findings & fossil
evidence in primate & hominid
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of scientific
principles and theories specific
to the discipline, and can explain
their origins.
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on the fossil and
archaeological evidence.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will recognize & identify
primates from both a biological &
a behavioral suite of
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of scientific
principles and theories specific
to the discipline, and can explain
their origins.
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on primate biology
and behavior.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Submit the Master Course Syllabus (including assessment) in addition to this form to be considered for
General Education approval.
David Fazzino
By typing my name in the box above, I am electronically signing this form. Dean, ICC Chair, and
President/Designee will sign to indicate approval directly in SharePoint.
NORTHEAST Integrated Curriculum Committee
PREPARED BY: Conrad Quintyn
DEPARTMENT: Anthropology, Criminal Justice & Sociology
Program: Anthropology
COURSE PREFIX & NUMBER (without space in-between): ANTH140
COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Biological Anthropology GE
COURSE DESCRIPTION FOR CATALOG: Explores biological anthropology which includes
evolution versus creationism; scientific method; evolutionary theory; genetics basis for
evolution; evolutionary forces; speciation; primates; emergence and development of the
extinct bipedal human ancestors; the evolution of big brain; the evolution of tools/culture;
Neanderthals; and origins of modern humans. Open to all students. Serves as a foundation
course for the anthropology major and minor; lecture and discussion; offered every
10. CONTENT DESCRIPTION: The following areas of study will be included:
I. The Study of Humankind
A. Methods of Anthropological Study
1. Anthropology and the Comparative Method
2. Relativism and Anthropological Science
3. Anthropology and Other Related Disciplines
4. The Relationship of Biological Anthropology to Cultural Anthropology
5. Subdivisions of Biological Anthropology
B. Studying the Human Past
1. Definition of Artifacts, Sites and Fossil Localities
2. Site and Locality Identification: Chance and Planned Discovery
3. Site and Locality Excavation: Techniques of Prehistoric Archaeology
4. Handling and Processing Fossils
5. Dating the Past
6. Interpretation of Archaeological and Paleontological Evidence
II. Human Biology and Evolution
A. Adaptation Defined: The Nature of Natural Selection
1. History of Darwinian Evolution from Lamarck to Present
2. Example of Natural Selection and Adaptation: Sickle Cell Anemia
B. Heredity: the Mechanism of Inheritance
1. Transmission of Genes: the Work of Mendel
2. Patterns of Inheritance: DNA, Chromosomes, Genes
C. Population Genetics
1. Hardy-Weinberg Law
2. Factors for Change in the Gene Pool
D. Evolution of Populations
1. Various Principles and Mechanisms
III. The Primate Order
A. The Modern Primates
1. Primate Taxonomy
2. Primate Origins and Mammalian Adaptive Radiation
3. Primate Adaptation and Arboreality
4. Primate Order and Groups: Prosimians, Monkeys, Apes
5. Higher Primates: Apes
B. Social Behaviors of Primates Compared
C. Primate Evolution
1. Arboreal Adaptations: Primate Characteristics
2. Early Primate Evolution:Paleocene through Oligocene Primates
3. Miocene Apes and Monkeys
4. Early Apes and Human Evolution
5. The First Hominids
a. Origins and Impact of Bipedalism, Environment, Diet
b. Australopithecus and the New Evidence
IV. Evolution of the Genus Homo
A. Homo habilis, Early Homo erectus
1. A Study of the Significant Fossil Discoveries
2. Interpretations of Fossil Hominids
3. Identification of Hominid Traits
4. The Reorganization of the Hominid Brain and the Effects of Dietary Change on
Early Hominids
5. The Impact of Hunting on Hominid Society
6. Africa and Asia and the Emergence of Human Variation
7. Physical Characteristics of Homo erectus and Regional Variations
8. Cultural and Biological Adaptation of Homo erectus
B. Neanderthals and the Middle Paleolithic
1. Use of Fire
2. Tool Traditions of Paleolithic Hominids
3. Ice Age Adaptations and Hunting Strategies
4. Hominid Migrations; Environment; Communication
5. New DNA evidence; Ancestors or Cousins?
C. Homo sapiens and the End of the Paleolithic
1. Biological Evolution of Modem Humans
2. Relationship between Culture and Biological Adaptations
3. Origins of H. sapiens sapiens in Africa and Migrations
4. Upper Paleolithic and Cultural Evolution with Modern Humans
below to document the outcomes and assessment for the course. If this is a General Education
course, be sure to complete the second column as well, it if is not a General Education course,
you can leave the 2nd column blank.
If General Education: Select the Curricular Theme and Program Goal you are applying from
the drop down below directly as done on the Course Form above (click on the words Choose
an item, then click on the arrow and select one option):
Natural World & Technologies: Nat. World
11. Course Specific Student
Learning Objectives (SLOs)
Students will identify the
principle foundational concepts
of evolutionary theory as applied
to humans.
General Education Student
Learning Objectives (Complete
this column for GE courses
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of
scientific principles and
theories specific to the
discipline, and can explain their
12. Student Assessment
Include assessment(s) and whether they
are suggested or mandated (e.g., to
comply with accreditation or as a
minimum standard)
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will give
students a basic knowledge of
the foundation concepts.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will identify and
categorize key biological &
archaeological findings & fossil
evidence in primate & hominid
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of
scientific principles and
theories specific to the
discipline, and can explain their
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on the fossil and
archaeological evidence.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will recognize &
identify primates from both a
biological & a behavioral suite of
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of
scientific principles and
theories specific to the
discipline, and can explain their
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on primate
biology and behavior.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
*Note- Rows can be added
This course is offered as a lecture/discussion course, using other materials and techniques such as
films, videos, and Power Point slides, and fossil skull casts as appropriate. To facilitate discussion the
proposed class size is 35 – 40 students. The course is offered every fall and spring semester.
Distance Education Setting: This course may be taught online using synchronous or asynchronous
methods based on the instructor. Techniques may include using D2L (BOLT) combined with zoom
(i.e., whiteboard, chat, polling, yahoots, breakout rooms, YouTube videos, etc.). Discussions and
homework exercises will be posted via D2L. A computer (desktop, laptop, tablet, etc.), personal smart
phone, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access) and reliable Internet are required.
Exams will be given via D2L.
The department collects departmental-developed rubrics and/or results on exam items across all
sections of the course, both distance and in-class learning each semester. The Department will
utilize a bank of questions that will serve to assess student learning objectives through the strategy
of embedded questions on exams (test blueprinting). The question bank will be developed from
contributions by department faculty members and will be large enough for faculty to select
questions that vary from individual to individual and semester to semester, but at the same time
test each of the four objectives in a reasonably consistent measurable manner. Each student
learning objective will have its own set of questions. For each of the objectives, three to five
embedded questions will be utilized on exams throughout the semester to test overall knowledge
acquisition. Embedded question data is reported to the department outcomes assessment
committee within 30 days of the final day of the semester. The data for all sections will be
statistically analyzed and summarized into one data set for assessment purposes. The assessment
data assists in identifying changes needed to the course to ensure greater student attainment of
the Student Learning Objectives.
The assessment results will be utilized to assist our program outcomes and general education goals
as well as helping in long-term planning for curriculum and development. Data from course
assessment will be transmitted to the university Office of Planning and Assessment.
Listed below are some of the materials which might be used in the course development but course
materials are not limited to the following references. The following list includes both historical
materials and more recent references (*holdings available in the Andruss, North Hall, and Stevenson
Ankel-Simmons, F. 2007. Primate Anatomy: An Introduction. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
*Anton, S.C. 2003 A Natural History of Homo erectus. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 46: 126-70.
*Asfaw, B., T.D. White, C.O. Lovejoy, B. Latimer, S. Simpson, and G. Suwa 1999 Australopithecus
garhi: A new species of early hominid from Ethiopia. Science 284:629-635
*Ayala, Francisco 1995 The Myth of Eve : Molecular Biology and Human Origins. Science. 270:
*Balter, Michael 1996 Cave Structure Boosts Neanderthal Image. Science 271:449.
Berger, L. R. et al., 2015 A new species of Homo from Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. Elife 4: e0956.
*Berger. Thomas, and Erik Trinkaus 1995 Patterns of Trauma Among the Neandertals. Journal of
Archaeological Science 22:841-852.
*Binford, Lewis R. 1981 Bones: Ancient Men and Modern Myths. Academic Press, New York.
*Bowler, Peter J. 1986 Theories of Human: Evolution: A Century of Debate, 1844-1944. Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore.
*Boyd, Robert and Peter Richerson 1985 Culture and the Evolutionary Process. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago.
Brain, C. K. 1981 The Hunters of the Hunted? An Introduction to African Cave Taphonomy. University
of Chicago Press, Chicago.
*Brunet, Michel, et. a1. 1995 The First Australopithecine 2500 Kilometers West of the Rift Valley
(Chad). Nature 378:273-274.
*Campbell, B. 1986. Humankind Emerging. Little and Brown, Boston.
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. 1971 Similarities and Dissimilarities in the Archaeological and Historical Sciences.
In Mathematics in the Archaeological and Historical Sciences, edited by F. R. Hodson. University
Press, Edinburgh.
Chagnon, N. and W. Irons 1978 Sociobiology and Human Social Organization. Duxbury Press, Scituate,
*Ciochon, Russel and John Fleagle 1987 Primate Origins and Human Evolution. Aldine de Gruyter,
New York.
*Clark, Ronald J, and Phillip Tobias 1995 Sterkfontein Member 2: Foot Bones of the Oldest South
African Hominid. Science 269:521-524.
*Corruccini, R.S. and R.L. Ciochon, eds. 1994 Integrative Paths to the Past:
Paleoanthropological Advances in Honor of F. Clark Howell. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
*Count, E. W. 1958 The Biological Basis of Human Sociality. American Anthropologist 60: 1049-1085.
Cummings, Michael 1994 Human Heredity: Principles and Issues. Wadsworth Publishing, St. Paul.
*Darwin, Charles 1859 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. J. Murray, London.
*Fleagle, J. 2013 Primate Adaptation and Evolution, 3rd ed. Academic Press, Cambridge, Mass.
*Freeman, L. G. 1981 The Fat of the Land: Notes of Paleolithic Diet in Iberia. In Omnivorous Primates:
Gathering and Hunting in Human Evolution, edited by R. S. Harding and G. Teleki, Pp. 32-55. Columbia
University Press, New York.
*Gibbons, A. 2021 Genomes Offer Rare Glimpse of Neanderthal Family Groups. Science 372: 12511252.
*Gibbons, A. 2021 When Humans Met Neanderthals. Science 372: 115-116.
*Gibbons, A. 2011 A New View of the Birth of Homo sapiens: New Genomic Data are Settling an Old
Argument about How our Species Evolved. Science 331: 392-394.
*Gighlieri, Michael P. 1984 The Chimpanzees of Kibale Forest. Columbia University Press, New York.
Goodall, J. 1986 The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Goodall, J. 2010. Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe. Stewart, Tabori and Chang, San Francisco.
*Gould, Stephen J. and Niles Eldredge 1977 Punctuate Equilibria: The Tempo and Mode of Evolution
Reconsidered. Paleobiology 3:115-151.
*Gray, J. Patrick 1986 Primate Sociobiology. HRAF, New Haven, Conn.
*Green, R. E., et al., 2006 Analysis of One Million Base Pairs of Neanderthal DNA. Nature 444:330336
*Grine, F.E., J. Fleagle, and R. Leakey 2009. The First Humans: Origin and Early Evolution of the Genus
Homo (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology). Springer, New York.
*Hamilton, W. D. 1963 The Evolution of Altruistic Behavior. American Naturalist 97:354-356.
*Harding, Richard and Geza Teleki 1981 Omnivorous Primates; Gathering and Hunting in Human
Evolution. Columbia University Press, New York.
*Hill, A., S. Ward, A. Deino, G. Curtis, and R. Drake 1992 Earliest Homo. Nature 355:719-722.
Jackson, T. 2021 Monkeys, Apes, Gorillas and Other Primates. Amber Books, London, UK.
*Johanson, Donald and James Shreeve 1989 Lucy's Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor.
Morrow, New York.
*Johanson, Donald and Timothy White 1979 A Systematic Assessment of Early African Hominids.
Science 203:321-330.
*Johanson, Donald, Timothy White and Ives Coppens 1978 A New Species of the Genus
Australopithecus (Primates: Hominidae) from the Pliocene of Eastern Africa. Kirtlandia 28:1-14.
*Johanson, Donald and Kate Wong 2010 Lucy's Legacy: The Quest for Human Origins. Broadway,
Random House, New York.
*Jolly, Alison 1985 The Evolution of Primate Behavior. Macmillan, New York.
*Jolly, Clifford 1970 The Seed-Eaters: A New Model of Hominid Differentiation Based on a Baboon
Analogy. Man 5:5-26.
*Jungers, W. L. 1982 Lucy's Limbs: Skeletal Allometry and Locomotion in Australopithecus afarensis.
Nature 297:676-678.
Kano, T. 1992 The Last Ape: Pygmy Chimpanzee Behavior and Ecology. Stanford University Press,
*Kappleman, J. 1995 The Evolution of Body Mass and Relative Brain Size in Fossil Hominids. Journal of
Human Evolution. 30:243-276.
*Kennedy, G. E. 1984 The Emergence of Homo sapiens: The Post Cranial Evidence. Man 19:94110.
Kimbel, W. H., R.C. Walter, D.C. Johanson, 1996 Late Pliocene Homo and Oldowan Tools from
the Hadar Formation, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution 31:549-561.
*Krause, J., et al., 2010 The Complete Mitochondrial DNA Genome of an Unknown Hominin from
Southern Siberia. Nature 464: 894-897.
*Kummer, H. 1971 Primate Societies. Aldine, Chicago.
*Laird, M. F., et al., 2017 The skull of Homo naledi. Journal of Human Evolution 104: 100-123.
*Lancaster, J. B. 1975 Primate Behavior and the Emergence of Human Culture. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, New York.
*Larson, Clark S. and Robert M. Matter 1985 Human Origins: The Fossil Record. Waveland Press,
Prospect Heights, Ill.
*Latimore, Bruce 1984 The Pedal Skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 63:182.
*Leakey, Mary D. and R. L. Hay 1978 Pliocene Footprints in the Laetolil Beds at Laetoli, Northern
Tanzania. Nature 278:317-323.
*Leakey, Meave 1994 New Four-Million-Year-Old Hominid Species from Kanapoi and Allia Bay,
Kenya. Nature 376:565-571.
*Leakey, Richard 1981 The Making of Mankind. Dutton, New York.
*Lee, Richard B. and Irven DeVore 1968 Man the Hunter. Aldine, Chicago.
*Lee-Thorp, J.A., M. Sponheimer, and N.J. van der Merwe 2003 What do Stable Isotopes Tell Us about
Hominid Dietary and Ecological Niches in the Pliocene? International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Mountain, J. et al., 1993 Evolution of Modern Humans: Evidence From Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms.
In The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating. M.J. Aitken, et al. eds., Pp.
244-263. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
*Noonan, J. P. et al., 2006 Sequencing and Analysis of Neanderthal Genomic DNA. Science
*Osman Hill, W. C. 1972 Evolutionary Biology of the Primates. Academic Press, New York.
*Price, M. 2020 Africans, Too, Carry Neanderthal genetic Legacy. Science 367: 497.
*Rightmire, G. P. et al., 2017 Skull 5 from Dmanisi: Descriptive anatomy, comparative studies, and
evolutionary significance. Journal of Human Evolution 104: 100-123.
Strier, K. 2007. Primate Behavioral Ecology. 3rd ed. Allyn & Bacon, Boston.
Tattersall, I. 2017. Species, genera, and phylogenetic structure in the human fossil record: A modest
proposal. Evolutionary Anthropology 26: 116-118.
Trinkaus, E. 2005. Early Modern Humans. Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 207-230.
Trinkaus, E. 2006. Modern Humans versus Neanderthal Evolutionary Distinctiveness. Current
Anthropology 47: 597-620.
Indicate possible recommended texts for the course where appropriate, including author/editor, title, publisher, edition, and
date of publication. The style of entry should consistently follow a manual such as Turabian, MLA, APA, or an accepted guide
in a specific discipline.
NORTHEAST Integrated Curriculum Committee
Date: 9/20/2022
Contact person: Conrad Quintyn
Anthropology, Criminal Justice & Sociology
Program: Anthropology
Tracking # (For Provost office use only)
CIP# (For Provost office use only)
Select which actions you are requesting for X__ Undergraduate __ Graduate
☒ Course Modified for Integration
☐ Course Not Previously Offered at any campus
Click modalities that the course may be offered (80% +)
☒Face-to-Face/In person X ☐ Online (100%) ☐ Interactive TV ☒ Multi-modal
New University
Course Prefix
New University
Course Number
New University
Course Title
Introduction to Biological Anthropology GE
Current University
Course Prefix
Current University
Course Number
Current University
Course Title
*Only list Current Courses that are equivalent to the New Course
Human Origins
New Course for Integrated University
7. Will the course be seeking General Education approval?
☐ No ☒ Yes (if yes, go to next section General Education Approval- click on this link)
8. Resources at Each Campus: List any resources, including faculty, facilities, technology, equipment,
or library resources necessary at each campus listed above.
The course will be offered within load of current faculty and will be available to all three campuses. For
face to face offering there are no additional resources needed beyond current classroom technology. For
online offering there are no additional resources needed. For multi-modal offering classroom will need to
be equipped with proper technology to facilitate synchronous communications with faculty member and
students in-person and those students that are accessing the class remotely.
Identify on which campuses the course is intended to be offered in the integrated university
(for administration use only): Face to face at BU, multimodal at LHU and MU.
☒ BU
9. Identify Departments/Programs/Courses impacted by changes on this form
No other departments, courses, programs, campuses are impacted.
10. Indicate Semester and Year Course will be implemented: Fall semester 2023
11. Provide a rationale for how this course relates to the mission and goals of the related program:
A B.A. in Anthropology provides students with skills needed to understand social and cultural
systems, and helps them develop critical thinking, analytical, problem-solving, and presentation
skills necessary for professional success. The goals of the Anthropology program are to have
students be able to: 1. Identify diverse worldviews, 2. Describe anthropological theories, 3. Apply
ethical principles in research, 4. Conduct research, 5. Demonstrate effective communication skills,
and 6) Evaluate the viability of potential solutions
12. Abbreviated Title (for Master Schedule, Maximum 20 spaces): INTRO to BIO ANT
13. Course Description for Catalog (Maximum 75 words -start with an action verb.):
Explores biological anthropology which includes evolution versus creationism; scientific
method; evolutionary theory; evolutionary basis for skin color; evolutionary forces; speciation;
primates; emergence and development of the extinct bipedal human ancestors; the evolution of
big brain; the evolution of tools/culture; Neanderthals; and origins of modern humans. Open to
all students. Serves as a foundation course for the anthropology major and minor; lecture and
discussion; offered every semester.
14. Credit(s): 3
Clock Hours: 3
Lecture: hours
Recitation: hours Lab: hours
Contract Hours: 3 Lecture: hours
Recitation: hours Lab: hours
15. Prerequisites (Courses completed prior to taking this course):
16. Co-requisites (Courses which must be taken simultaneously with other courses):
17. Enrollment Restrictions (e.g., limited to majors in program XXX, restricted from majors in program
XXX, etc.): None
18. Repeatable: Can this course be repeated for credit as a multi-topic class, not just for a grade
☒ No ☐ Yes: How many times is the course repeatable?
19. Dual-Level or Cross-Listed: Is this course dual-level? ☐Yes ☒No.
20. Estimated Frequency of Offering: Every semester—this course is a required core course for the
21. Recommended class size for student success: Provide the recommended class size number and a
clear rationale based on accreditation guidelines, discipline standards, or pedagogical limitations.
The recommended class size for student success is 35. This course is writing, presentation, and
discussion intensive. The recommended class size is to meet the needs of students by allowing for
meaningful classroom discussions, more personal communication, inclusion of all students in
assessment of performance in formal and informal presentation settings, and working with
students on a one-on-one basis, and it is based on review of students' performance.
Submit a Master Course Syllabus – (see attached)
Locate the required Curricular Theme, Program Goal, and Learning Objectives and Desired Outcomes for
your selected area of this program in the General Education Plan (click on this link).
GE-1: Select the Curricular Theme and Program Goal you are applying from the drop down below (click
on the words Choose an item, then click on the arrow and select one option):
Natural World & Technologies: Nat. World
GE-2: How does your course fit into the General Education Curricular Theme and Program Goal to which
you are applying (be sure to address all of the required areas of the selected Program Goal)?
Introduction to Biological Anthropology familiarizes students with the principle of natural selection and
how it relates to genetics and the synthetic theory of organic evolution, particularly the evolution of
humans and our extinct bipedal ancestors. As such, scientific principles will be applied in order for
students to examine and discuss these evolutionary mechanisms which led to the modern human
morphology. Additionally, this course summarizes the human fossil record of archaic and early modern
human forms. Finally, students are introduced to modern primates and primate behavior. Given the clear
emphasis of the course on the significance of a hominin and primate ancestry on modern human biology,
this course is more than appropriate for learning objective (N).
ANTH 140 will benefit the university by providing a multifaceted course that applies to one university goal
(N) and that will create an educated student body prepared to work within a global world.
GE-3: List the Course Specific SLOs that correspond to the General Education SLOs of the relevant
Curricular Theme and Program Goal and explain how your course will meet each one of these Course
Objectives. Please be specific and use examples to align in column two and to demonstrate how this will be
implemented in column three.
Course Specific Student Learning
Objectives (SLOs)
General Education Student
Learning Objectives (SLOs)
How do the methods and
structure of the course provide
students with the opportunity
to meet each aligned pair of
General Education and Course
Specific SLOs?
Students will identify the principle
foundational concepts of
evolutionary theory as applied to
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of scientific
principles and theories specific
to the discipline, and can explain
their origins
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will give
students a basic knowledge of
the foundation concepts.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will identify and
categorize key biological &
archaeological findings & fossil
evidence in primate & hominid
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of scientific
principles and theories specific
to the discipline, and can explain
their origins.
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on the fossil and
archaeological evidence.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will recognize & identify
primates from both a biological &
a behavioral suite of
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of scientific
principles and theories specific
to the discipline, and can explain
their origins.
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on primate biology
and behavior.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Submit the Master Course Syllabus (including assessment) in addition to this form to be considered for
General Education approval.
David Fazzino
By typing my name in the box above, I am electronically signing this form. Dean, ICC Chair, and
President/Designee will sign to indicate approval directly in SharePoint.
NORTHEAST Integrated Curriculum Committee
PREPARED BY: Conrad Quintyn
DEPARTMENT: Anthropology, Criminal Justice & Sociology
Program: Anthropology
COURSE PREFIX & NUMBER (without space in-between): ANTH140
COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Biological Anthropology GE
COURSE DESCRIPTION FOR CATALOG: Explores biological anthropology which includes
evolution versus creationism; scientific method; evolutionary theory; genetics basis for
evolution; evolutionary forces; speciation; primates; emergence and development of the
extinct bipedal human ancestors; the evolution of big brain; the evolution of tools/culture;
Neanderthals; and origins of modern humans. Open to all students. Serves as a foundation
course for the anthropology major and minor; lecture and discussion; offered every
10. CONTENT DESCRIPTION: The following areas of study will be included:
I. The Study of Humankind
A. Methods of Anthropological Study
1. Anthropology and the Comparative Method
2. Relativism and Anthropological Science
3. Anthropology and Other Related Disciplines
4. The Relationship of Biological Anthropology to Cultural Anthropology
5. Subdivisions of Biological Anthropology
B. Studying the Human Past
1. Definition of Artifacts, Sites and Fossil Localities
2. Site and Locality Identification: Chance and Planned Discovery
3. Site and Locality Excavation: Techniques of Prehistoric Archaeology
4. Handling and Processing Fossils
5. Dating the Past
6. Interpretation of Archaeological and Paleontological Evidence
II. Human Biology and Evolution
A. Adaptation Defined: The Nature of Natural Selection
1. History of Darwinian Evolution from Lamarck to Present
2. Example of Natural Selection and Adaptation: Sickle Cell Anemia
B. Heredity: the Mechanism of Inheritance
1. Transmission of Genes: the Work of Mendel
2. Patterns of Inheritance: DNA, Chromosomes, Genes
C. Population Genetics
1. Hardy-Weinberg Law
2. Factors for Change in the Gene Pool
D. Evolution of Populations
1. Various Principles and Mechanisms
III. The Primate Order
A. The Modern Primates
1. Primate Taxonomy
2. Primate Origins and Mammalian Adaptive Radiation
3. Primate Adaptation and Arboreality
4. Primate Order and Groups: Prosimians, Monkeys, Apes
5. Higher Primates: Apes
B. Social Behaviors of Primates Compared
C. Primate Evolution
1. Arboreal Adaptations: Primate Characteristics
2. Early Primate Evolution:Paleocene through Oligocene Primates
3. Miocene Apes and Monkeys
4. Early Apes and Human Evolution
5. The First Hominids
a. Origins and Impact of Bipedalism, Environment, Diet
b. Australopithecus and the New Evidence
IV. Evolution of the Genus Homo
A. Homo habilis, Early Homo erectus
1. A Study of the Significant Fossil Discoveries
2. Interpretations of Fossil Hominids
3. Identification of Hominid Traits
4. The Reorganization of the Hominid Brain and the Effects of Dietary Change on
Early Hominids
5. The Impact of Hunting on Hominid Society
6. Africa and Asia and the Emergence of Human Variation
7. Physical Characteristics of Homo erectus and Regional Variations
8. Cultural and Biological Adaptation of Homo erectus
B. Neanderthals and the Middle Paleolithic
1. Use of Fire
2. Tool Traditions of Paleolithic Hominids
3. Ice Age Adaptations and Hunting Strategies
4. Hominid Migrations; Environment; Communication
5. New DNA evidence; Ancestors or Cousins?
C. Homo sapiens and the End of the Paleolithic
1. Biological Evolution of Modem Humans
2. Relationship between Culture and Biological Adaptations
3. Origins of H. sapiens sapiens in Africa and Migrations
4. Upper Paleolithic and Cultural Evolution with Modern Humans
below to document the outcomes and assessment for the course. If this is a General Education
course, be sure to complete the second column as well, it if is not a General Education course,
you can leave the 2nd column blank.
If General Education: Select the Curricular Theme and Program Goal you are applying from
the drop down below directly as done on the Course Form above (click on the words Choose
an item, then click on the arrow and select one option):
Natural World & Technologies: Nat. World
11. Course Specific Student
Learning Objectives (SLOs)
Students will identify the
principle foundational concepts
of evolutionary theory as applied
to humans.
General Education Student
Learning Objectives (Complete
this column for GE courses
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of
scientific principles and
theories specific to the
discipline, and can explain their
12. Student Assessment
Include assessment(s) and whether they
are suggested or mandated (e.g., to
comply with accreditation or as a
minimum standard)
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will give
students a basic knowledge of
the foundation concepts.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will identify and
categorize key biological &
archaeological findings & fossil
evidence in primate & hominid
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of
scientific principles and
theories specific to the
discipline, and can explain their
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on the fossil and
archaeological evidence.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
Students will recognize &
identify primates from both a
biological & a behavioral suite of
Scientific Principles
The student demonstrates a
broad understanding of
scientific principles and
theories specific to the
discipline, and can explain their
Lectures, discussions, and
assigned readings will help
students to identify specific
information on primate
biology and behavior.
Formative assessment:
Pre-test (not-graded)
Practice tests (non-graded)
Presentation w/ rubric
Summative assessment:
Exams (multiple choice/TF),
short answers, essay)
Cumulative final exam focuses
on all goals reinforced in
lectures and discussions
*Note- Rows can be added
This course is offered as a lecture/discussion course, using other materials and techniques such as
films, videos, and Power Point slides, and fossil skull casts as appropriate. To facilitate discussion the
proposed class size is 35 – 40 students. The course is offered every fall and spring semester.
Distance Education Setting: This course may be taught online using synchronous or asynchronous
methods based on the instructor. Techniques may include using D2L (BOLT) combined with zoom
(i.e., whiteboard, chat, polling, yahoots, breakout rooms, YouTube videos, etc.). Discussions and
homework exercises will be posted via D2L. A computer (desktop, laptop, tablet, etc.), personal smart
phone, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access) and reliable Internet are required.
Exams will be given via D2L.
The department collects departmental-developed rubrics and/or results on exam items across all
sections of the course, both distance and in-class learning each semester. The Department will
utilize a bank of questions that will serve to assess student learning objectives through the strategy
of embedded questions on exams (test blueprinting). The question bank will be developed from
contributions by department faculty members and will be large enough for faculty to select
questions that vary from individual to individual and semester to semester, but at the same time
test each of the four objectives in a reasonably consistent measurable manner. Each student
learning objective will have its own set of questions. For each of the objectives, three to five
embedded questions will be utilized on exams throughout the semester to test overall knowledge
acquisition. Embedded question data is reported to the department outcomes assessment
committee within 30 days of the final day of the semester. The data for all sections will be
statistically analyzed and summarized into one data set for assessment purposes. The assessment
data assists in identifying changes needed to the course to ensure greater student attainment of
the Student Learning Objectives.
The assessment results will be utilized to assist our program outcomes and general education goals
as well as helping in long-term planning for curriculum and development. Data from course
assessment will be transmitted to the university Office of Planning and Assessment.
Listed below are some of the materials which might be used in the course development but course
materials are not limited to the following references. The following list includes both historical
materials and more recent references (*holdings available in the Andruss, North Hall, and Stevenson
Ankel-Simmons, F. 2007. Primate Anatomy: An Introduction. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
*Anton, S.C. 2003 A Natural History of Homo erectus. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 46: 126-70.
*Asfaw, B., T.D. White, C.O. Lovejoy, B. Latimer, S. Simpson, and G. Suwa 1999 Australopithecus
garhi: A new species of early hominid from Ethiopia. Science 284:629-635
*Ayala, Francisco 1995 The Myth of Eve : Molecular Biology and Human Origins. Science. 270:
*Balter, Michael 1996 Cave Structure Boosts Neanderthal Image. Science 271:449.
Berger, L. R. et al., 2015 A new species of Homo from Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. Elife 4: e0956.
*Berger. Thomas, and Erik Trinkaus 1995 Patterns of Trauma Among the Neandertals. Journal of
Archaeological Science 22:841-852.
*Binford, Lewis R. 1981 Bones: Ancient Men and Modern Myths. Academic Press, New York.
*Bowler, Peter J. 1986 Theories of Human: Evolution: A Century of Debate, 1844-1944. Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore.
*Boyd, Robert and Peter Richerson 1985 Culture and the Evolutionary Process. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago.
Brain, C. K. 1981 The Hunters of the Hunted? An Introduction to African Cave Taphonomy. University
of Chicago Press, Chicago.
*Brunet, Michel, et. a1. 1995 The First Australopithecine 2500 Kilometers West of the Rift Valley
(Chad). Nature 378:273-274.
*Campbell, B. 1986. Humankind Emerging. Little and Brown, Boston.
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. 1971 Similarities and Dissimilarities in the Archaeological and Historical Sciences.
In Mathematics in the Archaeological and Historical Sciences, edited by F. R. Hodson. University
Press, Edinburgh.
Chagnon, N. and W. Irons 1978 Sociobiology and Human Social Organization. Duxbury Press, Scituate,
*Ciochon, Russel and John Fleagle 1987 Primate Origins and Human Evolution. Aldine de Gruyter,
New York.
*Clark, Ronald J, and Phillip Tobias 1995 Sterkfontein Member 2: Foot Bones of the Oldest South
African Hominid. Science 269:521-524.
*Corruccini, R.S. and R.L. Ciochon, eds. 1994 Integrative Paths to the Past:
Paleoanthropological Advances in Honor of F. Clark Howell. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
*Count, E. W. 1958 The Biological Basis of Human Sociality. American Anthropologist 60: 1049-1085.
Cummings, Michael 1994 Human Heredity: Principles and Issues. Wadsworth Publishing, St. Paul.
*Darwin, Charles 1859 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. J. Murray, London.
*Fleagle, J. 2013 Primate Adaptation and Evolution, 3rd ed. Academic Press, Cambridge, Mass.
*Freeman, L. G. 1981 The Fat of the Land: Notes of Paleolithic Diet in Iberia. In Omnivorous Primates:
Gathering and Hunting in Human Evolution, edited by R. S. Harding and G. Teleki, Pp. 32-55. Columbia
University Press, New York.
*Gibbons, A. 2021 Genomes Offer Rare Glimpse of Neanderthal Family Groups. Science 372: 12511252.
*Gibbons, A. 2021 When Humans Met Neanderthals. Science 372: 115-116.
*Gibbons, A. 2011 A New View of the Birth of Homo sapiens: New Genomic Data are Settling an Old
Argument about How our Species Evolved. Science 331: 392-394.
*Gighlieri, Michael P. 1984 The Chimpanzees of Kibale Forest. Columbia University Press, New York.
Goodall, J. 1986 The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Goodall, J. 2010. Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe. Stewart, Tabori and Chang, San Francisco.
*Gould, Stephen J. and Niles Eldredge 1977 Punctuate Equilibria: The Tempo and Mode of Evolution
Reconsidered. Paleobiology 3:115-151.
*Gray, J. Patrick 1986 Primate Sociobiology. HRAF, New Haven, Conn.
*Green, R. E., et al., 2006 Analysis of One Million Base Pairs of Neanderthal DNA. Nature 444:330336
*Grine, F.E., J. Fleagle, and R. Leakey 2009. The First Humans: Origin and Early Evolution of the Genus
Homo (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology). Springer, New York.
*Hamilton, W. D. 1963 The Evolution of Altruistic Behavior. American Naturalist 97:354-356.
*Harding, Richard and Geza Teleki 1981 Omnivorous Primates; Gathering and Hunting in Human
Evolution. Columbia University Press, New York.
*Hill, A., S. Ward, A. Deino, G. Curtis, and R. Drake 1992 Earliest Homo. Nature 355:719-722.
Jackson, T. 2021 Monkeys, Apes, Gorillas and Other Primates. Amber Books, London, UK.
*Johanson, Donald and James Shreeve 1989 Lucy's Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor.
Morrow, New York.
*Johanson, Donald and Timothy White 1979 A Systematic Assessment of Early African Hominids.
Science 203:321-330.
*Johanson, Donald, Timothy White and Ives Coppens 1978 A New Species of the Genus
Australopithecus (Primates: Hominidae) from the Pliocene of Eastern Africa. Kirtlandia 28:1-14.
*Johanson, Donald and Kate Wong 2010 Lucy's Legacy: The Quest for Human Origins. Broadway,
Random House, New York.
*Jolly, Alison 1985 The Evolution of Primate Behavior. Macmillan, New York.
*Jolly, Clifford 1970 The Seed-Eaters: A New Model of Hominid Differentiation Based on a Baboon
Analogy. Man 5:5-26.
*Jungers, W. L. 1982 Lucy's Limbs: Skeletal Allometry and Locomotion in Australopithecus afarensis.
Nature 297:676-678.
Kano, T. 1992 The Last Ape: Pygmy Chimpanzee Behavior and Ecology. Stanford University Press,
*Kappleman, J. 1995 The Evolution of Body Mass and Relative Brain Size in Fossil Hominids. Journal of
Human Evolution. 30:243-276.
*Kennedy, G. E. 1984 The Emergence of Homo sapiens: The Post Cranial Evidence. Man 19:94110.
Kimbel, W. H., R.C. Walter, D.C. Johanson, 1996 Late Pliocene Homo and Oldowan Tools from
the Hadar Formation, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution 31:549-561.
*Krause, J., et al., 2010 The Complete Mitochondrial DNA Genome of an Unknown Hominin from
Southern Siberia. Nature 464: 894-897.
*Kummer, H. 1971 Primate Societies. Aldine, Chicago.
*Laird, M. F., et al., 2017 The skull of Homo naledi. Journal of Human Evolution 104: 100-123.
*Lancaster, J. B. 1975 Primate Behavior and the Emergence of Human Culture. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, New York.
*Larson, Clark S. and Robert M. Matter 1985 Human Origins: The Fossil Record. Waveland Press,
Prospect Heights, Ill.
*Latimore, Bruce 1984 The Pedal Skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology 63:182.
*Leakey, Mary D. and R. L. Hay 1978 Pliocene Footprints in the Laetolil Beds at Laetoli, Northern
Tanzania. Nature 278:317-323.
*Leakey, Meave 1994 New Four-Million-Year-Old Hominid Species from Kanapoi and Allia Bay,
Kenya. Nature 376:565-571.
*Leakey, Richard 1981 The Making of Mankind. Dutton, New York.
*Lee, Richard B. and Irven DeVore 1968 Man the Hunter. Aldine, Chicago.
*Lee-Thorp, J.A., M. Sponheimer, and N.J. van der Merwe 2003 What do Stable Isotopes Tell Us about
Hominid Dietary and Ecological Niches in the Pliocene? International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Mountain, J. et al., 1993 Evolution of Modern Humans: Evidence From Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms.
In The Origin of Modern Humans and the Impact of Chronometric Dating. M.J. Aitken, et al. eds., Pp.
244-263. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
*Noonan, J. P. et al., 2006 Sequencing and Analysis of Neanderthal Genomic DNA. Science
*Osman Hill, W. C. 1972 Evolutionary Biology of the Primates. Academic Press, New York.
*Price, M. 2020 Africans, Too, Carry Neanderthal genetic Legacy. Science 367: 497.
*Rightmire, G. P. et al., 2017 Skull 5 from Dmanisi: Descriptive anatomy, comparative studies, and
evolutionary significance. Journal of Human Evolution 104: 100-123.
Strier, K. 2007. Primate Behavioral Ecology. 3rd ed. Allyn & Bacon, Boston.
Tattersall, I. 2017. Species, genera, and phylogenetic structure in the human fossil record: A modest
proposal. Evolutionary Anthropology 26: 116-118.
Trinkaus, E. 2005. Early Modern Humans. Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 207-230.
Trinkaus, E. 2006. Modern Humans versus Neanderthal Evolutionary Distinctiveness. Current
Anthropology 47: 597-620.
Indicate possible recommended texts for the course where appropriate, including author/editor, title, publisher, edition, and
date of publication. The style of entry should consistently follow a manual such as Turabian, MLA, APA, or an accepted guide
in a specific discipline.