Mon, 04/10/2023 - 19:23
Edited Text


Published By
Association of Women Students
Bloomsburg State College
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania


Susan L. Sprague
Art Editor
Deborah Krasnoff
Typing Editor
Elaine Pongratz
Faculty Advisor
Mrs., Carpenter
Deborah Krasnoff
Elaine Pongratz
Linda Reinmiller
Amy Schalles
Betsy Stine

Kaye Barnhart
Linda Easom
Sharon Guida
Karen Keinard
Kathy Kourkoutas
Janet Zagorski
Bonnie Dewire
Janet Hoffman

Carolyn Carr
Diane Walworth

Joanna Harrington

Alice Maguylo


"The time has come," the walrus said,
"to speak of many things. Of shoes,
and ships, and sealing wax, and cabbages, and kings." So spoke the .
walrus in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland., Well, Bloomsburg isn't Wonderland,
but it's definitely different from life


at home . And the time has come o Or
almosto In a few month;ttime you'll
be a freqhman woman at BSC and your life
will changeo Whether it's for the better
or worse is up to you., Although it may
sound trite, college is what you make it 1
and you can make it good if you tryo
You're growing up, as many people have
probably been telling you lately, and
when you get to BSC you're going to have
to grow up some moreo But don ' t worry
about itj because you'll do fine as long
as you remember that there will be about
500 other scared coeds who don't know
any more than you do!
The first initial shock that will hit
you after you've been at BSC for a few
days will be the sudden realization that
you are on your own! Although the college
has certain regulations that must be followed~ you'll find out that you~re your
own bot,s in most matterso There won't be
anyone ther0 to tell you to study or to go
to class) and to hollar at you when you
don't o You' re going to have to try to
exercise a little self-discipline and figure
out how you're going to budget your timeo
The 24 hours in a day will seem a lot
shorter when you find yourself trying to
make room in the day for sleeping, eating,
studying, and all the other things you'd
like to get done' But don't worry,
after a while you'll work out your own
routineo After all, we all need a period
of adjustment when we start something new!
So this is Dear Coed, hopefully to help
you over a few of the rough spots, and definitely to welcome you to BSCo Don't worry,
life here is really great once you get
used to it,,
See you in September !


Somewhere on the campus of BSC will
be a space approximately 12' x 22', half
of which you can call your ownQ This
is your room. It is your very own and
nobody can yell at you if you don't
hang your clothes up or if you let
the dust accumulate in layers under your
bed (unless you have a fussy roommate).
It is up to you to take care of it or
not care of it (whichever you wish) and
the only time you will be asked to clean


it is before vacation and when the dust
bunnies start coming into the hallways.
Living in a residence hall is different- from any other form of living you
will ever encounter. For approximately
nine months you will share the same bathroom, showers and vacuum cleaner with 50
other girls and the same laundry with anywhere from 225 to 4000 You will live,
love, learn, fight, and grow with these
girls and the experience will bring you
a few steps closer to womanhood. You
can get a lot out of knowing all of
these people and you will take out what
you put ino
Visitation is a part of living in the
residence hall--a new part of BSC but
definitely a part~ It has been fought
over, castigated, defended and condemned,
but it is here nonethelessg
Every Friday and Saturday night and
Sunday afternoon, men are permitted to
visit the women's room, with an escort.
This is a privilege you will receive
upon your arrival and always keep in mind
that it IS a privilege and as such should
not be abusedo
Home is where the heart is, but the
residence hall is where you lay your head.
Life can be great here, as you will soon
learn. It's all up to youo


When you arrive at BSC, one of your
first and most important experiences
will be meeting your roommate. You
probably will not know her, and your
only previous contact with her will have
been through a few brief letters during
the summer. She is the girl you will be
living with for the next nine months,
and the success of this relationship


will depend upon both of youo
You may or may not become best
friends, but you will have to learn
to understand and cooperate with
each other. If you don't get to really
know your roommate, misunderstandings
and arguments will be frequent. You
can really become closer decorating
your room together and picking out
postersj bedspreads and rugsJ and moving
the furniture around to please both of
you® She may also become the one person
you can really confide in and talk to~
But don't be upset or worried if you
both find other friends with whom you
become closer. The most important thing
is that you both compromise a little
in order to get along.
The room belongs to both of you and
therefore it's your responsibility to
keep your own things relatively neat
and clean. It's not hard to accu_mulate
a lot of clutter a.rid dust in these small
rooms, and once in a while it needs to
be cleaned .. Your room is your house,
so work together to keep it livableo
Sharing is an important part of being
roommates., One of you may have a stereo
and an iron~ while the other may bring a
big pole lamp and a hairdryero It's
only reasonable that you would share
these items in order to save space~
When you use your roommate's things, be
considerate in taking care of them and
returning them in the same condition
they were in when you borrowed them.
Common property is many times convenient, but keep in mind that not everything in the room is yours and it must
all be taken care of o · Some roommates
may not want to share, so it is best to





contact them about this during the
summer so you'll know what to bringo
You must also be considerate of
your roommate in other respectso Be
quiet if she's trying to study, don't
make unnecessary demands on her, let
her sleep in the morning when you have
an 8:00 and her first class isn't
until 10:00, don't keep your friends
around talking while she's trying to
study, and try to work out your differences togethero Small acts like
these will help to secure a friendly
These are only a few of the many
aspects of having a roommateo Learning to adjust to her is a great accomplishment and a good experience to
haveo Try to make the relationship a
pleasant one, and you may find it a
help in wading through your first year
at Bloomsburgo



Ro A.' s
One of the most important persons
you will meet when you arrive at
BSC is your Resident Adviso~ (Ro Ao)o
Each floor or wing of a women's
residence hall has an R. Ao and Assistant Resident Advisor, Ao R. Ao, who
takes over in the absence of the Re Ae
Both are women students and having
been freshmen at one time, they know

all of the problems you will encounter
and will prove helpful during·your
first few days.
Your R.A. will meet with you upon
your arrival and give you any instructions you may need. If you have
any questions, go to her; after all,
that's what she's there forQ
Your R.AQ is close to your age;
and, therefore, you will find her a
sympathetic listener to all your
problems. Remember that an RvA.
doesn't make the rules; and if you
don't feel something is right, tell
Your R.Ae is more than the person
in charge of the hall--she is a friend,
advisor, and confidante. She is always
willing and able to answer any questions, so don't be afraid to ask!








Consideration and "quiet hours" go
hand in hand,. These nquiet hours" are
specially designated times when
noise should be kept at a min:i..mum..,
This time is used for studying and for
sleepingo Places for the observation
of quiet hours are the BR's, unit
lounges, and students' rooms--not to mention


the hallwayso
The hours are as follows:
lo From 2:00 porno to 4:00 Pomo
daily, except Saturdayso
2o From 7:30 porno to 10:JO Pomo
daily, except Fridays and
Jo Hours from 11:00 porno to
9:00 aomo on weekdays and
from 11:00 porno to 10:00 aomo
on weekends are kept especially quiet for sleepingo
Shouting, loud talkingj use of radio
or stereo full volume, especially with
doors wide open, or any other excessive
noises are strictly prohibited during
these hourso It is up to each individual to obey these rules and to help
others to obey themo
If someone is loud, don't be afraid
to tell them to keep it down; but don't
become hurt or offended if you're asked
to do the same sometimeo Many times
you become louder than you realize and
need a reminder to keep it down~
Remember no two schedules are alike;
and if you happen to have an early class,
keep the noise downo There's no need
to take out your early morning frustrations on everyone elseo Next semester
when your classes don't begin until
10:00 a.mo, you won't want to be disturbed, so be considerate of others
this semestero It will be greatly


College is a time when you will
have the chance to meet many people and
form lasting friendships--valuable
onesp This will be one of the few
times in your life when you'll have
the chance to be with so many people
your own age.
One relationship you may form
will be that between you and your



big sistero During the summer, she will
write to you and tell you something of
herself and important aspects of collegeo
Write back to her~ She wants to be your
friend and will be more than happy to
answer all your questions during the summer and throughout the yearQ Remember
that she was a freshman once and understands how you feelo But you must be
just as willing to show her friendship if
the relationship is to be as nice as it
can be,,
During the yearj there will be social
events which you and your big sister will
have the chance to attend and meet the
other big sistersQ At the Tea, you will
meet the President and his wife, the
deans, and the Head ResidentsQ Later in
the year, a swim will be held to which
you can invite your big sister.,
If your big sister is one who takes
times to be wjth you and sincerely help
you, you will be fortunate to know su.ch
a wonderful person.,


The William Scranton Corrnnons is a
place to gather with your friends and
relax, and often to meet and make many
new friendso The building is airconditioned, containing four dining
rooms and two lounges for your comfort
and convenience.
There are three meals served a day
prepared by the Slater Food Serviceo


Many banquets and teas are held by
various campus organizationso Special
meals are also served before most of
the holidays; and during final exam5.1 a
coffee and doughnut break is held at
a later houro
The dress code for the Scranton
Commons is casual wear, but Sunday
dress is worn to the special holiday
dinnerso The serving time for each
meal is long enough to allow students
to eat when their class schedules
The Scranton Corrnnons provides a
healthy atmosphere for the students
and is one of the main centers of
student activity on campusQ


Among the other opportunities awaiting
the Bloomsburg Coed, is the chance to belong
to the Association of Women Students (AWS)
on campus., Every woman enrolled at BSC,
both residents and commuter~ are automatically included in this organizationo
The purpose of AWS is to represent the
women's viewpoint on issues concerning
college life and acting as a grapevine
through which coeds can learn what's going
on in the college communityo Individual
residence halls are represented by a
President j Vice-Presid,mt, SecretaryTreasurer" and Social Chairman who attend
the AWS meetings and convey the information received to Hall Council meetings
in their respective residence hallso At
these Hall Council meetings, each floor
has a corridor representative whose job
is to turn it over to the residents at a
corridor meetingo As freshman women, you
will have the opportunity to run for
offices to be held in your residence hallo
The officers of the Executive Board
for the coming 1971-1972 year are:
PresidentooooQooooLinda Radle
Vice-PresidentooooPatty Noble
Secretaryoo<>ooooeoJanis Wince
Treasureroo•oe••o•Janice Evans
Social ChairmaneooPat Lango
The Association of Women Students sponsors
activities such as Big and Little Sister
Teas, Halloween parties, and Christmas
parties to promote active participation
among the women in their organization.




For the coed who needs a little assistance in the category of first aid or in
a personal problem or maybe just a few
pencils, there are various places on
campus designed just for such a damsel
in distress.,
Do you need a safe place to keep your
book money? Need a check cashed in a
hurry? The place for you is the Student
Bank, located in the Waller Hall end of
the tunnel to the Student Union Building.,
The hours are 1O:JO a.me to noon and 2:30
porn• to 4:JO porn., Monday, Wednesday, and
Thursday and from 1O:JO a.m., to 4:30 p.mQ
on Tuesday and Friday.,
While on the subject of money, check
out the Financial Aid Office, next to
the Alumni Room in Waller Hallo Here
you can get any information you need
concerning scholarships, loans, and jobsQ
If you are interested in working in the
Commons or the library, they will tell
you what to do about that too--any time
between 8:JO a.m., and 5:00 p.,mo Monday
through Friday and 9:00 agmo to noon on
Any problems concerning grades, classes,
schedules, or even personal hassles can
be taken care of in the Counseling Centero
It is located in Waller Hall, and it is
open 8:JO a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m.
to 5:00 pcm. and also deals with the results of various tests that you will take
during orientation.
Directly across the hall you may see
written on the door "Come in and talke 11
This is the campus ministry, where you can
go in and talk about anything that happens
to be troubling your mind or your heart.
There is usually someone there every week
day from 11:00 a.m. until J:OO p.me They

are all really great guys who understand,
so dontt be shy about going to see themo
They can really help sometimeso
Indigestion from eating too much?
Sprain an ankle on the sidewa.lks of
Bloomsburg? You might get some help
at the Infinnary in Waller Hallo If it
happens to be closed just when you choose
to burn your hand., go to see one of the
Assistant Deans (this is what the locked
door will say, so you can save yourself
the trip) o
Located toward the upper portion of the
campus with the classroom buildings is
the library, named for Harvey AQ Andrusso
Skilled librarians are there to answer
any qw::Jstions you may have as long as
it is openo Th.is is from 7~50 aomo to
10;00 porno weekdays, 7:00 aomo to 5:00 pomg
on Saturdays, and 2:J0 p,.,mo to 9:00 Pollo
on Sunday-so
Another place you can get books isj
logically., the college bookstore, back
in Waller Hall, but its contents are
not limited to books aloneo Here you
can buy stationery, sweatshirts, greeting
cards, posters, pantyhose, candy, records,
health aids, and just about any kind of
typical school supply you needo Bookstore
hours are 8:J0 aomo to 5~00 Pollo Monday thru
Friday and 8:J0 aomo to noon on Saturdayo
So, if you are ever in need of any of
these servicesj these are the places to
goo Willing, if not able, to serve you!

- 20-





One of the major problems you will face
after registration is the purchasing of
books for your first semestero Upon
receiving your schedule, you can easily
check the book list in front of the bookstore to find out which books you will
All books can be purchased in the
bookstore~ but you can find extra savings
if you prefer to buy or rent used bookso
This can be a big help providing the
text or edition was not changedo However, it would be wise to check the book
list and then with your profs in class
as to what book or books they require
before you begin to buy themo Lists
of second-hand books can be found on
major bulletin boards located in downstairs Wallero You can also obtain
second-hand books at the book exchange,
which is run by one of the campus organizations as a money-making projecto Students with books to sell pay a dime~ let
the book exchange worry about selling their
book~ and then receive whatever profit
is made on the seond-hand bookso
If you run into any problems, feel free
to consult your Big Sister~ RA, or any
upperclassmano They can be a big help
and with luck may even have the book you
Book buying will be a new experience
for you but don't panico Be sure of the
books you are buying;and if the bookstore
runs out of the book you need, have a
little patience--more will be orderedo
You will be given plenty of time to get
the bookso And remember--book buying
will be as simple as you let it beo It's
not a catastropheo It can even be fun!




One of the questions that may enter your
mind now is ''What do I wear?" The answer
· is simple. Clean, neat, appropriate
clothing--it's acceptable at all times$
For classes and dining, casual, everyday clothes are the ruleo For social events
the student body splits down the middleo Half


dress up and the other half wear the
same casual clothes that they wear to
classo Either way is acceptableo In
short, the way you dress for each occasion is entirely to your tasteo
However, there are one or two general
ruleso Gym shorts are not allowed in
the dining hallso You may wear your
gym blouse with jeans, but the shorts
are not acceptable in the dining hallso
Since closet space is limited, it is
better to bring along a seasonal wardrobeo I would like to mentionj though,
that a raincoat and umbrella are
essentials and should not be forgotten
when planning your wardrobeo
For church it is up to the individual
pastor to establish dress policy for his
churcho In any case, extremely dressy
clothes are not a necessityj although
you might like to have some here in caseo
Shoes must be worn in all public


It won't take long for you as a
freshman to find that education takes
place not only in the classroom, but
in all areas of student involvement as
wello You will be able to put your
leisure time to good use through the
many social and cultural events and
other extra-curricular activities
offered at BSCf which cover a wide
range of interestsQ
Sports anyone? For you we have the
Women's Athletic Association (the "B"
Club) and the Women's Recreation Associationj which have developed an exten.:..
sive extramural and intramural programs
Extramural sports include hockey and
basketballj while intramural activities
such as powder puff football, volleyball, basketball, and softball fill the
rest of the yearo A Water Ballet is
presented in the early springo Alsoj
the indoor pool and gym are there to be
used at your convenienceo
For those of you who are interested
in politics, we have the Community
Government Association, the Association
of Women Students, and the offices of
various organizationso A few of those
organizations that you will have the
opportunity to join are the Bloomsburg
Players, the Literary and Film Society,
the Sociology Club, and the Biology
Club, and French Clubo If you're
musically inclined, we have the Studio
Band, the Women's Chorale Ensemble, the
Maroon and Gold Band, and the Concert
There is also an opportunity for
involvement in any one of BSC's publicationse

- 28-








The Maroon and Gold is our bi-weekly newspaper, and the Obiter is the college yearbooko The student literary magazine is
the Olympiano The Pilot is published
annually by and for the student body and
contains answers to questions that confront college students. The Today sheet
is published daily and keeps students
informed of campus and community activities on a day-by-day basisQ
Coffee, tea, or coke anyone? If the
answer is yes, the snack bar is the best
place to find ito Located in the Student
Union Building (SoUoBo), you can drop in
for a quick snack, a game of cards, or
just to talk to friendso It's really a
great place to relax and meet peopleo
There are usually events sponsored by
each class and a weekly movie and/or
dance for Friday and Saturday night
Each coed should plan to take an active
part in the social life offered at BSCo
Along with all the clubs, there are the
men's athletic events to supporto As you
may know, Bloomsburg takes great pride
in the wrestling squads they presento
Besides this, there are weekly football]
basketball, and swimming eventso In the
spring there are tennis matches, track
meets, golf matches and baseball gameso
Our BSC guys need your support and encouragemento The wide variety of activities are there for YOU to become
involved in and enjoyo Be as active as
you can in your Freshman year, so that
you can really become involved at BSCQ
You'll only get out of your college life


what you put into it, and it can be
rewarding if you'll tryc
In the last five years at BSC, there
has been a new innovation in the introduction of sororitieso The social
sororities and the one service sorority were founded to promote friendship
and understanding among not only the
sisters, but the independent women as
Youp as a freshman, cannot pledge
a sorority du:l'.'ing your first semester;
but during your second semesterj all
sororities will accept freshmen with
a 2<>2 rating to rusho
The social sororities at Bloomsburg
are Chi Sigma Rho, Delta Epsilon Beta.,
Tau Sigma Pi~ Sigma Sigma Sigma, and
Theta Tau Omega" Our serv.ice sorority
is Lambda Alpha Muo Each sorority has
its own standards and idealso Most
of the sororities work with a cooperating fraternity to organize several
social events each year~
Delta Epsilon Beta supports Korean
orphan, Sigma Sigma Sigma sponsors an
annual tea; these are a few examples
of the activities of the social
The sisters of Lambda Alpha Mu,
Bloomsburg's service sorority, are
dedicated to assembling college women
in the spirit of service to humanity.
The Inter-Sorority Council is the
governing body for the Greek Women.
It was organized in October, 1967, and
consists of three members from each




of the social sororitiesQ The objectives of the ISC are to coordinate'
the activities of the member sororities, promote scholarship among
sorority women, and encourage friendship among both Greek and independent


The spirit of Christmas dominates
our campus as soon as we return from
our Thanksgiving vacationo Decorations
begin to go up, among them a Christmas
tree on each floor. This can be fun
to decorate with items from homeo You
can even add to it by putting your
stuffed animals around the tree., Each
floor decorates their room doorso
It's loads of fun to have one theme


carried throughout the whole corridor
with each door representing one aspect
of the themea When the time for
judging comes around, you and your
roommate can feel proud to know that
it was your own personal projecta
The highlight of the Christmas
season is "spiriting." The coeds have
received a feeling of warmth and closeness since the custom was adopted some
fifteen years ago.
Your name and the names of every
girl in your corridor will be put on a
piece of papere Then all the names
are put together and each girl draws
one9 You shouldn't let anyone know
who the girl you are "spiriting" is.
It's more fun to keep everyone guessing.
Each day for the next week every
girl receives a small gift from her
spirit. The gift can either be an inexpensive token, such a.s a perfumed bar
of soap,or it can be a good deed like
making the girl's bed while she's out.
When the week of "spiriting" comes to
an end, there is a Christmas party in
each hall lounge; and everyone is in
suspense waiting to discover who her
spirit wase When she finds out who
she was, the girl presents her spirit
with a nice gift showing her thanks
and appreciationa
The real feeling of the Christmas
spirit is received when everyone gives
not only materialistic items, but gives
of themselvese This is the true
Christmas spirito


Big and Little Sister Tea - This is a
formal tea that will help you to
get to know the Deans, Head Residents, and Resident Advisors. It
will be held in late September,
and each Freshman is escorted by
her Big SisterQ
Homecoming - This is a special weekend in October which features Big



Name Entertainment on Friµay night,
a parade and football game on Saturday, and an informal dance that
eveningo There is usually an "Open
House" for all students, dates, and
parents on Saturday or Sunday of
that weekend,,
Christmas Party - This party, sponsored
by the women students, is held in
the Student Union about a week before Christmas vacationo Entertainment is provided and refreshments
are servedo
Greek Week - This is a special week
sponsored by the Inter-Sorority and
Inter-Fraternity Councils, in which
all the members of the campus fraternities and sororities compete in
games and races, done in honor of
ancient Olympic games,, Although
only the "Greeks" may participate
in these games, all are invited to
Winter Weekend - Winter sports, such as
skiing, and ski-dooing are part of
the agenda for this weekendo The
location of the activities varies
every yearo Big Name Entertainment
is also featured that weekendo
Holidays - Usually each holiday is
occasion for a special danceo Dress
varies with the holiday and themeo
Spring Weekend - Big Name Entertainment
is the featured event of this weekendo Our social fraternities and
sororities also sponsor fun-filled
activities at this timeo













'i\ ·)



As you become familiar with life at
Bloomsburg, you will find that the
academic world of BSC has its own vernacular. These wo~s and phrases will
easily become part: of your vocabulary as
you become an integeal part of the college
and student life. -We have prepared the
following list of jargon most freq_uently
used to give you a head start$.



Academic probation - Probation because
of an average lower than 2~0 (based
on a 4.0 system).
Ace a test - To get an "A . 11
A~ R. A. - Assistant Resident Advisor.
Berrigan's - Hoagie shop downtown.
Bluebooks - Test booklets which are
often requested by profs to use
for taking examso They can be
purchased in the bookstoreo
Bookstore - The college store wheTe
you can buy textbooks plus many
other school supplies., It's
located in Waller Hall~
Charlie's - Pizza shop downtown.
Commons - Dining hall.
Corridor Meeting - Bi-monthly.floor
meetings in the women's residence
halls .
Cut - Absence from class.
Destination card - A card which is
kept at the main desk of each residence hall for women. It must be
filled out when you leave and return
to the building during specified
Digest - Summary of' residence hall rules.
Finals week - Last week of the semester
when classes are cancelled and finals
are given.
Kampus Nook - The restaurant located
opposite the Student Union.
Late - Legal permission to stay out
after curfew ..
Long porch - A large porch on Waller
Hall which faces Elwell residence

M & G - The Maroon and Gold; the
college newspaper"
Obiter - The college yearbook.
Olympian - Student literary magazine.
Pilot - College handbooks
R~ A. - Resident Advisor®
Rake - To get an "E" or failure ..


Hook a test - Get a "C""
Pappas - Pizza shop downtown.
Roomed - Confined to your room for
infraction of rulese
So Ro Ho - Self-regulated hours for
So Uo Bo - (Student Union Building)
Temporarily located in the old
College Commons; facilities include snack bar, billiard area,
ping pong tables, games and card
playing area, information desk
with papers and magazines, TV
lounge, Student Union Board office,
and Office of Director of Student
Terraces - Grass plot between Waller
and Montour Hallo
Tunnel - The underground passageway
from Waller to the Student Unione



Here we have included a list of suggested items that have been helpful to
others in the past. It is a good idea
to wait until your roommate arrives to
buy bedspreads, rugs, curtains, etc.,
so that you will agree on cost and color
of the items. All underlined items are
required and all starred items are highly


suggested . Many supplies may be purchased
at the College Store.
Address book
Alarm clock
Bedroom slippers or shower shoes
Bucket (plastic)
Can opener
Desk lamp (or pole lamp)
Dictionary (Webster's New Collegiate)
Drying rack
Drinking glass (or paper cups)
Dust cloths
Eating utensils
First aid kit-lt
Hair dryer
Iron rest (asbestos or metal)
Laundry bag-lt
Laundry detergent
:M:a$kl..ng tape and plastic tac-le
Mattress pad (3 211 x 7211 )
Note pad for doo r
Paper clips, s cotch t ape, rubber bands, etc.
Pen and pencil container
Phono graph and r ecor ds
Pillow cover (plastic or cl oth, 2111 x 2711 )
Playing car ds
Pot to heat water or cook food
Rainwear and umbrella-le
Sewing kit
Shower cap-::Shoe polish
Spray starch
Stationery and stamps
Standing hand mirror

- 40-

Swim wear (bathing cap)
Towels and washcloths
Wastebasket. (metal)



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Record the number of your typewriter, camera, and radio for
reference in case of lasso


Check all electrical cords--they
must be in good condition.


J. Mark all personal articles with name
tapes or with your name written in
indelible ink. This includes such
articles as umbrellas, towels,
books, etc.

4. Heavy baggage may be sent by express,
plainly labeled, with your name, residence hall, room number, Bloomsburg
State College, Bloomsburg, PA
Allow a week for delivery. Since
there is limited storage in the
residence halls, all trunks and large
luggage will have to be returned to
your homeo

5. Plan to deposit large sums of money
at the College Bankg Never keep
large sums of money in your room
or on your persono

Bring enough money (about $60) to
take care of books, supplies, etc.

7. Always carry I. D. card and meal ticket
in your wallet. Be sure to put your
name on all cards of importancea

Get to know your roommate, Big Sister,
and Resident Advisor through letters
this summer and help them get to know


Read the Digest and Pilot thoroughly
and become familiar with all regulations, especially "sign-out"




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