Tue, 03/05/2024 - 15:37
Edited Text
Shortwa y Sniper Wounds
Two BSC Coeds
Two BSC students were wound ed Saturda y Morning when a
sniper shot at their car on the
K eystone Shortwa y, near Tank,
P enna . Those injured were Diana
Spangler , H azleton, and Theresa
Pett y, Sjhenandoah . Two other
BSC* stu dents , Rick Walck , Conyngham , and Robert Nemeth ,
W est H az leton , were also riding in the car .
Miss Spangler was admitted
to Hazleton State General Hospital in fair condition. She suffered wounds of the right side and
tack whi ch have been confirme d
as being bullet wounds . Miss
Pelly was treated in the emer gency room for a superficial
wound of the. right upper chest ,
also a bullet wound, and was released after treatment.
The auto was travelin g vest on
Interstate 80 when shots were
fired from the north side of the
highway. The driver , Rick Walck ,
kept the car under contro l and
drove to the Mifflinvllle rest
stop where an ambulance was
Teach ers
Representatives from 18 Penn sylvania colleges and over 50
Pennsylvania school districts
from central Penns ylvani a attended the Central Regional Meeting
of the Penns ylvania Association
for Student Teachin g held at BSC
Wednesday, October 29, 1969.
Greet ings were extended by
Dr. Robert Nossen, President
of BSC j Dr . Robert J. Labrlola
of Millersvl lle S.C., President
of the Penns ylvania Association
for Studeni Teaching; and Dr .
Perry Brown of Lock Haven S.C ,
Vice-President in charge of the
Central Region of P.A.S.T. A
short business meetin g was held
prior to a panel dlscusiLcn at
10:30 a. no. on "Disadvanta ged
Student Teachers. " This panel
was made up of student teachers
in rura l, suburban , and Intercity schools of the central re gIWl
Following a luncheon In the
College Commons, a second panel
composed of teachers and school
administ rators discussed the
same subject, "Disadvanta ged
Student Teachers /' from a different viewpoint than presented
by the student-teacher panel.
At the conclusion of both panel
presentations , open discussion
wag heard from the aud leoce to
the panels.
Colleges inoluded in the Central Region are t The State Colleges of Bloomsbur g. Lock
state police - zrom nazieton ,
Bloomstourg , and Shickshinny set
up a command post at the Tour ist Information Booth at the rest
stop and cordoned off the region
t o searc h f or the sniper . However , the area is generally deserte d an d ther e are numberous
side roads , which contributed to
the gun man's escape. State police are continuing their investi gation .
Bill Knott
Does His
TL •
Thin g
BILL KNOTT * (1940-1966) IS
This young poet , who writes under the name of Saint Geraud r
will visit the campus as a guest
of the Engli sh Department . During his stay he will conduct a
worksho p-discussion on the writ ing of poetry and will read from
his own -work , both published and
in press, Mr . Knott , who now
holds a fellowship from the Yaddo
Foundatio n, Saratoga Springs ,
New York , has published one
volume , THE NAOMI P OEMS:
preparin g a second.
In reviewin g THE NAOMI
POEMS for POETRY Mag azine
(Ja nuary 1969) Ralph J . Mills ,
Jr ., referred to Bill Knott as
"one of the most remarkable
poets to appear since James
Wright and James Dickey, tils
poems are...excruciatin gly pain ,
ful , marvelously
lyric and
tender , savagely satirical , but
always Imaginative , with that true
power of imagination that is ultimately Indefinable yet instant ly recognisable when encountered. " Mills concludes his review as follows: " we are lucky
to have BUI Knott with us and
are not likely to get a better
poet for some time ."
Further details of Mr . Knott's
visit will appear in the MAROON
& GOLD later in the week.
Haven, Mansfield , Shlppensbur g,
Miilersville; The Penns ylvania
State Universit y, The Penn State
centers at York, Harriibur g,and
Altoona ; Bucknell Univers ity;
Diokinson College; Gettysbur g
College) Juniata College;-Messiah College; Lycoming College}
Susquehanna Univers ity Harris buvg Communit y College) and
York College of Penns ylvania.
Students go through the process of registration at th e American Hotel , Miami Befech ,
Florida , in preparation for the start of the 1969 Associated Collegiat e press Convention.
Associated Collegiate Press Convention
Draws 1,500 College Editors
One thousand , five hundred college editors assembled in Miami
Beach for the annual Associated
Collegiate Press Convention this
past weekend. The MAROON AND
GOLD was represened by Michael
H ock , Editor -in-Chief ; dor Remsen, Business Manager ; William
Teitsworth , Mana ging Editor ;
Mart in Kleiner , NewsEditor; and
Mr . Michael Stanley , Adviser .
The convention represented an
assembla ge of the people who are ,
perhap s, the voices of the colleges and universitie s. Its significance was not in its banquets ,
speaker s, or meeting s but the
time spent over burgers or a
drink when the real problems
were discussed . Though the ultimate purpose of the convention
was aimed at journalism , these
discussions were relati veto solving a vast number of pr oblems
confrontin g the schools rep resented .
The consensus of thought or
publication * attributed the college newspaper with a uniqu e
Because of a crowdedcalendar ,
the Joint student -faculty meeting
scheduled for November 84 has
been moved to Thursda y,December 4, accordin gto a spokesman
for the Facu lty Association Pro gram Committee * It is hoped
the new date will eliminate con- ,
fUcts with other student activi- •
The substanc e of the facult ystudent discussion v/lll be determined by the returns of a
questionnaire running in the
M&Gj students are invited to in- j
dioate both the topios they with
to discussand the faculty and students they would like to hear
oomment on them* Question-'
nalres and other suggestionsmay
be sent to Box 177.
standing . It is perhap sa maun
between the student and the rest
of the world . However, sample
publications from colleges all
over the countr y indicated a trend
toward a revolut ionary type of
jo urnalism which attempt s to
show a true picture , whether it
is good or bad , of the institution
or, as one student stated , "
a type of journal ism where you
must feed the people what they
will eat even when they think it
tastes bad ."
Many students indicated an adverse reaction from admini strators to the "backtalk" which has
recently become an inte gral part
of the college newspaper . Dr .
Geor ge Starcher , pre sident of
the University of North Dakota ,
however , stated that the tre nd
.. .
was healthy. He said , "If we
expect students to think then we
should also expect them to criticize and want tilings changed ."
The Editors at the conventi on
discussed these situations and
many others , arr iving at no de*
' finite conclusions. The significance of the event , however , is
well-state d in an article from
the Universit y of Mia mi Oracle .
"And perhaps it all comes down
to the feelin g that ther e is no
peace and there is no por nogra phy , only people and a buck *
etful of words that you believe,
sound ri ght . So, maybe with air
the words hear d in Miami th is
weekend , someone has taken
something home with him — a
truth, feeling, argument , some
hope and somethin g to try ."
This form Is provided so that BSC stud ents may ex*
press the subjects which they would like to discuss with
facul ty members at the December 4 meeting of the fa cul ty Association / to which all students are cordially Invited.
Please Indica te, the sub|«cti which you would like to
dlsscuss with the facult y on December 4,
Credits for graduation
Gradin g
Testin g
Courses by examination
Transfer to Non-BSC credits
Plnal Ixam Schedulin g
Dress policy for classes
Repeating Courses
ju diciary board
Placement recommendations
New Course offerings
Student Rep. In Ma|or Dopts .
Library procedure end holdin gs
Pass-Pell System
Textbook cost and selection
Teacher Ivelustlon
Uudmtt teachin g
Student Congress
Book Store
Mandator y courses
Genera l. Idueetlon Requirements
Attendance policy
Other ¦
—' »
Whet professors would you suggest as speakers or
panelists for this cNseueslon?
' What student! would yeu suggest as sp eakers or pen.
tHits for this discussion? .
, Drop this questionnaire : In Cjunpu*TMoli rJwn77«
rZep ly
Dear Colleague ,
Your letter In the MAROON &
GOLD of Oct . 22 proves that
you have learned an elementary
ruse of
debate: if you can
clumsily misstate your opponent ' s viewp oint and thus manage
to reduce him to a coward, a
moron, and a cad, it is much
easier to defeat thi s caref uly
conceived construct tha n to engage in true , subtantive ar gument. I find In your letter no
hint of a J ustification of your
position but plenty of personal
attac k upon me.
yuu uuu
wrong with being on the same
side as assass ins who lunge out
of the Jungle to murder mayors ,
teachers , and other community
leaders in South Vietnam In order
to terr orize the civilian population into rendering a grud ging
support. Apparently you think ft
is a mere coincidence when the
leaders of the Viet Cong and
North Vietnam laud your activities to the skies.
Your suggest
ion that I was
chastising only one student , when
in real ity I was taking on a
lar ge student group .Including the
MAROON & GOLD writers who
supported the teac h-In, Is a deliberate falsehood. I thank you for
when you
describe stude nts as "an unfair
match " for me. Personall y, al-
to Akm
thou gh humility is not reputed to
be one of my virtues , I would
consider the combined efforts of
the MAROON & GOLD editorial
staff and the morat orium supporters a formidab le front. They
have, after all , a huge reserve of
anti-war propaganda on which to
draw for supporting statements ,
including your ar guments of Oct.
As for identifying your stand
with the pro-Viet Cong side, all
I can say is this : if it looks
like a duck , talks like a duck ,
and walks like a duck, it probably
is a duck.
MMAP\«>A («Alt4
& VU llUOi «£/ft 9OVUI
^^ W« «
ing that mere negotiation with
the Communist side makes people
dupes. As long as there are
guarantees of Communist compliance with the ultimate result of
the negotiations, there is every
getting together
reason for
aroun d the diplomatic table .When
however, it comes to taking a
Communist 's wor d for anything ,
when it comes to trust without
action besafety or unilateral
fore a C ommunist equivalent has
been underta k en , I can only remind you of the fate of the East
Euro peans who truste d Commu nists and are now no longer among
the living. Perha ps I should have
made myself clearer in my previous letter , but I reco gnise, of
course, that all questions are fin-
Michael Hock
Business Mana ger
Managing Editor
Co News Editors
Co-Feature Editors
Sports Editor
Photograph y Editor
Copy Editor
Circulation Mana ger
V .
der Remsen
Bill Tettsworfh
Tom Funk , Ma rt in Kleine r
Olnny Pott er
Allan Maur er
Clark Rueh
Jim Blrt
Kath y *t»rl y
Pam Van E pos
Mr. Michael Stanley
ADDITIONAL STAFF: Terry Blais, Leonard House, Dave
Keller , Velma Aver y, John Stur g rln , Bob Schultz , Susan
Zalota , Sally Swoetlend.
All opinions expressed by columnists and feature writers,
Includin g lefters-to-the editor , are not necessarily Htoe*> of
•Ms puMlsitlon bur those of the Individuals.
^un skin *
Dear Editor:
I am writing with respect to
the ' Sunshine" review in the
October 29 M*G.
In my opinion, Mr . Tom Kearns
wrote one of the most biased reviews I have ever read! After
pr aisin g Mr . Casey, Miss Avery,
Mr . Miller, and Miss Fried , without so, much as one criticism,
he gave a complete criticism of
Miss Beth Powlus , which was
very out of place and very untrue .
Evidently he chose to
ignore the fact mat Miss Powlus has a great voice and that
bier singing was excellent all
(Perhaps Mr .
three nights,
Kearns forgot that "little Mary
Sunshine " was a musical.) One
must consider that her portrayal of the character, Madam Von
Liebedial , included an accent
which , was difficult to execute .
Beth' s role was a minor one in
comparison to Mr. Casey 's and
Miss Avery 's, so she wasn't
expected to steal the show. ¦
I feel Mr. Kearns was very
unfair to Mi ss P owlus because
of the resounding criticism of
her and also that her name was
NOT EVEN mentioned! If this
is the best Mr . K earnscanwrite,
perhaps he should turn in his
Kathy Shafer
Mr . Kearns' review of "Little
Mary Sunshine " was indeed in.
adequate. In addition to that men*
tloned in the above letter , some*
thing should be said for the fantas>
tic achievements of the Jackson
family who provided the musicfor
the entire play. Hats off to those
who contributed to the play and
who helped make it the success
that it was.
ally settled by treat y, and treaties
are the result of mutua l agree ment. The acid test of validity
lies in a system of mutua l control. F or you cannot argue out
of the way the Communist record
of breaking ninet y percent of the
treat ies that Reds have concluded
in the 20th centur y.
In IMS connection, let me c ite
the Vietnam talks of Paris. Pres ident Johnson gave up bombing
North Vietnam —
our main
trum p card — and his own further
career in order to get the North
Vietnamese to the conferenc e
table. The under standing was that
there would be meaningful talks
leading to peace. Yet the Communists have used those talks as
a mere propaganda forum and
keep reiterating their original
deuoands, making no gesture toward meaningful discussions at
all. Would you say that the North
Vietnamese have kept faith with
Lyndon Johnson?
whereas I advocate supporting
the President , who is certainly
better informed than either side
in the broad popular debate , I
should advocate that the American Government should suspend
the Paris talks until the Communists side gives evidence of
making concrete concessions , I
would advocate tills in a peaceful
manner and go through proper
channels rather than holding demonstrations
or publicly br oadcasting the names of the fallen
dead who cannot defend them selves against misuse of their
names. I have never said that I
believe in blindly following our
leaders — although they were
chosen by majority veto, and wo
owe their august office our respect. I advocate soaking Intelligent chan ge without forenslcs ,
cracked skulls, or broken glass.
I advocate making our opinions
known in writing to our elected
Your show an appalling lack
of proportion or fairness , when
you compare my previous debate
on Vietnam with Deake Porter
with your sally against mo In
tee MAROON I GOLD. The debate to which you allude took
place under the auspices of a
(conti nued
on pogo four )
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Editor 's Note:
The following were received
in the forms of lett ers and forum art icles. Because of the similarity of subj ect matter , we are
including them all under FORUM.
14/0 ulu&t
Yes, we must support our " gar gantous struggle " in South east
A*ia. I tremble at the thou ght of
thousands of nasty Vietna mese
burying BSC in punji stakes after
a deadl y sampan landin g on the
Susquehanna. The little gooks
must be rou gh since they are
unchristian , heathenlstlc card carr ying commies. (Actually,
Buddhists are more peacefu l than
most Christians.) To go farther
not only SOM E CIRC LES consider the Morator ium treas onous; many circles do. Thousands
of patriotic Blrchers , Minutemen, Ku Kluxers , Nazis and members of "citizen grou ps," would
have killed to preserve the dignity of the USA. And I agree that
people convicted of treason
should be hung by their toes until
dead . Nathan Hale got off easy.
So did that agitator called Jesus
Christ . (Was he a blind patriot?)
Finally I will relate one instance
in which I took to heart the
"love ir or leave it" slogan.
I was driving my car one day
when through apath y about the
condition of my tires I received
a flat. Rather than attem pt to
replace the tire I merel y discarded the (Jntire automobile
since an atte mpt to alleviate '
the present situation would imply a lack of respect for the
supp ort and will
machine. I
fight for the Rakowsklan form
of Americanis m until I die at
the feet of a slit-eyed commie .
Better dead than red. Thank you
for allowing me to vent my disgust .
Bob Stratton
(afu tj tiond
Sanit y
der , tie find out a little some,
thing about those people that he
is labelin g. In doing otherwise ,
he Is actin g not only in poor
taste, but out of ignorance.
Shelby Treon
r lo
(Lvidenc *
After read ing your October
29 Issue of the MAROON AND1
GOLD I feel it necessar y to
make some objective criticism
of Mr. Stan Ra kowsky's letter.
Althou gh I firm ly believe we
should withd raw from Vietnam ,
I am very glad to see those with
opposing views expressing them .
Public discussion and compromis e is the essence of decision makin g in our society.
Unfor tunatel y, Mr. Rakowsky 's
letter did mor e to harm his
view, than anything else.
Aside from the name-calling,
a ver y poor display of emotion ,
Mr . Rakowsky presented absolutely NO evidence for his par ticular viewpoint . The statement
"love it or leave it!" in regard
to our country , which. I do love
and don't intend to leave , clearly lacks somethin g essential to
the American way of thinking: the freedom of choice which
allows us not to be forced to decide between two existing evils
or extremes but to instigate
chan ge and create somethingbet ter . Changing our Vietnam policy
was the purpose of the October
Moratorium and is the purpose
for all future morato riums .Personally, I hope there is no need
for more than a f ew of them.
Mike A. Hokkanen
f Cuober ^tamp
I just finished reading Stan
Rakowsky 's letter in the Wednesday, October 29 issue of The
MAROON & GOLD and all I can
think is why did Stan run for
President of CGA or the ARM
if his policy, as he stated it, is
* "if you're not satisfied with how
things are on this campus , then
the thing for you to do is to
Does this mean we are not
to tr y to change an unsatisfac tory conditio n through due pro .
cess of law? Certainly Stan
doesn't mean this IBut if he does
then in my opinion the re is no
need for him on CGA or the ARM .
We don't need a rubber stamp
vetoing all requests for change .
I too am tro ubled about the future!
Keith Edwards
Although I don 't know Stan
Rakowsky personally , I feel I
have no choice but to questio n
his character , his values , and
his sanity . F or Mr. Rakowsky
has made a direct attack upon
me, and many of my friends who
feel as I do, by labeling me as
a traitor ; a publicity -seeking,
trou ble -making insurrectionist ;
and a C ommunist . (Really Mr .
Rakowsky, if you must resor t
to name«calling, can't you at
least restrict it to tho se people
you know well enough to intelligently accuse?)
How is it that when someone
I wish to assure him that I
defies (??) a higher autham neither a Com munist nor
that he is Immed iately
an insurrect ionist . I am pro ud
a traitor ? It is very
to be an Amer ican and I sinmuch
ging to think that
doubt that I love my
up to what
countr y any less than he does.
that he
I , too, believe In Mom , and apple
pie , AND the Ameri can Legion .
I support democracy and those
to Stan Rakow sky's letter In the
policies of my country which
October 26 issue of the MAG . Mr .
I feel will help to strengthen
Rakowsky , you ask , "What good
that democracy .
I uphold a
sesI ask , did this day do? "
government which will benefit
ing to the Moratorium) .
those people . That Is why I must
that the polls taken
take a stand again st the Vietsaid
Mora torium was a
nam war, That is why I sup* failure
didn't state what
port the Moratori um. That is
To you it was a
why I will be in Wa shington
the polls said it
on Nov. 14 and IB. Not because
was a failure . It was a success
I am a Com munist or a traitor , to you
because tht leader (77)
but because I love my country
of your country thu mbed his
and do not want to see it brought
at it. To me It was a sue*
to Its knees by a senseless , nose
beca use for ones all the
tra gic war ,
people who believed in it stood
Mr . Rakowsky may be right
up. It didn't take place in just
in itatln g that the Morator ium
one section of ths country, but all
"per ae " will not end the war . over the
country . To those who
But hopefully the EFFECT of can see not only abovt tht sur «
It will. And we should pray
face , but also below the surface ,
to God that It doei.
it wai a major stepp ing stone.
So, may I suggost that be.
(continued on paio four )
for t Mr. Rakowik yproceed! any
Huskies Drop Fifth
Grorad Gome Stopped
Bloomsbur g sustained their
ileider threw to senior end Greg
filth loss in seven outings last I3erger who put on the moves and
Saturda y at Kutztown, The Golden ijped 68 yardc for the score. Bob
Bears held BSC to minus 29 1Earner , kicking In pla ce of the
yards rushing In registering a 1Injured Ernie Vedral , missed Che
17-6 victor y. The Kutztown de- tensive line was the key to the <3-7.
Berger Take* Off For TD
Warner Beats K-Town Fob Good Gain.
tr iumph when the y spent most of
the game in the Husky backfi eld
and repeatedly dropp ed BSC quarterback
Tom Schneider for
Stellfox Punt Blocked
Kutztown broke into the scor ing column first with a 15-yard
run in the second quarter . The
big break for the TD came ear lier when K-town blasted through
the Husk y line to block a Dan
Stellfox punt. The ball ended
up on the BSC 44 and the yellow
bruins had the first break of the
day. Kutztown needed only eight
plays to score with 9:34 left in
Wa rner Scores , But ...
On the second play of the thira
quarter , John Henningpicked offa
K-town pass and ran it back to
the Golden Bears 32 . A nine-yard
pass to Mike Kolojejchick and a
two-yard run by Skroracovsky
gave BSC a first down on the Ktown 43. Schneider again connected with ' Kolojej chick who
shifted gears and showed his*
fancy moves before teing downed
on the Kutztown 3. A five-yar d
penalty and seven-yard loss gave
the Huski es a second down on the
Kutzt own 15. Schneid er picked out
his favorite receiver Bob Warn.
a 19-yard dri ve after a BSC fumble. The PAT was good and Ktown led 14-7.
A field goal from the BSC 23
gave Kutz town their final three
points in the 17-6 trium ph.
Bloomsburg didnt seem up to
the emotional peak that they had
reac hed to win the ir two games
pre vious to the Kutztown defeat ,
rhis lack of being "up" for the
game can not be blamed on anybody in partic ular; but with the
powerful scoring machine of East
&roudsuurg invading Athletic
P ar k thi s Satur day the team must
be emotionally peaked and must
want to win and never say die.
Last year 's 70-14 slaughter at
the hands of Stroud must be revenged. This is the year to dump
Duckett and crew , so damm it
get mad and kill tills weekend.
Boston House (Maroon League
ftampion) defeate d Penn House
[Gold League champion) 14-0 to
win the championship of the Worn •
en's Intramural Powder Puff
Football League on October 29 .
Nancy Brink and Linda Elefante
scored for Boston House .
Both teams finished with five
wins and one tie in their respec-
K-T Runner Goes Nowhere
tive leagues .
Girls ' basketball
will begin
Huskiette s Nip BuckneU ;
Finish wit h 2-2 Record
\ny woman wishing to participate
mould contact her W.R .A. repre sentat ive.
On Wednesday, October 29, the
field hockey team played Bucknell University In Lewlsbur g.At
the end of the first half , the
score was 2-3 In favor of Bucknell. Bloomsburg's goals were
scored by Rosemary Dimmick
Car ol Bolton .
Wetbent And Mat *« Ooing For KIR.
Sparked by Coach Wray's halftime
remarks , Bloomsbur g
the first stanza. The conversion '1 er who appeared to score the go- fought a vigorous second half.
attem pt was good, which gaVe ahead touchdow n for Bloomsbur g. - While holding BuckneU scoreK-town a 7-0 toad.
But the officials said he stepped
Berger Flies For TD
out on the three , where the HuskBloomsburg came tearin gback ies were foiled in their succesafter the kickotf to score their sive attempts to scor e.
With 2:21 left In the third
initial and only touchdown of the
day. Attar Pa ul Skrlmcovsk y hit stanz a. Phil Anthony dove over
off-tackle for two yards , Sob- from the one to score and cap
less, Carol Bolton and Karen
Mira both scored . The final score
was Bloomsbut g, 4 and Buck *
nell , 3.
The hockey team finished the
season with two wins and two
losses.The members of the team
would like to thank all of the
people that came out to help
them scrimage . A special than k
you goes to the men from El*
well that helped with practices .
CJu 0ondesl
BOO KS.. .
OVER 8000
If if t e book
we have it er w e can fet H
Greetin g Cards
Car d and Book Nook
40 W. Main St.
JCetttemlranee $$-
Your Dollar Goes A
Long Wa y At
184 W. Ma in St.
Bloomsbur f
SNWH|Sj[ WOVM WiMe DettrMy
*A ^B3t *K5 fiiJKEHiMuMHKJBaiiaflNBHR ^p efHwv ^TBj^^ HHH^uErvB
4» *Pt -vWL^^SiSgJJ gS3B58Zii£3LaiLffi5flB3 §all
Medium Cool... Is
When Academy Award-winning
cameraman Haskell Wexler set
out tod irect and photo graph Para mount Pictures ' "M edium Cool,"
it was with the determination to
tarin g to the screen a film which
would be the first of its kind to
be produced In America. Never
before had so complete an attempt been made to mix theatri cal and actual events within the
framework of a single motion
picture .
The background is Chica go
in the summer of 1968 when the
eyes of the world were f ocuse d
on an unforgettable segment of
Amer ican history: the Demo*
crat lc Convention. Wexler mixed reality and theatricalit y to
tell his story , utilizin gactors and
non-professionals. Not one studi o
scene was used for the entire
film and the characters respond ed with an authenticit y which
could never have been ac hieved
on sound-stages .
Every line of dialo gue was recorded on the spot and no "dubbing" or "looping " was re quire d.
The title , "M edium Cool ,"
originated as a pun on Marshall
McLuhan 's "hotand cool media. "
The film encom passes more than
the events at the International
Aniphl-theatre and the demon ,
strat ions in Grant Park. Much of
it occurs in the Appalachian Ghet to of Chica go's upper north side ,
where hillbi lly people from Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia have settled into a life of
~j r inai
(contti MMd from page 1)
f acult y assoc iation, was pre arran ged, and entirely voluntary .
It was a case of our comparing
views and pr esenting arguments
on an Intellectual level. My letter was addressed to the editors of the MAROON & GOLD
and their readers. Your attack
on me was launched unexpected ly, and unfortunately you have
not tr ied to disprove my facts
on. Vietnam but only criticized
me. Deake Porter kept the dissuasion on the topic.
The final word on your actions and the entire happening of
Oct. 15 was spoken by the staff
of the MAROON & GOL D: in
the issue of Oct. 22 they use the
terms "teach-in " and "morator ium*1 interchangeable. In other
words , our local events were , indeed , a part of the national pro.
test movement and not , as represented by some of the organizers,
an Independ ent and strictly local
™> 'iS8iH2B5Ss23£33fi3fsS& '*
tact the Kwowinp fr-mfsmjwrw,•«»
the Plan ningGommlrowj CUiif #
Smith; box 1757; Stan Rakowak y,
box 2789: Sam Titus, box 2021;
Russ Griffiths, box 2189.
poverty .
Wexler had filmed before in
that picture sque part of America and the lives of these almost ,
forgotten people made a strong
impression on him. When he read
"Division Street , U.S.A.," by
fellow Chica goan Studs Terkel ,
he 'was greatly moved by the plight
of those in the Appalachian
Ghetto and in 1967, he began to!
work on a screenplay about them. '
After President Lyndon B.
Johnson announced that he would
not run a gain and Chi ca go was
chosen by the Democratic Party
as the s.ite for its convention, it
became obvious that drama ,
excitement and history were certain to surround the event . Wexler proceeded to develop a script
which would Incorporate the pro ceedin gs.
From his own experience as a
cameraman , Wexler had learned
that it was possible to avoid becoming emotionally affected by
daily events , but he felt that the
temper of America toda y called
for more involvement man most
people permit .
To express his ideas, he selected a television news cameraman as the protagonist in
"Medium Cool." The camera- i
man finds himself becoming a' I
part , of the events he is assigned
to cover an d learns to evaluate
them emotiona lly.
Robert Forster and Verna
Bloom appear in Par amount Pictures' MEDIUM COOL , directed
by Haskel Wexler .
Filming ¦ a major motion picture in a busy city is never an
eas y matter . Filming a major mo-
tion picture in a busy city with
rioters , police , and National
Guardsmen fightin g in the streets
is still harder. Thus the setting
of Wexler 's MEDIUM COOL ,
filmed during the 1968 Democratlc Convention.
1There is much to be gained ,
"Medium Cool ," which starts
this week at the Columbia the at re , stars R obert F orster , Verna . Bloom, P eter Bonerz and
Marian na Hill . The film was
written, directed and photo graph ed by Haskell Wexler who
prod uced the film with Tully
Fried man .
by filming In and among people
who feel things strongly, " says
Wexler . "If your film can reflect
areas of life where people feel
passion , then it will have genuine
drama. I sincerely believe we
have accomplished this in 'M edium Cool. '"
IVhat 'sHappening
r< ep lu
That is, Dear Colleag ue, the
major reason why I did not participate in the debates of Oct . IS.
It was not tha t I was intimidated
by the prosp ects of cros sing
swords with you or encounter ing your sophistic powers of
logic. I simply would not debate
Vietnam on Oct. 15 , the date
approved by the SDS for a na^
tional demons tration against our '
war effort . Nor will I let SDS
dictate that I must arg ue that
topic in the middle of November or Decemb er — days to which
THE GADF LY is alr eady looking
forward as being the next dates
of BJ oomsburg hap penings.
Another reason for my nonsarticlpation was Indic ated in
your letter: I would not have debated merel y one anti-war propo nent but the lot of you. It is an
old tactic of debaters to overwhelm adver saries thro ugh sheer
numbers and lung-power . I am
wise to that gambi t.
Z/ *ach '*yn
An Anti-Morator ium Forum
will be held Friday, November
14, to provide an opportunity for
Yours sincere ly,
Hans Karl Gunther , Ph.D.
Professor of History
Miller Office
On sale all week outside Husky
Dm. 15, HM
Hmmi Ittflil
18 W«t Main Street
I " 'II " II l llllll (llllll
II "'lir a 111 M Illl Illl
Jet «f Ro*t» tt «ad Jkiten fate fc
Exit 38
Sundays & Daily — 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
We Invite You To Dine W ith Us
Everyday and Sundays Too
|nm ||uiii ii|iii|||iiiii|ii|Hiii|ii|ii|||ii||iiiiiii||iiiii|||iiii|f|iiiiiiii|iii|iM|
VV# Cafer To Everyone and Swv9 Onl y Cho/ct
Your J twtUt Awty f rom Homt I
5 W. Main St.
BlooWibum I
Suppl y Co.
Harry Logan I
Fine J ewelry
The Student Association of
Shippensburg State College is
sponsorin g a Colloquy Week between November 6, 7, and 8,
1969. This program is designed
to give people the chance to come
into contact with various acti on *
groups from across the country .
Among the several topics to be
communal living, sexuality work :Interested people are cordially
:Invited to attend and partici pate.
Tmtetiv . Openin g
Collotj up
those who support the administrat ion position in Vietnam to exrJLit Zrilm
pre ss their views.
The BSC Literary and Film SoThe tea ch-iii will include four
ciety announces an added attracdiscussions on that day : from 9
tion to iUt second program this — 10 a.m..
semester , to be shown tonight In 'March of Death'" ; from 11— 12
Carver Auditorium at 8 p.m.: noon , a student panel on "The
a little-known short film from the . Moratorium "; from 1 — 2 p.
early career of FedericoFellini , ra., an address , "Dissent and
maker of LA DOLCE VITA , JUL- C onsent " from 3 — 4 p.m., '
Biology majors! Mr . Manley
IET OF THE SPIRITS ,, and 8%. discussion; of "The Consequences will speak on evolution at the
Imbued with the Fellini spirit , of Withdrawal ," In the evening next Biology Club meeting , Nov.
]j5 at 7:30
the short is entitled "2." Memp.m. in B-86.
bers who viewed LA DOLCE
VITA October 22 will be in- Literary and Fil m Society.
tereste d particularly in ths adf -'S y ck-Clu b
These events have been planned
dition to the program .
at alternate hours to provide a
main feature , THE
The Psychology Club prog ram
maximum of discussion with a
GRAPES OF WRATH , Will follow minimum disru ption of campus "which had been tentatively anthe short . John Ford's classic
routine. It is intend ed as a teach- inounced for Wednesday , Novemfilm of Steinbeck 's novel about
in, not a Mora tor ium, and it is 1ber 5, at 7 p.m. has been 1canthe plight of displaced farmer's
hoped that as many people as stars Henr y Fonda as Tom Joad . communit y, will partici pate.
It is your choice that our public debate is ending, not mine.
I remain , unimpressed by your
ar guments and unconverted .
WIN $25 Gift Certificate
to Racusin's or Look-a-See
Buy a 25c chance from
( tonMn tMd from page 2)
I am not about to belittle you
Mr. Rakowsk y, because I believe
that each man is entitled to his
own opinion . And I don't believe
that you have the right to belittle others because they have differin g opinions .
I don't consider myself a
tra itor . I consider myself a pat riotic American. I see that the
United States has made a mistake. But It takes a man to admit his mistakes . I don't believe
in the slogan "My countr y right
or wrong." I back my countr y
100 per cent when it is right , and
I back my country 100 per cent
if it attempts to cor rect its
I want nothing but the best for
my country , and 1 believe that I
am helping it become the best by
writing this reply.
Yours in Peace ,
Jim McGowan
Phone 784-7837
Two BSC Coeds
Two BSC students were wound ed Saturda y Morning when a
sniper shot at their car on the
K eystone Shortwa y, near Tank,
P enna . Those injured were Diana
Spangler , H azleton, and Theresa
Pett y, Sjhenandoah . Two other
BSC* stu dents , Rick Walck , Conyngham , and Robert Nemeth ,
W est H az leton , were also riding in the car .
Miss Spangler was admitted
to Hazleton State General Hospital in fair condition. She suffered wounds of the right side and
tack whi ch have been confirme d
as being bullet wounds . Miss
Pelly was treated in the emer gency room for a superficial
wound of the. right upper chest ,
also a bullet wound, and was released after treatment.
The auto was travelin g vest on
Interstate 80 when shots were
fired from the north side of the
highway. The driver , Rick Walck ,
kept the car under contro l and
drove to the Mifflinvllle rest
stop where an ambulance was
Teach ers
Representatives from 18 Penn sylvania colleges and over 50
Pennsylvania school districts
from central Penns ylvani a attended the Central Regional Meeting
of the Penns ylvania Association
for Student Teachin g held at BSC
Wednesday, October 29, 1969.
Greet ings were extended by
Dr. Robert Nossen, President
of BSC j Dr . Robert J. Labrlola
of Millersvl lle S.C., President
of the Penns ylvania Association
for Studeni Teaching; and Dr .
Perry Brown of Lock Haven S.C ,
Vice-President in charge of the
Central Region of P.A.S.T. A
short business meetin g was held
prior to a panel dlscusiLcn at
10:30 a. no. on "Disadvanta ged
Student Teachers. " This panel
was made up of student teachers
in rura l, suburban , and Intercity schools of the central re gIWl
Following a luncheon In the
College Commons, a second panel
composed of teachers and school
administ rators discussed the
same subject, "Disadvanta ged
Student Teachers /' from a different viewpoint than presented
by the student-teacher panel.
At the conclusion of both panel
presentations , open discussion
wag heard from the aud leoce to
the panels.
Colleges inoluded in the Central Region are t The State Colleges of Bloomsbur g. Lock
state police - zrom nazieton ,
Bloomstourg , and Shickshinny set
up a command post at the Tour ist Information Booth at the rest
stop and cordoned off the region
t o searc h f or the sniper . However , the area is generally deserte d an d ther e are numberous
side roads , which contributed to
the gun man's escape. State police are continuing their investi gation .
Bill Knott
Does His
TL •
Thin g
BILL KNOTT * (1940-1966) IS
This young poet , who writes under the name of Saint Geraud r
will visit the campus as a guest
of the Engli sh Department . During his stay he will conduct a
worksho p-discussion on the writ ing of poetry and will read from
his own -work , both published and
in press, Mr . Knott , who now
holds a fellowship from the Yaddo
Foundatio n, Saratoga Springs ,
New York , has published one
volume , THE NAOMI P OEMS:
preparin g a second.
In reviewin g THE NAOMI
POEMS for POETRY Mag azine
(Ja nuary 1969) Ralph J . Mills ,
Jr ., referred to Bill Knott as
"one of the most remarkable
poets to appear since James
Wright and James Dickey, tils
poems are...excruciatin gly pain ,
ful , marvelously
lyric and
tender , savagely satirical , but
always Imaginative , with that true
power of imagination that is ultimately Indefinable yet instant ly recognisable when encountered. " Mills concludes his review as follows: " we are lucky
to have BUI Knott with us and
are not likely to get a better
poet for some time ."
Further details of Mr . Knott's
visit will appear in the MAROON
& GOLD later in the week.
Haven, Mansfield , Shlppensbur g,
Miilersville; The Penns ylvania
State Universit y, The Penn State
centers at York, Harriibur g,and
Altoona ; Bucknell Univers ity;
Diokinson College; Gettysbur g
College) Juniata College;-Messiah College; Lycoming College}
Susquehanna Univers ity Harris buvg Communit y College) and
York College of Penns ylvania.
Students go through the process of registration at th e American Hotel , Miami Befech ,
Florida , in preparation for the start of the 1969 Associated Collegiat e press Convention.
Associated Collegiate Press Convention
Draws 1,500 College Editors
One thousand , five hundred college editors assembled in Miami
Beach for the annual Associated
Collegiate Press Convention this
past weekend. The MAROON AND
GOLD was represened by Michael
H ock , Editor -in-Chief ; dor Remsen, Business Manager ; William
Teitsworth , Mana ging Editor ;
Mart in Kleiner , NewsEditor; and
Mr . Michael Stanley , Adviser .
The convention represented an
assembla ge of the people who are ,
perhap s, the voices of the colleges and universitie s. Its significance was not in its banquets ,
speaker s, or meeting s but the
time spent over burgers or a
drink when the real problems
were discussed . Though the ultimate purpose of the convention
was aimed at journalism , these
discussions were relati veto solving a vast number of pr oblems
confrontin g the schools rep resented .
The consensus of thought or
publication * attributed the college newspaper with a uniqu e
Because of a crowdedcalendar ,
the Joint student -faculty meeting
scheduled for November 84 has
been moved to Thursda y,December 4, accordin gto a spokesman
for the Facu lty Association Pro gram Committee * It is hoped
the new date will eliminate con- ,
fUcts with other student activi- •
The substanc e of the facult ystudent discussion v/lll be determined by the returns of a
questionnaire running in the
M&Gj students are invited to in- j
dioate both the topios they with
to discussand the faculty and students they would like to hear
oomment on them* Question-'
nalres and other suggestionsmay
be sent to Box 177.
standing . It is perhap sa maun
between the student and the rest
of the world . However, sample
publications from colleges all
over the countr y indicated a trend
toward a revolut ionary type of
jo urnalism which attempt s to
show a true picture , whether it
is good or bad , of the institution
or, as one student stated , "
a type of journal ism where you
must feed the people what they
will eat even when they think it
tastes bad ."
Many students indicated an adverse reaction from admini strators to the "backtalk" which has
recently become an inte gral part
of the college newspaper . Dr .
Geor ge Starcher , pre sident of
the University of North Dakota ,
however , stated that the tre nd
.. .
was healthy. He said , "If we
expect students to think then we
should also expect them to criticize and want tilings changed ."
The Editors at the conventi on
discussed these situations and
many others , arr iving at no de*
' finite conclusions. The significance of the event , however , is
well-state d in an article from
the Universit y of Mia mi Oracle .
"And perhaps it all comes down
to the feelin g that ther e is no
peace and there is no por nogra phy , only people and a buck *
etful of words that you believe,
sound ri ght . So, maybe with air
the words hear d in Miami th is
weekend , someone has taken
something home with him — a
truth, feeling, argument , some
hope and somethin g to try ."
This form Is provided so that BSC stud ents may ex*
press the subjects which they would like to discuss with
facul ty members at the December 4 meeting of the fa cul ty Association / to which all students are cordially Invited.
Please Indica te, the sub|«cti which you would like to
dlsscuss with the facult y on December 4,
Credits for graduation
Gradin g
Testin g
Courses by examination
Transfer to Non-BSC credits
Plnal Ixam Schedulin g
Dress policy for classes
Repeating Courses
ju diciary board
Placement recommendations
New Course offerings
Student Rep. In Ma|or Dopts .
Library procedure end holdin gs
Pass-Pell System
Textbook cost and selection
Teacher Ivelustlon
Uudmtt teachin g
Student Congress
Book Store
Mandator y courses
Genera l. Idueetlon Requirements
Attendance policy
Other ¦
—' »
Whet professors would you suggest as speakers or
panelists for this cNseueslon?
' What student! would yeu suggest as sp eakers or pen.
tHits for this discussion? .
, Drop this questionnaire : In Cjunpu*TMoli rJwn77«
rZep ly
Dear Colleague ,
Your letter In the MAROON &
GOLD of Oct . 22 proves that
you have learned an elementary
ruse of
debate: if you can
clumsily misstate your opponent ' s viewp oint and thus manage
to reduce him to a coward, a
moron, and a cad, it is much
easier to defeat thi s caref uly
conceived construct tha n to engage in true , subtantive ar gument. I find In your letter no
hint of a J ustification of your
position but plenty of personal
attac k upon me.
yuu uuu
wrong with being on the same
side as assass ins who lunge out
of the Jungle to murder mayors ,
teachers , and other community
leaders in South Vietnam In order
to terr orize the civilian population into rendering a grud ging
support. Apparently you think ft
is a mere coincidence when the
leaders of the Viet Cong and
North Vietnam laud your activities to the skies.
Your suggest
ion that I was
chastising only one student , when
in real ity I was taking on a
lar ge student group .Including the
MAROON & GOLD writers who
supported the teac h-In, Is a deliberate falsehood. I thank you for
when you
describe stude nts as "an unfair
match " for me. Personall y, al-
to Akm
thou gh humility is not reputed to
be one of my virtues , I would
consider the combined efforts of
the MAROON & GOLD editorial
staff and the morat orium supporters a formidab le front. They
have, after all , a huge reserve of
anti-war propaganda on which to
draw for supporting statements ,
including your ar guments of Oct.
As for identifying your stand
with the pro-Viet Cong side, all
I can say is this : if it looks
like a duck , talks like a duck ,
and walks like a duck, it probably
is a duck.
MMAP\«>A («Alt4
& VU llUOi «£/ft 9OVUI
^^ W« «
ing that mere negotiation with
the Communist side makes people
dupes. As long as there are
guarantees of Communist compliance with the ultimate result of
the negotiations, there is every
getting together
reason for
aroun d the diplomatic table .When
however, it comes to taking a
Communist 's wor d for anything ,
when it comes to trust without
action besafety or unilateral
fore a C ommunist equivalent has
been underta k en , I can only remind you of the fate of the East
Euro peans who truste d Commu nists and are now no longer among
the living. Perha ps I should have
made myself clearer in my previous letter , but I reco gnise, of
course, that all questions are fin-
Michael Hock
Business Mana ger
Managing Editor
Co News Editors
Co-Feature Editors
Sports Editor
Photograph y Editor
Copy Editor
Circulation Mana ger
V .
der Remsen
Bill Tettsworfh
Tom Funk , Ma rt in Kleine r
Olnny Pott er
Allan Maur er
Clark Rueh
Jim Blrt
Kath y *t»rl y
Pam Van E pos
Mr. Michael Stanley
ADDITIONAL STAFF: Terry Blais, Leonard House, Dave
Keller , Velma Aver y, John Stur g rln , Bob Schultz , Susan
Zalota , Sally Swoetlend.
All opinions expressed by columnists and feature writers,
Includin g lefters-to-the editor , are not necessarily Htoe*> of
•Ms puMlsitlon bur those of the Individuals.
^un skin *
Dear Editor:
I am writing with respect to
the ' Sunshine" review in the
October 29 M*G.
In my opinion, Mr . Tom Kearns
wrote one of the most biased reviews I have ever read! After
pr aisin g Mr . Casey, Miss Avery,
Mr . Miller, and Miss Fried , without so, much as one criticism,
he gave a complete criticism of
Miss Beth Powlus , which was
very out of place and very untrue .
Evidently he chose to
ignore the fact mat Miss Powlus has a great voice and that
bier singing was excellent all
(Perhaps Mr .
three nights,
Kearns forgot that "little Mary
Sunshine " was a musical.) One
must consider that her portrayal of the character, Madam Von
Liebedial , included an accent
which , was difficult to execute .
Beth' s role was a minor one in
comparison to Mr. Casey 's and
Miss Avery 's, so she wasn't
expected to steal the show. ¦
I feel Mr. Kearns was very
unfair to Mi ss P owlus because
of the resounding criticism of
her and also that her name was
NOT EVEN mentioned! If this
is the best Mr . K earnscanwrite,
perhaps he should turn in his
Kathy Shafer
Mr . Kearns' review of "Little
Mary Sunshine " was indeed in.
adequate. In addition to that men*
tloned in the above letter , some*
thing should be said for the fantas>
tic achievements of the Jackson
family who provided the musicfor
the entire play. Hats off to those
who contributed to the play and
who helped make it the success
that it was.
ally settled by treat y, and treaties
are the result of mutua l agree ment. The acid test of validity
lies in a system of mutua l control. F or you cannot argue out
of the way the Communist record
of breaking ninet y percent of the
treat ies that Reds have concluded
in the 20th centur y.
In IMS connection, let me c ite
the Vietnam talks of Paris. Pres ident Johnson gave up bombing
North Vietnam —
our main
trum p card — and his own further
career in order to get the North
Vietnamese to the conferenc e
table. The under standing was that
there would be meaningful talks
leading to peace. Yet the Communists have used those talks as
a mere propaganda forum and
keep reiterating their original
deuoands, making no gesture toward meaningful discussions at
all. Would you say that the North
Vietnamese have kept faith with
Lyndon Johnson?
whereas I advocate supporting
the President , who is certainly
better informed than either side
in the broad popular debate , I
should advocate that the American Government should suspend
the Paris talks until the Communists side gives evidence of
making concrete concessions , I
would advocate tills in a peaceful
manner and go through proper
channels rather than holding demonstrations
or publicly br oadcasting the names of the fallen
dead who cannot defend them selves against misuse of their
names. I have never said that I
believe in blindly following our
leaders — although they were
chosen by majority veto, and wo
owe their august office our respect. I advocate soaking Intelligent chan ge without forenslcs ,
cracked skulls, or broken glass.
I advocate making our opinions
known in writing to our elected
Your show an appalling lack
of proportion or fairness , when
you compare my previous debate
on Vietnam with Deake Porter
with your sally against mo In
tee MAROON I GOLD. The debate to which you allude took
place under the auspices of a
(conti nued
on pogo four )
^ftV 9
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M^sT ESE/^
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fl JRgflffjj f
Fo ru itif ^
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IIU UIV* HI IM4P w»««»y ¦
^ ._ii.^« u ttla
Editor 's Note:
The following were received
in the forms of lett ers and forum art icles. Because of the similarity of subj ect matter , we are
including them all under FORUM.
14/0 ulu&t
Yes, we must support our " gar gantous struggle " in South east
A*ia. I tremble at the thou ght of
thousands of nasty Vietna mese
burying BSC in punji stakes after
a deadl y sampan landin g on the
Susquehanna. The little gooks
must be rou gh since they are
unchristian , heathenlstlc card carr ying commies. (Actually,
Buddhists are more peacefu l than
most Christians.) To go farther
not only SOM E CIRC LES consider the Morator ium treas onous; many circles do. Thousands
of patriotic Blrchers , Minutemen, Ku Kluxers , Nazis and members of "citizen grou ps," would
have killed to preserve the dignity of the USA. And I agree that
people convicted of treason
should be hung by their toes until
dead . Nathan Hale got off easy.
So did that agitator called Jesus
Christ . (Was he a blind patriot?)
Finally I will relate one instance
in which I took to heart the
"love ir or leave it" slogan.
I was driving my car one day
when through apath y about the
condition of my tires I received
a flat. Rather than attem pt to
replace the tire I merel y discarded the (Jntire automobile
since an atte mpt to alleviate '
the present situation would imply a lack of respect for the
supp ort and will
machine. I
fight for the Rakowsklan form
of Americanis m until I die at
the feet of a slit-eyed commie .
Better dead than red. Thank you
for allowing me to vent my disgust .
Bob Stratton
(afu tj tiond
Sanit y
der , tie find out a little some,
thing about those people that he
is labelin g. In doing otherwise ,
he Is actin g not only in poor
taste, but out of ignorance.
Shelby Treon
r lo
(Lvidenc *
After read ing your October
29 Issue of the MAROON AND1
GOLD I feel it necessar y to
make some objective criticism
of Mr. Stan Ra kowsky's letter.
Althou gh I firm ly believe we
should withd raw from Vietnam ,
I am very glad to see those with
opposing views expressing them .
Public discussion and compromis e is the essence of decision makin g in our society.
Unfor tunatel y, Mr. Rakowsky 's
letter did mor e to harm his
view, than anything else.
Aside from the name-calling,
a ver y poor display of emotion ,
Mr . Rakowsky presented absolutely NO evidence for his par ticular viewpoint . The statement
"love it or leave it!" in regard
to our country , which. I do love
and don't intend to leave , clearly lacks somethin g essential to
the American way of thinking: the freedom of choice which
allows us not to be forced to decide between two existing evils
or extremes but to instigate
chan ge and create somethingbet ter . Changing our Vietnam policy
was the purpose of the October
Moratorium and is the purpose
for all future morato riums .Personally, I hope there is no need
for more than a f ew of them.
Mike A. Hokkanen
f Cuober ^tamp
I just finished reading Stan
Rakowsky 's letter in the Wednesday, October 29 issue of The
MAROON & GOLD and all I can
think is why did Stan run for
President of CGA or the ARM
if his policy, as he stated it, is
* "if you're not satisfied with how
things are on this campus , then
the thing for you to do is to
Does this mean we are not
to tr y to change an unsatisfac tory conditio n through due pro .
cess of law? Certainly Stan
doesn't mean this IBut if he does
then in my opinion the re is no
need for him on CGA or the ARM .
We don't need a rubber stamp
vetoing all requests for change .
I too am tro ubled about the future!
Keith Edwards
Although I don 't know Stan
Rakowsky personally , I feel I
have no choice but to questio n
his character , his values , and
his sanity . F or Mr. Rakowsky
has made a direct attack upon
me, and many of my friends who
feel as I do, by labeling me as
a traitor ; a publicity -seeking,
trou ble -making insurrectionist ;
and a C ommunist . (Really Mr .
Rakowsky, if you must resor t
to name«calling, can't you at
least restrict it to tho se people
you know well enough to intelligently accuse?)
How is it that when someone
I wish to assure him that I
defies (??) a higher autham neither a Com munist nor
that he is Immed iately
an insurrect ionist . I am pro ud
a traitor ? It is very
to be an Amer ican and I sinmuch
ging to think that
doubt that I love my
up to what
countr y any less than he does.
that he
I , too, believe In Mom , and apple
pie , AND the Ameri can Legion .
I support democracy and those
to Stan Rakow sky's letter In the
policies of my country which
October 26 issue of the MAG . Mr .
I feel will help to strengthen
Rakowsky , you ask , "What good
that democracy .
I uphold a
sesI ask , did this day do? "
government which will benefit
ing to the Moratorium) .
those people . That Is why I must
that the polls taken
take a stand again st the Vietsaid
Mora torium was a
nam war, That is why I sup* failure
didn't state what
port the Moratori um. That is
To you it was a
why I will be in Wa shington
the polls said it
on Nov. 14 and IB. Not because
was a failure . It was a success
I am a Com munist or a traitor , to you
because tht leader (77)
but because I love my country
of your country thu mbed his
and do not want to see it brought
at it. To me It was a sue*
to Its knees by a senseless , nose
beca use for ones all the
tra gic war ,
people who believed in it stood
Mr . Rakowsky may be right
up. It didn't take place in just
in itatln g that the Morator ium
one section of ths country, but all
"per ae " will not end the war . over the
country . To those who
But hopefully the EFFECT of can see not only abovt tht sur «
It will. And we should pray
face , but also below the surface ,
to God that It doei.
it wai a major stepp ing stone.
So, may I suggost that be.
(continued on paio four )
for t Mr. Rakowik yproceed! any
Huskies Drop Fifth
Grorad Gome Stopped
Bloomsbur g sustained their
ileider threw to senior end Greg
filth loss in seven outings last I3erger who put on the moves and
Saturda y at Kutztown, The Golden ijped 68 yardc for the score. Bob
Bears held BSC to minus 29 1Earner , kicking In pla ce of the
yards rushing In registering a 1Injured Ernie Vedral , missed Che
17-6 victor y. The Kutztown de- tensive line was the key to the <3-7.
Berger Take* Off For TD
Warner Beats K-Town Fob Good Gain.
tr iumph when the y spent most of
the game in the Husky backfi eld
and repeatedly dropp ed BSC quarterback
Tom Schneider for
Stellfox Punt Blocked
Kutztown broke into the scor ing column first with a 15-yard
run in the second quarter . The
big break for the TD came ear lier when K-town blasted through
the Husk y line to block a Dan
Stellfox punt. The ball ended
up on the BSC 44 and the yellow
bruins had the first break of the
day. Kutztown needed only eight
plays to score with 9:34 left in
Wa rner Scores , But ...
On the second play of the thira
quarter , John Henningpicked offa
K-town pass and ran it back to
the Golden Bears 32 . A nine-yard
pass to Mike Kolojejchick and a
two-yard run by Skroracovsky
gave BSC a first down on the Ktown 43. Schneider again connected with ' Kolojej chick who
shifted gears and showed his*
fancy moves before teing downed
on the Kutztown 3. A five-yar d
penalty and seven-yard loss gave
the Huski es a second down on the
Kutzt own 15. Schneid er picked out
his favorite receiver Bob Warn.
a 19-yard dri ve after a BSC fumble. The PAT was good and Ktown led 14-7.
A field goal from the BSC 23
gave Kutz town their final three
points in the 17-6 trium ph.
Bloomsburg didnt seem up to
the emotional peak that they had
reac hed to win the ir two games
pre vious to the Kutztown defeat ,
rhis lack of being "up" for the
game can not be blamed on anybody in partic ular; but with the
powerful scoring machine of East
&roudsuurg invading Athletic
P ar k thi s Satur day the team must
be emotionally peaked and must
want to win and never say die.
Last year 's 70-14 slaughter at
the hands of Stroud must be revenged. This is the year to dump
Duckett and crew , so damm it
get mad and kill tills weekend.
Boston House (Maroon League
ftampion) defeate d Penn House
[Gold League champion) 14-0 to
win the championship of the Worn •
en's Intramural Powder Puff
Football League on October 29 .
Nancy Brink and Linda Elefante
scored for Boston House .
Both teams finished with five
wins and one tie in their respec-
K-T Runner Goes Nowhere
tive leagues .
Girls ' basketball
will begin
Huskiette s Nip BuckneU ;
Finish wit h 2-2 Record
\ny woman wishing to participate
mould contact her W.R .A. repre sentat ive.
On Wednesday, October 29, the
field hockey team played Bucknell University In Lewlsbur g.At
the end of the first half , the
score was 2-3 In favor of Bucknell. Bloomsburg's goals were
scored by Rosemary Dimmick
Car ol Bolton .
Wetbent And Mat *« Ooing For KIR.
Sparked by Coach Wray's halftime
remarks , Bloomsbur g
the first stanza. The conversion '1 er who appeared to score the go- fought a vigorous second half.
attem pt was good, which gaVe ahead touchdow n for Bloomsbur g. - While holding BuckneU scoreK-town a 7-0 toad.
But the officials said he stepped
Berger Flies For TD
out on the three , where the HuskBloomsburg came tearin gback ies were foiled in their succesafter the kickotf to score their sive attempts to scor e.
With 2:21 left In the third
initial and only touchdown of the
day. Attar Pa ul Skrlmcovsk y hit stanz a. Phil Anthony dove over
off-tackle for two yards , Sob- from the one to score and cap
less, Carol Bolton and Karen
Mira both scored . The final score
was Bloomsbut g, 4 and Buck *
nell , 3.
The hockey team finished the
season with two wins and two
losses.The members of the team
would like to thank all of the
people that came out to help
them scrimage . A special than k
you goes to the men from El*
well that helped with practices .
CJu 0ondesl
BOO KS.. .
OVER 8000
If if t e book
we have it er w e can fet H
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*A ^B3t *K5 fiiJKEHiMuMHKJBaiiaflNBHR ^p efHwv ^TBj^^ HHH^uErvB
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Medium Cool... Is
When Academy Award-winning
cameraman Haskell Wexler set
out tod irect and photo graph Para mount Pictures ' "M edium Cool,"
it was with the determination to
tarin g to the screen a film which
would be the first of its kind to
be produced In America. Never
before had so complete an attempt been made to mix theatri cal and actual events within the
framework of a single motion
picture .
The background is Chica go
in the summer of 1968 when the
eyes of the world were f ocuse d
on an unforgettable segment of
Amer ican history: the Demo*
crat lc Convention. Wexler mixed reality and theatricalit y to
tell his story , utilizin gactors and
non-professionals. Not one studi o
scene was used for the entire
film and the characters respond ed with an authenticit y which
could never have been ac hieved
on sound-stages .
Every line of dialo gue was recorded on the spot and no "dubbing" or "looping " was re quire d.
The title , "M edium Cool ,"
originated as a pun on Marshall
McLuhan 's "hotand cool media. "
The film encom passes more than
the events at the International
Aniphl-theatre and the demon ,
strat ions in Grant Park. Much of
it occurs in the Appalachian Ghet to of Chica go's upper north side ,
where hillbi lly people from Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia have settled into a life of
~j r inai
(contti MMd from page 1)
f acult y assoc iation, was pre arran ged, and entirely voluntary .
It was a case of our comparing
views and pr esenting arguments
on an Intellectual level. My letter was addressed to the editors of the MAROON & GOLD
and their readers. Your attack
on me was launched unexpected ly, and unfortunately you have
not tr ied to disprove my facts
on. Vietnam but only criticized
me. Deake Porter kept the dissuasion on the topic.
The final word on your actions and the entire happening of
Oct. 15 was spoken by the staff
of the MAROON & GOL D: in
the issue of Oct. 22 they use the
terms "teach-in " and "morator ium*1 interchangeable. In other
words , our local events were , indeed , a part of the national pro.
test movement and not , as represented by some of the organizers,
an Independ ent and strictly local
™> 'iS8iH2B5Ss23£33fi3fsS& '*
tact the Kwowinp fr-mfsmjwrw,•«»
the Plan ningGommlrowj CUiif #
Smith; box 1757; Stan Rakowak y,
box 2789: Sam Titus, box 2021;
Russ Griffiths, box 2189.
poverty .
Wexler had filmed before in
that picture sque part of America and the lives of these almost ,
forgotten people made a strong
impression on him. When he read
"Division Street , U.S.A.," by
fellow Chica goan Studs Terkel ,
he 'was greatly moved by the plight
of those in the Appalachian
Ghetto and in 1967, he began to!
work on a screenplay about them. '
After President Lyndon B.
Johnson announced that he would
not run a gain and Chi ca go was
chosen by the Democratic Party
as the s.ite for its convention, it
became obvious that drama ,
excitement and history were certain to surround the event . Wexler proceeded to develop a script
which would Incorporate the pro ceedin gs.
From his own experience as a
cameraman , Wexler had learned
that it was possible to avoid becoming emotionally affected by
daily events , but he felt that the
temper of America toda y called
for more involvement man most
people permit .
To express his ideas, he selected a television news cameraman as the protagonist in
"Medium Cool." The camera- i
man finds himself becoming a' I
part , of the events he is assigned
to cover an d learns to evaluate
them emotiona lly.
Robert Forster and Verna
Bloom appear in Par amount Pictures' MEDIUM COOL , directed
by Haskel Wexler .
Filming ¦ a major motion picture in a busy city is never an
eas y matter . Filming a major mo-
tion picture in a busy city with
rioters , police , and National
Guardsmen fightin g in the streets
is still harder. Thus the setting
of Wexler 's MEDIUM COOL ,
filmed during the 1968 Democratlc Convention.
1There is much to be gained ,
"Medium Cool ," which starts
this week at the Columbia the at re , stars R obert F orster , Verna . Bloom, P eter Bonerz and
Marian na Hill . The film was
written, directed and photo graph ed by Haskell Wexler who
prod uced the film with Tully
Fried man .
by filming In and among people
who feel things strongly, " says
Wexler . "If your film can reflect
areas of life where people feel
passion , then it will have genuine
drama. I sincerely believe we
have accomplished this in 'M edium Cool. '"
IVhat 'sHappening
r< ep lu
That is, Dear Colleag ue, the
major reason why I did not participate in the debates of Oct . IS.
It was not tha t I was intimidated
by the prosp ects of cros sing
swords with you or encounter ing your sophistic powers of
logic. I simply would not debate
Vietnam on Oct. 15 , the date
approved by the SDS for a na^
tional demons tration against our '
war effort . Nor will I let SDS
dictate that I must arg ue that
topic in the middle of November or Decemb er — days to which
THE GADF LY is alr eady looking
forward as being the next dates
of BJ oomsburg hap penings.
Another reason for my nonsarticlpation was Indic ated in
your letter: I would not have debated merel y one anti-war propo nent but the lot of you. It is an
old tactic of debaters to overwhelm adver saries thro ugh sheer
numbers and lung-power . I am
wise to that gambi t.
Z/ *ach '*yn
An Anti-Morator ium Forum
will be held Friday, November
14, to provide an opportunity for
Yours sincere ly,
Hans Karl Gunther , Ph.D.
Professor of History
Miller Office
On sale all week outside Husky
Dm. 15, HM
Hmmi Ittflil
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Exit 38
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Your J twtUt Awty f rom Homt I
5 W. Main St.
BlooWibum I
Suppl y Co.
Harry Logan I
Fine J ewelry
The Student Association of
Shippensburg State College is
sponsorin g a Colloquy Week between November 6, 7, and 8,
1969. This program is designed
to give people the chance to come
into contact with various acti on *
groups from across the country .
Among the several topics to be
communal living, sexuality work :Interested people are cordially
:Invited to attend and partici pate.
Tmtetiv . Openin g
Collotj up
those who support the administrat ion position in Vietnam to exrJLit Zrilm
pre ss their views.
The BSC Literary and Film SoThe tea ch-iii will include four
ciety announces an added attracdiscussions on that day : from 9
tion to iUt second program this — 10 a.m..
semester , to be shown tonight In 'March of Death'" ; from 11— 12
Carver Auditorium at 8 p.m.: noon , a student panel on "The
a little-known short film from the . Moratorium "; from 1 — 2 p.
early career of FedericoFellini , ra., an address , "Dissent and
maker of LA DOLCE VITA , JUL- C onsent " from 3 — 4 p.m., '
Biology majors! Mr . Manley
IET OF THE SPIRITS ,, and 8%. discussion; of "The Consequences will speak on evolution at the
Imbued with the Fellini spirit , of Withdrawal ," In the evening next Biology Club meeting , Nov.
]j5 at 7:30
the short is entitled "2." Memp.m. in B-86.
bers who viewed LA DOLCE
VITA October 22 will be in- Literary and Fil m Society.
tereste d particularly in ths adf -'S y ck-Clu b
These events have been planned
dition to the program .
at alternate hours to provide a
main feature , THE
The Psychology Club prog ram
maximum of discussion with a
GRAPES OF WRATH , Will follow minimum disru ption of campus "which had been tentatively anthe short . John Ford's classic
routine. It is intend ed as a teach- inounced for Wednesday , Novemfilm of Steinbeck 's novel about
in, not a Mora tor ium, and it is 1ber 5, at 7 p.m. has been 1canthe plight of displaced farmer's
hoped that as many people as stars Henr y Fonda as Tom Joad . communit y, will partici pate.
It is your choice that our public debate is ending, not mine.
I remain , unimpressed by your
ar guments and unconverted .
WIN $25 Gift Certificate
to Racusin's or Look-a-See
Buy a 25c chance from
( tonMn tMd from page 2)
I am not about to belittle you
Mr. Rakowsk y, because I believe
that each man is entitled to his
own opinion . And I don't believe
that you have the right to belittle others because they have differin g opinions .
I don't consider myself a
tra itor . I consider myself a pat riotic American. I see that the
United States has made a mistake. But It takes a man to admit his mistakes . I don't believe
in the slogan "My countr y right
or wrong." I back my countr y
100 per cent when it is right , and
I back my country 100 per cent
if it attempts to cor rect its
I want nothing but the best for
my country , and 1 believe that I
am helping it become the best by
writing this reply.
Yours in Peace ,
Jim McGowan
Phone 784-7837
Media of