Tue, 03/05/2024 - 15:24
Edited Text



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Parent s


Dr . Percival R . Roberts , in ,
chairman of the Department of
Art of BSC , was elected Eastern
Representative for the Higher
Education Section of the National Art Education Association
at the annual meetin g of N .A.
E .A. held in New York . Dr.
Roberts succeeds Dr . Seymour
Blinderman , chairman of the Depart ment of Art at E dinboroState
College in this two-year office.
The Eastern Regional includes
the states of Connecticut , Delawar e, Main e , Mar yland , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , New
Jersey, New York , Pennsylvania ,
Rhode Island , Vermont , and
Washington .
The Higher Educati on Section
of the N .A.E .A . has as its major objective the improvement of
the qualit y of instruction in the
visual arts at all levels , embracin g the areas of education ,
criticism , history, and studio
production , often through an interdisci pl inary coordination of
the arts and hum anities in higher
Roberts received his A .B. and
M . A . degrees from the University
of Delaware and his doctorate
in art education at Illinois State
University. A member of the honorary societies Omicron Delta
Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi , Dr .
Roberts is a past president of
the Delaware Association for Art
Education and a former chairman of the art commision for
the Delaware State Education Association ,


The BSC Forensics Society
will present a Forensic "Talk
In '" tomorrow , Thursday, October 2, from 3:00 to 6:00 p. m.,
in Waller 283.
Mem bers and coachin g staff of
the Forensic Society, including
Mr. James O'Toole , the new
Direct or of For ensics , will give
all Interest ed students the oppor tun ity to acquaint themselves with
forens ic competiti on . This includes debate at both vars ity
an d novice levels , oral Inter pretat ion , orator y, extem por e &
Im promptu speakin g, after dinn *
Anyone Inte rested In takin g
part In th« Vietnam Moratorium »!•••• contact Box 301,
Marty Kleiner or ste Bill
fand eri or Ooor ft Hoffteksr *



Approximately 2,000 persons
partici pated in the Sixteenth An*
nual Parents Day at BSC on Sunday, September 2§, invitations
were sent to over 900 parents of
all new students by President
Rober t J . Nossen and the faculty,
according to Mrs . Iva Mae Beckley, chairman
for the day 's
events .
Activities started at 2:00 p.m,
In Haas Auditorium with John
Mulka , Director of Student Activities , pre siding. Mr . Mulka
Jeffrey Prosseda ,
President of the College Council ,
and Dr . Robert J . Nossen , both
of whom addressed the pare nts.
A music presentatio n was offered by the College Concert
Choir under the direction of Mr .
Willia m Decker , Chairman of the
Music Department .
From 3:00 to 4:00 p. m. a tea
was held in three locations • the
lobby of Haas Auditorium , the
west lobby of Andruss Library,
and main lobby of Hartline Science Cent er . From 2:00 to 5:00
p.m. the various buildings on
cam pus were open for tours and
Inspection .
This Annual Parents Day af *
forded an opport unit y for the par *
en t s to meet an d ta lk wit h th e
ad mi n istrat ion , faculty mem*
bers , and to meet Dr. Robert
J . N ossen , t he new pres id ent of
er speaking , and discussi on . All
quest ions w ill be answere d as
best as possible by the forensics
staff .
This informal open house
shou ld be attended by any student who has an interest in the
field of forensic competition . Refreshments will be served .
The first meetin g of an Economics Club at BSC will be tonight at 7:30 p. m. in Hartline
Science C enter , Room 63. The
main pur pose will be to elect
officer s and draft a constitution for . the club , Also , a staff
for the monthl y newsletter , pub *
lished under the direction of Mr,
Porter , will be selected.
The adv iser to the club will
be Mr. Ross and All interested
students , especially those majoring in economics , are encour *
aged to atten d .


The Vietnam Moratoriu m
Teach-in , sponsored by the Phil *
osophy Club is being organized
by Bill Sande rs and George Hof.
ieckt t. the date - is October IB ,

Frida y, Oct . 3 '
Football — Homo
BSC v s. Adolph l
8:00 p.m. Town Fiold
Saturday, Oct. 4
Dance — The Other Sido
9-12 p.m. Centennial Gym
Wednesday, Oct. 8
Movie — Walk Don 't Run
8:30 p.m. Carve r Auditori um
Thursday, Oct. 9
Pep Rally
7 p.m. Terraces
Dance — The Plague
8-11 p.m. — Husky
Friday, Oct. . 10
Gary Puckett & The Union
8:30 p.m.—Haas Auditorium
Saturday, Oct. 11
BSC vs . West Chester
Dance — Exact Chang e
9-12 p.m.—Common s

Compute r Takeove r

A Third Generation RCA Spectra Computer 0-35 is scheduled
for inst allation at BSC around December 1 of this year . This computer will replace the present
IBM 1401 system that was instal led in 1965 .
The new 70-35 system will give
greater expanded memory for
education research and high level
sophis ticated pr ogra m language,
including FORTRAN and COBOL .

forts in instructio n, administration, and research .
The present IBM system housing 1401 is located in the lower >
level of the Benjamin Franklin
Building. With the installation of
the 70-35 , the area in the lower
level will be expaned to include
the old Day Women ' s Lounge,
which will more than double the
existing space of the computer
center .

Mr .
Davis was appointed
In more conventional terms , DirectorFrank
of Comp uter Services
FORTRAN (formula tr anslation ) at BSC and began his new duties
to math -oriented programs and COBOL relates to on August 11, 1969 . He is assist business-oriented programs . The ed by Mr . Donald Housenick , the
new system will be available to former man ager of the IBM censtudents so that business class- ter. There are pre sently sevek .
es, for example , may conduct
other full-time employees , one
mana gement simulation games graduat e.aesistant rand two. stu dent assistants . Two additional
whereby business decisions are
full-time employees are anticisimulated and probable results
pated with in the next six months
reported . The new equipment is to one year. The new computer ,
sufficient in size and capability
center will have a special comto significantl y extend all existing puter floor and will be completely
programs and begin intensive ef- air-conditioned .

Brin kley
to A ppear
David Brinkley , famed NBC
new s analyst and comment ator ,
will be the featured speaker at the
luncheon meeting of the Twenty Third
Annu al Conference for
Teachers and Administrators to
be held at BSC on Saturd ay, October 4 , 1969. His topic will be
"The State of the Nation, "
Over 5,000 invitations have
been extended to teacher s and
administrators in Pennsylvania
an d- nearby states to attend the
one-day conference . Dr . Emory
W . Rarig, Director of the Division of Business Educ ation at
BSC , is chairman for the con ference . An outstan ding group of
educators has been selecte d as
speakers for the various demonstrat ions , sem inars , and sessions of the Divisions of Business , Elementar y, Secondary,
and Special Educa tion ,
the place will soon be announced .
It is requested th at anyone interested in takin g part contact
BUI or George or write Box 301
Waller .
Orders for elm rings will
be take n this wetk out ilde of
the Alumni Room , A $10.00
deposit will order y«v r r|np In
• tlmt for , Christmas. . Ixact
tlmts will be
~ posted at : the
|, t^tK
;::. :' :- v ' :> ¦¦::, ;[ •

Gary Puokttt And Tin Unhw Qip Art «Md |I

Lette rs To The Editor :
Dear Editor:
Open Letter to Richard Bradwell:
Contrar y to popular belief , not
In response to your recent
the students and faculty on
article (SIC) condemning A.R.A.
campus are apathetic . On
concerning the dress
September 19, while

policy in the Commons , I must
the migrant chiladmit you write a ver y nice letCare Center ,
ter— it' s too bad you don't know
what you are talking about . We
have nothing to do with the dress
policy in the Commons— this po- to take thes e children to the
licy was established by the CGA Bloomsbur g State Fair . He also
— we are simply enforcing what stated however that money was
needed in ord er for the children
the CGA approved .
to partici pate in all the fair
activities. 1 suggested that ,we
Fran k O'Brie n
A. R .A . M ana ger ask our stud ents and facult y. Although I only asked a small portion of the student body, everyone , was ver y eager to contriDear Editor:
bute to this cause . I wish »to
In regard to the editorial of thank everyone, both stu dents and
Wednesday , Septemb er 24, 1969 , faculty , for their contributions
concern ing fres h men or ientat ion,- and the fantastic response I reI would like to express my opin- ceived . Althou gh a day at the
ion. It seems to me that the au-' fair means litt le to us, to a child
thor was oriented very well since
who doesn 't know what a fair
he is quite profi cient in cutting
is, it can" mean quite a lot .
down his school — a favorite
Sincerel y,
Carol Zuber
past-time of apathetic upper classmen for years . I get the
Impression from the ar ticle that Dear Edit or:
M.L.H. was scared out of his
H ow can a college newspaper
wits by someone (or something) editor best gain the admiration
on the or ientation committ ee, of the lar gest class in the school,
some years ago. I will agre e the Freshman Class? Why,
that there have been isolated
simply write an editorial mer incidents ol treachery commit- cilessly attacking upper -classted by members of the commit- men , specifically orientation
For instanc e, this year comm it tee members , and pattI witnessed a lonely frosh stand - ing the Frosh on the back for
ing on a chair in the Waller
survivin g the worst of all tor Hall Lounge singing the entire
tures , orientation week with its
alma mater from me mory and custom of hazin g. The enemies
answering all manner of ques- made will be so comparativel y
tions (did you know that Jeffs few since, although the orientapicture was on p. 7 of the Pilot) tion committee is a sample of
without making one error . This all upperclassmen , only comindividual will long be remem- mittee members are directl y atbered , by those who saw him , for tacked. It isn't difficult to make
his outstanding cooperation and somethin g or someone look bad.
Just gather the existing faults ,
though they may be few, and
This September I had the op- magnif y them . Throw in a couple
portun ity to work with the com- of compliments to be safe , but
mittee and the uniqueopportunity
only those which ar e most obof speakin g individ ually with
vious and insignificant. It' s sure
nearly all the frosh (I' m, the guy to wor k .
who took those lovely I .D, phoOr ientation '69 certainly was
tos). In nay meager experience
not per f ect . Neither was the orth ere , an d as a frosh myself ientation progra m of any prevlast year I have come to the con- ious year. But each year has
that orientation is a seen Improvements over the year
re flection of one's own personal - before. This year , f or example,
ity . Those who took things in good the "Civi l Defense " and "Dental
faith , w ithout mum b ling under Hygiene " days of orienta tion
their breath , found that orienta - were drop ped becaus ethey seemt ion wasn 't bad at all . I am ed to many to be too childish .
con fident that these peop le will Tribunal was retur ned to the
Grou p
look back on orientation with a
orientation schedu le.
smile and a warm feeling inside. meetings were changed from a
formal discussion of college polAs a rule , thi s gener alization icy to an informal discussion
can be applied to many other
of college life , in which the
situations (pledging , basic mili- freshmen were encoura ged to
tary trainin g, football practice , do most of the talking. Topics
etc.). One gets out only what
included the use of drugs , cheatone puts into a pr oject. Sorr y
ing, sex , and other "In herent
you missed all the fun. I hope pr oblems of college life . " Of
your next undertaking will be it' s good enough for Bucknel l,
more memorable .
it' s good enough for BSC.)
Next year will see more
Sincerely ,
ges in the orientation pro *
Sam Tra pane


NO. 5

Michael Heck

Business Manager ..
Managin g Editor
News id ltor
Co-Feature Iditore • •
Sports Miter
Pho t ogra phy Iditer
Copy lditor
Circulation Manager

dor Remten
Bill Tettsworlh
Martin Kleiner
Glnny Potter

Allan Maurer

Clark Ruch
Jim Blrt
Kathy Realty
Pam Van Ipps
Mr. Michael Stanle y

ADDITIONAL STAFF: Jac quM Pcddeck , Terr y Biats,
Leonard House, Mary Canavan, Barbara Memory, Janice
Orlewtky, Janice ScMndJer , Roger Savage, Stan Bvrwlek,
Dava Keller, Diaim e Crane, Vefnt a Avery, John ftu grln.
All opinion s expressed by column ists and feature writers,
includin g letters-to *tho editor , are not necessarily nSos *of
this publication but these of th e Indiv iduals.

Summer of Tanks—Fall of Freedom
Don't miss the fHm , " Prague , The Summer
of Tanks " , sponsor ed by the Lit and Film So-

gram . Perhaps the custom of
hazing freshmen will some year
be eliminated . But , as a member
of this year 's orientation committee and an ex-frosh , I feel that
hazin g does have a place in a
college orientation program .
What makes the hazin g of a body
of students about to enter college life any different fr om the
hazing of a pledge class about
to join a sororit y or fraternity?
It has its pur poses, mainly to
separat e the men from the boys ,
or rather the children from those
ready to accept all aspects of
college life. If you can 't take
being told to walk like a duck
or to stay off the grass , then
you have a problem. The frosh
who takes hazing in fun, the way
it was meant to be ta k en , is the
frosh who will make it in col*
It would be unreal istic to ar gue
that ever y member of the orientat ion comm it tee set a per f ect
example for the Freshmen. But
it would be unreasonable to genera lize that all members were
on "ego trips " and out to " get
first choice of the most pro mising bed partners . " Orientation
committee members are a sampling of the entire college community , the good as well as the
not so good . At the same time
however , many or ientation committee member s are the leaders
of the college, which may be the
reason why it is desirable for
the Freshmen to become acquainte d w ith them , which they have
a chance to do when the y collect
the signatures of committee
So, maybe " or ientation com *
m ittee " Isn 't a dirty word after
all. "Th irty years behind like
BSC?" I don't agree . Grante d,
we still have a lot to learn and
looking into the orientation programs of other schools could be
a great help. Maybe they could
even learn a few thin gs from us.
Sincerely ,
Sue Goudy

ciet y. It wil l be shown in Carver Auditorium
toni ght , Octo ber 1, at 8:00. Studen ts tickets are
one do llar; faculty tick ets are $J.5O.

Gunther Speaks
On Viet Nam
The September 24, 1969, issue
of the MAROON AND GOLD car rie d several artic les on the pro jected resistance demonstration
against the war in Vietnam on
October 15. Per haps you will
have the fair-mindedness , un der
the equal -time rule of responsi ble journalism , to publish this
letter , taking issue with some of
your state ments.
We know from eye-witnesses
that , when the Vietminh was fighting against the Frenc h , Vietmlnh dominate d towns used to p ost
gigantic placards showing Ho Chi
Minh , Mao Tse Tung , and Maurice
Thorez: Ho who was going to lead
them to victor y, Mao wh o was go.
ing to supply them with the war
materia ls, and Communist leader
Thore z to paralyze the will of the
Frenc h people to resist Com.
munist aggress i on , un derm ine
the military stren gth of his countr y, and ultimately han d over an
eas y v ictor y to the ene mies of hi s
people .
We know from listening to Commun i st ra di o stat ions an d rea di ng
Communist literature that the
Vletcong count on American opponents ol the Vietnam war to
play the r ole of Th orez In France:
paralyze the will of the American
people to resi st Communist aggression , undermine the military
stren gth of the United State s,
and hand the Vietcong the victor y
which they cannot win over the
forces we have thr own into Vietnam. Your pr oposed October 15
demonstr ation Is the American
equivalent of the Thorez demon ,
strat lons against anti-Comm unist
We are fighting a prof oundly
moral , justified , and hum an itarian war In Vietnam, W e are

(editor Kep Cied
I suspect that a great number of
students who wish to protect the
BSC establish ment would like to
crucify me , because of my debaucher y of freshmen orienta tion. However , I still contend that
many of the tra ditions of the pro gram art archaic and In need of
review and replacement.
I would like to assure Mr. Tropane that I do not hate BSC. I do
feel, however , that many of the
policies and progr ams are outdated and should be replaced

with somet hi ng more suitable to

a college of this size,
I agree that orienta tion Is a
"reflect ion of one's own person ality/' but feel that the time spent
hazing the freshm en could be put
to more effective use.
There are a number of points
of contenti on In Mlss Goudy 's
letter which perha ps need some
She states (twice) tha t the
( con t inued on p a ge four )

engaged there to res ist the forces
of totalitarianism of the Left ,
just as we resisted the totalitari anism of the Right in World War
II. We are fighting against Commun ist forces who were dra fte d
into a fight against the legal
government , equipped with Chinese guns and Russian instruc t ors , given Czech vehicles
an d E ast German grena des, and
led into war against the forces of
popular self-determination. It is
not our side but the j>ther which
first brought foreign influe nce to
bear . We are fighting to eliminate foreign meddling in Vietnam , not to pr actice imperial Ism .
W e must not f orget , now or in
the f uture , the record of Commun ist aggression throughout the
worl d of which the attempted
take-over In South Vietnam is
merel y a part. Communism
esta blishe d itself against the will
of the people In Estonia , Latv ia ,
Lith uania , and would have taken
over Finland , too , had it not been
for a heorlsm beyond the realm
of praise. Communism was furth er spread by the Red Arm y and
R e d torror ism i n P olan d , East
Germany , Czechoslovakia , Hun gary , R uman ia , Bulgaria , Yugoslav i a , Albani a , China , North
K orea , and North Vietnam . Its
greedy minions extended their
talons to Greece , Iran , the Phili ppines , an d M alaya , but those nat ions , with the support of the
Fre e World , were able to fight
them off. Communism is always
on the march . Since the Soviet
Un ion communi zed Outer M ongolia In 1921 , Communism has
never desisted from It s efforts
to conver t the rest of the worldby force , since reasonable men do
not voluntarily choose slaver y
over freedom.
South Vietnam , as Dean Rusk
often pointed out , Is simply another chapter in this long history
of Communist aggression . It Is
South Vietn am because It was
Nor th Vietn am yesterd ay; it was
South K orea simply because It
had been Nor th Korea J ust before . We are fighti ng In Vietnam
today the same fight which , to
varying degre es, we have fought
in Greece , Iran , the Phil ippines ,
South Kor ea , and all other areas
wher e we supported our side
again st theirs . It Is true that ,
In the cours e of fighting Corn *
(contin ued en past four )

Huskies Dumped In The Mud
One Man Show -Casterlin e


Without breaks , a football team
just can't win. The Huskies lost
another tough game on Saturday
aftern oon at Mansfield by a 34-21
score . There was a definite lack
of effort on the part of several
players as they just laid down
and died after getting behind .
These players pr obably won 't
start another game for a while,
unt il their mental attitudes
change to the point where they
want to win like the rest of the
players on the squad .

score . Quarter back TomSchneL.
der , who took over for Alex Kopaez when he was shaken up,
completed four pa sses to set up
the Huskies with a first and goal
on the Mansfield 7. Paul Skrim covsky cracked the line twice
and penetrated to the three. Then
Schneider took the snap from
center Steve H armonos and tried
to dribble it around the field.
Tom reacted like a veteran to
the fumble and broken play as

he rolle d to his right and fired
a pass to equally alert Rocco
Vitale for the score. Vedral
split the uprights and the Mountaineers lead was down to six
at 13-7.
The remainder of the first
half saw little good for the Huskies. After the Mansfield defensive secondar y alertly picked
off a BSC pass, Casterline rolled
out and passed his way the final

Mansfield scored first with
10:22 left in the fir st period .
Stew C asterl
ine, who was 10 for
18 for 183-yard s, fired a pass
on target into the end zone to
put MSC ahead 7-0. He rolled
late in the same period to score
from 11-yards out. The PAT
was partially blocked and the
M ountaineers now led 13-0 .

45-yards to score. The M ounties
now led 20-7.
Bloomsburg seemed on the
ver ge of a scoring drive after
the MSC kick-off , but another
interce ption and a 50-yard run back set Caster line and company up on the Hus ky 25. "With
only 15 seconds showing on the
clock, Mansfield set up for a
field goal , which everybody and
his brother in the stadium knew
wa« going to be a fake . Caster-

BSC got a break in the second
period when they recovere d a
fumble and dr ove 70 yards to
October 1 — Checkmate 's
League: Bechto 's Bombers
against Zete 's at 4:15 p.m.
and Jo Ston 's vs. R.A.'s
United a* 5:00 p.m.
October 2 — Afternoon Matinee League: Phi Sigma Xi
again st the Chargers at 4:15 .
p.m. and Emanon against
iota Omega at 5:00 p.m.

bones , crush
kidney s, bust

Harry Logan




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"A remarkable film! " ^^;^.,

Card and Book Nook





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Supply Co.

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we have it or we can get it
Greeting Cards

(continued on page four )

take over low mont hly payments on a spinet piano. Can
be seen locally. Write Cred it

for part time work in
Hartl ine Science Center,
Heurs by Arrange meiit
up to 15 hours a ,week#
Contact Dr. Rabb in
Room 125 for further


Mrs. Alice Bomboy


The Huskies came out of the


Huskies ; Break
skulls , rupture
balls .

line faked setting the ball up for
the kicker and passed to his
flan ker in the endzone . The pass
was incomplete, but an official
lOOJeet away called pass interofficial on
top of the play made no signals, but this gave1 the Mou nttos
a first and goal on the Bloomsbur g 5. F rom there the one
man team, Stew C asterline, carr ied the ball over for the score.


a lM


Editor Replies

1continue d from page two )


Orientation committee was "a
sampling of the entire college
commun ity. " This is debatable
consider ing that almost ever y
member , except the sophomore s
who are not eligible , belonged to
a fraternity or sorority and that
an lnsubstantive ratio of commuter comm ittee members tc
commuter -freshmen existed .
She further states that I threw
in a "...couple compliments to
be safe , but only those which are
most obvious and insignificant ."
It is fairly obvious that I had attacked the program vehe mently
enough in other parts of the state ment to transcen d any vindi cat ion. It is also rather strange
to cons ider the cha irman of the
committee to be obvious and insignifica nt.
She asks , "What makes the hazing of a body of students about
to enter college lif e an y diff erent
from the hazing of a pledge class
about to join a sorority or fra ternity? " The difference is obvlous. Hazing a pledge class is an
initiation to which the pledge
complies willingly. He has knowledge of the p roce dure before
hand and has a choice as to
whether he wants to join or not.
Ori entation , however , is not an
initiation and the freshmen Is not
afforded a choice. There is a
very strong possibility that he had
no premonition that hazing was
such an integr al part of the orien-

tat ion program , since many colleges did away with the practice
years ago. If orientation is an
initiation the name should be
chan ged and the progra m should
be made optional.

Guntber Speaks

(conti nued from page two )

mun ism , we have not alwa ys h ad
a choice of allies , but we h ad to
ta k e wh om we f oun d there ,
weapons In hand , ready to do
battle . In wartime one does not
have the luxury of a choice. Winston Churchill told Parliament that
to fight Nazism , he would ally
himself with the Devil himself.
I t I s true that there I s a noisy
group in the USA which , with
the aid of TV reporters looking
for sensationalism , has put up a
circus of demonstrat ions against
the Vietnam Involvement. It is
not true that these noisy agitators
represent a major ity of tills Nation. A majo rit y has tightened
its belt , paid higher taxes , battled inflation , curse d sh orta ges,
deplored the necessary sacri f ices, and sent its sons, brot hers ,
and sweethearts to fight. Nobody
likes war . That does not mean
one has to sabotage It .
It is not true that our Vietnamese p olicy is "discredited /*
as you claim in your editorial
(page 4), which you left unsigned .
We have succeeded in pacifying
85 per cent of South Vietnam , resiste d the worst t he enemy could
do, faced the brunt of his attack ,
and come back fighting. Our

troops have shown staying power
In almost the whole republic , if
properly supported . The enemy 's
desertion rate is frigh tful; ours
Is no higher than It was in World War II . Whether you like It or
not we may yet wind up winning
in Vietnam. And that will be victor y, not for the P enta gon, but
tor the Vietnamese people .
I hope you w ill not demonstrate
or disrupt the learni ng proc ess
on October 15. I hope you will
help explain the cold . f acts to
those studen ts whose minds are
open enough for the absor ption of
learning . I hope you will not pre clude re asonable arguments by
cutting off the debate . For if we
pr actice less than democracy at
home , we shall be failing those
men who are br avely carrying
their bones to the battlefield to
sustain the caus e of freedom.
Y ours , ver y sincerely ,
Hans Karl Gunther , Ph .D.
Professor of History


endzone to lead BSC to within
13 points of MSC at 27-14.

around and slipped the ball to a
tea mmate who plowed into the'
en dzone for the final score of
with eight minutes left to play the day and a 13-point lead at
and Casterilne still under con- 34-21.
tro l, Schneider connected with
Greg Berger* who put on several
Several more series of plays
good moves, bowled over several
owed but resulte d in little
would-be tackles and poured on
the speed for a 58-yard touch- more than incomplete passes.
down run with the pass. The
The Huskies have played well
Huskies now seemed to have
in their first two games
(continued from page th ree)
27-21 .
to be 2-0 rather than 0-2. What
must be done is to weed out the
locker room locking like a new
team. Casterline was stopped
loaiers or give the m a new menThen Casterline woke up and ta l attitude aturned to winning .
cold twice and with the help of
a blocked pun t , Bloomsburg took took the ensuing onslde kickoff Football is a game where 100 per over with good field position and by the Huskies and drove the cent effort is needed and anydrove 45-yards to score . A pass final 50 yards to score. Caster - thing less results in a dismal
penalty aguinst line completed two passes and season. This team is not a losMansfield put the ball on the rolled out twice to put MSC ing team. All they need is the
M ountie s' 15 . Five running plays on the Bloomsburg 1 with a first ri ght attitude and the wins will
Big Stew then turned
later Schneid er dove into toe down .
