Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:21
Edited Text
Vehicle Recovered
' «.¦¦"ww ,»:-t-y^ ™^™»— ¦¦«m ¦¦MWMDH ^nm«n^v/>;v:A MVV
DAMAGED CGA CAR recovered after extensive search. Pictures above , the station wagon appears to be severely damaged ofter the accident.
(Photo by Patrick J. Murphy)
Attend Volunteer Fair
Are you interested in gaining
valuable career experience, or
maybe something that may
improve your resume? You're
in luck.
A volunteer fair offering
career experience will be held
Tuesday, October 22, from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.; in the
multipurpose rooms in Kehr
Union. Thirty-two agencies
from the Bloomsburg area will
be attending the fair. These
agencies will be offering information to anyone interested
in doing volunteer work in the
Bloomsburg area. "
Volunteering in such an
agency will give practical
career experience in areas such
as business, communications,
(Continued on Pog» 3)
Oh May 17, 1980, a week-long
search for a missing CGA owned station wagon ended,
with the car being discovered on
Spruce Street, between 4th and
5th Streets. The driver's side of
the vehicle was damaged ' extensively, and two BSC freste
men were charged with
Unauthorized use of a motor
vehicle, in Bloomsburg, then
arraigned before the district
BSC security irivestigatorj
Dave Rocco, would not release
the students' names saying,
"they had been through enough
and their names being printed
would only cause them more
undue embarrassment."
Damages totalled $1,331 and
were paid by the drivers'
parents. There was no fine
levied and no legal action was
taken against the guilty party.
The two students involved only
paid court costs.
The students had access to the
vehicle because of their jobs as
student employees, in charge.of
maintaining the various CGA
vehicles. The students used the
ear to get to a party at Lake
Harmony, located in the Pocpno
Mountains; The accident occurred at the party, when the
driver apparently drove off the
road, hitting a tree and other
debris. No one was injured in
the mishap.
The students then drove the
vehicle to Bloomsburg and
parked it where it was later
discovered. .The parties involved then returned the keys to
the information desk and failed
to report the accident.
writer of warm, sometimes
humorous songs , Brown 's
repertoire includes originals,
folk and jazz standards, . and
intricate mstrumehtals.
Steve Forbert and James
Taylor, who are major , influences on him.
RoilyBrown appears again at
1:15 p.m "followed at 2:30 by
Bob Doyle and the Allegheny
String Band. Doyle on guitar,
(Because of the extensive
details of this story, the story
will continue in the next edition
of the CV. It will contain details
concerning the accident, the
process involved in acquiring
CGA vehicles for use, and how
these policies have changed
since the accident. )
KUB Program Board Presents
Fall Jamboree for 1981
A variety of musical entertainment is in store for
Bloomsburg State College
students and community
residents, as the Kehr - Union
Program Board r Coffeehouse
Committee announces its Fall
...Manion also includes
interpretations of other
songwriters, such as Steve
Forbet and James Taylor...
Jamboree '81 lineup.
The 1980 National Guitar
Fingerpicking Champion, Roily
Brown, will entertain audiences
on Friday, September 18, at 8:00
p.m. in the Coffeehouse. A
Crafts and entertainment are
in store on Saturday, September
19) as the Fall Jamboree takes
place from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
on the Kehr Union lawn.
Entertainment begins at 11a.m.
with an Open Mike performance
of local talent. At noon, a
blossoming young singersongwriter John Manion takes
center stage. Along with his
rock 'n roll originals, Manion
also includes interpretations of
other songwriters; such as
Crafts and entertainment
are in store on Saturday,
September 19.
Tad Marks on fiddle, Rick Lytle
on banjo, Dennis Ricker on
mandolin and Arch Warnock on
bass compose this kneeslapping bluegrass band. Also,
listeners should be ready to put
on their dancing shoes and hop
to some square dance tunes.
Sorority Begins Rush at BSC
Are you a freshman with
twelve credits, a sophomore;
junior, or even a senior girl
interested in joining a sorority
and planning to rush this week?
If you signed up to rush and are
curious about what rushing
involves, you might want to
know some of these important
facts and dates.
There are presently eight
IMSIGMIA FOR 1981 Volunteer Fair, Tuesday, October 22
sororities at Bloomsburg
State Alpha Sigma Alpha ,
Sigma Sigma Sigma are
nationally known sororities
While, the other five, Alpha
Sigma Tau , Chi Sigma Rho ,
Delta Epsifoh Beta , Lambda
chapters. Some past service
Alpha Phi Omega , National
Alpha Mu, Theta Tau Omega,
projects have been campus
Service Fraternity , will hold a
Phi Iota Chi are known
visitation tours , Red Cross
final rush meeting at 6 p.m.
All of these sororities
Bloodmobile, a variety show at
tonight in the Blue Room of the
are governed by the InterMaple Crest Nursing Home,
Kehr Union .
Council on campus,
Alumni Phon-a-thon , and
Membership is open to all
composed of two
Explorer Post Service Team;
students who have earned at
members per sorority, along
least , 12 credits and have a
with five executive board
For more information ,
average of at least
¦ ' • ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦:" ' ;¦ ¦;¦¦
The officers for the
2.0; " • .
contact President Dan Snyder v .
1981-1982 school year are as
Alpha Phi Omega is a coed
at 784-0775, or any APO
: . President , Kathy
fraternity with over 400 active
• ' ¦' • • ';. • • •'¦' ',
Service Fratenity
Holds Rush
Boyle; Vice President, Joy
Troxell ; Secretary, Judy
Mastroianni ; Treasurer , Karen
Yarnell ; and Public Relations
Officer, Denise Antolik. BSC is
presently, advised by Carol
Barnett. The council holds
regular meetings to advise the
sororities which are composed
of over four hundred Greek
The Intersorority Council also
coordinates the rush activities
each semester. BSC sign-up
began September 14th and 15th
with all "rushees " paying their
$l;O0 fee for their identification
pin and rush manual. This was
followed with a tea in the
President's Lounge the evening
of the 15th. Mandatory meetings
begin the evening of the 16th
with the All-Sisters Talk in
Kuster Auditorium at 9:30 p.m.
Rush continues on the 17th with
the President's Talk at 9:30
p.m. again in Kuster , followed
by the BSC open house on the
19th and 20th, Here the rushees
are split into groups , and over
the two-day period they are
required to meet all eight
sororities at differen t locations
on campus. This way, each
sorority can show its individualism to the prospective
The following week begins
with three nights , of informal
meetings on the 21st; 22nd , and
23rd. Each rushee may meet a
maximum of five sororities at
their individual houses. The
following night continues with
"formals" in which each girl
may choose a maximum, of
three favorite sororities to visit
for the last time before they
submit their
preferences to the ISC.
On the night of the 24th , the
Intersorority Council tries to
match the preferences of the
rushees with the preferences
and allowable quota for each
sorority .Traditionally, ISC tries
to give each girl her top choice.
Finally, rush ends the next day
as ISC places each rushee's bid
(Continued onFag* 2)
by Robert Stiles
Editorials are columns which express an opinion!
In most cases, the editorial writer is trying to persuade
the reader to view a particular issue the way the
writer does, or to make the reader think about the
issue. These two attempts are the objectives of this and
future editorials.
Topics for editorials can range from seemingly mundane
issues to the most controversial of issues. For this
column, special considerations will be taken so that
each editorial concerns issues which should be of interest to college students. Students , the college administration , functions which are a part of college life ,
and the nation as it effects college students; will
be discussed. To\ use an old cliche, the editorial writer
will call them the way he sees them.
At times, the editorial writer may take an unconventional or aggressive stand on an issue. However ,
careful research will (proceed the actual writing of
any column. If the reader disagrees with what is said
in an editorial , the reader is encouraged to express
his opinion
One important issue which this column will consider
is BSC studentsreluctance to voice their opinions.
Students fail to question the administration , the town and
other related bodies. Yet , the student body should
be a part of the watchdog committee which oversees
the college and town. If students do not voice their
opinions , their rights will gradually erode away until
nothing is left but the dictates of others. And that
is a shame.
Change comes from action. And even in times of conservatism, an active interest in what is going on serves
to check the reigns of government.
This column hopes to make students take an active
interest in those things which they , as BSC students ,
should take action upon.
Ten to fifteen years ago, college students took an active
interest in what was going on around them. The Vietnam War was the primary catalyst. Now, perhaps in
reaction to these past students ' opinions, the presentday student wants to lay back and merely exist.
But students must act.
This column hopes to make students think and then
to organize
The Student Pennsylvania
State Education Association of
BSC will hold the first meeting
of the semester Tuesday, Sept.
22, at 7:00 in Multi-purpose
room A of the KUB. The
organization is dedicated to the
improvement of education for
the Commonwealth and keeping
future teachers informed of
changing trends in education .
All education majors are
invited and urged to attend. The
SPSEA is a must for any
student considering a future- in
teaching. Besides providing , an
insurance policy for student
teachers, the organization also
hosts speakers from the field to
enlighten the members.
The new elected officers for
the 1981-82 year are Rick
DiLiberto, president; Lannette
Odell , vice president ; Deb
Kirdzig, treasurer ; and Pat
Elsroth, secretary. The advisor
is*Dr. Robert Remaley, of the
Dept. of Elementary and EarlyChildhood Education .
First semester freshman
majoring in education should
also take advantage of this
opportunity to get involved in a
professional organization and
meet other students preparing
to teach.
Letters to the Editor
About the concert
Fellow Students ,
Speaking as Chairman of the
Concert Committee , I find it
necessary to explain a few
things about our latest concert.
Under normal circumstances, a
letter of this sort would not be
needed ; however, since we
audience ", I though t I would
explain why these groups were
I am currently in my third
and final year with the concert
committee. Although people
have been pleased with our
concerts during this time, we
have always had an undercurrent of people asking for
harder rock than we have been
Wednesday, September 16, 1981
Bloomsburg Star* Collage, Bloomiburg, PA )78l5Box 97 KUB 309-3)01
Executive Editor
Ad Manager
Newt Editor
Feature Editor
Sportt Editor
Sports Attt
Photo Supervltor
Butlneti Manager
Roberta Clement
, Brian Doart
Brehda Friday
Virginia Reed
Kevin Kodlth
Jeff Brown
Pat Murphy
Karen Troy
Richard Savage
by lgerfce ltreatlied
Tha Vole* Is governed by the editorial leard with tha final responslbllry for all
material ratting with tha executive adltor as stated In the Joint Statement of
fraadam, tightsand KospowtlblHtlos of students at BSC.
The Volca ra«orvas tha right to adit all lotion and cosy submitted. A maximum
of 400 words will be plowed on all tetter* to tfw , oditor with an allowanca
far exceptions. All letter* mutt ba signed and hive an addrats and phono
number. Name* will bo withhold upon request. .'
Tha opinions valcad In tha columns, articles and notice* aro not " necessarily
sharod by tha entire Staff. An unsigned staff tdllorlal donotot a major
consensus of tha odltorlal hoard.
presenting. Since we try to
accomodate as wide a scope of
tastes as we are able, we felt the
time was right to finally
recognize "the rockers." We
questioned many people about
Ian Hunter last semester and
reactions were positive-so, we
decided to go with him. In addition , to include even more
people's tastes, we added Gary
U.S. Bonds and his newly
revived Bruce Springsteen
Well, obviously we missed our
mark as shown by the poor
turnout. We intended the concert to appeal to many more
people than it did. Since
everybody 's money was used to
pay for this performance, I
apologize for not bringing you
the groups you'd like to see.
However, the concert" committee also needs your support.
We are not going to be able to
bring you any more concerts
this year unless we have your
support at the next show . So, if
we have your support in the
future, we will try harder to
bring you the bands that you
want to see.
Thank you,
Mark Trnma
LEIP In tership s
An increasing number of BSC
students are engaging in an
internship as part of their
course of study. These students
know that the on-job experience, the chance to try
some of the ideas they obtained
in their classes, the opportunity
to get employer recommendation , and sometimes
even pay and job offers , make
the internship a positive aspect
of their educational program.
departments have internship
courses which allow a student to
obtain between 3 and 15 internship credits, depending on
the time spent on the internship.
Department Internship Coordinators or Chairpersons can
provide information and - or
Departmental guidelines for
students interning.
During the past summer, BSC
placed a record fourteen
students in the L.E.I.P.
Program ¦? :.* in
Harrisburg . These students
from several different major
interned in a variety of state
government offices and also
with nonprofit agencies. Most of
the students interned in
Harrisburg, although a few
were placed in their hometown
area. The majority of the
L.E.I.P. students received a
weekly salary from the agency
with which they interned.
L.E.I.P. internships are also
available in the Fall and Spring
Semesters. If you would like to
consider a L.EXP. Internship,
contact Dr. Brian Johnson,
Internships, 230 Hartline, EXT.
3600 for more information and
application forms.
World of Poetry
Spons ors Contes t
A $1,000 grand prize will be awarded in the upcoming poetry
competition sponsored by World of Poetry, a quarterly newsletter
for poets.
Poems of all styles and on any subject are eligible to compete for
the grand prize or for 99 other cash or merchandise awards,
totaling over $10,000.
Says contest chairman Joseph Mellon, "We are encouraging
poetic talent of every kind, and expect our contest to produce exciting discoveries.
Rules and official entry forms are available from the World of
Poetry, 2431 Stockton, Dept. J, Sacramento, CA. 95817.
25c to cash a check
If you have recently been to
the bank in the union , then you
have probably had to pay the 25
cents charge for cashing a
check. This fee is applicable
only to students without a
checking or savings account;
checking is free to those
students with accounts or workstudy checks.
The rationale for paying 25
cents, according to Mr. John
Trathen , assistant director of
student activities, is to help
cover operating expenses . The
Bloomsburg Bank-Columbia
Tryst Co. feels it must charge
students in order for the bank to
pay its $100 rental fee to the
State , while taking their
business equipment and other
expenses into account.
Because of the limited
number of accounts, the bank
does not have money to invest in
their operating costs , and so the
surcharge of 25 cents per check
must be utilized,
The bank hopes that the
surcharge will increase the
number of checking and savings
accounts. There were a total of
286 accounts the first -week of
school, while last year a total of
243 accounts were open in the
first week — this turns out to'be
an increase of 18 percent over
last year.
(Continued on Page 3)
(Continued from Pag* 1)
in the Kehr Union where she
then has the option to accept her
bid arid pledge a sorority .
So, if you 're at least a second
semester freshman with twelve
earned credits and a 2.0
cumulative average, you may
want to join a sorority . If you
do . you 'll learn this week what
the word "rush" really means.
Mas s Comm Club features firs film
The Mass Communication
Club is sponsoring the film "On
the Waterfront " , Thursday,
September 17 , in Andruss
Library auditorium.
The film starring Mario
Brandon , Karl Maiden , Lee J.
Cobb, and Eva Marie Saint can
be considered the "Rocky " of
its day. It won eight Academy
awards and shot Brandon into
stardom. It deals with
Longshoremen's Union of the
Waterfront. It not only tackles
complex social, political , and
personal issues without losing
any of the tramatic force, but it
has become a lasting influence
in American culture. Brandon
and Eva Marie Saint are
superb. Go see it and expose
yourself to the world of classic
education , psychology and
sociology. Along with gaining
career experience, you will also
be investigating career opportunities, finding new interests, helping others, and
meeting new people.
Students are encouraged to
attend the fair, even if they are
not considering volunteering. A
booklet listing agencies in the
Bloomsburg area will be
available to all students at the
fair. This is the first volunteer
fair at BSC and may be instrumental in establishing a
volunteer service center on
Any questions concerning the
fair may be answered by
contacting program coordinators Mary T. Montione to
387-0544 or Dr. John Mulka at
Agencies a ttending BSC
( continued from page one)
Hawa iian Luau
launches COM activiti es
On Saturday evening, the
Catholic Campus Ministry
(CCM ) sponsored a Hawaiian
Luau. Students arrived in bright
colored Hawaiian outfits and
were given homemade leis and
flowers to wear. To set the
mood, Hawaiian music played
and Hawaiian food was served.
_ Later, prizes were awarded to
best dressed - Bob Yanchuck,
and to the winners of the limbo
contest, Ida Pedefgnana and
Jim Reiley.
The officers for
organization are : President ,
Linda Rammerdiener ; Vice
President , Maggie Leiden ;
Treasurer , Dianne Uscowskas;
and Secretary, Andy McCarthy.
There will be a meeting
Tuesday, September 22 at 8:30
in the CCM house. All interested
are welcome to attend ; plans
for upcoming events will be
discussed. For the remainder of
this month the following are
planned : September 25th is
"Gym ; Night" which will be
held in Centennial Gym ; on
September 27th Sister Patience
Leiden will speak on "Your
Relationship with God."
For October , rollerskating is
planned for the 22nd. and a
mascarade Halloween party is
scheduled for the 31st.
In November a retreat will be
arranged from the 6th - 8th to
Villa Maria in Wernersville, Pa.
Also, a hayride and cookout will
be organized for the 14th. Check
campus bulletin boards for
futher details.
N u r s in g - S t u d e n t
Association (NSA) will meet at
9:30 p.m., Wednesday, October
7, in Multipurpose Room A,
Kehr Union.
Topics to be discussed are :
organizing a Red Cross
Bloodmobile Drive, a Jump
Rope-a-thon for the American
Heart Association, and SNAP—
Student Nurses Association of
Pennsylvania -— convention in
The NSA is a Health Servicesoriented organization. The
group helps out in community
hospitals, plans fund raisers for
national organizations , and
helps nursing students with
career planning. President ' of
NSA is Lynne Hockenbrock.
(Continued from Page 2)
Depending upon the number
of accounts and the amount of
checks cashed, the charge of 25
cents will remain. In the case of
bad checks, CGA will pick, up
the cost, although checks over
$100 must have permission by
the Community Activities
Office before they can be
' ' a^BBiai•-
¦ ' "'
: .[.
(CH) — Is Moral Majority
paranoia getting you down?
Does the Rev. Jerry Falwell
appear repeatedly in your
Those fears may be forgotten ,
if you accept the viewpoint of a
University of Texas historian.
According to a UT News Service release, Dr. Howard Miller
recently told a group of Texas
alumni there is nothing to fear
about Christian activist groups
like the Moral Majority because
the evangelical fervor - they
displayed during last fall' s
election eventually will bring
them down. Miller blamed
media hype for the attention
Falwell and company have
Or^pzational Meeting
Tues., Sept. 15
6:00 P.M.
l^fr j igff
Green Room
> f-rfe^ Ig^gBr^yy^ife^
No Experience
^ ^^^
sg ^ "*
j ^ " fJ*^^^^ ^^^L\
f ^,,gJglg^TB*W
¦¦ ;
' , . ' - ¦ # - "**%V
(SEN) and Tax Release Form
to the Financial Aid Office if
you have not already done so.
October 1, 1981 — Fall and
spring term student application
(NJFAF) must be received by
College Scholarship Service.
(Continued on Page 6)
^ W^M^
Wl iIf A ytP^\^/0
j ^J
Top Artists.
y S YJlm^^^^^^^^^^^
• v WA |i¦Jp^8BP ^^^^^^^^^^3Pi^^ • ¦ • " Major Labels.
' ¦ ^a^VMf
ll^^^l^^Vlll^g^^^^^^^^^ ^S Hundreds of Selections.
'¦• ', "Pop " to'Classic. ' _
" • ;V^\ Y J|jSpI^^
-(C5?ky|l j K S m S e M i i l^ ^
' "¦$tereo LP Albums.
m ^^^^^^^^mSS ^^^KMSr
' • ¦ '^^^^I
Cassettes. Box' .Sets.
ItP Zj r \ . Wy^ (SALE; DATES)
.,: .and one for me!
Tninff l">v
%i :T
\ \ '
' ~&tim
y M S k m t^^^i i ^S S S S S S S^t
^S .^r
^ ¦
¦' ¦ m'ljXolagW
^JfllB& L^ ^
^""NT^^,-? >Qgr of music
rush meeting
Sept. l7, 9:00PlAA,
^¦:j : ). ttaritixvs
Obviously, it comes down to a
game of "Who Do You Trust?"
- • ¦ ¦¦¦¦• ¦ • ,
On the other hand, your
evangelical anxiety may be
right on target. A Stanford
University News Service Story
quotes Associate Dean Norman
K. Wesseils of the School of
Humanities and Sciences as
saying the Moral *Majority is
dangerous than the Communist
Party. "Our Republic faces one
of its very " gravest crises* of this
century in these next two
decades because of the wedding
of very rich , ultra-conservative
theological groups
politics," Wessells told a Phi
Beta Kappa convocation .
^¦^^^^HHl^HH % ingreatrecord 0
A ttention N.J. residents
"New Jersey Residents : The
New Jersey Office of Student
Assistance has announced the
following deadlines for 1981-82
NJ Tuition Aid Grant and NJ
State. Scholarship Programs :
'. Immediately
— Submit your
Student Eligibility Notice
Campus Shorts
Tfy eCMege Stor&
. .- .
Ian Hunter,
Gary U.S. Bonds
rock Bloomsburg
On Thursday night , a
relatively small but very vocal
crowd was given a lesson in two
different phases of rock and
An audience .filling appr oximately two-thirds
Auditorium heard Gary U.S.
Bonds perform his brand of soul
and rhythm 'n blues based rock
along with Ian Hunter 's hard ,
sharp and often biting music.
Bonds opened the show with a
lively set consisting mainly of
material taken from his Bruce
Springsteen - Miami Steve Van
Zandt produced "comeback"
album, Dedication.
Though more than forty years
old and showing a paunch and
double-chin, Bonds and his band
exhibited no lack of enthusiasm
or energy. They drove through
their set with an abandon that
was almost a challenge to
Hunter to try to top their act.
Even after over twenty years
of performing, Bonds' voice has
shown no sign of weakening. If
anything, it seemed to be
stronger and more powerful,
especially during his ballads,
such as "Daddy 's Come
Home", and a revamped and
very emotion-filled cover of
Browne 's
Pretender. " During these
songs, his voice was full , deep
and resonant, reminding one of
the soul stylings of Otis Redding
and Ben E. King. His transitions
into the more straight ahead
rock of "Dedication ", "Jole '
Blon " and "This Little Girl" ,
also showed as much strength .
Bonds' voice, however, was
not the only standout of his
show. Saxophonist Joey Stann
was also a highlight of his set.
The most featured soloist of
the band , Stann covered parts
originally recorded ,by Clarence
demons with his own style,
lacking nothing in comparison
with the versions on record. His
moments during "Daddy 's
Come Home", "Just Like a
Child", and "Dedication " were
most notable from his all
around fine performance.
In looking at Gary U.S.
Bonds' set overall, there was
really nothing missing from it.
The band was hot, his singing
was on, and this combination in
turn brought the crowd into the
All photos by
Patrick J. Murphy
scene, leaving them dancing in
the aisles and screaming for
There was one problem
though , but it really only affected the performers. Through
the first par set, Bonds and his
band obviously could not hear
their stage monitors. They were
continuously motioning to the
sound men offstage to turn them
up, just so they could hear
The band kept playing until
this problem was finally
alleviated, though at one point
keyboard player Rusty Cloud
left his piano and switched to
organ in mid-song because his
piano wasn't audible on stage.
Bonds, however, was not the
only one to run into problems
with the equipment.
Midway through Ian Hunter 's
opening number , "Once Bitten
Twice Shy", the power on stage
went off completely . The only
instrument still working was
Tommy Mandel 's piano, which
he continued to play in ari attempt to keep the crowd from
getting impatient, but that soon
went off also.
After a feW minutes delay, the
piano's power came back on
and Mandel went into an impromptu version of "Chattanooga Choo Choo ", and he and
Hunter also . did a bit of improvising on "The Lady Is A
Tramp .
While the sound crew worked
feverishly to repair a cable that
had shorted out , Hunter and
Mandel began "Letter To
Brittania From the Union
Jack", but again the power was
lost before he finished singing
the first verse.
Finally, after an approximate
ten minute delay, all of the
power was restored , and the
band finished their opening
song, with the crowd reacting
just as enthusiastically as when
they had first begun it.
For the duration of the set.
Hunter drew material from his
long career with Mott the
Hoople and as a solo artist.
Interspersed among his standards such as "All the Way
From Memphis ", "Cleveland
Rocks", and "All the Young
Dudes", were also a few surprises. These came in the form
of Bob Dylan's "Is All Your
Love In Vain?" , and the insertion of the Rolling Stones'
"Honky Tonk Women in the
middle of "I Need Your Love ".
Another surprise -was his
inclusion of "Violence ", a Mott
the Hoople song which he introduced as "written nine years
ago,- but it's all about what's
happening in England today. "
"Violence " and "Gun Control ".
from his new album , Short
Back N'Sides ", were two
politically based songs that he
Prior to the concert, Hunter
commented about "Gun Control " saying, "I think it's absurd that you have a president
who gets shot and still says that
he doesn 't want gun control. So
he puts business before his own
personal health. "
The harshness of "Gun
Control" and "Violence" was
present in much of the other
material he played. "Noises",
with its jumpy beat and lines
such as, "noises are taking
away my freedom ", and
"Bastard" ,
"dedicated to anybody that you
might feel a bit dodgy about",
were two examples of this.
Another aspect that stood out
from Hunter's show Was the
theatrics that were involved.
Dressed in a black top hat and
tails, frilly white shirt , , an
orange, green , black and yellow
tie , and his ever present
sunglasses, he appeared to be
dressed for a formal rock and
roll ball rather than a concert.
The lighting during the
concert also added to the songs '
presentations. The strobe lights
on the drums during "Noises"
and the single, dim spotlight on
Hunter during "Standin ' In My
Light" contributed greatly to
establishing the atmosphere
and feeling each song wanted to
About this , Hunter said, "Ifs
an event ... it's an extra
dimension. The people are
paying to go out and see
something, so you should give
them something to see."
Overall, the concert certainly
was something to see. Gary U.S.
Bonds, performing a strong,
soul-based set , challenging
Hunter to .try to follow him , and
Hunter meeting that challenge
with his theatrics and powerful
rock and roll. In addition ,
Hunter overcame the equipment failure at the onset of his
show, holding onto and winning
the audience, whereas other
acts may not have been able to.
While the auditorium was
nowhere near sold out, the;
crowd in attendance came away
totally exhilarated and wanting
more. Concert Committee
members expressed disappointment at the lack of support
from the student body, but were
also very pleased with the
performances of both bands and
with the people who did attend.
.. . ,- ' •
Page 6.
' "¦"> ¦ , .:'" ; ' . ' - , .' "'- " .
: ' • ':",
Looking for Something?
Try the Classifieds
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*kllMr4 if ^rl'i^^mf o^ka^Lflo^L^Lm^B
*W$Smm ^:kl *t f l /j S ^f K K ^ ^ ^ ^tKT
DepartiiT'eTii!ia V
'ElwA'B ^M ^jxu
.. .
Trip cost *!0 Urnifed seats ovailob le
Sign up of info ,desk
by Sept. 13
Questions?Call Connie, Dofi, of
. 3'c f
J f
Sponsroed by Kehr Recreation
and leisure service
*.*.• ***¦¦*• **•*••*•* * * * * **• • •*• * * * * *•
Glad to have you on our team and hope
your stay is pleasant. *
¦ ¦¦
The KUB Program Board
Is your social life lacking?
Jackson ,
NJ. residents
Welco me Aboard
Denize at 3305
John Manion, a blossoming singer/song
perform Saturday at noon at th.e Fail Jamboree.
(Continued from Pago 3)
Nov. 15, 1981 — NJ Office of
Student Assistance must
receive your Tax Release Form
from the Financial Aid Office .
for fall and spring term
March 15, 1981 — Spring ternt
only student application
( NJFAF) must be received by
College Scholarship Service.
March 15, 1981 r- Changes in
family financial circumstances
that could affect 1981-82 awards
must be reported to NJ Office of
Student Assistance via a New
Jersey Financial Aid Change
Form .
April 15, 1982 — NJ Office of
Student Assistance must
receive your Tax Release Form
from the Financial Aid ' Office
for spring term payment only:
Special Note : Applicants who
also want consideration for
college-based grants, loans, and
- or student employmen t must
also submit a PA State Grant Basic Grant Application to
Harrisburg as soon as possible
if they have not already done so
for 1981-82. Call Mrs. Kish r
baugh, 389-3908, in Financial
Aid Office, if. you have any
WBSC 640 am
I' ,'
Rush Meeting:
Tuesday ,Sept.22
Kuster Auditorium
Hartline Science Center ¦
We ate back lf
V ''"''
' 4H ¦^¦.^LAflbv^SHnLW
Tune In to Bloom's
Best Rock
Hockey tea
The BSC field . hockey team,
under the charges of head coach
Jan Hutchinson, opened the
season Wednesday with two
informal scrimmage games
against Lafayette. The practice-like atmosphere gave the
new-comers a chance- to see
valuable playing time and also
let coach Hutchinson survey the
1981 squad under game conditions.
The scrimmages revealed a
stronger offensive attack than
last year, when the team relied
primarily on an aggressive
defense. A few weaknesses
were also discovered. Hutchinson commented , "We
showed good passing and a
strong attack, but our reactions
must be quicker and we have to
get to the ball faster."
The first of the two games
ended in a 1-1 tie. Linda Turnbull scored the Huskies lone
marker ,late in the first half.
Laurie Snyder and Kerry
Arnold shared the goal-tending
duties throughout both games.
Lafayette scored a goal
during each half to win the
second game 2-1. Jackie Tiirzer
knocked in Bloomsburg 's only
score at the close of the second
half. Overall, coach Hutchinson
was pleased with the play, yet
she recognized the need for
work in some areas.
The club has twenty-two
returning players , but the
majority are sophomores.
"Although we have a lot of
players back, most of them
have only one year of - college
experience. We are still a young
team with only one senior on
In her first year as coach of
women's cross country, Chris
Daymont is "excited and enthusiatic" about the upcoming
year. In only its third year the
team has proven formidable to
any opponents. Losing only one
runner from last year, the team
will prove to be stronger even
though Captain Anne Grab is
the only Senior on the team .
Perhaps the reason for the
almost overnight success are
Monday s
practice consists of a three-mile
warm up, three miles of long
intervales (one-half to one
mile) , and a two mile warm
down. Tuesday's work is an
"easy " eight miles. Short intervals are the only difference
Wednesday and
Monday, while speed work or
technique day is Thursday.
Friday is pre-meet day, and
covers only four miles.
Saturday is race day and
Sunday is optional.
Prior to practice the women
stretch and work on striding to
lessen the chance of injury
during practice. Following
practice , is more stretching,
push-ups and sit-ups.
Juniors include injured
Lauren Meymaris and second
year runner Mary Urban.
Sophomores consist of Vicki
Amici, Yvonne Delnis, and Lori
Pingitore, whom all aided the
Huskies to fourth place in last
year 's conference , while
Freshmen Barbara Dockerty
should be in the top five this
After Saturday 's 5000 meter
Valley College
Invitation race was over ,
defending champ BSC lost
honors to Indiana University,
who tallied up an incredible
twenty-two points with six girls
in the top ten.
Amici finished third (19:18)
only sixteen seconds behind the
leader (four th place last year).
Dockerty was next, 11th out of
over 90 runners. Delnis was
nineteenth, bettering last .year
by four places, while Pingatore
54th and 70th respectively . The
top five totaled 100.points to top
F&M (129 points), finishing the
team in second place out of
Daymont feels it was "a good
first course" and that "it's
going to be a good year to get
Next week the Huskies travel
to Kutztown for the Lady Bear
Invitational and the following
week to the Shippensburg
Young x-country team begins season
Jewish New Year Services - Tues.,
Sept. 29, 9:30 am, 7:00'. ' pirn.; Wed.,
Sept. 30, 9:30 a.m.; Wed., Oct.
7, 6:30 p.m.; Thurs., Oct. 8:30 a.m.
Daymont "excited & enthusiastic!"
October 1st , all applicants for the
guaranteed student loan must
undergo a financial needs analysis
which involves submission of an IRS
1040 to the Financial Aid Office for
WelghtUftlng Club - Important organizational meeting- - Sept. 17,
Green Room of Kehr Union.
The first general meeting of Phi
Beta Lambda will be held today at
7.00 p.m. in Multi-purpose room A
for all returning members,
PETITIONS FOR CGA & Rep. Assembly are due Frl., Sept. 18 by 4 p.m.
at the Info desk. Elections will be
held Sept. 21 & 22.
ATTENTION: ALL STUDENTS 11 October 1 Is the date for Implementation of the financial needs analysis
requirement of all students applying
for a guaranteed student loan. To
avoid potential problems regarding
this needs analysis, all studnets
who anticipate applying for a
guaranteed student loan during the
81 -82 academic year should apply
for this loan immediately, After
Quality Pre-Owned HIFI Equipment.
Thar Stereo House, 1001 Old Berwick
Road, Bloom.
Have Stereo House Portable Sound
at your next parly. The Music you
want at the volume you want it.
Call 784-9643for Dates and Rates.
play. They also earned second
place in the Trenton tournament, and an impressive first
Susquehanna tournament. ;[
Hutchinson believes , "We
have the potential to do very
well again this year . We hope to
again qualify for the state
tournament. Also, last year, we
were very strongly considered
for a berth to regionals, but
missed being invited by a small
margin. This year, however, we
hope to earn a place in the
regional tournament."1
The hockey team faces a
great deal of traveling at *"' the
beginning of the season. They
officially opened the year with a
weekend trip to New Jersey for
the Trenton Tournament. Both
games this week will take place
on the opponent's fields. They
include Kutztown today and
IUP on Saturday. The home
opener is September 23 at 2:30
against Mansfield. Coach
Hutchinson is looking forward
to a fine season with a lot of
work and
tough ,
aggressive hockey.
^C '
International \^. ^ Fraternity
Let's *
' /tZLS
* Finalsepr.
^ ¦ j ^ ^
Do it up!! |
7 p.m.
• / rl^ ^iw \^
^Vi' ' R ef restohments £
^/ v ^/ \ ^
B3Sement : ' '^:^
fought both the race and a cold
to grab 28th (sixth last year).
Grab and Susan Line finished
the Huskies top six by placing
can be picked up at the ' Financial
Aid Office, Room 19, Ben Franklin
Building. Please be prepared to
show .your I.O. . If a, check is not
picked up by September 18, it will
be mailed to the student's home address'. ' ¦ -••
ATTN: BSC Administration I know
you are irifneed of a bright, congenial person 'with initiative. I have
work-study arid flexible hours. A.D.box4160 KUB
varsity. "
Joan Mahoney is the outstanding senior who makes up
one-third of a very strong
midfield. j oining Mahoney is
sophomore Deb Long and junior
Jeanne Fetch. Hutchinson adds,
"Our greatest strength is at the
midfield where we have our
three strongest players. They,
along with junior Diane
Imboden, were selected last
year to play in the USFHA
Na tional Tournament."
Fetch and Imboden are j oined
on the squad by fellow juniors
Sharon Rush and Jane Seislove;
The Sophomores on the voung
varisty team include Polly
Dougherty ", Robin Eisner ,
Karen Nilson, Arnold, Long,
Snyder, and Turnbull. Lynette
Kyle, a sophomore transfer
from Keystone, joins two freshmen as the newcomers on this
year 's team. Freshmen Jackie
Griffin and Beverly Sprout have
been playing very well according to coach Hutchinson.
The team hopes to improve
upon last year's fine 8-4-3
season record . They finished
third in the state in post season
Part-time work on campus, stapling
posters to bulletin boards. Choose
your own schedule, 4-15 hours
weekly. No selling — your pay
is based on the amount of material distributed. Our average campus rep earns $4- $7 per hour.
This position requires the ability
to work without supervision. For information, contact Jeanne Swenson,
500-3rd Ave. W „ Seattle, Washington, 98119, (206) 282-8111.
CALL RICK- 3894 or stop at rm.
121 Luzerne
Peavy T-60 Electric Guitar w/case.
amplifier , and cord'. All like new.
Will let you practically steal it from
me I Call 784-5620
PIGMY BIRDMAN - Get a grip will
you? It's about time you come out
of the ozone layer.?
DIANE AND JERRY - Are you ready
to play quarters again? Hope you
both had a good time., .we sure did I
PIGMY CONGO - Did our shipment
of shark meat arrive yet, or will
we have to keep killing the rodents
in our apartment?
MATT - Hope your weekend was
everything you wanted it to bo.
The management was very pleased.
We'll have to do It again sometime.
Steve - A m I having problems with
by woofer or my tweeter? Hope
you can take a look at them when
you have time.
""* Ptow cleuiliid
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Raiders top BSC
The Red Raiders of Shippensburg
engineered a 26 point second
half rally to defeat the Huskies
38:17 Saturday in BSC's 1981
home opener.
The' Raiders began their
come-from-behind effort with
their ' first possession of the
second half when SSC's talented
running back Dave Friese
plunged two yards for his
second of three touchdowns for
the day.
Shippensburg then went on to
score three more touchdowns on
a five yard run by Friese, a six
yard pass from quarterback
Tim Ebersole to Rich Rayborn,
and a one yard run by Vince
Hall Bloomsburg 's only score in
the second half came when
kicker Doug Berry connected on
a 35 yard goal early in the third
quarter .
The game was
BSC clung to a one point lead.
The highlight of the afternoon
for the Huskies came on the
ensuing kickoff when BSC's
Steve Meszaros returned the
ball 100 yards for a touchdown.
Ironically, Meszaros had
established the previous school
record of 99 yards last year
against Shippensburg.
With only two minutes left in
the half , the Raiders scored on a
ten yard pass but again missed
the extra point and the half
ended with BSC on top by two.
The second half got under
way with the Huskies taking the
opening kickoff as far as the
Shippensburg 18 yard line
where they were stopped and
forced to settle for Berry 's field
goal with 9:46 left in the third
quarter . x
With the field goal the
Huskies offense was through for
the afternoon - BSC would never
again come close.
Bloom athletics in brief
The Husky hooters kicked off
their new campaign with a 4-0
scrimmage victory
Lebanon Valley Saturday .
Prosper Osei-Wusu started off
the BSC scoring with a powerful
shot early in the first half. Fred
McCaffrey then delivered a
penalty shot to make the score
The second half was much
like the first, as the Huskies
added two more unanswered
tallies. First Greg Kane, then
Andy Vincent unloaded shots
into the Lebanon Valley goal.
The defense played solidly the
whole match and only allowed
Lebanon Valley three shots on
goal,; compared to 30 for the
"I feel we. have a good
defense ," commented soccer
coach Louis Mingrove. "It's a
young team and they 're
probably ^ the best talented
group I' ve ever coached."
The team is very young with
only two seniors on the entire
squad. Joining the two upperclassmen are 11 juniors, 11
sophomores and six freshman.
The team's 1981 captains are
Gary Gallagher and Roger
Despite a tough schedule, the
mentor is optimistic. "I look
toward a season in which - we
will be competitive with
everybody, " added Coach
State, and-Franklin and Marshall. ;
In their first ' match, the
Huskies had an impressive 7-2
victory over a strong Salisbury
' ¦:. ¦ ¦' "'. "^'f.- "" . '
The Huskies next opponent
was West Chester , whpj ^|ad
handed Franklin and l^^^hall
an 8-1 loss. West '\£fi1&ter
overpowered the Huskies 9-0 to
end BSC's bid for first place. In
the losers bracket F & M
defeated Salisbury 8-1. '
BSC's next match will be
Thursday, September 17th at
East Strpudshurg.
Red Cross
¦on you.
The Women's Tennis Team
opened their Fall 1981 season on
Saturday, September 12 with a
quadrangular meet at Franklin
and Marshall. The other teams
competing in the event were
West Chester'State, Salisbury
A Public Service pi This Nevvspaper f !Vr|
& The Advertising Council r*v* I
(First Social Fraternity at BSC)
pensburg 's first of the season
and although the Raiders' offense netted 320 yards in the
first half , while their defense
allowed BSC j ust 78 yards,
frustrated SSC's efforts and
helped the Huskies gain a 14-12
halftime lead.
Shippensburg 's first miscue
occurred on the Raiders' first
play from scrimmage when a
fumble on their own 24 yard line
was gathered in by BSC's Mike
The Huskies capitalized on
the error five plays later when
quarterback Kurt Werkheiser
hit fullback Harry James with a
ten yard touchdown pass.
Berry 's extra . point kick was
good and BSC led 7-0.
The Raiders' next two drives
were also halted by errors . The
first produced a touchdown
which was called back due to a
penalty and the second ended
with a fumble lost at the BSC
five yard line.
In the second quarter ,
however, the Raiders finally got
on .the board when Friese
scored from three yards out.
The extra point try failed , and
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^r W ^J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I llll^^^^lefe^eS^^KV^e^lreMjtfLlB^AM
Kuster Auditorium ^fSI^HBHtfn
¦¦ ¦
Marline Science Center .
*£9f&fl3 ^rl|B^
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Vehicle Recovered
' «.¦¦"ww ,»:-t-y^ ™^™»— ¦¦«m ¦¦MWMDH ^nm«n^v/>;v:A MVV
DAMAGED CGA CAR recovered after extensive search. Pictures above , the station wagon appears to be severely damaged ofter the accident.
(Photo by Patrick J. Murphy)
Attend Volunteer Fair
Are you interested in gaining
valuable career experience, or
maybe something that may
improve your resume? You're
in luck.
A volunteer fair offering
career experience will be held
Tuesday, October 22, from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m.; in the
multipurpose rooms in Kehr
Union. Thirty-two agencies
from the Bloomsburg area will
be attending the fair. These
agencies will be offering information to anyone interested
in doing volunteer work in the
Bloomsburg area. "
Volunteering in such an
agency will give practical
career experience in areas such
as business, communications,
(Continued on Pog» 3)
Oh May 17, 1980, a week-long
search for a missing CGA owned station wagon ended,
with the car being discovered on
Spruce Street, between 4th and
5th Streets. The driver's side of
the vehicle was damaged ' extensively, and two BSC freste
men were charged with
Unauthorized use of a motor
vehicle, in Bloomsburg, then
arraigned before the district
BSC security irivestigatorj
Dave Rocco, would not release
the students' names saying,
"they had been through enough
and their names being printed
would only cause them more
undue embarrassment."
Damages totalled $1,331 and
were paid by the drivers'
parents. There was no fine
levied and no legal action was
taken against the guilty party.
The two students involved only
paid court costs.
The students had access to the
vehicle because of their jobs as
student employees, in charge.of
maintaining the various CGA
vehicles. The students used the
ear to get to a party at Lake
Harmony, located in the Pocpno
Mountains; The accident occurred at the party, when the
driver apparently drove off the
road, hitting a tree and other
debris. No one was injured in
the mishap.
The students then drove the
vehicle to Bloomsburg and
parked it where it was later
discovered. .The parties involved then returned the keys to
the information desk and failed
to report the accident.
writer of warm, sometimes
humorous songs , Brown 's
repertoire includes originals,
folk and jazz standards, . and
intricate mstrumehtals.
Steve Forbert and James
Taylor, who are major , influences on him.
RoilyBrown appears again at
1:15 p.m "followed at 2:30 by
Bob Doyle and the Allegheny
String Band. Doyle on guitar,
(Because of the extensive
details of this story, the story
will continue in the next edition
of the CV. It will contain details
concerning the accident, the
process involved in acquiring
CGA vehicles for use, and how
these policies have changed
since the accident. )
KUB Program Board Presents
Fall Jamboree for 1981
A variety of musical entertainment is in store for
Bloomsburg State College
students and community
residents, as the Kehr - Union
Program Board r Coffeehouse
Committee announces its Fall
...Manion also includes
interpretations of other
songwriters, such as Steve
Forbet and James Taylor...
Jamboree '81 lineup.
The 1980 National Guitar
Fingerpicking Champion, Roily
Brown, will entertain audiences
on Friday, September 18, at 8:00
p.m. in the Coffeehouse. A
Crafts and entertainment are
in store on Saturday, September
19) as the Fall Jamboree takes
place from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
on the Kehr Union lawn.
Entertainment begins at 11a.m.
with an Open Mike performance
of local talent. At noon, a
blossoming young singersongwriter John Manion takes
center stage. Along with his
rock 'n roll originals, Manion
also includes interpretations of
other songwriters; such as
Crafts and entertainment
are in store on Saturday,
September 19.
Tad Marks on fiddle, Rick Lytle
on banjo, Dennis Ricker on
mandolin and Arch Warnock on
bass compose this kneeslapping bluegrass band. Also,
listeners should be ready to put
on their dancing shoes and hop
to some square dance tunes.
Sorority Begins Rush at BSC
Are you a freshman with
twelve credits, a sophomore;
junior, or even a senior girl
interested in joining a sorority
and planning to rush this week?
If you signed up to rush and are
curious about what rushing
involves, you might want to
know some of these important
facts and dates.
There are presently eight
IMSIGMIA FOR 1981 Volunteer Fair, Tuesday, October 22
sororities at Bloomsburg
State Alpha Sigma Alpha ,
Sigma Sigma Sigma are
nationally known sororities
While, the other five, Alpha
Sigma Tau , Chi Sigma Rho ,
Delta Epsifoh Beta , Lambda
chapters. Some past service
Alpha Phi Omega , National
Alpha Mu, Theta Tau Omega,
projects have been campus
Service Fraternity , will hold a
Phi Iota Chi are known
visitation tours , Red Cross
final rush meeting at 6 p.m.
All of these sororities
Bloodmobile, a variety show at
tonight in the Blue Room of the
are governed by the InterMaple Crest Nursing Home,
Kehr Union .
Council on campus,
Alumni Phon-a-thon , and
Membership is open to all
composed of two
Explorer Post Service Team;
students who have earned at
members per sorority, along
least , 12 credits and have a
with five executive board
For more information ,
average of at least
¦ ' • ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦:" ' ;¦ ¦;¦¦
The officers for the
2.0; " • .
contact President Dan Snyder v .
1981-1982 school year are as
Alpha Phi Omega is a coed
at 784-0775, or any APO
: . President , Kathy
fraternity with over 400 active
• ' ¦' • • ';. • • •'¦' ',
Service Fratenity
Holds Rush
Boyle; Vice President, Joy
Troxell ; Secretary, Judy
Mastroianni ; Treasurer , Karen
Yarnell ; and Public Relations
Officer, Denise Antolik. BSC is
presently, advised by Carol
Barnett. The council holds
regular meetings to advise the
sororities which are composed
of over four hundred Greek
The Intersorority Council also
coordinates the rush activities
each semester. BSC sign-up
began September 14th and 15th
with all "rushees " paying their
$l;O0 fee for their identification
pin and rush manual. This was
followed with a tea in the
President's Lounge the evening
of the 15th. Mandatory meetings
begin the evening of the 16th
with the All-Sisters Talk in
Kuster Auditorium at 9:30 p.m.
Rush continues on the 17th with
the President's Talk at 9:30
p.m. again in Kuster , followed
by the BSC open house on the
19th and 20th, Here the rushees
are split into groups , and over
the two-day period they are
required to meet all eight
sororities at differen t locations
on campus. This way, each
sorority can show its individualism to the prospective
The following week begins
with three nights , of informal
meetings on the 21st; 22nd , and
23rd. Each rushee may meet a
maximum of five sororities at
their individual houses. The
following night continues with
"formals" in which each girl
may choose a maximum, of
three favorite sororities to visit
for the last time before they
submit their
preferences to the ISC.
On the night of the 24th , the
Intersorority Council tries to
match the preferences of the
rushees with the preferences
and allowable quota for each
sorority .Traditionally, ISC tries
to give each girl her top choice.
Finally, rush ends the next day
as ISC places each rushee's bid
(Continued onFag* 2)
by Robert Stiles
Editorials are columns which express an opinion!
In most cases, the editorial writer is trying to persuade
the reader to view a particular issue the way the
writer does, or to make the reader think about the
issue. These two attempts are the objectives of this and
future editorials.
Topics for editorials can range from seemingly mundane
issues to the most controversial of issues. For this
column, special considerations will be taken so that
each editorial concerns issues which should be of interest to college students. Students , the college administration , functions which are a part of college life ,
and the nation as it effects college students; will
be discussed. To\ use an old cliche, the editorial writer
will call them the way he sees them.
At times, the editorial writer may take an unconventional or aggressive stand on an issue. However ,
careful research will (proceed the actual writing of
any column. If the reader disagrees with what is said
in an editorial , the reader is encouraged to express
his opinion
One important issue which this column will consider
is BSC studentsreluctance to voice their opinions.
Students fail to question the administration , the town and
other related bodies. Yet , the student body should
be a part of the watchdog committee which oversees
the college and town. If students do not voice their
opinions , their rights will gradually erode away until
nothing is left but the dictates of others. And that
is a shame.
Change comes from action. And even in times of conservatism, an active interest in what is going on serves
to check the reigns of government.
This column hopes to make students take an active
interest in those things which they , as BSC students ,
should take action upon.
Ten to fifteen years ago, college students took an active
interest in what was going on around them. The Vietnam War was the primary catalyst. Now, perhaps in
reaction to these past students ' opinions, the presentday student wants to lay back and merely exist.
But students must act.
This column hopes to make students think and then
to organize
The Student Pennsylvania
State Education Association of
BSC will hold the first meeting
of the semester Tuesday, Sept.
22, at 7:00 in Multi-purpose
room A of the KUB. The
organization is dedicated to the
improvement of education for
the Commonwealth and keeping
future teachers informed of
changing trends in education .
All education majors are
invited and urged to attend. The
SPSEA is a must for any
student considering a future- in
teaching. Besides providing , an
insurance policy for student
teachers, the organization also
hosts speakers from the field to
enlighten the members.
The new elected officers for
the 1981-82 year are Rick
DiLiberto, president; Lannette
Odell , vice president ; Deb
Kirdzig, treasurer ; and Pat
Elsroth, secretary. The advisor
is*Dr. Robert Remaley, of the
Dept. of Elementary and EarlyChildhood Education .
First semester freshman
majoring in education should
also take advantage of this
opportunity to get involved in a
professional organization and
meet other students preparing
to teach.
Letters to the Editor
About the concert
Fellow Students ,
Speaking as Chairman of the
Concert Committee , I find it
necessary to explain a few
things about our latest concert.
Under normal circumstances, a
letter of this sort would not be
needed ; however, since we
audience ", I though t I would
explain why these groups were
I am currently in my third
and final year with the concert
committee. Although people
have been pleased with our
concerts during this time, we
have always had an undercurrent of people asking for
harder rock than we have been
Wednesday, September 16, 1981
Bloomsburg Star* Collage, Bloomiburg, PA )78l5Box 97 KUB 309-3)01
Executive Editor
Ad Manager
Newt Editor
Feature Editor
Sportt Editor
Sports Attt
Photo Supervltor
Butlneti Manager
Roberta Clement
, Brian Doart
Brehda Friday
Virginia Reed
Kevin Kodlth
Jeff Brown
Pat Murphy
Karen Troy
Richard Savage
by lgerfce ltreatlied
Tha Vole* Is governed by the editorial leard with tha final responslbllry for all
material ratting with tha executive adltor as stated In the Joint Statement of
fraadam, tightsand KospowtlblHtlos of students at BSC.
The Volca ra«orvas tha right to adit all lotion and cosy submitted. A maximum
of 400 words will be plowed on all tetter* to tfw , oditor with an allowanca
far exceptions. All letter* mutt ba signed and hive an addrats and phono
number. Name* will bo withhold upon request. .'
Tha opinions valcad In tha columns, articles and notice* aro not " necessarily
sharod by tha entire Staff. An unsigned staff tdllorlal donotot a major
consensus of tha odltorlal hoard.
presenting. Since we try to
accomodate as wide a scope of
tastes as we are able, we felt the
time was right to finally
recognize "the rockers." We
questioned many people about
Ian Hunter last semester and
reactions were positive-so, we
decided to go with him. In addition , to include even more
people's tastes, we added Gary
U.S. Bonds and his newly
revived Bruce Springsteen
Well, obviously we missed our
mark as shown by the poor
turnout. We intended the concert to appeal to many more
people than it did. Since
everybody 's money was used to
pay for this performance, I
apologize for not bringing you
the groups you'd like to see.
However, the concert" committee also needs your support.
We are not going to be able to
bring you any more concerts
this year unless we have your
support at the next show . So, if
we have your support in the
future, we will try harder to
bring you the bands that you
want to see.
Thank you,
Mark Trnma
LEIP In tership s
An increasing number of BSC
students are engaging in an
internship as part of their
course of study. These students
know that the on-job experience, the chance to try
some of the ideas they obtained
in their classes, the opportunity
to get employer recommendation , and sometimes
even pay and job offers , make
the internship a positive aspect
of their educational program.
departments have internship
courses which allow a student to
obtain between 3 and 15 internship credits, depending on
the time spent on the internship.
Department Internship Coordinators or Chairpersons can
provide information and - or
Departmental guidelines for
students interning.
During the past summer, BSC
placed a record fourteen
students in the L.E.I.P.
Program ¦? :.* in
Harrisburg . These students
from several different major
interned in a variety of state
government offices and also
with nonprofit agencies. Most of
the students interned in
Harrisburg, although a few
were placed in their hometown
area. The majority of the
L.E.I.P. students received a
weekly salary from the agency
with which they interned.
L.E.I.P. internships are also
available in the Fall and Spring
Semesters. If you would like to
consider a L.EXP. Internship,
contact Dr. Brian Johnson,
Internships, 230 Hartline, EXT.
3600 for more information and
application forms.
World of Poetry
Spons ors Contes t
A $1,000 grand prize will be awarded in the upcoming poetry
competition sponsored by World of Poetry, a quarterly newsletter
for poets.
Poems of all styles and on any subject are eligible to compete for
the grand prize or for 99 other cash or merchandise awards,
totaling over $10,000.
Says contest chairman Joseph Mellon, "We are encouraging
poetic talent of every kind, and expect our contest to produce exciting discoveries.
Rules and official entry forms are available from the World of
Poetry, 2431 Stockton, Dept. J, Sacramento, CA. 95817.
25c to cash a check
If you have recently been to
the bank in the union , then you
have probably had to pay the 25
cents charge for cashing a
check. This fee is applicable
only to students without a
checking or savings account;
checking is free to those
students with accounts or workstudy checks.
The rationale for paying 25
cents, according to Mr. John
Trathen , assistant director of
student activities, is to help
cover operating expenses . The
Bloomsburg Bank-Columbia
Tryst Co. feels it must charge
students in order for the bank to
pay its $100 rental fee to the
State , while taking their
business equipment and other
expenses into account.
Because of the limited
number of accounts, the bank
does not have money to invest in
their operating costs , and so the
surcharge of 25 cents per check
must be utilized,
The bank hopes that the
surcharge will increase the
number of checking and savings
accounts. There were a total of
286 accounts the first -week of
school, while last year a total of
243 accounts were open in the
first week — this turns out to'be
an increase of 18 percent over
last year.
(Continued on Page 3)
(Continued from Pag* 1)
in the Kehr Union where she
then has the option to accept her
bid arid pledge a sorority .
So, if you 're at least a second
semester freshman with twelve
earned credits and a 2.0
cumulative average, you may
want to join a sorority . If you
do . you 'll learn this week what
the word "rush" really means.
Mas s Comm Club features firs film
The Mass Communication
Club is sponsoring the film "On
the Waterfront " , Thursday,
September 17 , in Andruss
Library auditorium.
The film starring Mario
Brandon , Karl Maiden , Lee J.
Cobb, and Eva Marie Saint can
be considered the "Rocky " of
its day. It won eight Academy
awards and shot Brandon into
stardom. It deals with
Longshoremen's Union of the
Waterfront. It not only tackles
complex social, political , and
personal issues without losing
any of the tramatic force, but it
has become a lasting influence
in American culture. Brandon
and Eva Marie Saint are
superb. Go see it and expose
yourself to the world of classic
education , psychology and
sociology. Along with gaining
career experience, you will also
be investigating career opportunities, finding new interests, helping others, and
meeting new people.
Students are encouraged to
attend the fair, even if they are
not considering volunteering. A
booklet listing agencies in the
Bloomsburg area will be
available to all students at the
fair. This is the first volunteer
fair at BSC and may be instrumental in establishing a
volunteer service center on
Any questions concerning the
fair may be answered by
contacting program coordinators Mary T. Montione to
387-0544 or Dr. John Mulka at
Agencies a ttending BSC
( continued from page one)
Hawa iian Luau
launches COM activiti es
On Saturday evening, the
Catholic Campus Ministry
(CCM ) sponsored a Hawaiian
Luau. Students arrived in bright
colored Hawaiian outfits and
were given homemade leis and
flowers to wear. To set the
mood, Hawaiian music played
and Hawaiian food was served.
_ Later, prizes were awarded to
best dressed - Bob Yanchuck,
and to the winners of the limbo
contest, Ida Pedefgnana and
Jim Reiley.
The officers for
organization are : President ,
Linda Rammerdiener ; Vice
President , Maggie Leiden ;
Treasurer , Dianne Uscowskas;
and Secretary, Andy McCarthy.
There will be a meeting
Tuesday, September 22 at 8:30
in the CCM house. All interested
are welcome to attend ; plans
for upcoming events will be
discussed. For the remainder of
this month the following are
planned : September 25th is
"Gym ; Night" which will be
held in Centennial Gym ; on
September 27th Sister Patience
Leiden will speak on "Your
Relationship with God."
For October , rollerskating is
planned for the 22nd. and a
mascarade Halloween party is
scheduled for the 31st.
In November a retreat will be
arranged from the 6th - 8th to
Villa Maria in Wernersville, Pa.
Also, a hayride and cookout will
be organized for the 14th. Check
campus bulletin boards for
futher details.
N u r s in g - S t u d e n t
Association (NSA) will meet at
9:30 p.m., Wednesday, October
7, in Multipurpose Room A,
Kehr Union.
Topics to be discussed are :
organizing a Red Cross
Bloodmobile Drive, a Jump
Rope-a-thon for the American
Heart Association, and SNAP—
Student Nurses Association of
Pennsylvania -— convention in
The NSA is a Health Servicesoriented organization. The
group helps out in community
hospitals, plans fund raisers for
national organizations , and
helps nursing students with
career planning. President ' of
NSA is Lynne Hockenbrock.
(Continued from Page 2)
Depending upon the number
of accounts and the amount of
checks cashed, the charge of 25
cents will remain. In the case of
bad checks, CGA will pick, up
the cost, although checks over
$100 must have permission by
the Community Activities
Office before they can be
' ' a^BBiai•-
¦ ' "'
: .[.
(CH) — Is Moral Majority
paranoia getting you down?
Does the Rev. Jerry Falwell
appear repeatedly in your
Those fears may be forgotten ,
if you accept the viewpoint of a
University of Texas historian.
According to a UT News Service release, Dr. Howard Miller
recently told a group of Texas
alumni there is nothing to fear
about Christian activist groups
like the Moral Majority because
the evangelical fervor - they
displayed during last fall' s
election eventually will bring
them down. Miller blamed
media hype for the attention
Falwell and company have
Or^pzational Meeting
Tues., Sept. 15
6:00 P.M.
l^fr j igff
Green Room
> f-rfe^ Ig^gBr^yy^ife^
No Experience
^ ^^^
sg ^ "*
j ^ " fJ*^^^^ ^^^L\
f ^,,gJglg^TB*W
¦¦ ;
' , . ' - ¦ # - "**%V
(SEN) and Tax Release Form
to the Financial Aid Office if
you have not already done so.
October 1, 1981 — Fall and
spring term student application
(NJFAF) must be received by
College Scholarship Service.
(Continued on Page 6)
^ W^M^
Wl iIf A ytP^\^/0
j ^J
Top Artists.
y S YJlm^^^^^^^^^^^
• v WA |i¦Jp^8BP ^^^^^^^^^^3Pi^^ • ¦ • " Major Labels.
' ¦ ^a^VMf
ll^^^l^^Vlll^g^^^^^^^^^ ^S Hundreds of Selections.
'¦• ', "Pop " to'Classic. ' _
" • ;V^\ Y J|jSpI^^
-(C5?ky|l j K S m S e M i i l^ ^
' "¦$tereo LP Albums.
m ^^^^^^^^mSS ^^^KMSr
' • ¦ '^^^^I
Cassettes. Box' .Sets.
ItP Zj r \ . Wy^ (SALE; DATES)
.,: .and one for me!
Tninff l">v
%i :T
\ \ '
' ~&tim
y M S k m t^^^i i ^S S S S S S S^t
^S .^r
^ ¦
¦' ¦ m'ljXolagW
^JfllB& L^ ^
^""NT^^,-? >Qgr of music
rush meeting
Sept. l7, 9:00PlAA,
^¦:j : ). ttaritixvs
Obviously, it comes down to a
game of "Who Do You Trust?"
- • ¦ ¦¦¦¦• ¦ • ,
On the other hand, your
evangelical anxiety may be
right on target. A Stanford
University News Service Story
quotes Associate Dean Norman
K. Wesseils of the School of
Humanities and Sciences as
saying the Moral *Majority is
dangerous than the Communist
Party. "Our Republic faces one
of its very " gravest crises* of this
century in these next two
decades because of the wedding
of very rich , ultra-conservative
theological groups
politics," Wessells told a Phi
Beta Kappa convocation .
^¦^^^^HHl^HH % ingreatrecord 0
A ttention N.J. residents
"New Jersey Residents : The
New Jersey Office of Student
Assistance has announced the
following deadlines for 1981-82
NJ Tuition Aid Grant and NJ
State. Scholarship Programs :
'. Immediately
— Submit your
Student Eligibility Notice
Campus Shorts
Tfy eCMege Stor&
. .- .
Ian Hunter,
Gary U.S. Bonds
rock Bloomsburg
On Thursday night , a
relatively small but very vocal
crowd was given a lesson in two
different phases of rock and
An audience .filling appr oximately two-thirds
Auditorium heard Gary U.S.
Bonds perform his brand of soul
and rhythm 'n blues based rock
along with Ian Hunter 's hard ,
sharp and often biting music.
Bonds opened the show with a
lively set consisting mainly of
material taken from his Bruce
Springsteen - Miami Steve Van
Zandt produced "comeback"
album, Dedication.
Though more than forty years
old and showing a paunch and
double-chin, Bonds and his band
exhibited no lack of enthusiasm
or energy. They drove through
their set with an abandon that
was almost a challenge to
Hunter to try to top their act.
Even after over twenty years
of performing, Bonds' voice has
shown no sign of weakening. If
anything, it seemed to be
stronger and more powerful,
especially during his ballads,
such as "Daddy 's Come
Home", and a revamped and
very emotion-filled cover of
Browne 's
Pretender. " During these
songs, his voice was full , deep
and resonant, reminding one of
the soul stylings of Otis Redding
and Ben E. King. His transitions
into the more straight ahead
rock of "Dedication ", "Jole '
Blon " and "This Little Girl" ,
also showed as much strength .
Bonds' voice, however, was
not the only standout of his
show. Saxophonist Joey Stann
was also a highlight of his set.
The most featured soloist of
the band , Stann covered parts
originally recorded ,by Clarence
demons with his own style,
lacking nothing in comparison
with the versions on record. His
moments during "Daddy 's
Come Home", "Just Like a
Child", and "Dedication " were
most notable from his all
around fine performance.
In looking at Gary U.S.
Bonds' set overall, there was
really nothing missing from it.
The band was hot, his singing
was on, and this combination in
turn brought the crowd into the
All photos by
Patrick J. Murphy
scene, leaving them dancing in
the aisles and screaming for
There was one problem
though , but it really only affected the performers. Through
the first par set, Bonds and his
band obviously could not hear
their stage monitors. They were
continuously motioning to the
sound men offstage to turn them
up, just so they could hear
The band kept playing until
this problem was finally
alleviated, though at one point
keyboard player Rusty Cloud
left his piano and switched to
organ in mid-song because his
piano wasn't audible on stage.
Bonds, however, was not the
only one to run into problems
with the equipment.
Midway through Ian Hunter 's
opening number , "Once Bitten
Twice Shy", the power on stage
went off completely . The only
instrument still working was
Tommy Mandel 's piano, which
he continued to play in ari attempt to keep the crowd from
getting impatient, but that soon
went off also.
After a feW minutes delay, the
piano's power came back on
and Mandel went into an impromptu version of "Chattanooga Choo Choo ", and he and
Hunter also . did a bit of improvising on "The Lady Is A
Tramp .
While the sound crew worked
feverishly to repair a cable that
had shorted out , Hunter and
Mandel began "Letter To
Brittania From the Union
Jack", but again the power was
lost before he finished singing
the first verse.
Finally, after an approximate
ten minute delay, all of the
power was restored , and the
band finished their opening
song, with the crowd reacting
just as enthusiastically as when
they had first begun it.
For the duration of the set.
Hunter drew material from his
long career with Mott the
Hoople and as a solo artist.
Interspersed among his standards such as "All the Way
From Memphis ", "Cleveland
Rocks", and "All the Young
Dudes", were also a few surprises. These came in the form
of Bob Dylan's "Is All Your
Love In Vain?" , and the insertion of the Rolling Stones'
"Honky Tonk Women in the
middle of "I Need Your Love ".
Another surprise -was his
inclusion of "Violence ", a Mott
the Hoople song which he introduced as "written nine years
ago,- but it's all about what's
happening in England today. "
"Violence " and "Gun Control ".
from his new album , Short
Back N'Sides ", were two
politically based songs that he
Prior to the concert, Hunter
commented about "Gun Control " saying, "I think it's absurd that you have a president
who gets shot and still says that
he doesn 't want gun control. So
he puts business before his own
personal health. "
The harshness of "Gun
Control" and "Violence" was
present in much of the other
material he played. "Noises",
with its jumpy beat and lines
such as, "noises are taking
away my freedom ", and
"Bastard" ,
"dedicated to anybody that you
might feel a bit dodgy about",
were two examples of this.
Another aspect that stood out
from Hunter's show Was the
theatrics that were involved.
Dressed in a black top hat and
tails, frilly white shirt , , an
orange, green , black and yellow
tie , and his ever present
sunglasses, he appeared to be
dressed for a formal rock and
roll ball rather than a concert.
The lighting during the
concert also added to the songs '
presentations. The strobe lights
on the drums during "Noises"
and the single, dim spotlight on
Hunter during "Standin ' In My
Light" contributed greatly to
establishing the atmosphere
and feeling each song wanted to
About this , Hunter said, "Ifs
an event ... it's an extra
dimension. The people are
paying to go out and see
something, so you should give
them something to see."
Overall, the concert certainly
was something to see. Gary U.S.
Bonds, performing a strong,
soul-based set , challenging
Hunter to .try to follow him , and
Hunter meeting that challenge
with his theatrics and powerful
rock and roll. In addition ,
Hunter overcame the equipment failure at the onset of his
show, holding onto and winning
the audience, whereas other
acts may not have been able to.
While the auditorium was
nowhere near sold out, the;
crowd in attendance came away
totally exhilarated and wanting
more. Concert Committee
members expressed disappointment at the lack of support
from the student body, but were
also very pleased with the
performances of both bands and
with the people who did attend.
.. . ,- ' •
Page 6.
' "¦"> ¦ , .:'" ; ' . ' - , .' "'- " .
: ' • ':",
Looking for Something?
Try the Classifieds
•• • • • • •
¦a -* * * *
• • • • • • • •?
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*kllMr4 if ^rl'i^^mf o^ka^Lflo^L^Lm^B
*W$Smm ^:kl *t f l /j S ^f K K ^ ^ ^ ^tKT
DepartiiT'eTii!ia V
'ElwA'B ^M ^jxu
.. .
Trip cost *!0 Urnifed seats ovailob le
Sign up of info ,desk
by Sept. 13
Questions?Call Connie, Dofi, of
. 3'c f
J f
Sponsroed by Kehr Recreation
and leisure service
*.*.• ***¦¦*• **•*••*•* * * * * **• • •*• * * * * *•
Glad to have you on our team and hope
your stay is pleasant. *
¦ ¦¦
The KUB Program Board
Is your social life lacking?
Jackson ,
NJ. residents
Welco me Aboard
Denize at 3305
John Manion, a blossoming singer/song
perform Saturday at noon at th.e Fail Jamboree.
(Continued from Pago 3)
Nov. 15, 1981 — NJ Office of
Student Assistance must
receive your Tax Release Form
from the Financial Aid Office .
for fall and spring term
March 15, 1981 — Spring ternt
only student application
( NJFAF) must be received by
College Scholarship Service.
March 15, 1981 r- Changes in
family financial circumstances
that could affect 1981-82 awards
must be reported to NJ Office of
Student Assistance via a New
Jersey Financial Aid Change
Form .
April 15, 1982 — NJ Office of
Student Assistance must
receive your Tax Release Form
from the Financial Aid ' Office
for spring term payment only:
Special Note : Applicants who
also want consideration for
college-based grants, loans, and
- or student employmen t must
also submit a PA State Grant Basic Grant Application to
Harrisburg as soon as possible
if they have not already done so
for 1981-82. Call Mrs. Kish r
baugh, 389-3908, in Financial
Aid Office, if. you have any
WBSC 640 am
I' ,'
Rush Meeting:
Tuesday ,Sept.22
Kuster Auditorium
Hartline Science Center ¦
We ate back lf
V ''"''
' 4H ¦^¦.^LAflbv^SHnLW
Tune In to Bloom's
Best Rock
Hockey tea
The BSC field . hockey team,
under the charges of head coach
Jan Hutchinson, opened the
season Wednesday with two
informal scrimmage games
against Lafayette. The practice-like atmosphere gave the
new-comers a chance- to see
valuable playing time and also
let coach Hutchinson survey the
1981 squad under game conditions.
The scrimmages revealed a
stronger offensive attack than
last year, when the team relied
primarily on an aggressive
defense. A few weaknesses
were also discovered. Hutchinson commented , "We
showed good passing and a
strong attack, but our reactions
must be quicker and we have to
get to the ball faster."
The first of the two games
ended in a 1-1 tie. Linda Turnbull scored the Huskies lone
marker ,late in the first half.
Laurie Snyder and Kerry
Arnold shared the goal-tending
duties throughout both games.
Lafayette scored a goal
during each half to win the
second game 2-1. Jackie Tiirzer
knocked in Bloomsburg 's only
score at the close of the second
half. Overall, coach Hutchinson
was pleased with the play, yet
she recognized the need for
work in some areas.
The club has twenty-two
returning players , but the
majority are sophomores.
"Although we have a lot of
players back, most of them
have only one year of - college
experience. We are still a young
team with only one senior on
In her first year as coach of
women's cross country, Chris
Daymont is "excited and enthusiatic" about the upcoming
year. In only its third year the
team has proven formidable to
any opponents. Losing only one
runner from last year, the team
will prove to be stronger even
though Captain Anne Grab is
the only Senior on the team .
Perhaps the reason for the
almost overnight success are
Monday s
practice consists of a three-mile
warm up, three miles of long
intervales (one-half to one
mile) , and a two mile warm
down. Tuesday's work is an
"easy " eight miles. Short intervals are the only difference
Wednesday and
Monday, while speed work or
technique day is Thursday.
Friday is pre-meet day, and
covers only four miles.
Saturday is race day and
Sunday is optional.
Prior to practice the women
stretch and work on striding to
lessen the chance of injury
during practice. Following
practice , is more stretching,
push-ups and sit-ups.
Juniors include injured
Lauren Meymaris and second
year runner Mary Urban.
Sophomores consist of Vicki
Amici, Yvonne Delnis, and Lori
Pingitore, whom all aided the
Huskies to fourth place in last
year 's conference , while
Freshmen Barbara Dockerty
should be in the top five this
After Saturday 's 5000 meter
Valley College
Invitation race was over ,
defending champ BSC lost
honors to Indiana University,
who tallied up an incredible
twenty-two points with six girls
in the top ten.
Amici finished third (19:18)
only sixteen seconds behind the
leader (four th place last year).
Dockerty was next, 11th out of
over 90 runners. Delnis was
nineteenth, bettering last .year
by four places, while Pingatore
54th and 70th respectively . The
top five totaled 100.points to top
F&M (129 points), finishing the
team in second place out of
Daymont feels it was "a good
first course" and that "it's
going to be a good year to get
Next week the Huskies travel
to Kutztown for the Lady Bear
Invitational and the following
week to the Shippensburg
Young x-country team begins season
Jewish New Year Services - Tues.,
Sept. 29, 9:30 am, 7:00'. ' pirn.; Wed.,
Sept. 30, 9:30 a.m.; Wed., Oct.
7, 6:30 p.m.; Thurs., Oct. 8:30 a.m.
Daymont "excited & enthusiastic!"
October 1st , all applicants for the
guaranteed student loan must
undergo a financial needs analysis
which involves submission of an IRS
1040 to the Financial Aid Office for
WelghtUftlng Club - Important organizational meeting- - Sept. 17,
Green Room of Kehr Union.
The first general meeting of Phi
Beta Lambda will be held today at
7.00 p.m. in Multi-purpose room A
for all returning members,
PETITIONS FOR CGA & Rep. Assembly are due Frl., Sept. 18 by 4 p.m.
at the Info desk. Elections will be
held Sept. 21 & 22.
ATTENTION: ALL STUDENTS 11 October 1 Is the date for Implementation of the financial needs analysis
requirement of all students applying
for a guaranteed student loan. To
avoid potential problems regarding
this needs analysis, all studnets
who anticipate applying for a
guaranteed student loan during the
81 -82 academic year should apply
for this loan immediately, After
Quality Pre-Owned HIFI Equipment.
Thar Stereo House, 1001 Old Berwick
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Have Stereo House Portable Sound
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play. They also earned second
place in the Trenton tournament, and an impressive first
Susquehanna tournament. ;[
Hutchinson believes , "We
have the potential to do very
well again this year . We hope to
again qualify for the state
tournament. Also, last year, we
were very strongly considered
for a berth to regionals, but
missed being invited by a small
margin. This year, however, we
hope to earn a place in the
regional tournament."1
The hockey team faces a
great deal of traveling at *"' the
beginning of the season. They
officially opened the year with a
weekend trip to New Jersey for
the Trenton Tournament. Both
games this week will take place
on the opponent's fields. They
include Kutztown today and
IUP on Saturday. The home
opener is September 23 at 2:30
against Mansfield. Coach
Hutchinson is looking forward
to a fine season with a lot of
work and
tough ,
aggressive hockey.
^C '
International \^. ^ Fraternity
Let's *
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Do it up!! |
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B3Sement : ' '^:^
fought both the race and a cold
to grab 28th (sixth last year).
Grab and Susan Line finished
the Huskies top six by placing
can be picked up at the ' Financial
Aid Office, Room 19, Ben Franklin
Building. Please be prepared to
show .your I.O. . If a, check is not
picked up by September 18, it will
be mailed to the student's home address'. ' ¦ -••
ATTN: BSC Administration I know
you are irifneed of a bright, congenial person 'with initiative. I have
work-study arid flexible hours. A.D.box4160 KUB
varsity. "
Joan Mahoney is the outstanding senior who makes up
one-third of a very strong
midfield. j oining Mahoney is
sophomore Deb Long and junior
Jeanne Fetch. Hutchinson adds,
"Our greatest strength is at the
midfield where we have our
three strongest players. They,
along with junior Diane
Imboden, were selected last
year to play in the USFHA
Na tional Tournament."
Fetch and Imboden are j oined
on the squad by fellow juniors
Sharon Rush and Jane Seislove;
The Sophomores on the voung
varisty team include Polly
Dougherty ", Robin Eisner ,
Karen Nilson, Arnold, Long,
Snyder, and Turnbull. Lynette
Kyle, a sophomore transfer
from Keystone, joins two freshmen as the newcomers on this
year 's team. Freshmen Jackie
Griffin and Beverly Sprout have
been playing very well according to coach Hutchinson.
The team hopes to improve
upon last year's fine 8-4-3
season record . They finished
third in the state in post season
Part-time work on campus, stapling
posters to bulletin boards. Choose
your own schedule, 4-15 hours
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is based on the amount of material distributed. Our average campus rep earns $4- $7 per hour.
This position requires the ability
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Peavy T-60 Electric Guitar w/case.
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Will let you practically steal it from
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PIGMY BIRDMAN - Get a grip will
you? It's about time you come out
of the ozone layer.?
DIANE AND JERRY - Are you ready
to play quarters again? Hope you
both had a good time., .we sure did I
PIGMY CONGO - Did our shipment
of shark meat arrive yet, or will
we have to keep killing the rodents
in our apartment?
MATT - Hope your weekend was
everything you wanted it to bo.
The management was very pleased.
We'll have to do It again sometime.
Steve - A m I having problems with
by woofer or my tweeter? Hope
you can take a look at them when
you have time.
""* Ptow cleuiliid
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Send «e: tea 97 MM er dreeto die Gee***
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Raiders top BSC
The Red Raiders of Shippensburg
engineered a 26 point second
half rally to defeat the Huskies
38:17 Saturday in BSC's 1981
home opener.
The' Raiders began their
come-from-behind effort with
their ' first possession of the
second half when SSC's talented
running back Dave Friese
plunged two yards for his
second of three touchdowns for
the day.
Shippensburg then went on to
score three more touchdowns on
a five yard run by Friese, a six
yard pass from quarterback
Tim Ebersole to Rich Rayborn,
and a one yard run by Vince
Hall Bloomsburg 's only score in
the second half came when
kicker Doug Berry connected on
a 35 yard goal early in the third
quarter .
The game was
BSC clung to a one point lead.
The highlight of the afternoon
for the Huskies came on the
ensuing kickoff when BSC's
Steve Meszaros returned the
ball 100 yards for a touchdown.
Ironically, Meszaros had
established the previous school
record of 99 yards last year
against Shippensburg.
With only two minutes left in
the half , the Raiders scored on a
ten yard pass but again missed
the extra point and the half
ended with BSC on top by two.
The second half got under
way with the Huskies taking the
opening kickoff as far as the
Shippensburg 18 yard line
where they were stopped and
forced to settle for Berry 's field
goal with 9:46 left in the third
quarter . x
With the field goal the
Huskies offense was through for
the afternoon - BSC would never
again come close.
Bloom athletics in brief
The Husky hooters kicked off
their new campaign with a 4-0
scrimmage victory
Lebanon Valley Saturday .
Prosper Osei-Wusu started off
the BSC scoring with a powerful
shot early in the first half. Fred
McCaffrey then delivered a
penalty shot to make the score
The second half was much
like the first, as the Huskies
added two more unanswered
tallies. First Greg Kane, then
Andy Vincent unloaded shots
into the Lebanon Valley goal.
The defense played solidly the
whole match and only allowed
Lebanon Valley three shots on
goal,; compared to 30 for the
"I feel we. have a good
defense ," commented soccer
coach Louis Mingrove. "It's a
young team and they 're
probably ^ the best talented
group I' ve ever coached."
The team is very young with
only two seniors on the entire
squad. Joining the two upperclassmen are 11 juniors, 11
sophomores and six freshman.
The team's 1981 captains are
Gary Gallagher and Roger
Despite a tough schedule, the
mentor is optimistic. "I look
toward a season in which - we
will be competitive with
everybody, " added Coach
State, and-Franklin and Marshall. ;
In their first ' match, the
Huskies had an impressive 7-2
victory over a strong Salisbury
' ¦:. ¦ ¦' "'. "^'f.- "" . '
The Huskies next opponent
was West Chester , whpj ^|ad
handed Franklin and l^^^hall
an 8-1 loss. West '\£fi1&ter
overpowered the Huskies 9-0 to
end BSC's bid for first place. In
the losers bracket F & M
defeated Salisbury 8-1. '
BSC's next match will be
Thursday, September 17th at
East Strpudshurg.
Red Cross
¦on you.
The Women's Tennis Team
opened their Fall 1981 season on
Saturday, September 12 with a
quadrangular meet at Franklin
and Marshall. The other teams
competing in the event were
West Chester'State, Salisbury
A Public Service pi This Nevvspaper f !Vr|
& The Advertising Council r*v* I
(First Social Fraternity at BSC)
pensburg 's first of the season
and although the Raiders' offense netted 320 yards in the
first half , while their defense
allowed BSC j ust 78 yards,
frustrated SSC's efforts and
helped the Huskies gain a 14-12
halftime lead.
Shippensburg 's first miscue
occurred on the Raiders' first
play from scrimmage when a
fumble on their own 24 yard line
was gathered in by BSC's Mike
The Huskies capitalized on
the error five plays later when
quarterback Kurt Werkheiser
hit fullback Harry James with a
ten yard touchdown pass.
Berry 's extra . point kick was
good and BSC led 7-0.
The Raiders' next two drives
were also halted by errors . The
first produced a touchdown
which was called back due to a
penalty and the second ended
with a fumble lost at the BSC
five yard line.
In the second quarter ,
however, the Raiders finally got
on .the board when Friese
scored from three yards out.
The extra point try failed , and
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