Fri, 02/02/2024 - 19:33
Edited Text
'ctbe 1Rormal 1Re"iew.
\·or,. XI.

2\L\ y'


I 900.


l'nl,li.411d 111011/lify l1f/ lhc

$outbwestern State 1Rormal $cbool,
California, Pa.

,','1;h..:uizition ./(}(· (/ f/Uli'.

.EntPt'l'1'i a'< ,1•eo:H\ eJa,-o- m:dl matter.

jl11dl'/·,"·" ull COii/11111i1icolio11s tn
8dwin lV. ('!111U1.·.


UY W. S.
,rhi:•n to th t.hO\l!.!.'ht
I :-,,umrnon 11p i·crncrnb1·aw.·o of t,hiugs
I :-;ig·h tlH' lack of man�· a t.hin_.2,· [ :-;ou1-.!'11t.
.\ml with old wo(_•,-; tH:w wail my rlt"a1·
tinw\; wa,.;k:
Theu l'�rn T (lt·o11·n an C,Y t', nuu:-;nl t'.>
For p1·t•cio11,.; ft·i('Jl(}-.; hi(] in death':-;
dat-c:l(;,.;� ni�lit,
.\nd Wliep afr\\-.,h love':-. Jon;.:- ,.;irH"c ean­
ct•lled woe,
.\n(l moan tlw CXJH_'u:-.,_• of many a 1·an­
i�lwtl :-dg·ht:
Then ean I gl'icv(; at g-t·i,·\·1rncc:-; fui·e­
_\1Hl ht'ttvi!y fruti wee to wo,� tell o'er
Thu �-na al'.('OUtJt oi' fo1·L·-hernua11t•d
\\T hieli I tlL'W pay 1t>- ii' n Jt paid hdot·e.
j-lm if tlH! wl1ilc l 1:1ink 0:1 tlWt!, clt�at·
.\11 lo",.:p,.: art' t"l),-,tore(l and >'Ol'l'O\\"S


Death of J. W. Vhilips.

.Jo-.,iah \V. Philiu-; 1lit'(l at, his home
in �lm·s!·aut11wn, .\p1·il [.). He \\"lt>- b11t'­
i1_•d ill ( 'al i foi·n in, mi .\ pril IH.
Philips ,.:olllt' _y ea1·,; ..t;.!':) wa,.; >-ll!wa1·d of
the• �oi·m,tl. lfo wa,.: in hL-; ,.:l've1ny­
c-1c·vcnth Vi'ar.
.\ ll who know )•.
Philip:-; l'(_'lllt'mlwr him a:-; a kind, .�·cn­
ial. ( 'hl'i,-,tian g·cnt1c1nall.
�\!)out, two
ypa1·c-1 h1: rno\·t'il to J..lot·g-antown t-o
liv(: 1dth hi.-., two dtrngliter>-.
J.ft'aur\daug·htc·t· b a rn-:tul.hT of tlic prcs­
l'tlt Svni01· cln,-:s.


Tht: question bat: lately been
Fathers u11dc1· di:-.L·ti,;,;ion in the liLer­
;u·y p1·c>-:-; whether there ha\'e
Mothers_ hl'cu •·women humori -;ts''
wrn·tliy of the narnt'. A p1·opo,.;
of bPen ,.:udJ. a womnn wi· of St'\"ct·al
ht111101·011,-; hook,.:, "\Ii>-:,; Kate �anbrn ·n,
q 1wt P1, t \\'O well- known aut ho1·s to pro\·c,
a-; :=-he nrnintains, t,hat, womeu h:t\'e
hoth wit and hnmui·:
·' \Yorn 1;11 hn \'C• mm·e hurnm· than wit,.'·
-Joh,1 /foyh ()' Uri/!_11.
"\VonH�n han:.' 1nn1·t! wit thau burnor ... --()lir-1·1· H'uuld{ Jfol 111e:,.
Slw mi;.d1t haw, qnoter1 a c-1tot·y of
(;ail Harniltlln t.o JH'(We that a woman
may l'Olll!)I'(':,;_-; both wit. and Jrnmot· into
a :-dn�·k dvlive1·atH't•. Gail Hamilton
J'>Ii-;:,; Dml�(•--wa:,; orn·:_i :tt, a han(J_U(-'t,
g·hpn in hono1· of 1,]i,, nwmory of the
Slit' \\"as a:,;kt>rl to
,-,pl•ak, anrl in the r�o\11·c-1e of hct· h1·id
ad(l1·t'c-1-; she scii(l:
'·\Vu lwar a ;.p'c•at dPnl :tlJout the Pil­
grim fatht!t':-;, lrn� w:! do not, heat· mueh
ah!rnt- the l'il:.rr·im motherc-1. \Ve are
often 1·tomintled of the suffe1·ing·:-; of the
l'il'.2,Tim fat.he1·s, but we know that the
L'ilg·r-irn tnot.lH:r,; had to endure mm·e
than they liid.
The Pihrdm!r.-;
liad tu l'IHlut·1) hun,!.;'l'l". eol(1, lial'd�hip,
t.•xilt: aml the dang·t'l'c-1 of attaek:-; from
th(_' Tt11liaus. But thu l-'ilg'l'illl mot,h 1..'t':- ,
my frfenrl,i. ha(l to nm1ut·e not only alt
t,lH!'-t: t-hing·:-;, but, tlwy hall to c'mlut"e
tlw PilgTim fat.\1<.:r,-,, too!"' -Sel.
';Tht• man T matTy," s:lid c,hc, with a
,;tamp. '·m11-;t lw he:,·· rcnrnrkcd t-lie eautious Lad1elor.