Fri, 08/25/2023 - 17:42
Edited Text
the Queen at the
The Spectator
Club Dance
Saturday Night
VIII—No. 3
Her Music Masters
presentation of ‘E’ Club White Lectures On
Queen To
- Climax Dance i Phases of China
Qmi-Formal Dance Will
Sire Lucille and
Starts Tonight
Presents Colored Pictures—
»Vears Oriental Regalia
NOVEMBER 6, 1940
Vivid Portrayals of Tragedy and Comedy
To Be Staged By Student Directors-Actors
College Will Feature
Educational Assemblies
China, a romantic land of brilliant- *
harmonious color, came to Edin
Highlighting the “E” Club’s semiboro as J. Henry White, well known
fox-mal dam
Awards Will Be
traveller and photographer, delivered
txus will
v- be the presentation of
Announced After the
the “E” Club Queen and her attend ais illustrated lecture on Chinese Cul
Next Group of Plays
ing court of four girls.
The performance this evening of
Extensive plans have been made
Mr. White took his audience,
three one-act plays will open the Ed
to make this one of the outstanding
dances of the season according to wh ch included the student body of pertaining to college taken care of, inboro Players’ tenth annual pro
riil Kohn, president of the Club. Mu Edinboro High School as well as the assembly programs are turning duction of the Tournament of Plays.
.he college students, on a fascinating
sic for the occasion will be provided
for entertainment to a series of pro During the ten years, since 1930,
:our of the spots of scenic beauty in
by Lucille and her Music Masters,
fessional performances and lectures. the Players have presented sixty
China. Among the views were pic
popular dance orchestra from Erie.
Thus far two of those scheduled have plays, all student directed, acted
tures of the Great Wall of China
At the dance the Queen will be
already appeared in October. These and staged.
built ten thousand years ago by ten
The plays this year are of upwere Gordon Bennett, photographer
awarded a white varsity “E” sweat
million men. The pageantry of the
quality and cover a variety
er with the letter in red, the reverse
city of Peking, and the magnificent
realistic picture of life in Communis of moods. They include two trag
of the colors worn by the regular
architectural splendors of the pal tic Russia; and a portrayal of the edies, two comedies, one serio-comlettermen.
aces, pagodas, and other C. inese cultural aspects of China and the city edy and one pantomime. As in pre
The Queen and her court, elected
structures were shown by the speak of Peking by J. Henry White of the vious years six plays are being stag
by members of the Club, will be sel er who accompanied them with in
ed, three this evening and three on
Explorer’s Club of New York City.
ected on the basis of popularity, per- teresting comment.
the evening of November 30. Those
tunaiity, beauty and interest in ath
Additional educational entertain we shall see th's evening are as fol
For eight years Mr. White travel
letics. The Queen will be chosen ed in the Oxient studying Chinese ment is in store for us upon the dates
lows: “The Duchess Says Her Pray
from the Senior Class.
customs and photographing the glory >f November 8th and 11th, when Mr. ers”, directed by Mary Esther Dail
It is expected that the dance will of the Chinese civilization. His col Macy of Girard College and Lt. Col. ey; the cast includes June Howard,
be held in the new gymnasium from ored photographs are among the fin Winfield R. McKay of the State Ar Pat Godfrey, and Ralph Knopp; the
8 30 to 12, but if it is not avail est that have ever come out of the mory at Erie will give addresses. Mr. scenery is by Ponziano Manning; “A
able the old gymnasium will be used country and from time to time, Macy, who is business advisor and Moment of Darkness”, directed by
groups of them have been published personnel d rector at the college, and Robert McKinney, with Robert Ul
the author of several articles about rich, Mary Esther Dailey, Jean Bald
in the National Geographic.
vocational guidance, is well versed in win, Jane Vaughn, Gurley Mae
As he spoke he was attired in a
‘his field. His subject will be of in Himes, Evelyn Glenn, Ellen Haiston,
native costume of the people of
terest to everyone.
and Sally Wilson in the ca?t; scenery
China. He told of the significant
In observance of Armistice Day, by Patricia Masterson. “A Cup of
position the country has held in the
international situation in the past Lt. Col. Winfield R. McKay will Tea”, directed by Earl Madigan; in
cluded in the cast are Will Schaaf,
Visiting Faculty Homes
few years. “It was the invasion of speak before the assembly upon Mon
Highlight of the Evening
Following Marjorie Martin, Betty Miller, and
Manchuria by the Japanese that day, November 11th.
started the ultimate downfall of the (that, upon November 13th, a special Raymond Graves; scenery by David
----------- 1 wjlj be
Members of Phi Sigma Pi last League of Nations,” he said. He went program will be presented by the Heath.
The plays will be judged for awards
Polomene Potters.
Thursday night enjoyed a well-plan(Continued on Page Two)
in acting, directing and scenery. The
ned Hallowe’en Stag Party which
judges this year are John Hulbert,
them to the homes of members
director of dramatics at Allegheny
°f the faculty for short visits. The
College and secretary of the Na
aft’air reached a climax with a gettional
Theatre Association; Mrs. Jesse
t in the Reeder “Y” rooms
of playing cards, but Kennedy Skalal, director of drama
Mere refreshments were served.
will if necessary....loves anything tics at Lawrence Park High School; the majority of the members past fourteen
. ... years,
------3....has instructed
connected with the theatre....ex and Mrs. Marjorie Vincent, of the
the group made stops at the
three tthousand students in speec an | £reme]y fond of traveling....has visi Erie Playhouse.
nies of Mr. Ellenberger, Mr. McCollege students will be admitted
Nec~ Miss Sk nner, Mr. Bates, Mr. nine hundred and eighty in dramatics ted fifteen different countries in
of charge, tickets for others are
4llc°i-’y and- -Mr. Haller before re-1 . ...believes that the students of today
are more self-reliant in dramatics Isles....likes the strangeness of cer■ I 20c for one evening, 35c for both.
to the Reeder Recreation
tain sections of the Orient....was
Koonis. Members of the fraternity than those of ten years ago—attri
butes this to greater knowledge and once held up by a Bedouin near the QUARTER GRADES NEARING
ported a" v<
very exciting and enjoyappreciation of the theatre....enjoys Sphinx....has experienced a tornado
a k evening.
Teachers are scheduled to turn in
at sea....would rather travel by air
T^e group looks forward to a the- playing Beethoven on her piano....
grades November 9. These
particularly the “Moonlight Sonata”
er Party in Erie planned for the
be available at a time
active in Y. W. C. A. work in this
ofear fhture at which the girl friends and “L‘ebestraum”....favorite color is and other countries....enjoys enter- j announced later.
blue....likes to have a cup of good
The Dean’s list el all those who
Co ,. e Members will be guests, actaining at Unusual parties....this is
ofr^nS to Arnold Dunfee, chairman coffee the first thing in the morning Miss
_ _personal- have attained a ‘B” or better in all
....likes people who have a sense of
ity, excellent teacher, and congenial | subjects will be published in January.
.social committee. A skating
humor....has no trouble finding them
It is really worthwhile to be that good.
8H11y is also Planned but the date is
among the students....intensely dis- friend.
111 ^settled.
Phi Sigma Pi Party Is
Typically Hallowe’en
Tournament Plays
Club Dance Saturday*
The Teacher of the Day
1 VVAillVVW>/M
----------------------- --------------- ----------
Pare Two
The Spectator
The student body of Edinboro Col
“Let’s go to the Coffee Shoppe” lege are representative of nearly ev
been pretty much of a by-word ery county in the state as well as a
around here for quite a number of student out of state and one from
years. But I like this idea of hav Canada. This is an interesting fact
ing the Coffee Shoppe come to us for it shows that a whole state cat
even better. What could be sweet oe fused into one student group.
er than to have a sandwich and a
Below is a list of the counties re
coke to break the monotony of study presented with a list of the the num
hour- in the evening? Wolfe will be ber of students from each county.
olad to supply you with said vittles
Allegheny 8; Beaver 6; Butler 1;
providing several people get together Cameron 1; Chester 2; Clearfield 1;
and make up an order amounting to Crawford 45; Dauphin 1; Elk 1; Erie
at least $1.00. Slip a rumor to your 140; Forest 1; Jefferson 3; Lacka
.oomie that Mr. Wolfe is going to wanna 2; Lancaster 7; Lawrence 9;
As the new buildings on the cam comers scrutinize each incoming cou make up little 10c pies for such eve- Lycoming 1; McKean 3; Mercer 3;
pus go into service, a number of old ple, each stranger, each friend, for ning orders....or half a pie for 5c. Montgomery 2- Northumberland 1;
customs, traditional at Edinboro, will the entrance doors face the stage. Vou and a chum can get a double- Somerset 1; Venangoo 10; Warrea
The new stage .s much larger than deckei* ice cream cone and one of 10; Washington 3; Westmoreland 4;
old. So, at the final curtain, these pies and, presto....pie a la mode York 2; from other states 1; from
When the first basketball games
stiffened actors will no longer neei deluxe.
Canada 1.
are played in the new gym, enthusi
to hold their last pose while stage
Flash I!....Latest reports from the
astic students will not be “leaning on
the old top rail” of the balcony, as hands rush to free the curtains fro.a front’! The aforesaid mentioned C’MON, BOYS, FIGHT!
protruding furniture. Students leav Coffee Shoppe is offering a real, bona
they did in the old gym. No longer
On Saturday, November, 9, Ediswill these frenzied rooters let fall ing chapel can no longer save time fide, free steak dinner to the foottheir cheers, their hats, and their by hurrying down the fire escapes. bal team this week-end. All they boro’s valiant Raiders will bJavely
There are no fire escapes on the new have to do to get it, is beat Slippery face the Slippery Rock Green. As
gum on the players below.
Rock!! You’re a pretty lean, hun- Edinboro will play at home they will,
When, for the first time, an audi
When Edinboro’s grade school and gry-looking bunch of boys lately, and no doubt, treat the greens as “com
ence fills the new auditorium, they
we know you can use an offer like pany ’ by allowing them to score the
will miss the pre-curtain pastime of high school youngsters are establish
this, so....come oln, team....FIGHT!! first few touchdowns.
the old. No longer can the early- ed in the new senool, colYou've got something worth fighting
Slippery Rock is a notably power
I for, if 1 know Wolfe’s steak dinners, ful team but the Red Raiders have
| so....SOCK IT TO ’EM!!!
a reputat.on, too. They are the boys
Much as we try to avoid it, we who fight to the finish and never
6. Y. M. C. A.
• can hardly help noticing the snap in give up even when things^are defi
Canterbury Club
They are boys who
the air and the frost on the leaves. nitely down.
1940 Tournament of Plays
As long as we can’t ignore winter will supply the spirit for the buildijg
Phi-Delt Hockey
any longer, we may as well get ready of future Edinboro teams of real
7. Interclass Volleyball
foi- it. Gillaspie’s have beat us to strength.
Y. W. C. A.
'the game Saturday is the last of
the draw this and are all stocked
8. Hockey, Edinboro at Mercyhurst
up with things for sucn a winter as the season for the team. Then they
only Edinboro can
produce. Per will put away the helmets and shoul
sonally, I ve got my eyes on one of der pads and start to attend Saturday
thq.e plaid flannel shjrts. They laid classes.
them in for the boys, but I think!
Mr. Macy, Lecture in Assembly
they are going to go over b
9. Football, Slippery Rock at Edinboro
the girls as well. Flannel is pretty
(Continued from Page One)
E Club Dance
-------- 1
snug-feeling when snow flies and
be- ■ me right, they’ve been 85c every
11. Choir
sides, aren’t they good-looking? Can t on to say that it has also been sign!
Girls’ Ensemble
you just see them with one of those ficant that the Chinese have beei
corduroy pinafores or with a flannel able to resist Japanese aggression
skirt or slacks? All this for 89c and otherwise Japan might be far mon
Lt. Col. Winfield R. McKay, Lecture in Assembly
dangerous today than she is.
13. Horse Show
In addition to the publication o
Newman Club
those lil’ red, white, or blue affairs his photographs the lecturer in col
15. Choir
n Gillaspie’s window.
With that laboration with his brother, has pub
name on them I don’t have to tell lished two important works on th
Eve Le Gallienne
Orient, “The Romance of C|rna,
Hockey, Edinboro at Lake Erie College
lege students will have exclusive oc and an expensive art volume, “Pt
18. Choir
cupation of college buildings for the king, the Beautiful.”
Girls’ Ensemble
first time in many years. The grass
He has no immediate plans for
will grow green on the campus, un21. Y. W. C. A.
future return to China. The wa
d.sturbed by ten year old football
situation in the Far East makes
stars. High school students will no
increasingly difficult to get aroutu
longer go hurrying across campus to
20. Y. M. C. A.
especially in
southern part
classes. ’ And these same student;
Canterbury Club
where the Burma Road incident hi
will miss the back porch of the old
1940 Tounjhment of Plays
recently flared up.
high school building, where on sun
ny days they ate their lunches. Stu you anything about the quality th
22. Choir
dents in Normal Hall basement will s in them,....always the best,
listen in vain for the treat of feet I certainly hope I don’t have to te
and scrape of chairs above them.
you vx hat fashion a la minute th(
25. Choir
The old power house is already are!!! Note the height and shape.
Girls’ Ensemble
gone, the last brick torn down. It« Aren’t you just mad about rubbi
chimney, it is true, often scattered boots?....I am. These are minute
soot over the surrounding neighbor- priced as part of the plot....$3.00 i
ood, but it will take many years for you.
20. Salvi-Freund Ensemble
the ivy to grow as thick and green
Snoop, the Snoop....bargain-finde
27. Thanksgiving Recess begins
on the new.
(Continued on Page Three)
Mary Esther Dailey
Assistant Editor
.................... •..................... Edward Damits
Exchange Editor
Warren Anna
Faculty Adviser
F. L. La Bounty
Advertising Manager
Dorothy Williams
Feature Writer
Ray Gallagher
Proof Reader
........................................... Ralph Knopp
Reporters—Donald Wagner, Jack Mensinger, Al Bloch, David Small, Hazel
Taylor, Elaine Harshman, Lucille Marti, Margaret Calfisch, Elaine
Highfield, Sally Wilson, Norma Scheidemantel.
Pace Three
Social Arts Club
of the “Social
The membership
Arts” club has grown almost over
night from fifteen to forty-five enthusiastic girls. We are very glad
that we are now one of the largest
organized groups on campus; our
only regret is that the size of our
’ club seems to make it impossible to
admit to membership any more of the
girls who have discovered us.
Miss Brown has consented to act
as our faculty adviser
and Hazel
Dennison has been elected president.
Party note:
Members, bring an
apron and come to the college kitche.i
Thursday, November 14, at 7:30 P.
M. (We’re going to learn the “Art
of Making Good Candy”.)
If you
, plan on coming to the party, be sure
and pay your ten cents to Audrey
Hinkson or Kate Maxon before 6:00
o clock Tuesday, November 12. If
this is not paid by the set time there
Mill be pos ttively no admittance to
j the party.
'Continued from Page Two)
par excellence, finds that Gillaspie’s
are also showing those popular Mojud
hosiery, and lo, and behold, the price
tag says 69c!’ If my memory serves
me right, they’ve been 85c every
where else I’ve gotten them. The
Scotch in me likes that saving.
Variety, as the sages are prone to
quote, is the spice of life. I thought
of this as I was waiting for some
change in Cooper’s the other day.
You can find more convenient odds
and ends in there if you just look.
Over there at the 10c toilet goods
counter, I found the cleverest little
transparent tubes of cotton puffs....
all different colors....wontierful for
smoothing off the excess drifts of
powder after make-up has been care
fully applied. By the way....did you
ever use these dabs of cotton to re
move nail polish?’s not nearly so
messy as those paper tisues.
Speaking of nail pol'sh....! 1'ke the
sound of the names they have given
th* new colors, don’t you? At
Cooper’s I noticed some called Rhum
ba .... HyHat .... Hijinks .... Radiant
.... Aloha .... Ginger .... sounds nice,
eh what?
Now g’rls, to g ve knees and el
bows that pink, well-scrubbed look,
you should have one of those tricky
lil’ white bristled, just-stiffJ nough
brushes that Cooper is selling for 10c.
It keeps one hopping to think of .
a cleverer door decoration than ydur
next-door neighbor .... and Coopers
have just gotten in some knockers in
the form of a wooden wood-pecker.
You have only to pull the string and
a 1 ttle bird starts knocking on your
door. They’re more fun!!
I don’t know about you but I. cer
tainly appreciate the way Mr. Coop
er cooperates with the Art Staff of
the school about supplies. He knows
what you are going to need in the
way of Art tools almost before you
do and has them there ready for you
when you get there.
----------A Bazaar is to be held on Thurs WAA Hockey Play Day Squad Deserves Credit
For Their Admirable Spirit
day, December 5, in the Old Gym
nasium. This is being sponsored by
the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A.
with the help of the entire student
The proceeds will be used
to outfit an ambulance, which will be
sent to England.
Each of the organizations on cam
pus is sponsoring a booth at the Ba
zaar. Some of these are a side-show,
an auction, a bingo booth, refresh
ment booth, handwork, dancing and
many others.
Over 300 colleges in the United
States have already contributed to
th s ambulance fund. The names of
the colleges are to be placed on a
placque which will appear on the am
Committees have been appointed
to take charge of booths and decora
tions. They are all working hard to
make the Bazaar a success, but it
will require the cooperation of eveiy student and teacher to do this.
Guests Honored at Tea in
The ‘President’s’ House
On Meadville Street
This Saturday, Edinboro ends an
other uneventful football season.
The team’s standing as it enters the
State last lap of the schedule is 0 wins, and
The women of Edinboro
Teachers College deserve a great deal 6 losses. When we meet Slippery
of credit for their cooperation in mak- Rock on Saturday, we meet a team
ng Edinboro’s Hockey Play Day pos
which has gone through the past two
sible. Sponsoring Play Day requir
However, this
ed the combined efforts of over fifty seasons undefeated.
girls, Miss Ruttie, and the W. A. A. year it is a different story. So far,
Council. It is rather disheartening, they have been defeated twice, once
however, that so much preperation by Detroit Tech, and by Indiana.
was necessary to entertain just one
They tied with Shippensburg, and de
guest team. We are still wondering
what happened to the other teams! feated Westminster. Naturally they
About 2:30 Saturday afternoon, will be anxious to win this game Satthe Edinboro Blue Team played uray, for it will put them back in
against Grove City’s Hockey Team. the winner’s column. Probably they
The result of this game was a 4-0
think that this game will be a set-up,
victory for Edinboro. Points were
made by Betsy Vincent, Anna Kri- for they defeated us last year by a
vonak, Helen Shindiedecker, and score of 40-0, and therefore, they
Doris Heintz.
Next, the Edinboro are apt to be just the least bit over
Red Team played against Grove City confident.
and won with a score of 1-0; the goal
The Red Raiders, who have met
being scored by Ellen Haiston. The only two teams which are anywhere
final score was an exciting one be- near being in their class, are more
On the evening of Wednesday the |( tween the Edinboro Reds and the than ready to meet the Rockets. They
30th of October in Loveland Hall, ii Edinboro Blues. The score of the nave had a two weeks’ breathing
the ScaRAb club initiated into their last game was 0-0.
spell, since no game was scheduled
group about twenty new members, j
After the games, a reception and last Saturday.
Just because there
which consisted of freshmen and new | tea prepared by Jean Alexander, was no game last Saturday, don’t
art student. This was the first initia- ! Donna Beitrum, and their committee think that the team has not been
tion, the second will be held at a | was served in the “President’s” home. practising. Not only have they been
date to be announced later.
Mis. Ghering, Miss Ruttie and Miss prastising every afternoon, but they
Ludgate were our hostesses.
have been concentrated pracThe offic'als for the hockey game t ces, and each fellow is trying his
were from the Cleveland Hockey hardest so that we can really send
Club of which Edinboro is a member. Slippery Rock back to their own home
Another exciting Hockey game will on the short end of the score.
The Girls’ Ensemble is an organi
And then too, there is the E Club
zation of girls who are interested in be played between the Varsity Phis
learning to sing together. It meets and Deltas on Wednesday, Novem dance Saturday night, and this func
every Monday and
Wednesday at ber 6. There is a Freshman-Sopho- tion can be an even greater success
11:35 in the Music Building. Miss more Volley Ball game on Thursday, if we can celebrate a victory at the
Wilson, who is the adviser, plans to an^ Friday the Edinboro
Hockey same time. Don’t forget, the fel
lows on the team who have been prac
start the group to singing Christmas Team is going to Mercyhurst.
The following week also carries an tising for the last two months do not
songs soon.
important schedule with the Horsei ask much from the student body, and
Show and Hockey Game with Lake■ the least that we can do is give them
Erie College at Painesville on Friday. our full support when they do ask.
How about every student enrolled in
Jean Alexander was chairman of the college being out there Saturday
On Monday evening the Alpha the affair with Marion Duffy, Mar afternoon cheering the team to vic
Delta Sorority held a “hobo” costume jorie Martin, and Nancy Seay serv tory, and then going to the dance
party in the recreation room. Miss ing on the committee. Games and that night, and show the boys that3
Olga Hubiak, the sorority’s pledge, dancing were features of the eve we really do appreciate their finfe”
was honor guest.
ning. Refreshments were served.
ScaRAb Club
Girls’ Ensemble
Alpha Delta
VY. A. A.
Edinboro State Teachers College
Canterbury Club
Edinboro Field Hockey Play Day.......... i1:30
Hockey. Advanced, Phi-Delta................ -4:00
Volleyball, Fresh.-Soph................................. -4:00
Hockey, Edinboro-Mercyhurst, Erie.......,4:00
Hockey, Fresh.-Soph...................................... !3:50
Horse Show........................................................ I3:50
Hockey, Fresh.-Juniors..................................4:00
Hockey, Lake Erie-Edinboro, Paines
ville ........................................................................;3:45
Volleyball, Fresh.-Juniors.......................... 3:50
Hockey, Soph.-Juniors.................................. I3:50
Volleyball, Soph. Juniors........................... 3:50
W. A. A. Meeting. Award
2 Trophies.
Tea ........................................................................ <4:00
P. M.
The Canterbury Club, formerly
known as the Episcopal Club, held its
regular meeting on October 23 at
the home of Miss Whitney. At this
time they selected the name for theta
The club, plans to hold a monthly
communion service.
The first ofl
these will be on November 10 at MrBates’ home.
The next meeting of the club is
scheduled for
Wenesday evenmg=
November 13, at the home of Miss
Pif* F»«r
Reeder's Digest
A noted horseman in our dorm has
met with a most serious accident.
Nevin Weller, who comes from a long
line of horse-thieves, dislocated his
elbow when his horse reared, and fell
upon him—and speaking of being
well reared, Charles Zimmerman
seems to be very much that way. But
seriously speaking, Bud Rhode enjoys
birthdays very much.
Stand up,
Girls!! Have you heard of Don
Walbridge, the gentleman with the
best looks, and the most winning per
sonality you could ever imagine—I
just couldn’t pass him up.
speaking of passing up; Joe Scalise
never passes up a moment with Mari
an Langnser. Joe you’ve really got
The Scranton Twins, Gene Manley and Charlie Egan, have moved
down to the ground floor with Leo
who has also taken up
house-keeping in another room. Like
wise, Max Leslie and “George” Ab
rams have gone to a room on the
third floor.
SureDo you know “Edmea
She cedtainjy has been
keeping the Junior lads up late these
Don Wagner is also
among those staying up late, in fact
he stays up all night. I wonder why?
One of the latest models in auto
mobiles, before 1927, has been pur
chased by Bob Hahn, Jack Mensinger, and Dave Blasdell, It runs on
practically nothing.
Hal Stoops just couldn’t keep up
with Janie, result: he is spending the
rest of the week recuperating in Erie,
and then too, Frank Socia bent over
his school work so much that it has
affected his back.
Have you heard about the GravesAckelson versus Schlindwein-AitonEisaman Feud? They have been bat
tling it out every night until the wee
My room is locked. I sit trem
bling in fear than any moment my
room will be stacked. Will this col
umn ever reach the press? Here’s
And speaking of rooms,
Whitehill says: “Come on up to my
room anytime!”
We almost had grade A milk this
Back Stage
Haven Ravin’s
Kappa Komment
When you watch the curtains part
tonight and you see the dramatists
step on the stage I want you to re
member a few things with reference
to the production underway.
I d like you to think of Earl Madi
gan trying to rehearse his cast with
.our sewing machines, two arches,
two flats and a platform cluttering
up the stage.
I’d take you to think of M. E. Dail
ey facing Dr. Van Houten on Sunday
ight when the auditorium should
not be used.
I’d like you to think of Ponziano’s
scenery being taken down in five
I’d like you to think of Robert
(Selznick) McKinney threading sew
ing machines, cutting out dresses,
and becoming upset because people
don’t come to rehearsal.
I’d like you to remember Miss Ludgate being cheerfully patient wh le
student directors tell their troubles
as if the rs were the only play given
that year.
So far this year, the Kappa Delta
Clump—clump—clump, and as the
Phi fraternity has been leader in sounds of the last dragging moccasin
social functions on campus. Dances, fade down the hall, your columnist is
smokers for alumni members, a steak again ready to pound out more hints
fry, and now a hay ride are but a and dints to the gals of Haven Hall....
suggestion of what is to come later Ever hear: Hilda Sarah Jane alias
n the year. After the hay ride held “Arky” Vaughn? and we think she
on November 2 at 7:30 p. m., the makes a pretty snappy little moll
members of the fraternity accom- that play....Hints to the non
panied by their dates, went to the conformist: we bless the quiet hour;
home of Mr. and Mrs. Aime Doucette —especially when they’re quiet!....
where refreshments were served.
Have you heard?—“cantering down
The tentative date which has been for a coke” is the latest. Remem■et for the banquet is November 8. b” 'M”ion (Fobsie) Forbes?—s' e
At rhe banquet, Fred Casoli will re was back the other day, full of the
ceive an award for the most active joys of married life—for further de
member of last year. Bill Snyder is tails see the “Lonely Hearts”....Well,
also slated for an award for the ser due to the E Club’s latest announcevices he rendered as pledge-master,| ment, it wouldn’t surprise us any to
last year. Those pledged last year | see Haven suddenly turn into a house
who are giving the award are: Dick' full of “typical American girls”—
Rockwell, Dave Blasdell, Jack Men- a little on the athletic side, mayhap?
singer, Dick Whitehill, Al Bloch, Joe ....and down on first we have again
Scalise, Max Leslie and Steve Cru- an exhibit of paintings—this time
lic. As the victors of class B bas the painter is none other than Marion
ketball lest year, the fraternity is to Appleby’s father! Warning: to anyreceive an award.
; one who might happen to run into
No doubt the new, white shirts*
have been noticed. Though they are
very definitely plain, they are sym
bolic of the aims of the fraternity.
Hey, hey, what the heck do you
know about that! Prexy Bob Hahn
is the proud possessor of a MercedesBlitzkreig model ’76.
It’s parked
out behind Haven.
As experiment, the fraternity has
published a newspaper....strictly lim
ited to news of the fraternity. It’s
editor is Jack Mensinger. All work
done therein was a Kappa Delt. Let
us know how you like it, we’ll ap
preciate it.
morning, but the darn cow got away!!
And speaking of milk, Caimen Fio
relli is quite the expert milker.
Bud Eiasman certainly does know
how to raise those colors, all he needs
is the bugle call. And on the sub
ject of bugle calls, some one mu t!
have sounded retreat when that far
mer fired that shot gun last -.night.
If the
cuse us,
in fun.
ly had a
Edinboro residents will ex
T. ur day’s doings were al!
Fun?? Oh yes, we certain
good time that night.
We are featuring Joan Kenley blouses at $3.95.
these blouses with an evening skirt, priced under $5.00, will
make a charming combination for the E Club Dance.
Off-Campus News
With many of the off-campus girls
substituting xur
for 1UIU1
rural teachers,
Lt-'UCIICIO, lliailj
usuai duos have been broken
in to solos....Donna Bertram seems to
What we’d like to know is: who’s have Penn State on her mind—could
responsible for the cabbage floating it be....That girl you see in the Red
around second?....Weren’t you pleas & White when you get your daily
grub is “Tiny”
Pardee....Webb &
ed and surprised to be routed from
Webster seem to spend quite a bit of
your slumbers by another fire drill
their t me in the Coffee Shop. It
Wednesday night?—more surprised
would be nice if Ted Vesber and
than pleased, we’ll bet....anyway, it |
M ss Brown would agree sometime
didn’t bother two freshmen, we know I
in American Government—declare a
—how’s about it Lucille Marti and
legal holiday and all that sort of
Hazel Taylor? T?en just as a b t
of information for the alarm clocks_____________________
standing under the windows of May- woke up the whole first floor!....did
ers and Davis, inc.—did you
know | they appreciate it?
ask them—we
that the results of your morning re
you !
veille were a little more than you
We’re through, now....this is the
had perhaps planned? in fact, you end!!
+----Meet the Bunch
One of
Godfrey....don’t become
alarmed if she’s got "that far-away
look in her eyes”, or is talking to
herself—its just another one of those know, dramatic club-ltis
by way of explanation, The Duchess Says Her Prayers”.
The Spectator
Club Dance
Saturday Night
VIII—No. 3
Her Music Masters
presentation of ‘E’ Club White Lectures On
Queen To
- Climax Dance i Phases of China
Qmi-Formal Dance Will
Sire Lucille and
Starts Tonight
Presents Colored Pictures—
»Vears Oriental Regalia
NOVEMBER 6, 1940
Vivid Portrayals of Tragedy and Comedy
To Be Staged By Student Directors-Actors
College Will Feature
Educational Assemblies
China, a romantic land of brilliant- *
harmonious color, came to Edin
Highlighting the “E” Club’s semiboro as J. Henry White, well known
fox-mal dam
Awards Will Be
traveller and photographer, delivered
txus will
v- be the presentation of
Announced After the
the “E” Club Queen and her attend ais illustrated lecture on Chinese Cul
Next Group of Plays
ing court of four girls.
The performance this evening of
Extensive plans have been made
Mr. White took his audience,
three one-act plays will open the Ed
to make this one of the outstanding
dances of the season according to wh ch included the student body of pertaining to college taken care of, inboro Players’ tenth annual pro
riil Kohn, president of the Club. Mu Edinboro High School as well as the assembly programs are turning duction of the Tournament of Plays.
.he college students, on a fascinating
sic for the occasion will be provided
for entertainment to a series of pro During the ten years, since 1930,
:our of the spots of scenic beauty in
by Lucille and her Music Masters,
fessional performances and lectures. the Players have presented sixty
China. Among the views were pic
popular dance orchestra from Erie.
Thus far two of those scheduled have plays, all student directed, acted
tures of the Great Wall of China
At the dance the Queen will be
already appeared in October. These and staged.
built ten thousand years ago by ten
The plays this year are of upwere Gordon Bennett, photographer
awarded a white varsity “E” sweat
million men. The pageantry of the
quality and cover a variety
er with the letter in red, the reverse
city of Peking, and the magnificent
realistic picture of life in Communis of moods. They include two trag
of the colors worn by the regular
architectural splendors of the pal tic Russia; and a portrayal of the edies, two comedies, one serio-comlettermen.
aces, pagodas, and other C. inese cultural aspects of China and the city edy and one pantomime. As in pre
The Queen and her court, elected
structures were shown by the speak of Peking by J. Henry White of the vious years six plays are being stag
by members of the Club, will be sel er who accompanied them with in
ed, three this evening and three on
Explorer’s Club of New York City.
ected on the basis of popularity, per- teresting comment.
the evening of November 30. Those
tunaiity, beauty and interest in ath
Additional educational entertain we shall see th's evening are as fol
For eight years Mr. White travel
letics. The Queen will be chosen ed in the Oxient studying Chinese ment is in store for us upon the dates
lows: “The Duchess Says Her Pray
from the Senior Class.
customs and photographing the glory >f November 8th and 11th, when Mr. ers”, directed by Mary Esther Dail
It is expected that the dance will of the Chinese civilization. His col Macy of Girard College and Lt. Col. ey; the cast includes June Howard,
be held in the new gymnasium from ored photographs are among the fin Winfield R. McKay of the State Ar Pat Godfrey, and Ralph Knopp; the
8 30 to 12, but if it is not avail est that have ever come out of the mory at Erie will give addresses. Mr. scenery is by Ponziano Manning; “A
able the old gymnasium will be used country and from time to time, Macy, who is business advisor and Moment of Darkness”, directed by
groups of them have been published personnel d rector at the college, and Robert McKinney, with Robert Ul
the author of several articles about rich, Mary Esther Dailey, Jean Bald
in the National Geographic.
vocational guidance, is well versed in win, Jane Vaughn, Gurley Mae
As he spoke he was attired in a
‘his field. His subject will be of in Himes, Evelyn Glenn, Ellen Haiston,
native costume of the people of
terest to everyone.
and Sally Wilson in the ca?t; scenery
China. He told of the significant
In observance of Armistice Day, by Patricia Masterson. “A Cup of
position the country has held in the
international situation in the past Lt. Col. Winfield R. McKay will Tea”, directed by Earl Madigan; in
cluded in the cast are Will Schaaf,
Visiting Faculty Homes
few years. “It was the invasion of speak before the assembly upon Mon
Highlight of the Evening
Following Marjorie Martin, Betty Miller, and
Manchuria by the Japanese that day, November 11th.
started the ultimate downfall of the (that, upon November 13th, a special Raymond Graves; scenery by David
----------- 1 wjlj be
Members of Phi Sigma Pi last League of Nations,” he said. He went program will be presented by the Heath.
The plays will be judged for awards
Polomene Potters.
Thursday night enjoyed a well-plan(Continued on Page Two)
in acting, directing and scenery. The
ned Hallowe’en Stag Party which
judges this year are John Hulbert,
them to the homes of members
director of dramatics at Allegheny
°f the faculty for short visits. The
College and secretary of the Na
aft’air reached a climax with a gettional
Theatre Association; Mrs. Jesse
t in the Reeder “Y” rooms
of playing cards, but Kennedy Skalal, director of drama
Mere refreshments were served.
will if necessary....loves anything tics at Lawrence Park High School; the majority of the members past fourteen
. ... years,
------3....has instructed
connected with the theatre....ex and Mrs. Marjorie Vincent, of the
the group made stops at the
three tthousand students in speec an | £reme]y fond of traveling....has visi Erie Playhouse.
nies of Mr. Ellenberger, Mr. McCollege students will be admitted
Nec~ Miss Sk nner, Mr. Bates, Mr. nine hundred and eighty in dramatics ted fifteen different countries in
of charge, tickets for others are
4llc°i-’y and- -Mr. Haller before re-1 . ...believes that the students of today
are more self-reliant in dramatics Isles....likes the strangeness of cer■ I 20c for one evening, 35c for both.
to the Reeder Recreation
tain sections of the Orient....was
Koonis. Members of the fraternity than those of ten years ago—attri
butes this to greater knowledge and once held up by a Bedouin near the QUARTER GRADES NEARING
ported a" v<
very exciting and enjoyappreciation of the theatre....enjoys Sphinx....has experienced a tornado
a k evening.
Teachers are scheduled to turn in
at sea....would rather travel by air
T^e group looks forward to a the- playing Beethoven on her piano....
grades November 9. These
particularly the “Moonlight Sonata”
er Party in Erie planned for the
be available at a time
active in Y. W. C. A. work in this
ofear fhture at which the girl friends and “L‘ebestraum”....favorite color is and other countries....enjoys enter- j announced later.
blue....likes to have a cup of good
The Dean’s list el all those who
Co ,. e Members will be guests, actaining at Unusual parties....this is
ofr^nS to Arnold Dunfee, chairman coffee the first thing in the morning Miss
_ _personal- have attained a ‘B” or better in all
....likes people who have a sense of
ity, excellent teacher, and congenial | subjects will be published in January.
.social committee. A skating
humor....has no trouble finding them
It is really worthwhile to be that good.
8H11y is also Planned but the date is
among the students....intensely dis- friend.
111 ^settled.
Phi Sigma Pi Party Is
Typically Hallowe’en
Tournament Plays
Club Dance Saturday*
The Teacher of the Day
1 VVAillVVW>/M
----------------------- --------------- ----------
Pare Two
The Spectator
The student body of Edinboro Col
“Let’s go to the Coffee Shoppe” lege are representative of nearly ev
been pretty much of a by-word ery county in the state as well as a
around here for quite a number of student out of state and one from
years. But I like this idea of hav Canada. This is an interesting fact
ing the Coffee Shoppe come to us for it shows that a whole state cat
even better. What could be sweet oe fused into one student group.
er than to have a sandwich and a
Below is a list of the counties re
coke to break the monotony of study presented with a list of the the num
hour- in the evening? Wolfe will be ber of students from each county.
olad to supply you with said vittles
Allegheny 8; Beaver 6; Butler 1;
providing several people get together Cameron 1; Chester 2; Clearfield 1;
and make up an order amounting to Crawford 45; Dauphin 1; Elk 1; Erie
at least $1.00. Slip a rumor to your 140; Forest 1; Jefferson 3; Lacka
.oomie that Mr. Wolfe is going to wanna 2; Lancaster 7; Lawrence 9;
As the new buildings on the cam comers scrutinize each incoming cou make up little 10c pies for such eve- Lycoming 1; McKean 3; Mercer 3;
pus go into service, a number of old ple, each stranger, each friend, for ning orders....or half a pie for 5c. Montgomery 2- Northumberland 1;
customs, traditional at Edinboro, will the entrance doors face the stage. Vou and a chum can get a double- Somerset 1; Venangoo 10; Warrea
The new stage .s much larger than deckei* ice cream cone and one of 10; Washington 3; Westmoreland 4;
old. So, at the final curtain, these pies and, presto....pie a la mode York 2; from other states 1; from
When the first basketball games
stiffened actors will no longer neei deluxe.
Canada 1.
are played in the new gym, enthusi
to hold their last pose while stage
Flash I!....Latest reports from the
astic students will not be “leaning on
the old top rail” of the balcony, as hands rush to free the curtains fro.a front’! The aforesaid mentioned C’MON, BOYS, FIGHT!
protruding furniture. Students leav Coffee Shoppe is offering a real, bona
they did in the old gym. No longer
On Saturday, November, 9, Ediswill these frenzied rooters let fall ing chapel can no longer save time fide, free steak dinner to the foottheir cheers, their hats, and their by hurrying down the fire escapes. bal team this week-end. All they boro’s valiant Raiders will bJavely
There are no fire escapes on the new have to do to get it, is beat Slippery face the Slippery Rock Green. As
gum on the players below.
Rock!! You’re a pretty lean, hun- Edinboro will play at home they will,
When, for the first time, an audi
When Edinboro’s grade school and gry-looking bunch of boys lately, and no doubt, treat the greens as “com
ence fills the new auditorium, they
we know you can use an offer like pany ’ by allowing them to score the
will miss the pre-curtain pastime of high school youngsters are establish
this, so....come oln, team....FIGHT!! first few touchdowns.
the old. No longer can the early- ed in the new senool, colYou've got something worth fighting
Slippery Rock is a notably power
I for, if 1 know Wolfe’s steak dinners, ful team but the Red Raiders have
| so....SOCK IT TO ’EM!!!
a reputat.on, too. They are the boys
Much as we try to avoid it, we who fight to the finish and never
6. Y. M. C. A.
• can hardly help noticing the snap in give up even when things^are defi
Canterbury Club
They are boys who
the air and the frost on the leaves. nitely down.
1940 Tournament of Plays
As long as we can’t ignore winter will supply the spirit for the buildijg
Phi-Delt Hockey
any longer, we may as well get ready of future Edinboro teams of real
7. Interclass Volleyball
foi- it. Gillaspie’s have beat us to strength.
Y. W. C. A.
'the game Saturday is the last of
the draw this and are all stocked
8. Hockey, Edinboro at Mercyhurst
up with things for sucn a winter as the season for the team. Then they
only Edinboro can
produce. Per will put away the helmets and shoul
sonally, I ve got my eyes on one of der pads and start to attend Saturday
thq.e plaid flannel shjrts. They laid classes.
them in for the boys, but I think!
Mr. Macy, Lecture in Assembly
they are going to go over b
9. Football, Slippery Rock at Edinboro
the girls as well. Flannel is pretty
(Continued from Page One)
E Club Dance
-------- 1
snug-feeling when snow flies and
be- ■ me right, they’ve been 85c every
11. Choir
sides, aren’t they good-looking? Can t on to say that it has also been sign!
Girls’ Ensemble
you just see them with one of those ficant that the Chinese have beei
corduroy pinafores or with a flannel able to resist Japanese aggression
skirt or slacks? All this for 89c and otherwise Japan might be far mon
Lt. Col. Winfield R. McKay, Lecture in Assembly
dangerous today than she is.
13. Horse Show
In addition to the publication o
Newman Club
those lil’ red, white, or blue affairs his photographs the lecturer in col
15. Choir
n Gillaspie’s window.
With that laboration with his brother, has pub
name on them I don’t have to tell lished two important works on th
Eve Le Gallienne
Orient, “The Romance of C|rna,
Hockey, Edinboro at Lake Erie College
lege students will have exclusive oc and an expensive art volume, “Pt
18. Choir
cupation of college buildings for the king, the Beautiful.”
Girls’ Ensemble
first time in many years. The grass
He has no immediate plans for
will grow green on the campus, un21. Y. W. C. A.
future return to China. The wa
d.sturbed by ten year old football
situation in the Far East makes
stars. High school students will no
increasingly difficult to get aroutu
longer go hurrying across campus to
20. Y. M. C. A.
especially in
southern part
classes. ’ And these same student;
Canterbury Club
where the Burma Road incident hi
will miss the back porch of the old
1940 Tounjhment of Plays
recently flared up.
high school building, where on sun
ny days they ate their lunches. Stu you anything about the quality th
22. Choir
dents in Normal Hall basement will s in them,....always the best,
listen in vain for the treat of feet I certainly hope I don’t have to te
and scrape of chairs above them.
you vx hat fashion a la minute th(
25. Choir
The old power house is already are!!! Note the height and shape.
Girls’ Ensemble
gone, the last brick torn down. It« Aren’t you just mad about rubbi
chimney, it is true, often scattered boots?....I am. These are minute
soot over the surrounding neighbor- priced as part of the plot....$3.00 i
ood, but it will take many years for you.
20. Salvi-Freund Ensemble
the ivy to grow as thick and green
Snoop, the Snoop....bargain-finde
27. Thanksgiving Recess begins
on the new.
(Continued on Page Three)
Mary Esther Dailey
Assistant Editor
.................... •..................... Edward Damits
Exchange Editor
Warren Anna
Faculty Adviser
F. L. La Bounty
Advertising Manager
Dorothy Williams
Feature Writer
Ray Gallagher
Proof Reader
........................................... Ralph Knopp
Reporters—Donald Wagner, Jack Mensinger, Al Bloch, David Small, Hazel
Taylor, Elaine Harshman, Lucille Marti, Margaret Calfisch, Elaine
Highfield, Sally Wilson, Norma Scheidemantel.
Pace Three
Social Arts Club
of the “Social
The membership
Arts” club has grown almost over
night from fifteen to forty-five enthusiastic girls. We are very glad
that we are now one of the largest
organized groups on campus; our
only regret is that the size of our
’ club seems to make it impossible to
admit to membership any more of the
girls who have discovered us.
Miss Brown has consented to act
as our faculty adviser
and Hazel
Dennison has been elected president.
Party note:
Members, bring an
apron and come to the college kitche.i
Thursday, November 14, at 7:30 P.
M. (We’re going to learn the “Art
of Making Good Candy”.)
If you
, plan on coming to the party, be sure
and pay your ten cents to Audrey
Hinkson or Kate Maxon before 6:00
o clock Tuesday, November 12. If
this is not paid by the set time there
Mill be pos ttively no admittance to
j the party.
'Continued from Page Two)
par excellence, finds that Gillaspie’s
are also showing those popular Mojud
hosiery, and lo, and behold, the price
tag says 69c!’ If my memory serves
me right, they’ve been 85c every
where else I’ve gotten them. The
Scotch in me likes that saving.
Variety, as the sages are prone to
quote, is the spice of life. I thought
of this as I was waiting for some
change in Cooper’s the other day.
You can find more convenient odds
and ends in there if you just look.
Over there at the 10c toilet goods
counter, I found the cleverest little
transparent tubes of cotton puffs....
all different colors....wontierful for
smoothing off the excess drifts of
powder after make-up has been care
fully applied. By the way....did you
ever use these dabs of cotton to re
move nail polish?’s not nearly so
messy as those paper tisues.
Speaking of nail pol'sh....! 1'ke the
sound of the names they have given
th* new colors, don’t you? At
Cooper’s I noticed some called Rhum
ba .... HyHat .... Hijinks .... Radiant
.... Aloha .... Ginger .... sounds nice,
eh what?
Now g’rls, to g ve knees and el
bows that pink, well-scrubbed look,
you should have one of those tricky
lil’ white bristled, just-stiffJ nough
brushes that Cooper is selling for 10c.
It keeps one hopping to think of .
a cleverer door decoration than ydur
next-door neighbor .... and Coopers
have just gotten in some knockers in
the form of a wooden wood-pecker.
You have only to pull the string and
a 1 ttle bird starts knocking on your
door. They’re more fun!!
I don’t know about you but I. cer
tainly appreciate the way Mr. Coop
er cooperates with the Art Staff of
the school about supplies. He knows
what you are going to need in the
way of Art tools almost before you
do and has them there ready for you
when you get there.
----------A Bazaar is to be held on Thurs WAA Hockey Play Day Squad Deserves Credit
For Their Admirable Spirit
day, December 5, in the Old Gym
nasium. This is being sponsored by
the Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A.
with the help of the entire student
The proceeds will be used
to outfit an ambulance, which will be
sent to England.
Each of the organizations on cam
pus is sponsoring a booth at the Ba
zaar. Some of these are a side-show,
an auction, a bingo booth, refresh
ment booth, handwork, dancing and
many others.
Over 300 colleges in the United
States have already contributed to
th s ambulance fund. The names of
the colleges are to be placed on a
placque which will appear on the am
Committees have been appointed
to take charge of booths and decora
tions. They are all working hard to
make the Bazaar a success, but it
will require the cooperation of eveiy student and teacher to do this.
Guests Honored at Tea in
The ‘President’s’ House
On Meadville Street
This Saturday, Edinboro ends an
other uneventful football season.
The team’s standing as it enters the
State last lap of the schedule is 0 wins, and
The women of Edinboro
Teachers College deserve a great deal 6 losses. When we meet Slippery
of credit for their cooperation in mak- Rock on Saturday, we meet a team
ng Edinboro’s Hockey Play Day pos
which has gone through the past two
sible. Sponsoring Play Day requir
However, this
ed the combined efforts of over fifty seasons undefeated.
girls, Miss Ruttie, and the W. A. A. year it is a different story. So far,
Council. It is rather disheartening, they have been defeated twice, once
however, that so much preperation by Detroit Tech, and by Indiana.
was necessary to entertain just one
They tied with Shippensburg, and de
guest team. We are still wondering
what happened to the other teams! feated Westminster. Naturally they
About 2:30 Saturday afternoon, will be anxious to win this game Satthe Edinboro Blue Team played uray, for it will put them back in
against Grove City’s Hockey Team. the winner’s column. Probably they
The result of this game was a 4-0
think that this game will be a set-up,
victory for Edinboro. Points were
made by Betsy Vincent, Anna Kri- for they defeated us last year by a
vonak, Helen Shindiedecker, and score of 40-0, and therefore, they
Doris Heintz.
Next, the Edinboro are apt to be just the least bit over
Red Team played against Grove City confident.
and won with a score of 1-0; the goal
The Red Raiders, who have met
being scored by Ellen Haiston. The only two teams which are anywhere
final score was an exciting one be- near being in their class, are more
On the evening of Wednesday the |( tween the Edinboro Reds and the than ready to meet the Rockets. They
30th of October in Loveland Hall, ii Edinboro Blues. The score of the nave had a two weeks’ breathing
the ScaRAb club initiated into their last game was 0-0.
spell, since no game was scheduled
group about twenty new members, j
After the games, a reception and last Saturday.
Just because there
which consisted of freshmen and new | tea prepared by Jean Alexander, was no game last Saturday, don’t
art student. This was the first initia- ! Donna Beitrum, and their committee think that the team has not been
tion, the second will be held at a | was served in the “President’s” home. practising. Not only have they been
date to be announced later.
Mis. Ghering, Miss Ruttie and Miss prastising every afternoon, but they
Ludgate were our hostesses.
have been concentrated pracThe offic'als for the hockey game t ces, and each fellow is trying his
were from the Cleveland Hockey hardest so that we can really send
Club of which Edinboro is a member. Slippery Rock back to their own home
Another exciting Hockey game will on the short end of the score.
The Girls’ Ensemble is an organi
And then too, there is the E Club
zation of girls who are interested in be played between the Varsity Phis
learning to sing together. It meets and Deltas on Wednesday, Novem dance Saturday night, and this func
every Monday and
Wednesday at ber 6. There is a Freshman-Sopho- tion can be an even greater success
11:35 in the Music Building. Miss more Volley Ball game on Thursday, if we can celebrate a victory at the
Wilson, who is the adviser, plans to an^ Friday the Edinboro
Hockey same time. Don’t forget, the fel
lows on the team who have been prac
start the group to singing Christmas Team is going to Mercyhurst.
The following week also carries an tising for the last two months do not
songs soon.
important schedule with the Horsei ask much from the student body, and
Show and Hockey Game with Lake■ the least that we can do is give them
Erie College at Painesville on Friday. our full support when they do ask.
How about every student enrolled in
Jean Alexander was chairman of the college being out there Saturday
On Monday evening the Alpha the affair with Marion Duffy, Mar afternoon cheering the team to vic
Delta Sorority held a “hobo” costume jorie Martin, and Nancy Seay serv tory, and then going to the dance
party in the recreation room. Miss ing on the committee. Games and that night, and show the boys that3
Olga Hubiak, the sorority’s pledge, dancing were features of the eve we really do appreciate their finfe”
was honor guest.
ning. Refreshments were served.
ScaRAb Club
Girls’ Ensemble
Alpha Delta
VY. A. A.
Edinboro State Teachers College
Canterbury Club
Edinboro Field Hockey Play Day.......... i1:30
Hockey. Advanced, Phi-Delta................ -4:00
Volleyball, Fresh.-Soph................................. -4:00
Hockey, Edinboro-Mercyhurst, Erie.......,4:00
Hockey, Fresh.-Soph...................................... !3:50
Horse Show........................................................ I3:50
Hockey, Fresh.-Juniors..................................4:00
Hockey, Lake Erie-Edinboro, Paines
ville ........................................................................;3:45
Volleyball, Fresh.-Juniors.......................... 3:50
Hockey, Soph.-Juniors.................................. I3:50
Volleyball, Soph. Juniors........................... 3:50
W. A. A. Meeting. Award
2 Trophies.
Tea ........................................................................ <4:00
P. M.
The Canterbury Club, formerly
known as the Episcopal Club, held its
regular meeting on October 23 at
the home of Miss Whitney. At this
time they selected the name for theta
The club, plans to hold a monthly
communion service.
The first ofl
these will be on November 10 at MrBates’ home.
The next meeting of the club is
scheduled for
Wenesday evenmg=
November 13, at the home of Miss
Pif* F»«r
Reeder's Digest
A noted horseman in our dorm has
met with a most serious accident.
Nevin Weller, who comes from a long
line of horse-thieves, dislocated his
elbow when his horse reared, and fell
upon him—and speaking of being
well reared, Charles Zimmerman
seems to be very much that way. But
seriously speaking, Bud Rhode enjoys
birthdays very much.
Stand up,
Girls!! Have you heard of Don
Walbridge, the gentleman with the
best looks, and the most winning per
sonality you could ever imagine—I
just couldn’t pass him up.
speaking of passing up; Joe Scalise
never passes up a moment with Mari
an Langnser. Joe you’ve really got
The Scranton Twins, Gene Manley and Charlie Egan, have moved
down to the ground floor with Leo
who has also taken up
house-keeping in another room. Like
wise, Max Leslie and “George” Ab
rams have gone to a room on the
third floor.
SureDo you know “Edmea
She cedtainjy has been
keeping the Junior lads up late these
Don Wagner is also
among those staying up late, in fact
he stays up all night. I wonder why?
One of the latest models in auto
mobiles, before 1927, has been pur
chased by Bob Hahn, Jack Mensinger, and Dave Blasdell, It runs on
practically nothing.
Hal Stoops just couldn’t keep up
with Janie, result: he is spending the
rest of the week recuperating in Erie,
and then too, Frank Socia bent over
his school work so much that it has
affected his back.
Have you heard about the GravesAckelson versus Schlindwein-AitonEisaman Feud? They have been bat
tling it out every night until the wee
My room is locked. I sit trem
bling in fear than any moment my
room will be stacked. Will this col
umn ever reach the press? Here’s
And speaking of rooms,
Whitehill says: “Come on up to my
room anytime!”
We almost had grade A milk this
Back Stage
Haven Ravin’s
Kappa Komment
When you watch the curtains part
tonight and you see the dramatists
step on the stage I want you to re
member a few things with reference
to the production underway.
I d like you to think of Earl Madi
gan trying to rehearse his cast with
.our sewing machines, two arches,
two flats and a platform cluttering
up the stage.
I’d take you to think of M. E. Dail
ey facing Dr. Van Houten on Sunday
ight when the auditorium should
not be used.
I’d like you to think of Ponziano’s
scenery being taken down in five
I’d like you to think of Robert
(Selznick) McKinney threading sew
ing machines, cutting out dresses,
and becoming upset because people
don’t come to rehearsal.
I’d like you to remember Miss Ludgate being cheerfully patient wh le
student directors tell their troubles
as if the rs were the only play given
that year.
So far this year, the Kappa Delta
Clump—clump—clump, and as the
Phi fraternity has been leader in sounds of the last dragging moccasin
social functions on campus. Dances, fade down the hall, your columnist is
smokers for alumni members, a steak again ready to pound out more hints
fry, and now a hay ride are but a and dints to the gals of Haven Hall....
suggestion of what is to come later Ever hear: Hilda Sarah Jane alias
n the year. After the hay ride held “Arky” Vaughn? and we think she
on November 2 at 7:30 p. m., the makes a pretty snappy little moll
members of the fraternity accom- that play....Hints to the non
panied by their dates, went to the conformist: we bless the quiet hour;
home of Mr. and Mrs. Aime Doucette —especially when they’re quiet!....
where refreshments were served.
Have you heard?—“cantering down
The tentative date which has been for a coke” is the latest. Remem■et for the banquet is November 8. b” 'M”ion (Fobsie) Forbes?—s' e
At rhe banquet, Fred Casoli will re was back the other day, full of the
ceive an award for the most active joys of married life—for further de
member of last year. Bill Snyder is tails see the “Lonely Hearts”....Well,
also slated for an award for the ser due to the E Club’s latest announcevices he rendered as pledge-master,| ment, it wouldn’t surprise us any to
last year. Those pledged last year | see Haven suddenly turn into a house
who are giving the award are: Dick' full of “typical American girls”—
Rockwell, Dave Blasdell, Jack Men- a little on the athletic side, mayhap?
singer, Dick Whitehill, Al Bloch, Joe ....and down on first we have again
Scalise, Max Leslie and Steve Cru- an exhibit of paintings—this time
lic. As the victors of class B bas the painter is none other than Marion
ketball lest year, the fraternity is to Appleby’s father! Warning: to anyreceive an award.
; one who might happen to run into
No doubt the new, white shirts*
have been noticed. Though they are
very definitely plain, they are sym
bolic of the aims of the fraternity.
Hey, hey, what the heck do you
know about that! Prexy Bob Hahn
is the proud possessor of a MercedesBlitzkreig model ’76.
It’s parked
out behind Haven.
As experiment, the fraternity has
published a newspaper....strictly lim
ited to news of the fraternity. It’s
editor is Jack Mensinger. All work
done therein was a Kappa Delt. Let
us know how you like it, we’ll ap
preciate it.
morning, but the darn cow got away!!
And speaking of milk, Caimen Fio
relli is quite the expert milker.
Bud Eiasman certainly does know
how to raise those colors, all he needs
is the bugle call. And on the sub
ject of bugle calls, some one mu t!
have sounded retreat when that far
mer fired that shot gun last -.night.
If the
cuse us,
in fun.
ly had a
Edinboro residents will ex
T. ur day’s doings were al!
Fun?? Oh yes, we certain
good time that night.
We are featuring Joan Kenley blouses at $3.95.
these blouses with an evening skirt, priced under $5.00, will
make a charming combination for the E Club Dance.
Off-Campus News
With many of the off-campus girls
substituting xur
for 1UIU1
rural teachers,
Lt-'UCIICIO, lliailj
usuai duos have been broken
in to solos....Donna Bertram seems to
What we’d like to know is: who’s have Penn State on her mind—could
responsible for the cabbage floating it be....That girl you see in the Red
around second?....Weren’t you pleas & White when you get your daily
grub is “Tiny”
Pardee....Webb &
ed and surprised to be routed from
Webster seem to spend quite a bit of
your slumbers by another fire drill
their t me in the Coffee Shop. It
Wednesday night?—more surprised
would be nice if Ted Vesber and
than pleased, we’ll bet....anyway, it |
M ss Brown would agree sometime
didn’t bother two freshmen, we know I
in American Government—declare a
—how’s about it Lucille Marti and
legal holiday and all that sort of
Hazel Taylor? T?en just as a b t
of information for the alarm clocks_____________________
standing under the windows of May- woke up the whole first floor!....did
ers and Davis, inc.—did you
know | they appreciate it?
ask them—we
that the results of your morning re
you !
veille were a little more than you
We’re through, now....this is the
had perhaps planned? in fact, you end!!
+----Meet the Bunch
One of
Godfrey....don’t become
alarmed if she’s got "that far-away
look in her eyes”, or is talking to
herself—its just another one of those know, dramatic club-ltis
by way of explanation, The Duchess Says Her Prayers”.
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