Mon, 02/13/2023 - 16:25
Edited Text
The Spectator
Mgy Christmas
College Bazaar
Is Friday Night
VOL. IX-"No. 3
Elaborate Vesper
Services Planned
New Antiphonal Chorus Will Be
Feature of Concert
Sunday, Dec. 21
-------To Who's Who ----------------------------------------e
Last month at a meeting of the
Student Council five students were
Highlight of all campus holiday nominated to the Who?s Who in
fest.vities, the Choir Vesper Serv- American Colleges and Universities.
ice being held on Sunday, December At a later faculty meeting the same
21, at four o'clock in the new audi- five students were nominated by the
torium, is the biggest concert given faculty to confiran the selections.
Students were selected upon the
bv the Edinboro Singers during the
basis of scholarship, leadership, fu
The soloists of the day will be ture success, character and partici
Miss Nancy Seay, Mr. Dewey Long, pation in school activities.
and Mr. Stuart Ackelsan. The Dou I year s elections of Will Schaaf, Mari
ble Quartet, the Male Octet and the , an Duffy, and Fiank Soscia will be
Women's ensemble will give indivi- repeated in this year's book also. Pesdual numbers. The antiphonal chor sonality sketches of the five elected
us will have the woman's ensemble follow:
I in the balcony and the choir on the
Heading the list of Who's Who
| itfge.
personalities is "J3one‘‘. You know
The group will have a candlelight ------ Bill Bohn. There's hardly anyprocessional.
Among the songs of thing on campus that Bill hasn't a
t.aditional Christmas music will be guiding finger in. Just ponder on
this record. He*s the president o-f
the Student Council, President of
the E Club, former president of his
class, a football and basketball sta
begins j and a former staff member of f. e
Christmas vacation
Yearbook. At the present you can
Tuesday noon, December 23, |
observe Bohn in either a chemistry
a d ends at 8:00 A. M・,Mon- j or a history class. He's in the painday morning, January 5
(Continued on Page Four)
tne Hallelujah and Echo Choruses.
The c-.-chestra will contribute Christ
mas carols t) the program. After
the Vesper service the annual C - isi i
mas dinnei* will be held in Haven |
Letty Miller heads the committee
in charge of decorations. The officers of the choir are: Margaret Caf】isch, president; Margie Hamilton,
vice president; Ruth Samkowski, sec
retary ;and Arlene McIntyre, treas
Mistletoe Ball Will
Initiate Xmas Fun
The Christmas season is one of
great merriment and festivity and
does, so it is thought, call for a |
The Sophomores have seized this
opportunity to show their capability
and efficiency in engineering a weil
organized and successful event. The
class of '44 is sponsoring the "Mistletoe Ball,"'the event of the year, on
------- 19th.
The tickets are 7戒c
Per couple.
It is a semi-formal affair.
-------- J
December 10, 1941
Five Tableaus to be
Given Next Assembly
Proceeds Are To Be Used To
Send Christmas Baskets
To Students in Service
An All-College Bazaar is being
Five tableaus oi great paintings held in the old gymnasium Friday,
from the life of Christ will be given December 12, at 8:00 p. m.
by the Dramatic Club for the Christ-ias Assembly this year. The tab campus are sponsoring booths in the
leaus consist of: Scene I, "The Na- bazaar. The proceeds will be used
Seene II, "The Temple to send Christmas boxes to former
Sce、e”; Scene III, "Healing the Edinboro students who are serving
Sick''; Scene IV, “Emniaeus"; and in our armed forces.
An admission fee of five cents is
Scene V. "Peace on Eaith".
tableaus are arranged and directed to be charged at the door. Inside
jy t e i'ollowing: Carol Davis, Elaine the gym "purchase tickets" in de
Highfield, Roy Christensen, Wi'Mam | nominations erf one cent and five
Shollenbcrgei* and Sarah Wilson.
While t e first four nenes are
President L. H. Van Houten
taken from famous paintings, the last
has left for Harrisburg to
scene, “
Peace o-n Eaith" is an origi
spend the next two days at
nal conception by its director, Sarah
tending a committee meeting
Wilson and members of the Dramat
on Curriculum and a Presi
ic Club. Those taking part in the
dent's meeting. He expects to
production are: Marie Allen Smith,
return on tho 12th.
narrator; Eleanor Price, music; Pa
tricia Ma-terson, make-up; Jane
cents will be sold. These purchase
Vaughan, waiilrobe; and Ed Daniitm,
tickets may be used to participate in
stage manager.
The members of
the activities or to make purchases
the club feel that this will be an
at the various booths. The projects
assembly well worth attending.
sponsored by the several organiza
tions include the following: a cake
booth, “mouse" game, nail driving
oooth, cake sale, darts, candy sale,
reading of handwriting, hot dog sale,
auction booth, sketching, bingo
For the first time, the annual game, pastry sale and dancing.
T::e lights that have been shining
Ch: i tn:as dinner will follow the Among t' e clubs participating are
from the speech room of the new
Choir Vespers o.i Dtcember 21, at the ScaRAb Club, Phi Sigma Pi, Kap
auditorium every night Int iy ffivc
I five-t; irty in the dining room in Hav- pa Delta Phi, Y. W. C. A., Canter
i.utc evidence of the fact that the ;! en. Hall.
bury Club, Photography Club, Alpha
Edinboro- Players are at work once
Since this traditional dinner is be Delta, Social Arts Club, Edinboro
in upholding their tradition of | .
ing held on Sunday most of the usual Flayers, Choir, "E" Club, and Delta
being one of the busiest organiza- will be om tted
for this Phi Delta.
tions on campus.
year. It is being held on Sunday
(Continued on Page Four)
This year the Dramatic Club has because of calendar necessity.
chosen J. M. Barrie s three-act play
Although the student committee
"Dear Brutus" for their first pre has many plans to make this dinner
sentation v/hich is to be given Janu the finest it has ever been, most of
ary 16. “Dear Brutus" contains a : the details are not yet completed.
bit of comedy, whimsy, romance, pa The method of the Y. W. C. A. gift
Vincent Sheean, war correspon
thos and even mystery. Lob, a | distribution will be changed. Gifts dent and author of two pertinent
truly unusual and fascinating char-; wil] be on sale at the time the tick-. world problem
books,,“Not Peace
___ ,
acter, not unlike Shakespeare's Puck] ets for the dinner are distributed.!i[ But
Sword," and "Personal Hislu:es his guests of the eveningThese gifts are going
j '
to be put under I tory," is scheduled to lecture at the
Midsummer Eve to be exact—into an j trees rather than dumped into the college upo-n January
~ 1942.
eerie wood where they are to have I usual basket. This, the committee
His lecture will be very timely in
a second chance in life. What hap feds, will be a more natural process.
view of his intimate knowledge of
pens when they are transported into A prize is going to be offered for
world affairs and his proficient abil
the supernatural is 此 e basis of the the best decorated table. The stu
ity in analyzing war news a? it comes
action, and the events which ensue dent committee consists of: Sally
Vincent Sheean in addition pos
bring abo-ut surprising results.
Mary McMann, Chester sesses vital insight and experience
Barrie, most noted and most be- Goodrich, Donna Bertram, and Frank
pertaining to the workings of the
(Continued on Page Three)
Japanese mind.
Christmas Dinner
Edinboro Players
Is December 21st
Choose Barrie Play
Vincent Sheean Due
To Lecture Jan. 12th
the spectator
Page Two
The Spectator
........ Frank Holowach
Assistant Editor
........................... Warren Anna
Faculty Advisor
F. L. LaBounty
Business Manager
. Edward Damits
Richard Whitehill
Sports Editor
............... Jack Mensinger
......................................... Clinton Thomas
Exchange Editor
Violet Nellis
Contributors: Jack Alton, Elaine Harshman, Jean
Offner, Sally Wilscn, Margaret Caflisch, Pat Masterson,
Chester Eisaman, Elaine Highfield, Gene Kaminski,
Carol Dav's, Carmon Fiorelli, Margaret Kingsley, Phyl
lis Meyers, Ralph Santo, Natalie Jacobson, Marie Allen
Smith, Audiey Bacon.
The new federal law levies a 10% tax upon all ac
tivities, functions, dances, lectures, everything at the
college which charges an admission price. This tax is
directly payable to1 tne Department-of Internal Revenue
at Washington. But this little love letter is not addressed to those organizations which receive money
directly from the Student Council; the Bursar takes
care of the bookkeeping for those lucky ones. Nope
this is pointed toward those who ai-e paddling thei:,
own canoes: classes, fraternities, E Clu'b, and the like.
Taken at a fleeting glance, here is what tne lost
lambs will have to do. If, for instance, iO'ae of thes、
thi'ows a dance, it must pay a tax of ten per cent of
each and every one of the admissions, complementary
or not. Careful count and cai-eful record of tne per
sons admitted must be kept. Then, at the same tim
the orchestra is paid, an itemized and signed report,
complete with the tax money, must be delivered to
Miss Brown. Fortunately for us, she will take care
of the further details involved in filing a tax return.
Thank your stars this is all you have to do, but
make sure you do th's bit right. The itemized report
should contain the name of tne organization sponso •i:ig the function, the date held, the correct count of the
number of persons admitted, the price charged for ad
mission, the total amount of the tax, and the signature
of the person making tne count. Especially t..e si., .ahn:e. Someone has to be the goat. Just deliver tne
jnoney and the report to Miss Brown, and your worr e
will be mostly over.
There is only one thing that might cause you a
bit of trouble later on: a hitch might 'occur and so'meone may want to exaniine your records. But if ,you
don't have any of those around, don't worry about be
ing left out in the cold—not for long, anyway. Uncle
Sam has a pretty good reputation for gathering his own
close to his bosom.
Phi Sig Sez:
haven's ravens
Since the last issue of the paper
was out the Phi Sigs have been very
busy both professionally and socially.
The week-end party at the
Bend cottage was a huge success.
1 here were about twenty student and
alumni members in attendance. Mr.
Mallory, fraternity sponsor, and Ml
F. S. Bonnett were guests of the
fraternity over the week-end.
"Chris" was lucky enough to get
a ten-point buck t?.e fiist day of dee:
season,..Feeling soi ry for those not
quite so lucky, Chi is was host to th3
waiters at a deer dinnei, the other
day. Last Saturday the fellows
painted their room in Reeder Hal:.
It won't be long before the 1'oom is
The frat is planning
two booths at the ALL COLLEGE
BAZAAR. This bazaar is one of the
most woi'thw? iie things that this
school has taken part in for a g'reat
many years, and should be support
ed by evei'ybody in college as well
as the townspeople. Tomorrow nigh:
Mr. Max Duronc, boys' secretary of
the E] ie Y. M. C. A., will speak to
the fellows at its
Christmas pro
fe~s^onal meeting.
Mr. Du rone is
.onsidered one of the best informed
men in this section on the Y's work
kith high school fellows.
Before we end for t is tim2—the
PHI SIGS wish to everyone a VERY
Kappa Komment
(Keppa Delta Phi)
We now nave
have anotner
another authoiity on
campus as to the wonders and activi•ies in the New England states. wif
•Peeial attontio.i on Massachusetts.
Last week-e d, our Piesident, Dav'd
Blasdell, attended the fraternities'
annual Presidents Banquet held in
the city of Boston.
Progressing in leaps and bounds
this year, Theta Chapter now has a
pHvate room, the -e t b«?st thN’ f
If you see us smacking our lips and licking oui
fraternity house. After lengthy
chops, in class and out, off-campus and on, don't blame ■ onferences wih Dr. Van Houten, it
us too much. We just can't help it. What with the was finally decided to let each fraChrstmas Dinner baiely ten days away, with every ternity have one of t e small rc
southerly breeze working overtime wafting the kitchen in the basement of Reeder Hall,
... Af-.
fragrances over the campus, and with the palate-tick ter the room is properly decorated
ling memories of last ear's i.savoury dinner
invading! and furnished, there will be a house
every waking hour, it seems as though it were
warming party with
too much of us to wait.
We don't know how Miss Pettit does it.
The toe-nail sketch of thes week is
fact that she does is enough for us. Words fail us; Bill Snyder—now student teaching
look for yourselves.
in Erie, another choir member,
y always near music, member at
二 one
Fruit Cup
time or another of the student co-unRadishes
* Olives cil, Delta Phi Delta, Mu Kappa GamRoast Erie County Turkeyma, swimnung team, last year's yearSage Dressing
Giblet Gravy 'book Art Editor,
for reCranben*y Sauce
cent nev/ member in K. D. P. named
Snowflake Potatoes
Buttered Peas Duffy. Directly
connected with SnyHome-made Rolls and Butter
der's Mf
Iceberg Lettuce
Cheese Straws throughout the world (small
Christmas Ice Cream
Fruit Cake
isn't it).
Assorted Nuts
This A
A. M.
M. we
we all aroused ourselves from1 a per.
购ctly happy sleep-Just to jump into a shoe &
< two,
coat and a towel, and tear down the
throw on a(
find out that it . took us three minutes *••$0
〜 to
~ ---------escape
Sack, fire captain.
Bays S
Now and then people begin to wonder about thing:,
and other things, too....when yo% cat^h,student [each:
ers, I in t..
- spare
—73 time....Helen
time. Helen Williams (and this really
and Peg Davis weaaring their glasses
did make 上
us blink)
L-to Imatch
— vtheir nail -po-lish....really seting red!....and1 one
night catching Norma Scheidemantel, Hazel Taylor and
vario-us other members of a certain well known Psy.
ckology class, sprawled out over the second hall watch
J'--r intently, a coke bottle, no less!.
less !....and
ing very
...and they
pay Art Students are queer!
Then came the latest flash....we understand Miss
V. Nellis had a little room cleaning to do after Satunlay morning classes....there's a word for that....stacking, I, huh? And by the way, if you must
use the third flo-or fire escape door....please close it
more quietly....Himes and Highfield like to sleep at
(light, believe it or not, some of you nite owls....Poor
Kammy....came the day wJien she was shocked out of
her usual calm....that was when a few well (?) meaning
freshmen laid out a plaster of Paris head on the dav
enport in the music room....with, as you might guess,
the proper lighting effects and well bundled and con
cealed was gruesome, wasn't it Gene?
Latest and last flash....poor freshman gals get
blamed for everything, including Nellie's room clean
ing....but it's not true, SO > • > >.yours, Gabby.
Ed. Note: Who can telli us anything about Gabby's
vacant chair at the Thanksgiving Banquet?
feeder's digest
Well, they -say the worst is yet to come, but r'ght
now it looks like it's here. Yep, ole Uncle Sa:.i has
finally become involved and it sure is going to affect
ye olde Reeder Hall. Seems like everybody was pre
paring a surprise for our boys who were getting Xmas
furloughs, but, such is life.
And so we drift from the sentimental to the subdued (we hope). We of the Reeder Mansio-n have
added two new names to our register; those of Dave
Phillips and Dick Jenkins. Here's hoping they Ike
the quiet, peaceful, solitude of the “Inn”.
Looks like our boy Georgie (alias B. A.,) Hills 掀
Anally cracked the ice
and 匚广
--exposed his Gable-like pr°"
file to the Edinboro'tes, in the company of a woman.
What's this talk about a ruler B. A.?
Richie Whitehill has just backed another
expeditionary force in the vicinity of Haven Hall. Good
luck, pal.
Oh dear! Where can
, Jackie be? Hes always
so 建 for his school. Could it be because he's loaded
with books and a sparkling
young Warren Miss? Better
get. your track shoes out Buddy,
一“.Profs, and education
wait for neither man, woman, 、 nor ? ? ―Shall we say,
A pertain red-headed Reeder-ite has been seen of
late, going around with
a short hair-cut and a sweetSue from Haven.
Guess the frosh
dance went over quite favorablyGood luck, chillun.
As a reminder, since our boys won't get home for
Xmas, let's
all do L
our part and turn out for the bazaar
in full force. Rememb
'er> we need to do everything
we can to L.
bring them as happy a holiday as possibleThey% working for
Guess thafs all
the dirt and stuff for this scratching. Be seein'
—you— Merry Xmas.
Page Three
fighting Raiders
Lake Erie Invitation
Teachers' Pets
“We Want Snow”
Teacher's pet is an old and jaded
Vanquish L. Tech
Accepted by Ride rs
Chant Alpha Delts term,
and one which I do not feel
qualified to discuss, but I have been
making a house to hou,a canvass
to prove that teachers do have pets,
Probably one ol the most coveted
at least, four legged ones; and with
avitatio; s that the riders of Edinsurprising results. Believe me,、ve
boro or any other college have ever
have some quite unusual pets in the
aceived is to show at the Lake Erie
various homes of the faculty.
College Hoise Show.
This year s
Certainly, you all have seen Miss
show is to be held Friday evening,
'Ruttie's and Miss Ludgate's huge
. 'tmber 12. The sho,w, sponsored
German police puppy, Peter, w..o
“y the Crop and Boot Club of Lake
loves to go into the City Market and
一:c College, is to be held at t'_.e
toss potatoes fi,om a basket into the
e elusive Aintree Riding Ciub a:
air and catch them again,
Mentor, Ohio. This club is one of
had a run-in with Mrs. Rhodes' pet
the few formal clubs in the States BARRIE PLAY ..
goose the other day. For a few min
and is considered to be one of the
utes it lo-oked like a feather-bed fly
(Continued from Page One)
-est clubs in the Cleveland area.
ing around, but eventually the goose
A premonition of the struggle to
Edinboro- will be represented at loved of the English playrights, has retreated, much de-feathered. was apparent to all present
L'ke Erie College Show by: pair written many top-notch dramas in
Miss Whitney can be seen most
when the teams came out for the clams, Doris Potratz—June Howard, cluding, “The Little Minister", “The
any afternoon or evening walking
pre-game warmup. The Tech play Arlene Mac Entyre—
"Quality her gaudily bandaged wire haii'ed
—Eleanor Glenn, ■Admirable
ers were all young giants in com and
—E I a i n e Street",
Every W oman Mischief. It seems Mischief was
parison to the shorter Red Raiders. Ma;s上man; beginning class, Marlyn Knows", and uPeter Pan"; however, -laying follow-the-leader with a
Ednboro started right out, un- Harshman, Olga Hubiac, and Eleanor "Dear Brutus" is an exceptionally woodchuck until the woodchuck
daunted by the visitois, and out- Pi ice; intermediate clas:, Ei^anor beautiful, impressive play and con scrambled under the porch, forcing
scored them 10-6 when the first Glenn, June Hostetler, and Arlene tains one of the most outstanding REschief to give up with a badly
quarter ended. In the second quar- MacEntyre; advanced class, Elaine scenes in English literature in which scraped head.
ter however, the smoothly playing,1 Haishman, Eleanor Sebring, Sarah he portrays a "might-have-been”,,
M'ss Forness reports, emphatical
cleverly dribbling Tech tfaam held1 Wilson and Doris Potratz; gaiues— comparable to Maeterlincks' charac ly, that their home harbors no pets,
the Raiders to 9 points w.. ile gar-1 musical chairs, Doris Po-cratz, June « terization of the children yet to be trough Ma Forness does have seven
1 Ci
c cl
' rr
< i
ini ,
TT - . -1nering 19 themselves,
bringing the Hostetler,
and Elaine Harshman; born in the "Blue B;rd".
chickens which they are consuming
The cast, u der the direction of
score to 19-25 at the half.
j obstacle race, Doris Potratz, Eleano.
Quite a religious dog is Mr. Dou
Miss Jane Ludgate, is as follows:
Elarne Ha
"Sox" must have given the fellows 1 S^bri g, and Elaine
cette^ shaggy Collie, who follows
Alice Dearth—Sally V/Hso;n, . un the Doucette family to church at
Each college is allowed three enone of his famous "between the half'' |
fight talks, for the team took to the J tiies in the classes in which they- derstudy—Eleanor Sebi-ing; Joanna Loveland Hall every Sunday.
—ane Vaughan, undestudy—Carol whines very piously outside the winfloor and rang up 11 points while | "ish to take part.
Davis; Mrs. Coade—Bess Swaney, ■dow during Mass and then jumps up
The j
-------------------the visitors only scored five.
—El.Jne' High-ield: Mabel on every pei'son who comes out un
lead throughout the third quar^i* DISASTROUS GAME ..
Purdic—Hf.z.el Taylor, understudy, til he strikes the right person.
see-sawed back and forth; and as
It's so funny watering Miss Skin
the quartei- ended neither team had .The basketball team slipped and Lucille Mart. Lady Ca.oliae—Marie
t-e advantage, the score being tied skidded all over the slippery third Allen Smit- , understudy—Lois Ann ner's black Spaniel, Pedro, skid
around the slippery floors of her
30 all. In the final period both floor of a church in Buffalo to- end Rooney.
—Dick Rockwell, understudy classroom in Loveland Hall, where
teams, playing cautious ball, and i.p holding to the slim end of a 66showing great teamwork on both 33 score. T? e game of Dec. 6 with —Mer;itt Macintosh; Coade—Dave he follows her every day. Pedro's
disastrous Small ; Pur c:ie—Bill Shollenberger; .favor-te diet is pencils and paper and
sides, tried in vain to b: eak the tie, Canisius proved to be
Margaret—• his favorite pastime is chasing any
for Lob—
and then hold their lead. Guest, of
the little giant-killers of Edinboro Eleanor Price; Dearth—Roy Chris• available squirrels.
Tech, scored first, followed by
■ No art student can go throug-h one
bucket by Eonnett for Edinboro blunted their axes too early in the tensen.
of Mr. Bates' art course unscathed
which tied the score again. Soscia game to do much good with them.
Soscia, star guard, and speedy its second annual tea dance honor witho-ut hearing about his inimitable
then made a foul .shot and the Raide:s were one_ point ahead, but not Walsh were tossed out of the game ing the members of the "E" Club and Dachshund, Doxy . . very long, very
知 long as Guest retaliated with an- on fouls long before the curfew •■ans- the swimming team. The girls prom- low. but did any of you know about
l,ther field goal which put the visitors : Full half o-f the game was played by •se the fellows good music and a Mr. Mallory's rabbit hound that he
junior members Oi good time. This affair is entirely tried to train as a bird dog? It
ahead. Then, with only a minute i the inexperienced
left, Danny Casoli, who had been all i the squad who did theii* best but it invitational.
seems that, now, he is neither.
over the floor all evening, added two i was not eno顷 to stop the onslaught,
by dump-1
points to Edinboro's____
score-----------眼 in a field goal. Lawrence Tech1 Two Players Are Mentioned
[ook the ball out of bounds, worked
北 Under their basket, tiied a shot,
Last week the Associated Press
and lost the ball to Soscia, who, All-State football team was announc-:
?a;.sed to Casoli down t"e floor, and ed. Named alongside players from
Dammy pushed in a lift shot to make the University of Pennsylvania, Du
the victory certain for the Raiders. quesne, Temple, Villanova, were Bill
Shoilenbargcr and Howie Griffin of
Lineup for the game was:
Edinboro State Teachers College.
Ed nboro
F Fl T Bo.h boys were given honorable men
8 tion by the sports editors of all the
3 2
5 0 10 Associated Press member papers in
4 0
8 Pennsylvania. Shollenberger has re跖“ia
3 2
8 ceived All-State recognition every
Two Patch Pockets
Zipper Pocket
1 0
4 year since he has ' been here, and
1 0
2 Gi'iffiin in his freshman year is startSportsmaster Neckline
Harmonious Buttons
Until last Friday evening the outlook'c for this season's basket):〉」,
〔ad was pretty dark, with only
-2 lettermen back from l..s; 3-aa.
a result of the draft, defense jobs,
However, v. i th
and graduation.
Frank Soscia at the helm, and
backed up by last season, veterans
Andy Walsh and Vic Fuller. plu> two I
n(jw freshmen, Danny Casoli and Art
laderosa, the team met and dcxeai讪 their fiYst opponent, Lawrence
Tech. Lawrence Tech, coming from
Detroit, Michigan, also met defeat
the evening before at AlEance,
Horse Show Dec. 12 in Ohio
Topping it off with a luncheo-n and
dancing, the Alpha Deltas will enter
sleigh ride, or a hay ride, at the
White Swan Farms, upon December
Marge Hall, chairman, Sally Wil53ii, L;on“a iitrtram, and Suzanne
Sack have made arrangements for
ciie function which is to be from 7
.0 1 / ];. in. at a of seventy-fi ze
..ents pe: couple.
“All Sports” DRESS
Lawrence Tech score 34.
7' 37
Tuesday, December 18, the Wo
man^ Athletic Association will hold
Perfect for All Day Wear
Novelty Sport Belt
Page Four
Who's Who ..
(Continued from Page One)
ful pi'oeess of student teaching and
no doubt doing a good job. Ask him
sometime about his trip to New^Tork
as a representative of E. S. T. CHe probably has some good stories
tell—Bohn's really a rough and
tough he-man. Did you know that
he has worked several consecutive
summers in a steel mill?
there*s no necessity to say more
about Bill. He's the genial, easy
going, hard-working, likeable sort of
chap that everyone knows.
girls, he's easy on the eyes too.
And no'w we come to that well
known Irish lassie (or should we say
colleen) Patricia Masterson.
call her Pat. She's editor of the
Yearbook, president of the Alp:a
Delta sorority, secretary of the Delta
Phi Delta and a member of the dra
matic club. Not bad at all! She's
alsa an art major, lest we forget to
mention that small fact. If you want
to make Patsy like you, tell her
you're an ardent Artie Shaw admir
er and you will have struck a respon
sive chord. She positively dotes on
smooth, rhythmic ballads played in
the Artie Shaw manner, and inci
—cringes when she hears
hill-billy music. If you wave a red
flag at Patsy, she'll never charge—
her favorite color is red. You posi
tively can't mistake Pat. She's the
girl with the Irish' charm and the
h'ish luck, the girl with the snap
ping brown eyes and the wicked
sense of 'kumor.
Who should room with Patsy but
another Who's Who victim—Gene
vieve Kaminski. However, you can
call her Kamie. Kamie's the one
that someday is going to be a fam
ous bacteriologist. If by any chance,
you're ever looking for Kamie, and
the weather is nice, we suggest you
find the nearest tennis court. Kamie's
probably playing a mean tennis
game that ends as a love set for her
opponent. She's the former presi
dent of her class, the present vice
pres.dent of the Alpha Delta sorority, and the present Delta leader and
the business manager of the yearyear
book. A full schedule, I would say
Perhaps it would be a good thing to
mention rigpt
now that she's partial
to blue and to blues
二3 music. After
all, I'm certain 厂_ her '
you ,know ____
wavy brown hair, her quizzical eyebrows and her neat
r- smile.
Make a
friend of Kamie and v
;- •
got a
• really swell pal for life.
Do you know "Popeye?" Oh, pardon me, you might not recognize her
by that title. Ifs familiar for Hazel
Dennison. Well, you may not know
Hazel, but the E Club members do
She's this year's E Club queen. And
that ain't all! She's class editor of
the Yearbook, a member of the Mu
Kappa Gamma fraternity, last year's
soi-ority treasurer and last year's Phi
leader. Just now we see Popeye all
too infrequently, as she is busy stu-
turned in their list of officers.
and the secretaries or managers
follow, with the president placed .first
Harold Bohn
Jim Parker
Y. M. C. A.
Ruth Wagenknecht
Y. W. C. A.
Pat Masterson
Wilbur Sloan
Delta Phi Delta
Eugene Billings
Photo Club
Edward Damits
Frank Holowach
Ruth Samkowski
Social Arts
Camille Peck
Donna Bertram
W. A. A.
June Hostetler
Pat Masterson
Alpha Delta
Jack Mensinger
Dave Blasdell
Kappa Delta Phi
Earl Madigan
Phi Sigma Pi
Vernon Dornbach
Stuart Ackelson
Willliam Snyder
Mu Kappa Gamma
Ruth Samkowski
Sally Wilson
Richard Rockwell
Dramatic Club
June Hostetler
Ruth Samkowski
Gene Kaminski
Pat Masterson
Year Book
Ruth Samkowski
Helen Williams
Haven Hall Council
Bill Shollenberger
Reeder Hall
Margaret King, ley
Bill Bohn
Student Council
Bill Shollenberger
Bud Rohde
“E” Club
Information and
Inspiration: New
Books Come h
Eighty-seven new r* " ■V方访竺跖&
have been recently acquired by
I out
library. Included
areins these
of the very latest books in
of science, education, 欧0晰版
drama, and psychology.
One of these, "Invitation to E jP3riment", by Iia M. Freeman, i33 0
especially recommended to those who
wish to get an enjoyable
introduction to the fundamentals of Physics.
“The Book of Play Production" by
Mil ton Smith, "Eleven Verse Plays"
by Ma .well Anderson and "Masters
I of the Drama" by Gassner will be
especially important to students in
terested in dramatics.
Serving as references for Geogdent teaching in Erie. B,u't sWll ALL COLLEGE BAZAAR FRI.
raphy students are two books, uGeogbe back soon. By the way, have you I
< Continued from rage One)
rapl.y in Human Destiny', by Peat
ever heard of Private Walter Gesin? . In a similar entertainment held tie and "The Pacific Ocean" by RiesWell, if you know Popeye, you sure-: here last year $135.00 were raise- enberg.
ly know Walt. Here's to Hazel and fo- a contribution to an ambulance
“Man t e Unknown” by Ale亩
a successful student teaching term. ifund.
We all know her to be an indu;triou 5) If anyone knows of Edinboro boys Carrel, "Love at the Threshold" by
worker, a good spert and a grand who i-re in sei'vice the committee Frances B. Strain and "Health is
Anyone would appreciate that information, Wealth" by de Kruif should prove
girl— eserving the best,
xhe following is the list that the o-f general interest.
could tell you that.
These books are arranged on the
Who's the guy coming up the walk commitee now has: Steve Crunick,
with Magee? Stu, of course. Yes, J Harley Carpenter, Wallace Skelton, table opposite the library entrance.
Stu Ackelson is the man that's in Donald Granahan, Ponziano Man A few minutes spent in glancing ov
everything, seen everywhere and ning, L. Richard Bensen, Walter er the titles will show what a fine
Norman Dilley,
Walter and versatile collection of books has
cornered only with Magee! He's a Nissen,
former member of the student coun Gesin, John Wolfe, James Brown, been added to the library.
cil, a foiuner class officer, member -Up Mahonty, John Bleech, Rob
of the Mu Kappa Gamma, Kappa ert Hahn, Arnold Dunfee, J. Guy i
i |
Delta Phi and the dramatic club. Taylor, Robert Kauffman, Curmo
He's teaching silly high school stu Seltzer, John Demiankow, John Kel-'
dents the eler.^-jntals of chemistry ler, John Swift, William Rodgeis.
Bazoar Committees
and tte fundamentals of English at
General Decoration — Vernon
present. You cE name any mu静
organization on the campus and the Dornbach, Suzanne Sack, Margaret ♦:T**A:**:**A:T•♦:**:**:**:**:**:**1*^**:**!**:*^**:**" y
odds are 100 to 1 that he's la ic. Caflisch; advertising—Jack Mensi g
Stu was "flying high" last year—re er, BettiaMiller; props—David Bilas
Win A
member? The Civil Aeronautics As dell, Robert Leninsky, Oliver Wester.
Poster—Pat Masterson,
sociation? Did you know that he
likes spaghetti to cat and red to Sloan, Dick Rockwell; purchasiig__
; clean
look at? Guess you know Stu, all Jane Vaughn, Jack Bonnett;
right. Who could miss such a busy up—Bud Rohde, Jim Pai-ker, Wil)ur
man no campus. Why he's even got Rose; treasurer—Donna Bertram;
wavy brown hair—and we should add general chairman—Dominick Fanani.
$5.00 Bill
Co-Ed Swims Each Saturday
Next Saturday, December 13, the
third Co-Rec swim will be held with
the Red Cross Life Saving group be
ing the hosts and demonstrating the
latest methods of life saving. General swimming will be the feature
of the second half of the swim.
E?. Note. It is the wish of those
in charge of thesea swims that more
boys take part,
The pool is not
alone for those of the swimming
^am> but for every boy in the school
These Saturday swims are your
chance to swim with the co-educational group.
Come to the Bazaar.
Mgy Christmas
College Bazaar
Is Friday Night
VOL. IX-"No. 3
Elaborate Vesper
Services Planned
New Antiphonal Chorus Will Be
Feature of Concert
Sunday, Dec. 21
-------To Who's Who ----------------------------------------e
Last month at a meeting of the
Student Council five students were
Highlight of all campus holiday nominated to the Who?s Who in
fest.vities, the Choir Vesper Serv- American Colleges and Universities.
ice being held on Sunday, December At a later faculty meeting the same
21, at four o'clock in the new audi- five students were nominated by the
torium, is the biggest concert given faculty to confiran the selections.
Students were selected upon the
bv the Edinboro Singers during the
basis of scholarship, leadership, fu
The soloists of the day will be ture success, character and partici
Miss Nancy Seay, Mr. Dewey Long, pation in school activities.
and Mr. Stuart Ackelsan. The Dou I year s elections of Will Schaaf, Mari
ble Quartet, the Male Octet and the , an Duffy, and Fiank Soscia will be
Women's ensemble will give indivi- repeated in this year's book also. Pesdual numbers. The antiphonal chor sonality sketches of the five elected
us will have the woman's ensemble follow:
I in the balcony and the choir on the
Heading the list of Who's Who
| itfge.
personalities is "J3one‘‘. You know
The group will have a candlelight ------ Bill Bohn. There's hardly anyprocessional.
Among the songs of thing on campus that Bill hasn't a
t.aditional Christmas music will be guiding finger in. Just ponder on
this record. He*s the president o-f
the Student Council, President of
the E Club, former president of his
class, a football and basketball sta
begins j and a former staff member of f. e
Christmas vacation
Yearbook. At the present you can
Tuesday noon, December 23, |
observe Bohn in either a chemistry
a d ends at 8:00 A. M・,Mon- j or a history class. He's in the painday morning, January 5
(Continued on Page Four)
tne Hallelujah and Echo Choruses.
The c-.-chestra will contribute Christ
mas carols t) the program. After
the Vesper service the annual C - isi i
mas dinnei* will be held in Haven |
Letty Miller heads the committee
in charge of decorations. The officers of the choir are: Margaret Caf】isch, president; Margie Hamilton,
vice president; Ruth Samkowski, sec
retary ;and Arlene McIntyre, treas
Mistletoe Ball Will
Initiate Xmas Fun
The Christmas season is one of
great merriment and festivity and
does, so it is thought, call for a |
The Sophomores have seized this
opportunity to show their capability
and efficiency in engineering a weil
organized and successful event. The
class of '44 is sponsoring the "Mistletoe Ball,"'the event of the year, on
------- 19th.
The tickets are 7戒c
Per couple.
It is a semi-formal affair.
-------- J
December 10, 1941
Five Tableaus to be
Given Next Assembly
Proceeds Are To Be Used To
Send Christmas Baskets
To Students in Service
An All-College Bazaar is being
Five tableaus oi great paintings held in the old gymnasium Friday,
from the life of Christ will be given December 12, at 8:00 p. m.
by the Dramatic Club for the Christ-ias Assembly this year. The tab campus are sponsoring booths in the
leaus consist of: Scene I, "The Na- bazaar. The proceeds will be used
Seene II, "The Temple to send Christmas boxes to former
Sce、e”; Scene III, "Healing the Edinboro students who are serving
Sick''; Scene IV, “Emniaeus"; and in our armed forces.
An admission fee of five cents is
Scene V. "Peace on Eaith".
tableaus are arranged and directed to be charged at the door. Inside
jy t e i'ollowing: Carol Davis, Elaine the gym "purchase tickets" in de
Highfield, Roy Christensen, Wi'Mam | nominations erf one cent and five
Shollenbcrgei* and Sarah Wilson.
While t e first four nenes are
President L. H. Van Houten
taken from famous paintings, the last
has left for Harrisburg to
scene, “
Peace o-n Eaith" is an origi
spend the next two days at
nal conception by its director, Sarah
tending a committee meeting
Wilson and members of the Dramat
on Curriculum and a Presi
ic Club. Those taking part in the
dent's meeting. He expects to
production are: Marie Allen Smith,
return on tho 12th.
narrator; Eleanor Price, music; Pa
tricia Ma-terson, make-up; Jane
cents will be sold. These purchase
Vaughan, waiilrobe; and Ed Daniitm,
tickets may be used to participate in
stage manager.
The members of
the activities or to make purchases
the club feel that this will be an
at the various booths. The projects
assembly well worth attending.
sponsored by the several organiza
tions include the following: a cake
booth, “mouse" game, nail driving
oooth, cake sale, darts, candy sale,
reading of handwriting, hot dog sale,
auction booth, sketching, bingo
For the first time, the annual game, pastry sale and dancing.
T::e lights that have been shining
Ch: i tn:as dinner will follow the Among t' e clubs participating are
from the speech room of the new
Choir Vespers o.i Dtcember 21, at the ScaRAb Club, Phi Sigma Pi, Kap
auditorium every night Int iy ffivc
I five-t; irty in the dining room in Hav- pa Delta Phi, Y. W. C. A., Canter
i.utc evidence of the fact that the ;! en. Hall.
bury Club, Photography Club, Alpha
Edinboro- Players are at work once
Since this traditional dinner is be Delta, Social Arts Club, Edinboro
in upholding their tradition of | .
ing held on Sunday most of the usual Flayers, Choir, "E" Club, and Delta
being one of the busiest organiza- will be om tted
for this Phi Delta.
tions on campus.
year. It is being held on Sunday
(Continued on Page Four)
This year the Dramatic Club has because of calendar necessity.
chosen J. M. Barrie s three-act play
Although the student committee
"Dear Brutus" for their first pre has many plans to make this dinner
sentation v/hich is to be given Janu the finest it has ever been, most of
ary 16. “Dear Brutus" contains a : the details are not yet completed.
bit of comedy, whimsy, romance, pa The method of the Y. W. C. A. gift
Vincent Sheean, war correspon
thos and even mystery. Lob, a | distribution will be changed. Gifts dent and author of two pertinent
truly unusual and fascinating char-; wil] be on sale at the time the tick-. world problem
books,,“Not Peace
___ ,
acter, not unlike Shakespeare's Puck] ets for the dinner are distributed.!i[ But
Sword," and "Personal Hislu:es his guests of the eveningThese gifts are going
j '
to be put under I tory," is scheduled to lecture at the
Midsummer Eve to be exact—into an j trees rather than dumped into the college upo-n January
~ 1942.
eerie wood where they are to have I usual basket. This, the committee
His lecture will be very timely in
a second chance in life. What hap feds, will be a more natural process.
view of his intimate knowledge of
pens when they are transported into A prize is going to be offered for
world affairs and his proficient abil
the supernatural is 此 e basis of the the best decorated table. The stu
ity in analyzing war news a? it comes
action, and the events which ensue dent committee consists of: Sally
Vincent Sheean in addition pos
bring abo-ut surprising results.
Mary McMann, Chester sesses vital insight and experience
Barrie, most noted and most be- Goodrich, Donna Bertram, and Frank
pertaining to the workings of the
(Continued on Page Three)
Japanese mind.
Christmas Dinner
Edinboro Players
Is December 21st
Choose Barrie Play
Vincent Sheean Due
To Lecture Jan. 12th
the spectator
Page Two
The Spectator
........ Frank Holowach
Assistant Editor
........................... Warren Anna
Faculty Advisor
F. L. LaBounty
Business Manager
. Edward Damits
Richard Whitehill
Sports Editor
............... Jack Mensinger
......................................... Clinton Thomas
Exchange Editor
Violet Nellis
Contributors: Jack Alton, Elaine Harshman, Jean
Offner, Sally Wilscn, Margaret Caflisch, Pat Masterson,
Chester Eisaman, Elaine Highfield, Gene Kaminski,
Carol Dav's, Carmon Fiorelli, Margaret Kingsley, Phyl
lis Meyers, Ralph Santo, Natalie Jacobson, Marie Allen
Smith, Audiey Bacon.
The new federal law levies a 10% tax upon all ac
tivities, functions, dances, lectures, everything at the
college which charges an admission price. This tax is
directly payable to1 tne Department-of Internal Revenue
at Washington. But this little love letter is not addressed to those organizations which receive money
directly from the Student Council; the Bursar takes
care of the bookkeeping for those lucky ones. Nope
this is pointed toward those who ai-e paddling thei:,
own canoes: classes, fraternities, E Clu'b, and the like.
Taken at a fleeting glance, here is what tne lost
lambs will have to do. If, for instance, iO'ae of thes、
thi'ows a dance, it must pay a tax of ten per cent of
each and every one of the admissions, complementary
or not. Careful count and cai-eful record of tne per
sons admitted must be kept. Then, at the same tim
the orchestra is paid, an itemized and signed report,
complete with the tax money, must be delivered to
Miss Brown. Fortunately for us, she will take care
of the further details involved in filing a tax return.
Thank your stars this is all you have to do, but
make sure you do th's bit right. The itemized report
should contain the name of tne organization sponso •i:ig the function, the date held, the correct count of the
number of persons admitted, the price charged for ad
mission, the total amount of the tax, and the signature
of the person making tne count. Especially t..e si., .ahn:e. Someone has to be the goat. Just deliver tne
jnoney and the report to Miss Brown, and your worr e
will be mostly over.
There is only one thing that might cause you a
bit of trouble later on: a hitch might 'occur and so'meone may want to exaniine your records. But if ,you
don't have any of those around, don't worry about be
ing left out in the cold—not for long, anyway. Uncle
Sam has a pretty good reputation for gathering his own
close to his bosom.
Phi Sig Sez:
haven's ravens
Since the last issue of the paper
was out the Phi Sigs have been very
busy both professionally and socially.
The week-end party at the
Bend cottage was a huge success.
1 here were about twenty student and
alumni members in attendance. Mr.
Mallory, fraternity sponsor, and Ml
F. S. Bonnett were guests of the
fraternity over the week-end.
"Chris" was lucky enough to get
a ten-point buck t?.e fiist day of dee:
season,..Feeling soi ry for those not
quite so lucky, Chi is was host to th3
waiters at a deer dinnei, the other
day. Last Saturday the fellows
painted their room in Reeder Hal:.
It won't be long before the 1'oom is
The frat is planning
two booths at the ALL COLLEGE
BAZAAR. This bazaar is one of the
most woi'thw? iie things that this
school has taken part in for a g'reat
many years, and should be support
ed by evei'ybody in college as well
as the townspeople. Tomorrow nigh:
Mr. Max Duronc, boys' secretary of
the E] ie Y. M. C. A., will speak to
the fellows at its
Christmas pro
fe~s^onal meeting.
Mr. Du rone is
.onsidered one of the best informed
men in this section on the Y's work
kith high school fellows.
Before we end for t is tim2—the
PHI SIGS wish to everyone a VERY
Kappa Komment
(Keppa Delta Phi)
We now nave
have anotner
another authoiity on
campus as to the wonders and activi•ies in the New England states. wif
•Peeial attontio.i on Massachusetts.
Last week-e d, our Piesident, Dav'd
Blasdell, attended the fraternities'
annual Presidents Banquet held in
the city of Boston.
Progressing in leaps and bounds
this year, Theta Chapter now has a
pHvate room, the -e t b«?st thN’ f
If you see us smacking our lips and licking oui
fraternity house. After lengthy
chops, in class and out, off-campus and on, don't blame ■ onferences wih Dr. Van Houten, it
us too much. We just can't help it. What with the was finally decided to let each fraChrstmas Dinner baiely ten days away, with every ternity have one of t e small rc
southerly breeze working overtime wafting the kitchen in the basement of Reeder Hall,
... Af-.
fragrances over the campus, and with the palate-tick ter the room is properly decorated
ling memories of last ear's i.savoury dinner
invading! and furnished, there will be a house
every waking hour, it seems as though it were
warming party with
too much of us to wait.
We don't know how Miss Pettit does it.
The toe-nail sketch of thes week is
fact that she does is enough for us. Words fail us; Bill Snyder—now student teaching
look for yourselves.
in Erie, another choir member,
y always near music, member at
二 one
Fruit Cup
time or another of the student co-unRadishes
* Olives cil, Delta Phi Delta, Mu Kappa GamRoast Erie County Turkeyma, swimnung team, last year's yearSage Dressing
Giblet Gravy 'book Art Editor,
for reCranben*y Sauce
cent nev/ member in K. D. P. named
Snowflake Potatoes
Buttered Peas Duffy. Directly
connected with SnyHome-made Rolls and Butter
der's Mf
Iceberg Lettuce
Cheese Straws throughout the world (small
Christmas Ice Cream
Fruit Cake
isn't it).
Assorted Nuts
This A
A. M.
M. we
we all aroused ourselves from1 a per.
购ctly happy sleep-Just to jump into a shoe &
< two,
coat and a towel, and tear down the
throw on a(
find out that it . took us three minutes *••$0
〜 to
~ ---------escape
Sack, fire captain.
Bays S
Now and then people begin to wonder about thing:,
and other things, too....when yo% cat^h,student [each:
ers, I in t..
- spare
—73 time....Helen
time. Helen Williams (and this really
and Peg Davis weaaring their glasses
did make 上
us blink)
L-to Imatch
— vtheir nail -po-lish....really seting red!....and1 one
night catching Norma Scheidemantel, Hazel Taylor and
vario-us other members of a certain well known Psy.
ckology class, sprawled out over the second hall watch
J'--r intently, a coke bottle, no less!.
less !....and
ing very
...and they
pay Art Students are queer!
Then came the latest flash....we understand Miss
V. Nellis had a little room cleaning to do after Satunlay morning classes....there's a word for that....stacking, I, huh? And by the way, if you must
use the third flo-or fire escape door....please close it
more quietly....Himes and Highfield like to sleep at
(light, believe it or not, some of you nite owls....Poor
Kammy....came the day wJien she was shocked out of
her usual calm....that was when a few well (?) meaning
freshmen laid out a plaster of Paris head on the dav
enport in the music room....with, as you might guess,
the proper lighting effects and well bundled and con
cealed was gruesome, wasn't it Gene?
Latest and last flash....poor freshman gals get
blamed for everything, including Nellie's room clean
ing....but it's not true, SO > • > >.yours, Gabby.
Ed. Note: Who can telli us anything about Gabby's
vacant chair at the Thanksgiving Banquet?
feeder's digest
Well, they -say the worst is yet to come, but r'ght
now it looks like it's here. Yep, ole Uncle Sa:.i has
finally become involved and it sure is going to affect
ye olde Reeder Hall. Seems like everybody was pre
paring a surprise for our boys who were getting Xmas
furloughs, but, such is life.
And so we drift from the sentimental to the subdued (we hope). We of the Reeder Mansio-n have
added two new names to our register; those of Dave
Phillips and Dick Jenkins. Here's hoping they Ike
the quiet, peaceful, solitude of the “Inn”.
Looks like our boy Georgie (alias B. A.,) Hills 掀
Anally cracked the ice
and 匚广
--exposed his Gable-like pr°"
file to the Edinboro'tes, in the company of a woman.
What's this talk about a ruler B. A.?
Richie Whitehill has just backed another
expeditionary force in the vicinity of Haven Hall. Good
luck, pal.
Oh dear! Where can
, Jackie be? Hes always
so 建 for his school. Could it be because he's loaded
with books and a sparkling
young Warren Miss? Better
get. your track shoes out Buddy,
一“.Profs, and education
wait for neither man, woman, 、 nor ? ? ―Shall we say,
A pertain red-headed Reeder-ite has been seen of
late, going around with
a short hair-cut and a sweetSue from Haven.
Guess the frosh
dance went over quite favorablyGood luck, chillun.
As a reminder, since our boys won't get home for
Xmas, let's
all do L
our part and turn out for the bazaar
in full force. Rememb
'er> we need to do everything
we can to L.
bring them as happy a holiday as possibleThey% working for
Guess thafs all
the dirt and stuff for this scratching. Be seein'
—you— Merry Xmas.
Page Three
fighting Raiders
Lake Erie Invitation
Teachers' Pets
“We Want Snow”
Teacher's pet is an old and jaded
Vanquish L. Tech
Accepted by Ride rs
Chant Alpha Delts term,
and one which I do not feel
qualified to discuss, but I have been
making a house to hou,a canvass
to prove that teachers do have pets,
Probably one ol the most coveted
at least, four legged ones; and with
avitatio; s that the riders of Edinsurprising results. Believe me,、ve
boro or any other college have ever
have some quite unusual pets in the
aceived is to show at the Lake Erie
various homes of the faculty.
College Hoise Show.
This year s
Certainly, you all have seen Miss
show is to be held Friday evening,
'Ruttie's and Miss Ludgate's huge
. 'tmber 12. The sho,w, sponsored
German police puppy, Peter, w..o
“y the Crop and Boot Club of Lake
loves to go into the City Market and
一:c College, is to be held at t'_.e
toss potatoes fi,om a basket into the
e elusive Aintree Riding Ciub a:
air and catch them again,
Mentor, Ohio. This club is one of
had a run-in with Mrs. Rhodes' pet
the few formal clubs in the States BARRIE PLAY ..
goose the other day. For a few min
and is considered to be one of the
utes it lo-oked like a feather-bed fly
(Continued from Page One)
-est clubs in the Cleveland area.
ing around, but eventually the goose
A premonition of the struggle to
Edinboro- will be represented at loved of the English playrights, has retreated, much de-feathered. was apparent to all present
L'ke Erie College Show by: pair written many top-notch dramas in
Miss Whitney can be seen most
when the teams came out for the clams, Doris Potratz—June Howard, cluding, “The Little Minister", “The
any afternoon or evening walking
pre-game warmup. The Tech play Arlene Mac Entyre—
"Quality her gaudily bandaged wire haii'ed
—Eleanor Glenn, ■Admirable
ers were all young giants in com and
—E I a i n e Street",
Every W oman Mischief. It seems Mischief was
parison to the shorter Red Raiders. Ma;s上man; beginning class, Marlyn Knows", and uPeter Pan"; however, -laying follow-the-leader with a
Ednboro started right out, un- Harshman, Olga Hubiac, and Eleanor "Dear Brutus" is an exceptionally woodchuck until the woodchuck
daunted by the visitois, and out- Pi ice; intermediate clas:, Ei^anor beautiful, impressive play and con scrambled under the porch, forcing
scored them 10-6 when the first Glenn, June Hostetler, and Arlene tains one of the most outstanding REschief to give up with a badly
quarter ended. In the second quar- MacEntyre; advanced class, Elaine scenes in English literature in which scraped head.
ter however, the smoothly playing,1 Haishman, Eleanor Sebring, Sarah he portrays a "might-have-been”,,
M'ss Forness reports, emphatical
cleverly dribbling Tech tfaam held1 Wilson and Doris Potratz; gaiues— comparable to Maeterlincks' charac ly, that their home harbors no pets,
the Raiders to 9 points w.. ile gar-1 musical chairs, Doris Po-cratz, June « terization of the children yet to be trough Ma Forness does have seven
1 Ci
c cl
' rr
< i
ini ,
TT - . -1nering 19 themselves,
bringing the Hostetler,
and Elaine Harshman; born in the "Blue B;rd".
chickens which they are consuming
The cast, u der the direction of
score to 19-25 at the half.
j obstacle race, Doris Potratz, Eleano.
Quite a religious dog is Mr. Dou
Miss Jane Ludgate, is as follows:
Elarne Ha
"Sox" must have given the fellows 1 S^bri g, and Elaine
cette^ shaggy Collie, who follows
Alice Dearth—Sally V/Hso;n, . un the Doucette family to church at
Each college is allowed three enone of his famous "between the half'' |
fight talks, for the team took to the J tiies in the classes in which they- derstudy—Eleanor Sebi-ing; Joanna Loveland Hall every Sunday.
—ane Vaughan, undestudy—Carol whines very piously outside the winfloor and rang up 11 points while | "ish to take part.
Davis; Mrs. Coade—Bess Swaney, ■dow during Mass and then jumps up
The j
-------------------the visitors only scored five.
—El.Jne' High-ield: Mabel on every pei'son who comes out un
lead throughout the third quar^i* DISASTROUS GAME ..
Purdic—Hf.z.el Taylor, understudy, til he strikes the right person.
see-sawed back and forth; and as
It's so funny watering Miss Skin
the quartei- ended neither team had .The basketball team slipped and Lucille Mart. Lady Ca.oliae—Marie
t-e advantage, the score being tied skidded all over the slippery third Allen Smit- , understudy—Lois Ann ner's black Spaniel, Pedro, skid
around the slippery floors of her
30 all. In the final period both floor of a church in Buffalo to- end Rooney.
—Dick Rockwell, understudy classroom in Loveland Hall, where
teams, playing cautious ball, and i.p holding to the slim end of a 66showing great teamwork on both 33 score. T? e game of Dec. 6 with —Mer;itt Macintosh; Coade—Dave he follows her every day. Pedro's
disastrous Small ; Pur c:ie—Bill Shollenberger; .favor-te diet is pencils and paper and
sides, tried in vain to b: eak the tie, Canisius proved to be
Margaret—• his favorite pastime is chasing any
for Lob—
and then hold their lead. Guest, of
the little giant-killers of Edinboro Eleanor Price; Dearth—Roy Chris• available squirrels.
Tech, scored first, followed by
■ No art student can go throug-h one
bucket by Eonnett for Edinboro blunted their axes too early in the tensen.
of Mr. Bates' art course unscathed
which tied the score again. Soscia game to do much good with them.
Soscia, star guard, and speedy its second annual tea dance honor witho-ut hearing about his inimitable
then made a foul .shot and the Raide:s were one_ point ahead, but not Walsh were tossed out of the game ing the members of the "E" Club and Dachshund, Doxy . . very long, very
知 long as Guest retaliated with an- on fouls long before the curfew •■ans- the swimming team. The girls prom- low. but did any of you know about
l,ther field goal which put the visitors : Full half o-f the game was played by •se the fellows good music and a Mr. Mallory's rabbit hound that he
junior members Oi good time. This affair is entirely tried to train as a bird dog? It
ahead. Then, with only a minute i the inexperienced
left, Danny Casoli, who had been all i the squad who did theii* best but it invitational.
seems that, now, he is neither.
over the floor all evening, added two i was not eno顷 to stop the onslaught,
by dump-1
points to Edinboro's____
score-----------眼 in a field goal. Lawrence Tech1 Two Players Are Mentioned
[ook the ball out of bounds, worked
北 Under their basket, tiied a shot,
Last week the Associated Press
and lost the ball to Soscia, who, All-State football team was announc-:
?a;.sed to Casoli down t"e floor, and ed. Named alongside players from
Dammy pushed in a lift shot to make the University of Pennsylvania, Du
the victory certain for the Raiders. quesne, Temple, Villanova, were Bill
Shoilenbargcr and Howie Griffin of
Lineup for the game was:
Edinboro State Teachers College.
Ed nboro
F Fl T Bo.h boys were given honorable men
8 tion by the sports editors of all the
3 2
5 0 10 Associated Press member papers in
4 0
8 Pennsylvania. Shollenberger has re跖“ia
3 2
8 ceived All-State recognition every
Two Patch Pockets
Zipper Pocket
1 0
4 year since he has ' been here, and
1 0
2 Gi'iffiin in his freshman year is startSportsmaster Neckline
Harmonious Buttons
Until last Friday evening the outlook'c for this season's basket):〉」,
〔ad was pretty dark, with only
-2 lettermen back from l..s; 3-aa.
a result of the draft, defense jobs,
However, v. i th
and graduation.
Frank Soscia at the helm, and
backed up by last season, veterans
Andy Walsh and Vic Fuller. plu> two I
n(jw freshmen, Danny Casoli and Art
laderosa, the team met and dcxeai讪 their fiYst opponent, Lawrence
Tech. Lawrence Tech, coming from
Detroit, Michigan, also met defeat
the evening before at AlEance,
Horse Show Dec. 12 in Ohio
Topping it off with a luncheo-n and
dancing, the Alpha Deltas will enter
sleigh ride, or a hay ride, at the
White Swan Farms, upon December
Marge Hall, chairman, Sally Wil53ii, L;on“a iitrtram, and Suzanne
Sack have made arrangements for
ciie function which is to be from 7
.0 1 / ];. in. at a of seventy-fi ze
..ents pe: couple.
“All Sports” DRESS
Lawrence Tech score 34.
7' 37
Tuesday, December 18, the Wo
man^ Athletic Association will hold
Perfect for All Day Wear
Novelty Sport Belt
Page Four
Who's Who ..
(Continued from Page One)
ful pi'oeess of student teaching and
no doubt doing a good job. Ask him
sometime about his trip to New^Tork
as a representative of E. S. T. CHe probably has some good stories
tell—Bohn's really a rough and
tough he-man. Did you know that
he has worked several consecutive
summers in a steel mill?
there*s no necessity to say more
about Bill. He's the genial, easy
going, hard-working, likeable sort of
chap that everyone knows.
girls, he's easy on the eyes too.
And no'w we come to that well
known Irish lassie (or should we say
colleen) Patricia Masterson.
call her Pat. She's editor of the
Yearbook, president of the Alp:a
Delta sorority, secretary of the Delta
Phi Delta and a member of the dra
matic club. Not bad at all! She's
alsa an art major, lest we forget to
mention that small fact. If you want
to make Patsy like you, tell her
you're an ardent Artie Shaw admir
er and you will have struck a respon
sive chord. She positively dotes on
smooth, rhythmic ballads played in
the Artie Shaw manner, and inci
—cringes when she hears
hill-billy music. If you wave a red
flag at Patsy, she'll never charge—
her favorite color is red. You posi
tively can't mistake Pat. She's the
girl with the Irish' charm and the
h'ish luck, the girl with the snap
ping brown eyes and the wicked
sense of 'kumor.
Who should room with Patsy but
another Who's Who victim—Gene
vieve Kaminski. However, you can
call her Kamie. Kamie's the one
that someday is going to be a fam
ous bacteriologist. If by any chance,
you're ever looking for Kamie, and
the weather is nice, we suggest you
find the nearest tennis court. Kamie's
probably playing a mean tennis
game that ends as a love set for her
opponent. She's the former presi
dent of her class, the present vice
pres.dent of the Alpha Delta sorority, and the present Delta leader and
the business manager of the yearyear
book. A full schedule, I would say
Perhaps it would be a good thing to
mention rigpt
now that she's partial
to blue and to blues
二3 music. After
all, I'm certain 厂_ her '
you ,know ____
wavy brown hair, her quizzical eyebrows and her neat
r- smile.
Make a
friend of Kamie and v
;- •
got a
• really swell pal for life.
Do you know "Popeye?" Oh, pardon me, you might not recognize her
by that title. Ifs familiar for Hazel
Dennison. Well, you may not know
Hazel, but the E Club members do
She's this year's E Club queen. And
that ain't all! She's class editor of
the Yearbook, a member of the Mu
Kappa Gamma fraternity, last year's
soi-ority treasurer and last year's Phi
leader. Just now we see Popeye all
too infrequently, as she is busy stu-
turned in their list of officers.
and the secretaries or managers
follow, with the president placed .first
Harold Bohn
Jim Parker
Y. M. C. A.
Ruth Wagenknecht
Y. W. C. A.
Pat Masterson
Wilbur Sloan
Delta Phi Delta
Eugene Billings
Photo Club
Edward Damits
Frank Holowach
Ruth Samkowski
Social Arts
Camille Peck
Donna Bertram
W. A. A.
June Hostetler
Pat Masterson
Alpha Delta
Jack Mensinger
Dave Blasdell
Kappa Delta Phi
Earl Madigan
Phi Sigma Pi
Vernon Dornbach
Stuart Ackelson
Willliam Snyder
Mu Kappa Gamma
Ruth Samkowski
Sally Wilson
Richard Rockwell
Dramatic Club
June Hostetler
Ruth Samkowski
Gene Kaminski
Pat Masterson
Year Book
Ruth Samkowski
Helen Williams
Haven Hall Council
Bill Shollenberger
Reeder Hall
Margaret King, ley
Bill Bohn
Student Council
Bill Shollenberger
Bud Rohde
“E” Club
Information and
Inspiration: New
Books Come h
Eighty-seven new r* " ■V方访竺跖&
have been recently acquired by
I out
library. Included
areins these
of the very latest books in
of science, education, 欧0晰版
drama, and psychology.
One of these, "Invitation to E jP3riment", by Iia M. Freeman, i33 0
especially recommended to those who
wish to get an enjoyable
introduction to the fundamentals of Physics.
“The Book of Play Production" by
Mil ton Smith, "Eleven Verse Plays"
by Ma .well Anderson and "Masters
I of the Drama" by Gassner will be
especially important to students in
terested in dramatics.
Serving as references for Geogdent teaching in Erie. B,u't sWll ALL COLLEGE BAZAAR FRI.
raphy students are two books, uGeogbe back soon. By the way, have you I
< Continued from rage One)
rapl.y in Human Destiny', by Peat
ever heard of Private Walter Gesin? . In a similar entertainment held tie and "The Pacific Ocean" by RiesWell, if you know Popeye, you sure-: here last year $135.00 were raise- enberg.
ly know Walt. Here's to Hazel and fo- a contribution to an ambulance
“Man t e Unknown” by Ale亩
a successful student teaching term. ifund.
We all know her to be an indu;triou 5) If anyone knows of Edinboro boys Carrel, "Love at the Threshold" by
worker, a good spert and a grand who i-re in sei'vice the committee Frances B. Strain and "Health is
Anyone would appreciate that information, Wealth" by de Kruif should prove
girl— eserving the best,
xhe following is the list that the o-f general interest.
could tell you that.
These books are arranged on the
Who's the guy coming up the walk commitee now has: Steve Crunick,
with Magee? Stu, of course. Yes, J Harley Carpenter, Wallace Skelton, table opposite the library entrance.
Stu Ackelson is the man that's in Donald Granahan, Ponziano Man A few minutes spent in glancing ov
everything, seen everywhere and ning, L. Richard Bensen, Walter er the titles will show what a fine
Norman Dilley,
Walter and versatile collection of books has
cornered only with Magee! He's a Nissen,
former member of the student coun Gesin, John Wolfe, James Brown, been added to the library.
cil, a foiuner class officer, member -Up Mahonty, John Bleech, Rob
of the Mu Kappa Gamma, Kappa ert Hahn, Arnold Dunfee, J. Guy i
i |
Delta Phi and the dramatic club. Taylor, Robert Kauffman, Curmo
He's teaching silly high school stu Seltzer, John Demiankow, John Kel-'
dents the eler.^-jntals of chemistry ler, John Swift, William Rodgeis.
Bazoar Committees
and tte fundamentals of English at
General Decoration — Vernon
present. You cE name any mu静
organization on the campus and the Dornbach, Suzanne Sack, Margaret ♦:T**A:**:**A:T•♦:**:**:**:**:**:**1*^**:**!**:*^**:**" y
odds are 100 to 1 that he's la ic. Caflisch; advertising—Jack Mensi g
Stu was "flying high" last year—re er, BettiaMiller; props—David Bilas
Win A
member? The Civil Aeronautics As dell, Robert Leninsky, Oliver Wester.
Poster—Pat Masterson,
sociation? Did you know that he
likes spaghetti to cat and red to Sloan, Dick Rockwell; purchasiig__
; clean
look at? Guess you know Stu, all Jane Vaughn, Jack Bonnett;
right. Who could miss such a busy up—Bud Rohde, Jim Pai-ker, Wil)ur
man no campus. Why he's even got Rose; treasurer—Donna Bertram;
wavy brown hair—and we should add general chairman—Dominick Fanani.
$5.00 Bill
Co-Ed Swims Each Saturday
Next Saturday, December 13, the
third Co-Rec swim will be held with
the Red Cross Life Saving group be
ing the hosts and demonstrating the
latest methods of life saving. General swimming will be the feature
of the second half of the swim.
E?. Note. It is the wish of those
in charge of thesea swims that more
boys take part,
The pool is not
alone for those of the swimming
^am> but for every boy in the school
These Saturday swims are your
chance to swim with the co-educational group.
Come to the Bazaar.
Media of