Wed, 07/26/2023 - 16:37
Edited Text
"Captain Applejack"

Mar. 16th



l e a c h e r * Coileg^e, Lock
LoQK H A V K N ,

Metropolitan Basso
Concludes Artist




tu Graat HiiH

Haven, Pa.
N U M B E R i*


Music Department Faculty Marked Originality
Praeco Plans
Will Present Program \I in
Says 1928 Staff

A faculty recital is being planned [c.
by the members of the music deIt win be difflcult for those who partmcnt, to be given in the school a.
heard William Gustafson here Fri- aud torlum, March 8, at 8:15 P. M. b.
oay, March 2, to determine whether
M i s s Fern Ammon, Miss Ivah c.
it was his engaging personality, his Whitwell, and Mr. Carroll R. All
vocal ease, his ability to dramatize, v/ill present the following program:
or the balance of his tuneful proSonata, E minor Op. 7 . . . . G r i e g
gram, arranged to bring selections
Allegro moderato
iiitn sharp contrast with each other,
Miss Ammon
which made that evening one to be
Come to the Fair
remembered witl pleasure.
Miss Whitwell
An audience slenderer than any a. Prelude
Mendelssohn b
this year was present to see Gusta- I b. L'Alouette (The Lark) Balak'rew
faoa swing onto the stage, a Viking
Miss Ammon
in evening dress, huge of shoulder | ^^ ^^^ Cloths of Heaven.. Durhill b.
ard chest with ths waist of a swim- ,, open Thy Lattice
and long, strong legs that;

:::r : r l «.S ::i



U. Annual

The Three Cavaliers . . Schlrdler
Miss Whitwell
Nocturne—F sharp major.Chopin
Mr. All
Sheep and Lambs
Miss Whitwell
Capriccio—F sharp minor,Brahms
AUlmarnde and Gavotte.d'Albert
Mr. AU
The Old Refrain . . arr. Kreisler
Take Joy Home
Miss Whitwell
Caprice Viennols
Miss Ammon

convention Will he Held


There will be so many new featurea in the general layout of the
forth-coming Praeco that It will appear to be an entirely different book
according to the staff members after
tho last staff meeting. New and
more campus views, a senior page
arrangement never before attempted, the use of color-prints, an alignment by classes on a full college
basis: these are among the many

Jerry Jones has submitted and had
accepted a full page design for the
background to be used on every
page of the senior section, over
which will be printed on the left
hand pages fourteen senior photog r a p h s , the write-ups appearing
printed over the same des'gn on the
opposite right hand pages. The effect will be greatly different from
any previous Praeco arrangement,
the Idea being an adaptation of one
used In a big Middle-West university. In her design she has included
suggestions of the main entrance,
t h e light-standards flanking t h e
main walk, the sweeping curve ot
the roadway, and the play ot clouds
over the arc of the sky seen from
the main approach.

lights. 'Power to burn,' as the slo- ,
* , y-i
J r»
• J
gan has it; that registered before |
LrYanCl KapiUS
he had taktn hir sixth stride; and i
T ll e International Kindergarten while obEervafona are being carethe twinkle that wrinkled his eyocornars. the mellowing of the mus- Union will hold its thirty-fifth an- ully planned by Elizabeth Webster,
crrs as the grlmness of his mouth j mial convcnl-on at Grand Rapids, "ssistant supervisor in kindergartenprimary grades.
h - a n to disappear, completed the ! Michigan, trom \^r'.\ 16 to 19th.
•t'.nqnest of at least the gallery. One j ii.vitiitions hpve been sent to the
Such topics as: Beginnings of Edjouia see the audience settling back, j-^vo^u Federation of Education As- ucation; Teacher Guidance; Superf.ociatior.s, National Education As- vision and Training In Nursery-Kini^Jlroady expectant.
1 Mr Guptafsou is primarily an op- sociation, National Congress ot Par- dergarten-Primary Education; Kineratic singer. He acts as naturally ents and Teachers, General Federa- doigarten and Primary Education;
3(3 he sings. His program evidently tion of Women's Clubs, and to the Learnings In Nursery will
'{ras selected to show something of National Council of Primary Educa- !!-• discussed.
his dramatic range. He leered as tion, urging them to send representThe senior pictures and the namer,
The speakers will include leaders
Mephistopheles, glowered as Vulcan, atives.
writeups ot the other classes
in education, such well-known pervifas quietly majestic as Jupiter,
All the nations of the world; it
will not be arranged simply In al.ieared cheerfully in "Captain Strat- s expected, will send representa- sons as Patty Smith Hill, Leslie A. phabetical lists, as formerly. Instead
Butler, Clarence Cook Little, A. H. ihe classes w'll be arranged in acton's Fancy," panted as the escap- \ tives to this convention,
ing traitor In "Verrath," bubbled j The four-day plan will he carriad Hughey, Caroline T . Hedger, and cordance with t h e i r
over as the student about to set out | out as previously with preliminary many others. They will appeal to the I grouping. With one or two excepon his "Fussreise."
j committee meetings preceding con- irterests of teachers in many flelds, tions the senior photographs are all
in, and proofs of the new plates are
His program was the opposite oti vention week,
to parents, and to students.
expected from the engravers withheavy. It was built to contrast slow | The program will Include aapectf.
Representatives to this convention in the week.
melody w i t h
quick, cheerfulness \ of the nursery school and parental
Arith grlmness; but every selection | education. Grand Rapids offers ex-1'^"" '^''^^ school have not as yet heen
Faculty photos have all been tahad its appeal to the ear that en- I cellent opportunity for observation chosen, but will be In the near tu- ken. Their section will Include a
joys without training to appreciate, of the former unit. Helpful, worth- ture.
new feature of real souvenir value,
It was tuneful, colorful, made to lis- I
which Sherman Francisco refuses to
ten to.
do more than hint at. He wishes It
A s l i g h t husklness, apparently
to come as a surprise to book purcaused by a trace ot a cold, waa nofihasers. and as a regret to the few
ticeable; but it did not seriously
who may miss their opportunity.
mar the richness of his tone nor
Books will not be ordered, says
tnterfere with the admirably effortLock Haven Teachers College
Business Manager Artley, except for
less escape of his voice.
those who have placed their order
One gracious informality of his
early and have included a deposit
proved Immediately popular: before
of at least one dollar with the orthe three operatic arias, Vulcan's
der. No extra copies will be ordered;
Son,g aud the Slumber Romance,
•By Walter Hagkett
last minute wishers will have to be
from Philemon and Baucis, and
The advertising staff began work
Faust, he briefly explained the acthis week on the ' Second' Semester
tion ,'iupposed to be taking place on
Directory. No advertisements will
the opera stage. The applauSe at the
appear In Praeco, as last year; that
end of this section of his program
feature was too good to change. The
Students --$ .50
Public - - $ .7%
was terriflc, something of an indlads will be used Instead In this dl«Vjr!tiniied on page .11
(Continued on Page 8)

The Senior Class

"Captain Apple'ack"


All For Fame


Ladies and gents I'm gonna relate how near I was to becoming
great. Well, it seemed to me that
now-a-days people have thought up
lots of ways Of gaining renown just
over night and have caused the
world to !)hake with fright, while
they ate five dozen eggs a day or
Hew non-stop to Bengal Bay. Now
lolkE, I was thinking up a ruse to
get in on all this front-page news
so I goes and buys them funny
things I guess that you call them
water-wings. And I sets out for the
British Isles to try my luck with
those thlrty-mlles.
My friends said I was taking a
chance to swim from England to,
sunny France. But I said, "How can !
you say such things; don't you seel
I've got water-wings?" In England'
I trained for several days and I
really learned to swim a ways. I
didn't have very far to go since I
Take your choice; one here for every la>te. A bit extreme, perhaps, but the best
could swim ten yards or so. The
fatal morning dawned clear and of their types. Power stamina, readability, stcamlincs, everything wanted in 1928
fair and all the dukes and the lords models, and packed into those tiny roadsters with the short wheelbases over there on
were there. And when I gazed on the right just as carefully as into those rangy super-sedans on the Uft. Step in, Mr
that great big crowd I certainly Schoolboard Member; any one of them will take your whole school wherever you
did feel awfully proud. My friends want it to go
By way of contrast, on the right
had chartered a little ship to hear ' At the left, in order, are the three
me company on my trip, and a hand tallest men on the campus: Earl are tho three first choices for our
was always to be near to keep me i Smith, of Sinnemahoning, dramatic pony ballet, no part of them very far
happy ana full of cheer. I donned : star, Y worker, general assistant, away from two feet or from anymy wings and I started out and the ! and always ready; Paul Durner, of thing else likely to be stirring on
crowd all gave one mighty shout. ' Boalsburg a n d the Pennsylvania campus. Reading in o r d e r—they
Then the band struck up that fam-! State Highway police, to whom life seem to be, for the moment, in order
ous tune: "You're going to he a '« a serious proposition; and Brown —they are Christian F'eit, trained
dead man soon." So I swam and ' Borsert, long enough to curl himself in Kane to manage anything in need
swum and swam and swum, and around a bull fiddle, but content of a manager; Henry Myers, one of
folks, for me that was swumming to stroke sweet harmony from his
Mill Hall's first and most successful
some. With my trusty wings I swam educated vioUn. Our photographer
upsettlers; and Norman Morgain,
all day and boys! how that old jazz j had to keep backing away and backband did play. I was nearly put In-! '"K away, trying to get them all In Flemington's nearest neighbor, who
to a sleep with "Hocked In the Cra-i o"^*' picture; not one of them will looks simply stunning among all his
die of the Deep." And when they ever see sir feet again.
.-•ang of old "Davy Jones" I con-'
The longest and the shortest men who walk our halls; hence interesting, extracted pain in all my bones, and I tremely.
thought for sure that I would fall,
but I caught sight of a fishes' tail
and I struck ahead so brave and
bold and managed at last to grab
Since there was too much to be life had tried to shatter his iearnahold. As we swam along, that flsh sald about Pennsylvania to be cov-; ings toward the Quaker religion, but
and me, I thought of Lindbergh, his ered In one Chapel period, the au- he was unable to do so, even though
plane and "We", and I dreamed of thorities of the school decided to j he tried by educating his son in a
h o w the "Daily Screech" would extend it over three days. It was j school very worldly, and by travelwrite up about my famous speech, announced on Wednesday, the first j ing.
and how the Director Saumel Wood day set apart, that we had speakers! P * n n received little B.ympathy
would ask me to come to Hollywood eminent enough, t o address u s. , from his father, the admiral, because
to play the part that guy Ben Hur Sterl Artley, Lenore Sharp and Sara he could not comprehend the stand
at a hundred fifty thousand per. And
which his son had taken, this made
when at last we sighted land, I cer- Felix being chosen as speakers. Miss
him realize the fact. But to Penn's
tainly did feel big and grand. But Felix was unable to address because
persistent and eager efforts to aid
as we drew In a little near, the of Illness. Mr. Sullivan proved a
the Quakers, of whom he was leader
landscape struck me as rather queer.
we flnd him beginning a settlement
explanI took one look and fell down flat.
ation of a story of our state from ; which had grown into the glorious
I was back just where 1 started at!
state of Pennsylvania,
And now John Bull's landed me In a movie reel.
Miss Sharpe, the other student
jail for pulling the little fishes' tall.
and Ideals of the Founder ot Penn- speaker, helped us to carry our apsylvania." He started with the early preciation of Penn further In her
If you want to play around dur- Ufe of the founder, so that we could speech the following morning, when
ing study hour, you have only two appreciate m o r e fully the Ideas she spoke of "The Holy Experithings to do. First you must prepare Penn had In view when he decided ment." This was the name given to
your lessons one day ahead; and to accept the land grant in Amer- Penn's planet government, which he
had received from the King of Engsecond, you must be quiet so that ica,
Penn had his o w n ideas about l'^nd In payment of a debt owed to
you don't attract the attention of
"the monster." Try this plan and founding a colony, and the laws his father.
One of the outstanding points of
see how much you will enjoy your which should govern such a settlement. He was very steadfast in his the colony he founded was that It
(Continued on Page 4)
Current Sauce opinions. His father. In his early

Pennsylvania Day Celebrated at C.S.T.C.

m a t oouiXij fa.uViq

0 ".TAjono^ ^^A\s/r^ 4 ) ^

4 I



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Teachers' College
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Alarm Clocks
Sporting Goods
Base B a l l - F o o t b a l l

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17 East Main Street

Have You Taken
that Picture lor
Your Memory Book?

Day Room

This square block ad presented at

123 East Main Street
Entitles the bearer to
Irish Coeoanut Kisses with each
See Who %eads the cAd

^ '




Normal Times


Metropolitan Basso

(Continued from Page 1)
cation ot the willingness the stuiNormat Times is published at Luck
dent body to listen, whenever they
Haven State Teachers College, Lock
" T h e t y p e of person who 'would cheat in playing solitaire' is of
Haven, Penna., by the Board of Ed- ,
have some little idea ot what to
j course not fitted either to teach or e x a m i n e p u p i l s . "
itors of Normal Times.
j listen tor.
The subscription rate to all alum- !
When we stop to consider the real t r u t h in such a s t a t e m e n t , we
This group or arias, oddly, was
ni and undergraduates ot the school
wonder what some people are d o i n g in a teachers' college. W e may placed third on his program. His
i.-i $1.00 t>er annum.
Board of Editoro
uot wonder why they came in the first place, bnt we do w o n d e r why iirst group were evidently Intended
Managing Editor Lucinda Johnson they are •?'«// here.
At least by the second year they have heard to appeal quickly, his last group alEditor-in-chief
Martha Maitland
so, while the group which made the
.\Iumhl Editor
Lenore Sharp I enough of the value of a t e a c h e r ' s own ideals, her own stability of greatest demand on his auditors
Business Manager, Ruth McLaughlin I character, her need of a t r u e sense of fair-play, to know that one who was sandwiched between. We have
Associate E d i t o r s : Verna Mae cannot be t r u e even to himself can never be t r u e to others. T h e y sure- been accustomed to getting that
Kurtz, Geraldine Jones, Elizabeth I ly have heard that children are t h e l)est of character-readers. T h e y group first. The psychology of the
Spotts, Florence H a v e n , Rowena : need no "crystal ball" to deterniine w h e t h e r this particular teacher change seems good: why uot win
Glossner, Helen Young, Sterl Artthe entire audience early, and estabk n o w s her o w n mind, is fair, is considerate, or is just "wishy-washy
ley, Dorothy McCloskey, Lucille Taylish an appreciative situation at the
lor, Georgia Hursh, Ruth Adams, \ and bored to tears by what she is d o i n g .
Helin Klepper.
Mr. Gustafson enjoys singing. PerIf you are the type " w h o would cheat in .solitaire." why continue
Circulation M a n a g e r ,
Harriet to be ? Desist from aoing it just once and it will be twice as easy to haps that accounts for mucli of his
play fair the n e x t time. Make a decision you know is right, although audiences enjoyment. His friendliness, his complete refusal to be "upSubscription Manager, S a m u e l
It may not be {)leasing, and the n e x t time it will be easier to hold your stage," contributed much. His will:-Oiig.
Acceptance for m.uiling at special own. Be Selfish enough to do what you know is right, r a t h e r than ingness to give encores results from
rate of postage provided for in sec- please your friend by doing what is wrong. Your friend will admire both quality. No singer this year has
tion 1103, Act ot October ;!. 1917, ) o u more if that friend is " a friend." If you try this unflinchingly been so generous. Once after the
:riitIior-'zed June 3, 192-3.
tor—say a dozen times—, y o u ' l l never again be " t h e type of a person Iiri-.t group, twice after the second,
once after the third, and four times
who 'would che.rt in playing solitaire' . " T r y it.
M.VKCH 12, l^^-'S
at the close of his program, he was
generous. His last encores were
Play Ball
•jung to an audience half standing;
Gym Meet Will b.; Held Eariv
Us and Others
Lil Smith, Reba Johnson and EdYou may play with a volley ball, applauding, but believeiug that he
Have you heard about the gym
r.iLet? It comes early this year— na Mae Turney spent the week-end a basKet ball, or a tennis ball. What 'lad already been more than generat their homes in Altoona. you have? It is a little late to ous.
.^/larch 30th, is the date set.
to play basketball or volley
Mandalay a n d Danny Deever,
The. program h-;; not yet been
definitely arranged but there w.ll be with a friend, Ruth Stuart, in State oali, as teams are picked and a ser- those hardy perennials; the Gypsy
ies ot games has started. The day- L o v e Song; Masefield's Cargoes:
marching and exercises first. Each Ccllege.
Breth's Peg was home—Cresson. room basket-ball teain, with Char- these were among his added num(;lasa will give a Folk D.^nce and an
Jerry Jones "did" Williamsport lotte High as Captain, has played bers.
Suglisii Morris Dance.
this week-end.
and won two games with the dorm
Mr. Frederick Bristol provided
Selected teams irom both Junior
Helen WilUiams and Mary Young team, captained b y Verna M a e his piano accompaniment.
L-.nd Senior classe; will play Dodge 'pent the week-end at their homes Kurtz.
ana Volley Ball. Other games have r Williamsport.
In the game between the Junior
Marked Originality in Praeco
::ot been decided upon.
Peg Melvn had as her guest for and Senior teams, the Juniors won.
(Continued from Page 1)
All these activities, will be com- the week-end, her twin sister, Mad- Irene Purkiss is the Junior captain,
g-ViUg the adveitisers a real
potitive. While the judges are mak- elyn.
and Dorothy Killen, the Senior capreturn lor their money in advertis;r.g their decisions, there will be
Peg Miller went home—to Tyrone.
.ome stunts, pyramid building and
Beg.'nners also have teams, with ing value.
Connie Newcombe and Kay Hall
Many of the o.ganizations liavt'
ancy marching.
Baumgarner captain o f the
wont home too, to Huntingdon.
their pictures taken, the favorDot Lawrence spent the week-end Reds, and Esther Kamperin, cap- ite location beaig the front steps.
at her home in Canton, Pa.
The Patriotic Farm
the g a m e played between these It appears as though there would be
."^nn Gillcogley, Helen Horan, Helno so-called "Individual pictures"
standing b a c k from the road
against the side of a mountain, dow.i en Carden ar.d Catherine Bennett
There will be other games be- in this year's book, an advance along
in a little hollow, is the i;o-calRd spent the week-end with an uncle of tween Juniors and Seniors, and be- collegiate yearbook lines over last
patriotic farm. The picture that pre- Ann's in Williamsport.
tween Reds and Whites. The teams year's prize-winner.
rents itself Is that of a red, white
Jule Gibbons and Lib Bressler winning two games out of three - Mr. Brion has been about the camand blue house with a small garden spent the week-end at their homes will play each other for the cham- pus several times, taking scenes entiiely new scenes never before phoand several fruit trees in the front in Williamsport—yeh—Billtown.
yard. The house is white with bright
Tennis Tournament Will Be Held tographed tor the year-book.
red door and roof, blue steps and
The calendar and snap-shot secMiss Dixon is planning a tennis
tiimmings a r o u n d the windows. C. S. T. C. Loses Both Games tournament to take place after Eas- tions will be combined so that snapSammy lives here all alone, supportWest Chester boys walked off ter vacation. She will post papers shots will be used to illustrate the
ing himself by selling his fruit and with the laurels Saturday night, and anyone wanting to play may years' events. "Rather a pictorial
March 2. Although Central State's sign. In the order signed, names will almanac" as Mr. Trembath puts it.
Edythe Hoy is now working on
But why tne color of the house? tir.m worked with might and main, be posted and anyone may challenge
Sammy has told his story often. He the bigger West Chester lads made anyone above him In the list. The the staff taking charge of the fawas sixty-flve years old when the .1. score of 5 8-23. Vonada, Mack, winner takes the higher place. From culty write-ups. Helen Westrick has
World War was calling for men. Coleman, Parsons, and Robb start- these preliminaries, players for the been added to the staff as Assistant
oanimy enlisted, fully expecting to ed the game, with Poorman, Plum- finals will be chosen. Instead of chal- Business Manager.
go, hut because of his age' and phys- ni'^r, Bohn and McMullen substitut- lenging, these players will draw
ical condition. Was rejected. All at- ng. Central State was going good nunibers. Elimination games will he
tain jits to go failed, so he moved out during the flrst half, getting the played in May.
professors are in
to this little house and started a bulk of their score during that perGet In practice. Start Training the bud already. Take note of Rosa
war garden. Sammy felt it would be iod.
now. Who will be the future tennis | Lee Hinkley who bravely started out
patriotic to paint his house in the
A preliminary game between the champion of C. S. T. C ?
j for class carrying a. hand-mirror in
colors ot his country ,sp. that Is what Junior Varsity team and the HarIjlace of her fountain-pen.
he did. The vegetables and fruits mony Club team trom town ended
weie sold and the money wa.s sent with a 13-19 score in favor of the
Boyer Tells a Story
There Is another case on record
to the Red Cross or to the Training town team. Renninger, Kitko, D.
"All right, fellows. Sit down, ev- ot a girl using tooth-paste on her
Camps to be used for the soldiers. rowser, Quigg, and Zaner started erybody. I'm going to tell you a f a c e , mistaking it for vanishing
"Ellizabeth Watkins the game for the Junior Varsities.
(Continued on Page 4)
cream. Wow!!


Penna. Day Celebrated
(Continued from Page 1)
was established upon the principles
of democracy, one of the outstanding features being, religious freedom.
T h e speaker o f this morning
brought out t h e fact that even
though titles of the land in Pennsylvania were clearer than those in any
other state, since Penn was so fair
in his treatment ot the Indians, he
bought the land the second time. In
the early history no provision was
made tor self protection. Abolition
trom oaths, also was characteristic
of early Pennsylvania. Only after we
see those things can we appreciate
the step taken by Penn when he
lounded that state we all love.

Klub Korner
The Three Sororities Met

. former president, had charge of the
Monday afternoon, the' three sor- i services. Dorothy Bastian led In
orities. Alpha Sigma Tau, Beta Sig- i prayer and Katherine Warfel read
ma Chi, and Rho Omega Lambda the Bible.
All of the old and new officers and
met In their respective rooms and
discussed matters of importance to members of the cabinet dressed in
white and carrying lighted candles,
marched Into the room by twos. The
.ilphii Zeta Pi Transacts Important old officers took their places on the
platform while the new members
In the evening, the members of I stood along the front row. HowevAlpha Zeta PI assembled In the Nor- er, they soon changed places and the
mal Times room and puzzled their new menrbers were recognized. Doris
brains for means ot bettering the Mattern is the new president. Peg
school paper. Esther Keyser was Beeson, vice-president, Evelyn Bosadded to the staff. Elizabeth Spotts worth, secretary and Gerry Greasaud Dorothy McCloskey were dele- er, treasurer. Sara Wilson, Myrna
gated to see that the papers get in- I Miller, Thelma Moore, Iva Thompto the post office boxes on time.
son, Alice Pearsall, Dorothy Law"It is the increasing determinaY.
r e n c e, Gertrude Haight, Chrissie
tion to say it right which makes the
i Wednesday evening the boys were , Lambert, and Catherine Cook made
good writer."
unable to hold their Y. M. services I up the new cabinet.
—"Better Writing"
I because of the disorder in the rooms
.\rt Club Is Interested In Pins
due to re-wiring.
I Wednesday night the Art Club
Y. W. Installs Officers
j met and discussed the matter ot
The members of the Y. W. C. A. ! p^ns. A new kind has been chosen,
j met in Price Hall to view the can- Mowrie Ebner was elected as a repi dlellght services for the Installation resentative to the Alma Mater Song
I of oflicers. Kathleen Spengler, the : Committee.
Lei us help you select your
particular needs in the ToilLtie Goods line. We underi .A.gain Hobba splashed.
Boyer Tells a Story
-laud the Beauty Value of
"The wind was whistling through
(t^ontluued trom Page 3)
our various creams, powders.
story. Hobba will lend the dramatic the trees."
Rouges, etc., and can receffect." Boyer, with his famous der- ; Hobba whistled.
tonimend the best for your
.\nd thus the story did not end.
by pulled almost over his eyes, bepaiticular style of Beauty.
anyone stayed to listen Boyer
gan thus:
"'Twas a dark and t-tormy eve- ; would be talking yet. And the story
would be telling would begin thus:
"It was a dark and stormy eveHudunt
"Crash! crash!" came from Hobinlng."
—Ted Bray
"The waves were beating on the i
"Splash! splash!" from Hobba,
"The wind was whistling through
Lip Sticks
the trees."
"Rock-a-bye Freshie, on the tree top
"Whee-w-eee!" whistled Hobba.
as long as you study
Eye Brow Pencils
"In a dark and lonely cave sat Your grades will not drop.
Beauty Spots
three nol'orious robbers. Low-card, But if you stop digging, your standHair Tonics
High-Card and Antonious, the Leading will tall,
er. Said Low-card to Antonious, And down will come Freshie, diManicure Sets
"Tell us one of your famous storploma and all."
Everything in Drugs
ies." and he began thus:
"It was a dark and stormy eve-

Beauty Atii^a

Dr. A. Prieson Co

Robert L. Myers, . D.
100 East .Main Street
If It's ye,v We Have It

Hobba crashed again.
"The waves were beating on the

1^ Sanitary Barber

'The time to say what you mean ]
when you are flrst saying it,"
—"Better Writing" j

Wc can tell you the
most beautiful way to
sa\' it.



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Your Photograph
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A Real Shop wilh Real

We Specialize in Individual Cups,
Combs and Brushes
Phone Lock Haven 9795

and Other


Winter Sport Accessories
— at —

Stevenson's Sporting Goods Store
East Main Street

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