Wed, 07/05/2023 - 18:54
Edited Text
Eagle Eye
Vol. XXV No. 17

Lock Haven State College

Friday, May 15, 1981

McBride Fired as SCC Treasurer
SCC Treasurer Kelly
McBride was fired from her
job by a 12-11-2 vote of the
Senate in a special meeting
held on Tuesday night.
The motion to authorize
Phil Burge to fire McBride
came from Senator Jonathan
Bravard asked
" t h a t the SCC Senate
authorize SCC President Phil
Burge to fire Kelly McBride,
SCC Treasurer, with a vote
by secret ballot."
Bravard then went on to
list several reasons for making his motion, including,
missing two finance and one
meedngs, not properly investigating budgets brought

before the senate, not
scheduling office hours or
listing a number where she
could be reached, and forcing
SCC President Burge to
fulfill some of her duties.
Bravard also cited McBride
for calling in sick for an executive committee meetingand then being seen one half
hour later in the snack bar,
not attending to the business
of the SCC, not having information pertaining to the
budget when asked at a
meeting, and not returning
budgets to individual
organizations for revision in
a reasonable amount of time.
McBride responded to
these accusations, admitting
that she was at fault for some
of them. "Yes, I was negligible (sic) on the part of miss-

ing meetings."
She added, however, that
she had been sick with strep
throat for two of the
meetings, and that she had
not known about the other
McBride also took the
blame for not handing the
budgets for fiscal year '81 out
on time.
McBride did not, however,
take blame for the full budget
being late. She blamed that
on the original $340,000
figure needing to be reworked
and cut back by $3,000. She
had suggested that figure to
December, but it was incorrect
overestimate of snack bar
In response, Bravard said
that if she had properly looked into the budget in the first
place, there wouldn't have
been any wrong estimates.
At this point in the
meeting. Senator Chris Bird-

sey, who was supportive of
McBride said, " I will say that
it's the finance committee
that changed the budget and
caused it to be late. It was
not Kelly McBride's fault,"
however McBride did serve as
chairman of the Finance
Committee while in office.
When asked why she did
not spend more time in her
office, McBride said she did
not like the mood of some of
her co-workers in the executive branch. McBride
said, " I could
spend a
lot of extra time down here,
but I don't. I sign the checks
and get the hell out of here as
fast as I can."
McBride also defended being in the snack bar after calling in sick at the Executive
Committee meeting, saying.
that she was called down for
an emergency sorority pledge
meeting. "Any sorority or
fraternity member knows
that if you miss a meeting you

(Cont. on page 3)

to Senate Decision

SCC Officials React

Student Charged in
Gameroom Break-in
officials found that four pinBy BOB BAKER
ball machines had been
An LHSC student was ar- broken into, three of which
rested yesterday and charged received extensive damage. A
with the burglary, theft, and total of $7.50 was taken from
criminal mischief ot tne game the machines according to
room in the Parsons Union Law Enforcement Director,
Richard Hepner.
The accused was then arThe student was arrested at
approximately 1:30 a.m. raigned before the local
Thursday by Law Enforce- magistrate. Upon failure to
ment officers who were on a meet the requirements of
routine patrol of the campus. bail, the youth was commitThe investigation con- ted to Clinton County Jail.
ductci by Law Enforcement Bail has been set at $3,500.

News Editor
The 12-11-2 vote to have
Kelly McBride fired from her
position as SCC treasurer left
many mixed emotions on
Tuesday night.
Senator Chris Birdsey, who
was backing McBride in her
effort to to remain treasurer,
said, "I'm rather disgusted
with the decision. I'd like to
see it reconsidered."
He also spoke of his opposition to the way the constitution was interpreted.
"The charges against her did
not warrant the action taken.
1 don't believe that the constitution allows the action
taken. In the constitution,
there is no recall power."
Another Senator, Joe Kirby, was upset enough about
the situation that he said,
" I ' m seriously considering
resigning from the SCC. Phil
realized this could have been
just a discussion. Phil, I feel,
forced the motion."
The SCC's first vicepresident, Daryl Rosidivito's

One of the major objections of the meeting was the
way in which it was handled.
Many senators thought the
discussion became too personal. Senator Joel Yovic
said, "The main point is
everybody got away from
If people
would have stuck to performance, the vote would have
been drastically different."
comment was, "I think it's
been long-awaited, 1 think it
should have been brought up
many weeks ago. In my opinion, it was needed."
An opposite opinion was
expressed by the SCC corresponding secretary, Becky
Clarke, who said, " I ' m
I feel very
shaky about the whole situat i o n . " The recording
secretary, Pam Fletcher, said
the "Interpretation (of the
constitution) is what messes
everything u p . "
President Phil Burge was in
favor of the firing. He said he
agreed with McBride's statement that working as a

(Cont. on page 3)

Former SCC Treasurer Kelly McBride

Burge Asked McBride
to Resign Post Before
News Editor
Tuesday's Senate meeting
was not the first time that
SCC treasurer Kelly McBride
was faced with the fact of losing her job, according to the
SCC's president and vicepresident, Phil Burge and
Daryl Rosidivito.
R o s i d i v i t o said t h a t
McBride had been asked at a
previous Executive Committee meeting to resign. According to Rosidivito, McBride
said that she would not
resign— she would have to be

When asked why the request to have McBride resign
did not appear in any of the
meeting minutes, Rosidivito
said because it was an "internal discussion", and that " n o
formal motion was made."
Burge said the reason
McBride's resignation was
asked for was because he was
dissatisfied with her work.
"She wasn't checking on the
monthly PNL's (profit and
loss sheets)," and that there
was no way she could
possibly know where all the
money was.

Concert Incidents IVIInor
Despite the several fights
that broke out, and the excessive amount of alcohol
that was on the field, LHSC
Law Enforcement Director,
Dick Hepner, was generally
pleased with the way things
went during the Quiet
W e d n e s d a y c o n c e r t in
Hubert Jack Stadium.
Hepner's main concern
was the quantity of alcohol
that was being consumed on
the field, however, he noted
that it resulted in only a few
minor incidents.
Hepner went on to say that

the amount of alcohol allowed into events such as Quiet
Wednesday should be controlled and regulated more
than it is at the present time.
Hepner said, " A n effort was
made by the SCC, but more
control was needed."
A traffic accident was also
reported, however, the collision occurred on city property and will be investigated by
Lock Haven police.
Hepner said there were also
numerous complaints by
neighboring residents about
the noise coming from the

[/iisfde: Qu/ef WednesdayTunes-upLHSC-Page 3 ]

Friday, May 15,1981 Page 2

Editor in Chief
Sitting around our teievision sets, huddled close to
the events that are so magnificently brought to us by
our American media, we get a feeling that we possess
the knowledge of world circumstances, and how they
qffect the mainstream of modern civilization.
The hostage situation, and the attempted assassination of President Reagan, are two fine examples of our
extremely technological media. The camera can zoom
in and show us a close up of the pain, and in the next
instant it can zoom out, showing us the effect that pain
has on the people surrounding the incident. We feel we
are getting the true picture from the media. However,
some of our foreign students on the LHSC campus
tend to disagree with our view. They seem to thinic that
our media exploits and sensationalizes events for its
own proflt. They, aiong with many other American
citizens, seem to think that the media is mam^facturing
what's in the view-flnder, rather than bringingyhe true
picture into the television.
This concept may be true. Many times the media
zero in on a small-scale skirmish, and make it iook like
a large-scale riot. The media can in fact take advantage
of the viewer. It can show its audience the truth, but
many times the other side of that truth is not brought
to light, and therefore the public forms its opinion on
a one-sided truth that only partially resembles the total
spectrum of the event. However, what the viewer must
keep in mind is that these incidents are occurring,
though maybe not to the extent the media shows, and
are a definite concern to the worid and its always shuffling scheme of things.
No matter how much they complain about how the
media brings them the news, the public constantly clings to its teievision set, newspaper, and radio. Our
constitution's flrst amendment deals with freedom of
the press. If it weren't for this freedom, incidents such
as Watergate and ABSCAM would be constantly occurring, while the public resembled ignorant puppets
to the situations. Many people say that they don't like
the constant showing, over and over, of an event by
the media, such as the assassination attempt on President Reagan. However, it is precisely these people that
have no conception of the importance of a free press.
They, rather, only concern themselves with things
dose to their emotions, rather than appreciating the
knowledge and awareness that they take for granted
every day of their lives. Furthermore, most of the time
these are the people that constantly watch the showing,
over and over, of an event. Otherwise how would they
know it was shown repeatedly?
It must be understood that at times the media does
blow things out of proportion and overreact to certain
situations. However, for the most part, the media is a
clear and objective animal that feeds on the events important to each and everyone of us. The media is not
concerned with emotion. Rather, its major objective is
to show the who, what, when, where, how. and why.
And when you think about it, these are the questions
that are totally responsible for people's feelings and


TIN Look HivMi ttato CCMMg*


TfM EMte £y«topuMMtM twio* WMkly t>y

. h« ItodI* Coundl of Lock Hmwi 8IM« Coltoga. Tlw Publication*
Offlootolocatatf on tho ground floor of H M Parson Union BulMlng.
Pliono (717) 8BS-2334.
Tlw Edttortal Staff onoour^iootottwoand commonUtftoa. All contrfbutlono miMt bo tlgnad, but nomoo will bo wltHhold from puUicitlon uponraqiMOtTIM EdHoriMorvoo tho rtglrt to aak contributonr
to o«« or lowflto thrtr mrtortal If IttoconoWofwt llbokHiMncohofont
or too
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Tho Editoftal 8lirff moots ovofy Tooodoy at 1 p.m. Artl«%
•Migiimonto will b* givari at that timo. Proso doodllnoo aro 12 nuon
Monday* and ThuiMtoyt.

Mtnt K9Uy
pmi roUomU
Mqrty Mymt
'Evm PitM

But the year contained
By JONATHAN BRAVARD many more things. The adWell folks, this is it, the ministration fired, or ternext few days will be hell but minated the contract of. Dr.
we will all slug our way Darlene Thomas. The SCC
through the mazes of pack- Senate authorized the firing
ing, finals, and saying good- of Kelly McBride, SCC
bye to friends. Since the end Treasiuer, by a 12-11-2 vote.
of the semester is coming The sexual harassment of
quickly to a close. I decided I students finally became
would leave you some things public. Hopefully it will stop
to mull over in your minds entirely, or if it happens
for the summer.
again, that the proFs ass will
For me it has been a year of be nailed to the wall.
both joy and tears. Joy over a
The students elected Phil
national champion soccer Burge as the new SCC Presiteam, a conference cham- dent. We all watched a big
pionship from our women's white bird named Columbia
the climb into the skies and
hostages'retura, and many return safely. Both Ronald
more things than I can think Reagan and the Pope were hit
by a maniac's bullets. We all
The tears seemed to come question when the madness
more often than the joy. The will end. Needless deaths contears were for the deaths of tinued in Northern Ireland.
Russ Carmen, John Lennon, "The troubles" became
Bill Haley, Hubert Jack, and worse with the deaths of Bobthe retirement of Ross Nevel by Sands and Francis
Jr. But those tears did not Hughes, and they will unjust come in death or loss, in doubtedly get worse as more
some cases they came in the hunger strikers die.
face of victory (the election
I know
of Ronald Reagan and the everything, but sometimes I
Oakland Raiders Super think that it's enough. This
isn't the wav I had planned to

trying to bring a few people
Tuesday evening. May 12, hack to their senses by
1981, one of the most corrupt quoting an old adage "Peoand preplanned events I've ple who live in glass houses,
ever seen, was carried out. I should not throw stones."
am speaking of the dismissal But to no avail...
Along that line, I might
of Kelly McBride, our former
SCC Treasurer. Yes, before want to ask each senator
our eyes we watched Phil -who thinks they have fulfillBurge, our elected president, ed their own position to the
single-handedly (with a little best of their ability? I'm
Bravard), " f i r e " our
First of all, the way Kelly
McBride was voted out of ofBy LOIS BLUMENTHAL
fice was unconstitutional -but
An Eagle Eye like the one
thanks to our easily influencon May 12, should never be
ed parliamentarian, it was
put out. We students are
made to look constitutional.
depressed enough about our
But, beyond that, if some
own finals and the billions of
claim it might have been
words that we need to write.
legal, I will ask them - was it a
Why must we be mowed
fair vote on everyone's part?
down by an ineffective SCC,
There are facts that prove it
an unqualified treasurer and
sexual harrassment on camRumors can be passed
pus? There should be some
through the grapevine, but
aspect of goodness and hope
I'm afraid some aren't just
in there someplace, to relift
rumors. Among those, here
our spirits.
are a few things that stand
What really stunned me
out boldly as truths:
was that the paper had the
Jonathan Bravard was procold-heartedness to bare the
mpted to investigate and brfacts of a woman's suicide ating up the issue of "firing"
tempt to the often cruel eye
Kelly McBride; senators
of the public. Sure it's inwere pressured into voting
teresting. But it is nobody's
Kelly out; a large majority of
business except the woman's.
those closest to Kelly and her
It should have been kept
work (Finance and Executive
members) voted in favor of
later,through the paper, soher staying in office; and
meone will figure out who the
finally - the opinionated way
woman is. It will probably be
the whole discussion was
a great burden to the mind of
that woman to know that so
The debute was long, and
many other students know
often took inapplicable
the most gross aspects of her
tangents. This seemed to prodepression.
mpt Howard Reynolds into
I know how it is. My


write this column, I was going to take each thing
separately, but there was far
more than I had imagined.
Over the past few months I
have tried to provide my
readers with something to
talk about. Good or bad,
every time you read this column you had something to
talk about. I hope that you
are, at least, honest enough
to admit that it is true. I'm
not perfect, I never imagined
I was. Obviously people
misunderstood what I was
trying to say, or never tried to
understand it. I have taken
what I feel is more than my
share of negative criticism.
That has never bothered me,
at least you are reading it.
Maybe it bothered me that
only one person actually tried
to do a better job. This is not
an easy column to write,
especially when you feel
strongly about an issue.
Believe it or not, I have
tried to be funny. Sometimes
it worked, most of the time it
failed. Sometimes my humor
fails so badly that people go
to the administration or
union- about it. I always

wonder if maybe they weren't
worried that I was coming
too close to the truth.
I don't believe in sacred
cows and I don't suffer fools
gladly. I know where the
bodies are buried and in
which closet the skeletons are
kept, but because people
aren't willing to cry foul, they
will remain as they are. A
trap for the student or professor. I know this may seem
like I'm crying the blues or
threatening people, maybe I
am, but I don't think it's intentional.
If you have read this far in
my column I thank you
because you, my reader, are
what it's all about. So thank
you, I hope you have a great
summer. There are a few people I would like to thank, so
bear with me. Jeff, thank you
most of all, for remaining
confident in my ability. Pam,
Marty, Bob, and Ellen for
their help, prodding, and
ability to listen. Mom and
Dad for being there, Karen
for being a good friend (I will
miss you), Chris, for trying,
and finally I again thank all
my faithful readers. I hope
it's been good.

sorry to say that they can be
almost counted on one hand.
Who has the right to question performance when they
themselves fall short? As,
again we saw Carucci's
cowardice shine through
bright as the sun. Not one
word was muttered, even
though earlier he had made it
perfectly clear where he stood

closest friend back home
once tried to kill herself as a
quick way out. Her greatest
agony afterward is the
thought that someone else
will find out. She eventually
blended back into normal
life, but is still petrified of
job applications and other official papers which have the
audacity to ask - "have you
ever attempted suicide?" She
feels that it's no one's
business. She's lived through

on this topic.

The injustice was done,
and is now known. I'm not
saying Kelly McBride is true
blue in all of her actions, but
I never knew there existed a
God on earth, also!
And by the way, while
everyone is still in the mood
-How many credits do Phil
and Daryl carry this

it. It has become only an embarrassing, bleak factor in
her life that she wishes could
be undone.
It is my opinion that Tuesday's Eagle Eye was unfit for
publication. If depression
and invasion of privacy are
the best that our talented
news watchers can come up
with I suggest that the
$35,000 Compugraphics
machine remain forever

Rooms for summer - $16.00.
Call 748-9760 "The Cave".
FOUND: A watch by the
river. Call 893-3630.
SUMMER SCHOOL HOUSING: Those students now living off campus who plan on
living in a residence hall during the summer 1981 sessions,
please contact the Student
Life Office, Smith Hall for
summer room reservations
before May 18th, 1981.

Fred Leone wishes to thank
all his workers for their hard
work and effort extended this
year. The Eagie Eye would
also like to thank Fred for a
job well done.
Apartment for rent: June,
July, & August - suitable for
two people. All services paid,
except electricity - $170.00
per month. 38 Susq. Ave.,
Lock Haven. Call 748-9760.

Friday, May 15, 1981 Page 3

Staff Writer
That's the sigh that should have been hung on the lower
level of the PUB where the SCC Senate met on Tuesday
night and fired their treasurer.
It's not all of them mind you, but It only takes one to
spoil the whole Senate. I went to the Senate meeting
Tuesday night because the McBride firing was going to
be on the agenda.
What It turned Into was a
persecutlon~not only of the treasurer-but also by her of
senators, and of senators making accusations toward
other senators.
It was like a circusi The question wasn't whether or
not McBride was guilty of the accusations against her.
It was whether or not the group of senators backing
McBride could convince the others that she was being
made a martyr, and that Senator Bravard had been put
up to It by a member of the Executive Committee.
Another problem was that there are still three con
stitutions that the SCC can go by. Despite meetings
since January to draw up one to run the SCC by, no-one
knew which constitution to go by. No-one even knew
what "three meetings" meant. John Stemler tried to In
terpret It, but all he as Parliamentarian could rule on
were Roberts' Rules of Order.
Senator Joe Kirby said, "People are going to read in
the Eagle Eye that the Senate asked the President to
fire the Treasurer. D o we really want to embarrass
ourselves like that?"
Don't worry, you've been doing that all year long.
Why stop now?
P.S. to Lois Blumenthal-- If you want goodness and
hope, watch Howdy-Doody. We live in the real world.
(Cont. from Page 1)

what 1 heard was coming

treasurer is a learning experience, but he said "She
didn't put in the time to learn
Jonathan Bravard, felt differently, saying, "I fell her
personal life in such an important position matters a
PUB director, Howard
Reynolds, spoke at the
meeting, "I didn't care for

down," he said, "I don't like
the situation here. People
who live in glass houses
shouldn't throw stones."
Bravard, who made the
original motion to fire
McBride also said, "I can't
say I'm pleased. I think it's
bery unfortunate that it happened, but obviously I wasn't
alone in how I felt about the
performance of her job. I
feel very sorry for her.

IVarm summerlike temperatures and ice cold beer made tlie Haven roclc from
morning until dusk, as students soaked up tlie rays and poured down the brews.



It was advertised as "Quiet
Wednesday," but to those
who attended this gala event,
it will not be remembered for
its silence. This past Wednesday Hubert Jack Stadium,
silent since the conclusion of
the football season, came
alive with the sounds and
melodies of nine different
musical bands.
Playing in front of a sea of
humanity, the collection of
artists out on a most enjoyable show.Mike "Opie"
Comeilus, commented, "I
think its a very good thing
that all the students can get a
chance to get together and
have a good time. The ad(Cont. from Page 1)



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too numerous to mention.

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Steve Donaiiue: "It's
about time we had a good
time here, it's been dull for
two semesters. It's a good
idea to get a party going here.
It's the best time I've had


get your ass kicked up between your shoulders."
Senator Joel Yovic asked
McBride why she joined a
sorority, when she was
already carrying 18 credits,
working as SCC treasurer,


ministration has been a good
catalyist in providing the
place for the event."
The concert attracted people from many different age
groups. Pre-schoolers were
noticed running around the
field, dancing to the rock and
roll sounds, while playing
their imaginary guitars. If
one was to gaze in the direction of Hill Street, he could
notice a group of senior




and working pait-iime as a
lab assistant.
It was then pointed out
at the meeting that the constitution says a senator must
be fired after missing three
meetings, which McBride is
guilty of doing. But Birdsey
then argued that only applies
to Senate meetings— not executive or finance committee
meetings, which are the ones
that McBride missed.
"Does the constitution say
finance committee meetings—
or just meetings?" he asked.
Senator Charlie Baumer then
said, "This is totally wrong
and against the constitution—
we don't have authority to go
Senator Cindy Swinehart
added, "If we don't have the
power to rid someone who is
incompetant in the Senatewho does?" Parliamentarian
John Stemler than ruled on
the exact meaning of the con-

Hub Jack
here since I've been at Lock
Many people had been
disappointed the previous
two Wednesdays as rain had
forced the cancellation of the
concert. However, with clear
skies above and the promise
of having one super time, the
party went off with only a
few minor problems of trouble.
Carl Brosnan: 'fit's not as
big as last year. Anywhere
you can drink beer, you can
have a good time. It beats a
Mets game."

generally with everything that
went o n , " commented
The event concluded with a
spectacular display of
As darkness
began to cover the hills of
Lock Haven, shades of red,
green and yellow lit up the
sky. Mixed in with numerous
boomings of colorless explosions, the crowd cheered with
their approval of the grand

With the launching of the
last firework, an exhausted,
but happy crowd began to file
E n f o r c e m e n t out of Hub Jack Stadium.
spokesman, Richard Hepner, Hub Jack Stadium was finalreported that things went ly appearing as advertised,
fairly well.
"I'm pleased "Quiet."



stitution. He said that any
three meetings being missed,
no matter what kind they are,
qualifies a person for expulsion.
At this point, Burge handed the gavel to the first vicepresident, Daryl Rosidivito,
so he (Burge) could give his
opinion on the matter. "Asa
treasurer, I, unfortunately,
don't feel she put enough
time into the position. That's
just the way I feel about it,"
said Burge.
Senator Joe Kirby then
asked the Senate, "People
are going to read in the
Eagle Eye that the SCC
Senate asked the SCC president to fire the SCC
treasurer. Do we really want
to embarrass ourselves like

was senator Lisa Fisher's reply.
Then the secret ballot vote
which questioned the competency and performance of
McBride was taken. Burge
announced the result, saying,
"the decision of the Senate is
12-11-2. Motion passes."
Burge was asked to vote to
make a tie decision, but he
"I could have
voted to make it a tie," he
said, "but I didn't. By not
voting, I was voting to fire

The result of the vote was
announced, after which some
senators walked out, even
though the meeting had not
yet been adjourned.
Birdsey told how he felt
about the matter, saying,
"I don't think it's a case of
"You don't kill a snake by
embarrassing ourselves- it's
cutting off its tail."
a question of competency,"

lurn l b
l u r n to Trinity United Methodist as your
church away from home. We're at West IMain
and Second - just a ten minute walk
from campus. Come worship with us each
Sunday at 10:45 A.M.

Friday, May 15, 1981 Page 4

Geologv Major Needed?
With the facilities, courses,
equipment, space, and faculty to teach the courses, why
isn't there a geology major
offered at LHSC?
That is the question asked
by Mr. Donald E. Green and
Dr. William Kreiger, both
professors in the Geosciences
The possibility of a geology
major was brought up
before,but at the time a
geology professor was dying
and the state said they
couldn't replace him.
There wouldn't be any cost
whatsoever for the college to
develop it. There are interested students already on
campus. The Geosciences
Department has had the

equipment since the early
1960's and it has hardly ever
been used. The late professor
Hayfield had ordered all the
equipment needed for the
geology major.
A Dr. Bates, of Geotimes
Magazine, recommended that
LHSC offer it. However, he
did make one suggestion.
LHSC needed someone with
a doctorate in geology. Dr.
William Kreiger is that person.
Lock Haven is an excellent
area for geology with the
Laurel Hill Reservoir and the
ridge and valley area. Also
there is the famous rock formation, the Lock Haven formation.
As long as there is an
energy and environmental

crisis, there will be a need for
a geologist. It is too bad that
LHSC doesn't have a geology
major because many students
who live around the area
must enroll at Penn State. It's
an inconvenience for these
students, considering they
must pay higher costs to go
there. Besides, Penn State
doesn't offer a geology
degree to undergraduates.
They receive a general studies
degree. Penn State hasn't
developed a Bachelor of
Science degree in geology
because the dean feels it
would compete with the other
geology programs.
Penn State, Bloomsburg,
Lycoming, and BuckneU have
given their support to develop
a geology major at LHSC.

Time Out-Sports Review
The 1980-81 Lock Haven
State College sports season
yielded a history-making
event in the chapter of
NCAA record books.
The LHSC men's soccer
team completed a perfect
season by capturing the Division II Nadonal championship with an exciting 1-0 double overtime victory over
Florida International University.
The victory marked the
first time that a team had
won a title in a lower class
division, and went on to capture the same championship
in another division.
The outstanding booters
will return ten starters next
year in hopes of a repeat performance.
Despite a disappointing 5-S
record, the Bald Eagle football team did have its bright
moments. Running back Joe
Speese set a new all-time total
rushing mark with 3,398
yards, and Scott Reiner led
the secondary to a new LHSC
single season interception
The women's basketball
program received a surprise
three months after their
season concluded.
coach Rose Ann Neff resigned from the top spot but will
remain as an administrative
assistant to the new head
Carol Kepler, women's
swimming, also was recognized with All-American honors
for the second consecutive
year in her sport.
specialties included the 50
and 100 yard backstroke.
The coaching staff of the
men's baseball team feel they
have laid the foundation for
the future. Despite an 11-15
record, only one senior was
lost to graduation setting up a
solid base for next year.

The women's lacrosse team Eagles, and recognition in
captured their second con- Sports Illustrated.
secutive PSAC champion- —The Sparky Anderson Look
ship, closing out the season Alike Award goes to Dr.
with an impressive 6-2-1 Ralph Dessenberger, TV Production Coach. No contest.
The men's tennis and golf -The Bob Horodyski Be Nice
teams each had outstanding to a Referee Award goes to
none other than...Bob
seasons in their own right.
The tennis team tied a Horodyski for his calm, cool,
school record with 11 vic- collected comments to a
tories in 14 matches. Mean- basketball official.
while the golfers broke a -The Steve Carlton I'm Not
school record finishing with Talking Award goes to Dr.
Tod Eberle, for refusing
an impressive 12-1 mark.
Eagle Eye interviews.
Last year the buttons said -The Evelyn Wood Speed
"Neil Will Turner around," Reading Award goes to
and that's what he did. Lock Pecora's People for reading
Haven finished a surprising an entire section of the New
third in the Mat-Town Tour- York Times during the innament.
troduction of the visiting
Mike Millward and Ken team in the House of Noise.
Parsley completed extremely -TIic"Harry HoudiHTAward
successful seasons for the
to the new LHSC wrestlBald Eagles, with Millward goes
advancing to the NCAA ing uniforms, which disapchampionships in Princeton. peared in December, but will
Vickie Smith, women's escape from a locked closet
cross country runner, closed next season.
out a brilliant career by earn- -The Outstanding Rookie of
the Year goes to Tod
ing All-American honors.
Smith holds the women's all- Ribovich for his third place
finish at the Eastern Wrestltime mark for career wins.
League Championships.
Turning to inside games,
the LHSC basketball team
completed a winning season '
for the second consecutive
The season was
highlighted when Kenny
Richter became Lock
Haven's all-time leading
scorer. Doug LeGette currently holds down the
number two spot and should z
eclipse his teammate's mark o
sometime next season.

Jesse Shaw receives his "All-American*' certificate for placing second in the 1981 National Collegiate Boxing Championship held at the University of Nevada-Reno.
The bout will be televised on HBO in July. Shown with
Shaw are Dr. Ken Cox, Faculty Advisor and Head Student
Coach, Gary Rosato.
-Coach of the Year is Mike
Parker, for bringing Lock
Haven their third national
championship in four years.
-Athletes of the YearMen's—Joe Speese and Kenny Richter.
Women's-Carole Kepler and
Vickie Smith.
A special thanks goes out
to all coaches and administrators for their help in
making the sports page possible.


Thanks to Celine, Cathy
and Marge for putting up
with the two of us all year.

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This year also has led to
several unusual if not
prestigious awards.
year's first award is...
-The Ross Nevel Statistician
Award goes to Eric Morse for
his outstanding book keeping
during the Lock HavenEdinboro basketball game.
Morse's boo-boo in the
scorebook led to a double
overtime win for the Bald

More thanks to Buck
O'Reilly and Ross Nevel,for
making our jobs a lot easier.
And a word of praise to all
the athletes whose efforts and
sacrifices are deeply appreciated, for without you,
we'd be in the bread lines.
Keep up the good work.


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