Wed, 07/05/2023 - 12:35
Edited Text
Lock Hovef^ Stats College




Gregory accuses Hunt, Sturgis
kMuuV p Ml* I'i — . ~ ~ — g ^ ^T^j-r-pj™-,

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E Howard Huntt

I Matergate Trial

E. Howard Hunt!

Dallas, Texas
Nov. 22,1963

MateroMe Trial

Frank Sturgis!
photograph on the left depicts
the three men arrested by
Dallas police shortly after
President Kennedy's assassination. The remaining photographs illustrate the striking
resemblance of two of the
men to Watergate conspirators
E. Howard Hunt and Frank
Staff Reporter
"Beyond any doubt, the
CIA is the most vicious and
degenerate organization ever
assembled in the history of
this planet."
The statement was made
by human rights crusader Dick
Gregory during the lecture that
he delivered to a near capacity crowd in Price auditorium
last Monday night. Gregory's
lectur^ was sponsored by the
SCC Cultural Affairs Comnittee in coiviunction with the
Black Cultural Society's anlaial Black Arts Festival being
heU this week.
Oregory haa been described as a comedian, human

rights activist, social satirist, critic, philosopher and
political analyst and throughout his lecture he used each
one of his roles to express
his point of view. His mastery
of satire and sharp wit quickly
loosened up the audience as
he spoke of the perils of
"Dick" Nixon and the Waters
gate cover-up. The tone of his
discussion gradually became
very serious and centered
around the "fraudulent" fuel
and sugar shortages of last
summer. He went on to warn of
an impending serious food
shortage that he expects within 3 or 4 months.
Qregcry's lecture grew
even more serious when he
said, "They gettin' ready to
run a atieak of violence a-

DaHas, Texas Watergate Trial
Nov. 22,1963

cross this country that gonna'
catch you by surprise just
like it did the Germans." He
illustrated the analogy he
sees between contempory America and Nazi Germany as
he compared today's "defense
highways" with Hitler's Audobon Highway. He commented
that, just like the Germans,
"we don't care about liberty
and justice anymore."
Gregory continued with a
point of optimism when he
said, "The only moral force
that's left in the country is
you young folks." He went on
to urge studenta to come together with their moral force
before America
reached a
"point of no return."
Gregory closed his lecture with nn intriging discus-

sion of CIA involvement with
the assassinations of various
American political and civil
rights leaders. In particular he
refen'ed to an 8 mm. film that
was released on national television for the first time last
Thursday night.
The film was presented on
the Geraldo Rivera "Goodnight America" segment of
ABC's Wide World of Entertainment, and it showed President Kennedy being assassinated in Dallas. Gregory said
ABC was reluctant to show the
film on national television because of its grotesque vividness. Rivera threatened to
quit ABC and at four o'clock
Thursday afternoon the neteont. on page 4

Wednesday, March 12.1975


Todoy's Editoriol

Why must all good
things end?

Greek insights

Panhell, IFC organize
various Greekincludes
the rush period as
Staff Columnist

On Monday night an overflow crowd heard speaker
On almost every college
Duck Gregory publicly accuse E. Howard Hunt of partici- or university campus where
patirtg in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. there are national fraternities
To many in the audience, Gregory's lecture, sponsored by and sororities, a central body
organizes activities and prothe Cultural Affairs Committee, wos "one of the finest
jects for Greeks. This is calthings ever on this campus."
led the Panhellenic Council
The Cultural Affairs Committee is presently sponsoring a combination lecture-presentation of sculptor Winslow for sororities and the Interfraternity Council or IFC for
Eaves' artwork in the John Sloan pine Arts Building.
fraternities. Each Greek social
Beginning on Friday, several prominent experts from fraternity has representatives
related fields will be on campus for a "Conference on theto these councils. (Most of
Evolution of Language." The symposium will bring to LHS my information in this article
as well as other articles, is
students an opportunity fo take part in a program with sevbased on sororities). The offieral of the same figures that ore organizing a similar procers are based on a rotation
gram next year for the prestigious Academy of Science.
schedule according to date of
This too is being sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Comestablishment on the LHS
campus. This means that once
And yet, despite continued efforts to acquaint stuevery 5 years, each sorority
dents with programs they may otherwise never see, the will hold the presidency.
As 1 said before Panhell
Cultural Affairs Committee funding at Lock Haven may
face a drastic reduction next year. The SCC has warned and IFC organize activities
and projects for Greeks. This
the committee that in the upcoming budget they are to prepare for a 41% cutback.
The see wants to reduce the Cultural AAbjrs budget
from the pres*at$17, the previous yew's S10,0OS reduction, the SCC wiJI have
cut Cultural Affairs budgeting $17,000 in twa years,
The Cultural Affairs Committee is fighting an uphill
struggle against both inflation artd continually limited fund*
ing. Should the SCC administer its proposed cut of $10,000,
the programs which students now enjoy may never be witrtessed again.
if these Cultural Affairs programs are indeed important to students, the time has come fo profesf fhe SCC funding reductions.

^Mpto, Pfacos ond Things

Tlw Unitod Stotos Olympic Handball toaai will ploy
th* Canada toaa in Thomas
Fiold Housa thi* Sunday at

Tl'i* Tample University
Orchettro will parform Thurt.
at 8 pm in Prica Aud. Tickets
are avoilable in the PUB.

tives meeting together. It ;s
here, in working together, that
Greek unity will result. When
this unity is achieved, our
relations with each other and
non-Greeks will improve.


When the senate meets to discoss the Cultural Affairs
budget, plan on attending and voicing your objections to
Hie drastic cuts. Just as the Executiva Committee asked
legislators to understand the problems fixed appropriations
provide, they must learn to understand the problems they
are presenting Cultural Affairs with continually reduced

Anyone having available
dora spoc* te sh-ira with visiting studants fcr tha Cenlar•nca an tha Evalution of Language is oakad to contact Pot
Borhorics, oxt. 4 0 1 .

welT as social activities.
Greek weekend^ {arties for the
United Way, and Christmas
caroling are among the social
events of the year sponsored
by the Councils. Scholastic
achievement is also t»omoted
by Ptnhell and IFC as the
sorority and the fratcrtiity hnv
ing the highest cumulative
average for the past year
receive the scholarship .troph)
presented each Homecoming
by Pantell and IFC Probably
the most important task of
Panhell and IFC is that of promating Greek relations. Council meetings are one of the
few times that each'fraternity
and sorer ity have ref^esenta-

over Spring TJrpak?

Morch 2 2 - 2 9
Package flight from Phila.;
includes hotel accommodation
in Miami: $221
Sponsored coorpemtively by uSNAS. CAS. SCC

THIS WEEK'S MOVIES: "Bottie of tha Bulge" Thursday,
March 13; "Silent Running"
and " M ama't Littia Pirates"
(LiHle Rascals) Sunday, March
16. Beth shown at 7 & 9 In
Ulmar Plonot.

COHTACT Bitty NNlri^H - SCC Offfets, ixt. 28l'




Wednesday, March 12, 1975



page 5

*^ Kappa Delta Rho dominates
powerliffing compefif/on

Staff Reporter
Undoubtedly, one of the most difficult parts of the baseball
season is already facing Bald Eagle Head Coach Charles A.
;Tod) Eberle. Starting his sixth season at the helm of the team.
Coach Eberle must make his final cut at the end of this week
without the advantage of seeing the candidates outside. The
first cut was made this past Monday, with the squad being cut
from 55 to 40 men. The final cut will reduce the squad from 40 to
approximately 23,
The reason for the early start of the season this year is the
fact that the team will be travelling to Virgini over Spring
breolt for a 9 game Southern trip. "The Southern trip is definitely
the highlight of our season," stated Coach Eberle. "We certainly
appreciate the backing of the SCC in theii efforts to support our
Southern trip." This year's trip promises to be probably the best
ever for the Eagles. The team will play seven different colleges
and they are as Coach Eberle states it, "Excellent competition." One of the teams the Bald Eagles will be facing is George
Mason College. They were 34-6 last year and could prove to be
even tougher this year. Not one of the teams LHS will face had
below a ,500 record last year.
The coach was educated at DePauw University, where he
picked up his B.A. degree in Physical Education and his M.A.
degree in Education. Thg Doctor of Physical Education degree
will be conferred upon Coach Eberle this summer. He will receive it from Indiana University. While at DePauw, the coach
played football and baseball. Also, while working as a graduate
assistant in Physical Education at DePauw, he was head
freshman football and baseball coach,
Both of these positions
have carried over to Lock Haven, as Mr. Eberle is also an
assistant football coach.
Coach Eberle feels that this ye«u*s team has good potential.
However, af| he puts it, "pitching will be tfie key to our success
this year," The coach feels he if strong in the infield. wh4re

StltfT Reporter

148 lb. class
11 jGary Ball (KD.1)
2. Bruce Scheaffer (Ind)

Kappa Delta Rho's team
165 lb. class
of eight lifters completely
1. John Bushik (KDR)
dominated the 1975 Intra795
2. Nate Hosley (KDR)
mural Powerlifting Competition held Monday night in
181 lb. class
Rogers Gym. KDR totalled 17
I.Sam Witt (TKE)
2. Sam Adamo (KDR)
team points with four firsts,
cont. on page 4
and two seconds. One intramural record was set by Joe
Maximiek with a 275 lift in
the squat.
TKE tied the Independents for second place honors
with seven team points. TKE
lifters compiled two firsts
Staff Reporter
and one third.
Last Sunday morning, tho
TKE pledges ended up
Lock Haven State ice hockey
with five team points with
club skated past a smaller,
Sam Witt setting a new squat
but gutsy, Bradford-Olean
record of 405 lbs.
squad 7-4 in a game played at
Following are the results
Penn State.
of the competition with first
and second place lifters in
hampered by the absence of
each class and their witming
some [flayers and forced to
play thai same line for the
132 lb. class
entire game.
1. Joe Maximiek (KDR^i WS
The Eagle's relentless
2. Carl Lutz (Ind)

Haven skaters
put freeze over



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EVERY WEDNESDAY Spoghetti & Meat Bolls . . $2.95


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After Church On Sunday
You Can Enjoy Our Famous

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Tod Eberle
he has an 4 starters returning from last yeaf. He feels the teem
will also be strong in the outfield, where two starters will
return. Catching will also be a strong point for the Eagles, as
one of the best backstops in the PA conference will return for
his third year. All told, the team will be able to put as many as
4 All Conference performers on the field at one time.
One of the big problems facing the team is the lack of a
baseball field on campus. In order to practice, the team must
travel 16 miles a day to and from the field in Woolrich. This
also cuts down attendance to the games, as it is not always
easy for the studenU to get to the games.


(Served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Exit 25 •
1-80, Rte. 64,
For 0/1 Reservations
CaU 726-4901

- Innkeeper

oage 4

Wednesday, March 12, 1975


kdr dominates

gregory accuses hunt, sturgis

cont. from pogt 3

cont. from peg* 1

work agreed to run it.
.*-'thoug!,' Gre$ory did nel.
reveal how a copy of tha film
camr^ into bis possession, he
did say the origint"! belonged
to Time-Life, Inc.
frames shov/jng President Kennedy first slutDpJng fcrws.rd
and then lurching violently
backwards indicate that shots
were fired from more than one
Mr. Gregory guaranteed
the audience that within 30
days the truth about President
John F" Kennedy's assassination would finally be known.
He also told the crowd
that he has sworn statcmcntf.
from participants linking the
CIA with the death of J. Edgar
Hoover, President Lyndon B.
Johnsion, Senator Robert F.
Kennedy, and the plans crash
in which E. Howard Hunt's
wife died.
Gregory, commenting on
recent threats made against
his lift since probing the C\.\,
reassured tha crowd that he

will prevail. He stated his
assassination probe to be fat
biggrr than hm life, thai of
his wife, ami those of his ten
child; e <.
/ s evident;!: of the stiiousnuss of his charges Gregory produced a photograph depicting three "tratiips" tb^:
were ancsted in Dalles aft«r
JFK's assassination. The
men wort not fingerprinted or
identified by Dallas police before they were released.
GrcKorv believes that one
of the men in tho picture is
Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt and another is Hunt's
close friend Frank Sturgis.
Fcllowing his lecture Gregory entertained questions from
interssfed students and ha explained his reason.i for the
nationwide weekly fast that bs
is organizing. He mtntioned
that Richard Back's "Johnathon Livingston Seagull" was
a cletr illustration of the
power of fasting and he urged
all students to join him every
Friday at 6:00 pm by fasting
for 24 hours.

Classified advertisements
.05 i a line
LOST. Gold-rimmed sunglasses. Reward offered .
Contact General Manager,
Student Publications.
Car for Sale: Plymouth
Gran Sedan - 1973. Excellent condition, 21,000 miles.
Will trade for comporabii.
Contact General
Manager oi Student Publications for information.

Copies of Gregory's book
list and the photograph 6f the
three tnen in Delias can D« obtained by writing to Dick Grajgory, HMltJi, P.O. ^ox 26b;
Plymouth Mass.; 02360.

All 1974-75 members of
Varsity wrestling teom please
ottend en importont teom meeting on Tues. March 18,1975,
at 4:15 p.m. In TFH. Weight
training program will be discussed by Bob Colirana, and
nomination for team awards,
Ate. will bs made.

0^ your job
. '
/ng that

right in fha midst
s/orc/i and find,.,.
keen this year.

resume? It is an excellent
investment in your career
We compose your resume
conc|se/y and objectively t^ighHgnt!ng your achieve"
ments more effectively than
0 "do it yourself" attempt.
You get moil order convience, printed (not Xeroxed)
copies, a complete service
at a very reasonable price,
just J25. And your satisfaction is guarenteed.
For your free brochure
at no obligation write:

^oofcsfore Sale: A special
sale table has been set up
in the Campus Bookstore
next to the record rack.
Items will be placed on
this toble daily. These art
Career Development Division
all bargains reduced to
cost or below. Sale begins
MomJav. March 10..



month and


Unlimited Rent-alls, 140
State College. 814-2383037.

220 lb. class
I.Terry S?u=ft (TKir-

I.Keith Kern (TKE)




Team results:
1. KDR 17
2. TKE 7
3. TKE pledges 5
The meftt was directed by
Larry Kuntz, with Bob Colf.^"}'^ ^^l^'"^ " "?^ **"^ °'^f'«'• ]^^ scorekeepers >neluded Loretta Coltrane anu
„ „
J"^" S « " ' " « -



""»•'""" P^^' ^
onslaught upon the opposing
goalie became evident as the
puck "rippled" the ret with a
,^g„]„ familiarity.
. . .
.L"'* ^"^ the s.x,nng for
- ^ ' ' """«" """* ^''''''^ '
spectacular game was Jon
Co""*' '''^h five goals. Also
figuring in the scoring were
grian Ellenberger, and Jeff
oecoen, with a goal each.
Lock Haven, now 2-4-1
on the season, will host a
rugged Pitt team from their
Bradford campus next Sunday
morning at Penn State.


Record Sale

Small Refrigerators For
Rent. $24.00 / 3 mos.,
536.00 / 6 mos., $42.00 /
9 mos., $48.00 / year,
jjniimited Rent-alls, 140
tiorth Atherton Street, Stote
IBM Selectric Typewriters
For Rent. Single, dual

198 lb. class
1. Ray Purseil (KDR)
2. 'niotr4g frento
•(TKfi pi'-dgiS

March 21
King Crimson - Red:, was $4.98, now.M.39
Crosby, Stills A Nash: was $4.98, now
John Denver - Rocky Mtn. High: was $3.98,
now $3.S9
Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy: was
$4.98, now$4J9

Yes-Yessongs: Was $9.96, now $8.96
Seals & Crofts - I &II: was $7.96, now
Mike OldfieM - Tubular Bells: was $4.98.
now $4.39
Rolling Stones • Hot Rocks: was $7.96, now

Media of