Wed, 06/28/2023 - 17:56
Edited Text
Lock Haven State College


Wed., Sept. 24, 1975

^^Vol. X
XVIII, No. 15

Social Committee continues
work on Homecoming 1975
By PHILIP BURLINGAME Slippery Rock State on Friday,
the Edinboro vs. LHSC footAssistant News Editor
ball game and Homecoming
The SCC's Social ComParade on Saturday and a
mittee has held a series of
presentation of Slavik folk
meetings over the past few
music and dance by the
weeks to wi)rk out the schedule
Duquense University Tamburfor Homecoming 1975. Special
itzans on Sunday evening.
homecoming events will begin
According to Social
on Thursday, October 16,, and
Chairperson Betsy
end on Wednesday, October
"Frigid Pink" and
are tentatively
According to acting
on SaturSocial Committee Chairperson
Betsy Woolridge, the long
commiweekend will be highlighted
by three College Plaver pro- ttee's small budget has productions of "You Can't Take It hibited any definate schedulWith You;" three showings of ing..
Ms. Woolridge also
"Dr. Zhivago;" a concert on
Saturday night, and a circus on noted that Wednesday night's
performance by the Hannaford
Wednesday night.
Other featured events Circus would have cost $4,000
include a soccer match with more than the $1,000 payment
cont. on page 4

LUTZ ADDRESSES CLUB - - Dr. Jack Lutz, ,
International Education Specialist, spoke to the Intern
tional Club yesterday evening on the topic of Nigeri
[Photo by JOHN VUKOVIC. ]

Project Interchange^ begins second year
"Project Interchange," the school teachers who used new
exchange of personnel from methods and materials learned
the Akeley Campus School of through workshops and other
Lock Haven State College with projects were often unable to
teachers from the Keystone continue their programs beCentral School District, has cause they lacked professional
begun its second year this fall. assistance.
In the spring of 1974,
The interchange project
college and school district sought to overcome these
officials agreed upon an ex- deficiencies by assigning two
change program which was faculty members from the
felt could be beneficial to both. Akeley School to serve as
Besides the exchange of consultants to the school disteachers between the campus trict. These consultants could
school and the school district, provide the professional asthe exchange of ideas and sistance needed by the classteaching methods could take room teacher for the continued
use and development of innoThis exchange was prompt- vative teaching methods.
ed for several practical reaIn return, two teachers
sons. Akeley School, being an Erom the school district would
experimental "laboratory" teach classes full time in the
school, needed an efficient campus school. These teachmethod to let public school ers would be able to learn
teachers know about the inno- first-hand some of the mevative teaching ideas and thods developed at the Akeley
materials being developed.
School and would also have the
On the other hand, public freedom to experiment with

new ideas of their own. Their
knowledge could then be applied in the public schools
when they returned to their
own classrooms.
A side benefit of the
project is the effect on the
college's teacher education
The consultants
from Akeley, in working directly with school district
teachers in their classrooms,
have closer contact with the
teachers who have college
students in their classrooms as
aids and student teachers.
The classroom teacher benefits from the consultant's
understanding of the college
student's training requirements, the college student
benefits from the consultant's
understanding of the local
classroom situation, and the
teacher education program
benefits by having its students
train in an atmosphere of
cont. on page 4

Voter regisfration
p/anned for today
in Raub lounge
Eligible students who
have not registered to vote or
whose registration has expired
may do so today from 10:00
a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or 3:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. in Raub Hali
Lounge. These students will
then be included in the Clinton
County voter roll.
Registration will also be
held Monday, September 29 in
Raub and Wednesday, October 1 in Bentley Hall Lounge,
with times same as today's.
Students wishing to
register in their home district
are reminded that the voter
registration period ends October 6.
CAS coordinator Betsy
Woolridge emphasized the
importance of student voter
registration on State College
Campuses and stated "I have
cont. on page 4

page 2


Wednesday, Sept. 24. 1975

Leffers fo the editor
Freshmer) unfairly pressured
To the Editor:
Well, I'm going to set
out and try to make a long
story short. Two people that,
just happen to be Freshman,
are being pressured by out
side forces. I don't want to
blame these out side forces
because they are not necessarily self motivated. But they
wear blue uniforms and come
repr'rsentinji the law.
These two Freshman,
for some reason aren't liked by
the men in blue. Somebody
A.jnis these tw(j Freshman out
o) school. Pressure has been
rjui on the men to put pressure
'in these hreshmen.
1 don't want l(j mention
.111. names, but 'Deputy Dog
.ind his side kick Boo-Bo' came
MMiin;^ these Kreshman. I bet

you'd like to know why Deputy,
Dog and his side kick Boo-Bo'
were knocking or their door.
Well, they came and confiscated Aluminum. This metal is
valuable material, but I find it
hardly worth the Hassle.
Pwjr Freshman, they
were taken by suprize. They
didn't know how L State ran it's busness. Taken
by surprize, the men in blue,
triumph again.
1 just want you to
remember, 1 don't blame
'Depudy Dog and his side kick
Boo-Bo', they are just puppits
with a job to do. it's not my
line of work , but (1 guess)
money is money.
Kim Edward Gazabat
200 High Hall

They smeared fhe dirt
I'j Ihi- fidilor:
i^i : I.eller of 9/22/75
Mr Burlingame did not
'litiv the name of Lambda Chi
A uha; the two fraternity bro
I: ts thai were caught stealing
I lurniiure from (iross Hall
li the ones who smeared dirt
>i our brotherhood. By far, I
Id much rather have Mr.
I! .11 ^ame in my fraternity
ih I 1 le two students who did
III' '.t aling.
Why must you support
ih( li.iiernily brothers till the
'.liip sinks'/ Thin(.;s will not be
"'iiiiiiiig up roMs " just beciM'.c we ignore ih' truth.
Thousands if Amerii a' , died in Kori a I -cause the
nil iLirv led false (formation
to III- |)i ss back h .nie. 3,895
An • ri( ;u men died I9()« Vii nam Tel offensive
be(ause he C.l.A fed the
people l):i k home with enemy
strength nports of less than
300,000 wli(-ii ihey when they
were actually over 600,000.
General Abram's defense for
lying was "all those who have
an incorrect (meaning not on
the bandwagon) view of the
war will be reinforced and the will be more difficult.
Agnew lied, and Nixon lied but
where did it gel Ihem'/
No, stealing" furniture is
not that serious. But as
fraternities are known as

"breeders of leaders" it is
disheartening to think that all
we have to look forward to is a
continuance of the patriotism;
yeah team!; sis, boom, bah
everybody jump on the bandwagon mentality of this nation.
It is tiresome to read
newspapers from other campuses where who lavaliered who
is front page news and when
their basketball team loses
their 67lh straight game the
writer does nothing but praise
a "Building" squad of seniors.
As a dorm resident 1
have every right to know who
stole that furniture. I paid for
it. It is unfortunate that Ihey
were members of your fraternity. But you have no reason to
attack Mr. Burlingame, he
didn't steal the furniture.
Fortunately this is not
the prevailing attitude at
Lambda Chi Alpha or any of
Ihe other fraternities. Iry
iieing your own man for a
change, you might see things a
lot differently.

By Bill McComas & Kaye Hopple
Sorority membership means more than just a social life. It is
putting some of the sorority energy and sisteriy love to work
nationally and locally with service projects and national
philanthropies. Each sorority .s not self-centered as they spend time
and energy to spread practical kindness and helpfulness. Each
chapter at L.H.S.C. sponsors service projects.
Alpha Sigma Tau's national philanthropy is to send school
supplies to Pine Mountain Settlement School in Kentucky. The
sisters sell Christmas cards, with the proceeds going to aid the
emotionally disturbed, and donate money to worthy causes such as
United Fund and the Council for Exceptional Children. They also
adopt a needy child from Brazil
Delta Zela's national philanthropy is Gallaudet College, the only
accredited school for the deaf in the world. They donate money to
Heart Fund, United Way, UNICEF Cystic Fibrosis, and they also
donate blood. Service projects include sponsoring an Easter party
for Day Care as well as giving Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets
to people of the community and ushering. October 8-10 will be a
Kock-a-thon with TKE, with the proceeds going to the Infant
Developmental Program at the Lock Haven Hospital.
Sigma Kappa has gerontology as a national philanthropy. This
means that the sisters spend lots of free minutes at Susqueview
here in Lock Haven and prepare special events and programs for the
holidays. They send birthday cards to each guest at Susqueview.
They also nationally support a Maine Sea Coast Mission and the
expenses of two girls to attend the American Farm School in Greece
to study agriculture.
"Sigma Serves Children" is Tri Sigma's national philanthropy.
This involves the Robbie Page Memorial Fund which supports a
wing in a North Carolina hospital for the rehabilitation of crippled
children. They also support a Glennon Memorial Fund. Local
service projects include trick-or-treat for UNICEF and making
stuffed animals and coloring books for the Lock Haven Hospital.
Zeta Tau Alpha's national philanthropy is mentally retarded
children. They help the Council for Exceptional Children and the
conf on page 4
ought to
(or a
so much
entertainment to


- Tom Sweeten,
The Knoxville

Bill Mahon

~ and other information for
this year's vStudent Directory. Verification can be
made Wednesday through
Friday at the PUB Secretary's office.


Now thru TuM.
TIME: 7 p.m.
9 p.m.

Doon OpM 6:30 p.m.


Wednesday, Sept. 24. 1975


Commentary . . .


Harriers top >
Will field cause soccer downfall at LHS?
Baptist Bible;
field is also being used as a
time due to mud-soaked field
lose to Bloomj
demonstration station for
conditions, it is the student's
Staff Reporter
Due to the atrocious
Clarion, Ship
condition of McCollum field, courses. When thefieldcannot graded. It is time for the

cont. on page 4
the worst soccer facility in the be used for several weeks at a
entire Penna. Conference, the
University of Pittsburgh - LHS
soccer match set for today has
been rescheduled for tomorrow at 3 p.m.
The combination of rain
and a poorfieldhas once again
made its presence felt here at
LHS. This is not the first time
(and won't be the last) that a
soccer match has had to be
postponed due to the Haven's
poor playing conditions.
Last season Lock Haven
met Swarthmore College from
Philadelphia in the NCAA,
Division III Eastern Regional
finals, with the winner scheduled to advance to the » ^ ,
national finals the following
week. Although Lock Haven
won the right to the home field TYPICAL DAY ON McCOLLUM - J e f f Sintic, covered
advantage, the NCAA ruled with mud, is set to kick a loose ball away from the net in
that the game would be held yesterday's practice. The Eagles are in preparation for
on Swarthmore's home ground tomorrow's soccer match against u. of Pitt at 3:00 p.m.
due to the deplorable condition The match was postponed from today due to the field
of the Lock Haven turf.
condition following Tuesday's rain. [Photo by GREG
Of course, the Eagles TRACY.]
were still designated the
"home team," but that didn't
amount to a hill of beans
considering that they weren't
playing in front of their home
crowd. Lock Haven lost a
tough 1-0 decision in the
In a small Bridgehamp- ental medical Services. Arrivensuing contest, and needless
ton, Connecticut motel room, ing at his office carrying the
to say, the apathy of the Lock
in 1973, a group of disgusted, scars and bandages of a
Haven State College Adminisdisenchanted but diehard weekend racing accident, Dr.
tration may very well have
motorcycle roadracers met to Frank bears little resemblance
caused the Eagles an NCAA
discuss what might be done to toT.V.'sDr. Welby.
Div. HI title, as Swarthmore
improve the dismal state of
Though bitten by the
went on to reach the national
their sport. From that meeting motorcycle bug at an early
finals before losing.
emerged an organization that age, it was not until 1969
has become the pi "^mier ama- {while serving as an intern in
Year after year Messrs.
cont. on page 4
teur motorcycle oadracing
Herrmann and Parker have
pleaded on deaf ears for a new club in the country, the-ERA,
Eastcoast Roadracers Associasoccer field. Anyone attending
tion. This Saturday, thanks to
LHS knows however, that you
might as well be talking to a the efforts of Philadelphia's
Dr. Peter Frank and his staff,
brick wall when trying to get
Promoting interscholastic
something done in the way of the ERA will make its first
and intercollegiate wresding is
athletics at this institution. appearance at Pocono Racethe purpose of the Downtown
way for the running of the
Granted Hubert Jack Stadium
Mat Club, which hosted its
WYSP Cycle Jam.
has finally been completed,
annual fall meeting for the
but it has certainly involved
Dr. Frank is not what
first time on the Lock Haven
painstaking efforts from the you would call an average
State College campus Septemathletic department over many
run-of-the-mill doctor. Aside
ber 18. LHSC wrestling coach
years to make it a dream com from serving as the director
Dr. Ken Cox and six of his
and guiding light of the ERA, wrestlers appeared as club
he also maintains a private
guests, as Cox spoke on
It is not, however,
prospects for the upcoming
varsity athletics alone that are medical practice and is president of Philadelphia's continbeing hampered: McCollum

ERA to appear at
cycle jam this Sat.

The LHS Cross Counti
team ran to their first victor
against three defeats on Sep
tember 20, beating Bapti;
Bible College 21-40. In the fiv
way meet Lock Haven cam
out on the shorter end wit
team from Bloomsburg, Cla
ion, and Shippensburg.
Bloomsburg with overa
meet winner Steve Eachu
(25:25) ended above Loc
Haven 15-50. Clarion wit
second and third place finis)
ers was 15-43 against Loc
Haven. The score for Shij
pensburg vs. Lock Haven wr
The local harriers of Coac
Dolan were paced by captai
Dennis Harman (28:10). fo
lowed by Lou Fiorillo (28:19
Paul Dewalt (28:26), and Jii
Gallagher (28:41). Dola
praised Gallagher for his fin
effort and improved time in hi
second run of the local 5.0 mi!

Y wafer polo
league forming
Interested in water poh
The Lock Haven YMCA inviti
all college men to get involv«
in its water polo leagues th
An organizational meetii
for the men's leagues
planned for 7:30 p.m. Thui
day, October 2 at the YMC
Additional information m;
be obtained by calling Ti
Foley at 748-6727.

Cox presents prospects
to Downtown Mat Club
This year's plans inclui
hosting an end of seasi
banquet for high school wre
tiers and conducting the se
ond annual Mat Town, U.S.
wresding clinic on the LI
campus next June.
Club officers are Joe M
Clelland, president; Ji
Jones, vice-president; and T(
ford AnKeny, secretar


page 4

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1975

will field cause soccer downfall social commiteeingcontinues
Queen must be made by
cont. from page 3

students themselves to speak valuable practice time, and a
poorfieldaside from hindering
Coach Herrmann, in a practices, could definitely
telephone conversation with mean the difference in winnPitt's head coach remarked, ing or losing a ball game, and
"Thefieldis so bad here that I possibly a conference champthought I'd call you to see if I ionship.
could persuade you into playLock Haven will no
ing Thursday instead of tomor- longer be able to have those
row (Wednesday). Pitt's head "crazy Lock Haven rooters" as
coach replied. We played on Coach Herrmann calls tham,
McCollum field fifteen years backing the Eagles in any
ago and we can imagine what post-season tournaments beit's like. You don't have to try cause the NCAA would never
and persuade us. We'll be permit games of such importglad to wait the extra day." ance to be played on a poor
But on a field of this calibre an field.
extra day will make little
The fans at Lock Haven
will most assuredly suffer also.
Shippensburg State Those who attended the Penn
College dropped Lock Haven State - LHS match could feel
froiv its '75 schedule, due to the excitement of watching
oui field conditions. Shipp's Lock Haven competing under
head coach remarked after last the lights in big time soccer
vcir's game; "this is the worst against one of the best teams
field I've ever seen, let alone in the nation, and holding
jjiayed on." 1 wonder how them to a 1-1 draw. You could
many other coaches and play- feel the pride running through
rs have made that statement you, knowing that your fellow
throughout the years.
students had just played on
"After Penn State and hell of a game, and you were
Pia see our field," Coach there, backing them lOO'/a Herrmann remarked, "even in win, lose or draw.
it's best condition, I feel
Fan support definitely
they'll probably drop us from helps a team as any coach or
their schedule."
player will attest to. Let's not
"Not only that," the Eagle sit by and watch "the fastest
Head Mentor added, "But rising sport in America" slowshould we happen to get into ly decline at Lock Haven just
any kind of post-season play- because of a "swamp."
offs the NCAA v/ill never let
Who wants another
up play on a field such as
Swarthmore incident - rememIn essence, LHS is ber, it is you the fans and
making its presence felt students who will suffer in the
among major soccer powers in end. And the end may come
the Eastern United States, as sooner than you think.
Penn State's soccer team will
attest to. Should present field
conditions continue to exist cont. from page 1
however, the level of soccer at
LHS will begin to decay. The
For the 1975-76 school
big name soccer schools will
year, Leroy Straley and Wayne
begin dropping us from their
Allison are serving as the
schedules, at the same time
consultants from the Akeley
making it neariy impossible for
School, while Debbie Farwell
us to add any top-ranked
and Eleanor Zimmerman from
opponents in the future.
the school district are teaching
The team will lose at Akeley.


greeks speak —
cent, from page 2

Day Care Center, another local service project includes donations to
the Salvation Army. They keep their eyes open to try to help
children either by financial donations or by giving of their time.
the L.H.S. sororities do put sorority energy and sisteriy love to
work nationally and locally. It's one way the college organizations
can show that they care.

cont. from page 1
currently agreed on had the
circus not been passing
through this area enroute to
it's next performance.
The Social Committee
will hold additional meetings
next week to finalize plans for
the parade, various picnics,
the variety showandSaturday
night's concert. Students interested in assisting the committee members are urged to
call Betsy Woolridge at ext.
283. Applications for floats
and all sign-ups for Homecom-

Friday, September 26. The
float applications should be
turned into the Activities
Office in Sullivan Hall and
Queen candidate sign-up
sheets will be posted in the
PUB and in Bentley Hall.
VOter reQIStrOtJOn
cont. from page 1
found it is imperative for
students to be registered
voters for effective promotion
of bills in Harrisburg."

era to appear at cycle jam
cont. from page 3

Milwaukee) that the good
doctor got his first taste of
motorcycle competition. Riding a Bultaco Metralla in the
1969 Indy National, he finished 23rd out of 35. Since that
time. Dr. Frank has not only
lived for motorcycle roadracing; he married it, tying the
knot with a Miss Patty
O'Brien, daughter of Dick
O'Brien, Manager of HarleyDavidson's factory racing
Following the European
example. Dr. Frank over the
past two years had made
ERA'S Street Racing Qass one
of the most dynamic aspects of
the organization. In today's
motor-sports environment
where cubic dollars are generally the essential component,
ERS's Street Class had provided welcome relief for the
aspiring novice competitor.
Requiring only the removal of
the motorcycle's kick stand,
the safety wiring of the drain
plug and axles, ERA's Street
Racing Class had opened the
doors of motor-sports competition to the general public.
This Saturday and Sun-

day the ERA, thanks to the
dedication of Dr. Frank, will
join the AMA at Pocono
Raceway for the running of the
WYSP Cycle Jam. Two days of
high speed motorcycle roadracing on Pocono's 2.8 mile
road course, complemented by
the Blue grass music of Pot
Belly Stove and cycleflickson
Saturday night, make this one
party weekend you can't afford
to miss.
Tickets for Saturday are
available at Pocono Raceway,
and tickets for Sunday are
available at Ticketron outlets
and Pocono Raceway. For
more information call (717)

only $.05 a line - call ext. 456
FOR SALE: 8-track stereo tapes
for $3.50 at (>impus Ciaslno. Top
hits offered.
jewelry, class rings, wedding bands, comic books.
Drop a card to Herman
McDaniel, 602 St. Boniface St., Williamsport.
323-9671. On campus

fef, we ifell
M overalls
and pantf I

J-eketo, tool

I Scfiwarz Sfore

108 -110 Bellefonte Ave.
Men., Fri.: 7:30 a.m. to9 p.m.
Tues., Wed., Thurs.: 7:30 to 5
Sat.: 7:30 to noon

Media of