Fri, 06/23/2023 - 12:31
Edited Text
Lock Haven State College
Friday, Sept. 12, 1975
Shapp supports ' We Care'
poster contest Sept. 12, Clin- will lead up to Clinton County
ton County seal design contest Day October 8, when more
Editor in Chief
Sept. 19, and radio call-in than $2,200. in U.S. Savings
cont. on page 4
Sept. 22. These events
Managing Editor
"All it takes is to make up
our minds to do the job - and it
can be done" stated Governor
Milton J. Shapp, keynote
speaker at yesterday evening's
kick-off dinner for the Clinton
County "We Care" program.
A group comprised of state
and local government officials,
community leaders, and concerned citizens which numbered over 500 filled Bentley
Hall Dining Room for an evnt
which included a premiere of
the Bell Telephone film,
"Clinton County, Pa....Where
People Care."
Governor Shapp arrived
during the meal, having just
returned from addressing Lock
Haven State students in
Thomas Field House.
Following dinner. Master
of Ceremonies Dr. Earl Lentz
introduced special guest Sec- GOVERNOR SPEAKS - Hon, Milton J. Shapp addressed
retary of Labor Paul Smith, an audience of over 500 people to kick-off the "We Care"
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e Russell program. [Photo by JOHN VUKOVIC]
Letterman, and members of
the Board of County Commissioners for Clinton County.
"We Care" Chairman
Robert Grossman began his
cation will open between labor
speech by explaining that the
and management through the
program is "designed to News Editor
union mediator. Previous
remind us that Clinton County
management directives have
is a great place to live and a
Feature Editor
inddicated that Piper operagreat place to work." He
Immediately following the tions at Lock Haven will be
defined "care" in terms of
"We Care" dinner. Governor phased out.
"Can Achieve Real ExcelShapp held a press conference
lence." "The state is strong
The governor was less
in the alumni room of Bentley optomistic about attempts to
and our county has unlimited
Hali. A potential candidate for stimulate the economy on a
potential," Grossman said,
the 1976 presidency, Shapp national level. "I've gotten to
adding that "We must regain
fielded quesfions in a frank, the point where 1 frankly don't
our community confidence and
yet optomistic, manner.
believe anything I read conRegarding the local labor cerning what federal governAnnouncing the approval
situation at Piper Aircraft, the ment is going to do about the
of a "We Care" postmark
governor reported on a brief economy" Shapp quipped.
soon to be in use, Grossman
meeting with Piper President The national economy is in the
mentioned that the dinner was
Helms. He stated that he left doldrums, and he found it hard
indeed only a kick-off for the
the meeting encouraged, feelevents yet to come. Scheduled
conf. on page 4
ing that avenues of communifor the near future include a
Press conference
Gov. to announce candidacy
Vol. XVIII, No.8
Two juveniles
arrested for
PUB brealc'irt
Assistant News Editor
Campus Law Enforcement
and Safety officers apprehended two juveniles, ages 15
and 16, as they attempted to
burglarize the PUB at 7:45 on
Thursday morning. The officers had maintained a 48 hour
surveillance on the PUB, and
the arrests solved a series of
incidents beginning on July
14, 1975. Seven illegal entries
into the PUB were reported
during this period.
The law enforcement officers recovered $63, and full
restitution of the balance is
expected from the suspects
who allegedly stole $100. The
youths were turned over to
Clinton County juvenile
Wednesday evening at
10:45 a resident of North Hall
was nabbed by College Law
Enforcement officers for theft
of services. The student was
apprehended for alleged illegal use of the college TV cable
College police also reported
suspicious actions by offcampus persons occupying a
vehicle that was cruising in the
area from about midnight to
6:30 a.m. on Thursday. Lock
Haven police officers had
stopped the vehicle and
warned campus authorities of
a possible burglary attempt by
occupants of the vehicle.
For their own safety, pedestrians are advised to stay on
the sidewalk when walking
from parking lot #2 to the Price
Auditorium even though stop
signs have been erected on the
Glen Road - North Hall road
Fridav. Sept. 11, 1975
page 2
concert guide
- Led Zep's new movie is near completion.
- Alice Cooper has recovered from a fall off the stage in Vancouver.
He received 12 stitches and six broken ribs.
- David Bowie's movie "The Man Who Fell to Earth" is almost
- Queen is going to release a new album this month.
- The new "Kiss" album will be released shortly - it's a double
- Paul Simon has a new album also.
- A new "Who" album coming out late this month is supposed to be
very hard rock.
- Ritchie Blackmore, ex-leader and guitarist of Deep Purple is now
with Elf, whose name is now Rainbow - Ritchie's Rainbow.
- Tommy Bolin, formeriy of James Gang, is now the guitarist for
SHAPP GETS SHSRT - - Phi Mu Delta President Bob Deep Purple..
Lomison presents Gov. Shapp with an Easter Seals Dance COMING UP NEXT WEEK - Record Review on BTO's, Black
Marathon shirt. Shapp received the shirt during an Sabbath's, and Nazareth's new LP's.
appearance in Thomas Field House over yesterday's
dinner hour, when he addressed Lock Haven students.
[Photo by GREG TRACY.]
FRIDAY: Soccer vs. Penn State, 7:00 p.m. away.
STUDENT PUBLICITY: media as publicity for SATURDAY: Football vs. Lycoming, 2:00 p.m. home; Cross
Students who, for person- accomplishments, aca- Country vs. Slippery Rock, 2:00 p.m. home; Field Hockey at Pocono
al reasons, do NOT wish demic honors, etc. should Tournament.
their names released by notify Bob Coltrane in
SUNDAY: Field Hockey at Pocono Tournament.
weekend sports
the college to the news Smith G-8.
Assante's Restaurant & Lounge
216 BelleAnte Ave.
Open 7 days a week
Dir\r\er served 5 to 10 cfaifyr
Beer sold to go on Sunday
Happy Hour every Wednesday
10-11 p.m.
With this coupon: One free spaghetti dinner with each one bought!!
Bring a friend or date. ASSANTE'S, 216 Bellefonte Ave.
Friday, Sept. 11, 1975
page 3
Booters face Penn State
under the lights tonight
Staff Reporter
Tonight the Bald Eagle
booters will travel to "Lion
Country" - Penn State University, where the biggest challenge in the history of Lock
Haven Soccer awaits the Karl
Herrmann contingent.
The 7:00 p.m. showdown at
State's Jeffi-ey Field - with its
6 to 8,000 seating capacity,
night lights, and perhaps the
best turf in the country, finds
LHS facing what Coach
Herrmann calls "the best
team we've ever faced."
going to have to 'want it' more
than they do."
"We expect P.S.U. to come
at us much faster than Birmingham did," Coach Herrmann stated. "They are in
better shape than Birmingham
and probably better organized,
as I feel we were also."
"We've got to put the ball in
the air against their backs."
Herrmann added. "In their 2-1
loss to Penn State, the Birmingham players felt that
their backs were weak on balls
passed through the air and
that's what we'll concentrate
on. We're also going to push
Mark Sildve and Mike McCartney forward for added height
up front on our corner kicks."
TOURNEY T E A M - LHS Eaglettes travelling to this
weekend's Pocono Invitational Tournament include [left to
right], kneeling: Pat Rudy. Wendy Keller, Colleen
Hacker, Sue Bowers, Denise Gobrecht and Jo Ernst.
Standing: Coadi Caro' Eckmasi, Gina Graham, Andi
Hoffman, Cathy Sherman, Sharon M u r r a y , Deb'^unes>
The Eagles will be hoping to and Cathy Ogle. [Photo by GREG TRACY.]
Presently ranked eleventh in
the country, Penn State is,
according to LHS assistant
coach Mike Parker, much
better that their pre-season
ranking would seem to indigenerate more of an offense
tonight than in last Sunday's
shutout loss to Birmingham,
"Their forward line is excellent,"states Parker. "Their
but as Coach Herrmann puts
wings will give us trouble,
it, "It's tough to control the
with John Marsden, one of
ball on a field such as
their wings, making Ail-AmerMcCollum. It's very rough,
ican last year." "They also
which doesn't help passing or
recruited a freshman center
dribbling no matter what
forward who controls the ball
team is playing on it."
that any player I've seen in
Despite the fact that Penn
this country," the native of
State will be Lock Haven's
England added.
toughest opponent to date,
"1 believe man for man they
Herrmann feels that "our
are a better team," Parker team this year is the best one
continued. "They are very we've ever had." He conwell coached and the only way cluded by saying, "If we were
we're going to beat them is to ever able to beat a team the
out-run, out-think, and play caliber of a Penn State, this
our physical type of game would be the year and the
against them. We're also team to do it."
nUallmark Sards, Sift,
QR[1 Slalioaery Storg
20 E. Main Street, Lock Haven, Penna.
Complete line of Cards,
Gifts, Artists' and
School Supplies
Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9 to 9
Wed. till noon
Tues., Sat. 9 to 5
LHS field hockey team set
for Pocono tournament
and Miss Taylor will return
this weekend to participate in
Miss Carol Eckman, who is the tournament.
The Lock Haven attack will
filling in for head coach Sharon
cont. on page 4
Taylor, has selected 12 veterans to represent Lock Haven at
the annual Pocono TournaTOURNAMENT: For perments this weekend. Head
sons interested in Intrahockey coach Taylor and senmural
Tennis, the sign up
ior halfback Ronnie (.awson
are on the 2nd floor
are presently touring Scotland
of Zimmerii.
Sign up
with the United States squad.
Deadline will be Sept. 16.
It is expected that both she
Women's Sports Editor
Classified advertisements
only $.05 a line - call ext. 456
FOR SALE: 1972 Datsun 510.
$1650. Call 748-9014.
WANTED: Responsible couple
to live In and take care of three
school-age children
approximately 3 weeks - starting Oct. 1. Call 748-4845 after
5 pm.
LOST: Round Sterling Silver
charm, inscribed "My Best
Friend." If found, return to
Anna Machak, 119 Russell.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house,
$175. For added information,
phone 753-3675. Adults preferred.
FOR SALE: 8-track stereo tapes
for $3.50 at Campus Casino. Top
hits offered.
ATTENTION: Mandolin player
and bass player are needed by
local Bluegrass group, if interested, call Bob Shuey at 748-4815.
Phi Mu Delta Dance Marathon
Sept. 19, 20,21. Register in
Bentley Hail Lounge or at the
Phi Mu Delta House.7489383.
WANTED: Students eligible
for work study, contact Mr.
Cogur, Ulmer 226 or Mrs.
Barton, Uimer 105.
Jewelry, class rings, wedding bands, comic books.
Drop a card to Herman
McDaniel, 602 St. Boniface St., Williamsport.
323-9671. On campus
page 4
Friday, Sept. 11, 1975
Ihs field hockey
shopp supports'we core'
cont from page 3
cont. from page 1
Bonds along with $1,000. in tide. "The goal is a revived,
merchandise will be awarded. rejuvenated Lock Haven,
Contest details will be in the where social and cultural
Lock Haven Express and aired improvement is the measure of
on WPBZ radio.
success, and where improved
"We are in trouble, and we economic conditions are the
have to give a damn" stressed essential means of attaining
Grossman, in reference to it," said the governor.
Lock Haven's 2,800 unempShapp concluded by
loyed. This 17.2 percent expressing Harrisburg's
unemployment rate was com- desire to cooperate with the
pared to 9.8 percent in Pa. and
9.1 percent nafionwide.
A meeting for the S.C.C.
Vice President and General
Cultural Affairs Committee
Manager, Bell of Pa. Hervey
has been scheduled for TuesW. Froehlich introduced the
day, September 16 in Raub 407
film "Clinton County, Pa....
at 1:00 p.m. This meeting has
Where People Care." Extolbeen called to choose speakers
ling the beauty and friendlifor this year's lecture series.
ness as well as cultural, civic,
Everyone is welcome to
educational and industrial
aspects of the county, the film attend.
directed by Gene Mesloh of
Bell public relations was then
Following an introduction cont from page 1
by WBPZ General Manager
to project into the future.
Harris Lipez, Governor Shapp
One suggestion of stabilbegan by noting "1 think the
izing the economy which
meeting you're having
Shapp outrightly rejected was
tonight, and the aftermath of
that of wage and price controls
this meeting, is going to set
He cited that other wage
some new trends in Pennsyland price controls were
imposed during wartime, and
After reviewing Lock
still 70-75,000 inspectors were
Haven's comeback from the
needed to force labor to
flood damage of 1972, the
comply. In peacetime, with the
governor turned to thoughts of
majority of business being
the present and options for the
non-governmental contract,
future. He noted the following
Shapp stated that such conmain problem in Lock Haven
trols would be totally impossas reported to him by com- ible.
munity leaders; 1. insufficient
' When asked why Pennsylemployment, 2. low per capita
vania's state college system
income, 3. out-migration of
seemed dependent upon
working people, and 4. the
supplemental appropriations,
visual appearance of the com- the governor alluded to the
state constitution requirement
which prohibits deficit spendShapp noted, "These are
ing. Adding that the Comnot exclusively Lock Haven
monwealth, like everyone else,
problems. You share them
had to pay more for less this
with the rest of Pennsylvania
year, he pointed to federal
and the nation." He then went
cutbacks in social programs
on to comment on the national
rate of unemployment, infla- which necessitated increased
funding at the state level.
tion, and recession.
'Redirection of our national
"This is just one of the
economic policies is vital"
unfortunate facts of the time
Shapp stated. "But until we
we're living in" the governor
get this, state government,
interjected." What we're trylocal communities and the
ing to avoid at all costs is the
private sector must do their need for a tax increase in
utmost to turn the economy
Although Shapp's visit was
publicized as Non-political,
Shapp referred to Lock
many questions centered on
Haven's "We Care" program
the governor's future political
as a way the community can
aspirations. Shapp said that
pitch in to turn the economic
program. He pledged, "If
there is anything in Harrisburg that we can do to help
you bring this about in the
shortest possible time, I hope
you will bring it to our
attention - and I'm sure I
speak for the General Assembly as well as for the executive
branch of government."
A meeting for all S.C.C.
Cultural Affairs Committee
advisors and students has
been scheduled for Thursday,
September 18, at 1:00 p.m. in
Raub 407. The purpose of this
meeting is to make all segments of the committee aware
of this year's program in all
be led by last year's leading
scorer, Pat Rudy. Rudy, a
junior, has performed at the
varsity level for three years.
She will be assisted by four
sophomores including Sharon
Murray and Colleen Hacker at
wings, Cathy Ogle at inner,
and Gina Graham at center.
Last season's center forward
Pat Ogle will not see action
this year because of a knee
The defensive positions will
be occupied by halfbacks
Wendy Keller, Andi Hoffman,
Deb Nunes and Sue Bowers;
and fullbacks Denise Gobrecht
and Jo Ernst. The cage duties
are assigned to senior goalie
Cathy Sherman, who had an
outstanding season last year.
gov. to announce candidacy
his intent of candidacy will
soon be formally announced.
He outlined a 45 day timeframe during which he will
travel to at least 20 states to
raise the campaign monies
required by law to qualify for
federal matching funds. He
also stated that he would
concentrate time most in those
states in which he'll enter
A question arose as to
attempts by state Republicans
to undermine Shapp's campaign. The governor claimed
he has grown accustomed to
such political manuevers, listing a history of attempts
dating back to 1966. He,
however, reiterated that with
more than 100,000 employees
it's possible that someone
might get caught with their
hand in the cookie jar. The
governor feels that he has
cooperated in attempts to
clean-up state government. He
cited the turning over of
contribution lists required of
state employees as a step in
ending state government corruption.
Shapp said he expects
support for his presidential
campaign because of his specific plans for reviving the
nation's economy. He concluded that because of indecisive fiscal policy, many of the
candidates have no base for
popular support.
Strawberry Fields
Health Foods
437 Bellefonte Ave,
New shipment recently arrived!
Hours: *•
JMon., Fri., 11 to 9
Tues., Wed.,
Sat. 11 to 6
Walnut Acres
Friday, Sept. 12, 1975
Shapp supports ' We Care'
poster contest Sept. 12, Clin- will lead up to Clinton County
ton County seal design contest Day October 8, when more
Editor in Chief
Sept. 19, and radio call-in than $2,200. in U.S. Savings
cont. on page 4
Sept. 22. These events
Managing Editor
"All it takes is to make up
our minds to do the job - and it
can be done" stated Governor
Milton J. Shapp, keynote
speaker at yesterday evening's
kick-off dinner for the Clinton
County "We Care" program.
A group comprised of state
and local government officials,
community leaders, and concerned citizens which numbered over 500 filled Bentley
Hall Dining Room for an evnt
which included a premiere of
the Bell Telephone film,
"Clinton County, Pa....Where
People Care."
Governor Shapp arrived
during the meal, having just
returned from addressing Lock
Haven State students in
Thomas Field House.
Following dinner. Master
of Ceremonies Dr. Earl Lentz
introduced special guest Sec- GOVERNOR SPEAKS - Hon, Milton J. Shapp addressed
retary of Labor Paul Smith, an audience of over 500 people to kick-off the "We Care"
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e Russell program. [Photo by JOHN VUKOVIC]
Letterman, and members of
the Board of County Commissioners for Clinton County.
"We Care" Chairman
Robert Grossman began his
cation will open between labor
speech by explaining that the
and management through the
program is "designed to News Editor
union mediator. Previous
remind us that Clinton County
management directives have
is a great place to live and a
Feature Editor
inddicated that Piper operagreat place to work." He
Immediately following the tions at Lock Haven will be
defined "care" in terms of
"We Care" dinner. Governor phased out.
"Can Achieve Real ExcelShapp held a press conference
lence." "The state is strong
The governor was less
in the alumni room of Bentley optomistic about attempts to
and our county has unlimited
Hali. A potential candidate for stimulate the economy on a
potential," Grossman said,
the 1976 presidency, Shapp national level. "I've gotten to
adding that "We must regain
fielded quesfions in a frank, the point where 1 frankly don't
our community confidence and
yet optomistic, manner.
believe anything I read conRegarding the local labor cerning what federal governAnnouncing the approval
situation at Piper Aircraft, the ment is going to do about the
of a "We Care" postmark
governor reported on a brief economy" Shapp quipped.
soon to be in use, Grossman
meeting with Piper President The national economy is in the
mentioned that the dinner was
Helms. He stated that he left doldrums, and he found it hard
indeed only a kick-off for the
the meeting encouraged, feelevents yet to come. Scheduled
conf. on page 4
ing that avenues of communifor the near future include a
Press conference
Gov. to announce candidacy
Vol. XVIII, No.8
Two juveniles
arrested for
PUB brealc'irt
Assistant News Editor
Campus Law Enforcement
and Safety officers apprehended two juveniles, ages 15
and 16, as they attempted to
burglarize the PUB at 7:45 on
Thursday morning. The officers had maintained a 48 hour
surveillance on the PUB, and
the arrests solved a series of
incidents beginning on July
14, 1975. Seven illegal entries
into the PUB were reported
during this period.
The law enforcement officers recovered $63, and full
restitution of the balance is
expected from the suspects
who allegedly stole $100. The
youths were turned over to
Clinton County juvenile
Wednesday evening at
10:45 a resident of North Hall
was nabbed by College Law
Enforcement officers for theft
of services. The student was
apprehended for alleged illegal use of the college TV cable
College police also reported
suspicious actions by offcampus persons occupying a
vehicle that was cruising in the
area from about midnight to
6:30 a.m. on Thursday. Lock
Haven police officers had
stopped the vehicle and
warned campus authorities of
a possible burglary attempt by
occupants of the vehicle.
For their own safety, pedestrians are advised to stay on
the sidewalk when walking
from parking lot #2 to the Price
Auditorium even though stop
signs have been erected on the
Glen Road - North Hall road
Fridav. Sept. 11, 1975
page 2
concert guide
- Led Zep's new movie is near completion.
- Alice Cooper has recovered from a fall off the stage in Vancouver.
He received 12 stitches and six broken ribs.
- David Bowie's movie "The Man Who Fell to Earth" is almost
- Queen is going to release a new album this month.
- The new "Kiss" album will be released shortly - it's a double
- Paul Simon has a new album also.
- A new "Who" album coming out late this month is supposed to be
very hard rock.
- Ritchie Blackmore, ex-leader and guitarist of Deep Purple is now
with Elf, whose name is now Rainbow - Ritchie's Rainbow.
- Tommy Bolin, formeriy of James Gang, is now the guitarist for
SHAPP GETS SHSRT - - Phi Mu Delta President Bob Deep Purple..
Lomison presents Gov. Shapp with an Easter Seals Dance COMING UP NEXT WEEK - Record Review on BTO's, Black
Marathon shirt. Shapp received the shirt during an Sabbath's, and Nazareth's new LP's.
appearance in Thomas Field House over yesterday's
dinner hour, when he addressed Lock Haven students.
[Photo by GREG TRACY.]
FRIDAY: Soccer vs. Penn State, 7:00 p.m. away.
STUDENT PUBLICITY: media as publicity for SATURDAY: Football vs. Lycoming, 2:00 p.m. home; Cross
Students who, for person- accomplishments, aca- Country vs. Slippery Rock, 2:00 p.m. home; Field Hockey at Pocono
al reasons, do NOT wish demic honors, etc. should Tournament.
their names released by notify Bob Coltrane in
SUNDAY: Field Hockey at Pocono Tournament.
weekend sports
the college to the news Smith G-8.
Assante's Restaurant & Lounge
216 BelleAnte Ave.
Open 7 days a week
Dir\r\er served 5 to 10 cfaifyr
Beer sold to go on Sunday
Happy Hour every Wednesday
10-11 p.m.
With this coupon: One free spaghetti dinner with each one bought!!
Bring a friend or date. ASSANTE'S, 216 Bellefonte Ave.
Friday, Sept. 11, 1975
page 3
Booters face Penn State
under the lights tonight
Staff Reporter
Tonight the Bald Eagle
booters will travel to "Lion
Country" - Penn State University, where the biggest challenge in the history of Lock
Haven Soccer awaits the Karl
Herrmann contingent.
The 7:00 p.m. showdown at
State's Jeffi-ey Field - with its
6 to 8,000 seating capacity,
night lights, and perhaps the
best turf in the country, finds
LHS facing what Coach
Herrmann calls "the best
team we've ever faced."
going to have to 'want it' more
than they do."
"We expect P.S.U. to come
at us much faster than Birmingham did," Coach Herrmann stated. "They are in
better shape than Birmingham
and probably better organized,
as I feel we were also."
"We've got to put the ball in
the air against their backs."
Herrmann added. "In their 2-1
loss to Penn State, the Birmingham players felt that
their backs were weak on balls
passed through the air and
that's what we'll concentrate
on. We're also going to push
Mark Sildve and Mike McCartney forward for added height
up front on our corner kicks."
TOURNEY T E A M - LHS Eaglettes travelling to this
weekend's Pocono Invitational Tournament include [left to
right], kneeling: Pat Rudy. Wendy Keller, Colleen
Hacker, Sue Bowers, Denise Gobrecht and Jo Ernst.
Standing: Coadi Caro' Eckmasi, Gina Graham, Andi
Hoffman, Cathy Sherman, Sharon M u r r a y , Deb'^unes>
The Eagles will be hoping to and Cathy Ogle. [Photo by GREG TRACY.]
Presently ranked eleventh in
the country, Penn State is,
according to LHS assistant
coach Mike Parker, much
better that their pre-season
ranking would seem to indigenerate more of an offense
tonight than in last Sunday's
shutout loss to Birmingham,
"Their forward line is excellent,"states Parker. "Their
but as Coach Herrmann puts
wings will give us trouble,
it, "It's tough to control the
with John Marsden, one of
ball on a field such as
their wings, making Ail-AmerMcCollum. It's very rough,
ican last year." "They also
which doesn't help passing or
recruited a freshman center
dribbling no matter what
forward who controls the ball
team is playing on it."
that any player I've seen in
Despite the fact that Penn
this country," the native of
State will be Lock Haven's
England added.
toughest opponent to date,
"1 believe man for man they
Herrmann feels that "our
are a better team," Parker team this year is the best one
continued. "They are very we've ever had." He conwell coached and the only way cluded by saying, "If we were
we're going to beat them is to ever able to beat a team the
out-run, out-think, and play caliber of a Penn State, this
our physical type of game would be the year and the
against them. We're also team to do it."
nUallmark Sards, Sift,
QR[1 Slalioaery Storg
20 E. Main Street, Lock Haven, Penna.
Complete line of Cards,
Gifts, Artists' and
School Supplies
Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. 9 to 9
Wed. till noon
Tues., Sat. 9 to 5
LHS field hockey team set
for Pocono tournament
and Miss Taylor will return
this weekend to participate in
Miss Carol Eckman, who is the tournament.
The Lock Haven attack will
filling in for head coach Sharon
cont. on page 4
Taylor, has selected 12 veterans to represent Lock Haven at
the annual Pocono TournaTOURNAMENT: For perments this weekend. Head
sons interested in Intrahockey coach Taylor and senmural
Tennis, the sign up
ior halfback Ronnie (.awson
are on the 2nd floor
are presently touring Scotland
of Zimmerii.
Sign up
with the United States squad.
Deadline will be Sept. 16.
It is expected that both she
Women's Sports Editor
Classified advertisements
only $.05 a line - call ext. 456
FOR SALE: 1972 Datsun 510.
$1650. Call 748-9014.
WANTED: Responsible couple
to live In and take care of three
school-age children
approximately 3 weeks - starting Oct. 1. Call 748-4845 after
5 pm.
LOST: Round Sterling Silver
charm, inscribed "My Best
Friend." If found, return to
Anna Machak, 119 Russell.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house,
$175. For added information,
phone 753-3675. Adults preferred.
FOR SALE: 8-track stereo tapes
for $3.50 at Campus Casino. Top
hits offered.
ATTENTION: Mandolin player
and bass player are needed by
local Bluegrass group, if interested, call Bob Shuey at 748-4815.
Phi Mu Delta Dance Marathon
Sept. 19, 20,21. Register in
Bentley Hail Lounge or at the
Phi Mu Delta House.7489383.
WANTED: Students eligible
for work study, contact Mr.
Cogur, Ulmer 226 or Mrs.
Barton, Uimer 105.
Jewelry, class rings, wedding bands, comic books.
Drop a card to Herman
McDaniel, 602 St. Boniface St., Williamsport.
323-9671. On campus
page 4
Friday, Sept. 11, 1975
Ihs field hockey
shopp supports'we core'
cont from page 3
cont. from page 1
Bonds along with $1,000. in tide. "The goal is a revived,
merchandise will be awarded. rejuvenated Lock Haven,
Contest details will be in the where social and cultural
Lock Haven Express and aired improvement is the measure of
on WPBZ radio.
success, and where improved
"We are in trouble, and we economic conditions are the
have to give a damn" stressed essential means of attaining
Grossman, in reference to it," said the governor.
Lock Haven's 2,800 unempShapp concluded by
loyed. This 17.2 percent expressing Harrisburg's
unemployment rate was com- desire to cooperate with the
pared to 9.8 percent in Pa. and
9.1 percent nafionwide.
A meeting for the S.C.C.
Vice President and General
Cultural Affairs Committee
Manager, Bell of Pa. Hervey
has been scheduled for TuesW. Froehlich introduced the
day, September 16 in Raub 407
film "Clinton County, Pa....
at 1:00 p.m. This meeting has
Where People Care." Extolbeen called to choose speakers
ling the beauty and friendlifor this year's lecture series.
ness as well as cultural, civic,
Everyone is welcome to
educational and industrial
aspects of the county, the film attend.
directed by Gene Mesloh of
Bell public relations was then
Following an introduction cont from page 1
by WBPZ General Manager
to project into the future.
Harris Lipez, Governor Shapp
One suggestion of stabilbegan by noting "1 think the
izing the economy which
meeting you're having
Shapp outrightly rejected was
tonight, and the aftermath of
that of wage and price controls
this meeting, is going to set
He cited that other wage
some new trends in Pennsyland price controls were
imposed during wartime, and
After reviewing Lock
still 70-75,000 inspectors were
Haven's comeback from the
needed to force labor to
flood damage of 1972, the
comply. In peacetime, with the
governor turned to thoughts of
majority of business being
the present and options for the
non-governmental contract,
future. He noted the following
Shapp stated that such conmain problem in Lock Haven
trols would be totally impossas reported to him by com- ible.
munity leaders; 1. insufficient
' When asked why Pennsylemployment, 2. low per capita
vania's state college system
income, 3. out-migration of
seemed dependent upon
working people, and 4. the
supplemental appropriations,
visual appearance of the com- the governor alluded to the
state constitution requirement
which prohibits deficit spendShapp noted, "These are
ing. Adding that the Comnot exclusively Lock Haven
monwealth, like everyone else,
problems. You share them
had to pay more for less this
with the rest of Pennsylvania
year, he pointed to federal
and the nation." He then went
cutbacks in social programs
on to comment on the national
rate of unemployment, infla- which necessitated increased
funding at the state level.
tion, and recession.
'Redirection of our national
"This is just one of the
economic policies is vital"
unfortunate facts of the time
Shapp stated. "But until we
we're living in" the governor
get this, state government,
interjected." What we're trylocal communities and the
ing to avoid at all costs is the
private sector must do their need for a tax increase in
utmost to turn the economy
Although Shapp's visit was
publicized as Non-political,
Shapp referred to Lock
many questions centered on
Haven's "We Care" program
the governor's future political
as a way the community can
aspirations. Shapp said that
pitch in to turn the economic
program. He pledged, "If
there is anything in Harrisburg that we can do to help
you bring this about in the
shortest possible time, I hope
you will bring it to our
attention - and I'm sure I
speak for the General Assembly as well as for the executive
branch of government."
A meeting for all S.C.C.
Cultural Affairs Committee
advisors and students has
been scheduled for Thursday,
September 18, at 1:00 p.m. in
Raub 407. The purpose of this
meeting is to make all segments of the committee aware
of this year's program in all
be led by last year's leading
scorer, Pat Rudy. Rudy, a
junior, has performed at the
varsity level for three years.
She will be assisted by four
sophomores including Sharon
Murray and Colleen Hacker at
wings, Cathy Ogle at inner,
and Gina Graham at center.
Last season's center forward
Pat Ogle will not see action
this year because of a knee
The defensive positions will
be occupied by halfbacks
Wendy Keller, Andi Hoffman,
Deb Nunes and Sue Bowers;
and fullbacks Denise Gobrecht
and Jo Ernst. The cage duties
are assigned to senior goalie
Cathy Sherman, who had an
outstanding season last year.
gov. to announce candidacy
his intent of candidacy will
soon be formally announced.
He outlined a 45 day timeframe during which he will
travel to at least 20 states to
raise the campaign monies
required by law to qualify for
federal matching funds. He
also stated that he would
concentrate time most in those
states in which he'll enter
A question arose as to
attempts by state Republicans
to undermine Shapp's campaign. The governor claimed
he has grown accustomed to
such political manuevers, listing a history of attempts
dating back to 1966. He,
however, reiterated that with
more than 100,000 employees
it's possible that someone
might get caught with their
hand in the cookie jar. The
governor feels that he has
cooperated in attempts to
clean-up state government. He
cited the turning over of
contribution lists required of
state employees as a step in
ending state government corruption.
Shapp said he expects
support for his presidential
campaign because of his specific plans for reviving the
nation's economy. He concluded that because of indecisive fiscal policy, many of the
candidates have no base for
popular support.
Strawberry Fields
Health Foods
437 Bellefonte Ave,
New shipment recently arrived!
Hours: *•
JMon., Fri., 11 to 9
Tues., Wed.,
Sat. 11 to 6
Walnut Acres
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