Thu, 06/22/2023 - 13:57
Edited Text
Lock Haven State College


^ X Vol. XIX

Monday, Oct. 4,1976

No. 17

Outlaws to perform
for homecomming
12:30 pm Soccer vs. UniverBy DEB KERNER
sity of Pittsburgh — McStaff Reporter
Collum Field
The festivities of the 1976
2:30 pm Football vs. ShipHomecoming Weekend prepensburg — Jack Stadium
sent a break in tradition with
the election of a Homecoming
4:00 pm Cross-country vs.
Providing there is
enough student support, the
4:30 pm Ox roast — Jack
King will be announced with
the Queen during halftime of
pm L.H. Artist Series —
the football game.
Price Auditorium.
A number of technical
9- 2 pm Dance — Bentiey
reasons have forced the SCC
Lounge — "Landslide
Social Committee to cancel the
and Perpetual Care"
formal or semi-formal dance.
Oct. 17
In lieu of the formal, a dance
6:00 pm Coffeehouse - Bentwill be held on October 15, a
cont. on page 3
combination dance/concert
October 16, and another dance
featuring a lightshow on Oct.
17. The dress for all the ' • J
dances is casual.
Staff Reporter
The schedule of activities
offers something for everyone
Advanced experimental
from sports to dances and cofpsychology students, under
feehouses to parades. The
the supervision of Professor
The following is the list of
John Brendel, of the PsychoHomecoming '76 activities:
logy department are now
learning techniques of hypnoOct. 12
sis. In an interview with
8:00 pm Concert - Thomas
Brendel he stated that
Field House — The
hypnosis isn't part of the
Outlaws and the Ozark
original course, but due to the
class size of approximately five
Oct. 15
students, the opportunity
2:00 pm Women's Field
enables students to explore
Hockey— Lawrence Field
hypnosis and its effects on
8:00 pm Coffeehouse — PUB
heart rates, brain waves and
Steak and eggs.
characterization of the hypno10-12 pm Dance — Bentiey
tic state from the waking state.
Danger is an erroneous
misconception about hypno11:00 pm Movies — Sham->
tism. Hypnosis, according to
poo , Tommy - Price
Brendel, is not dangerous
Oct. 16
when it is supervised. It
10:3(r am Field hockey vs.
merely involves a high
Alumni — Lawrence Field
suggestability state where a
11:00 am Parade — theme
person follows the wills of the
"Decades Past"
hypnotist. However, there are
"Decades Past"
two dangers to be considered
11:30 am ArchwayDedication,
in hypnosis which rarr'y occur.
College Avenue, Lock
These are losing touch with a
Haven State College
Alumni Association.

CECILIA & DAN BOOK - make a last minnute review of
the stage manager, Richard Mercury's script with Rick
Kline in preparation for "The Servant of Two Masters,"
the College Players production which opens in Price,
Thursday Evening.
[Photo by BRIAN STOPPE.]

Psvch majors learn hypnosis techniques



subject and failure to remove a
post hypnotic suggestion.
Many incredible things may
be accomplished through
hyp;, .sis. For one hypnosis

„.„ generate
„pnprate a release of
memories stored in the
subconscious. Another is the
process of bio-feedback where
cont. on pages

World news update
and Europe reported that
Nixon says he was only guilty
A poll conducted by CBS of a mistake in judgement on
news and the New York Times the Watergate break-in and
reported President Ford to be wasn't responsible for an
alleged partisan scandal used
the winner of the first in a
by political adversaries to
series of debates held on
bring him down.
September 23 over national
supposedly writes that he only
television. The President was
resigned to save America from
favored by 37 percent of the
division over his impi^ajhrnent
1,167 polled, while former
Georgia Governor Jimmy
Carter had only 24 percent of
*** *
those polled convinced that he
Philadelphia's Mayor Frank
had won the debate over Ford.
L. Rizzo escaped the threat of
The poll also showed that 37
a recall election when the
percent of the polled voters
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
considered the debate to be a
decided 4-2 tha* a lower court
ruling allowing the recall effort
was unconstitutional.
** **
Former President Nixon is
writing his memoirs and
Afinalinquiry into the West
conf. on pages
publishing sources in the U.S.
The Week Ending Friday,

October 1, 1976:


page 2

Letter to the Editor
To the Editor
Are you satisfied with the
tuition you are paying or the
education you are receiving?
Do you think it's wrong for
students to perceive themselves as educational consumers and strive to reveive
all the rights and protections
due any consumer? Do you
believe students are reticent
because they are satisfied with
the social, political and environmental conditions in our
country? If you answered yes
to all of the above questions,
then, unless you're open to
change, the Commonwealth
Association of Students is not
for you - you can stop reading
now and join the apathetic
aggregate. Those of you who
can still say no are the
lifeblood of CAS. We need you
and you need us to create a
progressive yes to concepts
such as: free public education
with stabilized tuition and
adequate scholarships; the eradication of racism, sexism,
ageism, and elitism; consumer
rights and protection for students; voting representation
on all college and statewide
committees; total student control of the student activities
fees; and multifarious social
and political issues.
We in CAS know that there
are two types of organizations,
those that organize, form
committees, and then spend
hours producing something
called minutes, and those
groups that organize for action. CAS is best typified by the
latter definition. In the last
year, CAS - you and your
fellow students - have created
the strongest, most socially
concerned and politically effective state association in the
nation. During a two-year
period when, nationally, tuitions were increased at both
public and private, and staterelated institutions, CAS lobbied to stabilize tuition for the
public colleges and succeeded
in realizing that goal. Last
year, CAS via its threatened
state-wide tuition escrow fund,
helped force the Pennsylvania
Budget Secretary to release
the $4.5 million of state college
money he impounded. We,
along with the faculty and
administrators, also succeed-

ed, via our letter-writing and
lobbying efforts, in curtailing
(for the time-being) the Department of Education's insidious attack upon academic
freedom, quality education,
and the right of an education
all Pennsylvania citizens. CAS
lobbied for and helped pass
the new rape laws and the
postcard voter registration
bills. In the coming year, we
will continue to lobby for
Senate Bill 224, the Commonwealth University Act, the
inclusion of students on all
state-wide committees, address the problems of racism
and sexism, carry on voter
registration, implement a day
of student activism, and contih> other social and political problems.
1 believe CAS has grown
strong for two reasons. One is
our commitment to the eradication of racism, sexism, and
the actualization of our commitment in the organizations's
structure. CAS is now comprised of three boards: The Board
of Coordinators, the Board of
Student Government Presidents, and Minority Board.
All three boards are organized
on the local campus level, and
they each have one vote in the
CAS legislative sessions. This
equalization of the voting
ratio, in what otherwise would
be a white-controlled organization, is our way of combating defacto institutional racism
It also distinguishes CAS from
other state associations. CAS
is not afraid to address problems outside the realm of
traditional academic interests.
Thus, it can also attract those
socially and politically concerned individuals and groups
who would shy away from the
more parochially minded
cont. on page 3j.



How many people does it take to put 13 actors on stage in a
classic Goldoni farce? How many hours must these people put in,
in how many days to make that opening night performance come
off as planned?
College Players have found that it is probably more than can
be counted in both cases. But, at press time I have counted more
than eighty positions listed on the program for "The Servant of
Two Masters," the College Players production which will open at
Price Auditorium Thursday, October 7, and run through Saturday,
October 9.
This light Goldoni farce will be presented in its original style
with four beautifully hand painted drops designed by John B.
Gordon and 13 period costumes designed by Felice Proctor. Both
the work of Proctor and Gordon, and the people who worked with
them executing that end ofthe production, and director Dr. Denys
Gary, and all the actors and assistants who worked with him in
Price Auditorium five nights a week for the past six weeks, will
agree that this is quite a feat for Players and the LHS Theatre
Does all the credit go to the new shops at Sloan? It helped,
but by and large I tend to think a lot of credit goes to growth and
interest. The abilities of a production unit grow and mature just
like the capabilities of any sincere team of artists and craftsmen
who strive for expansion. A few semesters ago a good many
people inside and outside of our campuss theatre troupe
questioned where it would go following the graduation of many of
its loyal actors. Players were fortunate to have a group of fresh
new faces arrive on the scene last Fall. Since then more new faces
have been continually interested in acting with College Players
and it appears as if they are now ready to take on the task of a
classic comedy this week.
In reference to "Servant" Dr. Gary said, "I think that the
audience that will come to see this play will have a delightful
change of pace with a light snappy feel of intrigue." When asked
about the play, he said that the script is a challenge which he felt
the group was ready to accept. Recent rehearsals have proven him
right. Now finished with technical rehearsals, where scenery,
lighting, and sound become a focal point, and entering dress
rehearsals, for a focus on costuming and those final bits of
polishing, it's apparent that "Servent" is headed for that
anticipated zenith.
UT. Gary went on to say that if this sort of healthy growth can
continue, and he expects it to, soon the campus can prepare for a
good stylized Shakespearean production in a future season.
Of course, this sort of positive growth does not exclude
interested newcomers from College Players, the Players
encourage new people to act, direct, design, build and paint
scenery, construct costuming and properties, prepare and run
lighting and sound, and handle the management end of a show,
"the Servant of Two Masters" is the first of three major
productions the C.P.'s will produce this season alon with a number
of studio theatre one acts in the Spring. The Theatre Department
is also offering a traveling childrens theatre this semester and a
major state production for children in the Spring through the
Keystone Central School District. All in all the theatre will need
literally hundreds of positions to be filled before May and there
are never enough regulars and a show is never too far into
production to turn away a helping hand.

page 3


Mon. Oct. 4,1976

psych majors leam hypnosis

LHshut-out Bloom

Eaglettes tallied 26 shots on
Women's Sports Editor
goal while allowing only 4
Despite steady rain and poor
shots by the Bloomsburg
field conditions, the Lock
Haven junior varsity field
Denise Gobrecht, junior
hockey squad shut out a
varsity captain, scored the
Bloomsburg varsity squad l-O
only goal of the contest at 8:30
into the second period.
on Friday afternoon.
"Gobe's" reversed stick goal
Lock Haven dominated field
culminated the steady rush of
play throughout the game, but
the Eaglette attack.
failed to get the ball into the
This Tuesday afternoon, the
Eaglette squads will attempt
to better their 2-0 records
A meeting lor all those interested against
in participating in the Susque-View
volunteer program will be held
contest is scheduled for 3 pm
tues. ai 1 pm in Raub 307.
on Lawrence field. The j.v.
There will be a Student Publications election Thurs. Oct. 7, in
contest will follow.


Bentley Hall Lounge 11amto6pm.
Election Committee needs members. See Jell Coulkins in Bentley
Lounge, Thursday, Oct. 7. Between 6:30 and 7:00 pm.
Residents: Petitions are now
available lor those interested in
running for SCC Senator. Two
positions must be filled.
interested, pick up petitions at
Executive Committee Ofiice located on ground lloor ol the PUB.

. ^ TESTS-andrelated V
^^ counseling at tht ay
yft Mon— Fri. 9-!:00
A Sat. 8-4:00 catt (412)
?W 362-2920 (coUect)

Advanced ticket sales open tomorrow]

conf. from caue 1
a person can be made to feel
pain or not to feel pain as well
as other types of sensations in
the body. A person who
engages in self-hypnosis can
go to the dentist and by
applying the process of
bio-feedback through hypnosis
will feel little or no pain when
the dentist drills his teeth.
Some athletes use hypnosis as
a means of greater concentration and improved performance.
Through post hypnotic
suggestion the hypnotist may
create a hallucination in the
subject's mind that is also
seen and felt through the
subject's perceptions. He may
suggest that the subject is
taking a bubble bath whereas
the subject actually sees and
feels bubbles.
Hypnosis is also used in
curbing or completely eliminating bad habits. For
example, nail biter under the

conf. from page 1

Point cheating scandal was
started la^t week by a panel of
educators and former military
personnel. The panel will try
to find the cause of the
widespread scandal and will
try to provide recommendations for improving the
school's honor system.

conf. from page 1

ley — "Dialogue"
7:00 pm Movies — "Shampoo", "Tommy" — Price
9- I pm Dance — Rogers
gym — "Jack Flash"

letter to the editor
eonf. Irom page 2
forms of student organizations. CAS is also strong
because it utilizes a positive
check-off system - our members choose to join because
they support us, not because
the student government,
alone, has joined for them.
Thus, ostensibly, our political
influence increases because
legislators know that individuals who join lobbying organizations will also usually vote.
CAS is now 40,000 strong; our
political strength is you and
the power of your vote.

Join CAS and donate some
time toward implementing
constructive educational, social, and political change. We'll
Ipwv stronger together.
Yours in struggle
Richard B. Montorc
President, CAJ

SCA MEETING at 7:30 pm.
Room 201 North Hall today.
FOR SALE: Fuji Road Racer
model bicycle: $175. Call
Becky, first floor Russell, ext
WANTED - All Lock Haven
State College students votes
for Jim Wolf for General


Birth Control

Thursday October 7th - Saturday, October 9th
8:00 pm • Price Auditorium $2.50

supervision of a hypnotist ^^y
be cured ofthe habit through a
series of sessions aimed at
retarding the habit.
Students enrolled in the
course are Mike Schieber, Gail
Camerer, Janie Phillips and
Mark Goram. This course is
only offered to psychology


Free Early

(215) 266-1880

WANTED - Stockroom workers for 15-20 flours a week In
local ladies apparel store.
Write Box 598, Lock Haven,
17745, listing class
schedule and hours available.
SHIPS! American. Foreign.
No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel.
Summer job or career. Send
$3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. K-14 Box 2049,
Port A n g e l e s , W a s h i n g t o n


Mon. Oct. 4,19I
page 4





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