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See page 2

Eagle Eye
Friday, July 12, 1991

Volume 40, Number 7 4 pages

See page 3

Lock Haven Universitv

High Hall to
become coed
residence hall


Eagle Eye Editor-in-Chief
In an effort to provide more housing to
female students. High Hall will change
from a male residence hall to a coed hall in
the fall semester.
According to Carol Latronica, Assistant
Dean of Student Affairs, two wings of the
residence hall will house women.
"The number of women seeking housing has increased, therefore, we've had to
reevaluate the housing situation."
The hall's student life staff is looking
forward to the change and the benefits it
will bring to the hall.
"High Hall had an undeserved bad reputation for many years," said Kevin J.
Stone, High Hall resident director. "We've
done a lot to change that over the years.
I'm looking forward to this change. I
think a lot of people are going to be surprised with the hall when they get here in
the faU."
Stone predicts the hall will be holding
more educational and social programs in an
effort to help the students get the most out
of their college experience.
"We'll hold mOTC creative programs that
will be geared around the changes taking
place in our community," he said.
The hall recently received the Bowen
Award, which is given to the most outstanding residence hall on campus.
"People are taking the hall a little mcxe
seriously and the residents aren't in such a
hurry to move out," Stone said.

Continued on page 4

SHAKE, RATTLE A N D ROLL and any other move it takes to make a basket Tim Smith attempts to pass thc ball while
fighting off the defensive moves of Darrell Chavis (center) and Larry Wilson. (Photo by David Beahm.)

New fire alarm system coming to campus
Steven Infanti
EagieEye Editor-in-Chief
Campus security is getting a big shot in
the arm thanks to two new alarms systems.
The UnivCTsity is nearly finished installing a new Pyrotronics fire alarm system in
each of its seven residence halls. According
to John C. Moyer, Assistant Director of
MaintenaiKe, the system will improve security in the buildings aixl meet state fiie

Moyer explained the new system is an imimyvement ovor the old one. In the past, the
fire alarm was only designed to
alert occupants to evacuate the building and
law enforcement had to notified separately.
"Law enforcement is automatically notified
when the alarm is activated." Moyet said.
"This will allow for a faster response time,
and law enforcement will receive a print out,
which will show exactly where the problem is

in the building. They won't need to search
the building to find out which alarm was set
Another feature of the new system is that
it is equipped with strobe lights in addition
to the audible alarm. Residence hall rooms
from the hearing impaired will now be
equipped with the new visual fire system.
The current security system, which alerts
law enforcement to what hall perimeter
doors are open, will be tied into the new fire

alarm system. Law enforcement wiU automatically be notified when a door is left
Most of the allocations for the $312,000
system has been provided by stale funds.
The new alarm system will be in place by
University police have introduced "Operatk>n Alert." a pocket-sized, personal protection device.

Continued on page 4

2 Eagle Eye Friday, July 12,1991

Confessions of a dangerous mind

A return bout with the weight room
Steven Infanti

just one of those people who won't submit
to torture unless there's something to strive
for, like the possibility of a date or survival.

Eagle Eye Editor-in-Chief
I've been back in the gym again and this
it wasn't just because I needed to use the
bathroom. It was part of my never ending
attempt to rebuild my body by using only
one to two workouts a year.
There are two methods you can use to
achieve the ideal weight for your size. One
method is diet and exercise. The altemative
apiHoach is to have yourself stretched until
you're a foot taller. Well, if stretching actually made body parts larger. I would have
done that to othet parts years ago.
So once again I am faced with the usual
challenges. Should I go running. Nope, I
don't particulariy like to run imless there's a
beautiful woman, dangling the keys to a
fiee Porsche, in front of meOTa pack of
rabid dogs chasing after me. I guess I'm

A friend of mine told me to woilcout with
dumbbells. Jeez, tho-e's so many people up
here diat fit that description. Who should I
Since I wanted to lose some weight, I opted to try the exercise bike. We had those in
my neighborhood. Basically, I'd get on
somebody else's bike and pedal my butt off
while its owner chased after me. You lose
less teeth with the one's in the weight room.

hell, especially when you're klea of exercise
is getting up for another dozen wings and
pitcher of beer at Sals.
20:00 - I'm feeling great
19:59 ~ I start pedaling.
16:32 - Starting to sweat now and the
bike sweat is starting to feel like a block of
10:13 - I'm sweating more than Dan
Quayle in a press conference. I take a drink
from the straw on my sports bottle. I sort
of resemble a hanster.
8:23 ~ I've come to the conclusion that
the exercise bike is a lot like the Democratic party. They're trying and working their
butts off, but not really getting anywhere.

The idea going into this was to take my
chest, which had long lost its fight with
gravity and was now in the general area of
my stomach, and restore it to its proper place
on my anatomy. I've been on bicycles be7:01 - There's enough sweat under my
fotG and I thought 20 minutes wouldn't be arms to pilot the Maid of the Mist in it
too long of a time frame. Well, take it from
4:35 ~ My drawers are soaked. My
an idiot, 20 minutes at a good pace is pure

checks are red and the other pair are numb.
3:(X} ~ An attractive young women enters the gym. I start to show off. I pull a
2:56 " People come running over to lift
the bike off of me and pick me up off the
floor. An ambulance is called. Apparendy
the young lady was laughing so can't get
her breath back.
1:00 ~ It's no longer an exercise. It's a
:33 - The whole exercise is taking on a
surreal look.
:03 " I'm squirming in the seat like Ollie
NcHth in a congressional hearing.
:00 - They shoot horses don't they?
Maybe I'll just buy a vacuum cleaner and
suck the fat out. I'll start with the stuff between my ears.

Reader sizes up latest ^Terminator*
Terminator 2: Judgement Day opened at
a theatre near you last Wednesday, and the
hugely successful science-fiction epic has
already broken two records in its opening
five days.
First off, T-2 - as it is affectionately
nicknamed — is tbe most expensive movie
ever made at $90 million. However, in a
film business where producers are terrified

at investing in anything less than a sure
hit, this mega-whoiping box-office blaster
has its creators laughing all the way to five
or six banks.
The movie raked in an incredible $52
million dollars, shattering the existing fiveday box office receipt record of $43 million,
set by Back to the Future. Considering that
Total Recall, Amie's last big draw, pulled
in $265 million worldwide, T-2 should be

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able to make enough to bail out the S&L
The movie is really a star vehicle based
on the immense pq>ularity of thefirstTerminator. I liked Arnold as the bad guy but,
thanks to a plot shift by co-writer and director James Cameron, Arnold is back as a
good Terminate.

Eagle Eye
Parsons IJnion Building
Lock Haven University
Lock Haven, PA 17745
(717) 893-2334

Editor In Chief.
Steven Infanti
Hiotography Editor
David Beahm
Rachel Hosterman
Circulation Manager
John Haddad
Dr. Douglas S. Campbell

The Eagle Eye is the official
newspaper of Lock Haven University. It is published weekly in accordance to the University calendar. The articles, opinions,
pictures, and layout of the Eagle
Eye are the responsibility of the
editorial staff and do not reflect the
views of the students, the faculty
or the administration of the University unless specifically stated.
to the editor must be subSoon John realizes that his mother isn't
the Eagle Eye by noon on
crazy and the Terminators do exist Unforthe
publication. All lettunately, this revelation comes about beters
typed, no longer
cause he is being pursued by a rather relentthan
and include the
less T-1000, played by Robert Patrick.
writer's signature and telephone
This movie is one gigantic chase scene number. The editorial staff rewith a few edit points. The dialogue is the serves the right to edit the copy for
weakest point in the movie but the compa- libel, taste, style and length.
ny didn't spend the $90 million on diaThe Eagle Eye staff meets Tueslogue.
day and Thursday at 1 p.m. in the
The good thing is you do spend $90 mil- Parsons Union Building. The Ealion on special effects. This movie has gle Eye is funded by the student
some ground breaking special effects that activity fee and printed by The
you must see in order to appreciate.
Rich Wooding
It also starts Cameron's real-life girlfriend, Linda Hamilton, who retums as Sara
Connors. This time she's locked up in an
asylum and comes off as a I-could-kill-youa-thousand-ways-with-a-potato-chip-psychofrom-hell. She was institutionalized due to
her ravings about the Terminator and the
approaching nuclear holocaust of August
29, 1997. Her son, who will be the future
leader of the resistance, lives with a foster

Friday, July 12, 1991 Eagle Eye 3


Pep talk
By Andy Pepper
Eagle Eye Sports Columnist
As you can seefit>mthe title, the major portion of my
first sports column will be dedicated to laying the ground
mles. The reasons are two-fold. First I need to explain the
format I will be using, and secondly and most importantly
, I need to put my allegiances and rooting interests in
print We'll get to that later though.
The format I'll be using is borrowed from Mike Lupica, the prized columnist of the NY Daily News. I'll be using his Sunday edition format. On Sunday's Lupica is given a full page, of which roughly one-third to one-half is
devoted to one subject It could be about Mike Tyson,
Wimbledon, or the Yankees. Whatever he feels like. The
rest of die column is a potpourri of thoughts and comments that are thrown out at random. This format will
showcase my sense of sports humor and dry wit I plan to
talk extensively about University sports but my tme passion is professional sports.
This brings me to the second majcK* aspect I wanted to
cover: Allegiances and rooting interests. I've always believed that any sportswriter who wields the power of the
pen should put all his cards on the table and put in print
who he/she roots for because it's too easy to write ' I knew
the Giants would beat the Bills', or ' I could tell Cincinnati was going to teach Oakland a lesson.' Allegiances in
sports are the teams you've rooted for since you were little
and will continue to root for till you die.
For a serious sports fan you should have allegiances to
one professional baseball, football, and basketball team,
and a college basketball and football team; preferably from
the same University. A hockey team is optional.
For me, these teams are the NY Yankees, the Dallas
Cowboys, Boston Celtics, NY Islanders, and the Syracuse Orangemen. This means that when the Yankees finished in the basement last season, I continued to root for
them, and if they finish last for the next 40 years, I will
continue to root for them.
Rooting interests are a whole different story. These are
entirely separate from your allegiances. These are teams that
you enjoy watching because of their style of play, or you
particularly like a certain player on that team, or most com-

for months. So they planned for months and came out withan all white outfit Brilliant woric by the guys at NIKE
considering white is the only color allowed at Wimbledon.
I mean, just how many shades of white are there? I can see
some ad exec sweating it out as the clothing decision neared
' Should we go with cream or wedding white '? These guys
should look for work at the GAP or something.
Enough about Wimbledon, just when does the Larry
Holmes comeback hit pay-per view?
I'll lay even money that Tex Cobb could take him Ihis
I'm not sure Tex would be interested though. He does
This years Wimbledon was the most exciting I'd ever have his budding acting career to think about, especially afseen. The withdrawal of Monica Seles, the re-appearance of ter that brilliant performance in Raising Arizona.
Andre Agassi, Fraulein forehand, and Jennifer Capriati's
I'll bet Pat Riley is checking the fine print of his consurprising mn through the toumament made for excellent
now that Patrick Ewing is trying to
become a
headlines and high drama.
free agent.
Monica Seles is making a fool out of herself by not
What else can go wrong for Riley. First he loses the
announcing the reason she withdrew from Wimbledon or her
competition with Bob Costas, now this.
whereabouts. She is one of the reasons the term tennis
be interesting to see how Riley coached a
brat was originated.
Magic, Kareem, or a Ewing. People talk
I don't know whose advice she is following but it is
won 5 championships in the 80's,
not good. I mean, the girl is the #1 ranked tennis player in
Riley is, but I say: Only five chamthe world and halfway to the Grand Slam when she suddenly
pulls out with an 'undisclosed injury'. As Lupica noted reI mean, just how hard was it to send out the best point
cently, this is like Michael Jordan leaving a note with
guard ever and the best center ever, night after night?
his coach the night before Game 1 against the Lakers
saying ' Sorry I can't be here but I'll see you at U'aining
I don't care if Ewing stays or goes, as long as he
camp next fall'.
doesn't go to the Lakers. I think Riley would rather blow
Steffi Graf was back to form, exhibiting 'Fraulein dry his hair than see Ewing head out to Inglewood with
fwehand' several times in the women's final, at the ex- Magic.
pense of Gabriela Sabatini. I like Steffi even more now
Without Greg LeMond, the Tour de France would be
that I've looked up 'Fraulein' in a German dictionary and about as interesting as the Iditarod. ( I hate explaining
found out that it means 'vixen' in English. Loosely trans- jcdces, but under the advice of Steve Infanti-I will. The Iditlated of course.
arod is a dog sled race across Alaska.)
Graf showed the heart that Andre Agassi has yet to exI'm enjoying this baseball season mcxc than any I can
hibit in his career. The colorful one somehow managed to remember but it's just not as good as it could be if Bo was
blow a 2 sets to 1, 4 games to 2 lead in the fourth set healthy.
Even worse, Andre was up 40-0 in the seventh game of that
Speaking of baseball, look fcx- the American League
set. American David Wheaton somehow survived the defito extend their victory streak to 4 in a row and for Cal
cit to finish off Agassi in the fifth set.
Ripken to be the MVP with Ken Griffey Jr. as my dark
It was revealed during the course of one of Agassi's horse pick.
matches that Andre's Wimbledon outfit had been planned
monly because of geogrsqihical interest For example I root
for all the other major NY sports teams, (I'm from NY.)
the S.F Forty Niners, the Duke Blue Devils, and the Miami Hurricanes. This is not to be confused with front running; front mnning is when you switch your favorite team
year after year and have no allegiances. I had a buddy who
had no allegiances. We had a standing joke where he'd
come down to my room every night after Sports Center
and annoiuice that all his teams won—again. I guess you
had to be there. Anyways, you get the point I've used up
all the space I was going to use to write about baseball at
the All Star break, so we'll go straight to the potpourri.



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4 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Sundays)
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Noon - 10 p.m. (Saturday-Sunday)

Snack Bar
2 p.m. (Monday - Friday)

4 Eagle Eye Friday, July 12, 1991

Merchants meet
with freshmen
By David Beahm
Eagle Eye Stc^Reporter
As a new element in this year's freshmen
orientation at Lock Haven University, incoming students had the opportunity to
meet with representatives of 13 area businesses.
The 350 incoming freshmen and their
parents, who attended the four orientation
sessions, were able to see what local businesses have to off'er and ask questions of the
representatives at the various booths.
Carol Piper, owner of Sand Piper Designs, an interior design and unique gifts
store, was enthusiastic about meeting with
the students. "This is a great idea...the students will be more comfortable downtown,"
she said.
Mike Snow, president of the Lock Haven
Business Bureau and co-owner of Weaver
and Probst men's store, was on hand to
show the Clinton County Chamber of
Commerce's new 20-minute video about
the Lock Haven area. Snow said, "It's always nice to have the college kids in
town." He said this year's orientation gave
local business owners the chance to "take
positive action to help."

Mellon Bank
new scholarship

THE SLAMMER. Shon Crosby gets high off the ground on his way to the hoop, while Lsary Wilson atiempu to Mock and
Tommy Johnson waits for rebound, during a game of basketbaU on Monday evening. (Photo by David Beahm.)

High Hall continued
'^e've had fewer incidents of vandalism
and less discipline problems. However, we
do have more students coming to inograms
and getting active in the hall conununity."
"Granted, it's a hike up and down the
stairs every day but, when you consider

what you're going to get out of your coUege
experience as a resident of the hall, it's
worth it"
Maintenance crews are cunently remodeling the bathrooms on the women's wings.

Mellon Bank recently donated $3,000 to
die University to establish a scholarship
fund for Pennsylvania residents who require
financial assistance.
Presenting the check to Lock Haven
University Foundation Board President
Richard Saxton, Mellon Bank's regional
Vice-President David Gundy said, "Mellon
Bank is extremely pleased to support Lock
Haven Univo-sity by establishing this
fund. We think it is important to play a
role in facilitating Pennsylvania students'
access to higher echKation."
Univo^ty Director of Development
Lynn J. Lytle noted, "Mellon Bank's donation reflects the importance of higher education and the role which universities like
Lock Haven play io Pennsylvania.
"Mellon has been very generous to the
University in the past so we are particularly Yiofipy to have a scholarship in the
bank's name added to our resources."

Alarm system continued^
The pocket alarm is equipped with a flash- ninger, Law Enforcement supervisOT.
Law enfotcement and membo^ of the
light and an alarm which can be activated
by several means. The jrfione number for Rape Task FcMce asked the Student Cooperathe campus poUce is also printed on the tive Council, Incorporated's Bookstore to
stock the alarm. The bookstore wiU have SO
side of each device.
"It can be used as a burglar alarm in resi- of the alarms available, for purchase.
dence hall rooms," said Lt Dennis B. Gren-

Media of