
A heuristic inquiry exploring professional growth and development in art therapy through content analysis of response art

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This paper examines the transformative journey of an art therapy graduate student through the utilization of art therapy, focusing on the symbolic representation of personal and professional growth embodied in the concept of El Duende. Employing a heuristic approach, the research delves into the student’s experiences across multiple stages of training, from practicum to internship, using artworks and documented reflections as primary sources of data. Through analysis of the progression of the artworks and accompanying written reflections, the research examines the complex interplay between self-expression, emotional exploration, and clinical practice. The findings reveal a nuanced path marked by themes of emotional complexity, resilience, and self-discovery as the student navigates the challenges and transitions inherent in psychotherapy training. Despite limitations such as the subjective nature of interpretation and a small sample size, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of art therapy within psychotherapy training. Future research endeavors could explore the underlying mechanisms of art therapy's therapeutic benefits and its impact on trainee well-being and clinical practice, further enhancing the field's understanding and utilization of this valuable tool for personal and professional development in the mental health professions.
Faculty advisor: Treadon, Carolyn
Degree granting institution: Pennsylvania Western University