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This file is made available courtesy of, and with the cooperation of Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Starke, Nancy A. "Library Continuing Education Needs in Kansas: The Rural Perspective." Rural Libraries 8, no. 1 (1988): 39-70.
This file is made available courtesy of, and with the cooperation of Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Amend, John. "Material Grants for California's Rural Libraries." Rural Libraries 8, no. 1 (1988): 19-24.
This file is made available courtesy of, and with the cooperation of Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Klevar, Georgie. "Rural Campaign on Illiteracy: The Region, The Technical Institutes and the Libraries." Rural Libraries 8, no. 1 (1988): 33-38.
This file is made available courtesy of, and with the cooperation of Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Head, John W. "Rural Libraries and the State Library Agencies: A Study from the Center for the Study of Rural Librarianship." Rural Libraries 8, no. 1 (1988): 7-17.
This file is made available courtesy of, and with the cooperation of Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Goodger-Hill, Carol. "The Realities of Collection Building in the Rural Public Library." Rural Libraries 8, no. 1 (1988): 25-31.
This file is made available courtesy of, and with the cooperation of Clarion University of Pennsylvania.