The Birch Rod OF THE Emi\BORen his heart his joys to share. And he sang of the glory of his boughs, until The fitful wind sank, and the forest was still. And nature’s lullaby hushed o’er the hill. And left him to think. " I’m getting old," he said, with a sigh, " My branches gray are far from the sky; H. G. GILLASPIE EDINBORO, PA. PROUD’S Little White Store on the Corner I j) Lowne^’s Box Candp Ice Cream, Soft Drinks Fruits, Cigars, Magazines School Supplies ■ S-*'- y-. .fsv ' * U’ ■ Page Eight { Schluraff Floral Co. ikTHt BIRCH ROD JUNIOR CLASS TEAM. Basketball Cup Winners. Leave all orders for flowers with The Birch Rod. We order them free of charge bg tele­ phone. ERIE, PA. MASONIC TEMPLE People’s Barber Shop J. H. BENNETT, Prop. - , Potter Society. ’ Just a word to the new students, please. Potter Hall is on the second floor of Commer­ cial Hall. Its name is printed on the door so you cannot miss it. Regular meetings of the Society are held on Saturday evening. We invite you to come. The first program for the Spring term was given by the new cabinet, and was certainly a credit to its authors. We expect to do very successful work this term, for with such in­ genious and enterprising leaders as Quincy Vincent, Agnes McCartney and Helen Bathurst, failure would be out of the question. Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing NEWS DEPOT. DAILY and SUNDAY PAPERS Students always welcome DANNY SULLIVAN Ladies' and Genti TAILOR Suits Cleaned and Pressed — 50c -=^ Top Row (left to right)—Matthews, Hood. Middle Row—Babcock, Hayes, Blakeslee. Bottom Row—Webster, Green, Goodrich. NEW SONG Arbor Day. A Grand Success Arbor Day exercises are over and 1913 certainly have shown what the class is made of and that ’ 1 3 will be remembered in years to come. Quincy Vincent, with his fine voice, delivered his oration in a manner much to be praised. Freda Mitchell showed much taste in writing and giving her essay. The declama­ tion given by Adlia Dickey was highly appreciated and received much applause. The poem given by Catherine Crawford and and the readings by Edna Sammons and Verna Markel were highly entertaining and they showed marked taste in delivering them. Charles Marsh’s declamation will long be re­ membered and all Seniors are proud to call him a member of class ’ 1 3. The music fur­ nished by the orchestra was soft and dreamy and would inspire any one. The Senior songs showed the work of Mr. Barnes’ composing and were very appropriate for the occaision. After the exercises the sturdy young tree was planted and each shovel of dirt placed at its roots seemed to have a good wish for the young tree to have it prosper as the class of ’ 1 3 will. The program was closed with the Senior girls folk dances and Maypole dance and all re­ turned home reporting the 1913 Arbor Day WINDS of MEMOR Y Written from Edinhoto Normal School da^s. Send 15 cents for a copg. MRS. D. G. CHURCH Mesilla Park, New Mexico Edinboro Hotel E. J. SWANSON, Prop’r Meals and Lunches at gll Hours. ICE CREAM OYSTERS John V. Laver FLORIST Greenhouses: E. 6th St. Store: 704 State St, Erm PHONE YOUR ORDERS exercises a success. Out Theg Go -'•A Time you gave your old hat a lift, any­ way. Change it for the snappiest stifle you ever wore. New syring things are crowding in daily. Come and see them; buy if you want to. You’ll see the quality at a glance and our mirror will do the rest. Needn’t look around, your prefer­ ence is here at $2.00 Exclusive Patterns in New Caps for Spring. Fancg Bands in all Class Colors 908 State Street ERIE, PA. f,.. , X ^ ' '^.4. *V " >