' .'. I EDINBORO STAT'E (OLLEG'E ~- BULLETIN Z Volume XLVII 0-~ AJug,wst, [J.W3 Num,ber 4 ~ .-rn Z « ~ 0 ~ 8 re !z StudentHandbookIssue 1963-1964 UJ 0 00 -rn ~ ~ ~ ( rn ~ rJ ~ ~ '::;J ~ S ~ ;j ~ § Z ~ 0 0 EDINBORO,PENNSYLVANIA ' Issued four times a year, March, April, May and August by the State College at Edinboro, Pennsylvania Second Class mailing privilege authorized March, 1956at the post office at Edinboro, Pennsylvania in accordance with the Act of Congress of August 24,1912 (Cover by J'anet Carr) 1 -1 ; " i ,'.1 ~ 3811103 i i i HANDBOOK EDITOR'S MESSAGE ALMA MATER (Aloha) The Student Handbook is pu'b1isIhJed for the Hail m thee, our Alma Mater glorious! students and faculty of Ed/inbaro State Col- ~resh wreathes rovebring ~o bind thy brow.. lege.. It ds printed once a year for dlistribution T r~als past 1ftrouhast wi1Jhstoodvictorious, at registra 1rl:onealclhsemester, Its 'PUJ1POSe is to Never 'fIa1rer, never statelier than now. aid the Freshmen in gaining an understand- 0 Edin!bQro,Eclin'boro We revere thee JJovethee serve tihee ever, ing of the functions, regulations, oosfums, 'and alctivlties of 1Jh1iIs 'College; and ~ provtikie '~~ ,-," -~ su ents and facult y wi"'"'. a calendar VI. evetn;~ Wih:il e c 1ass for , , ,. 1 spe ed s c~, As Slwlilftyearrs :pa!Ss, tihe school year, ;,:~i; ' The editor wishes to extend her 1JhIanks~ To thee our hearts are true, Sally Relhner, Janlet Carr, Ginny ReimJold,Mi;; A. CarneljJl,and Dr, William Cornell fur ~ir hej;pin compiling this handlxX>k. ~ L]nda JOh!I1ston,Edimr StudeIJltHandbook , "."",1 , c; ':,:" , 'c;';:;'~1t ; 2 ,; ~ I 3 I COLLEGE PRESmENT'S MESSAG'E "Edinboro IgIroWISout of its old c1otihes SO I'apidly tihat the tafu)r is j~st bare1\)' ,~ble to keep SUIPplyillg Djew ones on timie:' The 'above comment, recently lrnJadieby ,a facu1ty member, sums U\P the college history of receirllt ,years. It sUlg;g;~ ttJhe pride we sense in our spectaJcuJiaJrgro/wth -not for the mere sake of grrtunlity" in our fol1mula of rapid expansion. The ,s1Jaltement'sreference to tjb,ebooy taJilor also suggests, however, 1JhIa,t growth dOes not occur wi1Jhwt its attendant [problems. As we riedl<:1ubleoUlr enroThmenit a11ld;add to our curricula:'." offerings, we neceSsaJrily increase some K)f the w's'cornforts and inconveniences that accomjpany conJgestion ,and complexity. The college Tecognizes 11hI~ta 11ew of these problems 'are inevitalblle; most of them admit to stoody aUevia1Jion tiha'OUIgih positive doopevative effort am:ong !faculty memlbers land administra tors and, ,most iInlPOrtantly, studelIJts 11hemiselves. ..measure Dr. Thomas R. Miller, College PresIdent 4 EdJinboro invLtes y1QUto grow with it. The of maturity 1Jhatour students a!chieve will be reflected Iby 1jhe ex:tent to whiCh 1Jheilr pridJe in this groWth will QVershaidKJw and CJOmpemate for the ~mPOI'ary pxjob1eIn!S it IProduces. 'This handbook is prepared by our students 5 - land faculty to assist you in Y'OUT work at this coJilege- You acre urged to read it witll care, to follow its precepts 'carefUlly, to 1meat it as a sllorehQuse 0If in£ormition t<) wlhidh you W1i1lmalkeiJh'equent reference, and to keep it as asow-ce of guidance 1JlIl"Oughout the entire year. Read oaJre~y the constitution of t:tJ,e'faculty-student governm~tbody S'Q yO!;! may knQw ,tJh~,part this org1anli2J~ plays in 1Jhellie of the college. Welcome to the 1963~ academic year at ~ State College. May you adapt comfortably to the challenge of your ,growing colilegganddevelJc1p along witfu it rthe mJawrity to meet the further ,:cl1al1lengesof Jrlife tJhat lie a!he~. Sincerely yours, ~ --"""";::/._.# From left to right: Sally Dennis, Secretary; Lee Boyer, President; Jerry Dilly, VicePresident -/","=" ~ ~1tt.;J President, t Welcome to Edinboro The student body land the memlbers of the Student-'FacR.IJty Oooper;itive ~vernment extend to you tJheir welcome to Itlhe Edj,nIbOIro Campus --a welcome in the spirllt of friendslhtp ,and cooperation. : I I i ,c .,., 6 I ' i YOl1Jr1963-64 edition of the student handbook is pres'ented to you ,~ a g!uJjJdebook of infarma.tion about tJhe colJlege 1aJ!ldits ~ctivities for thiS year. Best rwishesto each df you for a hapPy, successful, am PU11POseful college year. Lee Boyer -1.. President OIl StudeIlit-FaouJ,ty Cooperaltive Gover~ent 7 The College's 106 year Hist.ory ences and may receive grees. Bacllelor of Arts de- The beginnings df 1JhecoLlege {Were laid in 1857, over one hlmdred yearrs ago, willen la band of Scotch-IriSh falrffiem grouped togeiJher and founded a private normal scl1ool at Eddnboro by populLaT subscription to train teaCihe!l1S.In 18m it !Was chlartelred by lJheOommOIJlWeal1Jh as Pennsyolvania's :second !Normal Scihool and dewloped and grew 1tihI~ service to 1Jhe ComlInJOnwealth. The control of lJhe College is vested in lJhe Board of Trustees, ,composed of nilIne memhers ar/POinted by the Go¥ernor ~ Pennsylvania. The Board of ~stees i!l1l turn elect the President m lJheCollege who is responsEble for its adminis1J.'1aJtion.The State SluperiIJltendent of PUiblic Imtrootion is an ex-Qfncio member of the Boal1d of Trustees. A great forward Stride rw,as Itaken in 1914, w,hen the Commonwea1th purehased Edinboro NOI'IInal School. In 1926, aleIited to the need for better educated teachers for its sooools Pennsyl~a~ia made Edinboro la TeaJclhers Col: lege offering a four-year cmriculwn leading to degrees of Bachelor of Science :in Secondary, The college is accredited by lJhe Nlational Counci[ for AccreditatiJon o~ TeacIhJer Education, the Middle S1JaJtes AiS/sociation of Colleges and Secondary ScihoolS, and the American Medical AsS/ocration. In additi~, lits curJ:liculUims arre regisltered 'by 1j1]e Nerw York State Department of Education. ElemeniJary, and Art EdIuIc,ation, and lJibrary Sciel1lce. In 1960 the nlalme Of 1Ihecollege ,was dlIJanged 110Edinbaro Stalte College. Begmnil1lg i!n SePteIm'ber Of 1957, 1Jhecollege Was empowered to grant degrees of Master of Education in Elemeintary Education. h1 September 1961, gvadUiate stuidly in sedondary education wals added to the graduate Iprog1I1am. In 1002 1Jhieliberal iarls degree program was begun. Studen~ mlaly preparre for various vocations la's an arits and science majQI1 in tile Humamties, :Sociall Sciences or Niatural Sci8 C~9 I COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Th!omas R. MiiIler, Ph.D. Normal Hall ,102 President Tel. Ex. :ffi or 12 INSTRUCTION Harry W. EarlJiey, Ed.D. Dean and Director of Graduate Studies Normal Hall 111 Tel. Ex. 13 or RE 2-4081 Leo J. Roland, Ed.D. Ass't. to Dean NOl'ffial HaLl .11'1 Tel. Ex. 14 or RJalphBel'lin, M. Ed. Ass't. to Dean Normal Hall 111 Tel. Ex. 14 Harriet Long, RhD. Director of Arts and GENERAL I Normal! Hall 105 Tel. Ex. 61 or ~i::~ STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES INFORMATION William A. Cornell, Ed.D. Director Normal Hall 110 Te. Ex. 20or RE 2-'5105 James Hiarnison,B.S. Ass't. for Men White Hall 1 Tel. Ex. 22 or RE 2-2013 Mrs. Rulli Peck, M.A. Ass't. for Women Hiaven Hall Tel. Ex. 10 Q;: 17 Harold Umbar,ger, M.Ed. Ass't. in Admdsslions Normal Hall 110 Tel. Ex. 20 Lawrence Appel, M. Ed. Ags't. in Housing I Centennlial Nancy 1-- HaU Carlson, Apt. Tel. B.S. Ass't. 53 FISCAL AFFAIRS Vaughn E. Herrel 10 Ex. Student Personnel Tel. Ex. 50 Heather Hail " in Director Tel. Ex. 35 11 Telep~ne Service AU incoming caaJIs 110the College are received -at the ,switc\l]board in Haven HIall from 7:30 a.m. -11 p.m. -Mondays through ddfl0 11 S Saturays College's an rom !J;)l1i'Vate a..m.eXlcihJange -p.m. UIL ys. 'I1h~ is onREgent 2aWl. Calls to ltihe varildUls statik>ns lean .be dialed -room other extensi~s. If callmg from outside G'ollege theswiltchboar~ extension number should OM dalIDjpus bethegiven calis to canthe be made by diallI1lg ~peraOOr. 0 to Dean ()If 'Women's AiParlment 10 Uses Ext. 10 for aU nJigjl'Jtcalls to Dean of 'Won1.en Ea""" ~"...,Hall , ,., , 16 G.ymnas~um 29 Haven Hall. " 24 Hea,1her HaH. 31 Heather Haill ' Head R esl' d'"~ nt IB ~ Room ,.,., 50 63 receive Ithe switch~~ ~erator from 7:30 'a.,m.-11p.m, Mondays ~0JJ.gh Saturdays and 10 a.m.-.11 !p.m,)On To make ~ocal roam caliJJs off opera11Qr. ~UlS Long dialSundays, distance 0 ~ relach COLLECT the switC'hcalls ~ary ..., KinzU!a House K!iltchenClimc Leader '.':. can ~ made the saJrnle/wIay. p.m. All shouild incomlinglcil[is be made /totothe theIclollege pa;y phone after ill111:00 the LeBoeuf Hoose Liberal. A(1st -!-- VJ:J:.~", r..u;,~ L'bra ~ ry ru"" floor) ., rre~ctive dOI1mil11cU4ies. ~r emergency Clalls, call ;RE ~-3301 Ifior fue nu1'ses, 1Jhe Dean of WKJIffien,or the .Acss't,Dean ~ WQInen, Cam;r.us Extensions COLLEGE SwrnOHBOARD RE 2-'3301 ACiademy Hall 32 Admissions 20 A ""'~ V .-.1 OJJfice om 62 u~ ISU= ce }.uditO[ium 36 Bollier HOIUSe 28 Bookstore 57 Bursar's Offilce (Mr. (M:r. Her'ool) W~) 15 Bu1'SIaII"sOffice 35 Campus Sdhml (1st floor) 55 CampUis ScihIOOl(2nd floor) 54 Carpenter Shqp 34 Oelnltennial Hall OMice 52 C .1 en t enruatL i1.JlL, Hd ,es R id en t's Ap.t 53 H ~.1' ConJneauttee Hquse) 41 Cussewago HoUls'e 42 Dean af Ins1jruction 13 Ass't, to Dean of InI'JItruction 14 Dean of Men 22 Dean of Women's Oi1fice 17 LIbrary (2nd floor} ,.., , 58 Loveland Hall (Science Dept.) , 23 Lo~eland Ha~ (Art D~,) .;...,..,., 33 MJamtenance Dept. Office 26 Mead House , , 45 Normal Hail (Ground floor) .., 62 Norma 1 Ha11 ( 2IJ! d fl oor) 59 Placenlent Onnce , 30 PTesident's Home 51 President's Office ,..,..".. , ,.12 P:r~~ 'd ~'JJ" -,"' S Secre ta ry 11 Recitation HalJl ...,..., " 37 Reeder Hail... ,.. , ,. ., ,.",..21 Reeder Hali., Head Resident. , , , 21 Q'"-t e House 38 "'... "..""." ,., Storeroom :... , 25 Student PersonJnel Offlce 20 Tionesta House ,., , 46 Venango House.. , 47 WlhdJteHall (lISt floor) .,. 39 White Hall (2nd floor) ""...'" , , , 40 12 I : , 18 43 19 56 44 61 27 13 Edin Hall, Homemother Pay Phones Centeoolilal Haill Ea.st Hall. Ediil1 Hall H:aven Hall RE 2-5731 4. Always 'ance. h';It Flooor RE 2-9511 2nd ~ RE 2-9071 .' 3I'd Floor ".. RE 2-006.1, RE 2-9541 '..' ,c, ! ,, present a well-groomed appear- 5. Attend cla\Sses'and alssemJblies reguLar1!y. 6. Attend the chUiI'Chservices ~ yIour :fiat1!h. I 7. Plan for, and get el]giht lhIaurs of sleep every nigilt. RE 2-9411 1st Floor RE 2-9401 2nd E1loor RE 2~OO91 3rd Floor RE 2-9001 Heather Hall .Ground Floor RE 2-9031 1JstFl~r ,RE 2-!iJ531 2nd Floor RE 2-9()?11 Reeder Hall Ground Floor RE 2-9901 1Jst FJlc:N:Jr RE 2-9434 2nd FlOOr HE 2-0091 3rd Floor RE 2-0081 Studenlts should inform ~amily and friends of 8. Be 'care~ of your personallPropeDty. Laibel aU yjCJU:rproperty ,with YQUr name. The coll~ge reserves 'tihe I'ight to SUSlpendor dismiss airily student wthose mfluenlce or conduct is 1'e:: S/P1r~teve.ry stluden~ can acqUIre !the qula1.iof to- wards aJ1 otiher college stlude.Ilits, ,a respect tihe standards aJIJdtraditions of Illis schoo!, and a faJrniliarity witih ltihe things thlat cons1Jitute its own \Special tx1ademairk, i.e., itls cheern, its A1ma Mater and otIher sOiligs. In addition, the new student ,will Jearn tlnat he be!ongs not On];y to ltihe lfreSh.mJanIC]ass, ;bUjt to the ,college ~ a whole. . .C!lstoms Regulations 1. ~s aIrId SignS Imust be wIorn Monday tihru Frldaiy :f(I"Om8 a.m. ,ro 5.p.m., and on Satu~daj"s '~rom.8 a.'m. 1x>12 m 1Jhelafternoon. 2. D:mks and SI:glllSare not WTorn.QIl Su':1d.ars: 3. SlgDS must be 'w{)rn to lall e~enm&: actIVIties dIUIrmg 1Jhetwo /Weektgof orl~tio.n. ' 4. Freshmen must alwa~s car~ tihelr hand.b~, e.xc~t. to eveIJlIng la&'1rS' 5. OrlentatilOn willla.st !from September 7 Ithru the 20. Dinks and signs must be worn dJuring these It/wo weeks. 6. LeaJrn the scIhJoolsongs and cheers, especia~y the Almla lM!ater. 7. ~l;eshmen m~ art.tend 1aJ1lf(jOtball games, pep ralJJies, ,and Freshm~ TribUinal m~~t~S . Withdrawal Procedure g ill s. 8. FI'eSihmen must never walk on the ca:mpus 1Jawn. 9.Freshmen must greet upperc~assmen ,by tipping; their diriks and /by saying, "Good morruIl!g, good evening, ,etc." 10.Remember, you are nqw all memlbers of 11he EdliIDJ}jQroState Col1ege studenlb Withdrawals idE Men or. Dean int lalVeI'age ICJf Ion atcademlic pro- bation, is required to 'SIU'bmlitevidence Of jUISt for every absenice. Perm1ssiml to mlake ulp work lfirom ~]m a situdent 'was abse/Illt (until! tJhe crillical absence has occurred) Iwill Jbe 'glranted or denied at 1Jhe dis~tion of the instI1llc1isee. OMices and 1:1hone numlblem are ~ilsted in the front of the Handlbook.. ..The LIbrary Halmllton ILibl1al'Y ~ its d()()1" 110 welcome the students in the fail of 119&1,after a summer spent dn mQvinlg ~ 51tock land orgalnizinlg the new services. StI-ateg1i!dally 10date~ 1x>become 1Jhefucal point of tJhJe exIpaalding C'al!npus, it represents one of tlhe mrJre modern and functional ~ege libr;aries in PenIlsrylvania. The libra'ry was planned to hooole 1100,000 volurnes land I1\QW!has approximlately 66,000 volurnes. PlaIIIS laa-ealready Ibeing oonsidered ,jJor an addition wthIich I\I;1iII1 be needed tin tJhe iIleatr fultlure to house the Iprojected additiClIl of lO,~ated 1Joreduce tl'alfffic and attendanlt Mise. Facilities [provided on Itjhe fimt fldor alre: Cuil1relJit ~iks wlhlidhl~ave been definitely as23 signal to c}ass'es 'are [placed on shelves dlilrectly behilIJd 1Jhedesk 'and ,are kIJJ~ ~s the 'Reserve Books. SuJCJh boOks may be w1fJhd1'awn aIt 8:30 !p,m. and returned beIflore 9:00 a.m. the fullO\\'ing morning. (F1aiJiu!re ro (Jibservoe1Jhisrule /Will result in ,a fine of lOOnIcents per Ihou'r, 2. Bkis ndt on reser,ve buit !in dema:nd are termed "overIJJight books." 'l1hese may leave 1Jhe:tibralr,y at any time of djay or ovemigfht, ibut must be returned before 9:00 a.m. 1ihe fol]bwiJI1g da'Y Penaity ~or late 'return LS ten cents~per d~Y. 3. All 'books (,with !the foregOlinlg' e~ceptions) ma[Y be wi1!htdirawn lf1or itIwo weeks. A lf1iIneof two cents a day, wIiItJha 5 cent milJJimum, will be charged for bookJs kept over time. Encyclopediia volilIIins and dictionaries may not be taken from the 1ibl1aTY. 4. Magazines may be 'Wi1!hdra\wn fliO]n 1Ihe libr!ary subjec~ to ltihe salIne roles las (R;eserve ~. '5. No Istudenlt will be !issued grades or. cred" its until all Jiilbrarry o1j!igations lhIa'Ve'been settIed. .~Jry 6. N,o books may be removed tfrlCim the LIbrary e~cept by proper 'c~alt1ging lart Uhe desk by the libI1arian!in cl1Jacrge. AJrIryooe ~aking ~oks not ~erly cIhIa'1i~ged f11om tJhe ILibrary wiill be subJect to ~ fme of $5.00 for each ~~ and t:<>SUSlPen.sIonlfirom ~l~ Oo11~ge,aictivllties u.n~ill s~ch fllles are. pa.itl. C~ppjngs a~~ markIng bK>Oksand lPeII1iIodic~s IS 1PI1~ IhI1)Ited ..eIther 7. Alcoeptable dr.ess m tlhe libI1aJry for bo~h men land W'Offien lis 11he :sallne las !for ~JJa~s attendance. .' The follOWlJIXgh(JfUrs.MTillIbe.observed:. Monday throo'gh Flnday 8,.00 a.m,-9:00 p.m. Saturday,., ", """", 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. Sunday, , .." , , .., , ' ':' , ' 2:00 P.I?-4:00 p.m. .Health and infIrmary Serv~ce TIle college et;nlploys If?u: part-tllInJe nu:s~s and three part.,time PhySICIa,ns. An are ~rectly conCerl1l~ wi.th prom~ gjCiod '.rJhysic.al land meI1lt8ll health lamong college students. In 24 I I I , i .. ~d~tion to s~ce for .a di~nsary office, an lIlf1l'~'ary of nme beds IS avatlable for 1Ihecare of. mlllor illnesses and I1so1ation of istudents wIUh suspected comm~iclalble di1seases. Slurgif!al c~ses and tacutely ill students Other than 1;.'510IaltJ!()!l .oases 'Will be admjJtted onliy '!mtil they can pe bmnsferred to other neaI1by or home h!os!;Iltals. 4ctual .medicail carre is limited to the !pl'evention of .i11nessesand the emergency t!"eatment of medlical and surgicail conditions. Student~ Jiving on campus shiould immediate:y IIlOti~ the. ~llege nUiI'Se of lany dJ!lness .wihIdh reqU!1res J!n!fmmary 'care. Students livlIlg Qff-calInp~s but taking mea~ on eamptis whlo ~re so:ill ais to .Il'equire infirmarY' care shall Im'mediately lJdtJjJf!ytJhe housooo]ider and the Dean of IWI~men or Men or tJhe College Nurse of suclh iJlness. When in the dase of seriOus d!l1nessthe nur~e or college physlician believe arnJbu1~nce tl'ans~cl:11ation to the infilrmal'y Or from 1jhe infirmaJry to a neaJrby home or hospiltal is neces.. '. the c?llege wiil see that such transporbatIOIl is proVIded, but the expense must be borne by the student. .I?ay students, '\vho 'may be aJdmJijjiJed to the In~Irmary provided there lis space available, WI~ ,pay at tJhe i1ate Qf 1Jwudollars per da . ThIS rarte will belgin wi1ilJ Itlhe first day. 'Y .~tudents Iwill be 'rele;ased from the college l~lI1ffiary only by a SIgned statement £rom ,a resporu;dJble tmember df 'the family the family !IJhysi~ian, or the coHegJephYSi]cian: or nurse. Parrents willtbe notified by the college nUl1se of 1Jheillness KJifan;V student wIhio spends one or more ~, daiVs In the ~firmaIry. .Any student wIho wIshes Ito dIo so may eInlPlOy his 0 n ph~siciaJn !at his qwn eJqpeme. If it lis neC:S~ary 11Qiharve a IPI1escription ffiJIled Bit Uhe drug SItore, the ~tudent 'wiIl be Tespol]Slilble for the cost. A~ci~ent a~ medidal iooUlranJceon a group basIs IS available for aM stud~ tat 'a mini- 25 G " . UThUlmICiDS t and is aV'aiilable at ~e time of ti regisaon. the~elV'es Offtr -camPUs of an the d services daty students of themaJy 1:ihyslilcian avail Dinner Lun h c Breakfast. $125 85 60 KEYS and nurse. The college infil1ffi'ary 'will issue statements at illness fu students wtho\have !received weat- Keys for any dormitory rdQm ,are issued by the Bursar's ~ce !iJora five dollar !fee. Whenever. a key is loot, 1t should be repol"'ted im- ment in the dispensary. Numerous requests for excuses from classes mediately ,to the Bursatr's Office. If a dU2lioate is desired, iIt must 'be PUl'chased 1Jhrough for minor and trivial illness are not in the true spirit of the college. Persistent requests for such action may be sufficient means for the administration to request a complete reevaluation of the physical condition of the stu- the Bui'saJ:'S Office. Ail keys remain the property at the O>llIe'geand duplication of aI1\Y k~:>:e},1~t Iby tJOO CoLlege is expressly proMbited. BUS SERVICE dC'!1t, by his own physician, at his own exEdinboro js situlaJted on the 'malin bus line p?ns~, in order for the student to continue between Pittsbul'gih and Erie. Dwomg the day matriculatilm at this college, and evening the buses DUIll nor1Jh ~nd oouth ..N...rses Hours .aJ~r?ximaJtely every tw1o IhIDUl'S. S1Jude~s .N,.rses murs wijll be cPOsted at the begm~mg ~ trave~ east or west can ,make conmng of eaCih semester. DINING R~M. nt;CtIt-ns 1D .ErIe, Meadvtlle, Pittsb~l1gh. Smce :tIhe schedUles Franklin or laTe constant1,:Y iMeIaiLs 8!re;served !to boaTdmg students m ~e College dining room, [RossHlall. M;eal iIroUIl'5are: WEEKIDAYS cha~g, schedules can be clle<:ked by telepho=g RE 2-8651. BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Each stUidentis eJCpectl:!r of tile. Stude«1t Union ~ a renAlal basis or at the Edinboro post of!fLce at the rate of $.90 a quarter. back <;OV8rfor mqil address form.) BOARDING F ACiLITIIi1S A.ll do11Initory students laJre requliTed to take 1Jheir meals in the O&lege Dining Room. creased .enlro1ilment, 'Fre;shmen more resIdent stude;nts wIll not other priovision for tiledir meals. It is reoommended and they [will jjiII1d it gI1eatiy to Uheir advantage ,to board at the college. Hqwever, once a s1nJdent has elected to !take Ms meails in the Dining Room !he will lbe expected to 'contiIJJUedoing so !fo~ a fuil1 semester. CLOSING OF DORMITORIES DURING VACATIONS The follQW1Dg regulatms. ihave b;e~n devel?POO to control ~e tl'~Ifl.fI~ Cl)nd(i1jj,OI1S ..land 1~rove the ~arklng ~a'cilitiies. The,s~ regu:latIons apply 'alik~ to st~dentJs, adimij;fi]strators, faculty. :and nonlilnstroctiona\l perlSOIIIIlel. I. COLLEGE PARKING PERMrrS A. MJ. college persomIel who expeet to an;y tianeto drive to the college are re- Dornritories and tlhe Dining Hall 1wJi!H be clo~ed to a~ students durmg reguillar vacatiion p~-IIOlisas listed on tlhe College CalendJar and qujJred to re~er tIheir cla'rs by purc~asing parkling ~ckers on registI'amon day. Of;f-calnI\PUS studentl\!/have ltIhe c{hoiceof eat1IJIgin lfhe DiI11iIJIg iRiQOmor of lInalking some also during thle period SUInlmeI' ses,sions. between semeslte;s or All students will !be expected ,to leave dormii!t;()riesoot 'lJater tlhan 6:00 p.lm. on the }ast day ftrelceding a vacation period and slhould not return betflore 2:00 1P.lm. 1Jhe da;y preceding re..openmg of sc{hool. E~ceptions tX>1JhisnJile mJay be granlted by the Dean of Men or Dean of Women in unusUial circlmls~ances. Alil undergJraduJatestudents wiUh the excepmon of Jlunior Aides, cIhoir ~embers and iStudent employees wihiOse 'selWiceswill be needed willI be ex.pectedto learvedbrmitories not JJa~ ~ha~ 24 hours aifiter the lIast sclheduled examillatIon of the ~riinlg semeslter. COLLEGE UNION 11l1e1001legJe Union provides a sna,ckIbar 'and recreational ~alcil!ities for tJhe entire studeilt body a~ fac.li1ty. 'llhe Umon is a non-profilt cor1X)l'atisSIIble ~ i~artiail, ~lS ajppli~ to .all jpeI1sdnnel. B. Pen~lties loz: ViOl!~tlon, " ol~,. All student's "' tedt -~.;[ A .? N par k mg '~" U permlu a ""'l-! time: ' 1. In areas marked "ViSjjtors," 2. On the serVlice drives t() Reeder HJaR Student Union anctotlier college' ,buildings. .1. On any }awn area. 4. Ln drivev.1a:\-"s of college owned boUJSes. 5. No student classes.,be ,pet1Initted C. will D=ense -' be turned Ed uca t i on over Act DailyBulletin. To aid in the ~emination ef general mfOl'maltiilOn O!f interest to al;l Clollege $dents conceming college aotivilties a Daily Bul!letin is mimeogl'alI:ihed and distributed tIhroughout 1JheIcollege. " &oould wihich are be prepared to appear in ,written m tIhe Bulletin form, silgned by the wrilter, and \Pl"esented not later 1Jhan1:00 p-m. of tJhe dJay IPriJor to the dia-te ~ey ~re to ~ar. These notices ma;y be d~ed m the "Daily Bulletin" recetptacle provided fQr them in the PresideIlit's ,Office iIIl Norffi1al Hall. Scheduling Social Activities To avoid conflict it ha.s Ibeen necessary !Ix> hlave one centrol oIMice wlhere all social events can be SiChedlUled.'llhIis sclleduWg is done in the office of tIhe Secretary to the O>llege PTesddent Iwlhere IfiQm]Jscan be obtained. Requests IffiJUStbe SlUibmlitted ilk>t~e President's secretary 'alt Lleast ~ weekis prIOr to the date requested t&>r 'the social event. , No social event in wllnch womoo ~e mvolved mla~ be sdhieduled until all the necessa!l"Y requir~ents have been !for chlaperk>nes, hoUll"s, etc. ffilet and approval 1Jhe 1?~an of Women !has been 1jI1.e given. Beflore ~Iadvertiismg eventiJIllg actiwty, it is l!leCessary to h'ave tnle adtWity reoorded on the Social!. CaLendJa~, 'The SclheduliIllg OQmmjjttee seeks to ma~tain ~ well-bailianCed and satis~actory saC1!al program Permiooion for ~dheduling an eveilit may be .denied when 1!i1egeneral SocijJal Calenda'r or the Callend~ ~ a particuillar orga.nseems over-crowded, or when the mam.81 ! tenance of higjh aoodemJic sl1andJalI'dsin tJhe college would ,seem to discourage the activirtly in question. ;7)':;: "',!rj'~' [3:J U"",i ,',,;,1(!'" .,j i.[);:'"!'~ ;;"",'...',ii,,;:,'l , Approval of rooms for meeting and lactivity purposes is adminisJtered fJh!l"OUIg1h tJhe Dean of InstrucUion's Ofifice. The ~acl thlat an event is schoouled in tJhe calendatr of 1Jh1shandbook does not excuse the evem tram the ,scheduling procedure outlined here. ~;,;'! STUDENT REGULATIONS 'c,. 32 -33 REGULATIONS FOR WOMEN Section 1. -Women's Hours 1. Regular Permissions: A. Reglillax /hours shall be observed 1Jhority. II..General Provisions: A. Whenever a w=an pears on 1Jhe Dean by bQ1Jh on-o~ land ojf-oaJrnIpuswo.men students aCicording to h fIolloWlIIIg schedule: Late Minutes:. Women ~ents 2. Women students ,may ~ leave their 'Until 6:00 a.m. 3. A studeIJitmlruy"'IPendFriday 'and Saturday nigihts in a room other 1JhJan her providing s:hecr-egistersIller iritention in W1!1iting with the Dean ()ifWorn" en or her lagent. 2. -GUESTS 1. Men Students in Women's Residences: A. Men srtuden~ must not visd.tin women's dormiltories lbefore 3 p.m. Men studlentts 1Jhe re~n the sibility Of disciplining ihen1selves .When 34 wOmen residents maly stay kJJ yj;sitors JIOunges in acoordance wdth the women's ~urly tardy. If a student ac~altes '10 late minutes ,she ~d confine herself to her residence for 1Jhreenights. For each Iaddi1Jilor]aldJilVeminutes she SbduI!i add one ni.g!ht. She m8;Y not. ~t with any male stud~ts durIng ~ it1ffie. If. an emergency 'arilses de~a~g her 'a:l'(['lval at her place Of residence, t!hIe &1;lident shlQu!1d call and so notiIfy someone m au. apJiist the Dean of Women in an amount at le~t to correS1fX)nd propol'tionately to hours of 'wwk reported as umatisfactory. B. Permlissioms for 'aJbsences IfliQm residences are granted as follows': 1.Women s.tudenJ1Js are eJOpectedto aJctin laccoroalnce will1h the parreIlltal permissioll s~s whliC'h the Dean 0If Women receives before ~e student aJrrives as a freshmlan. Before leaving thie campus for overniglht, the studen~ mulst SIign out on the provided slips aInd upon returning, sign in. -visiting will have student's name Instruction's of studen~ doog UJIliS/8Jtis:flaQtory Wbrik, i.e., wlQrk 'below ~andard, !her (permis,sions may be curtailed or withwalwn by Mlonday througih Thursday ]lreShnnen -9:30 Sojphomores -10:00 Juiliiors -.10:30 Seniors -11:00 All Women Students Friday -1!1:00 Saturday -12:ro Sunday -10:00 B. Late PeIl'1mIiIssions: ,. .,. ." Exceptions may be gralnted by the Dean of lWomen or her agenlt. EACH SEMEETER: :Flreshmen -Two ~:30 pers Ifor FLl"iday nigjht. 1lWK>11:00 [)eiI"s for Saturday night. .resid~ces Sophomores -Three 12:30 pers for Frlooy night. Three 1:00 Ipers ~or SaJturdiay mg'ht. .own Juniors -FOUIr 12:00 pel'S ~ FrldIaIY night. FOUIr 11:00 pel1S for SiatUif'day night. .Section Seniors -Firve tt2:30 pers far Frld~ nd.giht.Five .1:00 pers !for Saturday night. of regulations. B. Men and women gJUesiEmust 'alwa;}"S COndUiCt1JhemJselvesin ac'cardalnce wi1Jh aol!epted standards of e1Jhics. Violati~ ofsucll1 standa!rds willI result in woman's loss of privileges. II. Women Students may not visit men's residences. Section 3. -LOCKING OF DOORS All doors .are locked by the nlilglht iWlatdhmlaal: 35 co - East Hall -9:30 and Reeder Hall ~! ~.o:OO: Heather Hall -10:30 land Haven Hal!l at 11:00 p.m. Monday through ThWsday. Friday night dool1S aTe locked lat :111:00,Sa.turday at 12:30, aM Sunday at 10:00. Women students havilng late permJi!ssions will be ladmitted at the time for wihich their {permission ~as been granted. Section 4. -PARENTS' PERMI~ION Written permissions for 'women students by parents are required for: (1) Swimming 'in off-OaIJlJPUSaJreas (2) Canoeing and tidalting (3) Skamg (4) Riding in automo1)i1es /5) Visiting 'aJWaylfu"am home or college. Such permissIion.c; are SUlbject 00 fiIllal proval by the Dea!l1 of Women. FOl1ms will apbe sent to parents fur recording their ;permission. BecaUISe of the danger of accide~, permjssiloll of parents must be ,gvanted lbefure students may ride in automo1)i1es. A WOIn'aJnsfudeJn/tlis nIot permitted to leave for home afiter an evening (X)llege fWlCtion of any kind except by special written jpermisslion of her pareIlhs, which must be in the Dean of Women's office ~ days before the event. Section 5. -DORMITORY MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS 1 Rooms .Assignment to ;rooms is made by thie office of Student PerSOImel SelIwices. Keys aire pr()cured from the OfBice of the Bursar. JRooms must be kept clean and readJ,yfor inspection at all times. 'Dacks, scotclh 1Ia~ or nali1s in walls aire not permitted. The electric wiring is Iwt the tyjpe fQr !heating appllaInCes; therefore, electrlc irt)ns and hot IPlalt.esaxe not !Permitted. StUJdeDts~re lresl()()nsILble!for the tidiness ()f 1heir own rooms, The college mJalilrltains the ri,g'ht to :have IPerioddc IiOom inSlpection. Disciplinary action will be taken agaioot those stJudent..c;:wiho are lfowId 1):) be consistently 36 "'~-.;; 'T ". negligent. 2. Smoking Fire !regulations land 1!he protection of life and property requlilre that 5,tudents do [1J()t smoke in their ;rooms lor el$lelwhere in the co!llege buikidngs except wthere spectal rprovisdions are made ,by tJhe college. ThdtuTe /to ~p)y mlary cause disciplinary aCition to be taken. Womlen student.'> who smoke mJUst supply themselves IWi1h cefiamic or metal ashtrays. 3. Absence from Campus Befure leaving her ~eSji:lence ~aill after 7:00 p.m.. la student is !required! to reg1ilSter !her namle, destination, escort, time leaNing, 'aald e~ted time qf ["eturn on tlle forms provided 'at the desks !in her c~us resideruce. This ",hould be dooe l:iOrougl\ of EdiIliboro if a student is lea'vi:nlg 1Jhe 'anytime during the day. 4. Quiet Hours Night qUiet hours are mum 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Piarros must I1Qtbe /plaJYedduring these hours. Radios ,and /record 'pla~rs may \be pJiaryed at an;y time. provided rthat they aJI'e tu.ned so they cannot be hea'I'd QU/tside the room. 5. Callers and Guests (Ia) Gues.ts for ovel1!light or for tlhe dill.ing rKjom Sh.<:IUJd be introoU/ced upon arrival to tIh~ Dean of Women. Students nlay have overnigthit guesf6 i.n the dormi.tory 1:mJlY'. over w~eken~, except In very ~eclal oases iIf ISlPacelIS aV'alila!ble.. Overni~t guests nwst ,register on OaJI:{lS proVIded by the J?ean of 'YOIn,en or her ~gent. Chalr'ge for overn1l1ght~gmg IS $1.50 per person. Arralngement6 .for linen mlust be made lbefore .1Jheg1Uest'arnves. . It IS .undel1SltoOO.that g1I;IestsWl!il tfollQW the rreguiLa'tioD5.g?,:ernmg hIT .ho~tess aJnd ~at tjIle TesponSilb!lllty of acguaIntlng glUest Wl!th tlhesle regu1ations resl1s /WLthtlhe ~stess. (b) Fathers and other m:aJS~e gu,eSf6 of wome,n students Irnu~t be elnltertamed In the d!:JrmMry Jbbby. This does not aPlJily to the first day of the college year. 37 (c) 'llhe 'rlesidence 'hall is ClOSe(! to guests 'at 10:00 IP.m. daily, 11:00 p.m. Frida:y, ,8Ind 12:30 a.m. SatllI-ct:ay... (d) On the evenmlg ()(f all-college functions such as l~ctures, giames, movies, etc., whiclh last beyond ~e ih!ClUiI'S listed in I-A, alll s1Judents mUls.t re:PO!l't ill not J!ater ltJhan one-lha~ ~our after the c]Jose of the it!uncttiion. 6. Off-campus Regulations All studell1J1ls living ou~side the dormitories must hlave the a(~oval of the of~1ce \Of Student Personnel! Services !for such residence 00less they 'aiI1eliving in fueilr own !homes. The HJQusing Committee bias 'a list of tl:le residences whiClh biarve been ofific;ia~y des,igDated as Approved Houses. Pett"mlsSD.on to lIve in tilIese h.oIm~s is 1]ot 'automatilca~y gI1anted. However. as In .1Jhecase of any o1Jher offcamiPUIsarI1angement, individUial arrangements are only tempoI'aTy untiil fue applicQltion blanks 'are receilVed, alWroved, and filed by the Housin'g ComJffiittee. W(jInen stude:nts livinlg in Edinooro 1mhomes otiher than theI: own alre. expected to follow 11heroles applY'lJIlJgtJo resIdents on c~mptrs. ~el'ffiission IOrdilnJarily granted by 1JheAsBi:>cijitjon of Women Students may be granted by the ]andlady. 7. Drinking No aLcoholic beverages mlay !be fbroughlt on the oampus or into ~f-calIJ1[~s ~ouses. Any woman wlho retu!ms to 1Jhe'~aJmpus under the influence of liqJUior wi!ll be summaI1j!J~ suspended. ~rson!s 'wlbJo wo]aite this lI'egulaltion may be ,subject to sUlS!Pel1sion(:.' dismiss'atl. 8. Personal Property Neither the college nor the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is liable for students' personal property. The college recommends that students secure a it)erson~ !PI'qperty poliCy covering clothing aDd viaJuable items. REGULATIONS FOR MEN STUDENTS Men'~ regUllations alre Controlled by the Men's Council, ltIhe Detan of Men, tJhe Director 38 of Student Personnel SerVlices, aM the I'Iresident of the College. The Council consism of three represen!Jamves from Centennial Hall, three 1rom the off-OOIm1Pus men, and tJhree from the men commuters. It is 'primarly insisted ,tlJIat all men condwct 1JhIeIru~elves as gentlemen am iIn keeping wi1Jh 1Jheaccepted standards of glacxi t~te. 1. Men are expected 1x>dress appropria,te!y for all occasions. Even for 1Jhe most informjal aIIld casual IOcOalsions, c1othing shall be clean and nea:t. (a) Jeans levis sweat shirts aIIJd T-shirts are no't co~dered appropriate ~ 1Jhe dinilnlg room, land men 'be refused admission. ISO lattired 'will (b) For J1Jhe evening meal ealch mIan .~ll wear a whlite tie ' witiJ. .sII:J()rt e'Qa.tand slacksshirt or 'and la, suit. (c) Students visiting IhhIe OamtPUs Scihool should dress as future lteaclhers. Men will ther~ore wear suits and ties. 2. All m~ are expe~ted to be COQperatirvein l1espelCftto the wkJImen's regWooons. They l8jre not \permitted 1x>vi silt in W1amen's doI'ffiitorn~ before 31P.m. Women's male 'glUests are extpected to be S!Uitably dressed. 3.Alfter 10: 00 p.m. tlhe viciJnlity of tihIe seven women's residences on Meadvliille Street is strictly out-af-!bounds JJor men s,tudent.'). Men :wlho are escorting cr-esiden,ts Qf these ihjqUses may acCOffi\pany the young lady to the door of the hIOUISe after tJl1Iishour, but mUlSJt then leave immediately. 4. No alcoholic beverages may be brought on the campus or to any off-campus housing. PeI1Sonswho violate ithis Iregulation ,are subj~ct tJo 11he severest oosciplinary Inieasures. 5. Any man who r~turns to th~ campus or off-campus housing under the influence of liquor will b'e summarily suspended. 6. Any ,man who Clondu~ts:rumself in public, 39 r on or off tihe rOaiInpUlS,in la walY that re- 7. 8, 9. 10. fJ.ec~ ~rly OIl. the dolliege is subjedt to dlisclIPlinary aCtion. Dormitory quiet bKJIJIrsaIre from 8:00 !p.m. to 7:00 a.m. On SaturdaLYs, 'however, quiet hours /begin 'at midnighit and extend ,to 9:00 a.m. Sunda;y. DUlring quiiet houI1s 'men are eJCJpectedto enter and leaVie the building making tihe least noise possilile. Resident Assistants will see that this rule is enforced. No ,musical ,instruments are \to be pJ!ayed in the d~mitories at any time. Radios, phonographs and tape recorders may lbe played in the IrtxJlm ,pvowded room-in mates do not object, but volume must be kept low enOUg1hto prevenit tihe instrument from being helaJrduu'llSildethie room. Men who show lack of consideration for others in this respect rnay be prohibited by the head resident frorn playing their rnachines at all. Men.l!1~'J" have ~g1ht-~ests pIiwiding facilities a;re IaVialilable and tihe approval of the Head Resident ha,s Ib~ obtalined. Gu~s must be rei!gSitered. The t~tent lodging fee of $1.50 will be paid to t'he !Business Office. All !men are expected 1.0 ~l"Iate jn ~~ing halls and ,wa'S'hrooms clean and ~n ordelr. Plaper and refuse ate to be put III trash ca~. A,fter ~ing a, mvatory, every ~~ IS expeic,ted.~ wi!pe !it out land leave 1~ In tJh~ ~'UiJon l!l wlhdch he /Wk)u1d 1.ike !to !find to IllS4: it 11 Ea , .'ch .!mlan it if he were ...w IS TesIponSl'.lble. to: ~e tihe next tid~ess mitory rooms. Special OUItlets for use of electric kons IWilI /be fOUnd in 1JhIebasement of CentenniaJ Hlall. 13. Men w(ho smoke ,must provdde themselves ,with metal or cea1almicashtrays. 14. F'()Od may nKJtbe kept in dioo-mitory I1OOmS unless stored m metal boXles. Kieeping bottles on window sills is ~ot !permitted. 15 Every dOl'Indtory resident is eJtPecied to have a key !to 'his !roOm. Roorns should be kept locked whenever residents are out. Keys are to be obtained jjrom the OffJice of the Bursrar. 16. Any rnan having a grade of less than "C" any subject will be expected to be in his roorn studying, Monday through Friday, during evening quiet hours. 17. The ReSidel1lt AssistaJnts assigned to Centenmllila,lHall rrepresenlt fue President of the College, and all dormitoJ.'y residents are eJOpected to ,give them tiheir cooperaltJion. 18. The f.ire mPni1lo.r on each floor of Centennllal Hall wrlI make Siure tihlat every rnJ~n obeys the !fire rules during a fire drill. 19. The College nor the Cornmonwealth of Pennsylvania is liable for student's personal property. 'Dhe college recommends tha~ stud~'lo; .secure a .lPersonallPro!perty 'P°llcy oovenng clothmg and V'a'luable Items. REGULATIONS FOR OFFCAMPUS STUDENTS 1. Stud~ ,,b. d a i e 1Jhat apply living by to off-campus "" U11e same students are expected CKJllege reg1lilations ldYing on campus. of his own room. Periodic InSpectiOns ~1I be rnade. and ~en found to be consls~ntlY negligent will be asked to rnove off campu.s ~uarters. 12. Be~ause CIL.!fire Ihazards, tlhe use of elec~cal a~lialnces dtiher tihan. d1"y-s.i1Javers aInd radioS' Cal!lI]ot be ;peI1m1tted In dm- They have representatives in tihe Student Council wiho help ad 'Vise ~d se1rtfleprob.le~ pertaining to ItII1eK>ff-calInlPUsgroup. 2. Lockers for day students are a~ailable in the basement of NorInJa'l HaLl 3. Students rooming OIff-camjpus '~re eJCJpected 110 show consideratiPn 1ior and to co- 40 41 , ,. operate tlhePlaJIttilouiJlarly peo~le in whose they 'arewith glUeslts. they ihomes shOuld be as quiet as ~si!bJle if they enter late or stay Ujp aJft~ the o1Jherinmates of ,1Jhe Ihousehave retired. They sIhIouldlintroduce 1. Close the windows. 2. Turn on lig1hts. no guests ~~aut 11he householder's ex/PI"ess perInlSSiK)n. They carefu,l not roo leave illigihlts on, SIhould water be l'U[IJ1ing, 4. Carry smioke doors or windows needlessly open. They slhould not tu!I"non ,1Jhe Ihouseihk>lder's rtele- 5. Close door to room. 3. Put on coat and baIrd~ole shoes. tqwel (rJUt over fa'ce in ca-se of .) 'Vision or radio set lmless invlited to do so. They ~ not ra'buse telephiooe privileges land sihouJd be p~t in making payment fur long distance calls. They 6. Proceed in single file to nea,rest fiJre exit. Keep rigihJt in the halls and on stairs. Walk swiftly but DO NOT RUN OR PUSH. !should cooperate in keeping 1Jheilrrooms clean and in order. They should nJotexpect kitclhen IPrivi!l~ges. 4. All students w!ho acre not livling in the . 7. ~f you are not IInyour ,rOOm. wlhen a1arm ~mgs, .go 1)0the nearest eX1lt(your own if feasIble). dOI'mii1JQl;"ies may study or :e~ax in the students daylI'oom, ~cated m the basement of Normal Hall, /Whenever 1Jheydo not 'have a oJialsSduring the da\)'. 'I1his 8. After leaving building, stay in immedi'ate vicinity of 1Jhe!fire exit 'and at least 100 feet away from 1JhebuJiilding. rRemain quiet. room is open dailJY!from 7:30 la.ro. to 6:00 'p.m. and 'Saturdays .firom 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Day rstudents m1ay use the room 1J!) study, lreJIa!X, and eat their lunclhes. The \9tudentsQJJsmg thrlISrdCimare eXPE;ctedto keep it free £rom. liItter and refram ]rom conduct that mjJg1Iltpro~ distU[ObjIng 00 others." The ;parlors of Haven HaR ;are open to all women studeIJits.Moo aV'ai!JIaible for use tis the 9. Do not Iretul1Il to your room until 1Jhe signal is 'given -then dk) so immediately ,and quietly. II Miscellaneous: I.Fire escapes aTe to ,be used ()nly for fire drills or in case of actual me. Social Room in the lbaJSement of Haven Hall, wthich is ~n dUiI'ing 1jhe regu:llar dorrnJitory 2. Nio clo1Jhing other ~an 1Jhat specified must be put on or taJken from room. /hours. ..notify DORMITORY FIRE REGULATIONS for 'thoajptam. e ni -"h" 3. If .0;'"'" leavm theg floor FIre drills are held 'at LleastKmcela mont.'1. S tu"'~n uc..ts ~ ust All 'students ,mUJst participate, and greatest care must be taken to .see ltf11ateveryone follows orders iilmplicitl'Y. The dbject is 1J!)get all students out (jf the !buildings safely. Speed is 4. The fire (jbIief or college ofifioial will sound the 'a1arm 'for fJiJredirilli. In case of a real f~re, the person neaJrest the ,aO!ai!1In box 'shiouid 'give the signal. imperative. 5. Specific (. Sil~e is. necessary. Fire Drill Prooedure When fire alarm rings: ..42 ...,.. instructions t e pos ed lJ!lr~c..ve b 43 on evacuation undings. . b will STUDENT GOVERNMENT Student-Faculty Council Officers President Lee Boyer Vice President... Jerry Dilly Secretary. Sally Dennds Treasurer. Mr.. Curtas Ickes Advisor. Dr. WilliJam Cornell The St1udent-Faaulty OOUIllcil considers 'and enacts mudh legisJlation in cODiI1ecticm rwi1Jh caiInjpus problems. An iInlPortant lfu~tIion is the budgeting of 1JheStudent-Activitry Fund. The O ltJa'keover increasmg1lY 11heres!PQnsilbiility :for organizing aInd dir,ectiIJig !piUre. ly student a~atirs, to cooperaite with 1JheprQpel' college a,utJhorities m ma,tters of student wel- fare, and to seek constant1y to make the college a be1rtJera'gelllCY for developing 44 1Jhird Wedne!sda)yS ill 1JheStudenlt CoImIcil RJoom. CoW1lcil members are elected. by 1Jhestudent ~ .and Ifaoul~yl.and ~erve for. two s.elII1looters. MemberShip m this ~roup IS cons[dered ...,~-~a very lJdIgJIl ""1"-'1.. 45 e.t1fec- tive citizens. ARTICLE ru MembeI1~P. The memibel1Ship of 1JhdsCo-qperaltive Government shall corusi!stof lall ~tudents, Ja]l fa'cu1ty mernlbel'S, and the Presidloot 'ill ltJheCo}lege. ARTICLE IV Function All stude!l!t aJlJdstudent~aJoult;y organizations are subject to the CauIIJIcill. land ~ tJhe awroval of tih~ President of the College. ARTI1CLE V Membei1shlip, Election, Offi;cers of rtJhe:~cil SECTION 1. 'l1he Student--Faau]ty Coun'oill. ~aJD. be oorI:llPosedof 1Ihe Ifollowing: (a) One Irepresentative ~ each lI.OO!Women on Ciam\pllS,or a fraction of \1-3rd .or I.DiOretheror, aPPCJ'rtbcmedIaIlnQnJgtihe ~Itb:ies by 'Uhie Women'ls Dormdtorty Council but m suclh a !mlaIJjrJR;r that if pCJsSible, eaf(PIresident df 1J!tt:; '~UII1ro cU. In addlitlion any Jun1or may be e11JgJlble for thjs lOiffice tf .'a peti1Jion stg1IlOOby eigjhty stutlen~, excluding preseDJt membeI1s, df the Student Council. A canlliaite Who dJid nIot with~ dII1aw fi:om lbeing ~ced on a simIilar petiltjion, !reque5'hng 1ftJIathis JlJaime bi:! p~aced on the ballQt,. be presented to tlhe SecreijaJry of 1Jhe Council art least sevenJt;y-two hours ibe:flare the 47 primary, wlhdich \Win !be conducted nIO later than December 5. In the IPrirmary after tihe result.s have been tabulated, 1Jhetwo tQp candidates ~ hereby be declat-ed candidates for 1JhedMice K)f President of 1JheCounIcil. In the event th~t any candidlalte W'ithdmws from tlhe geJJ£lral election, 1Jheruune Q[ 1Jhe cSindidJalte wi1Jb the neXlt WgjI1est number of votes in the prjJmJa~ slhall be ~ced Ion the Iballot. In c~se no candidate O!' only one candidJate remain in the geneI'al election, the Student CounIcil Shall c;c1!1duct-a new /primary, the d'ate of which will be deteTmined by the Councd!! and a~ those w!hose llalmes have t1he filrst ~]eotJion slhall be considered a candidate in fue seoon:d election. At the fi11st student assembly after Christmas Vlacation, tlhere shall be a meeting in whiclh tlhe two candidates willlPresent l1Jheir~liaI1Jsor ~aa15 reglarding 1JheS1Judent-Thlculty ~a1JiiveOovernlment. One week !following the ~ches the s,tudents shall elect h PreslidelJlt of. fJ!Ic Counc.il 'by ballot. The candidate recelvrng the IIYghest number Qf votes cast shail1 hereb;v !be ,elected. The PreSiident-elect ,shialll I mary for tlhe ofif]ce of Vice-PrE3Sident, who is to be a so~re at l1Jhetilme of election, and SecretaI1Y, w!ho mlay be airily class membelr, ~~1l be made by la. committee of 1Jhr.eeapPOinted by the Plresldenlt Of tlhe Council. For .eac'~ of the Ia{bCJVe offices at l~:-t four nomma1Jions shall be mlade. Any e11lglble memlber of the student body may have Iblis IJ/almeplaced on the bal1Qt prCJViding he Ms a sligned petition QP eig\hJty names. These nalmes ~t exclude pres.ent members (jf tlhe Student Council and aIlso tlhose 'WiI1Iqsenamles biave been pJiaced IGala simil~!l" petition. This :petition /must be presented to 1j!ie Sec!l"eta~ of ltihe OClUncil sit least severuty~two hoUirs be£ore tihe Ip~laTy. ARTIOLE VI Duties of the ~uncil SECTION 1. To lini1ljJate,orgtanize, and direct in ~ation with 1Jhefaculty, a social and eduC'ational IProgram for ~ entire studeIJlt body. SECT])ON 2. To integlr'ate, impr;ove, and 00pervise the orgiaIJlization and aictJivities of aU students alnd student.JJaWilty groups. tlhen ~1tt.eI1d JaIl meetiIigs I~ a l}I()I}:otin~ mem~ until hIS t~ of off1ce beg~ With tJ1e first r,egular meeltin& Of the Oounclill alfte~ tihe SECTION 3. To act luJX>n wbmitted reques1lo; for the ~an!ization of any new student or student-faClultiy groups. second semester beglOO; The fOI1mer Presld.ent Shall alttend all me.etings as a ~on-VIOtiIJIg member of fue Council fur tlhe dfU'J:atimmiittee, HandIbOOk and ~u'blicity Comm~ttee. Also, alny tem!IX)rary comJnljttees deemed nece~aJry. These committees m3.'Y coo.pem~ witlh lPurely facUilty commiJtt~ fur tale same purpqse and shall have at least bee meInJberS (s.tudenit and faculty). S1Iudent members ro these comlmittees s'hall be appQi/IIIted by tJ1ePresident of the Council with t1he ~prtJvall of the College. FaJOU!llty members of ~ ctJanmittees Shall be appointed !by the President of the College. SECTION 5. To ~aIte wi1h the College President, The TI1UIStees,or Sk)InePlioperly del- .48 49 egtatec:tau1Jhorityllin 1Jheassessment, collection .. land control of any student A~v~ Fee or oth~ er :fees, or d!1es that ,1Jhestuden~, ~ ~e rec?m.mendation of the Oounci, ma~ agree by '~~Or:Ity vote t? lassess or \pay to ~J11ovidefor ac Vlt.es, agencIes aII1d w,elfJare not adequ,alt.ely :upponted by 1thIestate provided ,1JhJat the &aid ~~ qr dues are /approved by djhe Presidellit 0 e ~llege and BdaJrd ()f Trustees, or other o~ tile Budget ~ttee of ~e Studient Counctl all. ~ds beloogmg to or C:Ollected by these orgaI!!1Zations shall !be deposIted uwn ,a request of rtJheOqUl!]cil in am disburses 1JhrO\lgh a gene..T1a1 fund of wfhIidh a faJculty mlemJber (or members) shaH be treaSUTer. This treasurer (or treasurel1s') is to be appointed by 1Jhe ~;:es~dent of Ithe Cthe Board of 'Directors df SUicha 191Iudentservices orgaJnization Inlay deem desiraJble for ~tudent weJlflazre. The affmrs !for this ovgalI1izatilon sihall be governed and controlled by a Hoare Of Directors numbers seven (7) lPeqple: One memlber of 1Ih~1Boalrd of 11I1Uistees of ltihe College at the time he is appointed who gball be appointed by the ~sident of ~e Board ~If Trustees. Three members Ifrom 1Jhefaculty or ladminis' tration's personnel wtho LSlhallibe 'aP1'pinted by the Pres-ident of 1ihe College. Three memlbers of fue studeIJit body who shaill !be appointed by thc President of the Stuklent A:ssociaitibn. , ..' ARTICLE X Ratificaltion and Amendments SECTION 1. 'l1hJis'cOI1!s,titutjJQn ShlaJllgo mtJo e~fect as soon as !I'atified by the approval of 1JhePresident of the College and by two"i1ihirds wte of those present at 1Jhe meetiIJIg !for this pUJIjpose. SECI'ION 2. Thi.; oonstitution mJa~ be lamended or revised by a majority wte of 1Jhe entilre studeIit bK)cly and 1Jhefaloolty PfOV'ided fuat said amendments or revisrlJOnmst be submitted in writing to 1JheCouncil and the Pr~ident of 1JheCollege, approved ,by 1Jhem, and then posted for two weeks. STUDENT -FACULTY Budget Tom Steiner, Chamnan ."'.,,. Pete Machuga EdttJor of Spectator, , JeITY Dille~ MJr. Curtis Ickes. , , , ., , ...Dr. William Cornell Assembly Judy Ja'ck "'..'..."".".'. Ronald Simmons furothy Ooosky .,,'...,,'..., Wmiam Ro~chY Franc~ Dr. William Johnson,..,... Alexander, ...Obarrles Ohai['Inan GlendiIming 52 :' STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS COMMITTEES 1963 Dr. Dwayne Thompson \ I , y' ¥:l-.r~ ~,' .'.'.'::.'.' ~2. -.. '100'53 .,.., " .. sor . Adw co; eac er p.m. 7:00 at month h 55 ""~4 of y Monda first the on held are Meetings ,,~"~ Tre 185 y- ' Secret' Hotdhk. Sally ' ~. grou both from DaIs VIce-President '.. '.' Miller Joan jour- the chiefly literature receives and NEA PreSl'den,t :. Roschy Willlaim and PSEA with aff1iliated aUitomatfically .is Payne R~Y!ll~ member Each stude11lts. all ,to open IS bership ooms .s c ()n coaper~ion among Comm commumcation and Me~tngS are held in th:er~uter R fession. ' The. E~inboro Chapter, Student PSEA ~em pro- a as teoching of recognlition true about activities, ~ grea~m encourage to and bring help to us and pi'QfesSlon, reaching par- encour8Jge 0 .e, Commuteif, by ticIpauon the enter!; to pI".' ~ose among attltw;ie between Colle~~rncanon the and ~~ters profes,Stonal ~.a: ~ W'~ demooracy; a in. effect to .~; p con of system b~tel. a pub~c,educf(biOn f~ role_Qt;. the conoemmg ers effect;ing of m=\ comnwe ,their by solutIOns .te~- amol]g,fut~ int~rest ~ter to. teachers; to 18. orgaI1l1zation eIfeoti~the more a dev~p future an,d teachers among \lroty. greater velop the of. regula.tion. .e of pUJI'POse The Cdllege. de- to education; of fIelds van°':lS ill tumtles that ~omes, o:n i~eIr under not h~l]g IS o!ppo~ at;>out ~ation W1th. w;ochers. futu;r.e those of up made IS. in reside who ~tudents. proVide to ..lea~rs~p; Cultl,:ate. to ucatJloo; CLUB R;S Club Commuters The ~- of fdeld ~e with <:oI1tact closer stud~ts ar7'1Son COMMUTE give to are: PSEA Studei\lt of purpc~s .The H James --Mr. AdviSO\r l."~. com- ,ee men muwng .'" men for resJUences ff- f:rom tJh1l.ee .~ A "T;t;' of branch a IS PSEA The ' fur nd a men campus 0 .: E~l Unda Secretm-y representatives :~ ~ P cam .the of each from Johnson ldnda , President. ~ of consists Co~l The , .c, func- SOClal ng nOns. ... .S.E.A. P Studeftt l'e~uJations t?e ~r~l~ men the c.oncernin,g ORGANIZATION'S the as acts ~udents in f: body advisory HONORARY ~D PROFE$S:IONAL STUDENT STUDENTS MEN fO~ 'l11~s~~~~~~N "! study. of course some of Nancy Miss an e Carlson etlhat as great'; pel;hai>&?'& is college in .tiv~ties d ck P Ruth -Mrs. Advisors ac- inll\:lese participation of value edooational at WedIOesday 4tl1 and 7:00. the $~r, club a beCOmes never graduate a ents. s 2nd time: Mee'j;!ng if E,ven activltJies. stJud~ Of promotion era! from and by el~ wom~ of body en~l1'e the gel!' .the ~nd keep~,. ~ l.aw, liaiIIlenirI8TY ex- The women. p~ will .committee ecutive paJr- discussion, ~ ltechniqu.es the with f.amiliar treas- and pres~doot 'orf-c~ relPresenting urer. aoo octlVIties certain to accustomed becomes donn each ~ and house C8JInpUS and .college ~ s~del"ht. every that important very lS preSlident, a t}are treasurer and captain, fIre it ~ore, groups. other and .clubs s;po!1sof chai~an. coun%Jblica,ty tlie on lllClu.ded ~lso, to expected be wjJ.l graduate the msbaoces chailman, SO.O1. and' treasurer secretaJry, some In activities. sciJOOl. and lJife ?Ommunlity of COnsI~tS al ounc~ t vice-presid president, a ill leadership assume to expected be will so- pl~ng ~ wTec A The functions. CIa! as ac s enf. for bJdy VlSory .e Edi!JOOr.O from graduates who person ~very !egula- tJhe orCiing w the conceTIllin,g n.ons PROGRAM EXTRA-CURRICULAR TS ts St~~DEN Women of A.ssociatiQn ad The th 18- WOMEN OF ASSOCIATION . cod '~" £1.. ., EDINBORO ~ COLLEGE CAMPUS' ." / 4 KEY PARKING AREA) PARKING AREA ,. No,mol Hall 2. Muo;, Hall 3 Ma'ga,e' Complon S,hool A Slale Hou.e S. Re,;la';on Hall 6 Memo';al Aud;lo,;um 7 Wh;le Hall 8 Healhe, Hall 9 Haven Hall 10 Loveland Hall II Ea.IHall 12 College Un;on 13 C'awfo,d Gymnao;um 'A. Powe, Hou.e I ~ IS Reede, Hall 16 Conneau"e Houoe 17 Cu..ewago 'iau.. 18. Km,ua Houoe 19. LeBaeufHou.. 20. Mead Hou.. 21. 1;one"a Hou.. 22 Venango Hou.e 23. Cenlenn;al Hall 2A. Ham;llon L;b'a,y 2SRo..Hall 26. Spe,;al Edu,a';... CI;n', . Z 0 [ i . c'0. wl: DO .f' ,,' ~ i'~ q illlJ , J11 .:!rlO fIO .. "" 56 .: 57 ~ .., tion, James open Th , a fu. ill students ~... 1930, fI1atermty, IS a m of p~o~ cast ~d The .ill fanmn,g. held ~e earth and Lt~ I?embers'-. will English ., Vice-President. This km .,. Tmoc ., , , Wednesday P1antz ...Y to Club occas~ons p~r- eac Y NH , i fue The be flex.i'ble clu'b, Theta Upsilon Kenneth Scott ". A_"'~" Tr Advisor. Dr. 32. (1bis , Wednesday, b;y field. every fraternity is affording a The mOIJJth to Long Theta professioool 7:00 ~e p;rn. of high !interest org:ani.2Jation m~ at of geog;r,aphy fuv1Jher .c°rnmon jjreternilty 59 58 HaII"ry purpose The {Jpsilon fra~irty, a,n y~" wor third stla:nding Debut f1Tst ear in- are which funCtions m time: of First p.rn, shailil ."".' - ~..,,"ary , h s each student .d Meeting 7:15, publishes of. 7:00 nIJOIIIth 11hey tudents. moo to English ClUib magazine lIterary Pr ', .,~--" ~so homes. of s1~ty off-cam1?~ members attend terest English ~e a at the Gamma Teach- to the ness amd era! °!l needs each the . £.urU1'='rm LlteI1atU!re and activ'lues ""'e in t e ~e: tlOlpa L an!1.'u.-o English.,t the twice ~lin g of s'ciences. rneet rnonltJh of for) has a w. g the apprecla -esIde~t fibers h."" lJp0"".er., than -'-,,(' of space to appre- . .reSbrictions English serve his meetiIILg each meeting studentis. open is regular of second college ilie h Mr Glendinning Mars, .".,.., , one and rto . Dr lvia a1l1 shaJll w&th teaohiilng. fw1tI1ering and open ' mOnt1h or S eal!1th Gamma Treasurer.,...,. Pat .., in the js .., ton ,to organiza,tion orgtanization cr:n , ing of Roebuck in for t}]at relaitive sciences this in int.e~st activLt~es for aJctivrllties interested ci'atron ..Frank Secretary. prepal'a,tion space student orgaooation an aVthS , thealr 'and anY an °PPOI':t~es m college Membership TaJ.co ~s Pl"O.mote to,partic1pa,t.e sponsor Club ~ to.l:J!OOV1de. ~mprove to 'dent tion Club Club are scIences, earU1 The Science Science p~es an OOIIIIOOUy. Joan AdviSnsorsforums on internatiIonal topji~, a tutorinig ;Program fJqr EdinIce to a.cqooint ltihe of the val'ious "'" PeQple-toPeoPlePJ-qgram is an inter!lla&nal orgtani2ation whose main PurpoSe is the. pro- orga wnnro ~eristics " Sec~tary "".."."'."".'. AdvIsor The EdJinboro Chapte-r ~ talblished t;X>umlte e a O1Iapteirof C.E.C. tional" cl1j!l.dren.The Bet ~ the third student on the Edinboro C=USin the state of pennchapter and a chUdiren PeoPle-to-People Miss Ditz sylvania. The prOgI1~ms and to Vice-President. Fedorko Sa,ndra Perry ..tional IS' ~n the is of ... Fred C.E.C. s~h progQ"!ams 0f eacih month, Children . The speech IS open include special Club ~or group understanding ~. of Mr. Johnson Mr. FrankR. C. Richaro Wick niques in speech and hearing therapy. Meeting~: seco~ Tu=~y 7.00 p.m., Leader Cllinic. .PresIdent Hearing be~ field ties ar and educational Membership :Come members. P Speecll ,... Promoting adultts hology psyc ogy ganize d-7:30 p.m., Lea er C lJinic..J60 . join the ooganiza1Jibn. 61 .111- -offers ~Q~~~, of 1Jhe oppor- Mu for the student ~, SemJply lI)oograms, and org)~es profesSional mee1lings a's the the for &cial Studies, 1Jhe PennsylViania the Social Studies, and other OotmQI1ganiZJa- tions. Thursdays, Ulcamon, .Delta has PI,; iR. as 1ts hfgh pl!'o5~sionlal, ~d/';1'rds and to thbu,tioos be to eligible ,purpose, "to y Hayman ed- in 1!his organ- ization, a student must Ihave a lhig1h scholastic ratiJrJ;g, !in~uding a grade of "~" or Ibetter. in aiU ~dllcation c'QU,rses, a pleasIng personality, and leadershdp abiJlity, anf.,towngames. Folll?wdn~ the football seasiOn, the b,and devotes Its time througrnout to concert the work pr~entmg eral 'concerts college year. sevThe ba~ owns many instruments, whilcth are available :lJor 'student IUse, and has recent1y purchased ei~ty-Qne new un/iforms !for mairOOing and OOiJCel'!tPUl1I))Ses. Re(healrsal time: lMonday, Wed!neOOlay. Fri- THE STUDENT DIRECTORY The Student Directory is published each year by the StJudent-'Faculty Coun'cill to inform students and faculty of the names and addres~es 0If aQl perSOJ]s ~nected ,with 1Jhe College. dSiy -4:2~5:'15, Director. Collegiate Singers Mrs. Esther Campbell President. Lloyd Secretary-Treasul~r THE DEBUT ..the The Debut is a college lIterary magazine Ipub~hed 'by the EngliSh Depall'tment eadh yea.r !\wth salmplings of 'student and faculty es11hIatbear r,vitSa(YS,Short s tori es, and poems .Membership ness of the JlMeof h mInd UIPOnfue Calmlpus of Edinboro State College. Diane Sarnoy T~e ~egi)a!e Singe~s are a very active ,orgarnzation Iglvmg CbrIS1Jmias VeSlMr ServIce Sundlay Ibefore ChrIi5tJmas Viaootion ~nd a Spr!ing Concert 1!he fil1St week in May. The ,mem/:oersp:-ovide music Ifbr Baccalaureate ~nd Comtmencemen~ pro~, .Oollege ~nd hIgh scfhdol assemblIes, teas, rdllVJlC SOCIal clubs. is detel'1mined by and tryOlJlts held the first week ctf l5cllool, land all students wIho like to ~inl are urged to palrtioipate. Meet!!ng time: Tueooay, Thursday -6:45 p.m.-8:00p.m. 66 Lackey 67 DRAMATICS Collegiate .E AdVIsor Edlinbo~ The 'purposes of the are ithose of .foote~ sihips amJOng memJber policies in !l',;gard to Inter-Frlaterruty Council Players Vincent .,. Dr, James. CoJilegi:ate PI~ers, tihe drama ~ coUiooge scholail'slhilp duction organization is ~n to stJudents !interested in any phase of theatre production. Through its .ann;UJal prog1r1am O'f mad?r p~tions ex/per]Inentail ooe-acts and 'aililied actiNlties 'the Collegiate Players seeks tlo acquadnt ~1Is ,p8Jrticiparuts with the .V1a~iot;s fa~ets of play lPr'oduction, including actmg, d1rect~, s,c~ery am 'costume design alI1d lConstrulCtion, ll!g!ht'ing ,and business mana,gement activities. It further seeks tK> 'broaden the interests ~ the student 'audieniCe t!hIrough tIhe IPresenta1iion of play1s of all! styles and iPe\ri!otls. In addition to Iii11s calendar of prodiuction activities, E.C.P. holds regular lbu'sines's Imeetiings. Meeting time: 'Tuesday, Debating President Secretary. Advisor. 7:00-S:00 Dr. pm. Alpha President.. James Larkin Janet Saline Robert Wilson Sandi Manucci , Miss Delta Sorority Cynthia Sabo Mildred Forness was founded in '1886 iI!1 Brockplort, New York, and rtiIe Iota iv.1as linstalled 'at Edlin:boro in 1927. It has sister chapters in seven State Colleges of Pennlsylvania and New York. The requirements !for ,membership are based on schoJiastic ratings, cllaIracter, social attain~en.ts 'and abilities. 'llhe !purpose ~f the SO'rorIty. IS to foster the d~velQ~ent ~ aill ~ese ~rajj1JsmBlrd the la.clhieveme;nt ~ a socIally mtegrated personality. MeetJiaJlg tLmie: Every Mionday, 7:00-S:30 p.m. i i ORGANIZATIONS depth. Delta , Secr,etary AdvIsor. The Alpha Purposes: ..ab)aJpte,r 1. Intelilectul'al stlffi,uilatIon on camlPus. 2. Pu'b~ic re1atioDis for the college. 3. ~-1improvement in speech and 'argwnentatIon. The tea,m IWilI eI1ig1age in ~ dJeClisiion and non-decision debaltes Iwi1Jh otJher colleges ,and Unlivel".sities. Exhibition debates are also given b th team. YMee~ngs wd!1!l be lheJd on every ~ay evening at 7:00 p.m. GREEK LETTER land professional The organizatIon S/POnsors the Inter-Fraternity Council Ball at whidh time a queen is c1losen to Ireign ~t the ball, tr~hies Jatre. ,~warded I1Jo the sorOI'llty am fraternIty attalinling the lhighest sdhlolastic laveralge, to the winners of the Inter-F~aternity C:o,uncil AtlI1etic Progr~. land a '~CI& reca~tion award for the most outstanding Greek of the Year. The IFC sponsor.sthe Greek Weekend, faculty coffee hours, reco,rd dances. in the studeDit 'UIlIion, land professIOIJIal meetIngs. MemlbeI1Sihiip in this ocg1andzation ,consists of r~rosentatives of all sociiall Greek Iletter fraternities 1!.rJd sororities. Society ..., !ntelr-Freternity CowlCil good Ifmternlall relationo1'glaaliizaJtions to provide ~~, /pledging, and SOCIail ~vents, tK> en- Advisors. , Alpha Gamma Delta Miss Nancy Acker Mrs. Ruth Harris,! Inter-Fraternity ~ " ~=- Council President. Advisor. Jerry , Dr. 63 Alice K. Dilly Schuster PresideIJlt Corresponding Secretary "'" Secretary '" , Treasurer... Laura Hanlin Sherilyn Joan Galicia Talco Priscilla 69 Hanna - Having mergeid witih AJlphiaGamma Delta in 1959,ltihe ehacr>ter is tihe only national sk)ror!ity on ea;rrupus.Al~ Tau mapter \i,sone of l\Jhe90 other dhiapters 11hroulgjhout the United States and Canada. Many Of !her activita9 are with near-by dhatpters. All clhad)ternof IAlpha Ga,mma DE!lta J;\articijpate in 1ihe altDUlilslticprojeclt for aiding cerebl1allPaJisiedchdildlre!1. .lIma Memlbers lalre dhIOsenon tJhe\lja.s1Sof scholastic standing, albil!ities, ~rralc,te~, land person:ality. A1phia Gam!InJaDelta stru~es to develop the physical, intel~ea Delta Phli. is a nationiallPrpfessional .ed~catlonalan.d socla[ 'fraternity wfiI11h "chlapters ill mtairtyleading eiaStern teadlers colleges. 'l1::J \PU!fposed.f our JJl1a1ternity lis ,to s~renig1tlhen tionalorganlZa1;i9~. ~QQ~'p:ljl~~,~ ;J,ap,ul1!;ry. \1900, The il'lterneo~.a~,f!r.a.t~n:l\j,ty, ~~.~QI:e titan one hiUlndred ten 'c!lXalPt~"iI\jjhe UnitediStlaltes and Canada, ..g a pres,erve the ~ df fellQ\vSh:iJp ~dh would UnIte men ",!O:~!fior a ~n ,cause. a~<;xme. of the .actlvltIes. spons?fed by itJlis orwzatIon are. Dances, ha'Y'~, banquets, 70 " , ' Angelo Scarsella Jim LaScola Mr. Henry Katzwinkel Dr. JosePh Nemeth : 71 '.~ wliener roasts and II;)iJcIllios.~e trip to Bos~On far 1JheKappa Delta Rli NatIooal Conventwn is also a yearly occUITence. Meeting time: 1st and 3ird Mionrlay, 7: 008:00 ,p.m. Rho Sigma .Ma PresIdent. Secretary. Advisors. Jerri Altenhof Maxine Bowen Dr. Harriet Long Mrs. WHlialffi Cornell ~. Mjrs. Chi Dr. D r. All ce C~... ""-,,'us ter Rho Sigma Cihti wlas kJlrganJi~ °:n 1ftJJe campus in the spring of 195.9. Its reqUllrements for membersh~p lare based on slcno1as1ti;c abillity, Cihlaro'cter land personallitry. The 'aims of 1Jhearglalniza1tio~are to foster schoJiarshlilp, iniItiative, and loyalty, land to rlro~1de services to the col't y a nd ~ocIiIal lalCtivities for lte hge land bCOffimIUD1 e m~m, e~s. I Meeting tIme: 2nd and 4th Thursdary at 7:00-8:00 p.m. Si gma Tau Sigma Charles Scott Robert Casler Mr. Curtis Ickes , The Siglma 'l1au~irIta.. Frate~ty ~ orgfanized on the campus in p~ of 1958, an.d attained its local sitetU\5in 1JhIe!past year. It IS affiliated with the Sigma Too Gamma ~aternity, and !hopes to become a national. chaPter soon. The !PlJr1poSeof Sjgma 'l1aI.l SiIg1mIais t:J seek to promote social, cultural, sclholarly, rec~eational, and beneVKilent fraterna~ aocompili!shments among its memlbelrs. Meeiti!llg tilme: Every Tuesdlary, 8:45 'P.m., Lnter~FI1ateirnity ROOm. 72 ~atrick ThlUlkner Daniel Goldthwaite Ann Mishurda Zeta Tau was orgJanized on this 08lII1iPlIIs in ry... .September. 11958. Zeta Tau i!s a service and V1rginia Hopkms socilal} sorority. The pu!1POse clr Ze1Ja Tau iJS 110 Gwendolyn Bowne dev~op sd!Jk)Jiarship, leadersh.iJp, dlJaracter, and MJrs. John Marsh Mll1S. John Scheill President. SecretalrY Advisor Zeta Tau President. Secretary. Advisors. semce. !ReqQlirements !for melIlibersIhiIP alre based ~!r.on ~he purposes of Zeta Tau. Meetmg tIme: every montJh. 2nd aiIld STUDENT 4th WedIlesdary of CLUBS ."E' Club PresIdent. """ Duane BI,ack Secr.etary J,ohn K~ge~ AdvISO~, .;,."""."""" ~r. I:Iamo Maruoth The E aub 18 an orgarnzatwn of all !participants !in Intercollegiate .~sed Athletics who '~bave earned 1Jhe Varsilty "E". The outstandmg social itJunction ~f this orgaJIJlization is the annwal staig'ing of the "E" Cllllb BaI1 on Homec.omin!.g Meet~ng time:Day.1~ and 3rd Thursdays, p.m., ill 1Jhe IFC ROOm. Kiltie Fins Ch~rman 7:00 , Marsha Frantz AdVIsor: '.. ..'.. ..'. Miss Marjorie Cowmeadow ~e KiltIe Fins Is the SynchIlQnjjzed Swimm1iI1g Clulb sponsored !by the W.A.A. Ins1irnction is given in S(YncltI1on1ized SwimmiIJlg skills, a~ an effort as. ~ad..e ~ .deve.ln -2nd aoo 4th Sulndays -Divine Service ~ll1d Sennon " (Celebrations on Holy and Saint's Days) JEWISH REFORMJED SYNAGOGUE '. 1Ofu and Liberty Sts., Erie, ~a. ..Leona~ Zion, Rabbi FrIday Evenm~ ServIce.s 8:15 p.m. Sat~~8Y Mormng ServIces 11:00 a.m. Rel!lgloUS School... Saturday and Sunday 75 JEWISH CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE 32nd and State Sts., EI1ie,.Pa. Aaron LaOOes Rab\ji .. Se .' Friday Evenm~ rVices. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship .Wedne~day 8: 30 p.m. -Semor ChOir Relhearsal. Students 8:15 p.m. 9.00 a.m. wishing to serve throulgh Minist~ are welcome. Sat.urday S~rvices : 8.:00 a.m. Da~y MOrnl?g ~er::Ji;~ ":"" iiz.h;: before sunset Dally Evemngph~e: GL 5-8163 Thursday 7:00 p.m.. -Ifirst and third; Collegiate iFel1QWsh~p. I , LUTHERAN 'OHU'RCH ST. PAUL S Drakes Mills, Pa.. "The lovely little clhurch in th,t; COUlIltry'WIth ,a Iwe!lCiOme ifor all. The Rev. Rla\ph E. malir Sunday Serwces Sunday School 9.45 am Service . ...Worship . T f ur11.00 a.m. t t;"'" to and ~rom dhurw.es ,," ra.'lspor a .t t 1!he'soone e.~aIl~ !10:30. nished by 'meml~rs,.S tPleat sg arClil 011Meadville .la :"". StudeIJItsare invited to smg m the church choir. Practice -Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. ME'I1HOD1JST CHURJOH of Mus/]c Westminster OUR LADY OF THE [..AXE R'OMAN CATHOLIC OHlTRCH M ~e ~~1 D . rIve The Rev. M9g,r. JlaJmesGanI1!()I1, Priest .. a.m. and 10.00 8.00 500 : 00 p.m. P m Confess . 7 . ons i ,. Sunday Masses DailyMSatass) (Every RELIGLOUS ORGANIZATIONS Canterbury Club . Advisor. The 'Canterbury ClUib is the Episcopal 44 MeoovHle St. Church's work aJffiongIfaculty members, 'stu1be Rev. S. Jlames Sdhmittl.e,. ~a'stor .dents, 'a!I1d'adminiS1Jrativepersonnel of the ac8.30 am '. Dlvme Worsh~p ademic communlity; and whose membeI'S are 9:45 a.m: ..' Wesley College Fel~~Ws~~ committed to a delfinlite program of worship, ..at the Wesley !Bldg., 57 Mea:dviJ:le. study, evangelism, and unity. Sunda y Serv~ces h.Meetings: D..Ivme Wars Ip 11.00 '1m .(..' ..'Wwkda(Y Services Wed 7.30 IPffi. -'Ohloor Rehearsa:l -s~u.dents .,., 'invited to lPalrtllclpate. lP.m. 'Ilhur. Adv~~or. President. (:lst land 3rd) 7:00 IP.~. Fel1owshlP PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. William Allman, Sunday Services. 9'45 am. ..Fe]!lPW1Shijp :.. Pastor Westmin9ter CollegIate Breaklfast Clulb 76 1, 1st and 3rd 'DhursdJa(Y, 7:00 College Christian Fellowship -Wesley CoJJleg~ art Wesley Bldg Meadville St. Nfl ! !I The Rev. Linford Wilcox Sandra Ott The Cdllege Cihlt1istian Fellaw~ is sponsored!by JfJhenldnWro Baptist Churdh. The Fe1JQwslhipis Ian organi~a1JilOllof Christian studeIJIts r.'-"homeet togef-her !for BiWe-centered program. The groo;p ailso hioIds Via;riOUiStypes Of entertainrn,eIIlt designed to promjote slhip Ifor Christian students. Students 77 fe1!lowof any ~ . .vtlIted d.enomma ti on are m. tle.3 of t1le FellowShilp. to J.Din dn all Meeting time: Every Thursday, p m at the Fi1\St Baptist Church. actiivi- 7:00 1eyBreakfaJSt Bl.illding, 57 Meadiville Street, 'a C}u!b eadh Sunday 9:30 a.m. 'and evenjJng meeltJings an~ ft.hird. 'Ilhursda(Ys at 7:00 p.m. The Wesley BuIldmg IS qpen ealch day fur 'student ,use ..from 8:00 Lutheran Student Advisor. Association. Pastor Ralph, E. Blair throughout oolleges and unwersiitles m the United States. It gilves lJu1!heranstudents an opportunity to ,become 'a'cqu~ted lalnidto. dis. CUIS'S faith tolgetiher. Bo1Jh.soclaland deVlOOIOl1Ial meetings alre !held. Meetmgs ma(Y~ cond,uctoo by the \Studentsor a ,guest s~.ker. Meetings, ,IAItheran Parsonage, Hil!l1jqp Rd., l5It and 3rd 1\Iesdlay, 7:00-8:30. Newman Club .p.m. Mr. Carl E. WOZnIak al/U!b, an establ!iSb!ed iilnstitution of AmeriCian collleg~ and UIliiversities, is an organiZialtionplalUled to.fill tJhe~iritual., intelI ! ! lectwal dents and sociai needs oIf 1Jhe Oa1iJJoli~ stu- on the camlPus. The cLub to 1!heMiddle At1a1!11fJic Province 'am belongJs eaclh y~ar sendsdelegaltes'from this; clulb to both ReglJonall and Ptrovince conventiibns. Meeting tilme: ,1st and 3rd ThIUIl"sday,7:008:30 p.m. ~t Our IJady of the Lake. Wesley College Fellowship Pl"esidoot David Crooks Secreta,ry Patricia .Jackson Advisors. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs; S. J~mes Schmittle Miss Vera Gilmore The Wesley ,a.m. Foundation ..1. IS 'part of tlhe :vorld- wide MethkJdist Stud~nt Movemen.t. It exiislt.., to p:-ovide an opp()r"tunIty for 'worShip, stl:dY' fellowSliip, a!1rl service a'lni~ :l\futlhodll')t stu- dents la'nd[nterested students Of anY''other denominatilOI15.Activities center around 1JheWes78 to [0;00 \p.IIn. except Sunday evening. ... The Lutheran Student AS\Sociation IS the orgaal17Ja!biIoml estaJ~~ed for L!l1Jher:a!l s~dents Advisor. The Newman land includeat morning on the first WestmInster CollegIate FellowshIp .. Moderator. " DIXI.e Morrow Cler~ .""".""""'..".".'. ~l1ce Shontz Advisor... ..."" The Rev. Willla,m Allman 'Ilhe Westmmster 'Collegiate 'Fenqwshijpis an organization of Presbyterian studenho;. The group's a:Cltivities include Thursda.y evenling meetings and a Sunday morning brealkfast cLub. Meeting at time; 1st and 3rd 1Jhe EdJinboro United ThUlI'sda'Y, 7:30 Pres'byterian Clhurch. CLUB and ORGANIZATION REGULATIONS ... ~ .clubs or .~gamz.ations, excePt s.ocmJ. ~- temtties, pertaU1ilng to the ExtJra-CurrIcuIar lIdfe Cjf the ool!lege l')iha.ll I?e ajpIprovedb~ ~he S.tu- deDIt-.FaCIUlty.Counldil'and 1!heAdmjjnIStrative Council at Edin~ State College. Because 1Jh~eExtra-CUI1riQUilar IalCtivit.ie~.MaI1I ,be ,given space on it'he College Alc1rllVItiesCalendar, :because 1Jheymay request funds to be a[looated !from 1!heStudent AsSjOCiationTreasury, and 'beOO4Ise they lInay request the use of the college fadillities, it iIS necessary 1iJJat they be clhar~ed 'aInd~gnized by 1Jhecollege 1JhIru 1Jhe affIce Of 1JheDirector Qf Student Personnel SeI'v'ilces. In order to tion, members be recoglnized of any as Student alll Ol'ganizagroup shIaill subniirt ~ petition to the Director dent Servi~. 'Ilhe petitilon slhall the !fo~: of Stu!include A. Pifoposed name of organization 79 -- B. Stat~eI1:t af pUj~e or functioo of orgamzation. ., C. Statement af ~alif1cahons D iberShiitp. If a natilonlail ..., aMi1!iahon 1ft1e fpr melD .olved .,IS ;:vpetition ices a~y -in it must clearly ~e staited 1m. .e " and indicated in the cons]jti~1Ji.o~iany E. Statem~nt of r~~ed!u;e :r Ifi~illuding stllPportmg the orgarnza: ear in amount ~ m~n.f!;'Y.~or e. y and which fI!jJ~ ,pe~ti~ IS.&Ub~tt~ be llIJIanner ill whIicIh. fun -arre used. ..fifteen F. Signatures of a mlll]m~ OIf .ed to prospective m!~r~ arre requlr .ty i[ldj;calte their mtention (Jif be~e~ active charter. ~e.~ber~. unUSUJal groups, .unles'~ Justif~ y d. $PecialtIes, wtillil be discQUlI"agefaculty' G. SIi:g!IIIature df !at .l:st t:~' member Who ha!s m ca. willinglS 1ft1e or- ness 1Joserve as an advlJSor to H. ,gaIii2Jation. A stateme~t of 1Jhe daPfrox tJhe end. of the three=za~ k Iiiod~all a representatIve af the ar ed 'cOIJIstitusubmit in per:son1JOtrthefP~=nt Personnel tion to the DJIec. 0 .a 'a roval. Servi~s for cons1de I1a!:!~n Serv. 5 The DIrector of St ud c."" P~so:el .-81 80 ,haverecommendations 11he responsdibiJiity fur to make clhanges shall present a ~wsed constitution b;}--JJaws ,for his consideration within aIJld one mop~. 6. Followling appI1oval of the ~onstitutioo'and b.y-l8iws ~f a :prop,?sed sltludent orglanizalion or clUlb, the Directcl:- df Student Perso.nlne.lServices sihaJJlrecommend the const~tution and by-IalWl-; (Jif the o~anizati?ll to the Student -FaJcwty COIUIncil for ItS consideration. I1f the constiltution and bylaws arre approv~ by the Student -ElaculCounctl, thelY shall then ~e presented to the AdministIiative Counclill for 'a.ction. 7. If t?e AdmlLnistrative Council ~roves the actron of 1ihe S~ent -F1aou'lty ~uncil tIle college Shall lssue". thru tJhe of~ce of Student PeI~onnel the organimtm. 8. If the Director imate auld need mount of time a Stu en WO fur !partiJcipartion. .t Ibecrnne I. If the gro';IIP to be ~o~1~ °alPprovai ,a professIonal org~a Ch~lirm:an mof 1fhe D~ar~en a vUlved is requlired. ..tX> the 2. Upon the slUblmission of tJhe!petiti~ e D~::ector Of S1Iuden~ P~sonnel ServIC~'ti~n sihali gralnlt l:pe1'ffilBS10Il to ~~. pe fo a gl4oup to use the CoJJlege lflaICllities r f period of tb[Oee \Weeks for the p~I1POSe°a organiziIJIg 1Jhe group and drawmg up dQIlstitution. 3. At .9l1aaI needed the PI'qI)Osed donstiltution anld by-laws of the organization. 'I1he petitioiliing grouM Serwces, a chalrter for of Student PersonilJJel'Serv- ilces or the Stuldent Counci.I disapproves the ,prOSpective o~g!anization, it has of the right to appeal to tJheAdministrative Coun-cil of the College fur conslideration. 9. EactI orgaJni7Ja,1Jj)on sIhIail!l.Ifile an anlnRJial report sli!gned by 1fhefalculty adviser to the Oflfice of Student PeI1sonneil Services on May 1 each yea'r ourt1lining thle activities palI"ti~~te? in the current College y~ar, a.nd ~cluding a true, ialccurate, detaIled f1nan(JI~1 stat.ement 'and 11,PrQpos~ !pro'gJram,. In outline !£o.nn, KJIfItS plans for 1jhIe fol!JIowiI!lg Ye.alI's. Director .of student PerrSKinner Servlces shall reVIew the r,ePOrts aa1d may ,place a giroUip on probatIon or recrnnmend 11he g1r~ thart 1Jo dits cOInjply clharter faJils be with rrevoked CoHege if Tegu:Iations. 10. Any groUiP Whd.cIhremlains ina'ctive fur ~ ~alenJdlar year Sham be dilSlbainded and I=st go through 11heapplica1tiloo !procedure as a new organization. 11. When approved by the College Administrative CoUlnCil, these regu1atioI1lS S\)aB be br!nding on all exis1liJng organi2Ja1Jik)ns concerned. ~ Approved 1003. by AdminLstJrattive Council April .,. . "" , 1 I.. ,. Fraternity and Club Initiations 1. Any pu.blic initiation IPrQgram is to be submdtted in wI1iting \fOr 8LQpro~l to the s'pOOSor 0If the organizatm and to 1Jh.eDean of Men or Dean of Women at least one week before ,'I, '" ,,';;.. the2. inltiatiQIl ds tobebegin. There shall no inteI1ruption Ii,""V.'' (:' .J ::..-'), "i-,i,')'" ,;,,:,: ..'c" ; ': 0If situd(Y . hours by initiation lajctivities. Absolutely no illldtiatiKm dUlrlng quiet hours. Any actions dur- r!" c .. ",', ing school hours that a,ttl1acts undue attenitdon are 3. wldesirable. No inimaJtlon lactivities ~all take p,lace in 11U ~,I!tOO~£' j':;i I;: " the dining of;hall unless expreSiSJ Director Food Sel'Vlice and approval 11heDe~of the of Men ~nd Women has been dbtained. lit .. '- r J pORTS 4. Inti1liation ~gram Shiatl ,include no activities on c.a1InlPUS whioh disturb the public in gener~. 5. Utmost should be ofexercised bodIily injwry.care impairment bealth, to avoid personal be ~ubject to ~aIlr1Jies by the InteIlfraternity dignlity, or dam,age to property. Violato~s will Grievance Committee after p~er the situation. The strictllY \WOmen's dormitories ity6. nt'e oUlt-of-Willds review ':;,-' .. , of andmen's 1!heir initiavicinfor tion l8Jctiv'ities. Hqwever. serenadi:IIIg is permitted ,bet~n 10:30 orderly and 1'1:00 Ip.m. It 'is recqmmended tl1Iat the pledge master of 1!he ;; .-' i C .: ., ., ...\ , ., 1; 'j;'J l"Jl'r " ask permission Ibelfure serenading. Ifrateh'nity or club call the Dean of WOllen to No initicrtion shia1il ta!ke from pLace1Jhe at a 7. distance greater activities 1!han tweility ImiJ.es college. 82 ; .' ";!' : c,!. 83 i -~ STUDENT ATHLETIC PROGRAM Women's Advisor Women',s Women. by It a Atll1etic is a student Eligibility Rules Athletic Association Mdss !Nancy Acker ~ssoci!ation of College recr~atlo~l councIl [Progra~, WhICh gov.er:n.ed plans Its The ,actiVIties and carefully !1or l1Jhecom1Plete develQIPmentaoo enjoyment of each ~oman. The Women's ,AtJI1I1etic Association \is a member oIf tlle Athletic Every wt1man laIIld student, Recreation ~ederation, UlPOO enterIng coflege is elec1Jed ~ihle to y~aIrmembership Throug1l)out there lis a iautomatictally, regujlar intra- Jm1ral competition between teams 'set up by W.A.A. The W.A,A. Sjponsorsthe Drill Team which perfoo-ms lInJ'arching routines during time kJif home ibas'ke1!baJ!l gaimes. The; ~gram the ha]f- of the AsSiOciationis based on aRecOgJJi1tion P:ur 00ts lCerti;tJied ~ 1Jh lCI~ g~e, elig.bility comli>e1ling college forms rovided tary. P ~ s, sa, Iil besident of , e exclhanged the on! by the conference secre- C. Eligibilit 1 y. ' ~ stu= smJa.~ be allowed maret an year of roter-collegiate coma e coInlPetitipn, 2. Aleglate s.tudent Ibis inteI1c0 1co mUlSt tit1. cQnJlPlete .ffijpe on Wl11hin a five-year Per:lod frQm /the date of ~rst matricullationb at lany college, Thlis ;restrictJion may e waived in the case of a vete~ durmg Iqr ~ralftee. The wlMch a studlent yealr Imlay pr yea;rs have reI>- .anc-;,: col[ege as a m mteiI1cd]lle giate service ~...h ...~~ Ion s all IJ/Otcount !in his tdtal years of eligiblilli~. Intramural Sports Frederick college State ed ihJis 'aultihlOriZed accom,pany any w~lch 'CIQIltest. represents letic comonAtit. The va:~ 19sr ' . A. Responsibility. The Plresident of ealClhCol lege oo'all be respoIlislible jJor its lathl1eti~ res.ented tramee Mr. were 26 :. Director inJbramura!l IDterpreta~i?n: ?f cOln(petitlon hI ,In determining m all cases, the a,WL l e ti os years dbUUw- proguam. so ~at ev.ery s.tude~t )~ hlave tihe oPIPOrtumty Qf partlci)patinlg m his or her favorlite sport. Beside'S the above mentioned sports, the IcoRege is equipped for badminton, ping-lPO~g, volley~all, softballl, tennis, archery mg pr°gJr/alf.rl ~lies: Participation howe,-:er brletf, 1n any intercollegIjJa~ ~1Jhletlc competition in aDJYcollege or J~or ,college JWIilliloause thlat yea:r to count ,~S.K)IIe of the allotted years of swdmmmg ,aIIldWinter spol'ts. competitIon. 84 85 D. .- EDINBORO STATE COLLEGE Varsity Competitm. A state college varsity team may comjpete only with va'I1Sity teams of four-year degree Igranting ,colleges in regujJjalI'JJy sdheduled games. NiCKNAME -RED RAIDE,RS C, La!' Red a1I1d~.t 0 s -,Ie Interpretations: 1963 Varsity Schedule 1. RegularLy scheduled giames tare ,games fJOrwhich contracts are signed and, or FOOTBALL adlmission chalrged. ; , James Hazlett 2. Where scheduling difficulties are en'coulJltered, this I1Ule may Ibe waived by tl1e Athle1iiic Committee of the Board of Plresidelnts. E PI ..Sept. .aymg and Practice Season. 1 ~ r : . f "'--Jl ~' ll .r' e...,ea5on pral\Omce III OOUIJd /S..a not begin !prior to Septem,ber first of ea~h year or /prior to 1IhJree,weeks before tJhe first regulaJf'Jry sclleduled game, wlhiclhever is earlier, and 1!he reg)UlJiarplaying scn:.e(iuie slmiLl be lim- 2. Head Coach All OOffie glaJlnes will be played at tJhe Col.. lege field starting a,t 2:00 p.m. 21 -Grove Sept. Oct. Ciity 2S -~ry Home !Rock (Parent's S -Indilana Oct. '1J2-Clalrion Oct. 19 -uock (HomecomljJIjg'J -. 8.00 p.m. Hiarven Home Away iited to 'a mlaJCM.ffium of too games ,in a season, eXlcluslve df post-season competition. Oct. 2S -Sh1ppenSbwrg HJame Nov. 2 -Boockport Away Pre-sea50n prac1iilce in baisketbaJJ1\Shall not begin (prior to OcfA:)ber15; the first scheduled glame shall nIOt !be played pn():" to DecemJber first, and 1ihemaximu,m nlUInlber ~ regu1alily sdhednrled gajmes s'hall not e~ceed 1JwerlJtJy~six in ~ season, exclusive ()ff post-season tournament contests. Nov. 9 -California Away Wrestling Frederick Caro ..'.'...".."'."'... . 1:1 -Mlansneld 18 -[;ock Hlaven 28 -Thiel 11 -W'est Liberty Coach AIw,a:y Home Home AJW'a(Y Away Home Org,aJnized post-season I11.'acticein foot- ; ball ShIa~ be JdmLted to twenty sessions in a perioo of 1JhiIrty-six calen- Feb. Feb. 7 -SJi~ry \11 -Clarion I dar OOys, vaca1Jion and e~ammation days excluded. Organized }:ost-seasoo Pri8Jcltice!in basketbaH shall be limited to twenty sessiJonsin a (periOd of thirty calendar days, vacation and e~aminatiK)n days excluded. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 11'5-Grove City 22 -Indiana 28 -State Toulmament ~ -State TQurnaiment 5 -Four I Tournament 6 -Four I Tournament 4. Home Away Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. 3. Day) 88 ~ I 'Rock 89 AwaJy AlwaJy -_II .111--::r..Q Basketball James McDonald ~,- Coach Nov. 00 -BloomSburg Dec. 7 -Alliance Dec. 10 -Slippery RocIk . Waillace Dec. 13 -BaldlW'in Dec. 14 -'Ilhiel Dec. 17 -CIlaxion Jlan. 8 -F,redonia J an. 111 ' - F enn Jan. 18 -BIIiOoImsburg Jan. 24 -Indiana Jan. 25 -Lock Haven Jan. ~ -Robel1t Wesleyan Feb 1 -Lock Haven Feb: 3 -Allian~e Feb. 8 -Oaililforniia Feb. 13 -Slippe:ry Rock Feb. 15 -Ind~ana Feb. 20 -Cla11ion Feb. 22 -Calliorma Feb. 25 -GamJ:OIl Horne Home Away Horne ,AlWay Home Home Horne Away Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Home Away Away HJOme Golf ..;i~~ .,., James McDonald Coach Atpril April ~23 -Clarion -Gannon -Indiana -Edinboro Away Away May i1 -Gamton Home May 4 -Slippery Rock Home May 7 -AlliaIice -Clamon -EddnboI1O Horne M'a'Y I1J1 -StJate 4.~ "'U~~D.,-111111 SONGSAND CHEERS TouchdownSong Toudhdown, 'l'halt's the thing we want, a touclldown. That's the thing we rwant, a great 'big bruiser, To Oatrry husky 1Jhe and baili tall in no tilme at all. We want a toudhdown and 'wfhenit's over, iet's he8Jl"you make some noise. .. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y We rwant a toudhdown boys! Give Us A Red Give us a red. (Crowd repeats !red.) Give us a IWi1dte. (CI1QWd repeats ~te.) Repeat two more times. Yea Team!. ...Fight, Fight. Fight On (tuJIle to "Figfhlt ~ Southern Oal") Figiht on for ESC, F'j~t on, fight on to victory. Red Raliders.down the field, And never ylIeld But move ahead to vilcto:Jry, Filglht on Fig'ht on! for EEC, Hello Cheer Hello (opPOnent)! Edin~ Hi! saj"S"Hello!" Tournlament Tennis A~ 25 -~on AJpnl 29 -SliI~ry Rock May 2 -OJaribn May ': -S!lippery RIOck 90 Away Holme Home Alway Two Bits 'I1wobits, ~ bits, six bits, 'a doJlIar! Everyone from Edinboro stand up and ])K)ller! ' 91 I Dynamo Dynamo, let',s go Dynamilte, let's fight, Dynamo, Dynamite Let's go, let's .f1ght! Coach Team We've gOit the coach! We've We've got got the the team! IPep! (tC1lap,c1ajp) (cJJajp, clap) (clap, clap) We've got the steam (ciap, clap) We've got the coaCh, team, IPeIP,steam. Yoo Team! Say Team! Fight, Fight, Figiht!!! Pep steam We've ,got 1Jhepep! (claJP, clajp) We'v~ gpt the steam! (clap, clap) We've got 1JheCoalcl1! (~lap, clap) We've gJot 1Iheteam! We've got 1Jhepep! (CIJ.~) We've got 1Jhestea!m! (lclap) We'i\'e got the cOlaclhl! (Idlap) We've got the team! (clap) "'1;'eahteam! S.a;y~eam! FIiIgtlt, tealln, fIght. Victory V11atol1Y,Victory Is our cry. V_I-C-T~o.-R-~ iAJ:e we m rt? Yorur're doggiOne right! EdiIllbOlro Edinboro Figjht lDig!ht (flight! ' , , Ub-Ub A gUIY from (name of sdhooU saM come on Raiders I s'aid "UihI-Ulh" I i5aid "Uh-Uh" He said, "Come on ov'eJr here cause, y'Our team is dying." I said "UIh-Uh' I said "U\h-Uh" He ., ~nld, "Your team " s goong to lose, . Just sure as yQU know." I sa)id ~'Uh.UIh" I saM "Uh-Ulh" I salid NO! !! BeaJt (nallne Of scihooU ! ! ! Raiders Figbt RJaliders f1gjht! RaideI1s 11iIg1ht! Flight, FigfnJt! (ltiJlree sjilent counts) FIGHT! Yea Team Y t aim' ~t e~, (!t)"""'" ~~a t' ",,ULJI1.ee . t Imes ) . FIGHT! BASKETBALL CHEERS Stamp Clap (StaJrnIP, cLap ~ three times) Go 19)O! Fightteam ~ealIn filght Win team lwin! 1-2-3-4 1-.2-3-4-three, two, one, four. Who tor, Wlhat for? Go -]1ight Who YOlU ~a yellil !for? T-E-A-M Team, team, team! ClaiP your hands, StaID1P~ \feet, ~ College can't be beIaIt! 92 -Let's win! Clap Y oor H an ds 93 as 1963-64OALENDAR i I ,I September 1 .7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. F1reshmJan OrientaltilOn September 8 -14 8. AWS Freshlmen Girl',s P.J. Rarty 9. Freshmen Registration 10. UppercLass Registration 11J1.CLasses Begin Band rReh~alrsal, 4:2.0 Tryouts -Colilegiate Singers, 2:30 -Blue CALENDAR 11e. ::;'~s -CdLlegiate Singers, 2:30 -Blue Room AWS BigLLittle Bis RaJrty, "Walt Disney Chara'cters" 113. 'l1ryouts -Cotleg1iaibe SIiIIlgers, 2:30 -Bkle Roqrn J4. Registration -Gradua,te Students Septem,ber 15 -21 15. Alpha Psi Omega, 3:00 p.m. -Green Room 16. B'aIIld, 4:20 Tl'IYouts -CoJilegiate SiIJIgers, 2:30 -Blue Room Alpha Delta Iota Mee1Ji~g, 7:00 17. Tryquts -Collegiate Singel's, 2:30 -Bkle Room ;, (The fol!lowing uled. Alil dates, C'leared by the scribed on page eve~ are tentaltively schedevenltB, aIJId l1ooms must be caiJendar committee as pre36.) Psyoho~ Mu Kiawa Club, 7:00 GaIn1ma Meeting, Room 18. DiniIJIg Hail COiniinittee Meeting, immedi~1:ely £cillqwing !lJirst dinner 19. Maynard Fer~~ Orchestra (8:00 and 20. 9:415 p.m.) laudltorlum 2'1. FootbaLl -Grove 94 8:[1.5 -Blue City, ~e 95 . September 22 -28 232' 1""\-" ... P Ii1egla",e 'Jldyers 7 30 A -U""I,U1\LUIn : 1:1. ":""'" 12 Football C1arion -Home (Homecoming) ., 24. Rehearsail -OoUegiafte Singers, 6:45-8:15 -October.13 AiUdi1iomum IG. 25. EaJrth Space Club, 7:00 26. -19 14. AlJlha Delta Pledge Service, 7:00 Ca~pus Movie, "GiJgi" John Ciardi: (Assembly) Council of Exc~tiMail Speech and Hearinlg 15. Dr, 'a.m. 1:30 Child, 7:30 !p.m. Olub M~ng ...,. Rehearsal -Colle~]ate Elizabetih 17: 27. 28. Spec~ail Ed'ucatlk)n Conference "Learning Proolems ()f NelJrdlogical paird Child, Audritorium Footbai1l, Slippery Bock 9:50 RehearsaJl diJtoriUIn -Colilegiate Singers, 6:45 Relheansal ditorium -Coi1legiate Singers, 6:4:5 -Au- -3:00 -Home Im- 18 !p.m. (Rarent's CanJ!pus Movie 19' Football ., Lock Day) -Au- ' "The Bridges of TokJo-Ri" ,Haven -AJwlay 8:00 p.m, October 20 -26 September 29 -October 20. 21. 5 MlJ;)ha Psi Ome~a, Green Hans Conned -Assembly, 29. 30. '1. RElhealrsa:l, CoJnagiate SiIlIgers, 6:4:5 -Au- l (,Assembly), Singers, 6:45-8:15 -16 Auditorium 2. Eisden difuriUiln DininJg iHJaJnComjmittee immedi- ately after Ifli1"Stdininer Rehealrsal -CollegiJalte Singers, 6:45 AlUdJi~ium 4. Campus Movie, "The Hustler" 5. Football -Indiana -Away PIhd Sigma Pi Weekend (P!hi Sig Picnic and Dance) October 6 -12 FlootbaJJl (Reserve 8. ~~nt PSEA Meeting Collegiate Players, 11:00-AuditoriJUlm R~earsal -Collegiate Singers, 6:45 -Audi- Rehea!l"sal ditoriUlffi Rho Team), Slippery -Colle!giate Singers, 6:45 -Au- 23. Earth Space Science Club, 7:00 24, Faculty Tea, 4:15 !p.m. Rehearsal -CoJJlegia.te Singers, 6:45 -AuditornUiln 25. , 26. Delta Kiappa GaJmm'a SOcIety, Heather Hall Recreation Room, 2:00 mootball, SlhiJPpensburg -Home 3. 6. 7. -3:00 -12:00 Footbailll (Reserve Team), CJiaI1ion-Home Alpha Delta FlJrrmal Initiation and Banquet 22. Meeting, Room 10:00 Sigma Chi A!ll Co1Qege Crow ShnJIftfle" ,Rock -"Sca-re October 27 -November Dance - 2 27. 28. 29 t~~m. F .00 Mu Kappa, Gamma -8:~5 -BLue Room 9. Ear1Jh Space Sc\ience Club, 7:00 10. R~earsa:l -Collegil~ Singers, 6:4'5 -Audlitor1um '- ji ",a, 11 (R eserve T e am) SliJ ppe r y ,Rock- Home "',' R~eal'sal -CollegIate Singers, 6,45,Audl00 tonum 31.. Councfi for Exceptional ChIild, 7:30 96 97 I Speech and Hearing Club Meeting Re~earsaJ -Collegiate Singe;rs, 6:4:5, AuditorJ:WD November 17 -23 117. Alpha Psi IOmega, 3:00 -Green RoOm Greek Weekend 18. 19. Rehearsal -Collegiate Singe1'S, 6:45 -AudlitoriJum 20. .. 21. Rehearsal -CoJileglate SlngeI'S, 6:45 -Au- 1. 2. FootbaM, Broc~ -Away Carr.pus Movie, ""I1he Oomanclheros" November 3 -9 3 4'.~aya F tb 11 (Reserve Te~m), YoUll1gstJown -Col1e~e Student PSEA Meeting Co1legiate P1a;yeI'S, 7:30 -Auditmium OB1InpusiMowe, "The Comanooeros" '5. Rehear&al -COllegiate Singers 6' 45 -Auditorium .25. 6. Dining Hail Commiittee Meeting immedliately la\flter first dinner' 7. iRehearsal -Collegiate Singers, 6: 45 -Au- ditJorium PJialye!l,g-~:OO p.m. Au~UIm 22. CoUeg~ate Plarye,rs -8.00 'p.m., Audli;tol'~um 23. OollegIate P1ayers -8:00 p.m. -Audliltorlum November 24 -30 24. Erie SymlIJlhonic Singers, 8:00 pJffi. -AudlitomlIn; .. 26. 'I1h'anksglvrng Recess BegInS 27. 28. 8. Al~ DelIta loW. Semi -Formal 9. Football, CaJdforndJa-Away November Dance 10 -16 10. Rho Sigma Ohi Fall FacuiLty Tea JJI. American 112. American ditorium Edulcation Ed,U/oation Week Week Psychollogy Club, 7:00 iRlehearsial -Collegjlate Singers, 6:45 -Auditoriwm Mu K~ GalInma, 8:115 -Bll:ue Room 13. Amerlican Educaltioo Week Earth SpaJCeScience CLub, 7:00 Campus Movie, "M!agJllificent Seven" 14. American EdUication Week Oouncil for Exceptional ChIiJld,7: 30 .~ehearsai -Odllegiate SingeI1S, 6:45 -AudltorllJlm 15. Almerican E:dIUcatiJonWeek AWS Ndi~t Club Greek Weekend 16. American Eduoaltion Week Greek Weekend DB 29. 30. Bas'ketba1.l, Blooms'burg -Home December 1 -7 1. 2. 'IIhIankS/g1ivingRecess Ends Student PSEA M~ting 3. Collegia,te Reheal1sal Pba\yers, 7:30 p!m. -Auditorium -Collegiate Singers, 6:45 -Au- ditorliUlm 4. Dining Ban Committee Meeting, lalfter first dinner Oampus Movie; "All Hands on Deck" 5. RcllearSial -Colleg~ate Singers, G:45 -Au' ditorium 6. Oollege 'Band Concert, 8:00 (p.m. '7. Basketball, AIlliance -Home All Greek fulIIlctioo December 8 -14 8. 9. Arthur L~rson, Lecture -8:00 (p.m. Rehearsal -Collegilate Singers, 6:45 . Canipton 10. 'B'aJsketball, Slippery Rock -Aiwa,y ReheaTsal -Conegilate Singers, 6:415-Au' ditorium 99 Mu Kappa 'Gamma, 8:1:5 -Blue Room 11. Earth Space Science Club, 17:00 Itehear.SJal -'Cotleg;iate Singers, 6:45 -Auditorium Hanging of the Greens 112. Council for Exc~ptional Chi]d, 1:3() !p.m. ISlpeeclhla~ Healiing Gulb Meeting Rehearsal -Collegilalte Singers, 6:45 -AuditOlrium Qpen House J:3. BaiSketbaJil, Baldwin Walliace Rehears'al -CdJilegtiate Singers,-Hdme 6:45 -Auditorium Rlho Sig;ma Chi Chrtistmas ,Party 14. B'usketbaill, Thiel -.AJway Saphomore Dance December , , I 19. 20. Freshmen Registration ~1. UIPperclass Registratton 22. Classes Begin Tryouts -Collegiate 2:30-4:30 p.m. .15 -21 15. ~a Psi 'Omega, 3:00 -Gre.oo R~m ChrIstmas Vesper,s -CollegIate Smgers, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p:m. [£. ~ha Delta Iot~ ChinstmJas ~any [1. !1!8. ~ January .12 -18 12. Alpha Psi Omega, 3:00 -Green Room '13. 14. ~ycihology Club, 7:00 p.m. Mu Kappa Gamma, 8:15 -Blue Room 15. 16. 17. 18. Basketbaill, BloomSburg -Away Wrestling, Lock Ha'Ven -Home, 2:00 p.m. Semester Ends January 19 -25 Basketball, Clar10n -Home AWS Christmas SpjJIjit Party 'Tryouts 2:30 '19. -\qallegiate 25. Registration 2fJ... 21. 'ChrIstmas January Room, Smgers ' mue Room. Ifor GI100UlateStudents 26. 4 5 -11 5. 6. Christmas IRecess Ends Student PSEA Meeting Collegiate P]ayers, 7:30 p.m. -AuditoriU!m 7. ,8. Basketball, FredonjJa -Home Dining HaJ1l Comlmiittee Mee1JiJng, after f~rst dinner Earth Space ScieIJIce Club, '7:00 9. Speech and Hearing Club Meeting 10. ]]1. Basketball, 'Fenn -Home Wrestling, Mansfield -Home, 2:00 p.m. 100 Blue Basketball, Lock Haven -Alway January 26 -February 1 Recess Begms December 22 -28 December 29 -January Singers, Earth Spalce Science Club, 7:00 IPJffi. 23. Tryouts -Qc)llegiate Singers, B[ue Room, 2:30 24. B8jsketball, ];ndianla -~ay ~. 'BasketbaR Robert Wesleyan -Away .Rehearslal'Collegiate Singers, 6:45 -Au. ditomum W["estling, 'I1biel -Home 29. Campus Movie, "RaJly Round the FlQg, Boys" .."' 30. IRE'he~sall. -CollegIate Smger,s, v. 45 -u-A diitorium 31. Greek Weekend 11. Basketball, Lock HaNel -Home Wrestling, West 'Uberty -Awa.y Greek Weekend February 2 -8 2. Greek Weekend . 3. Student IPSEA Meetmg 101 Basketba1!l, All!iance -Alway Collegiate ~layem., 7:30 -Auditorium 4. ReheaJ!'Sial-CoJilegiate Singers, 6:45 -Auditorium 5. Dindng Hall Commilttee Meeting, after first dinner 6. Rehearsal -CoJilegnaite Singers, 6:45 -AuditmliUlffi 7. Wrestoog, SliJppeI1y Rock -Alway 8. 9. 10. 111. Campus Mo~e, "Butte!I'field BasketbaU, Oailiforma -Home LIM. ..A~ha Wrestling, C1arh M.~a Delta Iota ~. 13. 8" Relhlearsal'ditorium FebrUary 9 -15 Assembly -Dr. AI1t W?rk~p [JaIVltt.Campus -\1:30 p.m. CaIlegiate Rehearsal di11oriUlffi Palrty R.eh.e.arsal -Oo1leg1ate SIngers, 6:45 -AuditorlUIn Psychology Club, 7:00 !p.m. Mu ,Kappa Galmlma, 8:!1.5-Blue Room Art WOrkshop Ealrth Space Sc!ience CDiulbMleeting, 7:00 6:45 -Au- Delta -Rush -Collegiate Plarty Singers -6:4:5 -Au- 28 W,restJiing -State TOUrIJIament 29. WrestliIig -State TOUII'nament . March 1 -7 1. 2. Student PSEA Meeting 3. -Rush Singers, Alpha Space Delta Sclience IQta -R\1I5Ih 26. Ea\1'th Ql:ub,Party 7:00 p.m. ."=1.,.".,. Talk " 27 Speech 'and MovIe, HearingL-~VV Club MeetiJng Gamma -Home ~ R~ Art WorkShop Alp1hla GaJInlma Delta 20 Basketbaill aJJaruon-Away .Rehearsal'Collegiate Singers, 6:45 -Au~ri~m 2l Alph!J. Delta All College Dance 22: BasketbaU CalifOlrnia -Away Wrestling,' IndiaJ1/an -Away February 23 -29 23. 24 25: Basketball Gannon -Home Party Rehearsal ditorium -Collegiaote Smgers, 6:45 -Au- Rehelarsa! -Collegli'alte Singers, 6:4:5 -AluditoriJum Collegiate P[a:rers -8:00 ,p.m. ,Alulditlorium Council ;!lor EX$tiona!. Ohiild, 7:30 p.m. Basketball, SlliIPIpery RUlck -Home 14. Campus Movie, "Forbidden Games" Colleglilalte PJayers -8:00 p.m. Auditorium 1-5, Baskeltblaill, Ii1diliaalJa-Home CoNegiate PlaYeTs -8:00 ..p.m.. Auditoriulm Wttestling, Grove C!ity -AWiay RJhIOSigma 0hJi -Rush Party. . CollegiJate Players, 7:00 -Audjitorium 4. Zeta Tau -Rusih !PIarty . Dining Hall Comlmittee MeetiJng after !first ddnner 5. RelhearSiall.-Collegiate Singers, 6:4;5 -Auditorium Wrestling -Four I ToUJI"Wlffielt11t 6. 'I1ambulritzans -8:00 p:m. W~es(tiling -Four I !'!'/)urna!ment February 16 -22 16. A!lpha Psd Omega, 3:00 -Green Room 117. Rho SiIgmIa Chi -Rulsih Party 18. Faculty Tea, 4:1i5 p.m. Rehielarsal -qdIlegiate Singers, 6:4:5 -Aluditorium 19. Zeta 'l1au -Ru.9h Party 7. 102 March 8 .14 8. ,t. 9. Assembly -Eldon .GrA1th.s, 10: 456'~5m_.Au10. R~e~rsal -Collegiate Singers, . ditonwn P~chology Club, 7:00 p.m. 103 Alpha De~ Iota -Rush Palrty Mju KJawa Gamma, 8:15 p.m. -Blue ROOm 11. Eartih Space ScieDIce C!IIU/b,7:00 Camp?,s Mbvie, "The Diary of Anne Frank A1pi!1a,Delta, IQta -Rush Party 12. ~~e~rsal -Collegiate Singers, 6:45 -Au- 8. Ea,rt!hi Space Sd1eIllce Club, 7:~ p;~. Campus Movie, "Green MJansl00s Relhleiall1sal-Col!l.egiate Singers, 16:45-AJuditori.um 9. 10. 111. All Greek fU~ction A:,pril .12 -18 1\3. Mplhia Delta Formial InliltJiation and Ban- 1.'3. Coll~and CIoII1cert, 8:00 p.m. AJ1pha.Gamm!JJDelta -Rush Barty Q)uncil !for ExceptionaQ Child, 7:30 p.m. 14. IGC Ball 14 March .15 -2:1 16. 15. AJ1pi1aPsi Omega, 3:30 -Green Room 117. RehearSal -Collegiate Singers, 6:4:5 -Au- 15. PQdl Show -Qym (1.6. Pool Show -Gym, . Rehearsal -CollegiaJte SIngers, 6:'45 -Auditori\mn 18.. .d ditorium 17. 19. Rehearsal diitm'j,\mn -CoHegjate Singers ' 6:45 -Au- 29 -April Assembly ReheaI1sw ! R~ -Green 104 " -Ivy Lea/glUe ,?rJP, 2:25 p.m. -COllegiate Sj,IJIgern, 6:4:5 -Au- ditonum Golf, Gannon -Alway i A!J.~a Delta InfOI1Inla1l. Piedge Service 1. R,e'he,arsal-Collegiate Singers, 6:45 -Auditarlium a Cause ditorium 22. Earth SpaJceScience Cilulb,.'7:00 p.m.' 23. Northwestern Pennsylvania COIu!DIcil for the Social Studies Rehewsal -Co1J.eg1iate Singers, 6:45 -Au- djtoIriUJffi April 5 -11 5. 6, Student PSEA Meeting CollegJi!artePila!Yel'S, 7:30 p.m, Without April '19 -25 19. Alpha Psi Omega, 3:00 -~een \ROom 20. Golf, CJ!arion -]n.Idiana -~mborQ -Atway .21. 4 29. 30. 3.1. 1. Easter Recess Ends !Dining HaU Oclmmitltee Meetirug after first dinner 2. Relhearsal -Collegilate &ingers, 6:45 -Au3. Pool S}:¥)w -Gym Campus M!ov[e, "Rebel 18. Pool RJho Shlow Sligma -~ Chi Spring Dance 20. Campus Movie, "Where The Boys Are" 21. Easter Recess Be,gins March 22 -28 March ri:~all"Sal -Collegiate Singers, 6:4!5 -Au'1Jori\mn ~YChOlogy Club, 7:00 (p.m. Mu KJ~a GaiInmJa, 8:'1:5-Blue Room Collegiate Pla(Yel'S -8:00 24. Collegiate Players -8:00 25. Tennis, Claribn -AiWlay Collegiate Players -8:00 April 26 -May 26. 27. .. p.m. Au~tol1~\mn p.m. Auditorlum A ,+~-' p.m. ll"UU1'l"'..um 2 28. Re}]ea,rsal -CoJilegiate Singers, 6:45 -Auditorium , , Ivy League Trio -8:00 Auditorium 105 ~, 29. TeIJlnlia, Slipperw Rock -HioIne 30. Relhearsal -CdJJlegti'ate Singers, 6:415 -AudiJtorwm .n. 1. Coli!ege Band Concert -8:00 p;m. GoJlr, .Room" GalimOO -HJqme 2 Al D ary .u:mm Tennis, 'Clarion -Home Campus Movie, "Love Is A MainY Splendored 11hing" . Co1lege Band OQllcert -3:00 tori urn ~.m. Audi- GJo1(f,state Toulrnalment. 5 m 12. Mu Kappa Gamma, 8.1 p.. C ampug and "n1,-,.'ie EneIn(Y Below 13 Speech J.VJI"'V , "The Club 14: Hearing M eetin g 1.5. ..' 16. Faculty Assoclation D]inller , May 17 -23 . 17. 3 :.00 - Green 18. Alpha ,A]J;lhIaPSI DeltaOmega, iota' Wiener Roast Room AlJ;Jt1aDelta MOther's Day Tea Student PSEA Meeting Colleg1ilate Players, 7:30 ~.m. -Auditor- 20.. .. 21. Chi ~cnJ:c 22. .,P.lllo ." S~, " 23. Classes End May 24. -30 .24. Golf, S]JjJppery ~c.k -~ome Rehearsal -CollegIate SIngers, 6:45 -Au- 25. Baccalaureate Commencement 26. ium dlitoriwn . 27 5. Richaa'd Goode, Pi:mist -1: 3() p.m. Rehealrsa!l -Collegihate Singe~s, 6:415 -Audito n'Um .3(). RilJjoSilgma 'Chi -Mother's Tea 6. Earth Spaice Science Club, 7:00 p.m. Rehearsal -Colleghate Singers, 6:45 -AudjJtorjJum 7. Golf, AHiance -CLarion -Edinboro .Home TeIJJnlis,Slippery Rock -Away Collegiate Singers ConceI1t, 8:00 p.m. 28. 29. . .", , ,.." ," ,..,.,.". .., .'.. Concert, 8:00 p.m. ., . A:uditori\J!m 8. Collegiate Singers AuditoIiLum -Blue 19. May .'I -9 3. 4. May 10 -.16 10., .. '. ... ." ,., ,.. .,. 9. 1 ,:,; 106 107 '_il';;"'.. INDEX Absence a nd Tardiness 19 C lIege Union Academic Standards Activity Schedule Adv.sn.-tT ,,~ 1__., Pr ogr""" 17 95 21 Collegiate Players '.'..'..".'..'..'..'.67 Collegiate Singers ." : " Co~ege '1 C'--'stian 1m'" FellowshlP C00"," ~"' uting Students Conne,autteean, The A" . t ...f the s.budent-Faculty ssn.. .. ConstlULlon 0.. Council for Exceptional Children Councl 1 (}{ Women D ail y Bulle tin Dean's List ." ' Debating Society ' Alma Mat er 69 69 70 58 89 84 84 28 . 67 90 64 28 27 27 Calendar of Events Canterbury Club nn g Cheers and Su..S Church Services 95 77 91 74 . . , Churdhes Class Bell and Schedule ReLigious Organizations... Class Membership Closing of Dormitories During Vacations... 74 -77 16 28 -.68 . 16 54 54 Athletic Schedules Nhl~". ;L",,-ICS, Mens' ~thl t .cs Worn ' (WAA) .el, ens le Regul t Automn'-'l vUll alOl1S Band a 'I Schedule .., Baske"'LU!' Beta BetaBe ''La ."'...".".." dd F .I Boar ng aci lit leg Bk 1., oosan dS upples USS ervlce B 0 2 Alpha DeLta Al~ G D '" l".a aIm11a eJilla Alpha Phi Omega (Service) O Al pha P.Sl mega , Assembl y Association of Women Students Association of Men Students - INDEX Debut .' " Deta lPh 1.D1ta e' Dlt S eal gma Phi D g Room Regulations mm D .' ct n ry .. ! 77 54 65 45 60 54 31 18 68 66 63 70 26 . f6 . , u e.., Dorm"""'ory Maintenance. Dramaltlics t. E-Cu 1b -' hS clence Ea1'L .Club El Igl .' b.ILLY t ...Rules 36 68 73 59 85 20 Employment on Campus E,ngl ,. .lsh Club Exa-. tr Cur ricular Program Fire Regulations ' 58 55 42 89 '..' Football Fraternity Scihedllie and Club I~i~iations :: 28 18 Fraternities (see indlividual and SorOl'rtles n~me) 14 College Club and Administrative Organization Offices Regulooons 11 79 Freshman Gamma Theta Information. Upsilon... ~~ College Band College Ll abi!ty 1 Coilege President's Message 67 38 5 Golf G k Lett er Organizations ree'. Guests in Dormitories... . . 108 " ' .' ... 68 35 109 .co.-. ~ .,-- INDEX ;, j ;, I . Guests in Dihing Room 26 Handbook. ..., " ,., 66 H~alth and Infirmary Service 24 HI~tory of the College 8 JIIfHmary Service 24 JI'lness in Room 24 I"Jter-Fraternity Council 68 I?tramural Sports ...' 84 I~appa Delta Phi 62 t~appa Delta Pi 71 K~y~ 27 K.iltJ~.Fins """"."""" 73 L~ilbillty of College 38 LIbrarY 22 Loans '.."""'."..'..' 20 Lut~eran Student Association 78 Mall Service 27 Map of Campus 56'-57 Mu.Kappa Gamma '.' 63 NauonalDefense Loans 21 Newman Club "'.."'.""' 78 Newspaper 65 Off-Ca~pus Students ::::::::::: 38 Parents Permission 3 6 Parking :::: 28 People-to-people 761 Pep Club :::".."'.."'..'."'.'. 4 PhISlgInaPi 71 Presid:m's Message :::::::::: 5 ~robauon 19 PSEA, Student ::::::::::::::: 55 ~SY~hOlOgyClub ".'." 60 Ra~o Station : : 59 e Cross IntercollegIate Council 74 Registration 16 110 : I Regulations for Men. 38 Regulations,CommutIng and Off-Campus... 41 Regulations for Women 34 Religious Organizations 77 Rho Sigma Chi 72 Scholarshipsand Loans 20 S~heduling So.cialActivities. 31 SIgma Tau SIgma 72 Social Studies Club 62 Songs and Cheers 91 Spectator, The.: 65 Speechand ~~a'rl11gClub 61 StudeDltAdvISlIlegProgram 21 Student Employment 20 Student Gov~rnm~nt 45 StudeIllt PresIde?ts Messag~ '.."""""" 7 Student ProfessIonal OrganIZatIons 55 Student PSEA 55 Student Publications 64 Stud~nt Self-help 20 Tardiness and .Absence 22 Telephone ServIce 12 'rele~hones, Campus 12 Tenrus 90 T~e Schedule of Classes 16 TIpS to Freshmen 14 Upper Division 18 W.A.A Wesley. Fellowship WestmInSterCollege FellowshIp Withdr.8wal Procedure Wrestling Schedule Yearbook Zeta Tau 111 84 78 79 17 89 65 73