'' J ^,M/Y /^^S /-'OMyf^ MMUC^J^Cqy^ MEADVILLE PRODUCTION ROOM 2 MASONIC BLD©., MEADVILLE, PA. credit ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE MEADVILLE 29-60/ COUNTIES SERVED ERIE. BRANCH OFFICES 19^ N. MAIN ST. CRAWFORD. MERCER. FOREST. UNION CITY. PA. PHONE 211 WARREN. VENANGO FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG. MERCER. PA. (2ND floor) October 2^, 19^0 Mr. Todd Goodell Edinboro, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Goodell; We have checked with our bank and we find that check #27^7 which was made payable to you and Mr. Salchak has not been cashed. I presume that Mr. Salchak has this check in his possession and I know of no reason why he should not turn it over to you. We have lived up to our agreement and loaned Mr. Salchak the money to pay this. Trusting that you will be able to get your money at once, I remain, Very sincerely yours. Norman R. Rough Sec re tary-Trea surer NRRtELR MEADVILLE PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION ROOM 2 A\ASONIC BLDG., MEADVILLE, PA. TELEPHONE MEADVILLE 29-601 COUNTIES SERVED ERIE. BRANCH OFFICES 19?^ CRAWFORD. MERCER. FOREST. N. main' ST. UNION CITY. PA. PHONE 211 WARREN. VENANGO FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG. MERCER. PA. (2nd floor) DEPEWDABLE CBEDIT October 19^0 Mr. Todd Goodell EdinborOj Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Goodell: On October 3 we mailed Mr. Salchak a check for $1^00.00 for rent which was made jointly to Mr. Salchak and you. Very truly yours. Edna L. Rodgers ^ Ass’t Secretaiy-Treasurer ELR INDENTURE, made this............... ....................................day of.................................................................................... , 19 ..CC^o/ ..AcM^ b^ott — M^jULS .of the.. ftiid between Lt>» .S?».on8&........______ _____ .of....jain6.fij».. County of....... ................................................................................ and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (hereinafter called Grantors) and the PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY, a Pennsylvania corporation (hereinafter called Grantee). WITNESSETH: That, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) received from Grantee, Grantors hereby grant and convey to Grantee, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate an electric line consisting of..........iRaod...pfta.$.g.>..............., conductors, overhead and underground lightning protective wires, private communication wires, guys, push braces and accessory apparatus Boroagn and equipment deemed by Grantee to be necessary therefor, upon, over, across and under the lands of Grantors situated in the..!3!flinQlllllll?L___ of BSlnboro .... ---■.................jPounty. of.——...-.^-~,.GQ59JqMnwgialth Qf.EsB«3dya^»a,.^K>undedJ^s.foJIfls^ - ... Southerly by Qy Easterly by?:®^^...®?..?:* ..?* Hostetleg ond A# G» pole......................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ........... Westerly by.A*^®...P.f....Hc®.®.®.?...Mg.l@?.it#.l.s...O.f®.aaS*....MinbpX’oC0ffieta|y...j^.speiatl^^ .........?®ra.i#.sipn M h@rebx..jS?:®nMA„Ao..w.aiP....a.ofi..3E:0.’bMM..31..B^^ For the consideration above set forth. Grantors further g^ant and convey to the Grantee, its raocessors and assigns, the following rights and privileges in connection with the aforesaid electric line: 1. The right to lease and/or convey in .part, or all, the rights jp;ranted herein and the facilities constructed pursuant thereto to other utilities and particularly to telephone compames for the purp<^ of furnishing telephone service. 2. The right, from time to time, to install on said line such additional apparatus and equipment as Grantee may deem necessary or convenient. . „i 6. The right to enter upon Grantors’ land for the purposes herein set forth. Reserving, however, to Grantors the right to cultivate the ground between the poles or other supporting structures of said line; provided that such use Mall not interfere with or obstruct the rights herein granted It is understood between the parties hereto that not more than one line of poles shall be erected and maintained pursuant to this grant. The words “Grantors” and “Grants” shall include their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns as the case may be. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantors have duly executed this Indenture the day and year first above written. WITNESS: ^ ............... ...............................................^................................................................... (SEAL) ................................................................................................................. (SEAL) . „ 3. The right to remove all or any part of said line. 4. The right to trim, cut or remove trees, underbrush and other obstructions that are within ..... %Mm...................... ..) feet of any wire strung on said line; provided, however, anjjr damage (other than for said trimming, cutting or removing) to the property of .Gi:antors.a5aused-by.said:G£anteeaiujnaintainingjsaidJme~shall. be-borne by 4.he. said Granteev._—^ ....................................................................................................(SEAL) Address 3M84^ CN-3 Rev. 448 PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Erie, Pennsylvania, July 25, I950 Mr. Todd Goodell Waterford Road, RD 6 Edinboro, Pennsylvania -Dear Sir-: This is in reply to your verbal request to Messrs. C. E. Rubner and E. A. Clark of our Company July 25, 1950 regarding cutting and trim­ ming brush on the west boundary of your property. We hereby agree to trim, cut, and remove the trees and brush on your property adjacent to the west boundary line on the portion aWtting the land owned by Pioneer Materials Company, Edinboro Cemetery Association, and ”The Cove". We also agree to apply 2,4D and 2,4,5T as a brush spray on this portion of your property from which the brush was removed. This portion of your property in question extends east and west of the existing and/or proposed 53 KV transmission line as located on and off your property within a 100 foot distance on each side of said line. We hereby agree to maintain by trimming, cutting, or spraying a right of way strip adjacent to said transmission line that extends 50 feet in each direction from any conductors on said transmission line. This agreement on our part is contingent upon your granting to Pennsylvania Electric Company a right of way comprising a distance of 50 feet each side from any one of the conductors on the 53 KV transmission — Xine-that--^-ave-rses -your-property from-noirth- to sbtrbhi" " " " Very truly yours, PEKESYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY K. H. ISHXER Division Engineer Edinboro, Pennsylvania ilarch 25, 1929 Mr. T, H, Munce, Harrisburg, Pa. Dear Sir: t"our letter ;of March l9th. was receivec.^and contents noted, gave- Dr. Britton all the information for which you askec when he tested my cows. It would be impossible for me to take the numbers that you sent me and identify the cows to which they belonged. I can tell you that all the cows that were conderahdd came from Crav/ford County, which is a certified coun'ty.At the time the cows were condemned, I.i.looked up the information you want and gave it to Dr. Briy'fyon.If this is not satisfactory please let me know and I v;ill try to drfb anything I can as I am not in a position to stand the loss. Is this a new lav/? There has never been anything like this required before. tours truly. Edinboro, Pa. Washington Township g.AUTH OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE HARRISBURG BUREAU OF ANIMAU INDUSTRY March 28, 1929* Edinhoro, ?a. Dear Sir: V/e have your letter of March E5th, re­ garding reactors in your herd v/hich v/e have "been unahle to identify* Animal tag #A131418, a grade Jersey 9 years old, reported as having been purchased from j^ntheas Daron, Alhion, Cressev/ago (Tov/nship, Pa., and animal tag ^.67246K, a grade Jersey 3 years old, reported as having heen purchased from Fred Salen of Cambridge Springs, V/oodcock Tov/nship, Pa* 7/hat we need, in order to complete your indemnity claim, is information to establish the fact that these animals were added to your herd in accord­ ance with the provisions outlined for adding animals to herds in tested areas. C/e are enclosing a bulletin A I-54, and sugges-T^’r you re'fel‘'t'CTTSge's"'6,- 7= and 8,- and if -jrou—— can advise us the name and address, including the name of the township of the owner in v/Iiose herd these animals were previously tested under supervision, we v/ill be glad to make further search here, but unless the fact can be established that these animals were added to your herd in accordance with the provisions of the Area Plan tney will not be eligible for indemnity. .truly yours Kindly refer to V/ashingfcon Twp* T, E. Hmce, Director, Bureau of Animal Industry 1 / ir d ~Ax) yC>l.Zj^ Jl>(^ /? fJ^'^ yS'iyCS' ^.<^^tr-XX^y^ y^ynyy yk (^(Xyy y~y {T-^iyy%X y^c'^yzyycty^ (XyC^ y-y, ^ ^ot^^yy^yyyOir- 0~^Cky^\^ yk^ytyyy ^yiyyot^ * y^y^'"\y^L^^'~*/ yy-tyiyk ^yx^y/^yyy cr~V'^fy\y ykiylyfy yyyfymyy ^^k^yiAMxX' y^Lyi^^y/ y -^a-XL-'^^^AOQ^ dy —€^"5Cx< ^A^ / Ocy^ yQ^ dCo ^ y(^yXy^tr-tyL^ C!^ y(yiy~Cy yyO^'''^y\^ oCAy^ y(y^'^^<y^ y£iy\yiyyd\Jt^, ^IlLl .yiyty-Cy y^'Cx^c?ty2y'-Cy y^AycyyafA^ yCy^—u^-n^-'-a-'^^j z^ _ ____ dX yAyt'xyO^^y^y^ ^ dJ^ {Xyty'(A^ y^yO <^’ ^(T-dot Jdl^ ycLa-nd(r y^-y'^^cci^ otX^/d- y'y'^-yuxt^'ylyS^O^^ .d-Ld^<^^i^CK-> oArjicd cx. ^ ‘ cr-y^ ^ y^lyX\^ytr"ty<^ yCyi^CLyi^ J^-iyc yy)_d.^ _-A^C<-^ d'H-^idi' yy^y-ynyir^i^^-\^iy-^y-^^ JL^Ou'^CdyV^ y()-<' -^''3_><3^ ...>^ytyy~i^ oJUy\y^^~^ ydy{.—y'~y'^-~^xj^^i^,/xd' &,.^-x^OLy —^^^'C^-'-T.'-'-z^ yxy'-t^.y'^^t.-'^^-^ -'^'2— Cit-a4^ ..Jl;--^ j?. . y^AyiyCxy^^y 0 s ’ ^ ^ f r T ^’kJL^^'\„/yj%j^ yjL^ ay y^xt-"i‘>^A rr/ r yyOtTL^ > ^ yyx^-xrxyX ^1 y^ yjiyyjUsy^ /-C^^ ^ \ L_ ^JyinyytXtx^ ^ y/ (Xyx.^^ yyyl£.-d^ >72^ --'Z/ns-'T'^ y^L^6irr^ DR, G. S. ANDREWS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ^omeaul, ^liio s. li^K) f J89 6- '4^ ^ ij s. i. uT _ , /U JLJL.i -o<~, ^ ^ ^ 4'.J‘^ 1'L ^ A\ \UjLyL4 cxA A UL ^ txrx^ ^ .A. ■< ^ ^ J ,A -V''— ^tv. a C A A »'j^ Jl^f IX-o J^^-a-6-y <5u/ vG—^ cXJCjuu/ Al>o"1^ C>w yt-<^- ^ i 4^vw- * / *%11 ^ ^ ^ '*ji^ X y I__ i/!.-3T^r V 1 , ^B*" ■\juA^ ■H^OvAxy v/\_A.A—<_> c/' __^ ^ v* ' -,/J c^ix yO-'f^Aj X-XXVx^ ii-,^ oiu^ ^ 'Sr' ^ ,7-- I («£xj_jC-^<)xx-v- CXX^ ^x-X4-^ /AO^^ . aAaL^- ^ ^ ^ I |g>iyi w ^ij ^_.AjuZi, cT^C^x- XLaX .t^ZcAi -AJ^ ^ ^ ■^iaa^, ^ 2--cy~^-AUC ^ yi/'JyC^ y^ -yZAL^ -P’^^^'^lJ-y -^-,,--7A^ U^-AA-A^---- ^ _ i-t-// - .<^TH-^‘] Ua,^ y^'*7^ ^ ‘f Xx [vXX-l ’crzrciUJ- ■ (X-^yT-C^ "TAM-X^ ''’JC^ ‘^ckAJ J^-tX^ ^/^-tA, '{/& ~(J\J^ fSuL ^cTyyvt ^CTAX. <=Ynj!- 'Tio'xaJ '7'HAAJ^ Oi.€yL.n/\- 'yi,\jL^^ _' ..AXT^y^^^X^GK-y^C^ C7-tSk (T-yVXA- ''W^OUa^ ^yruy nu -^^IjJULx-a-^ k?o/^ “^77/v^ ‘^rTX ff—iy<''—li^L'AjL Cl. -.aS^^uoA .Ay J/^jULy^ 0'~v^ (A-^ (Arvol JxA (Le>^--^ -Ji. 'Vx^ ^mA- ^fJncLo^- cr\x ’^YyxAjAi flAt n^y "AA^ (Ly^ foMliL. Ax' cAZ^^ JlMtitX^ cmAty S" tZ.5C^><^ y