- Articles of 6~ssociation) Edinboro Academy) Recorded Oct.23, Articles ) Constitution ) 1856 of Association ) Edinboro of or the Academy. ) Deed Book 7, Page 52. ) The subscribers, Pennsylvania have agreed poses set forth acquiring and enjoying tion citizens in the or body politic following the following articles1st, and title This of established Corporation That the provided the Trustees said of of Edinboro which record the said said provided for arts and and title and elsewhere the manage- succession aforesaid and shall and to hold not ex- as hereinafter consist of the Nelson Clute, the TOwrlShip of Burlingham and their shall and declbred perpetual be under & Wm. Proud of and Prentice established to take hereby useful Academy shall Isaac R. Taylor, to sue and be sued plead and equity in the ComIty of l~rie be elected seven Trustees as hereinafter with shall shall AlfredG»een E. W. Gerrish able the objects of a number of Trustees others Washington, name style for be and is languages, institution to wit: J. Compton, and corporate the learned and government created such purposes. literature. seven and until hereby of be known by the name style in the ceeding elected shall of Edinboro persons of and name specified in the Borough in desirous ourselves shall ment direction .be associate the pur- of a corpora- furtherance Academy which 2nd, Josiah the conditions and gelleral following powers and immunitits hereby of youth for and are the Edinboro the education sciences themselves articles law for We do therefore the articles the Commonwealth of to associate in and UIlder of forever of the Borough sliccessors be and they are; to be one body politic in deed and in law by the and by the same name shall and be impleaded be competent to to be in all courts and capable in them and to their of law successors , -~ ~ ~- --"- ~- ~~- .- i for the use of said hereditaments wl1Bt kind persons j r goods chattels nature conveyance Academy any estate or quality assurance whomsoever will the yearly Bame from time to time out at benefit of interest said value thereof which shall und to receive the for bargain sale and the demise alien of for lease the use and, profits income same to the proper acts or the Bame dollars the rents such buildings and singular be lawful Bell dispose of from any person thousand bargain or effects t}:le same, provided three and to apply to do all grant or bequest or otherwise Academy and to erect generally by gift of to grant said llcademy, and interest soever devise tenements moneys or other ca~)able of making do not exceed place stock in lands use of as may be necessary deeds matterB them to do for the well and hnd things being of the said Academy and the due management thereof. 3", their ficates think snd bcts cates and the device anew. 4". on the thiTd at with proper of said The first election schoolhouse first Monday of by the board of Trustees, one o'clock and shall by a majority of the January said vote person or by proxy shere of their five stock held and above and in fi've any share after holders of the ratio present election hUIldred and fifty thereafter commence at at holders the hour the time of shall of shall unless com- , be allovJed one vote them or standing one vote ShEJres end n$ person place by two rnanagers to be chosen the Corpor&tion of take and flS may be appointed shall and in the ratio by him her or the first eight such place and the stock names in the,b08kS shares at shall Borough and amlually be conducted mencing in said deeds certi- mElYbreak alter Trustees the election stock election, in thereon~ pass and be authenti- pleasure of and inscriptions which all shall l1!fonday of 11ft' one thousand the east cause to be made for such deviceB corporation ~t their , shall and by and with same seal on the of Trustees use one common seal as they shall six The said for in his to each her or up to the number of for every be allowed two shares ;t;o vote the same be fully over on paid. -eThe votes labeled shall shall be given on the outside contain and those the Trustees in of office .The board case of the death or other officer appoint shall out of also in their Provided for that which of the Uni tfd shall any person belief either admission 6, certificate dollars who have heretofore every subscribe for Attorney capital stock of said into Corpora- and nor or b of his pupil or her he or she manner and conform corporation of said to five "Uorpora tion Corporation of be eolla~s each or persons subscribe and said Borough such person or per- they may have or sholl Corporation to the payment of shall an Academy in he she or of said tutor or may hereafter share which the said have any force to such person of building in of Provided shsres representatives on the books of subject orderly and legal and hold and by laws as master. be issued subscribed the purpose or to the heirs sons for stock shall and they the Academy. divided of which pay money for of The capital thousand ferable election; of pennsyl vl,nia of religion in a sober and reg1llations of any Trustee Academy on account in matters demean him or herself three said and in to the Constitution (JS principal, election have power to shall or of the State into or persuasion the rules shall no By-Law or ordinance Stutes after and government be repUgIlant con- consti- holder. to serve the next being beI own number and elect be a stock office until the well shall laws be refused stead and shall meeting have power to ena,ct such ordinances may be necessary and effect of their in year of whom shall or refusal the Trustees others shall first who shall resignation number of votes five at their the board said are electiOll. of Trui,tees and Secretary be in the ensuing successors shall Academy" and stockholders the highest annually a President a Treasurer tion their a quorum shall appoint of the }~dinboro Academy for mItil and each :SEEk ticket Seven persons having said 5", tute "Trustees the names of corporation tinue by ballot which ei ther any balance shall in be trans- person due thereon may be increased to six or by and the thousand at dollars any annual by a vote order the board majority which The Treasurer signed be Em:audited or more sufficient of of his s~~eties if remaining in his in office pensation required which thereof and before a bond by the trustees by him conditioned hands at for the to faithful be and Treasurer may receive as may be thought reasonable officer services. annually of and it at persons be the duties n~ affiars the books of times interested of their and other with by the board successor such comof Trustees any fee or rev/ard wh~tever the expiration together proper receive sh&ll the finances report the end of shall dis- and the payment and the Secretary open tit all of all give ye~r to his his condition shall or a accomlts the for report and Secretary by the Trustees. office charge of the dl1ties of his office no other moneys by them in a sum money to be received but all the sarne to the BUXX keep fair and settled upon the duties approved the stockholders and hold by the President he shall shall of receive and payout of entering of shall to the Corporation of the majority election. 7. belonging of of the Trustees term of office of said who are at the Corporation the Corporation to the examination to shall be and inspection such times stockholders in said Corpor~tion. IsRbc R. Taylor Nelson J. !v!cFarland. Jr. Jesse T..Iewis Thos. Kctarland M. M. McClaughrey E. O. 1avid James Reeder J. O. Reeder P. Burlingham John Tarbell Julius Swift E. W. Gerrish IJartin Scrafford Samuel Reeder F. J. Campbell Arch 1,!cFarland J. R. l~eeder J. ~. Reeder c... And now to wit to the Court examined.wk conditions not injurious II ~u_t.""r'j: Clute CommonPleas the within therein set forth to the and the Court instrument petition direct that being presente having and the objects and contained community Terry Job Reeder lw!arch15. 1856 the within of H. R. perused articles appeseing this writing ~ and lawful and and ~c_- in the Prothonotarys office of sai6 to be inserted in one newspaper at least v/eeks setting three Court printed forth ~"'"- and also in the direct notice County of }~riE:, for th1'...t an application has been J ~ I made to s8id Court to grant ti charter of\incorporbtion, etc.i Per Curiam, A. King, Pro. NOTICE The Edinboro Court of Academy in Edin'boro ~omrnon Pleas Society and the proposed have been examined in the and of office also County aforesaid application County to grant Court and directed for bt least has been made. the same to be filedI of said in one newspaper three wel;ks setting Edinboro printed in the tht:i t such }~brch 19/56 Prothy County W. N. Lewis and Sbith that newspaper published: that the lished: 29th Court, forth A. King Erie to said of Association o~:fxb~:J to be given to the a charter and J~rticle~ Prothonotary notice County has applied constituion by said of the direct Erie Erie he is foregoing in three being duly swotn according the Editor of the Edinboro in Edinboro in the advertisement numbers of March and 5th April that notice that the o@jects contained order within articles the within paper to-wit: decree articles lawful that the Edinboro that the 22" &: successors to law, the to the and being set forth in according and contained tile and further made satisfied community by the style County of Erie being associated shall set forth and body politic of Common Pleas and due proof the persons therein Academy in of pub- ) H. N. F. Lewis. Court and conditionstherein and their a11d conditions and be a corporation according and not injurious and declare instrument 1856 the instrument had been given are aforesaid A.D.1856. And now to wi t r~y 5. examineL Jruseum a weekly was regularly Sworn & subscribed before me April) 26th 1856 E.W.Gerrish J.P. having law deposeth County of l~rie and notice said to allC do KD:I:x the to the become and name of direct c.o that the ---,- said -6 Charter of ---' Incorporation be recordedin the office for J the recording Assembly of in deeds such case in said County agreeably to the Act of made & provided. ~" I Per Cur iam l II!~W j~} Erie county: I. Please the in and for ofiginal said WitnesS 5th day of , King decree Acade,my. thi~'( Alfred Prothonotary County of said my hand / /j do certify Court and l~ay A.D.1856. of , the that court the incorporating the, seal of the Common foregoing the said of is r~dinboro Court at Erie , Alfred King Pro. (Seal of the Co~r of Com. P~~'$s Erie Co.Pa.) ,f ,ff \, ~ I! ! i k,. Ii! I' I \ I ',.,,!'i ,'" t. \, i~ii$r , t ',. ' ! " ,,. 'i ! "', ,... t '! I t]' ~ .'" \ £, i , :-, ",. .,. i , ' """ ',() ,'\ ~ t$!:.. ;;"; .\;1 fQ ,..~ ;1 l .., ;,'; , j ~: :;:;,~\,t: ~ Henry Lewis, Job Reeder, JOml Kinter, i~. Vi. Campbell, McWilliams, Elea s licVVilliams, H. R. Terry be academy amendment Gerrish, C. W. Biggers, P. Wm. Clute, Nelson Allen, E. A Turner, George Stoke, W. A. Campbell, W. John C&mpbell, R. Robert Walker, H. John Clark, B. J. ;teeder, James accordingly. decree a make and same the approve Corporation said of conditions alid brticles the in Alteration of resolution above the that County Erie of Please Common of Court the of Judge Hon. the to represent respectfully most would Academy said of stockholders undersigned the We Secty Gerrish W. E. Prest. Burlingham, P. provided. ~xidx and made case such i~ssembly of Act withthe accordance in Court said of decree a aforesaid as to amendment and alteration said of val appr an for Erie of ComIty the of Pleas Common of Court next the to made be application an that and Academy said of stockholders the by upon voted be to matter business other or election any at vote one to entitled be only shall stockholder every and each that amended so be Corp/ration said of Constitution the of Article On John C. Reeder, Jesse J.lewis, F. C. Vunk , and Nelson Clute Hugh four,.- the that resolved it-;:~S Esq Campbell W. John of motion I l1ttest pray ~1ourHon. body to Tesse TJewis, A. Perry, J.C.1!.cWillinms, "" Gerrish, W. E. 13urlingham, Prentice (viz) present members All seven fifty and hundred 191} page 8, Book Deed eight thousand one } 1857 Aug.7, Recorded } same Court the within The 1857 8th, May Reeder, Saml. Samuel Knerr, Robert l.!cWilliams, N. White, N. C. [1.ustin, C. r~. Cobb, Isaac R. Taylor, the Edinboro the of and examined duly & Court the to in by us we thcreSore that ordered is it Charter the of Alteration said the is concurred beneficial, lawful' be will second twenty the on Academy Edinboro Academy) Edinboro } . } iC" the of Trustees the of meeting a At Charter} of Amendment - County of }Jrie for 3 weeks. Per Curiam Public NJtice is hereby have submitted eXamillation the Trustees Court the following Instead "That alteration of the manlier in to one vote be voted upon by the Stockholders;" alteration be filed 1857 County: -3 J. J. B. do depose and say that of the Erie of Erieand of Gazette that the ~dinboto of Erie the first ..' , .1 1 i ,; it -., only shall be matter to alteration that the said has ordered and notice the same to thereof t.e A. Xing, Gara of the I am one of a newspaper notice of Erie the Proprietors published Academy as ordered County was published publication City of a proposed whereof given for the in City duly sworn and COUllty the C~rter of Common Pleas weeks in said the paper said I and publishers amendment in by the Court three being in being Prothonotar~ i paper on the and ,that tile Copy of said advertise- 31st day of July, il.D.1857. J. F. :D.o;wniJlg~ J. P.1 i said opinion the Court ment hereto attahced is correct. Sworn & subscribed before me this .I it businesS w. 14th day of }.~ayA.D.1857, f1 of said by the stock- shall and that being of tilereof, or other and beneficial of County for to law. 1tay 12, Erie Court amo~g the records according coting stockholder any election would be lawful of the 4th article entitled has been examined and the of Erie Academy of the Constitution each and every at of the Edinboro of Common Pleas as ia now provided be provided; PrQ. fiotice that to the incorporation: holders, given A. King, J. B. GarR. And now to wit of the notice ment upon lished August of which as required satisfaction tion as if A.D. the within it and that of the the same had originally the publication amendment to the instru- of Court is hereby decreed intents been made ~rt that the said be deemed and upon which to all and estal- 11&ving been made to the the same shall instrUf!lent was formed and established of li.cademy was formed by the order of the Court. to be a part 1857 proof proposed The Edinboro amendment be recorded. taken 3 said Corpora- and purposes thereof. Per C}triam A. King. ., .Ii II il ii Pro.