Honors Program [ N E W S L E T T E R] Happy Holidays! [ Fall 2019 Issue 3 ] INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Honors Library Spring Fieldtrip NCHC Conference Senior Spotlights Important Announcements Morgan Calahan “As a student in both fields of biology and art, I am pursuing a career in scientific illustration. Most often, my subject matter details life in nature, such as animals, plants, and habitat. Other times, I work to communicate scientific principles or entities not seen by the human eye by use of visual aid. My inspiration comes from admiring nature and the outdoors, as well my curiosity towards those observations. I illustrate to examine and better understand my subject, and hope that the viewer can do the same and appreciate the importance and beauty of all organisms with the purpose of promoting conservation.” CONTACT US: 1 ON THE COVER: HONORS OFFICE ADDRESS 200 Tartan Rd, Edinboro, PA 16444 PHONE (814) 732 - 2981 DIRECTOR Dr. Roger Solberg rsolberg@edinboro.edu OFFICE MANAGER Sue Althof salthof@edinboro.edu STUDENT STAFF Katie Holt kh163169@scots.edinboro.edu Rayne Burgin rb153523@scots.edinboro.edu Brooklynn Goodworth bg163654@scots.edinboro.edu Honors Library Honors Program students Will Holmes, Alexis Dixon and Braxton Harvey (L-R) are part of a group of volunteers who helped move the Honors Library from the basement of Earp Hall to its new home in the Highlands 1 Gathering Room. Only a small portion of the library is shown here. Dr. Solberg hopes to fill the remaining shelves with donations from faculty and other contributors. Dr. Solberg believes the Honors Library has been "an underutilized resource" because of its previous location. Now that it is easily accessible, he hopes more students will take advantage of it. "We still need do an inventory of titles and devise a check-out system," he says. This task will fall to Dixon, Holmes and Harvey, as well as the other members of the Honors Library team: Violet Vance, Page Karstetter, Brandon Danko, Meghan Miller and Makayla Unger. If other Honors students are interested in working with our book collection, they should contact Dr. Solberg. 1 Spring Field Trip In the spring, the Honors Program will be going international to Toronto, Canada! The trip will be April 3-5. Keep your eyes peeled for more information, and get ready for your trip to Canada. Each student signing up for the field trip must have a valid passport or passport card. 2 National Collegiate Honors Council On November 6th-10th, Honors students and Dr. Solberg went to New Orleans for the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) conference! Each student presented a project; Morgan Calahan presented “Heterozygosity of Captive Burmese Star Tortoises, Geochelone platynota,” Rachel Maly presented “The Eyes and Ears of the Earth”, Sarah Watson presented “Transitioning to STREAM,” and Erik Murphy presented “Educational Linguistics: Destroying Other Cultures.” Congratulations on all your hard work! From left to right: Morgan Calahan, Sarah Watson, Dr. Solberg, Erik Murphy, Rachel Maly EUP’s New Orleans contingent enjoys hot chocolate and beignets at the famous Big Easy landmark Café du Monde. 3 Senior Spotlights Leah Pilewski – Biology Pre-Veterinary Leah Pilewski is a Biology Pre-Veterinary major with a minor in Chemistry. One of the main highlights of her college experience was the opportunity to do research with faculty members on campus. Not only was this research fascinating and thought provoking, but it also allowed her to gain experience that will aid in her future endeavors in a graduate program. Her advice to underclassman is to take advantage of every possible opportunity that Edinboro has to offer, whether that be study abroad, research, or joining a club. Leah says, "experiences such as these can truly change your life." Sydney Moore – Fine Arts, Painting Concentration Sydney Moore is a Fine Arts major with a concentration in Painting and a minor in Spanish Language. Her time at Edinboro has helped her grow as an artist and as a leader. She has been a student and worship leader for the campus ministry, Chi Alpha. Being a part of this ministry has helped her gain her closest friends, solidified her faith, and shaped her future. Syd’s advice is “college is the time to get out of your comfort zone, do things by yourself, and take steps to further yourself not just as a student but as a person.” 4 Senior Spotlights Morgan Calahan is an Environmental Biology major with a Wildlife Biology Concentration. As she approaches graduation, she has become increasingly thankful for opportunities and experiences she’s had at Edinboro University. Highlights include studying abroad in Belize (pictured on the right), and working with professors and the Erie Zoological society to develop a research project on Burmese Star Tortoises. She presented this research at the annual National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) conference this fall. She is very thankful and considers it to be one of the most important career development opportunities she’s had. Her advice for underclassmen is “to take opportunities and build relationships with professors, advisors, and other faculty. Building relationships has opened these doors for me, and I cannot express enough how important this is for students and their futures.” Morgan Calahan– Environmental Biology, Wildlife Biology Concentration Julia Love – Art Education, Painting Concentration Julia Love is an Art Education major with a Painting concentration. Highlights of her time here at Edinboro include working at the Honors Office with stellar people, presenting at NCHC, and traveling with the Honors Program. Julia’s advice is “recognize the privilege of being a university student, make the most of every second, and cherish the faculty, staff, and students.” Congratulations Seniors! We will miss you! 5 Important Announcements Finals end on December 13th, and graduation is December 14th. Don’t forget to congratulate our lovely seniors! If you are interested in the Toronto field trip, please contact Rayne Burgin to confirm your interest. The cost is $50, and the official sign up sheet will debut early next semester. Dr. Nathan Armatas will be the guest speaker at the AllHonors meeting on January 23rd! Come and learn about the new Fermentation Science major. Calling all honors students! We want to know about your achievements. Contact Rayne Burgin so we can acknowledge you and your hard work in future newsletters. Have a lovely winter break, and recharge for the spring semester. Let’s get ready to give it our all in the spring!