I 5355 , MINUTES Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Meeting Monday, August 24, 2009 Van Houten Dining Hall- North , Prior to the start of the day's study/retreat session, new Council members Joshua Bow (student representative) and Daniel Higham participated in a New Trustee Orientation Session with Provost Pearl Bartelt (Academic Affairs), Vice President Gordon Herbst (Finance and Administration) and Interim Vice President Kahan Sablo (Student Affairs). Following the conclusion of this session, new Council members lunched with President Jeremy D. Brown. At 1:00 p.m., new Trustees Bow and Higham joined Chairman Shields and other members of the Council for a brief 30 minute Executive Session. The Exec.utive Sessionwas held in the Crawford Center Conference Room and served to form the Presidential Evaluation Committee as well as review the timeline and process. This year's review will be a "formal" evaluation and will require the naming of an external consultant who will assistthe Council in the completion of its task. At 1:30 p.m., President Brown, Executive Assistant to the President Kim Fabrizio, Vice President Gordon Herbst and Assistant Vice President for Communications and Marketing Amy Neil, joined Council members for the delivery of a presentation which covered the following topic areas: Mission, Vision and Values Enrollments Marketing -Legislative Breakfast Budget Physical Plant Edinboro University in Erie -The Porreco Center PMI Affiliation Distance Learning Committee Assignments Exit Interview of Student Trustee Council of Trustees' Budget After the presentation and discussion of above items, the Council adjourned to the President's Suite located in VanHouten Dining Hall to dine with PresidentBrown. Open discussions continued during the meal session. Following dinner, Council members along with President Brown adjourned to the public meeting location (VanHouten North Dining Hall). At 6:04 p.m., Chairperson Shields convened the public quarterly business meeting of the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees. He requestedthe Recording Secretary, Sherri Galvin, to conduct Roll Call. The following Council members were in attendance: Mr. Joshua Bow (newly appointed student representative) Dr. JosephCacchione Dr. Raymond Dombrowski Mr. John Evans Mr. Daniel Higham (newly appointed Council member) Mr. John Horan I I. r 5356 -, " . CatherineManning, SSJ Mrs. Virginia McGarvey Mr. JohnPulice Mr. Harold Shields Mr. Harry Thomas Noting that a quorumwaspresent,ChairmanShieldsintroducedthe two newestmembersof the Edinboro UniversityCouncil. He askedeachto saya few words. First, Dan Highamwas -acknowledged. The Chair statedthat manyknow him aspastpresidentof the Alumni Associationand an active memberof the Edinborocampuscommunityfor manyyears. Also, JoshuaBow was announcedasthe newly appointedstudentrepresentativeto the Council. ChairpersonShieldsnotedJoshuaasa fine upstandingmemberof the campuscommunity. Both TrusteesBow andHigham statedthat it was a privilege to be a part of the EdinboroUniversity Council of Trustees. They look forward to being active,contributingmembersof the Council. TrusteeBow noted thathe was particularlyhonoredto be representingthe studentpopulation. The Chairthankedboth andindicatedthathe look forward to their input and supportoverthe next few years. In additionto PresidentBrown, the following individualswere in attendanceat the public meeting: Dr. R. ScottBaldwin, Deanof GraduateStudiesand Research Dr. JamesBolton, Interim Deanof Education Dr. PearlBartelt, ProvostandVice Presidentfor AcademicAffairs Mr. Sid Booker,AssociateVice Presidentfor HumanResourcesand FacultyRelations Mr. TerrenceCarlin, AssociateVice Presidentfor Partnershipsand Development Dr. Donald Dilmore, AssociateVice Presidentfor University Libraries Ms. Kimberly Fabrizio,ExecutiveAssistantto the President Ms. SherriA. Galvin, Assistantto the PresidentandRecordingSecretary Dr. SusanHegel,AssociateVice Presidentfor AcademicAffairs Mr. GordonHerbst,Vice Presidentfor Financeand Administration Dr. JeanJones,President-Local APSCUF Dr. AndrewLawlor, AssociateVice Presidentfor Technology& Communications Ms. JamieLutz -President -Student GovernmentAssociation Ms. Amy Neil, AssistantVice Presidentfor CommunicationsandMarketing Ms. ColeenPanko,Coordinatorof SpecialEvents Mr. JeffPinski, AssociateDirectorof Public RelationsandMarketing Mr. JonPulice, Director of Alumni RelationsandExecutiveDirectorof the Alumni Association Dr. Eric Randall,Deanof Science,Managementand Technology Dr. KahanSablo,Interim Vice Presidentfor StudentAffairs andDeanof StudentLife ChairpersonShieldsthenmovedon to the next agendaitem, Old Business.He notedthat the Minutes from the June15,2009,businessmeetinghad beenpresentedfor reviewand approval. The Chairsolicitedconcerns,comments,correctionsor additions. Hearingnone,he entertaineda motion for approvalof the Minutes from the meetingheld on June15. ~ ~, on motion of TrusteeDombrowski,secondedby TrusteePulice to approvethe Minutes from the June15,2009,meetingaspresented.The motioncarriedwith the unanimousapproval by the Council. I I . 5357 Next, the Chair called for comment(s) , movement to the microphone by members next item of business -President Brown's President Brown thanked from the public Chairperson weeks as the semester get underway. U.S. News & World Report rankings Edinboro moved University Undergraduate ranking Shields and proceeded Debt. Degree Programs. Brown at the fraction feels this reflects Region on Innovation President developed Brown Brown noted annual and state-related in Higher Education took the opportunity undergraduate and external and Values aloud. education As part of that statements campus constituent to read these statements of He noted that the university's was held on August 20. Vision and so named in that category. students receive a quality institutions. revealed the new Mission, recognition with the Least Amount university University Offering received offering Who Graduated the only P ASSHE as the result of a campus-wide President several items He noted that the university amongst universities that Edinboro of the cost of private summer conference program, President this past week. Similarly, in the category of Students The President noted Edinborowas President to highlight with the and events that will be taking place in the First and foremost, which became public in the Northern degree programs no up from the 4th Tier to the 3rd Tier for Best Universities and Master's us 4th overall master's Noting of the public, Chairperson Shields continued Report to the Council of Trustees. that have been taking place over the summer months coming in attendance. that were participation. The For the record: Mission Statement Edinboro University, challenge and empower of our global activities, a community individuals. society through community learning and practical of discovery engagement We are inspired collaborative outreach, ignite the excitement where intellectual and opportunity to serve and lead as active citizens experiences applications. emphasizing campus These factors combine and create a thirst for life-long learning to and a pursuit of excellence. Vision Statement To become an internationally commitment recognized university known for innovation, leadership and to excellence. Values Opportunity, President Brown then provided like many others, continue members their financial frequently and Leadership a brief update on the status of the state budget. The appropriate offices have worked grants. aid agency, PHEAA, to identify An informational and email/letters directed and its staff to our campus this weekend to learn what The President noted proactive and delays at the state level will rely on PHEAA asked questions year. He noted that we, The university be arriving for news from the state financial aid package will be for the coming who we believe Integrity for our students who will been taken to ensure decisions enrollment. Respect, to wait on the passage of said budget. are also concerned who perhaps are waiting Excellence, not negatively steps have impact a student's and contact over 2,500 students web page has been set up to answer to affected students. Faculty and staffhave also been kept abreast so that they can offer assistance and direct students accordingly. Staff continue felt by students. to work very hard on a case-by-case Despite aid to students million. the state of the economy, from various basis to mitigate President Brown sources by some $2 million The good news is that the current economy and minimize the impact noted that we do expect to increase during the fall term for a total of $67 has not had a negative impact on - 5358 , enrollment. Over 1,500 studentshave attended offered orientation sessions. In fact, he noted that it was necessaryto add an additional session. As of today, returning students including new freshman and transfers who have registered sums to be 6,391. Additionally, graduate headcount is at 1,690 which shows a 20% increase and applications are still coming in. Thus far, the university has surpassedthe 8,000 enrollment mark -actually 8,080 studentsto be exact. President Brown stated we are on track to have the largest incoming class of new students in the last 17 years. Over 660 new and transfer studentshave come from Erie -a 16% increase compared to last year. Of course, the increase in studentswill impact services on campus. The President reported that the Highlands at Edinboro University housing project has a Phase I occupancy rate of close to 100%, and we are growing a waiting list. He noted that all other housing areas on campus minus Towers are filled to 88% of capacity. Next, President Brown talked about the number of studentswho opted to schedule instruction online which was 717. This year we are projecting over 1,000 online students -a nearly 40% increase compared to last year. In addition to charting new territory in online enrollments, we continue to experience record graduate enrollment. President Brown also noted with interest the following statistics: .73 % of entering bachelor's degree-seekingfreshman studentshave a high school GPA of +3.0 or higher; .nearly 40% of the above-referenced group have GPA's of3.5 or higher; and .more than 170 entering freshman have combined SAT math and critical reading scores of 1,100 or higher. President Brown also noted that the campus continues to grow, providing students with state-ofthe-art facilities. Currently, we are at the center ofa five-year window in which some $200 million has been or will be spent on major campus academic,recreational and housing projects. Scranton Hall has been completely demolished. Buildings 3 and 4 of the new student housing project opened this fall. Plans to break ground for Phase II of The Highlands studenthousing project (buildings 5-8) could occur as early as this fall. Despite previous delays, the dome should be ready and open by mid-fall. President Brown stated that the concrete was poured, earlier this summer and the floor was laid last week. Edinboro University's latest construction efforts were featured in the summer edition of DDC (Design, Development and Construction Journal- a national, professional building trade magazine. Similarly, our Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) received accolades in the August issue of PN/Paraplegia News magazine for its ongoing efforts to promote accessibility. This publication is published by the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Chairman Shields thanked President Brown for his informative report. He also took the opportunity to share and paraphrasean earlier comment made by Trustee Manning during the dinner sessionwherein she noted that while noteworthy news and statistics are very important to a university, it is also significant when recognition is given by peer periodicals and the university's name is included in those publications. Next, the Chair requestedMr. Gordon Herbst, Vice President for Finance and Administration, to provide a report on behalf of Council's Finance and Administration Committee, and presentrelated items for review and action. Mr. Herbst noted that Council members were briefed on matters affecting the university's budget for 2010 and discussed proposed changesto help balance that budget. Insofar as action items are concerned, Vice President Herbst reminded Council members that the Contracts and Purchasesorders are listed at the encumbered amounts for the fiscal year as opposedto payment amounts. He moved that the Council approve President Brown's recommendation to approve the Contracts and Purchases prese~ted for review. Trustee Thomas inquired about the "encumbered" amounts recorded for I . 5359 , utilities, specificallyPenelecandNational Fuel, and how they comparedhistorically. Vice PresidentHerbstnoted somewhatof a "savings" in termsof utilization of utilities. In other words andbecauseof our efforts and investmentin ESCO(energysavingsinitiatives), the universityis experiencinglessutilization of utilities in termsof quantityused. Presently,the fee structureis climbing slightly andwill expectit to climb further whenindustry deregulation comesinto effect next year. He furthernoted that all thingsbeing equal,"yes" the figuresnoted are aboutthe sameas lastyear. Similarly, TrusteeHoran askedaboutthe amountsencumbered for water and sewerand how it comparedto lastyear. Again, Vice PresidentHerbstnoteda reductionin termsof usagedueto the installationof new fixtures, waterclosetsthat don't shed as muchwater,etc. Giventhe university's new five-year contractwith the Boroughof Edinboro, increasedcostshavebeenbuilt in. TrusteeHoran next inquiredif theseaccounts(waterand sewer)were metered.Mr. Herbstrespondedthat in mostcasesthe waterand sewerusageis metered. The completionof the new studenthousingprojecthasrequiredthat utilities costbe brokenout from the remainderof the campus.Therefore,an estimatewas useddue to the changesin enrollment,shifting of residentialpatternsfrom campus-owned buildings to privatizedhousing. TrusteeHoranwas also surprisedby the fact thatthe sewagerate is approximatelytwice that of the water. Vice PresidentHerbstconfirmedthe accuracyof this observation. It was voted, on motion of TrusteeMcGarvey,secondedby TrusteeManningto acceptPresidentBrown's recommendationfor approvalof the ContractsandPurchasesas reviewed for the period June1,2009 through July 31,2009. The motion carriedwith unanimous approvalby the Council. For the record,Vice PresidentHerbstnotedseveralpagesof personneltransactions. Thesetransactionswere presentedto the Council for informationalpurposesandhave taken placesincethe lastregularbusinessmeetingheld on June15,2009. Theseincluded: NEW HIRES/REPLACEMENTS/CONTINUATIONS Blanchet,Dr. Paul G., part-time,temporary(25%), AssistantProfessor,Speech, LanguageandHearingDepartment,Fall 2009 semester,contingentupon enrollmentat $7,765.29 effective August29,2009. Boykin, Ms. Jennifer,regular,full-time, PASSHEManager,Grade150,Coordinatorof Conferencesand Camps,PresidentsOffice, at $36,166.00effective August29,2009. Cerminara,Mr. Kyle, regular,part-time(50%), AssistantNon-facultyWrestling Coach, Athletic Department,at $18,000.00from August3,2009 throughAugust2,2010. Chan,Mr. James,regular,full-time, AssistantNon-facultyWomen'sVolleyball Coach, Athletic Department,at $30,000.00effective July 27, 2009. Claster,Mr. SamuelM., full-time, temporary,Instructor,SociologyDepartment,2009-10 academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $43,072.35effective August29, 2009. Conlon,Ms. Yvonne,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Early Childhoodand Special EducationDepartment,Fall 2009 semester,contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effective August29,2009. Cordell, Ms. Linda, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2009-10academic year, contingentupon enrollmentat $45,225.97effective August29,2009. Cox Sr., Mr. Ron E., regular,full-time, PAS SHEManager,Grade170,Managerof PublicationsandMarketing in the CommunicationsandMarketingOffice, at $51,000.00 effectiveJune13,2009. Deluccia,Mr. Timothy, part-time,temporary(50%),Instructor,ProfessionalStudies Department,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effective August29,2009. ~ ~ ~ 5360 \ continued -New Hires/Replacement/Continuations Dixon-McCullum, Dr. Adrienne M., full-time, temporary, Assistant Professor, Professional Studies Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $49,861.80 effective August 29,2009. Durst, Ms. Brenda L., part-time, temporary (25%), Instructor, Speech,Language and Hearing Department, Fall 2009 semester,contingent upon enrollment at $5,384.04 effective August 29,2009. Feil, Dr. Lisa V., part-time, temporary (50%), Assistant Professor, Professional Studies Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $24,930.90 effective August 29, 2009. Flowers, Ms. Mary E., part-time, temporary (50%), Instructor, Early Childhood and Special Education Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $21,536.18 effective August 29, 2009. Foley, Dr. David W., part-time, temporary (50%), Assistant Professor, Professional Studies Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $24,930.90 effective August 29,2009. Forrester, Mr. Kimber J., part-time, temporary (25%), Instructor, Communication and Media Studies Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $10,768.09 effective August 29,2009. Fuda, Ms. Jessica,part-time, temporary (50%), Instructor, Professional Studies Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $21,536.18 effective August 29,2009. Gillette, Mr. Matthew, part-time (25%), Assistant Non-faculty Football Coach, Athletic Department, at $6,000.00 effective from July 18, 2009 through July 17, 2010. Isaac, Mr. Brent D., full-time, temporary, Instructor, Art Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $43,072.35 effective August 29, 2009. Kilburn, Mr. Korey, full-time, temporary, Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Science Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $43,072.35 effective August 29,2009. Kramer, Ms. Janice R., part-time, temporary (50%), Instructor, Professional Studies Department, Fall 2009 semester,contingent upon enrollment at $10,768.09 effective August 29, 2009. Leech, Ms. Lee Ann, full-time, temporary, Instructor, Nursing Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $43,072.35 effective August 29,2009.r Lute, Mr. Charles E., part-time, temporary (33%), Instructor, Music Department, Fall~ 2009 semestercontingent upon enrollment, at $7,914.56 effective August 29, 2009. Neil, Ms. Amy, regular, full-time, PASSHE Manager, Grade 210, Assistant Vice President for Communications and Marketing, at $102,000.00 effective August 3,2009. Newman, Dr. Terry, part-time, temporary (50%), Assistant Professor, Professional Studies Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $24,930.90 effective August 29,2009. Perini, Ms. Julie K., full-time, temporary, Instructor, Art Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment at $43,072.35 effective August 29,2009. Peters, Mr. Clark D., Regular, full-time, PASSHE Manager, Grade 180, Deputy Police Chief, Police Department, at $61,500.00 effective August 17,2009. Regan, Mr. Patrick, part-time, temporary (up to 50%), Instructor, Music Department, 2009-10 academic year, contingent upon enrollment. The salary will be based upon number of students enrolled and calculated at the rank of Instructor, effective August 29,2009. Riley, Ms. Linda, full-time, temporary, Custodial Worker 1, Facilities Department, at $11.32 hourly effective June 12,2009 through August 28,2009. -I ~ .5361 I continued -New Hires/ReplacementiContinuations Sallie, Ms. JamieD., regular,part-time(50%), AssistantNon-facultyWomen's Soccer Coach,at $11,683.09effectiveJune12,2009throughJune11,2010. Sperry,Mr. Jarrin,part-time,temporary(50%),Instructor,ProfessionalStudies Department,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effective August29,2009. Swick, Dr. JohnC., part-time,temporary(25%), Instructor,BusinessandEconomics Department,Fall 2009 semester,contingentupon enrollmentat $5,384.05effective August29, 2009. Tyler, Ms. Karen,part-time,temporary(50%),Instructor,ProfessionalStudies Department,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effective August29,2009. Tysiachney,Mr. Joshua,part-time,temporary(25%),Instructor,Communicationand Media StudiesDepartment,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $10,768.09 effective August29,2009. Williams, Ms. Kathleen,full-time, temporary,AssistantAthletic Trainer, StudentAffairs Faculty, salaryin accordancewith the provisionsof the relevantlegislationandthe CBA will be at the Instructor(Level PayRangeQO1, PayStep01) effective August 1, 2009 through February27,2010, or until the incumbentemployeereturnsfrom leave. Witowski, Dr. Lisa, part-time,temporary(50%), AssistantProfessor,Professional StudiesDepartment,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $24,930.90effective August29,2009. Youngblood,Ms. Constance,part-time,temporary(50%), AssistantProfessor, ProfessionalStudiesDepartment,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $21,536.18effective August29,2009. Ziegler, Dr. John,full-time tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,ProfessionalStudies Department,2009-10academicyear, contingentupon enrollmentat $49,861.80effective August29,2009. RESIGNATIONS Harris, Dr. Phillip D., AssistantProfessor,GeraldP. JacksonDepartmentof Academic SupportServices,effectivecloseof businessAugust24,2009. Mohamed,Dr. Ali N., Professor,CommunicationandMedia StudiesDepartment, effective closeof businessAugust5, 2009. Purves,Mrs. Lori R., part-timeNurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities, effective closeof businessJuly 28,2009. RETIREMENTS Ickes,Mrs. SusanL., Clerk Typist 2, AcademicSupportServicesOffice, effectiveclose of businessJune 19,2009. PernisekMs. Kathleen,Clerk Typist 2, Music Department,effectivecloseof business July 17,2009. COACHING CONTRACT RENEWAL Moore, Clifford W., regular,full-time, AssistantNon-facultycoachof Wrestling,Athletic Department,at $46,853.65effective September11,2009throughthe closeof business September10,2010. i 5362 RENEWED CONTRACT Baldwin, Dr. R. Scott, Dean of Graduate Studies, contract extension through July 22, 2012. Bartelt, Dr. Pearl, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, contract extension through June 2010. Randall, Dr. Eric A., Dean of Science, Management and Technology, contract extension through February 16, 2010. Smith, Dr. Terry, Dean of Liberal Arts, contract extension through August 16,2011. CHANGE IN STATUS Owens, Mr. Thomas H., from regular, full-time, Custodial Worker 2 to regular, full-time, Custodial Worker 1, Facilities Department at $29,281.00 effective June 6, 2009. LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Dunn, Dr. James, Professor, Business and Economics Department, leave without pay with benefits, effective September 30, 2009 through October 1, 2009. PROMOTION Dillinger, Ms. Rosemary, from regular, full-time, Custodial Worker 1 to regular, ful1time, Custodial Worker 2, Facilities Department at $31,081.00 effective July 4,2009. In closing his report, Vice President Herbst had no report on behalf of the University Services Board since the Board had not met since the last Council meeting. He noted that he had no additional items to report. Chairperson Shields thanked Vice President Herbst for the excellent report. He then asked Mr. Jon Pulice, Director of Alumni Relations and Executive Director of the Alumni Association, to come forward and deliver, in Vice President Whitehair's absence, the report on behalf of the University Advancement Committee. Mr. Pulice presented a Resolution for their review and action which acknowledged not only Head Coach Doug Watt's for his years of service and many accomplishments, but also named the Cross County Course in his honor. For the record, Mr. Pulice presented the following Resolution: Naming of Cross Country Course "Doug Watts Cross Country Course" Whereas, Doug Watts has coached men's cross country and track and field at Edinboro University since 1969 and women's cross country and track and field since 1985; and Whereas, in cross country, Doug Watts has coached six national championship teams, four individual national champions, and 97 All-Americans, making him one of the most successful coaches in the U.S.; and Whereas, in track and field, Doug Watts has coached five individual national champions and 106 All-Americans (in 15 different events), also making him one of the most successful coaches in the U.S.; and ..I . l . . 5363 Whereas, DougWattshasemphasizedacademicachievementthroughoutthesepast40 years,as reflected in high graduationrates,high teamGPA, and frequentselectionof his student-athletes and his teamsto the AcademicAll-American list; and Whereas, DougWattshasbeenselectedasthe National Coachof the Year five times andwas twice an Olympic coachnominee;and Whereas, DougWatts hasservedwith distinctionas pastPresidentof the NCAA II Track and Field CoachesAssociationand currentlyis on the Board of Directorsof the USTFCCCA; then BE IT RESOLVED, therefore,thatthe EdinboroUniversity crosscountrycourseofficially be named"Doug Watts Cross Country Course." Unanimously adopted by the Council of Trustees on this 24thday of August, 2009. Chairperson Shields felt that the proposed recognition to be bestowed on Head Coach Watts was well-deserved. He has served the university for many years, has done well for this institution and produced many All-American athletes. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Thomas, secondedby Trustee Evans to approve the Resolution as presented which resolves that the university cross country course officially be named "Doug Watts Cross Country Course." The motion carried with unanimous approval by the Council. Next, Chairperson Shields asked Dr. Pearl Bartelt, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, to deliver her report on behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee. She noted there were no curriculum-related action items this evening since the Curriculum Committee does not meet over the summer. For the record, there was only one informational item to report -the promotion of faculty to increasedranks effective Fall 2009. Provost Bartelt noted that this is a very detailed process which begins at the departmental level and moves forward through various stagesof t;eview, recommendation and ranking by a University-wide Committee comprised of peers. These included: Instructor to Assistant Ms. Victoria M. Hedderick Mr. PeterJ. Kuvshinikov Department Nursing PhysicsandTechnology Assistantto Associate Dr. LenoreT. Barbian Mr. JohnD. Bavaro Dr. Xin-Zhu J. Chen Dr. KarenS. Eisenhart Dr. PeterJ. McLaughlin Dr. AndrewJ. Pushchak History and Anthropology Art History and Anthropology Geosciences Psychology ProfessionalStudies Associateto Full Professor Dr. RobertB. Hass Dr. Naod Kebede Dr. ElisabethW. Joyce Dr. PamelaR. Lasher Mr. JohnF. Lysak Dr. CharlotteJ. Molrine Dr. JosephF. Reese EnglishandTheatreArts Chemistry EnglishandTheatreArts MathematicsandComputerScience Art Speech,Languageand Hearing Geosciences . , 5364 Provost Bartelt began her report with the introduction of Dr. JamesBolton. She noted that Dr. Bolton is now serving as the Interim Dean of Education due to the retirement of Dr. Kenneth Adams on July 31. A round of applauseensued in recognition of his appointment and service in this capacity. Of significance is the change in the reporting line of academic support faculty from Student Affairs to Academic Affairs. Steps are being taken to set up academic support staff office more near their respective academic schools. The goal of this change is to influence the retention of "undecided" students. She reported that tutoring will now be under the purview of the academic departments. Provost Bartelt noted that summer emollments had increased63% as well as online courses. There were approximately 75 graduate and 31 undergraduate online courses offered and each did very well. Offices acrosscampus have been active this summer and working to personally contact studentswho are eligible to register and have not done so another example of retention efforts. She noted that departmentsare also working to increase the number of offerings during winter session. Externally funded grants and contracts increased by more than $1 million this year. The university also joined with 12 other regional institutions and businessesto sponsorthe Innovation Erie Design Competition. The winner of this competition, Ryan Bookhamer, was chosenby a panel of judges as having the top design. The award is conditional on his being acceptedinto the Art Incubator. Provost Bartelt also sharedthe exciting news that the third Chapter 49 program submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has also earned "special recognition status." The College Start Program at Edinboro University in Erie -The Porreco Center has increased. It began in the Fall 2008 with 73 students, adding 25 more in Spring 2009 and another 100 for this fall. Credit hours at Porreco have increased from 2,581 in Fall 2007 to more than 3,375 expected for this fall. Provost Bartelt reported that the university was notified in July by the CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling-Related Educational Programs) of its accreditation of different counseling programs until 2014. Lastly, the fundraising component in support of the library, Friends of the BaronForness Library, held its annual outing/fundraiser at Erie's JerryUht Park on August 1. Attendees and supporters enjoyed a picnic dinner and watched a SeaWolves baseball game. Chairperson Shields thanked Dr. Bartelt for the report and solicited Trustees for any questions or comments. Hearing none, the Chair moved on to the next committee report Student Affairs. Interim Vice President Kahan Sablo also made an introduction that of Ms. Jamie Lutz who was elected to serve as the SGA (Student Government Association) President for the 2009-10 academic year. Jamie hales from Tionesta and is a junior majoring in political science. She plans to attend law school upon completion of her undergraduate studies at Edinboro. Dr. Sablo also reported that Jamie interviewed and will be appointed to fill one of the student vacancies on the PASSHE Board of Governors. Ms. Lutz also served as a Summer Orientation Leader and is well-versed about the campus. It is anticipated that she will do great things this year along with members of the SGA Executive Board. Jamie stood for recognition and a round of applausewas afforded her. Interim Vice President Sablo reiterated the successfulnessof the summer orientation sessionsnoting that data shows studentswho actually attend these sessionsto perform better in their first year. Total, the Military Science Department/ROTC commissioned eight individuals to serve as officers in the U.S. Army, National Guard and Reserves. Twenty-five cadetshave been awarded ROTC scholarships totaling Y4million dollars in financial assistance. This departmentalso experienced the loss of Lt. Colonel Patrick Clark who left the university ROTC program to attend War College. Dr. Sablo reported on his participation in the ROTC Leader's Training Course (LTC) held at Fort Knox (Kentucky). He noted that he learned to live like an ROTC cadet, cross a river on a rope bridge and repel a 45 ft. structure. Also, pending funding by SGA, the ROTC program is . 5365 .facilitating the purchase of a canon to be fIred off at home games when the Fighting Scots score touch downs. Dr. Sablo then reported on several atWetic team accomplishments -namely the international victory by the United StatesU23 wheelchair basketball athletes who were coached by our own Jim Glatch. Edinboro University wheelchair basketball athletes Tommie Gray and Trevon Jennifer were team participants and representedthe United States in Paris, France. Prior to claiming this international victory, a visit was made to veterans at the Walter Reed Anny hospital where the athletes shared their abilities as wheelchair athletes with individuals who had been recently wounded. The football team is practicing hard in preparation for the August 29 opening day game against West Liberty. Dr. Sablo invited Council members to attend the first football game of the year. Other first gamesincluded: volleyball tournament on August 28 at Fainnont State; women's soccer match at Urbana on August 29 and the Cross Country Invitational at Buffalo State on September5. In the Adult Student Services Department, the university has been approved by the Department of Defense to receive funding in support of military spouses' career advancements. Spousesof active military National Guard and reserve members are now eligible to receive an additional $6,000 in support of careers that will help them persist throughout multiple relocations. Events that should be noted on Council members' calendars -Homecoming and Family weekends. Preparations are underway for Homecoming 2009 with the Disney theme -the Most Magical Place on Earth. The parade promises to be larger with the amount of current parade entries surpassingthose from the previous year. Family Weekend will be somewhat "scary" as it will occur over Halloween weekend. All of the events will be tailored around that theme. Chainnan Shields solicited any questions and/or comments. Hearing none, the Chair moved to the next agendaitem. The last infonnational report was delivered by Mr. Jon Pulice on behalf of Vice President Bruce Whitehair and members of the University Advancement Committee. He thanked Chairperson Shields for the opportunity to speakto the Council and noted the following divisional higWights: .During fiscal year 2008-09, $2,961,259 was raised which was the second best fundraising year in the history of the University. We have raised $56,690 for fiscal year 2009-10. .Fifty-five new funds were created during fiscal year 2008-09. So far this year, three new funds have been created including the Birchard Family Scholarshipfor Non-Traditional Students,the SteveEmmett Memorial Scholarship, and the Dr. Carolyn J: Merry GeosciencesScholarship. .During fiscal year 2008-09,44 major gifts in excessof$10,000 were received. Two major gifts in excessof $10,000 have been received and recorded in the new fiscal year 2009-10. .The Edinboro University Foundation Board approved the following: 0 Renewal of a three-year tenn for Mr. Charles Haynes, Ms. Donna Nicholas, Ms. Diana Schaney, Mr. Ronald Steele and Dr. Cheryl Vicary. 0 2009-2011 Slate of Officers: Ms. Diana Schaney-Chair Ms. Mary Schaaf -Vice Chair Mr. Jim Scarpitti -Treasurer Dr. Nancy Rung -Secretary. 0 Nomination of Mr. William Nichols, Sr. to the Board for a three-year tenn. 0 Special one-year renewal of Mr. Dennis Frampton. 0 Mr. Joseph Thayer concluded his service to the Board. . .5367 Mrs. Theresa Villella donated two one-gallon perennials for planting at McNerney Hall as part of the spring Campus Beautification Day. The donor valued the in-kind gift at $12.68. Prior to calling for the close of the meeting, Chairperson Shields took the opportunity to welcome and introduce the new Presidentof local APSCUF leadership, Dr. Jean Jones. He noted that he and others look forward to working with her in this capacity. The Chair noted the review and membership of Committees of the Council. Confimlation letters will be sent to those who have agreedto chair and serve as a member of the various Committees, serve as liaisons to the various Boards (i.e. Alumni Board, Foundation Board, US!) or serve as a member of the an ad hoc committee. For the record: Academic Affairs* Chair -Dr. Raymond L. Dombrowski Member-Mr. JohnA. Pulice Staff Liaison: Dr. Pearl Bartelt, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Communications and Marketing (new Committee)* Chair -Catherine M. Manning, SSJ Member -Mr. Harry K. Thomas Staff Liaison -Ms. Amy E. Neil, Assistant Vice President for Communications and Marketing Finance and Administration* Chair -Mrs. Virginia L. McGarvey Member-Mr. JohnE. Horan Staff Liaison -Mr. Gordon J. Herbst, Vice President for Finance and Administration Student Affairs* Chair -Dr. JosephG. Cacchione Member-Mr. JoshuaP. Bow Staff Liaison -Dr. Kahan L. Sablo, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of StudentLife University Advancement* Chair -Mr. John R. Evans Member -Mr. Daniel E. Higham Staff Liaison: Mr. Bruce Whitehair, Vice President for University Advancement *Chairperson Harold Shields -ex-officio Liaisons to Association Boards Alumni -Mr. Daniel E. Higham Staff Liaison: Mr. Jon Pulice Foundation -Mr. John E. Horan Staff Liaison: Mr. Bruce Whitehair member of all Committees ; . 5368 PACT -Mr. Harry K. Thomas(continuedappointmentasa memberof the PACT ExecutiveBoard) Liaison: Mr. Guido Pichini, PACT President USI-Mr. JohnA. Pulice StaffLiaison: Mr. Paul Kightlinger Ad Hoc Committees Presidential Evaluation (formal) Chair -Mr. JohnE. Horan Member-Dr. JosephG.Cacchione 3rdpersonTBA (announcedaftermeeting-Mr. Daniel E. Higham) Observer-Mr. JoshuaP.Bow PACT Planning Group -Fall 2011 Shared-Mr. Harold C. ShieldsandMr. Harry K. Thomas Office of the PresidentStaff Liaison: Kim Fabrizio Lastly, ChairpersonShieldsaskedTrusteeThomasto provide an updateon PACT andthe upcomingFall Conferenceto takeplace on BloomsburgUniversity campuson October15. TrusteeThomasnotedthat the formatof the meetinghasbeenreducedto a one dayprogramfor costsavingreasons.He alsoreportedthat in line with savingcoststhe PACT Executive Committeehad votedto reducemembershiprenewalfee to eachmemberuniversity by $500 for this fiscal year. Finally, TrusteeThomasreportedthatthe organizationis producinga Handbook for Trustees.The original thoughtwasto producea publicationfor utilization by new Trustees; however,currentplanscall for it to be producedasa handbookfor useby all trustees.Trustee Thomasis doubtful thatthe first draft will be readyfor distributionthis year,but shouldbe ready early next year. Prior to its adoptionby PACT asa unit, it wasTrusteeThomas' suggestionthat the first draft of the publicationbe reviewedby eachof the 14Councils. It is likely, therefore, that this will be a topic of discussionfor a future study/retreatsession.After review by Edinboro Council members,TrusteeThomaswill returnto PACT and offer constructivecriticism as they move forward to finalize and adopta Handbookfor Trustees. ChairmanShieldssolicitedadditionalquestionsor commentsfrom thosein attendance. He notedthe distributionof the Fall 2009 Calendarof Eventsfor usestudentswhich servesto highlight major events/programs being held on campusduring September-December. Hearingno requeststo speak,ChairmanShieldscalled for a motion to adjourn. ~ ~, on motion of TrusteePulice, secondedby TrusteesEvansandHigham to adjournthe quarterlybusinessmeeting. The meetingadjournedat 7:40p.m. The next quarterlybusiness meetingof the EdinboroUniversityCouncil will be held on Monday, October26, 2009. Respectfullysubmitted, ~Q~V-' SherriA. Galvin Assistantto the President andRecordingSecretary ... . . . " .,'." :",-:':, "- -'- ~~$ , .--' RESOLUTION Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Naming of Cross Country Course "Doug Watts Cross Country Course" Whereas, Doug Watts has coached men's cross country and track and field at Edinboro University since 1969 and women's cross country and track and field since 1985; and Whereas, in cross country, Doug Watts has coached six national championship teams, four individual national champions, and 97 All-Americans, making him one of the most successful coaches in the U.S.; and Whereas, in track and field, Doug Watts has coached five individual national champions and 106 AllAmericans (in 15 different events), also making him one of the most successful coaches in the U.S.; and Whereas, Doug Watts has emphasized academic achieve;mentthroughout these past 40 years, as reflected in high graduation rates, high team GPA, and frequent sele6tion of his student-athletes and his teams to the Academic All-American list; and W,hereas, Doug Watts has been selected as the National Coach of the Year five times and was twice an Olympic coach nominee; and Whereas, Doug Watts has served with distinction as past President of the NCAA n Track and Field Coaches Association and currently is on the Board of Directors of the USTFCCCA; then BE IT RESOLVED, therefore, that the Edinboro University cross country course officially be named "Doug Watts Cross Country Course." . Unanimously adopted by the Council of Trustees on this 24th day of August, 2009. Council of Trustees em~*,~' Council of Trustees ! i