. 5481 ~ MINUTES Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of TrusteesMeeting Monday, June 13,2011 Van Houten Dining Hall- South Prior to the quarterly,public meetingof the EdinboroUniversityCouncil of Trustees, Council membersattendedvariousCommitteemeetingsalong with designateduniversity administrative:liaisons. Councilmembersadjournedfrom committeemeetingsby 3:00p.m. and gatheredin the lobby of ReederHall. At 3:00p.m., Vice PresidentGordonHerbstandfacilities director Jim Miller conductedan annualtour of the facilities asmandatedby Act 188. Following the conclusiollof the tour, Council membersarrived at the President'sSuitelocatedin Van Houten Dining Hall for dinnerwith Interim PresidentMoran. Dr. Moran andmembersof the Council continuedopendiscussionsrelativeto a varietyof topics. After dinner, Interim PresidentMoran and Council membersadjournedto the southdining hall to convenethe public meeting. Shortlyafter 6:00p.m., Vice ChairVirginia McGarveycalledthe quarterly,public me-etlng of the EdinboroUniversityCouncilof Trusteesto order. TrusteeMcGarveydirectedthe Recording Secretaryto conductRoll Call with the following results: Sherequestedthe RecordingSecretarySherriGalvinto conductRoll Call andverified a quorumwaspresent.The following Council memberswere eitherpresentor participatedvia phonevia useof the universitybridgeline. Mr. Terry Darcangelo Dr. RaymondDombrowski(via phone) Mr. JohnEvans(via phone) Mr. DennisFrampton Mr. Daniel Higham Mr. JohnHoran CatherineManning, SSJ Mrs. Virginia McGarvey Mr. JohnPulice Mr. Harry Thomas Absent: TrusteeMr. Harold Shields The RecordingSecretaryverified the presenceof a quorum. In additionto Interim President Moran, the following individualswere in attendanceat the public meeting: Dr. Alan Biel, Deanof GraduateStudiesand Research Mr. Sid Booker,AssociateVice Presidentfor HumanResourcesand FacultyRelations Dr. Donald Dilmore, AssociateVice Presidentfor University Libraries Ms. SherriA. Galvin, Assistantto the PresidentandRecordingSecretary Dr. NomsaGeleta,Deanof Education Dr. Philip Ginnetti, ProvostandVice Presidentfor AcademicAffairs Mr. Craig Grooms,Director-UndergraduateAdmissions Dr. Michael Hannan,AssociateDeanof ScienceManagementand Technology Mr. GordonHerbst,Vice Presidentfor Financeand Administration Ms. Anita Joslyn,Assistantfor CommunicationsandMarketing . 5482 Dr. Andrew Lawlor, Associate Vice President for Technology and Communications Ms. Coleen Panko, Special Events Coordinator Mr. JeffPinski, Associate Director of University Communications Dr. Kahan Sablo, Vice President for StudentAffairs Dr. Terry Smith, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Guests -registered on sign in sheet Cheryl Allen Lori L. Bearfield Lisa Brinker (Brink Ink) Ben Crow C~e Crow Jack Crow Luke Crow SusanEastman Julie Fedders Robin Green Wes Makanen Bleu Harrison Graham Harrison Kelly Harrison Patricia Hitchings Shannon Hokaj Julia Horan Ginny Keim Randy Leehan ' 84 grad I William Leehan '68 (Leehan Construction) Stephanie Pekelnicky Sally Scarlett Mary Kay Sturga Ron Sturga Anita Sundean Anne Sundean Colin Wylie (spoke during public session, but did not register on sign in sheet) Mike Zahorchak Ralph Zindel Due to Chairman Shields' absencefrom the meeting or participation via phone, arrangements were made for Vice Chair Virginia McGarvey to chair the meeting and conduct business. She noted for the record the following notice which she read aloud: The proceedings of the Monday, June 13,2011, Edinboro University Council of Trusteespublic quarterly meeting are recorded. Public disclosure to those in attendanceby a verbal announcementand written public notice avoids any violation of the PA Wiretapping Act. Next, Acting Chair McGarvey moved to the first item of action, Old Business-Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, March 14,2011. She noted that the minutes were circulated with the meeting materials. The Acting Chair solicited concerns,comments, corrections or additions. Hearing none, she entertained a motion for approval of the Minutes of the Meeting dated 5483 March 14. It was voted, on motion of TrusteePulice,secondedby TrusteeDombrowskito approvethe above-referenced Minutes aspresented.Due to the presenceof severalCouncil membersby phone,a Roll Call vote was conductedby the RecordingSecretarywith the following results. The motioncarriedwith the unanimousapprovalby the Council. Re~~~~oll Call vote on Old Business:Minutes -Meeting held on March 14,2011 Aye TrusteeDarcangelo X TrusteeDombrowski(phone) X TrusteeEvans (phone) X Tr;usteeFrampton X TrusteeHigham X TrusteeHoran X TrusteeManning X TrusteeMcGarvey X TrusteePulice X TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas X Nay Absent X Next, the Acting Chaircalled for comment(s)from the public in attendanceand inquired if anyonecaredto speak. The following individual approached the microphoneandindicated shewould like to addressthe Council. TrusteeMcGarveyacknowledgedherpresenceand remindedthe public, in general,that commentswill be timed andwerelimited to five (5) minutes per speaker.Shethenyieldedthe floor to the first of five speakers.Ms. Carrie Crow spoke statingthat shelastaddressed membersof the Council at their February(SpecialMeeting). Ms. .Crow welcomedDr. Moran to the communityandthe university. Shebeganherpassionate remarksregardingthe returnof the university's HomecomingParaderoute backthroughtown with a quote from MargaretMeadwho said,"Never doubtthat a small groupof thoughtful, committedcitizenscanchangethe world; indeed,it is the only thing that everhas." Ms. Crow statedthat sherepresentedmanyindividualsandwantedto conveyto Council memberstheir continuedinterestin the subjectof the HomecomingParadeand Town & Gownrel~tions. She acknowledgedthat attendanceand speakingduring the Public Commentperiod might not be the mostappropriatevenuefor review and discussionof this topic. In summary,Ms. Crowurgedall to work togetherto overcomepossibleobstacleswhich the former administrationandBoro found to be of concernor at odds-Town and Gownrelations,safetyandmoney. Sheconcludedby noting that the citizenssherepresentsvaluethe tradition,the unity, the history, and pageantry that the town and universitysharewhen it comesto homecoming.The time for the returnof the paradeto the traditionalrouteis right now. Thankyou. Acting ChairMcGarveythankedMs. Crow for her comments.Prior to recognizing additionalspeakers,TrusteeMcGarveyremindedthosein attendance to sign their nameon the circulating sheet(s)of paper. It is importantthat shebe ableto identify the groupin attendance this evening. The RecordingSecretarynotedthe preparationof a sign in sheetandasked attendeesto locateit and sign it if they had not alreadydoneso. Following Ms. Crow's comments,four additionalpersonsspokeonthe sametopic urging the Council to reviewthe matterandtake actionwhich would restorethe routeof the HomecomingParadebackthrough town. The following individuals spokein favor of its return: 5484 Collin Willey -1979 graduate Ron Sturga Julie Fedders ( ShannonHokaj \ WhenActing Chair yieldedthe floor to Ms. Hokaj, shestatedthat shewould be the last personspeakingonthis topic sincethe Councilhadheardsimilar commentaryfrom the previous four individuals. TrusteeMcGarveyacknowledgedappreciationof their commentsand further indicatedthatthe Council hasreadlettersandheardmanyspeakaboutthe topic before. The matterwill be takenunderadvisement. N~xt, Acting ChairMcGarveywelcomedandintroducedthe university's Interim President~ Dr. Jim Moran. On behalfof the Council,shewelcomedDr. Moranto the campusand askedhim to sharehis reportand/orcomments.Interim PresidentMoran notedthat he would take a few momentsto highlight severalissuesof importancenoting that manyTrusteeshad receivedupdatesin respectivecommitteemeetingsheld earlierin the day. Dr. Moranbeganhis deliveryof the President'sReportto the Councilwith wordsof gratitudeto the Council and Board for bestowinguponhim the tremendoushonorof beingableto work overthe nextyear with the Edinborocommunity,the faculty and staffto moveEdinboroUniversityto evengreater heights. He believesthat tremendousprogresshasbeenmadeat EdinboroUniversity. Dr. Moran statedthat he is proud andhonoredto leadEdinboroUniversityandwill work hardto maintainthe excellencethat is Edinboro. Uponhis arrival to Edinboro,Dr. Moran hasfound a very energeticcommunity-both Edinborocommunitypeoplehavebeenvery welcomingas well as universitycampusfaculty and staff. He notedthatwhile EdinboroUniversityfaces budgetarychallenges,it is on fairly solid financialfooting. While the budgetwill be oneof the majorchallenges,thereareseveralkey issuesaheadof Edinborowhich includesa decennialreaccreditationprocessby the university'sprimary accreditorMiddle StatesCommissionon HigherEducation. Many individuals throughoutthe universitywill be working onthis vital projectin preparingfor our self-study. To meetthe Middle States'guidelineswe will needto takea look at somestructuralreorganizationand clarify Edinboro'smission,especiallyin terms of servicesprovidedto our students,serviceto the broaderregion-both in termsof economic vitality and studentsuccess.A critical componentto the "EdinboroExperience"alsoincludes communityengagement.Dr. Moran stressedwe will needto honorcommitmentto maintainand ensurethat all studentswho graduatefrom EdinboroUniversitywill havea quality educationand a meaningfulcredential. Oneof the key metricsof successis to increasethe completionrate in termsof studentsthathavemeaningfuldegrees.He notedthat attentionmustbe paid to underrepresented minoritiesand lower incomestudents;how we providethe successnotjust in admission,but in the attainmentof somekind of credential.Lastly, fundraisingandthe stewardshipof Commonwealthresourcesis key; we mustbe efficient andeffective in the educationdeliveryprocess. Acting ChairMcGarveythankedDr. Moran for the deliveryof his informativereport. Sheagainwelcomedhim to the Edinborocampusandcommunity. TrusteeMcGarveynext called on the Chairof the NominatingCommittee,TrusteeManning,to providea reportand presentthe slateof officers. TrusteeManningbeganwith a summaryof the appointmentof the Committeeby ChairmanHarold Shieldswhich consistedof herselfandTrusteesDarcangeloand Higham. Following a discussionby theNominatingCommitteeand a reviewof the Council's currentBy-Laws, it wasdeterminedthatnoneof the currentofficers (Shields,McGarvey,and Dombrowski)wereeligible to serveanotherterm. Phoneconversationstook placewith each ~ 'L'' ...' ." .5485 member of the Council to determine their interest in being nominated for one of the positions Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary. Suggestionswere also received about who might be good in those positions. In the end, the Nominating Committee was able to receive verbal commitments from three individuals to be placed on the slate for nomination. Trustee Manning presentedthe following names in nomination and requestedActing Chair McGarvey to seekadditional nominations from the floor: John Horan Dennis Frampton John Pulice Chair Vice Chair Secretary Trustee McGarvey thanked Trustee Manning and soughtnominations from the floor. Hearing none, she'called for the slate of nominations to be closed. Trustee Thomas moved that the nominations be closed which was secondedby Trustee Evans. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Evans, secondedby Trustee Dombrowski that the Nominated Slate presentedby the Nominating Committee become the Elected Slate. Hearing no requests for additional discussion, Acting Chair McGarvey called for the Roll Call vote. The motion carried with unanimous approval by the Council. Results -Roll Call vote on New Business: Nominating Committee/Slate of Officers Trustee Darcangelo Trustee Dombrowski (phone) Trustee Evans (phone) Trustee Frampton Trustee Higham Trustee Horan Trustee Manning Trustee McGarvey Trustee Pulice Trustee Shields Trustee Thomas Aye X X X X X X X X X Nay Absent X X Acting Chair McGarvey pronounced that the Nominated Slate had become the Elected Slate. She extended congratulations to the Council's newly elected officers. A round of applause followed. Next on the agenda,Acting Chair McGarvey noted revisions to the Edinboro University Council of Trustees 2011-12 meeting schedule. It was voted to acceptrevisions and adopt the Edinboro University Council of Trustees 2011-12 meeting scheduledas presented (Attachment #1). The Recording Secretaryconducted a Roll Call vote. The motion carried with unanimous approval by the Council. Results -Roll Call vote on New Business: Adoption of2011-12 COT Meeting Schedule Aye Trustee Darcangelo X Trustee Dombrowski (phone) X Trustee Evans (phone) X Nay Absent (', '" . 'r TrusteeFrampton TrusteeHigham TrusteeHoran TrusteeManning TrusteeMcGarvey TrusteePulice TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas 5486 X X X X X X X X Acting ChairMcGarvey,thenproceededto the next item of newbusinesson the agendaResolutionfor the renamingof the HumanServicesBuilding. TrusteeHoranpresentedthe resolutionfor consideration.However,beforepresentingit for action,he extendedwordsof welcometo Interim PresidentMoran. TrusteeHoranalsothankedfellow Councilmembersfor the honor in electinghim asChair. He expressedappreciationfor the nod of confidencenoting that he will now haveservedwith threePresidentsand underthe leadershipof two Council of TrusteesChairs(Harry ThomasandHarold Shields)whomhaveled admirablyat the Council level. Chair-ElectHoranpledgedto continuetheir work, work with Interim PresidentMoran, and work with the PresidentialSearchCommitteeas they searchfor Edinboro's 17thPresident. By way of introduction,TrusteeHoranofferedthe following Resolutionwhich symbolizedone final pieceof businessrelativeto the university'sformerPresident,Dr. JeremyD. Brown. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Resolution Renaming of the Human ServicesBuilding "Jeremy D. Brown Human ServicesBuilding" WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brown servedas presidentof EdinboroUniversityof Pennsylvaniafrom July 1, 2007,until May 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, underthe leadershipof Dr. JeremyD. Brown, EdinboroUniversityof Pennsylvaniaexperiencedrecordemollmentand growth,includingan increaseof some 1,000undergraduate andgraduatestudents;and WHEREAS, asPresident,Dr. JeremyD. Brown initiated admissionsguidelinesand controlsthat significantlyincreasedthe academicquality of studentsby raising SAT and GPA standards,thus simultaneouslybenefitingthe University'sretentionrate; and WHEREAS, duringthe tenureof Dr. JeremyD. Brown, therewere over$200 million in constructionprojects,includingthe $115million, eight-buildingHighlandsat Edinboro University studentresidentialcomplex,the $29 million CooperScience.Hall expansionand renovation,the Mike S. Zafirovski Sportsand RecreationCenter,the HumanServices Building, the Dr. William P. AlexanderMusic Center,CampusWelcomeCenterandPolice Headquarters, andrelocatedGheringHealthandWellnessCenter;and WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brown, sincehis arrival at EdinboroUniversityof Pennsylvania,initiatedthe institution'srenewedefforts to invigoratethe enthusiastic "ScottishPride" of its foundersamongfaculty, staff, studentsand broaderEdinboro . f' ..\ 5487 communitythroughthe highly successful"GreatThings HappenHere"brandingandtartan marketingcampaigns;and WHEREAS, during his presidencyat EdinboroUniversityof Pennsylvania,Dr. JeremyD. Brown raisedthe statureandinternationalreputationof this institutionthroughthe establishmentof collaborations,partnershipsand articulationagreementswith Asian and EasternEuropeanuniversities;and WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brownwas instrumentalin combiningthe numerousassetsof the Universityinto "The EdinboroExperience";and WHEREAS, to honourandcreatetradition,the "Fighting Scot" statueand complexwas forn1allydedicatedandacceptedasa gift from the EdinboroUniversity Alumni Association. It will foreverbe a symbolof alumnipride and school spirit for generationsof Fighting Scotsyet to come;and WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brownhasinstilled the confidenceandbelief amongfaculty, staff, sttldentsand supportersofEdinboro Universitythat "GreatThings" will continueto happenhere. BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe EdinboroUniversityof PennsylvaniaHumanServices Building shall forthwith be knownasthe "Jeremy D. Brown Human ServicesBuilding." Unanimously adopted by the Council of Trustees on this 13 day of June, 2011. Basedon the aboveResolution,it was voted. on motionof TrusteeHoran,secondedby Harry Thomasto adoptthe above-referenced Resolutionofficially renamingthe EdinboroUniversity Human ServicesBuilding asthe "JerryD. Brown HumanServicesBuilding" forthwith (Attachment #2). The Acting Chair directedthe RecordingSecretaryto conductthe Roll Call vote. The motion carriedwith unanimousapprovalby the Council. Results -Roll Call vote on NewBusiness:Resolution-Renaming of the Edinboro University Human ServicesBuilding Aye TrusteeDarcangelo X TrusteeDombrowski(phone)X TrusteeEvans (phone) X TrusteeFrampton X TrusteeHigham X TrusteeHoran X TrusteeManning X TrusteeMcGarvey X TrusteePulice X TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas X Nay Absent X Following declarationandacceptance of this Resolution,a memberof the public audiencestood and askedto speak. Commentsmadewereinaudiblesincethe individual did not approachthe ~- . 5488 microphone podium. The Acting Chair respondedthat commentary from a member of the public audience at this time were out of order and asked the individual to be seated. Acting Chair McGarvey requestedthe administrative liaison to the Academic Affairs Committee to come forward for not only the delivery of action items, but also the Committee's report. Provost Ginnetti noted a number of program revisions and actions for consideration by the Council. Theseincluded: PROGRAMREVISIONS Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies Associate of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Fine Arts in Applied Media Arts -Photography Concentration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration -Financial Services Concentration Master of Education in Reading Minor -Economics Minor -Geography It was voted, on motion of Trustee Pulice, secondedby Trustee Dombrowski to approve the above-referencedprogram proposals as presented. Acting Chair McGarvey asked for any discussion. Hearing no questions or concerns,she called for a Roll Call vote. The motion carried with unanimous approval by the Council. Results -Roll Call vote on Academic Affairs Action Item: Program Revisions Aye Trustee Darcangelo X Trustee Dombrowski (phone) X Trustee Evans (phone) X Trustee Frampton X Trustee Higham X Trustee Horan X Trustee Manning X Trustee McGarvey X Trustee Pulice X Trustee Shields Trustee Thomas X Nay Absent X Additionally, Provost Ginnetti presenteda recommendation that the following program be placed on moratorium -Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts. It was voted, on motion of Trustee Pulice, seconded by Trustees Manning and Higham to acceptthe above-referencedrecommendation placing the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts program on moratorium. Hearing no questions or concerns, she called for a Roll Call vote. The motion carried with unanimous approval by the Council. ~ 5489 Results-Roll Call vote on AcademicAffairs Action Item: Moratorium/Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts Program Aye TrusteeDarcangelo X TrusteeDombrowski(phone) X TrusteeEvans (phone) X TrusteeFrampton X TrusteeHigham X TrusteeHoran X TrusteeManning X TrusteeMcGarvey X TrusteePulice X TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas X Nay Absent X For the record,ProvostGinnetti notedthe following notificationswhich were includedin the meetingmatehals. Theseincluded: Individuals granted tenure -May 2011 NAME Dr. LenoreBarbian Dr. MatthewForadori Dr. Victoria Hedderick Dr. JohnHoggard Dr. RichardLloyd Dr. PeterMcLaughlin Dr. DouglasPuharic Dr. Emily Sprague Dr. Ruth Stauffer Ms. SharonTaylor Mr. Dietrich Wegner DEPARTMENT History andAnthropology Biology and HealthServices Nursing Mathematicsand ComputerScience Physicsand Technology Psychology Mathematicsand ComputerScience Mathematicsand ComputerScience HealthandPhysicalEducation EnglishandTheatreArts Art Faculty Members Awarded SabbaticalsDuring the 2012-2013 Academic Year 2012-2013 (full pav) Dr. JayHanes Dr. Karim Hossain Dr. CharlotteMolrine Art Physicsand Technology Speech,LanguageandHearing Academic Year 2012-2013 (half pav) Ms. Lisa Austin Art Fall 2012 (full pay) Dr. Xin-Zhu Chen Dr. David Denton Dr. KarenEisenhart Dr. SharonHamilton History andAnthropology Music Geosciences Psychology ~ 5490 Dr. Jo Ann Holtz Dr. TadesseKidane-Mariam Mr. Peter Kuvshinikov Dr. ShawnReagan Dr. Roselle Scaggs Dr. Mary Wolf Dr. Richard Deal Dr. Baber Ghosheh Dr. Timothy Meyer D~. George Richards Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education Geosciences Physics and Technology Health and Physical Education Social Work Academic Support and Student Affairs Faculty SDrine:2013 (full Day) Geosciences Geosciences Mathematics and Computer Science Political Scienceand Criminal Justice Provost Ginnetti' s report on behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee was distributed via written report to Dr. Moran and membersof the Council (Attachment #3). The Acting Chair thanked Provost Ginnetti for the presentationof action items and report on behalf of the Academic Affairs Committee. Ms. Crow askedto interrupt the business proceedings to request permission for those in attendanceprimarily to attend the initial public comment sessionto excusethemselves. Permissionwas acknowledged and the group quietly exited the meeting. A report on behalf of the Communications and Marketing Committee was delivered by Mr. Jeff Pinski on behalf of Committee Chair Manning. Mr. Pinski reported that he and Dr. Moran had met with Trustees Manning and Thomas earlier in the day. He noted a productive meeting talking about the goals and objectives of this division. While most perceive summerto be a slow time, this is not the case in this division particularly with the loss of several key staff members (Amy Neil and impending departureof Ron Cox). He noted that on May 26, Edinboro hosted the 20thGolden Apple Award Banquet in collaboration with WJET. That evening 32 teachers were honored who were recipients of the Golden Apple Award during the 2010-11 school year. Angel Gaston, 4thgrade social studies teacher from Lake City's Elk Valley Elementary School was named Teacher of the Year. A 30-minute wrap-up program was aired last Saturday (full Y2hour) produced by WJET which featured all 32 teachersand the awards banquet. Edinboro University plans to continue this valuable promotion of Golden Apple Award program through 2011-12 school year. Negotiations are underway with WJET to finalize the terms of the agreement. For the past several years, the selection process Teacherof the Year has beenelevated making it less subjective and more objective. With input from Interim PresidentMoran, Communications and Marketing will be looking at new ways to promote Edinboro's presencein Erie and Meadville drawing more attention to their branch campus locations. Edinboro University is also in the processof promoting the year-long observanceof the 85thanniversary of Women's Athletics at Edinboro. A golf outing was held on June 6 with proceeds going to women student athletics scholarships. The signature event of this observancewill be held on Saturday, September 17. The Celebration Dinner will feature co-anchor of ABC's Good Morning America, Robin Roberts. In terms of Marketing, Ron Cox has a number of advertising promotions underway as well as through social media outlets which continue to be highly effective and successful marketing tools. Edinboro currently boastsmore than 7,350 Facebookfans and more than 2,000 followers on Twitter including, and verified by Twitter, Barrack Obama, Lady Gaga, Lance Armstrong and Smokey Robinson. Mr. Pinski reported two major marketing priorities, the development of Edinboro University's Annual Report and the publication of the next edition of the Edinboro University Magazine. The Annual Report is being developed in conjunction with the local advertising firm and our aggressivepre-press production schedule calls for product 5491 completionand distributionfor the annualFall Convocationin September.Articles for the EdinboroUniversityMagazineare currentlyin editing andbeingreadiedfor publication. Distributionis plannedfor AugustthroughZBrand(advertisingfirm out of Pittsburgh). Circulationof that publicationreaches58,000andan online electronicversionwill be improved. Mr. Cox is alsoworking with Papaandthe universityundergraduate admissionsoffice to provide creativeoversightfor the developmentandproductionof the2011 Viewbook. In addition, admissioncounselorSheilaMcCarthyis working with Ronto developa summermarketing strategythatwill targettransferstudents.Changesto the newFall advertisingcampaignare underwaywhich consumesa large portionof the marketingbudgetfeaturingtelevisionspots, billboards,andnewspapers.This year's campaignwill focus on "ExperienceEdinboro." In closing,and on behalf of staffmembersRon Cox andAnita Joslyn,expressedgreatappreciationto Amy Neil who madea significantdifferencein contributionand operationof the Communications andMarketingdivision. Her departureaftera shortamountof time here cut deeplyinto the creativetalent, but it is the staffs intentionnot to miss a beat. Theymiss tremendouslyMs. Neil's leadership,contributionsand supportin developmentand implementationof communicationsand marketinginitiatives and strategies. TrusteeMcGarveythankedMr. Pinski for the reportandrequestedMr. GordonHerbstto deliverhis reporton behalf of the Financeand AdministrationCommittee.Vice President Herbstreportedthe Committeeheld a meetingthis afternoon.The statusof the fiscal year 2012 draft budgetwas discussed.The Committeealsodiscussedall of the items thatrequireCouncil action. The specificsof actionitemswereincludedin materialssentto the Trusteesin preparationof the quarterlybusinessmeeting. He reiteratedthatthe ContractsandPurchase Ordersarelisted at the encumberedamountsfor the fiscal yearasopposedto the payment amounts.He presenteda motionto acceptInterim PresidentMoran's recommendation for approvalof the ContractsandPurchasesfor March, April and May 2011. It was voted, on motion of TrusteeHoran, secondedby TrusteeManningto acceptInterim PresidentMoran's recommendation for the approvalof ContractsandPurchases asreviewedby the Financeand AdministrationCommitteefor the period March1 -May 31, 2011. The Acting Chaircalled for a Roll Call vote andpronouncedthatthe motioncarriedwith unanimousapprovalby the Council. Results-Roll Call vote on Finance and Administration Action Item: Contracts and Purchasesfor the period March 1- May 31, 2011 Aye TrusteeDarcangelo X TrusteeDombrowski (phone)X TrusteeEvans (phone) X TrusteeFrampton X TrusteeHigham X TrusteeHoran X TrusteeManning X TrusteeMcGarvey X TrusteePulice X TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas X Nay Absent X Next, Vice PresidentHerbstpresenteda recommendation calling for the approvalof the2011 supplementto the Edinboro University2010Facilities Report. He notedthatthe 2011 ---, 5492 supplementidentifiesthe conditionof eachbuilding andessentialneededrepairs. Lastyear's boundreportcontainedcolor photographs,a descriptionof the history,condition,natureand usageof eachbuilding. It alsonotedessentialneededrepairs. It was voted, on motionof TrusteeHoran,secondedby TrusteePuliceto acceptthe above-referenced recommendation calling for the approvalof the2011 supplementto the Edinboro University2010Facilities Report. The Roll Call yieldedthe following resultsandunanimousapprovalof the motion. Results -Roll Call vote on Finance and Administration Action Item: 2011 Supplementto the Edinboro University2010 Facilities Report Aye TrusteeDarcangelo X TrusteeDombrowski(phone)X TrusteeEvans (phone) X TrusteeFrampton X TrusteeHigham X TrusteeHoran X TrusteeManning X TrusteeMcGarvey TrusteePulice TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas Nay Absent X X X X Next, Vice PresidentHerbstnotedseveralpagesof personneltransactionssincethe March 14,2011, Council meetingwhichwerepresentedfor their reviewandinformation. NEW HIRES/REPLACEMENTS/CONTINUA TIONS Amidon, Mr. Bradley,part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,20112012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,effectiveAugust27,2011. Aylsworth, Ms. Marilyn M., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Communicationand Media Studies,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62effective August27,2011. Bandi, Ms. Swati, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012Academic Year, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effectiveAugust27,2011. Barone,Ms. AndreaF., full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27, 2011. Barrett,Dr. ColleenR., full-time tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,NursingDepartment, 2011-2012AcademicYear, at$54,449.01effective August27, 2011. Black, Ms. Jacqueline,part-time(upto 8%), temporary,Instructor,Music Department, 2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,effectiveAugust27,2011. Bliley, Mr. SeanA., part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer ScienceDepartment,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at$11,198.81 effective August27,2011. Bouquin,Ms. SamanthaE., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer ScienceDepartment,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24 effective August27, 2011. 5493 continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations Burnette,Dr. Sherry,full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SocialWork, 2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $51,856.27effectiveAugust27, 2011. Chan,Mr. James,part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer Science,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62effective August27,2011. Chevers,Dr. Ivy, part-time(50%),temporary,AssistantProfessor,Art Department,20112012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $25,928.14effective August27, 2011. Christoph,Ms. Doretha,part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,BusinessandEconomics Department,2011-2012Acade~ic Year, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62effective August27, 2011. Ci,UInIno, Ms. Olivia, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. C1aster,Dr. SamuelM., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SociologyDepartment, 2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $51,856.27effectiveAugust27,2011. Cordell,Ms. Linda, full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at$47,035.01effective August27,2011. Dailey, Mr. James,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Elementary,Middle and Secondary Education,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,$44,795.24effective August27, 2011. Dell, Ms. Cassandra, full-time, Managerof DistanceEducation,Centerfor Distance EducationTeaching& Technology,at $36,875.00effectiveMay 2,2011. Dixon-McCullum, Dr. AdrienneM., full-time, AssistantProfessor,ProfessionalStudies, 2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $51,856.27effectiveAugust27,2011. Dobson,Ms. AlyssaA., full-time, AssociateDirectorof FinancialAid, StudentFinancial Aid Office, at $48,137.00effectiveJune1,2011. Doolan,Dr. Amy L., full-time tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,BusinessandEconomics Department,at $80,446.25effectiveAugust27, 2011. Drees,Dr. Kevin M., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer Science,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Estrin, Mr. Richard,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Feng,Ms. Shuang,full-time tenuretrack, AssociateProfessor,BusinessandEconomics Department,at $76,615.42effective August27,2011. Frambes,Ms. NancyA., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Psychology,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,$23,517.51effectiveAugust27,2011. Galante,Mr. Jeremy,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $47,035.01effectiveAugust27,2011. Garrett,Mr. Michael J., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effectiveAugust27,2011. Grooms,Mr. Craig S., Directorof Undergraduate Admissions,Undergraduate AdmissionsOffice, at $92,000.00effectiveJune1,2011. Gruber,Ms. Armorel C., part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,ForeignLanguages Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at$11,198.81effective August27,2011. Henthorn,Ms. MelanieL., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer ScienceDepartment,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24 effective August27, 2011. 5494 continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations Hearns,Ms. ReneC., Directorof Grantsand Sponsored Programs,GraduateStudiesand ResearchOffice, at $72,000.00,effectiveApril 4, 2011. Homansky,Ms. Hillary, full-time, temporary,Custodial1, FacilitiesDepartment,at $909.75hi-weekly, effectiveMay26,2011 to August26,2011. Horn, Dr. Benjamin,part-time(25%),temporary,AssistantProfessor,Elementary, Middle and SecondaryEducation,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $12,964.07effectiveAugust27,2011. Johnson,Ms. Linda M., full-time, temporary,Instructor,NursingDepartment,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effectiveAugust27,2011. Keirn, Ms. Denise,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effectiveAugust27,2011. Koehler,Mr. William J., part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Social Work Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62effective August27,2011. Leech,Ms. Lee Ann, full-time, temporary,Instructor,NursingDepartment,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effectiveAugust27,2011. Lute,'Mr. Charles,part-time(42%fall, 8% spring),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $10,288.93(fall) and $2,057.79(spring)effective August27,2011. Mando,Ms. Marti, full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Mann,Mr. Erik, part-time(upto 50%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,20112012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,effectiveAugust27,2011. Martinson,Ms. Nanci S., full-time, temporary,CustodialWorker 1, Facilities Department,at $909.75hi-weekly,effective May 26,2011to August26,2011. Maynard,Dr. Dean,part-time(25%),temporary,AssistantProfessor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducation,2011-2012AcademicY ear,contingentuponenrollment,at $12,964.07effective August27,2011. McAteeBaron,Dr. Heather-Lee,full-time tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,Elementary, Middle and SecondaryEducationDepartment,$51,856.27effectiveAugust27, 2011. Mcintosh,Ms. Mary, part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Social Work Department, 2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62effectiveAugust27, 2011. Melchiori, Ms. Carolina,part-time(up to 14%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,effective August27,2011. Moseley,Ms. Darcie,part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducation,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $11,198.81 effective August27,2011. Muma, Ms. Cathi-jo,full-time, temporary,Instructor,NursingDepartment,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effectiveAugust27, 2011. Neff, Dr. PatriciaE., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,SociologyDepartment, 2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $51,856.27effective August27, 2011. Piekanski,Mr. James,part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducation,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62 effective August27, 2011. . ~ 5495 continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations Proulx,Ms. Suzanne,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Raymond,Mr. RonaldK., part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,Advisor to the WFSEFM Radiostation,Communication& Media Studies,2011-2012AcademicYear, at$11,198.81 effective August27, 2011. Regan,Mr. Patrick,part-time (up to 50%),temporary,Instructor,Music Department, 2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentupon enrollmenteffectiveAugust27, 2011. Rinfrette,Dr. Elaine S., full-time tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,Social Work Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, at$54,449.01effective August27,2011. Rosendary,Ms. Glenda,full-time, temporary,CustodialWorker 1, FacilitiesDepartment, at $909.75bi-weekly, effective May 26, 2011 to August26,2011. Ross,Mr. AnthonyR., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer ScienceDepartment,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24 effective August27, 2011. Russiano,Ms. MelissaA., part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,SocialWork Department,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at$11,198.81effective August27, 2011. Schlemmer,Mr. Ross,full-time, temporary,Instructor,Art Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Schruers,Dr. Eric J., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,Art Department,20112012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $51,856.27effective August27,2011. Scullin, Ms. BethanyL., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducationDepartment,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Silvis, Mr. Randall,full-time, temporary,Instructor,EnglishandTheatreArts .Department, contingentuponenrollment,at$47,035..01 effectiveAugust27,2011. Simpson,Ms. Patricia,regular,full-time, Clerk Typist 2 Confidential,HumanResources Departmentat $32,059.00effectiveApril 25, 2011. Sitter,Ms. SusanE., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Nursing Department,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Streiff, Ms. Kimberly W., full-time, Instructor,NursingDepartment,2011-2012 AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Trueblood,Mr. Jonathan,part-time(33%),temporary,Instructor,Art Department,20112012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $14,931.75effective August27,2011. Tyler, Dr. KarenK., full-time, temporary,AssistantProfessor,ProfessionalStudies,20112012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $51,856.27effective August27, 2011. Wertz, Mr. R. James,full-time, temporary,Instructor,CommunicationandMedia Studies,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27,2011. Weir, Mr. Mark R., full-time, Coordinatorof Multicultural Programming,StudentAffairs Division, at $43,599.00effective May 23, 2011. Whitney, Ms. HeatherE., Clerk Typist 2, HealthandPhysicalEducationDepartment,at $23,785.80effectiveApril 4, 2011. Winschel,Ms. ShirleyAnn, part-time(25%),temporary,Instructor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducation,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $11,198.81effective August27,2011. Wisniewski,Ms. Virginia S., full-time, temporary,CustodialWorker 1, Facilities Department,at $909.75bi-weekly, effective May 20,2011 to August26,2011. 5496 continued -New Hires/Replacements/Continuations Wolbert, Mr. RogerS., full-time, temporary,Instructor,Mathematicsand Computer Science,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $44,795.24effective August27, 2011. Zhang,Ms. Lei, full-time tenuretrack, AssistantProfessor,BusinessandEconomics Department,at $66,183.17effectiveAugust27,2011. Zimmerman,Ms. Melisa S.,part-time(50%),temporary,Instructor,Businessand EconomicsDepartment,2011-2012AcademicYear, contingentuponenrollment,at $22,397.62 effective August27, 2011. RESIGNATION Agostini, Mrs. JoslynnE., AssistantProfessor,NursingDepartment,effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. Fabrizio,Ms. Kimberly A., ExecutiveAssistantto the President,President'sOffice, effectivecloseof businessMarch 11,2011. Falzone,Mr. Christopher,Web Specialist3, TechnologyandCommunications,effective closeof businessMay 18, 2011. Haney,Dr. Mark H., AssociateProfessor,BusinessandEconomicsDepartment,effective closeof businessJune3, 2011. Martin, Miss ReNesha,9-monthArea Coordinator,ResidenceLife andHousingOffice, effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. Neil, Mrs. Amy, AssistantVice President,CommunicationsandMarketing,effective closeof businessMay 31, 2011. ReyesCruz, Ms. Maricely, Clerk Typist 3, Recordsand RegistrationOffice, effective closeof businessApril 22, 2011. Skelton,Jr., Mr. DennisJ., MaintenanceRepairman2, Financeand Administration Division, effectivecloseof businessMay 20,2011. Whitehair,Mr. Bruce Q., Vice Presidentfor UniversityAdvancement,University AdvancementDivision, effectivecloseof businessApril 1, 2011. Yingling, Mr. Daryl W., Area Coordinator,StudentAffairs Division, effectivecloseof businessJune6, 2011. Zonna,Mrs. Sarah,part-time,NurseAide, Office for Studentswith Disabilities,effective closeof businessFebruary25, 2011. Zylstra, Mr. BruceA., part-time,AssistantAthletic Coach,AthleticsDepartment, effectivecloseof businessFebruary11,2011. RETIREMENTS Beerbower,Ms. Doris E., Clerk Typist 2, Nursing Department,effectivecloseof business May 31,2011. Bolton, Dr. JamesW., AssociateProfessor,AcademicAffairs Division, effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. Briggs,Dr. NancyM., AssociateProfessor,Elementary,Middle andSecondary EducationDepartment,effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. Conway,Dr. Alice E., Professor,NursingDepartment,effectivecloseof business June30, 2011. Criswell, Dr. John,Professor,Elementary,Middle and SecondaryEducationDepartment, effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. Criswell, Dr. Susan,Professor,Early Childhoodand SpecialEducationDepartment, effectivecloseof businessJune3, 3011. ! 5497 continued -Retirements Ditmore, Mr. PaulJ., AssistantProfessorin the AcademicAffairs Division, effective closeof businessJune3, 2011. Farlik, Dr. Terry E., AssistantProfessor,BusinessandEconomicsDepartment,effective closeof businessJune3, 2011. Gaines,Dr. DeniseF., Professor,ProfessionalStudiesDepartment,effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. Hixon, Dr. DonnaF., Professor,SocialWork Department,effectivecloseof business June3, 2011. Lee,Ms. KathleenN., AssistantProfessor,NursingDepartment,effectivecloseof businessJune3, 2011. LoPresto,Dr. JamesC., Professor,Physicsand TechnologyDepartment,effectiveclose of businessJune3, 2011. Rahal,Dr. BarbaraF., Professor,ProfessionalStudiesDepartment,effectivecloseof businessJune29,2011. Roden,Dr. ThomasJ., AssociateProfessor,Elementary,Middle and Secondary EducationDepartment,effectivecloseof businessJune26, 2011. Russ~l, Ms. Susan,Library Assistant2, effectivecloseof businessJune17,2011. Van Bell, Dr. Craig T., Professor,Biology and HealthServicesDepartment,effective closeof businessJune30, 2011. Viveralli, Mrs. JudithA., AssociateDirectorfor FinancialAid, StudentFinancialAid Office, effectivecloseof businessJune17,2011. Wetsell,Mrs. Victoria A., Coordinatorof StudentJudicialAffairs, effectivecloseof businessJune17,2011. COACHING CONTRACTS/RENEWALS Braxton,Mr. Keith, regular,full-time, AssistantNon-FacultyFootballCoach,at $38,707.76for the period March20,2011 throughMarch 19,2013. Carlson,Ms. Anne E., regular,full-time, AssistantNon-FacultyCoachof Women's Track andField, at $32,500for the periodJune15,2011 throughJune14,2012. Clearly,Mr. J. Patrick, AssistantMen's BasketballCoach,extensionthroughMarch28,2013. Flynn, Mr. Tim, HeadWrestlingCoach,contractextensionthroughMarch28,2014. Gierlack,Mr. Daniel, HeadWomen'sSoftballCoach,contractextensionfrom May 19, 2011 throughJune6, 2014. Niedbala,Mr. Kim, Assistant,Non-FacultyFootballCoach,at $48,453.21for the period March 14,2011 throughMarch 13,2013. Rhodes,Mr. Christopher,Head Men's andWomen'sSwimmingCoach,contract extensionthroughMarch 31,2014. Sallie,Ms. Jaime,regular,part-time,AssistantWomen's SoccerCoach,contract extensionfrom June12,2011 throughJune11,2013 at $14,342.61. Sams,Mr. DouglasR., regular,full-time, non-faculty,AssistantFootballCoach,effective March 21, 2011 throughMarch20,2012 at $50,000.00. Swank,Mr. Stanley,HeadWomen'sBasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough March28, 2014. Walcavich,Mr. Greg,HeadMen's BasketballCoach,contractextensionthrough March28,2014. Watts,Mr. Doug,Head TrackandCrossCountryCoach,contractextensionfrom May 19,2011 throughJune6, 2014. 5498 RENEWED CONTRACTS Herbst,Mr. GordonHerbst,Vice Presidentfor FinanceandAdministration,contract extensionthroughAugust28, 2013. Smith,Dr. Terry L., Dean,Collegeof Arts and Sciences,contractextensionthrough August16, 2013. SICK LEAVE Nash-Thompson,Dr. Ruth, sickleaveof absencefor the period February24,2011, throughMay 6, 2011. Soboleski,Ms. Melissa,sickleaveof absencefor the period February21, 2011,through April 1,2011. , PARENTAL LEAVE Simmons,Ms. Mikah, parentalleavewithout pay with benefitsbeginningApril 18, 2011, andcontinuingthroughJune3, 2011. CHANGE IN STATUS Carson,Ms. Eboni, full-time, temporary,Clerk Typist 2, NursingDepartment,from May 27, 2011 to July 29, 2011. Conklin, Ms. Sharon,full-time, summeremployment,StudentAffairs Division, from June4, 2011 to August 12,2011. Przybylski,Ms. Penny,full-time, summeremployment,ResidentLife andHousing, StudentAffairs Division, from July30,2011 to August 12,2011. Sam,Ms. Margaret,Management Technician,out-of-classificationcompensation beginningJune6, 2011 until incumbentreturnsfrom leave,StudentFinancialAid office, at $22.46/hourfor all hoursworked. Swank,Mr. Stanley,salaryincreaseof 3% in recognitionof exemplaryperformanceas HeadWomen'sBasketballCoachat $81,594.67. Wheeler,Ms. Callie, salaryincreaseof 6.5% in recognitionof exemplaryperformanceas AssistantWomen'sBasketballCoachat $39,476.87. LATERAL TRANSFER Culbertson,Ms. Karen,reassignment from Vice Presidentfor Financeand Administrationto UniversityPoliceDepartment,effectiveApril 18,2011. PROMOTION -NON-FACULTY Albert, Ms. JessicaG., from GraduateAdmissionsCounselorto GraduateAdmissions Coordinator,Office of GraduateStudiesandResearch,at $43,599,effectiveMay 7, 2011. Beachem,Ms. BarbaraD., from PurchasingAgent1 to regular,full-time, Purchasing Agent2, PurchasingDepartmentat $52,401,effective March26, 2011. Marquis,Ms. BrendaL., from Clerk Typist 3, Confidentialto regular,full-time, Administrative Assistant1 at $34,719,effectiveApril 9, 2011. Sablo,Dr. Kahan,from InterimVice Presidentfor StudentAffairs andDeanof Student Life to Vice Presidentfor StudentAffairs at $123,639,effective May 9,2011. .5499 REGULAR LEA VE WITHOUT PAY Involuntary Cyclical Leave Without Pay With Benefits (L WOP) NAME POSITION Acker, Ms. DeborahR. Carson,Ms. Eboni Monocello,Ms. Amy Shorts,Ms. Deborah Thompson,Ms. Starla Tingley, Ms. Penny Whitnc?y,Ms. Heather Clerk Stenographer 2 Clerk Typist 2 Library Assistant1 Clerk Typist 2 Clerk Typist 2 Clerk Typist 2 Clerk Typist 2 START L WOP OS/20/2011 05/06/2011 05/13/2011 OS/27/2011 OS/27/2011 OS/27/2011 05/16/2011 GHERING HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER -NURSING L~~P 8/15/2011 08/01/2011 08/08/2011 08/22/2011 08/22/2011 08/22/2011 08/08/2011 STAFF Involuntary Cyclical Leave Without Pay With Benefits (L WOP) .NAME Budzynski,Ms. Tiffany Dado,Ms. JoyeL. Kibler, Ms. Suzanne Odell, Mrs. Danielle START L WOP 05/07/2011 05/07/2011 05/07/2011 05/07/2011 END L WOP 08/24/2011 08/24/2011 08/24/2011 08/24/2011 LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Siple, Dr. Barbara,AssociateProfessor,CounselingandPsychologicalServices Department,leavewithout pay and without benefits,effectiveJune1,2011 through August28, 2011. Mr. Herbstalsoremainedto deliveran updateandhighlights from the March 31, 2011,meeting of the EdinboroUniversityServicesBoardof Directors. He notedthat atthe MarchBoard meeting,Mr. RaymondFisherreportedonthe USI cashpositionwhich included$100,000to fund the AcademicExcellenceScholarship.Internetservicesfor the Bookstorewere completed on November24, 2010. The CampusBookstoremovedto switchits internetserviceprovider, email accounts,and otheraccountswere createdfor all Bookstoreemployees.The PiperPress (printing operationsunderUSI) will be relocatedto the lower level of EarlleyHall in preparation for renovationsto RossHall. Lastly, Mr. Herbstreportedthatthe Boardresolvedto promoteMr. RaymondFisherto the statusandtitle of GeneralManagerof UniversityServices,Inc. Acting Chair McGarveythankedfor Mr. Herbstfor his reportandrequestedDr. Kahan Sabloto comeforward for the deliveryof the StudentAffairs CommitteeReport. He sharedthe following highlights from his areaof responsibility: COMMUNITY .In SERVICE April, the ResidenceLife andHousingOffice sponsored"A Day without Shoes." Membersof the campuscommunitywereinvited to participatein a brisk walk around campusin orderto raiseawarenessaboutpoverty,specifically,the numberof people who go without shoeson a daily basis. Many campusparticipantschoseto walk shoelessthemselves.Donationscollectedthat dayassistedwith the purchaseof shoes for regionalhomelesschildren. \ 5500 .Our fraternities and sororities recently completed their secondannual Craze for a Cure, benefiting the Kanzius Cancer ResearchFoundation. Participants raised approximately $700 for this foundation. .The 3rdAnnual Student-Athlete Auction raised over $1,600 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. .In responseto our local, regional, and national blood shortages,blood drives were coordinated every month during the spring semesterfor the American Red Cross, the Central Blood Bank, and the Community Blood Bank. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SUPPORTSERVICES .The 13thAnnual Health Fair was hosted on April 6. There were approximately 665 faculty, staff, and studentsin attendance,which is a new record for this event. Approximately 75 community and campus agencieswere presentto share health and wellness information with our campus community. .Student Health Services continues to partner with the Erie County Department of Health to provide free STD testing and treatment to all University students. This year, approximately 275 studentswere tested through a GYT (Get Yourself Tested) collaboration with the health department. .In support of the University's commitment to educating people about the challenges encounteredby people with disabilities, the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) hosted a disability awarenessprogram entitled, "Pushing the Limits." At this event, people were given an opportunity to spendthe day in a wheelchair and navigate various areasof campus. .Our Greek Life office has concluded a five-year review of fraternity/sorority grade point averagesto assessthe impact that first semesterfreshman intake (pledging) has on fraternity/sorority freshman GPAs. Although our findings indicated concerns among the GPAs of first semestermale initiates, we were not comfortable stating that the disparity in GPAs was attributed solely to pledging. However, when the data was shared with the fraternity/sorority governing boards, they adopted an action plan that included: .The designation of a scholarship chairperson for eachorganization; .A written scholarshipplan for any organization that falls below minimum standards;and .The suspensionand/or revocation of campus recognition of any chapter whose first semesterinitiates continue to fall below minimum standards. .Nationally, most attrition ("dropping out" or "stopping out") occurs during a student's lower division years. It is very common for universities to invest significant efforts on a student's first year of enrollment, and then lose studentsto the "sophomore slump" that often occurs when sophomore studentsdistancethemselves from university support services. In an effort to combat the sophomore slump, the University has instituted a second-yearhousing requirement for the incoming freshman class. Sophomorehousing requirements are becoming increasingly more common on university campusesaround the country. Within our own PASSHE institutions, twoyear housing requirements are already in place on the Millersville, Mansfield, and California campuses. Locally, four-year housing requirements are in place at Westminster and Allegheny Colleges. ~ 5501 Weare happy to report that institutional retention data shows an upward trend in the persistenceof studentswho remain in campushousing for two consecutive years. This is promising, as currently, more than half of the sophomore class already resides in university housing. A two-year residential experience assistsstudents with their transition to college life by providing them with easyaccessto campus activities and support staff, and increased contact with faculty advisors through living learning communities. All of these factors are highly correlated with studentsuccess. We look forward to working with our residential students for an additional year as we work tostudents changeremain the campus cultureseven from days that of a "suitcase" to anininstitution , where on campus a week for full campus, engagement campus life. .Also in support of studentretention, we have changedthe format of our summer orientation program. In place of our historical full-day summer orientation sessions that were offered approximately 12 times throughout the summer months, we are piloting a new initiative that brings studentsand families to campus for half day registration sessions. In addition, freshman studentswill move in three days prior to the returning students (August 25 -28) for academic and student success programming. During this precious time alone with the new students,we will work to instill a senseof campus pride, school spirit, and establish new campus traditions. FUNDRAISIN Gill EVELO PMENT .A $35,000 grant was recently awarded by the Charlotte Newcombe Foundation to our Office for Students with Disabilities. These funds will be used to provide scholarship assistanceto our students. .In addition, OSD received a $2,000 grant from Wal-mart to help with the costs of the secondAnnual Disabilities Conference. .The Ninth Annual Sports Memorabilia Auction raised over $25,000 and featured former Pittsburgh SteelersHall ofFamer, Franco Harris. Approximately 300 items were auctioned that evening. The evening also featured Pittsburgh Steeler's radio announcerBill Hillgrove, and Penn State defensive back, Drew Astorino. .Our Athletic Department has kicked off its Campaignfor Football Excellence -a fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $2 million. .The Football Golf Outing was held in May, featuring a full field for the second straight year. .The 85 Years of Women's Athletics celebration is underway. A golf tournament to raise scholarship funds was held on June 6. It will culminate with a banquet featuring guest speakerRobin Roberts on September17. FACILITIES .Lawrence Towers will undergo a phased renovation to create an updated living community, similar to the enhancementsthat were made to Earp, Dearborn and Rose Halls. The renovations will include updated finishes (painting and flooring), new windows, an elevator, a new roof, furnishings and common spaceupdates. The 5502 renovations will occur to four floors of Tower A and the rust floor of Tower B over the next year. .The University's new Highlands Plaza will further connectthe campusto its Scottish heritage. Monolithic stonesrising from the landscapewill encircle an 18 foot round pool with a "floating" map of Scotland in the center. Four of the stoneswill serve as compasspoints and the map will be oriented to point towards Edinburgh, Scotland. The landscapeand plantings will include plants and flowers that are indigenous to our region and to Scotland. The project will be funded through the Highlands development and the Edinboro University Student Government Association. STAFF ACCOLADES .Dr. -JodyGallagher, Director of the Center for CareerDevelopment, has received certification from the OUT for Work organization, documenting our careercenter's competency in the provision of servicesto LGBTQIA students. .Women's Basketball Coach, Stan Swank, was recently named PSAC Coach of the Year. ATHLETICS .Dr. Sablo invited Council membersto view athletic highlights via the Athletic Department's webpage. UPCOMING EVENTS .You and your families are invited to join us for movies and popcorn under the stars at our annual outdoor movie series on Thursday evenings at the Porreco Center and Friday evenings at the main campus. .Fighting Scots Football games-first three are home games: .September 3, 2011 vs. West Liberty (1:30 PM) .September 10,2011 vs. Merrimack (1:00 PM) .September 17,2011 vs. Cheyney (1 :00 PM) .Our women's Soccerteam's first home game is September17,2011 vs. Mercyhurst at 6:00 PM. .Our Homecoming theme this year is 'Jungle Safari' because"Grrrreat Things Happen Here." The parade is slated for Saturday, October 8, 2011. Mr. Herbst was invited back to the podium to deliver its report on behalf of the University Advancement Committee. He noted the following highlights. From University Advancement: .Fundraising total through May 31, 2011, was $2,261,338. .Since the last meeting, eight major gifts in excessof $1 0,000 have beenreceived. .As of May 31, 2011, sevennew funds have been created which include the Academy Scholarship, the Highlander Scholarship, the Dr. Ruth N ThompsonMemorial Scholarship, the Charles Lodge Football Scholarship Endowment,the Dick Dixon Football Scholarship Endowment,the Xavier D. Williams BusinessSpeaker Series Endowment, and the William and Mary Alexander Music Performance Fund. .The computer lab in Hendricks Hall will be renamedthe "Xavier D. Williams Business and Economics Computer Lab." 5503 .On April 29, the Advancement Office and the Psychology Department hosted an event titled "Celebrate Psychology." There were 100 alumni, faculty and current studentswho attendedthe day-long event. The keynote speakerwas alumnus Dr. Bill Rothenbachwho spoke about "Giving Back." The primary goal for "Celebrate Psychology" was to provide the means for our alumni and retired faculty to reconnect with the Psychology Program and to hear from our current faculty and students about the opportunities and challengesof being a psychology major today. .On May 18-19, Julie Chacona, Provost Ginnetti and Dr. JeanJonestraveled to Miami of Ohio to meet with Edinboro Distinguished alumnus Dr. Don Kaufman. Don was instrumental in starting the Fred Caro Wrestling Scholarship at Edinboro. He asked to meet to discuss the Honors Program, now directed by Dr. Jean Jones.Dr. Kaufman made a commitment of $100,000 to the Honors Program and has offered to assist Edinboro University over the next 3-5 years to reach our goal of raising $5 million for the program. Don directed the honors program at Miami of Ohio for nearly 20 years. .The PASSHE Advancement Conference hosted by Edinboro University from May 22-24 had 165 representativesfrom the 14 State System schools. It was a very successfulconference with positive feedback from all in attendance. Accolades were given to Conference Chair Marilyn Goellner. .A golf outing for Women's Athletic Scholarshipswas held at Lake Shore Country Club on Monday, June 6. More than 100 golfers participated. While final numbers have not been confirmed, the event had net proceedsof more than $10,000. .On June 24 an event to celebrate and honor women alumni and current and retired faculty and staff who give of their time, talent and resourceswill be held at the Erie Art Museum. Four women are being recognized for their philanthropic contributions to the University: Barb Kantz Dr. ArmendiaDixon Donna Douglass Donna Nicholas This is the first event to launch the Edinboro University Women and Philanthropy Program. .The fIrst annual Dr. Armendia Dixon Family Scholarship Golf Outing will be held at the Riverside Golf Course on July 2 and will feature special guest, actor James Pickens, Jr., the "Chief' on "Grey's Anatomy." .Save the date for the next Presidential Scholarship Gala which will be Saturday, May 29,2012, to be held on campus in the Pogue Student Center Multipurpose Room. From the Alumni Relations Office: .The Edinboro University Alumni Association Board had a 100% giving rate to the University for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. .Upcoming Alumni Events include: August 4 -Edinboro University Alumni Night at PNC Park. 5504 .The Edinboro University Alumni Association Board approved the following Executive Committee: 0 President- Joseph Mineo '73 & '78 0 Vice President -Mary Timashenka '80 & '97 0 Secretary/Treasurer -Dan Walsh '08 .Three new members have been added to the Alumni Association Board: 0 Darrin Kinander '01 -Assistant Coordinator Tenant Selection Office/Section 8 Program for the Housing Authority City of Erie, 0 Attorney Nicholas Radock'03 -Law Office of Nicholas W. Radock, LLC 0 Attorney Tara Scullen'08 -Law Office of Tara Scullen From the Foundation: .Ms. Kris Hunt, CPA was hired as the new Business Manager of the Foundation with Mr. Ray Seth's departure. Ms. Hunt has 20 years experience in public accounting, private industry, non-profit and government. The Foundation is excited to have Ms. Hunt as the new head of its staff. .Phase II of the Highlands construction is on schedule for completion in August for occupancy this fall. All eight Highland buildings will have over 1,600 beds for students living on campus. .A motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Foundation and the Alumni Association was passed by the Foundation board. .Lastly, Mrs. Cheryl Vicary resigned from the Foundation Board currently leaving four seats vacant at this time. Acting Chair McGarvey thanked Mr. Herbst for his report and then at the request of Dr. Moran yielded the floor to him who offered additional comments with regard to recent announcements/reorganization. Dr. Moran proceeded to announce that as of July 1, Edinboro University will have a School of Business with Dr. Michael Hannan serving at the helm as Dean of the School of Business. Dr. Moran requested Dr. Hannan to stand and be recognized. Another recent personnel change was the removal of the word "interim" from Dr. Kahan Sablo's title. He has been named Vice President for Student Affairs as opposed to "Interim" Vice President. Finally, Dr. Moran noted the arrival of our new Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Craig Grooms. He has been charged with maintaining the recruitment and admission of high quality students at Edinboro. Trustee McGarvey extended congratulations to all mentioned and introduced by Interim President Moran. As the PACT Executive Committee representative, Trustee Thomas was asked to provide an update. He noted the receipt of positive feedback from both P ASSHE attendees as well as PACT Executive Committee members relative to Edinboro's hosting of the Spring Conference. Simply stated conference attendees were "stunned" by our program. Trustee Thomas extended appreciation to all planning committee members and members of the President's staff for ajob well done. On July 8, Trustee Thomas will attend a meeting of the PACT Executive Board. Lastly, he reminded Council members of the upcoming Fall PACT Conference at Indiana University to be held on October 19-20. Meeting invitations and electronic invitations will be forthcoming so watch for their arrival and respond in a timely manner. In Chairman Harold Shields' absence, Trustee McGarvey called upon Presidential Search Committee member John Horan to provide a brief update. Trustee Horan reported that the Presidential Search Committee had met twice with their most recent meeting taking place this 5505 pastThursday. At the June9 meeting,the searchcommitteefinalized the positiondescription. The advertisement will be widely circulatedthroughvariousprofessionalpublications. A search firm has beenengaged,the GreenwoodGroup,who will assistandserveasa consultantin the searchprocess.During the summermonths,the SearchCommitteewill hold conferencecall meetings-one in July andone in August. The nextformal meetingof the SearchCommittee will be held in September andhopeto reviewa list of applicants/candidates. SearchCommittee Chair Shieldsexpectsthe interviewprocessto includetwo setsof interviews-one off-campus likely at a major airportnearby(pittsburgh);andthe otherhereon campuswhere 6-7 candidates would be invited to interview. ChairmanShieldsfully expectsto provide a decision/recommendation to the Chancellorand PASSHEBoardof Governorssometimeby earlyJanuary2012 with actionby the governingbody shortlythereafter.TrusteeHoran anticipatesthat ChairmanShieldswill provide an updateatthe nextbusinessmeetingof the Council in August. Prior to calling for the adjournmentof the meeting,Acting Chair McGarveytook the opportunityto thankoutgoingofficers TrusteesShieldsand Dombrowskifor their work and yearsof serviceasofficers andactiveCouncil members.Also, Acting Chair McGarvey regrettablereportedthe resignationsof SisterCatherineManningandRepresentativeJohnEvans from their seatsasEdinboroUniversityCouncil memberseffective July 1,2011. Shenotedthat the Council will miss themandextendedwords of thanksfor their manyyearsof service. A round of applausefollowed in recognitionof theseindividualsandserviceto the Council. The meetingadjournedat 7:10 p.m. Trusteeswereremindedof the Council's next quarterlybusinessmeetingwhich will be held on Monday,August22,2011. Respectfullysubmitted, ~~J~ ~ .'-jS)1tJS>t \).~ SherriA. Galvin ~Assistantto the President andRecordingSecretary .Attachment 1 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees 2011-2012 Schedule of Meetings Monday, August 22, 2011 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Study Session-*Key Topics: Projections for the Academic Year and Goals Dinner w/Interim President Moran Quarterly BusinessMeeting Monday, October 10,2011 .4:30 3:00 p.m. p.m. 6:00 p.m. Committee meetings Dinner w/Interim PresidentMoran Quarterly BusinessMeeting Friday, December16,2011 Noon -4 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Study Session-*Key Topic(s): Update on Objectives and other items (working lunch included) Dinner w/DecemberGraduates & Families Monday, March 12,2012 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Committee meetings Dinner w/Interim President Moran Quarterly BusinessMeeting Monday, April 16, 2012 2-6:00 p.m. Study Session-*Key Topic(s): Preliminary budget discussionsand other items (working dinner included) Monday, June 11,2012 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Committee meetings Annual Inspection of Facilities Dinner w/Interim President Moran Quarterly BusinessMeeting * Main key topic(s) listed but not inclusive of items for discussion All public Quarterly business meetin!!s to be held at Van Houten Dinin!! Hall/South Revised schedule approved: June 13,2011, business meeting 1 Attachment 2 . ,. '\..~,. \'~.,'!.' ~.. ~"' ~ ; Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Resolution Renaming of the Human ServicesBuilding "Jeremy D. Brown Human Serv'icesBuilding" WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brown servedas presidentof EdinboroUniversity of Pennsylvaniafrom July I, 2007,until May31,2011;and WHEREAS, underthe leadershipof Dr. JeremyD.Brown, EdinboroUniversity of Pennsylvaniaexperiencedrecord enrollmentand growth,including an increaseof some1,000undergraduate andgraduatestudents;and WHEREAS, asPresident,Dr. JeremyD. Brown initiated admissionsguidelinesandcontrolsthat significantlyincreased the academicquality of studentsby raising SAT andGPA stan4ards,thus simultaneouslybenefitingthe University's retentionrate; and WHEREAS, during the tenure of Dr. JeremyD. Brown,therewere over$200 million in constructionprojects,including the $115million, eight-buildingHighlandsat EdinboroUniversity studentresidentialcomplex,the $29 miilion Cooper ScienceHall expansionandrenovation,the Mike S. Zafirovski Sportsand RecreationCenter,the HumanServices Building,the Dr. William P. AlexanderMusic Center,CampusWelcomeCenterandPolice Headquarters, andrelocated GheringHealthandWellnessCenter;and wHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brown, sincehis arrival atEdinboroUniversity of Pennsylvania,initiatedthe institution's renewedefforts to invigoratethe enthusiastic"ScottishPride" of its foundersamongfaculty, staff,studentsand broader Edinborocommunitythroughthe highly successful"GreatThings HappenHere" brandingandtartanmarketing campaigns;and WHEREAS, during his presidencyat EdinboroUniversity of Pennsylvania,Dr. JeremyD. Brownraisedthe statureand internationalreputationof this institutionthroughthe establishmentof collaborations,partnershipsand articulation agreements \'/ith Asian and EasternEuropeanuniversities;and WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brown was instrumentalin combiningthe numerousassetsof the Universityinto "The EdinboroExperience";and WHEREAS, to honourand createtradition,the "Fighting Scot" statueand complexwas formally dedicatedandaccepted asa gift from the EdinboroUniversity Alumni Association. It will foreverbe a symbol of alumnipride and school spirit for generationsof Fighting Scotsyet to come;and WHEREAS, Dr. JeremyD. Brown hasinstilled the confidenceandbelief amongfaculty, staff, students andsupportersof Edinboro University that "GreatThings" will continueto happenhere. BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe EdinboroUniversity of PennsylvaniaHumanServices Building shall forthwith be known asthe "Jeremy D. Brown Human ServicesBuilding," ! t:~m!s(nimou~' ted b ~ he Council 0 Trustees on this 13 day of June, 2011. ( ~ , ,0 _. I Harold C, Shields,Chairperson C ~o~roi~ouncil of Trustees " ,I ~- .I Vir~ ia L. cGarve)\ lVice Coun-cilof Trustees /J ~ ()'-. ..tTT~ Ray nd L. Dombrowski, Secretary Council of Trustees ' 'r