: 5456 ~ MINUTES ~ 'i .. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees' SpecialMeeting Friday, February 4, 2011 ReederLecture Hall ChairmanShieldscalledthe SpecialMeetingof the EdinboroUniversity of PennsylvaniaCouncil of Trusteesto orderat 2:00 p.m. in the ReederLectureHall. He requestedthe Acting Recording Secretary,BarbaraPlunkett,to conductRoll Call. The following Council memberswere eitherin attendanceor participatedvia teleconference: r-.i( Mr. TerryDarcangelo Mr. JohnEvans Mr. DennisFrampton Mr. Daniel Higham Mr. JohnHoran Sr. CatherineManning Mrs. Virginia McGarvey Mr. JohnPulice-via phone Mr. Harold Shields Mr. Harry Thomas-via phone Absent: Dr. RaymondDombrowski In additionto PresidentBrown, the following individualswere in attendanceat the public meeting: Dr. Alan Biel, Deanof GraduateStudiesand Research Ms. Kimberly Fabrizio,ExecutiveAssistantto the President Dr. Michael Hannan,AssociateDeanof Business Ms. JudithKubeja, SeniorExecutiveAssociateto the Provost Ms. ColeenPanko,Coordinatorof SpecialEvents Mr. JeffPinski, AssociateDirector of UniversityCommunications Ms. BarbaraPlunkett,Acting RecordingSecretary Ms. Amy Neil, AssistantVice Presidentfor CommunicationsandMarketing Dr. ThomasWhite, President,University Senate/Nursing Department Mr. BruceWhitehair,Vice Presidentof University Advancement Guests: Mr. Dan Bucho,Public Citizen Dr. Louella "Bunny" Bucho,Retired FacultyEmeritus Ms. NancyCrawford,Public Citizen Ms. CarrieCrow, Public Citizen Ms. SusanEastman,Public Citizen Dr. David andMrs. JanGiltinan, RetiredFacultyEmeriti Mr. JohnGroh,Public Citizen Ms. Kelly SchruersHarrison,Public Citizen Ms. GinnyKlein, Public Citizen Ms. Kate Zahorchak,Public Citizen I . L . 5457 : I Fol19wingRoll Call, ChainnanShieldsverified that a quorumwas present.He thenopenedthe floor for Public Comment.He remindedthe public that commentswould be held to a five minute maximumashasbeenpastpractice. ChainnanShieldsrecognizedthe first public speakerandaskedher to statehername. The individUalwho steppedforward identifiedherselfas CarrieCrow, classof 1995, anda citizen of the town. Ms. Crowthankedthe Trusteesfor the opportunityto addressherconcerns regardingthe HomecomingParaderoute throughtown. Shestatedthat sherepresentsmanyindividuals who have beenactively lobbying for the returnof the paraderoute throughtown. Ms. Crow provided six copies/setsof emailresponsesshereceivedonthis topic andaskedCouncilmembersto review them at their convenience.For the record,Ms. CrowapplaudedDr. Brown for "doing greatthingshere." She furtherindicatedthat one's perceptionof higherquality, betterstandards,andcampusgrowthhasmade changefor the betterwhich cannotbe denied. In closing,Ms. Crow askedfor the returnof this valued tradition. /. ChairmanShieldsthankedMs. Crow for hercomments.He invited othersin attendance to deliverpublic comment. The Chairrecognizedfive individualspeakersduringthe Public Commentperiod. These included: Ginny Klein, alumnaof the university. Ms. Klein informedthe Trusteesof the submissionof a letterto the editor at the Erie Times-News, whichwaspublished October1,2010. The headlineof her letterread "HomecomingDisappointsEdinboroAlum." Shesharedwith readersnot only herfond memoriesof previousparadesroutedthroughcampus andtown, but also her embarrassment for the currentformatandparadeentries(garbagetruck and plain yellow schoolbus)that seemto haveno meaning. Ms. Klein petitionedfor the returnof the paraderoute throughcampusand town so thatthesetwo entitiescouldbe broughtback together. Dr. Louella "Bunny" Bucho, long-timeresidentofEdinboro andretired facultyEmeritus(32 yearsteachingexperience).Dr. Buchospokeof the positivechangessheperceivesas a result of bringingthe paradeto campus.The successof the eventis growing,thereis plenty of parking, opportunitiesfor vendors,anda "Wee Scot" play areafor the children. Shefeels stronglythat EdinboroUniversity shouldbe showcasedduringthesetypesof university-wideeventswhich are opento campusand communityconstituents. Ms. Kate Zahorchak, long-timememberof the Edinborocommunity. Althoughshewas not an alumnusof this institution,Ms. Zahorchakindicatedthat shegrew up in the areaandhad beena long-time residentof the Edinborocommunity. Basedon herobservationsandfamily's reaction, it is her opinion thatthe paradeis a disappointment. Mr. John Groh, notedthathe was an employeeof the BoroughofEdinboro, but not servingas an official representativeof the Borough. He attendedthe Council meetingonhis owntime (lunch break)so that he could speak.Mr. Grohbelievesthatthe Boroughand universityneedto work together;anadversarialrelationshipis not goodand not goingto work to bring abouta resolutionor compromise. Ms. ShannonRokas, an Edinborograduateand localbusinessownerin Edinboro. Ms. Hokas statedthat she'sattendedor seeneveryparadesince 1988. Now that sheis a local business owner, it is difficult for herto closeherbusinessandcometo campusfor the parade.She expresseda commitmentto helppromotethe paradeif it were broughtbackto town andhoped that otherareabusinesses would join her in this endeavor. Hearingno otherrequestsby membersof the public to speak,ChainnanShieldsthankedthe speakersfor their commentsandmovedto closethe Public Commentperiod. . l . .r 5458 ChaipnanShieldsannouncedto thosein attendancethatthe public meetingsessionwas now closedso thatthe Councilcould meetin ExecutiveSession.The Chairaskedthosepresentto vacatethe lecturehall sincethe ExecutiveSessionwould be held in this location. He notedthat atthe conclusionof this sessionnotificationwould"bemadeto the Acting RecordingSecretaryso that SpecialMeetingcould reconvene. '; At 3: 10p.m., ChairmanShieldsreconvenedthe SpecialMeetingof the EdinboroUniversity Council of Trustees.The Chairconfirmeda quorumstill existedfor the conductof business.Priorto the deliveryof the reportby the Chairof the PresidentialEvaluationCommittee,ChairmanShields announcedthatthe Councilhad decidedto reviewissuesandconcernsaboutthe HomecomingParade raisedduringthe Public Commentperiod duringits scheduledApril 18 studysession.At thattime, the Council will reviewthe currentprocess,why the changewasmadeand all otherdataassociatedwith this matter. /. ChairmanShieldsyieldedthe floor to the Chair of the PresidentialEvaluationCommittee,Trustee JohnHoran. He formally thankedCouncil membersCatherineManningandDennisFramptonwho assistedhim in this process.After reviewingthe presidentialevaluationprocess,includingthe methodfor obtaininginput from the variousuniversityconstituentgroups,TrusteeHoranpresentedthe following recommendationin the form of a Resolution. It was voted. on motionof TrusteeHoran,secondedby TrusteesManningandFrampton,to approvethe evaluationaspresentedby the PresidentialEvaluation Committeeandforward it to the Chancellor'soffice with the Council's recommendation for extensionof PresidentJeremyD. Brown's contractto June30, 2014. Due to the telephonicparticipationby Council membersPulice andThomas,the Chairrequesteda Roll Call vote. Results -Roll Call TrusteeDarcangelo TrusteeDombrowski TrusteeEvans TrusteeFrampton TrusteeHigham TrusteeHoran TrusteeManning TrusteeMcGarVey TrusteePulice (phone) TrusteeShields TrusteeThomas(phone) Aye X Nay Absent X X X X X X X X X X For the record,ChairmanShieldsnotedthatthe motioncarriedwith unanimousapprovalby the Council. ChairmanShieldsextendedcongratulationson behalfof the Councilto PresidentBrownandalsothanked the EvaluationCommitteefor ajob well done. ChairmanShieldscalled for additionalcommentsand/orconcernsfor the good of the order. Hearingnone,the Chairentertaineda motion calling for adjournmentof the meeting. It was voted, on motion of TrusteeEvans,secondedby TrusteeDarcangelo,to adjournthe meeting.The SpecialMeeting of the Counciladjournedat 3:30 p.m. The nextscheduledpublic, quarterlybusinessmeetingof the Council will be held on Monday,March 14,2011. Respectfullysubmitted, cP ~ ~.f~./Led- BarbaraL. Plunkett Acting RecordingSecretary I . ~