Greetings from the President Head Coacli Chris Rhodes Dear Family, Friends and Fans of die Fighting Scots: As we engage upon die 2005-2006 academic year at Fdinboro University, zve look badcioHh deep pride at one cf die most successjul years in diehistory cf Fdinboro athletics. Much cfthe success ofour men's ^ women's addetic teams is due to your loyal support ofour sdiolar-athletes in basketball, cross country, jbotball, soccer, scftball, swimming, track, volleyball, and wrestling, as wed as wheelchair basketball and other adaptive sports. The long legacy ofFdinboro athletics will be one of die hi^ights celebrat­ ed during die University's Sesquicentennial in 2006-2007. As we prepare to cel­ ebrate the University's 150di anniversary, we are guided by die vision cf "Building a prosperousfuture dtrough academic excellence and civility." Our addetes' dedication to education, discipline, and sportsmanship that are at die heart ofFdinboro athletics wdl serve diem wed as diey pursue their dreams beyond the playingfields cf their alma mater. Their success in competitive endeavors wid contribute to die quality cflife on our campus and throughout die communities cfnordnvestem Pennsylvania Fans cfthe Fitting Scots are always zvelcome at Fdinboro University and I lookforward to greeting you at our many athletic, cultural and arts presentations. Please visit our campus as c^en as possible.. Go Scots! Frank G. Pogue President Governor of PennsQ^vania Edward G. Rendell Pkfinboro University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Fennsjivania state System of Higher Education Dr. Judy G. Hample, Chancellor Board of Governors Mr. Kim K Lytde, Acting Chair Mr. C R "Chuck" Pennoni, \^oe Chair The Honorable Matthew E. Baker The Honorable Francis V. Barnes Nfc Jude C Butch Mr. Mark E. Collins, Jr. Ms. Marie Conl^ Lammando Mr. Paul S. Dlugolecki Mfc Danid R Elby The Honorable Michael K. Hanna Mr. David P. Holveck The Honorable Mncent J. Hughes Kenneth M. Jarin, Esq. Mr. Guido M Pichini The Honorable James J. Rhoades Ms. Christine J. Toretti Olson Mr. Aaron A Walton There are currently bw vacancies on the Board cfGovernors. Haiw K. Thomas, Esq., Chair Mr. Fienedict J. Miceli, Wee Chair Mr. Harold C Shields, Secretary Dr. Rmonond L Dombrowski The Flonorable John R Evans Nfc John E. Horan Mr. C Richard Johnston Sr. Catherine M Manning Mrs. \^iginia L. McGarvey Mr. JohnA. Pulice Dr. Judy G. Hample, Chancellor (ex omdo) There is currently one vacancy Presidenifs Ebeecudve Council Dr. Richard Arnold, Associate to the President for Equity, Special Programs and Staff Development Dr. R Scott Baldwin, Dean of Education Dr. Pearl Bartelt, Provost and \^ce President for Academic Affairs Dr. Mary Margaret Bevevino, Dean of Graduate Studies and Researdi Ms. Janet Dean, University Qtnbudsperson and Associate Mce President for Human Resources and Faculty Relations Dr. Donald Dilmore, Associate \^oe President for University Libraries Dr. Jerry Kiel, \^ce President for Student Aff^ and Student Success Dr. Andrew Lawlor, Associate \^oe President for Technology and Communications Dr. Michael Mogavero, \^ce President for Enrollment Services and University Planning Mr. Brian Pitzer, Director of Public Relations Dr. Eric Randall, Dean of Sderx^e, Management and Technology Mr. Kanan Sablo, Dean of Student life Mr. James Sheehan, \^ce Prudent for Finance and Administration Ms. Emily Sinsabau^ Executive to the President for University Communications and Administrative Initiatives Dr. Terry anith, Dean of Liberal Arts Mr. Bmce Whitehair, \^ce President for Development and Marketing Ejdinboro University President Dr. Frank G. Pog^e armoimced the appoint­ ment of former Fighting Scot AllAmerican Qiris Rhodes as head swim­ ming coach in October of 2002. "I'd like to thank the search commit­ tee for its efforts," commented Dr. Pogue at the time of the announcement. "I think they did a fine job in the recom­ mendation of Chris ^odes as the University's new swimming coach. We consider swimming an integral part of the Athletic Department and the mis­ sion of the University. As a member of the Fdinboro Family, we're pleased to welcome him back to campus." Rhodes competed for Fdinboro from 1991-95, earning All-American honors in 1993-94 and 1994-95 as a member of freestyle relay teams. He also earned AU-PSAC honors and set a school record as a member of the 200 freestyle relay team. That relay team finished second at the NCAA Division II National Championships and set a con­ ference record that stood for six years. A key part of legendary teams while a swimmer at Fdinboro, Codes' goal is simple yet ambitious - to return the Fighting Scots to a prominent spot in ON THE COVER: Brooke Heath, AllAmerican. the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference. Rhodes has spent his first three years building the foimdation, and he began to see some of the fruits of his efforts a year ago. A numba-of young swimmers qualified for the PSAC Championships, and freshman Brooke Heath earned AllAmerican honors in the 100 and 200-yard breaststroke events at Nationals. All told, the women's team has set 35 new top ten times since Rhodes' arrival, while the men have set six top tens. Academics has also been a major part of Rhodes' agenda. His women's teams have earned All-Academic honors every semester but one, and the men's team has earned similar honors. Rhodes began his coaching career as an assistant swimming coach at Titusville High School in 1996-97, then moved on to Ashland University, one of the top programs on the Division II level, as an assistant swimming coach while completing work on his master's degree in Reading, which he received in August 1999. He returned to western Pennsylvania as the assistant swimming coach at CHI Qty Area High School for the 1999-2000 season. He has also served as the head coach of the Stroke Development Camp at Westminster College. In addition, he has been a Reading Specialist in the CHI Qty Area School District. Rhodes was graduated from Fdinboro in December 1995 with a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. He and his wife Stephanie reside in Fdinboro. He is a member of the College Swim Coaches Association of America and the American Swimming Coaches Association. EdmhxD IHvoBity cfPenreytvania B an equal oppextunity education instilulkjti and wiQ not discriminate on file basis of laoEv oefop natkxial odgjiv sex ard handk}^ in tis adivitieEy ptpgcams crenifioymaitptaclioesasiBcjuiiBdby'IifleVlT3flelXSectkn5MandftieADA. Forinfoaiiatfcn legptding cMl lighls or gpevanoe prooeciuie^ oortact Me Pblrkk F. Cciemarv Dnedor of Human ResouiCES and Staff Devdopment, Title VI, Iffle IX Section504and the ADA Cbordinatcj:atRBecierHaIt2ndFloc«;B(linboniR\ 16444 (&4-732-2TO). Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 pagel Fightiiig Scot Profiles FightiiiS Scot Profiles Julie Ford Brooke Heath Freslrmaii ♦ Freestyle/Backstroke Dayton, OH ♦ Centerville HIGH SCHOOL: Four-year starter at Centerville High School, helping the Elks to a first place finish at the 2004 Ohio state championships and a third place finish in 2005 ... was a section, district and state qualifier. PERSONAL: Bom October 13,1986 ... daughter of Mary Lou and Fred Ford ... Elementary Education major. Sophomore ♦ Breaststroke/IM Woodstock, ONT ♦ Ingersoll Dist. C.I. TWO-TIME ALL-AMERICAN IN 2004-05 HIGH SCHOOL: Standout for South Western Aquatics Qub team in Canada, setting seven club records ... 1999 MVP... 2004 Canadian Olympic trials qualifier ... provin­ cial gold medalist. PERSONAL: Bom July 6,1985 ... dau^ter of Kelly Heath and Jim Hill... Speech Communication major... earned All-PSAC honors in the 100 and 200-yard Iroaststroke with finishes of third and first a year ago, respec­ tively, then went on to earn All-American honors with a fourth place finish in the 100-yard breaststroke and third in the 200-yard breaststroke... ^o placed eleventh in the 200-yard IM at Nationals ... set sAool records in all three events as a freshman. Jenny Oarbo Senior ♦ Butterfly Grand River, OH ♦ Riverside HIGH SCHOOL: Three-year starter at Riverside High School, helping Beavers to 2001PAC championship. PERSONAL: Bom September 20,1984 ... daughter of Carol and Tory Garbo ... Criminal Justice major with minors in Speech and Communications... has a 3.54 GPA ... team captain in 2005-06. CAREER-BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 100 butterfly 1:07.74 200 butterfly 2:42.22 200IM 2:38.15 200 freestyle 2:09.00 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 butterfly 1:07.74 200 butterfly 2:42.22 200 IM 2:38.15 200 freestyle 2:09.00 * school record Whitney Henry Tracde Greenfield Senior ♦ Freestyle Greenville, PA ♦ Greenville PSAC QUALIFIER IN 2004-05 PERSONAL: Bom September 10,1983 ... daughter of Connie and James Greenfield ... Special Education/ Elementary Education major ... team captain in 2004-05 ... PSAC qualifier the last two years in the 50-yard freestyle. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 50 freestyle 25.77 100 freestyle 58.10 2004-05 BEST TIMES 50 freestyle 25.77 100 freestyle 58.35 Edinboro Universily Swimming 2005-06 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 breaststroke 1:04.69* 100 butterfly 1:00.69 200 breaststroke 2:19.23* 200 IM 2:07.71* Freshman ^ Breaststroke North East, PA ♦ North East HIGH SCHOOL: Competed in swimming, soccer and track & field at North East High School... record holder in the 100-yard breaststroke, 200-yard medley relay, 200-yard freestyle relay and 400-yard fr^tyle relay... earned AllEiie County League honors three seasons, and was named North East's Rookie of the Year and Outstanding Swimmer. PERSONAL: Bom August 24,1986 ... daughter of Terri and Murray Henry ... Business Management major. Amanda Hults Senior ♦ Freeslyle Murrysville, PA ♦ Franldin Re^onal HIGH SCHOOL: Four-year letterwinner for coach \fic Santoro at Franklin Regional High School... also compet­ ed one year in water polo. PERSONAL: Bom November 11,1983 ... daughter of Marilyn and David Hults... Sociology major ... will serve as a co-captain in 2005-06. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 200 freestyle 2:1Z34 500 freestyle 5:47.43 1000 freestyle 11:56.10 1650 freestyle 19:53.29 page 2 Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 pages Fightiiig Scot ProfQes Fightiiig Scot Profiles 200 backstroke 2004-05 BEST TIMES 500 freestyle 5:51.49 1000 freestyle 11:56.10 1650 freestyle 19:59.67 Cassandra Roose Martlia. KAilic Sophomore ^ Butterfly/rM Pittsburgh, PA ^ IVft. Lebanon PSAC QUALIHER IN 2004-05 HIGH SCHOOL: A four-year letterwinner at Mt. Lebanon High School... a WPIAL qualifier and an Eastern Zone qualifier. PERSONAL: Bom November 12,1986 ... daughter of Arlene and Jim Kulic ... sister Hannah was a senior on the Edinboro swimming team a year ago ... Elementary Education/Special Education major. 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 butterfly 1:02.19 200 butterfly 2:18.66 200 m 2:17.24 400IM 5:01.61 Jimior ♦ Freestjde/Breaststroke McKean, PA ♦ General McLane HIGH SCHOOL: Transfer from Mercyhurst North East ... finished as NJCAA national champion in the 50-yard freestyle and was a seven-time All-American ... compet­ ed in high school for nearby General McLane, and was named 3te 2002 Erie Daily Tunes Swimmer of the Year ... set school records in the ^ and 100-yard freestyle and 100-yard breaststroke, along with the 400 IM, 400-yard breaststroke and 400-yard freestyle relay. PERSONAL: Bom December 15,1982 ... daughter of Kim Myers and Jim Roose ... Health & Physical Education major with a minor in Sports Administration. Kristin Salamony Kim Milliman Freshman ^ £M/Butterfly Olean, NY ♦ Olean HIGH SCHOOL: A five-year starter for coach Don Brown and Olean High School... the Huskies won the coimty championship aU four years, extending their string to eight in a row ... part of record-setting 200-yard freestyle relay team ... named team MVP and Most Improved during her career ... also competed in track. PERSONAL: Birthdate unavailable ... daughter of Karen and Gary Milliman... Accounting major. Junior ^ Breaststroke Jefferson Hills, PA ♦ Thomas Jefferson HIGH SCHOOL: A four-year letterwinner at Thomas Jefferson High School... won Scholar Athlete Award in 2003 and Varsity Athletic Award in 2002 and 2003. PERSONAL: Bom July 10,1985 ... daughter of Kathy and Keith Salamony ... Fine Arts-Photography major. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 100 breaststroke 200 breaststroke 1:19.85 2:52.77 2004r05 BEST TIMES 100 breaststroke 200 breaststroke 1:20.72 2:55.16 Katie Spieker Stephanie Reinwald. Junior ^ Backstroke/Butterfly Pittsburgh, PA ^ Mt. Lebanon HIGH SCHOOL: Earned three letters at Mt. Lebanon High School... Blue Devils earned three WPIAL champi­ onships and won 2002 PIAA state championship. PERSONAL: Bom November 18,1985 ... daughter of Donna and Joe Reinwald ... Art major. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 100 freestyle 1:01.57 200 IM 2:29.83 200 backstroke 2:30.40 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 backstroke 1:11.16 Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 2:30.40 2:29.83 200 IM Sk>phomore ♦ Breaststroke Grove City, PA ♦ Franklin HIGH SCHOOL: Two-time District 10 breaststroke champion while competing for coach Eric Smith at Franklin High School, winning title in 2002 and 2004 ... also on three District 10 medley relay teams ... Knights won District 10 title in 2003 and 2004. PERSONAL: Bom July 12,1986 ... daughter of Jean and Gary Spieker ... Business Administration major. 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 breaststroke 200 breaststroke 200 IM page 4 1:11.72 2:41.74 2:20.07 Edinboro University Swinuning 2005-06 page 5 Fif^ting Scot Profiles Fightiiig Scot Profiles Jamie Tiano Sophomore ^ Freest^e/Backstroke Monroeville, PA ♦ Gateway HIGH SCHOOL: A four-year letterwiimer at Gateway High School... Gators won three section championships ... a WPIAL and PIAA qualifier ... part of 200 freestyle relay team which set school record ... was also a fouryear starter in softball... sat out last season. PERSONAL: Bom September 12,1985 ... daughter of Donna and Cesare Hano ... Elementary Education/ Special Education major 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 freestyle 52.22 100 backstroke 1:01.10 100 breaststroke 1:19.85 200 freestyle 1:55.53 200 breaststroke 2:52.77 Andrew Gk>miak AULson Weber Sophomore ^ Backstroke Westtown, NY ♦ Minisink Valley HIGH SCHOOL: Was a three-year letterwinner at Minisink Valley High School... three-year starter in swimming and a four-year starter in track & field ... was named the swimming team MVP. PERSONAL: Bom August 24,1986 ... daughter of JoAnn and Bill Weber ... Forensic Chemistry major with minors in Spanish, Psychology and Criminal Justice. 2004r05 BEST TIMES 100 backstroke 1:06.42 200 backstroke 2:30.19 Brandon Davidson Freshman ^ IM/Backstroke Jersey Shore, PA ♦ Jersey Shore HIGH SCHOOL: Swam for coach Lou Anne Gasperine at Jersey Shore High School, where he was a four-year starter ... was named the PIAA District 4 Male Atlilete of the Year ... part of medley relay team that set District 4 record ... placed fourth at 2005 state championships in 200 medley relay and 15th in 100 backstroke. PERSONAL: Bom July 30,1987... son of Pamela White and Dennis Davidson... Elementary Education major. Alex Drake Sophomore ^ Freestyle Columbus, on ^ nilliard. Davidson HIGH SCHOOL: A three-year letterwinner in swim­ ming at Hilliard Davidson High School, also earning two letters in cross coimtry and one in voUeyball... was a dis­ trict qualifier all four years in swimming ... member of cross coimtry team that won the state championship in 2002 ... harriers were second in 2003 and fourth in 2001. Edinboro University S^winuning 2005-06 PERSONAL: Bom Jime 3,1986 ... son of Joyce and David Drake ... sister Trina is a runner at Youngstown State ... Secondary Education Math major and Spanish and Psychology. page 6 Freshman ♦ Freestyle Frie, PA ♦ McDowell HIGH SCHOOL: Competed in swimming, water polo and track & field at McDowell High School... was a third team all-state performer in water polo and earned first team All-American honors in swimming. PERSONAL: Bom May 8,1987... son of Jean and Kirk Gomiak ... Criminal Justice major. Jake Oraliam Sophomore ^ Breaststroke/IM Monroeville, PA ♦ Gateway PSAAC QUALIHER IN 2004-05 HIGH SCHOOL: Earned three letters for coach Herman Demao at Gateway High School... was a WPIAL qualifi­ er in the breaststroke as a junior and senior and a PIAA qualifier his senior year in the 200 medley relay ... was named his respective class' Most Valuable Swimmer each year. PERSONAL: Bom May 21,1986 ... son of Karen and Ron Graham ... Health & Physical Education major with a minor in Spanish. 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 breaststroke 200 breaststroke 200IM 1:03.75 2:23.70 2:07.95 Tom Pamclii Junior ♦ Breaststroke/Freestyle Willowick, OH ^ Lake Catholic HIGH SCHOOL: Earned three letters in swimming and three in track & field at Lake Catholic High School... was named the Swimmer of the Year ... holds seven out of 11 school records. PERSONAL: Bom April 26,1985 ... son of Jaquelyn and Joe Panichi... Sports Administration major. Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 7 Fightins Scot Profiles Fighting Scot Profiles CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 500 freestyle 5:28.82 1000 freestyle 11:18.87 100 breaststroke 1:08.65 200 breaststroke 2:34.31 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 breaststroke 1:08.65 200 breaststroke 2:34.31 500 freestyle 5:28.82 1000 freestyle 11:18.87 Sean Van Velsor Freshman ♦ Freestyle Glen Cove, NY ♦ Glen Cove HIGH SCHOOL: Earned a pair of letters in baseball and basketball at Glen Cove Hig^ School. PERSONAL: Bom Jtme 1,1987... son of Linda and David Van Velsor ... Sports Administration major. !Nick Wbiteman ICyle Pittman Fresliman ^ Freestyle/Backstroke Ottawa, ONT ♦ St. Peter HIGH SCHOOL: Four-year starter in badminton and soccer at St. Peter High School, and in swimming was a Canadian junior national qualifier. PERSONAL: Bom May 25,1986 ... son of Donna and Glen Httman ... Business major with a minor in Forensic Accotmting. Greg Rolierts Freshman ♦ Freestyle Fairview, PA ♦ Fairview HIGH SCHOOL: A four-year starter for coach J.R. Jensen at Fairview High School... Tigers finished with three straight imdefeated seasons, three Erie Coimty League titles and Region 2 championships ... were also thi^time District 10 champions. PERSONAL: Bom March 20,1987... son of Christine and Dennis Roberts ... Secondary Education major with a minor in Math. Jacob Sbiplet Junior ^ Butterfly Galloway, OH ♦ Hilliard Darby PSAC QUALIHER IN 2004-05 HIGH SCHOOL: A three-year letterwinner for coach Brian Dickman at Hilliard Darby High School... member of record-setting medley relay team ... two-time MVP and also earned all-conference and all-district honors. PERSONAL: Bom March 11,1985 ... son of Diane and Tim Shiplet... Geology major. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 100 butterfly 54.76 200 butterfly 2:01.01 2004-05 BEST TIMES 100 butterfly 54.76 200 butterfly 2:01.01 Fdinboro University Stwinuning 2005-06 pages Junior ♦ Freestyle Frie, PA ♦ Harbor Creek PSAC QUALIHER IN 2004-05 HIGH SCHOOL: A three-year letterwinner for coach Max Lundbergh at Harbor Creek High School... earned honorable mention all-state honors as member of 400 freestyle relay team... Huskies won three Erie County League championships and two District 10 titles ... also competed in track & field and cross country ... cross coimtry team finished second at 2002 state champi­ onships. PERSONAL: Bom March 24,1984 ... son of Mary and Art Whiteman ... History major. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 200 freestyle 1:53.56 500 freestyle 5:02.12 1000 freestyle 10:22.82 1650 freestyle 17:09.15 2004-05 BEST TIMES 200 freestyle 1:53.56 500 freestyle 5:02.12 1000 freestyle 10:22.82 1650 freestyle 17:09.15 Jon WUliams Junior ^ Butterfly Harrisburg, PA ^ Riverside PSAC QUALIHER IN 2004-05 HIGH SCHOOL: Competed in swimming, football, soc­ cer and track & field at Riverside High School... a fouryear MVP in swimming, and was named the soccer MVP as a senior ... part of 200-yard medley relay team which set school record ... two-year PSAC qualifier. PERSONAL: Bom December 11,19^ ... son of Sharon and Edward V^^lliams ... Business Economics major with a minor in Finance ... co-captain this season. CAREER BEST TIMES AT EDINBORO 50 freestyle 23.75 100 freestyle 51.27 100 butterfly 55.17 Fdinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 9 Women’s Roster Fighting Scot Profiles 2004-05 BEST TIMES 50 freestyle 23.75 100 freestyle 51.27 100 butterfly 55.17 Brooke Heath Two-Time AllAmerican, Named PSAC Rookie of the Year Though just a freshman, Brooke Heath became Edinboro's first All-American since 1994-95 at the NCAA Division II Swimming and Diving National Championships in Orlando, FL. Heath singlehandedly helped the Edinboro women's team place 19th at Nationals with a total of points. Heath picked up steam as the nationals progressed. Her first event was the 200-yard IM, and she came away with an llfii place finish with a time of 2:07.71. The time was a new school record and helped her gamer honorable mention AllAmerican honors. After failing to qualify for the finals in the 200-yard freestyle, she competed in her specialties the final two days - the 100 and 200-yard breaststroke events. After swimming a 1:05.37 in the prelims of the 100-yard breaststroke, she bettered that with a school-record time of 1:04.69, good for fourth place and her first AllAmerican honors. In the final day of the event, she came up with her best finish in the 200-yard breaststroke to again earn All-American accolades. She reached the final with a time of 2:21.16 in the prelims, then set another school record with a time of 2:19.23, good for third place. The time also set a new PSAC standard. In addition. Heath was recognized as the PSAC Women's Swimming Rookie of the Year. She finished first in the 200-yard breast­ stroke and also earned AU-PSAC honors with a third place finish in the 100-yard breast­ stroke. She added a fointh place finish in the 200-yard IM. Heath was one of many Edinboro swimmers to qualify for the PSAC Championships. She was part of a 400-yard medley relay team that induded Allison Weber, Martha Kulic and Trade Greenfield that captured ninth place. On the men's side, Khaled Nasser finished in the top ten in three events, the 100-yard butterfly (7th), the 200-yard butter­ fly (9th) and the 200-yard EM (10th) Nick Whiteman placed seventh in tihe 1,650-yard freestyle, while Jacob Shiplet was tenth in the 200-yard butterfly. Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 10 Name Julie Ford Jenny Garbo Tracie Greenfield Brooke Heath Event Freestyle/Backstroke Butterfly Freestyle Breaststroke/IM Yr. Fr. Sr. Sr. So. Whitney Henry Amanda Hults Breaststroke Freestyle Fr. Sr. Martha Kulic KimMilliman Stephanie Reinwald Cassandra Roose Kristin Salamony Butterfly/IM Butterfly/IM Freestyle/IM Freestyle/Breaststroke Breaststroke So. Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Katie Spieker Jamie Tlano Allison Weber Breaststroke Freestyle/Backstroke Backstroke So. So. So. HometowiVHigh School Dayton, OH/Centerville Grand River, OH/Riverside Greenville, PA/Greenville Woodstock, ONT/IngersoU Distrid North East, PA/North East Munysville, PA/Franklin Regional Pittsburgji, PA/Mt. Lebanon Pittsburgh, PA/Mt. Lebanon Pittsbingh, PA/Mt. Lebanon McKean, PA/General McLane Jefferson EEills, PA/ Thomas Jefferson Grove Qty, PA/Franklin Monroeville, PA/Gateway Westtown, NY/Minisinki Valley HEAD COACH: Chris Rhodes Men’s Roster Event Name Brandon Davidson Backstroke/IM Alex Drake Freestyle Yr. Fr. So. Andrew Gomiak Jake Graham Tom Panichi Kyle Pittman Greg Roberts Jacob Shiplet Sean Van Velsor Nick Whiteman Jon VN^Uiams Fr. So. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Freestyle Breaststroke/IM Freestyle/Breaststroke Freestyle/Backstroke Freestyle Butterfly Freestyle Freestyle Butterfly Hometowi^High School Jersey Shore, PA/Jersey Shore Columbus, OH/Hilliard Davidson Erie, PA/McDowell Monroeville, PA/Gateway Willowick, OH/Lake Catholic Ottawa, ONT/St. Peter Fairview, PA/Fairview Galloway, OH/HiUiard Darby Glen Cove, NY/Glen Cove Erie, PA/Harbor Creek Harrisburg, PA/Riverside HEAD COACH: Chris Rhodes Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 11 Women’s All-Time Records Men’s All-Time Records 50 Freestyle .................. . .Kara Hopkins, Shannon Schirack . .1991 ... ....... 24.28 100 Freestyle ................ . .Kara Hopkins ............................... ..1991.... ....... 52.06 200 Freestyle ................ . .Kara Hopkins ............................... ..1991.... .....1:53.36 500 Freestyle ................ . .Kathy Balcam ............................... . .1994.........5:09.68 1000 Freestyle ............... . .Kathy Balcam ............................... . .1992.... .... 10:42.91 1650 Freestyle ..-........... . .Kathy Balcam ............................... . .1992........ 17:48.30 100 Backstroke ............. . .Georgeann Kostrubanic ............... . .1993 ... ....... 59.49 200 Backstroke ............. . .Georgeann Kostrubanic .............. ..1993.........2:07.59 100 Breaststroke ......... . .Brooke Heath................................ . .2005.........1:04.69 200 Breaststroke........... . .Brooke Heath................................ . .2005 .........2:19.23 100 Butterfly ................ . .Heni Toth........................................ ..1994.... ........57.65 200 Butterfly ................ . .Heni Toth........................................ . .1994 .........2:10.55 200 Individual Medley . .Brooke Heath ............................... . .2005.... .....2:07.71 200 Medley Relay ....... . .Jamie Ayers, Georgeann Kostrubanic, Kara Hopkins, Shannon Schirack . ..1991.........1:50.76 400 Medley Relay ....... . .Mary Martucci, Georgeann Kostrubanic, Erica George, Kristen Donahue, ......................... . .1993.... .....4:02.98 200 Free Relay ............. . .Gretchen Jensen, Kara Hopkins, Shannon Schirack, Jamie Ayers ... ..1992.........1:36.43 400 Free Relay ............. . .Gretchen Jensen, Kara Hopkins, Shannon Schirack, Jamie Ayers ... . .1992.........3:32.00 800 Free Relay ............. . .Mary Martucci, Kara Hopkins, Shannon Schirack, Jill Kirby ....... . .1992.... ....7:49.94 50 Freestyle .................. . .Stewart Dawson........................... ...1989.... ........ 20.40 100 Freestyle ................ . .Tony Knapp ................................. ...1994.... ........ 45.70 200 Freestyle ................ . .Tony Knapp ................................. ...1994.... ......1:41.60 500 Freestyle ................ . .Rime Christensen ........................ ...1990.... ......4:37.76 1000 Freestyle .............. . .Rune Christensen ........................ .. .1990 .........9:43.04 1650 Freestyle .............. . .Rune Christensen ........................ .. .1990.... ....16:08.23 100 Backstroke ............. . .Gregg Sarbak ............................... ...1993.... ........ 52.% 200 Backstroke ............. . .Gregg Sarbak ............................... ...1993.... ......1:51.30 100 Breaststroke ......... . .Steve Andrews ........................... ...1988.... ........ 58:13 200 Breaststroke ......... . .Steve Kast .................................... ...1994.... ......2:05.65 100 Butterfly ................ . .Brian Marton ............................... .. .1996 .... ....... 52.15 200 Butterfly ................ . .Jon Grafious ................................. ...19%.... ......1:54.93 200 Individual Medley. . .Gregg Sarbak ............................... ...1993.... ......1:56.33 400 Individual Medley. . .Jon Grafious ................................. ...1994.... ......4:05.12 200 Medley Relay ....... . .Gregg Sarbak, Tony Knapp, Dave Lechler, Steve Kast............. ...1995.... ......1:34.40 400 Medley Relay ....... . .Gregg Sarbak, Tony Knapp, Dave Lechler, Steve Kast............. ...1995.... ..... 3:26.44 200 Free Relay ............. . .Tony Knapp, Jim Coffman, Dave Lechler, Chris Rhodes....... ...1995.... ......1:22.79 400 Free Relay ............. . .Ted Erdos, Tony Knapp, Rune Christensen, Dave Lechler . ...1992.... ......3:03.97 800 Free Relay ............. . .Mark BoUow, Ted Erdos, Rune Christensen, Dave Lechler . ...1991.... .....6:53.21 / Kathy Balcam ^ Georgeann Kostrubanic Edmboro University Swimming 2005-06 Heni Toth page 12 Rune Christensen Dave Lechler Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 GTegg Sarbak page 13 All-Americans in the 1990*8 All-Americaxis in the 1989-90 Andrea Alcorn - 200 Freestyle (R), 200IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Jamie Ayres -200 Freestyle (R), 100 Backstroke, 200 IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Shannon Shirack - 200 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Kara Hopldns r200 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Rime Christensen -1650 Freestyle Michael Sorg -1 and 3 meter Diving 1990-91 Kara Hopkins -Academic AllAmerican, 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Shannon Shirack Academic All-American, 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Jamie Ayres - 200 Freestyle (R), 100 Backstroke, 200 IM (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Gretchen Jensen - 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R) ''Rune Christensen - 800 Freestyle (R) David Lechler - 800 Freestyle (R) Mark Bollow - 800 Freestyle (R) Ted Erdos - 800 Freestyle (R) 1991-92 Kara Hopkins - Academic AllAmerican, 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 800 Freestyle (R) Shaimon Shirack - Academic AllAmerican, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 800 Freestyle (R) Gretchen Jensen - 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Georgeaim Kosturbanic - 200 IM, 100 Backstroke, 200 Backstroke Christine Shilknas - 200 Backstroke Mary Martucci - Academic AllAmerican, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 800 Freestyle (R) Jill Kirby - 800 Freestyle Relay Rune Christensen - 400 Freestyle (R), 4001M(R) David Lechler - 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle, 400 Freestyle (R) Mark Kaufman -100 Breaststroke, 200 Breaststroke, 400 IM (R) Lance Bezak - 400 IM (R) Dave Bocci - 400 IM (R) Ted Erdos - 400 Freestyle (R) Tony Knapp - 400 Freestyle (R) 1994-95 Heni Toth -100 Butterfly, 200 IM Dave Lechler -100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 400 IM (R), 500 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle Tony Knapp - 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 400 IM (R) Jim Coffman - 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Chris Rhodes - Academic AllAmerican, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R) Greg Sarbak - 200 IM (R), 400 IM (R), 100 Backstroke Steve Kast - 200 IM (R), 400 IM (R), 100 Breaststroke, 200 Breaststroke (R) denotes Relay Event 1992-93 Georgeaim Kosturbanic 100 Backstroke, 200 Backstroke Erica George -100 Breaststroke, 200 Breaststroke Jon Grafious -1650 Freestyle, 200 Butterfly, 400 IM Ken Tyger -100 Breaststroke, 200 Breaststroke, 400 IM (R) Gregg Sarbak - 400 IM (R) Chen Schlecter - 400 IM (R) Edinboro N'atatorium 1993-94 Heni Tofli -100 Butterfly, 200 Butterfly, 100 Breaststroke, 200 IM Dave Lechler - 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 400 IM (R), 800 Freestyle Tony Knapp - 50 Freestyle, 100 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle, 200 Freestyle (R), 400 Freestyle (R), 200 IM (R), 800 Freestyle (R) Chris Rhodes - 400 Freestyle (R) Brett Ramming - 400 Freestyle Gregg Sarbak -100 Backstroke, 200 Backstroke, 200 Freestyle (R), 200 IM(R), 4000 IM(R) Steve Kast - 200 IM (R), 200 Freestyle (R), 400 IM (R), 100 Breaststroke, 200 Breaststroke, 800 Freestyle (R) Jon Grafious - 200 Butterfly, 200 IM (R), 400 IM, 400 IM (R), 500 Freestyle, 800 Freestyle (R), 1650 Freestyle Edinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 14 2005-06 Corporate Sponsors COUSTBrEUB GOHRS PWNIINO SERVICE. INC. ^Mmark, ab Blue Qdss Bkje Shield TST ” ©PMC Eklinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 15 This IS Edinboro University This is Edinboro University Edinboro University of Pennsylvania is the largest com­ prehensive four-year university in northwestern Pennsylvania. Its 585-acre campus is home to some 8,000 students stud)dng in more p. rtS than 100 academic programs. The University's programs in art, criminal justice, and speech language pathology, among others, have earned regional and national recognition and accolades, and the campus is ranked among the top 10 in the nation for the services pro­ vided for students with disabilities. In 2003 the Universit/s instutional accred­ itation with the Commission on Higher Education Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools was reaffirmed with commendation for ten years. In the 2006-07 academic year, the University will celebrate its Sesquicentennial recog­ nizing 150 years of service to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and beyond. Edinboro is situated just 100 miles from the metropolitan areas of Qeveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and less than 20 miles south of the city of Erie Pennsylvania's fourth largest city. MeadviUe, the seat of Crawford Coimty, is approximately 20 miles south of Edinboro. The University's Baron-Fomess Library has more than 480,000 bound vol­ umes and 1.3 million microform units, along with an online catalog, access to numerous online databases and electronic reserves. The building is equipped with a wireless network, computer labs and equipment to assist users with ' visual impairments. The main campus also includes a modem University Center, planetarium, observatory, reading clinic, speech and hearing clinic, science and robotics labs, writing center, numerous computer labs with the latest hardware and software, three art galleries, an animation studio, campus radio and televsion stations, health center, counseling center, and much more - aU accessible for people with disabilities. The recently renovated and expanded Crawford Center for Health and Physical Education and Disability Resources rivals any facility of its kind in the nation. In addition to a five-acre lake and wooded areas, there are 43 buildings on the spacious Edinboro Campus, including six residence halls with private or shared rooms, co-ed housing, honors housing, and living-learned floors - all are wired for voice, video and data. Edinboro University also operates centers in Erie and MeadviUe. Edinboro University in Erie - The Porreco Center is a beautiful 27-acre campus that includes classrooms, a computer laboratory, and a unique facUity for smaU con­ ferences, business meetings, and special events. Edinboro University in MeadviUe is located in the city's historic Bessemer BuUding. Eldinboro University Swimming 2005-06 page 16 Dr. Frank G. Pogue President, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Frank G. Pogue was appointed the 15th president or Edinboro Universi^ of Pennsylvania on 1,1996. A sociologist. Dr. Pogue holds a bacnelor's d^ee from Alabama ^te University, a master's degree from Atlanta University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to his presidency at Edinboro University, Dr. Pogue was the vice chanceUor for student affairs and special programs at the State University of New \ork (SUNY) Central Administration in Albany, serving in that position for 10 years. WhUe vice chancel­ lor, he also served for one year as interim president at the SUNY CoUege at CobleskiU. Rior to his assignment in the SUNY Central Administration, President Pogue was vice president for student affairs, associate vice president for research and educational devel­ opment, dean of undergraduate studies, and a department chairperson, aU at SUNY at Albany. Dr. Pogue participates in national, regional and statewide leadership groups. He serves as a member of the American CotmcU on Education (ACE) Commission on Women in Higher Education which provides counsel to A(S on poUcies related to women in higher education and advises on other con­ cerns related to expanded roles and equal opportunity for women in higher education. He is a member of the American Association of State CoUeges and Universities (AASCU) Committee on Professional Development, MiUennium Leadership Initiative and Christa McAuliffe Selection Committee. He was appointed in 2003 to the International Association of University Presidents Commission on Disarmament Education, Conflict Resolution and Peace. Since 1984, Dr. Pogue has served on the Commission on Hi^er Education Middle States Association of CoUeges and Schools (MSA). Most recent­ ly, he served as President for the MSA Board of Trustees and as a member of its Executive Committee, and he is a former vice chair of the Commission's Executive Committee. Dr. Pogue also serves on the Board of Trustees of the BACCHUS & GAMMA Peer Education Network. He served for two years as chairperson of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (SSHE) Commission for the Universities and Commission of Presidents Executive Committee. He is a member of the Executive Board of A Community of Agile Partners in Education (CAPE). In Oct^er 1996, Dr. Pogue was appointed by then Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge to the Governor's Commission on Academic Standards. In November 2002, he was appointed co-chair of the Higher Education Committee of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell's Transition Team. In May, 2004, he was appointed to the Penn^lvania Department or Education Higher Education Advisory Board. LocaUy, Dr. Pogue serves on the Boards of Directors for the MeadviUe Area Industrial Commission, the Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership, and the Erie Philharmonic Orchestra. He serves on the Boards of Corporators for the Hamot Health Foundation, the Saint Vincent Health Center, and the MeadviUe Medical Center. He is a member of the Martin Luther King Center Scholarship Committee and an Honorary Member of the Erie Wolves Qub. Dr. Pogue was chairperson of the Erie Coimty MiUennium Commission, the Erie County State Employees Combined Appeal (SECA) campaim in 2001 and 2002, and of me Erie Day Smool's Adopt-A-Scholar scholarship program (2000-01 and 2002-03). He was also a member of the Erie Mayor's Task Force on PubUc Safety. Dr. Pogue has served on the boards of directors for the United Way of Erie County and the Greater Erie County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Dr. Pogue was honored by the Erie Area Chamber of Commerce with the Louis J. Tullio Community Service Award. The Greater Erie Community Action Committee (GECAQ honored him with the Paul P. Martin Community Service Award in 2000, and in 1999, the Distinguished Service Award for Leadership and Vision was presented to him by the SUNY at Albany CouncU of Trustees. Dr. Pogue has shared his experiences and expertise in Edinboro University class­ rooms via guest lecturer presentations. He has also taught a course titled, "Special Topics in Sociology" for the Department of Sociology. He continues to enjoy working in the classroom environment. Since becoming president. Dr. Pogue has created the concept and phUosophy of the Edinboro FamUy, a learner-centered environ­ ment where students come first and are an integral part of a caring and supportive cam­ pus community. 1 Opponent Time at Clarion Invitational at Westminster Relays at IndianafPa.) with Ashland at Allegheny Sprint Meet at Fredonia State All Day 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 12 KUTZTOWN WITH MANSFIELD 1:00 p.m. 19 1:00 p.m. 2-4 at California(Pa.) with Wheeling Jesuit at IndianajPa.) Invitational All Day 14 21 PENN ST. BEHREND SLIPPERY ROCK 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 27 at Gannon 6.00 p.m. 28 ALLEGHENY 1:00 p.m. Date Oct. 22 28 29 Nov. 4 5 Dec. Jan. Feb. 4 15-18 Mar. 8-11 at at at at 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. TBA IndianafPa.) Indian Invite PSAC Championships at Clarion, PA NCAA Division II National Championships Indianapolis, IN