CONTENTS Queen Candidates - - 1-2 President’s Message - First National Bank . 5 Scots’ Caeches - 8-9 Feature Page - - 12 Edinboro Roster - Numerical Roster - Statring Lineups - - - , - - □f Edinboro 13 14-15 - 14-15 Opponent’s Information - - 17 Team Picture - - 23 Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Edinboro Boosters - - 26 All Accounts Guaranted to $15,000 Program Publisher "E” Club President Program Editor Varsity ”E” Club - Ron Hess Mr. Paul Newman, Sports Information Director EDINBORO McKEAN EDINBORO’S NEWEST SHOPPING ADVENTURE FOR MEN AND LADIES 25 MEADVILLE STREET EDINBORO, PA. 16412 PHONE 734-1661 ®Ooor YOUR OPENING TO STYLE and FASHION QUEEN CANDIDATES Susan Massy Susan Ponsetto 1 QUEEN CANDIDATES Jackie Rump Bev Torok QUEEN AND HER COURT Seven beautiful Highlander coeds are serving on Edinboro State College’s 1968 Homecoming Court and all exhibit the outstanding poise and beaming personality traditionally a part of the coveted honor. In past beauty contests, one of the queen candi dates was named The Pittsburgh Press’ 1968 Roto Cover Girl and another nominee was elected campus Carnival Queen. This year’s court of football royalty possesses not only the quality of attractive appearance, but also outstanding traits of service to the college community, leadership and academic achievement in the classroom. All court members are active in a wide variety of campus activities ranging from a resident assistant in Scranton Hall to captain of the varsity cheerleaders. Five Homecoming Queen nominees are active mem bers of campus sororities and two are members of national honorary professional fraternities in their area of academic endeavor. The candidates’ hometowns range from the Pitts burgh and Erie areas to Wyckoff, New Jersey. 2 Brown’s Atlantic Service ERIE AND MARKET HRS. 7 A.M. - 11 P.M. EDINBORO BEST OF LUCK FROM “|9e (01’ 9 Meadville Street Ph. 732-8303 Phone 732-9223 MEET & EAT PAR 32, 9 HOLES DAY OR NIGHT AFTER THE GAME! BAR-LOUNGE FOR CLUB MEMBERS 2 mi. West of Edinboro on 6N The Malt igencjf Inc. VI ENGEL (Women’s Apparel) GOOD LUCK SCOTS — Dependable Insurance Programming — EDINBORO, PA. CORRY — EDINBORO — UNION CITY CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS John R. Rouse, Mgr. BEST OF LUCK HIGHLANDERS GEORGE C. PTASICK Jeweler EDINBORO OFFICE NEXT TO THE BANK 5 MEADVILLE STREET Edinboro, Pa. HEAD COACH This season will mark Bill Cutcher’s third year as the Scots’ grid pilot. Prior to his appointment as head grid coach at Edinboro, Cutcher served as head football mentor at Central High School, Phoenix, Ari zona. When he assumed the head coaching berth at Central High in 1964, Cutcher inherited a team which finished the previous season with an 0-10 football record. During his first year as head coach at the school, his team recorded three victories and seven defeats. In 1965 during his second season as grid mentor, Cutcher’s team reversed their record to seven victories and only three defeats. Before serving as Central High’s grid mentor, Cutcher was varsity line coach at Persell High School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Under his direction, Persell was the Greater Cincinnati High School Champion for 1952, 1953, 1955, 1959, and I960. In addition, he served nine years as head varsity basketball coach at Persell and head varsity track coach for seven years, 1952-1959. William Cutcher His high football career record contains 104 victories, 37 defeats and 6 ties. The Scot’s mentor competed in collegiate gridiron competition at the University of Dayton for four years on the varsity squad. In 1952 he participated in the "Salad Bowl’’ in Phoenix, Arizona, against the University of Houston, Texas. He graduated from the University of Dayton with a B.S. degree in Physical Education and earned his M.Ed. degree from Xavier University, Cincinnati, in 1958. DEFENSIVE COACH Sam Ruvolo, former head grid mentor at Cathedral Latin High School in Cleveland, Ohio, joined the Fighting Scots’ grid staff this past spring. Ruvolo, who grooms the Scots’ defensive secondary, guided his Cathedral Latin teams to two championships and one tie in the power ful Cleveland East Senate conference. During his 9 years at Latin, Ruvolo amassed an overall record of 49-27-2. In the past 4 years his grid teams have lost only 6 contests while winning 30. His best season was posted by his 1965 squad which registered a 9-1 slate. A graduate of John Adams High in Cleveland and Kent State University, Ruvolo has spent 18 years in the coaching ranks. Among various Cleveland schools included under his past tutelage are: Chanel Brecksville, South High and West Tech. He also served as athletic director at Cathedral Latin the past 2 years. Ruvolo and his wife, Lois, are the parents of four children: Mar garet Mary, Joseph, Thomas and John. Sam Ruvolo 8 OFFENSIVE COACH Last year Coach DeGasperin assisted in the freshman coaching duties. This season he will guide the Scots’ offensive backs. DeGasperin received his B.A. from Fairmont State in 1957 where he quarterbacked the Falcons’ football team. In 1961 he was awarded his M.S. from West Virginia University and has done graduate work at Ohio State University. He has had several years of coaching experience in Ohio and was head football coach at Kingwood High School in West Virginia. Jim DeGasperin DEFENSIVE COACH Another addition to the Highlanders’ staff since last season is Jim Gilstrap, former center at Western Michigan University and assistant coach at Case Tech the past two years. He directs Edinboro’s defensive linemen. Gilstrap, 26, is a 1964 graduate of Western Michigan University where he was a 3-letter winner in football. He earned his M.S. at Southern Illinois University where he was a graduate assistant on the football staff. He is originally from South Bend, Indiana, where he attended Clay High School. He and his wife, Linda, presently live in Edinboro. Jim Gilstrap FRESHMAN COACH Another recent addition to the Highlander coaching staff is fresh man coach Jim Bowen. Bowen has been head football coach at Fairview High School in Fairview for the past 9 years and has compiled an outstanding record of 72 wins and 8 losses. His grid teams have captured 4 league cham pionships while riding 25 and 19 game winning streaks. Coach Bowen is a 1957 graduate of Slippery Rock State College. He also attended Buffalo University where he earned his master’s degree. He and his wife, Joyce, along with their 6 children, two of which are twin girls, reside in Fairview, Pennsylvania. 9 Compliments of Jerry’s Market BEST WISHES FIGHTING SCOTS / Good Luck Fighting Scots from “Best of Luck’’ I. R. St. John Agency Since 1918 EDINBORO 732-7201 OnMon Hills fonntrf M Jim Skell«n Dairy R.D. 1, Route 99 Edinboro, Pa. Phone 732-7142 10 Kappa Gamma Psi Backs the Fighting Scots in ’68 3 Edinboro Lake — Your Vacationland S/GMA Materials for Better Living Hobbs Lumber & Hardware Meadville Street Edinboro, Pa. Phone 732-2801 CHI DELTA For ALL Your Printing Needs, BACKS see us at • •. THE PROUD PRINTERY 43 MEADVILLE ST. EDINBORO, PA. ’68 FIGHTING SCOTS YOUR SPORTING GOOD HEADQUARTERS ... SPOUTING GOODS, INC. 23 E. Washington Street New Castle, Pa. Phone 652-3961 — We Specialize in School Needs and Fraternity Jackets — PRESIDENT McNERNEY’S 1968 WELCOME MESSAGE This year the Edinboro State College has an enrollment of 5,700 students on three campuses. By far the greater number, 5,100 are here at Edinboro and the remaining 600 are divided between the Shenango Valley Off-Campus Center located at Farrell and the Warren Area Off-Campus Center at Warren. You will notice the new construction taking place on the campus. If you are seated on the permanent bleachers, to your right is the first completed portion of our major dormitory building project which houses 832 students. Immediately in front of these dormitories toward the lake, well underway in construction, is our beautiful new dining facility. Before this fall is over, it is anticipated that con struction will begin on the new Student Center and the new Gymnasium-Field House. Located in front of the new dormitories across the lake you will note that the beautiful new World Cultures Building has been completed and that construction has begun on the new Maintenance Building. It should be noted that adjacent to the grove of trees south of the lake is the new College Infirmary. Major improvements have occurred inside many of the older buildings. Of course these cannot be witnessed unless you tour the buildings. The faculty of the College now number 316 members. The major part of this faculty, new and old, are professors holding advanced degrees from outstanding American and International Universities. In addition to the teaching which they do with a high degree of excellence, various faculty members are actively involved in important college committee work and many of them offer distinguished contributions to many areas of research and to Commonwealth obligations. The freshman class this year is of very high caliber, representing the entire Commonwealth, some other states, and several foreign nations. It is interesting to note the growth of the resources available for teaching and learning at the College. For example, the new Science Building includes a vast array of equipment for teaching as well as for research. The Hamilton Library which had a collection of 60,000 volumes when it was dedicated in 1962 now has 200,000 volumes and a collection of 9,000 microfilms and 325,000 micro-cards and microfiche. In the planning stage, at the moment, is the new Edinboro State College Library. You, the Alumni of the College, have always been generous in your support of the activities of the College and I know that each of you and your friends will continue being active supporters of this, your Alma Mater. I welcome this opportunity to say "Hello” to each one of you. Fuller & lang Florist Edinboro IGA Foodliner Beautiful Flowers for All Occasions FEATURING EVERYDAY LOW PRICES 137 ERIE STREET EDINBORO, PA. PHONE 732-5762 PHONE 732-5321 5 Compliments of . • • ERIE GRISE Film Library Industrial 201 EAST 8th STREET—P.O. BOX 546 ERIE, PENNA. 16512 AREA CODE 814-452-4465 Electric Supply Corp. 1502 Cherry St. AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 930 Cussewago Rd. Erie, Pa. Meadville, Pa. 113 Erie St. ...the family store Serving the electrical needs Edinboro, Pa. of the area Home Owned and Operated by C. RAY ZIMMER EDIIBORO FHITURE 00. Furniture - Television - Appliances Phone 732-4691 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AND COTTAGE VARIOUS SIZE DINETTES COMPLETE LINE OF BEDDING SOFA BEDS — ROLL-A-WAYS CRIB RENTALS AND A FULLY STOCKED GIFT DEPARTMENT PRESCRIPTIONS Hoffman Camera JOHN J. HROMYAK, R.P. H. K. CATHCART, R.P. PEACH AT 8th 109 Erie Street Edinboro, Pa. Phone 732-4774 Amateur and Professional FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Supplies Open 9-9 Daily Except Sun. 9-1 Wed. 9-12 6 SCOTS’ “CO-PILOT” Tom Mackey, a 5Tl", 180-pound signal caller from South Hills High School in Pittsburgh, has been taking turns in guiding the Fighting Scots’ offensive charges. Tom was an outstanding frosh quarterback for Edinboro in ’66, but unfortunately suffered an injury which sidelined him last season. He has dem onstrated excellent poise this season as a drop back passer. DEFENSIVE CAPTAIN QB Tom Mackey WB Chico Rollick LB Jim Jaruszewicz DT Dave Brandell 12 OT John Ballard EDINBORO STATE COLLEGE 1968 VARSITY FOOTBALL ROSTER NAME POS. HT. WT. CLASS HOMETOWN, HIGH SCHOOL 73 *Ballard, John 85 *Barbati, A1 86 ♦Bissontz, Dan 83 *Boyd, Bob 74 ♦Brandeli, Dave 63 Bravard, Bruce 43 Brown, Kris 82 Buck, Torry 14 *Bufalino, Joe 66 * Clever, Denny 40 Creehan, Denny 75 Glor, Tom 33 *Guerrasio, John 67 Hamm, Steve 71 Hoover, Bob 61 ♦Jaruszewicz, Jim 24 Kerpan, William 22 Kutz, Bill 64 Laslow, Keith 15 Mackey, Tom 11 Masterson, Barry 76 McDonough, Tom 54 Medred, Ray 23 *Mikovich, John 30 Miller, Dan 10 ♦Pollick, Charles 42 Pollick, Larry 52 * Quinn, Ed 31 Reardon, Tim 45 *Riffle, Richard 55 Ringer, Fred 68 Robinson, Lee 34 Rockwell, Tom 81 Romanovich, Joe 12 Roth, Gary 21 *Santillo, Humbart 50 Swetic, Jan 84 Tabaczynski, Jim 51 Tamasy, Dave 77 Thompson, Ed 25 Tortorice, Jack 80 Walker, Ken 44 Wesolowski, Jim OT DE TE SE DT OG LB DE DHB OG DHB DT FB LB OT LB DHB P OG QB QB DT MG HB HB QB HB OC DHB DHB OC OT K DE QB HB C DE MG DT DHB DHB MG 6-3 5-11 6-1 5-9 6-2 6-0 5-9 6-0 5-9 5-9 5-10 6-1 5-11 6-1 6-2 6-0 6-1 5-11 5-5 5-11 5-11 6-4 6-1 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-10 6-0 5-9 5-9 5-11 6-1 5-11 6-1 5-11 5-10 5-10 6-0 5-10 5-11 5-11 6-2 5-7 233 210 216 165 230 200 170 200 160 180 189 210 205 205 200 218 190 160 180 180 170 225 200 195 170 175 172 200 165 175 205 205 200 190 168 200 203 192 200 215 190 180 160 Jr. Pittsburgh, South Hills Ellwood City, Lincoln Pittsburgh, North Catholic New Wilmington, Wilmington Fairview Sandusky, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio, Edgewood Cleveland, Ohio, Cathedral Latin Erie, Cathedral Prep Apollo, Apollo Area Bethel Park Attica, New York Stowe Williamsport, South New Castle, Union Area Erie, Cathedral Prep Greenville McKean, General McLane Farrell Pittsburgh, South Hills Erie, Cathedral Prep Cleveland, Ohio, Cathedral Latin Cheswick, Springdale Girard, Rice Avenue Union Uniontown, St. Johns Springdale Springdale McKees Rocks Sharon Greensburg Coraopolis, Montour Joint Erie, McDowell Conneaut, Ohio Indianola, Fox Chapel New Castle, Laurel Lockport, New York McKeesport Parma, Ohio, Cathedral Latin West Newton, Sierra Catholic West Mifflin, South Bethel Park Edinboro, General McLane West Natrona, Har-Brack No. * Indicates Lettermen, 13 Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. So. So. So. Jr. Sr. So. So. Jr. So. Jr. Jr. So. So. So. Jr. So. So. So. Sr. Jr. Jr. So. Jr. So. Sr. So. So. So. So. So. Jr. Sr. So. So. So. So. Jr. So. B€ST OF LUCK TO T PROBAB EDINBORO STATE Offense o M P L 1 M E Defense 42 Larry Pol lick 73 John Ballard 64 Keith Laslow 52 Ed Quinn 66 Denny Clever 71 Bob Hoover - 86 Dan Bissontz - 15 Tom Mackey - 12 Gary Roth - 10 Chico Pollick - 24 Bill Kerpan - - SE 81 Joe Romanovich - - - LT 75 Tom Glor - - - LG 54 Ray Medred C 74 Dave Brandell RG 82 Torry Buck - - RT 67 Steve Hamm - TE 61 Jim Jaruszewicz - - QB 24 Bill Kerpan - LHB 14 Joe Bufalino - RHB 40 Denny Creehan - FB 12 Gary Roth - - - - - - LE - - - - LT 1 - - RT - RE - - LLB - RLB - - MG ■ - - - - - LHB - - RHB - - LS - - RS Numerical Roster No. NAME No. NAME No. NAME No. NAME 10 Pollick 31 Reardon 55 Ringer 75 Glor 11 Masterson 33 Guerrasio 61 Jaruszewicz 76 McDonough 12 Roth 34 Rockwell 62 Nagy 77 Thompson 14 Bufalino 40 Creehan 63 Bravard 80 Walker 15 Mackey 42 Pollick 64 Laslow 81 Romanovich 21 Santillo 43 Brown 66 Clever 82 Buck 22 Kutz 44 Wesolowski 67 Hamm 83 Boyd 23 Mikovich 45 Riffle 68 Robinson 84 Tabaczynski o 24 Kerpan 51 Tamasy 71 Hoover 85 Barbati 25 Tortorice 52 Quinn 73 Ballard 86 Bissontz F 30 Miller 54 Medred 74 Brandell N T■ s j WJET • CHANNEL 24 • ERII 14 /F FIGHTING SCOTS I STARTERS INDIANA UNIVERSITY Defense Offense 88 Jim Dotson - Bob Prokay - - LT 61 Walt Poleski - 66 John Henry - - LG 69 A1 Dellavechio - - MG 52 Bob Strouse - - C 67 Tony Ferrari - RT 68 Dale Hall - - RG 86 Jack Neptune - RE 78 Joe Kovalchick - RT 64 Mike Nixon - LLB 49 George Stark - TE 94 Ted Oleson - RLB 24 Wally Blucas - QB 22 Jerry Clark - LHB 23 Dan Cox - - LHB 37 Stan Gutshall - 87 Dave Smith RHB 20 Bob Basehore - LS 30 Tom McCracken - - FB 42 Barry Ruffner - RS Dick Draganac 77 - - LE SE 10 - - - LT - RHB Numerical Roster No. NAME NAME No. NAME No. NAME No. 10 Draganac 36 Butera 54 Stair 74 Deep 12 Cortazzo 37 Gutshall 56 Patti 75 Kelley 15 Ziegler 39 Frederick 60 Weber 77 Prokay 17 Hasse 40 Yanni 61 Poleski 78 Kovalchick 19 Brochetti 42 Ruffner 63 Pawlowski 80 Cosgrove 20 Basehore 43 Scahill 64 Nixon 86 Neptune 21 Rinchuse 44 Ferguson 66 Henry 87 Smith 22 Clark 45 Murphy 67 Ferrari 88 Dotson 23 Cox 48 Finnerty 68 Hall 89 Rosso 24 Blucas 49 Stark 69 Dellavechio 90 Buzzelli 28 Kaufman 50 Heimlich 70 Tate 91 Pastine 30 McCracken 52 Strouse 72 Gelacek 94 Oleson 33 Priest 53 Wilcox 73 Gordon 'S No. 1 SPORTS STATION 15 INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1968 VARSITY FOOTBALL ROSTER No. 90 22 69 88 10 37 68 50 66 75 64 56 63 61 77 21 43 87 54 52 70 24 12 23 44 67 39 73 78 45 30 86 91 33 89 42 49 40 20 19 36 80 74 48 72 17 28 94 60 53 15 NAME Dave Buzzelli Jerry Clark A1 Dellavechio Jim Dotson Dick Draganac Stan Gutshall Dale Hall Joel Heimlich John Henry Chuck Kelley Mike Nixon Sam Patti Gene Pawlowski Walt Poleski Bob Prokay Don Rinchuse Jim Scahill Dave Smith George Stair Bob Strouse Bob Tate Wally Blucas Carmine Cortazzo Dan Cox Dan Ferguson Tony Ferrari Chuck Frederick Neil Gordon Joe Kovalchick Bob Murphy Tom McCracken Jack Neptune Bob Pastine Mike Priest Skip Rosso Barry Ruffner George Stark Jack Yanni Robert Basehore John Brochetti John Butera Robert Cosgrove A1 Deep Mike Finnerty Paul Gelacek Charles Hasse Harry Kaufman Ted Oleson Dave Weber John Wilcox John Ziegler POS. HT. WT. TE CB MG DE SE CB G DE G T LB DE G DT T TB CB FLB C C LB QB QB HB DHB DT FB T T CB FB DE DT CB TE DHB TE DT DB SE FB G T DE DT CB DHB LB LB MG SE 5-10 5-11 5-9 6-0 5-7 5-11 5-10 5-10 5-11 6-0 5-11 5-10 5-10 6-0 6-1 5-9 6-1 6-2 6-8 6-0 5-8 6-1 5-8 5-10 5-8 5-11 6-0 6-0 6-0 5-9 5-10 5-10 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-0 5-11 6-0 5-9 5-10 5-7 6-3 6-3 6-2 5-8 5-11 6-0 5-10 5-10 6-0 200 170 195 186 180 175 190 190 205 210 190 190 210 215 220 175 185 205 240 198 190 205 165 185 180 220 220 220 220 175 190 195 220 190 205 195 210 215 200 170 185 185 240 200 210 168 180 190 185 205 180 16 CLASS Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. JrJr. JrJrJr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. HOMETOWN Blairsville Punxsutawney Latrobe Aliquippa Monaca Pittsburgh North Versailles McKeesport Houston Point Marion Indiana Indiana West Mifflin Vandergrift West Mifflin Greensburg Kittanning New York, N.Y. Harrisburg Williamsport Altoona Boswell Darragh Latrobe Wilkinsburg Youngwood Harmony Pittsburgh Sagamore Greensburg Pittsburgh Johnstown Aliquippa Swissvale Pittsburgh Latrobe East McKeesport Springdale Butler Yatesboro Johnsonburg Yatesboro New Castle Carnegie Kittanning Johnstown West Mifflin Springdale Brentwood Wellsboro Mifflintown INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PA. Oct. 5 at Edinboro - - HIGH SCORING BIG INDIANS ATTACK SCOTS -2;30p.m. Location - Indiana, Pa. Enrollment ------- 7,400 Colors ----- Maroon and Slate Nickname.................................................Big Indians Stadium - George P. Miller 1967 Record....................................................... 8-1 Conference.................................................NAIA Head Coach ----- Chuck Klausing Athletic Director - Chuck Klausing Sports News....................................... Larry Judge Sports Information Office - 412-463-9111, Ext. 230 With just six regulars—three from the offense and three from the defense—missing from last sea son’s Big Indian varsity football team, hopes at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and for head coach Chuck Klausing for grid success can’t help but be optimistic. The squad has a sound nucleus of 24 lettermen returning from a team which won eight while losing only one and can also boast of several promising newcomers. Both of last season’s first team offensive ends have graduated, but their places will be taken by converted wingback, 5'7", 175-pound senior Dick Draganac at wide end, and converted fullback, 6'0", 210-pound junior Joe Kovalchick at tight end. 1968 Schedule DATE Sat., Sept. Sat., Sept. Sat., Sept. Sat., Oct. Sat., Oct. Sat., Oct. Sat., Oct. Sat., Nov. Sat., Nov. 13 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 OPPONENT - Delaware (home) - Northwood Inst, (home) - Shippensburg (away) - Edinboro (away) - Brockport (home) - Clarion (away) - Slippery Rock (away) - California (home) - C. W. Post The starting backfield has two new faces, 6T", 200-pound junior Dave Smith, a transfer from Waynesburg College, at wingback and 5T0", 186pound junior Tom McCracken at fullback. They will join returning quarterback 6'0", 185-pound junior Wally Blucas and tailback 5T0", 185-pound junior Dan Cox, last year’s leading ground gainer. W 17-0 W 75-13 W 24-0 LAST YEAR’S GAME SCORE ESC lUP - - - 0 19 FD 4 13 YARDAGE TDs 94 218 0 3 INDIANA’S LETTERMEN First row, left to right—A1 Dellavechio, Walt Poleski, Bob Tate, Jack Neptune, Joel Heimlich, Bob Strouse, Harry Harvey, Jack Yanni, Dale Hall, Don Rinchuse, Wally Blucas and Jerry Clark. Second row, left to right—Paul Ruffner, Monroe Smith, Bob Murphy, Stan Gutshall, Jim Dotson, Mike Nixon, Tony Ferrari, Sam Patti, Gene Pawlowski, Dan Cox, John Henry, Chuck Frederick, Bob Prokay, Dick Draganac and Joe Kovalchick. 17 R. C ZINDEL & SON KING’S 135 ERIE STREET HARDWARE — PAINT Ph. 732-8652 Market Street Edinboro, Pa. Bennett’s Mobil Service Route 6N and 99 — Edinboro, Pa. THE STORE WITH THE “GREEN & Complete Tune-ups — Minor Repairs — Pa. State Inspection WHITE STRIPES” Wilson and Charlotte King WALLY and BILL BENNETT PH. 732-6701 Compliments of THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE IEIDIir^lB0IR0 COLOR ILAI5 Rt. 6N E. Edinboro, Pa. AND Uptown PARTICIPATING DEALERS Edinboro’s Most Complete Store Tom DeLoe Agency, Inc. Greeting Cards — Gifts — Textbooks 119 ERIE STREET Paperbacks — Cameras REAL ESTATE INSURANCE — BONDS 12 MEADVILLE STREET EDINBORO — ALBION MAIN OFFICE MEADVILLE 18 EDINBORO, PA. 1968 FIGHTING SCOTS K) SCOTS’ STAFF U First Row, Left to Right: D. Bonura, T. Baker, R. Medred, J. Romanovich, T. Hultgren, H. Atwood, D. Clever, J. Mikovich, A. Barbati, D. Bissontz, D. Branded, S. Santillo, B. Boyd, C. Dengel, D. Metzar, D. Betcher, L. Nagy. Second Row, Left to Right: L. Robinson, T. Kutz, J. Sul livan, J. Guerrasio, B. Hoover, J. Bufalino, S. Hamm, J. Jaruszewicz, C. Rollick, E. Quinn, B. Masterson, J. Ballard, B. Blankette, B. Thompson, R. Wesolowski, T. Mackey, D. Felix, D. Creehan, K. Laslow. Third Row, Left to Right: F. Ringer, B. Clark, T. Reardon, G. Roth, T. Glor, D. Tamasy, T. Rockwell, D. Arnott, B. Kerpan, T. McDonough, K. Brown, L. Rollick, D. larocci, D. Bravard, B. Daugherty, E. Thompson, J. Tortorice, T. Buck, J. Tabacznski. Left to Right: Head Football Coach Bill Cutcher with Assistants Sam Ruvolo, Jim Gilstrap and Jim DeGasperin. EDINBORQ HOME BAKERY ROBERT PETERSON 23 Meadville Street Edinboro, Penna. Phone 732-2441 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR BAKED GOODS, BREAD AND PASTRIES CUSTOM DECORATED CAKES Manufacturer #lunt Jfuneral Home of 210 ERIE STREET Luxurious Sofas & Chairs EDINBORO, PA. 16412 732-2362 Edinboro Beverage Distributors “A Good Place to Eat” SOFT DRINKS — LEGAL BEVERAGES ICE — PARTY SNACKS MILL ST. and CROW ALLEY Crossroads Dinor LYNCH Camera, Inc. ‘‘A Snack to a ... 2254 WEST 8th STREET • PHONE 454-2454 ... Complete Dinner” ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16505 Erie’s Complete Photographic Supplier 24 HI-FI’S • STEREO’S TAPE RECORDERS SlIGMAS SAY Join Our 8 Track Tape Club “SOCK IT TO ’EM, Free Tapes • Special Orders ★ Budget or Lay-Away terms always available Open Monday and Friday ’til 9 p.m. <J)ZK SCOTS!’’ EDINBORO “E” BOOSTER CLUB Wizard Mr. Magdik Bob Flash Gorny Rick the Hun Ed the Great ESKIMO Neal Snydman BufFy Bady Robin Fire Ball Bark Mike Shusteric Heather McMunn Lin & Char Dave Phyllis Anselmo Beverly Jo Torok Mur-E-Hill, Alumni Emil V. Brenkus Candi Campagna Esther Sandor Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wesolowski Linda Bussotti Donald Lee Julloch Nick the Quick Paul Moneta The "B” Boys from the Navajo Bill Johnston Janice Stone Rich Stolon Denis DiLoreto A1 Barbati Big A1 Storey "Tivie” "Radar” Hawk-Kerrs "Zard” Bill Barringer Bill Yahner "Ace” "Super Steve” Larry Connelly "Max” "Fat Albert” Candy Bates Jackie Rump Louie Falconi Mike Hildebrand Annie "F.” McEntire "Bone” Steve Hall (Tee!) Carol Neininger "Surfer Joe” Linden "T” Sever Ann Harvey Lynda T. & Jan. F. "String” Behan "Nutman,” Sr. Denny Como "Nic” Pam Dave Fitzgerald John Christofer Ken Jones "Sinbad” "Dude” Lockhart Smythe Burnett Ed Pryor Hank 115 Rose John Jeffers Erancine Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Meako Linda Sue Schockling Mr. & Mrs. James Robinson B.J. Steve Gurrera Russel & Gary "Maha” "Foggy” Duff Tish Kelly "Semi” Ish #1 & Chicken Man Kerrigan & Singer Faye Barb John Openlander "E,” "Ei” & "Em” Willy Moxie & Julie Herb & Mary Jane Bonnie Nevitt Gary Jones Patrick William Harrison Don Schrall Toby Mr. & Mrs. Harry Miller Diane Ohh 1 John Zaremba Denny "Roach” Waugs Charlie Schultz Bob Schofield Ascendant Scorpion Bill Stafford Rich Decostro Tom Davis Paul Fallabel Stan Bocian Frank Sprentz Ronald Shevchik Riely John Andre Stan Stash Mike Brow Fred Williams Mark Baer Don Nelson John Whehalaer Jack Borgo Rich Snyder Mike Riley Tom Doak Paul Smith Larry Carullo Pat Conley Michael Crackovich Tom Capone Frank Sam Joe Runser Kathy & Kathy Jim Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. George W. Clever Tom Dougan Denny Dombrowski Bard D. & Diane S. Sandy—"Prez” Beth White A1 Jackson "Murph” & "JuJu” Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Creehan James VanLaningham Bill Krayer "Silky” & "Sudsy” Greg Savko Jack John Gallo Judy Korn "Irish” Frank Rinaldi Pat & Pam Sam March Clete Schirra "Shine” Hilka & "Keffer” "Twin” Olga Miquel Gary Miller "Rudy” Pam George Doreen Davie Carol & Ed Kathy Pennline Susie & Bill Durk & Jo Zurk & Elaine Jack Webb Horton II Joseph Ward Rugg Nancy & Sue Dottie & Smythe Mr. & Mrs. Nuhfer "Hawk” Guzza & Scarface & Bake A1 & Jackie Storey Carol & A1 Chuck Territo "Crash” Hawkins Rosie Debbie & JuJu Boomsie & Marsie Marty Baron & Mary Sue Williams Sharyn Diane Metzger Sweetheart Sam Sam & Donna Carol & Joe Kaye & Dave Whip & Helen B.K. Shetek & Schmidt Cream Puff Paul Stamm "Greek” Mike Baird 26 George Rudge Bill Godfrey Terry Bailey Dave Panach Frank & Sue "Groundhog” Gegogeinc Ken Ebel "Doc” Joe McNaul Ron Swift Fred Darby Jim Haughton David Clester Chris Klakamp Denny McCandless Larry Lewis Joe Churak Van Kuebel Rodney Jones Tom Mayconich Ron "Bear” Clark Bad News Gary Watson Bob Cassidy Louis DiDonato Bob Barren Kevin Jordon Bill Biringer Danny Crowell Jack Boylan Mark Adams Joe Juricich Tim Hurney Tim Wagner Phil Courtney Dave Wetmore "Pud” Munn John Anderson Joseph Como Barry Struble Ron Crisi Elmer Tonds Kevin D. Braudis Dan Thomas Louie Polight Tim "Star" Tamasy Bob Sandy Tony Hords Dick Flinchbaugh Denny Menold Jim Ertl Jack Pianta Bob Paulik Joe Walkowski Alan Leathers Mark Fadik Rich Adams Fred Morosky Jeff Starner Gene Bicego Denny Gibbs Douglas Shevchik John B. Paxson "Chip” Lucas Tom Wisinski Lakeside Service CHRYSLER R. E. NORTH CO. PLYMOUTH Sales & Service Edinboro, Pa. Mechanical Contractors Phone 732-3442 2420 East 38th St. BUD'S BARBER SHOP Erie, Pa. (across from the bank) ^T/ie Shop of Quality” Ph. 899-7656 We specialize in modern long hair styling cuts for men — At Regular Prices — 127 Erie St., Edinboro, Pa. AND OX ROAST SANDWICHES NIGHTLY Noonday Lunches BLECTHtC T-Bones and Dinners Electrical Contractors 1 2:00 - 1:00 5:00 - 8:00 ZORTMAN^ FLOUR AND FEED CO. 3867 PEACH ST. GRAIN, FEED, HARDWARE ERIE, PA. COAL and BUILDING SUPPLIES MILL STREET PH. 864-4051 EDINBORO, PA. 19 Mineo^s Variety Store lia-nlal fiouse Kestauiant CLOTHING • CARDS • NOTIONS FEATURING HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS SURF ’N TURF DINNERS MANY OTHER CIGARETTES • TOYS DISHES GAMES SPECIALS EVERY DAY KITCHENWARE WATERFORD ST. EXTENSION EAST ON 6N 8-10 MEADVILLE STREET GOOD LUCK FIGHTING SCOTS! “Jus# A Step from The Stadium” G. C. BRUNO — PLANT LOCATION — PERRY LANE AT ROUTE 99 PHONE 732-5544 EDINBORO, PA. 20 THE STUDENT-FACULTY COUNCIL of ESC Supports Our Sports BEST OF LUCK TO OUR FIGHTING SCOTS! SFC OFFICERS Jim Hillmeyer...........................................................................................President JoeMcNaul..................................................................................Vice President Linda Neubrand..................................................................................Secretary ADVISORS Dr. John F. Yon — Mrs. Ruth Peck — Mr. James Harrison P&M Auto Parts Co. 141 EAST 12th ST. ERIE, PA. AUTOLITE MOPAR Schruers Dairy PASTEURIZED & HOMOGENIZED MILK — HOME DELIVERY — 40c V2 GALLON AT STORE EDINBORO, PA. 21 EDINBORO EAXES & THE PORTO CO. extend best wishes for Mnboro Hotel Mtail Lounge a successful season Rodney W. DeVore, Inc. Engineering - Contracting - Commercial Industrial - Residential P.O. Box 555, Morgan Village Road Phone (814) 336-3159 MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA 16335 ALPHA SIGMA TAU SAYS GOOD LUCK DALE GORMAN FIGHTING SCOTS EDINBORO, PA. 22 Cheerleaders Kneeling, L-R: Nancie McClimans, Beth Robertson. Back Row, L-R: Mary Lou Barrickman, Jackie Rump, Mary Jane Hackett, Karen McClune. Sox Harrison Stadium THE “SCRAMBLER” Barry Masterson, a 5'11", 170-pound sophomore from Cathedral Prep in Erie, completes the Scots’ quarterbacking duo. Masterson is noted for his scrambling talents. Against Ohio Northern he engi neered 3 touchdowns with only 6 minutes remaining in the half. He heaved a 49-yard aerial to Chico Pollick to set up one touchdown and threw a 38-yard scoring pass for another. Barry Masterson Dan Bissontz Co-Captain John Mikovich Co-Captain 28 ALPHA GAMMA DELTA WISHES the EDINBORO HIGHLANDERS GOOD LUCK for a Successful Season. 'Alpha Tau Chapter THE TRI-STATE AREA’S EPSILON MOST COMPLETE AUDIO and ELECTRONIC CENTER compliments OF 1315 PEACH ST. ... ERIE, PA. 2208 WASHINGTON . . . MEADVILLE, PA. 1198 PARK AVE. .. . JAMESTOWN, N.Y. DUNLAP-THE PRINTER COLLEGE ARCHIVES ESTLEY APPAREL LATEST CAMPUS WEAR ARROW PHONE 732-5332 GARLAND EDINBORO, PA. McGREGOR MEADVILLE ST. lEIDlir^lBOIF^O CLIEAP^IEIRS SHIRT LAUNDRY If it’s not becoming to you, it shouid “be coming’’ to us EDINBORO LAUNDRY SERVICE PHONE 732-5332