tilNUTBS OF THE mnBYVJfiulk STA'i.li: TFAGHTilRS COI.LEQKS AT^tletIC GOIsPRURKCE A meeting of the Pennsylvani? ^^tate Teacher? College Athletic conference was held at the Penn-*Harris Hotel in Harrisbtirg, Tuesday, November 22, 195$# The following persons were presents Dr« James G* iforgani >1® E* Decker, Hansfleld; George Jailer and ‘Samuel Pmith, Indiana; Joseph Patton, KutstoTn; Dr® tterrel Black, Steve Jacobs, Lock Haven; ’ illiam Benner, ^fest Chester;. John Roddick, Thomas Crist, ShippensburgJohn EiXer, Slippery Rock; John Pucillo I'lillersville5 L'illian 0*Shields, Cheyney; Eugene Hester, California! Dr* P^amest Cottrell, State Department of Public Instruction; V^ldo Tipoin, Clarion; Harold Shelly, Jack lohe, Bloomsburg* The meeting was called to order at 10 a«m* by President George lliller,. President Miller addressed the group, and spoke of the contributions that the representatives pf the colleges were making in furthering relationships vdthin the conference* - —'President M±ller~asked"t^hair the wishes of the representatives were "’ith rCf^ard to the reading of the mii’utes of the prev3,ous nL-ting, Lli** Crist moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as introduced by the secretary, T!!r* Benner seconded the motion. The motion carried unaniTnously* Mr. Yohe then read the treasurer's report* !^. Hester jiK^ved and Ik*. O’Shleld'^s seconded that the treasurer’s reoort be accepted as read. I.otion carried unanimously* President I'lller then asked that the report of the committee on the study and revision of the Pennsylvania .State. Teachers Athletic Conference Constitution be presented. Dr, Black, Cha rman,of the committee then viQnt over the .proposed changes and deletions to the coi istitution as recommended by the committee* After presentation of these changes and revisions to the constitution, fir* Yohe asked that the representatives review the Constitution article by article as he felt the?-e t.^ere additional additions and deletio .s that could be made to the constitution* ~ Before this matter could be completed, the meeting was adjourned for lunch', Adjournment noted at 12j50* _ _ Meeting reconvened at 1?^0* Following the luncheon, Dr* Cottrell, Chief, Department Health, Physical Sducatioii, and Recreation "fas introduce ’' to the groups Discussion of the Constitution was t 'en conti'.ued. Considerable discussion arose with regard to the proposed changes to Article VII,. section 1, C 2. President Miller after considerable time was spent on the question then asked for a roll call vote. The result of the vote was as follo^^”®* Clarion Yes California Yes liOck Haven Yes 'Diippensburig Yes Bloomsburg No jiillersville Kutztoi’n Mans t'i old Slippery Rock Clicyney No. No Yes Yrs Yes West Chester Indiana Yes Yes 2the result of the rollcall vote showed 9 in favor of the adoption of the recommendation of the cofr&nittee, and three opposed# two schools, East Stroudsburg and Ediriboro were not present* Considerable discussion was also raised x?ith regard to. articles VII, section 1 C U, which had to do with the eligibility of transfer students# President Miller then called for a rollcall vote# was as follows: Clarion California Lock Haven Shi|jpensburg Bloomsburg No No Tes No No Millersville Kutztown “ Mansfield Slippery Rock West Chester No No No No No The voting Cheyney Indiana No Yes “East Stroudsburg and Ediriboro not present# The results of this voting showed 10 riot in favor, and 2 in favor of the proposed recanmendation of the caumittee# At the close of discussion on the constitution, Mr* Hester ••AcVed that the constitution and by-laws as revised be recommended for approval and adoption by- the Board of College Presidents. Mr. Benner seconded the motion. Motion carried- unanimously. President Miller then asked that the secretary have the necessary copies of the Constitution and By-laws and proposed rotating conference football schedule, and the minutes of the meeting run off and sent to the representatives of each college* Mr. Yche then asked that he be given permission to employ a student to do the necessary work. .Mri. Smith moved that Mr. Yohe be permitted to employ a student at the rAte of 60^. per hbur to have this work done. Dr. Black seconded the motion. Motion cairied unanimously. Mr^ Decker then raised the question with regard to the adequacy the eligibility fornv He"-stated that he'did not feel~the form was adequate with regard to showing years of eligibility and years of competition. It. was agreed each College Representative ccjmpleting the forms in the future would add an extra column which would s>iow the years of eligibility and years of competition in separate columns*' The question of the rotating schedule ..wasnnext raised. The representatives at the meeting felt that they had done all that they could with regard to the adoption of the rotating schedule and felt that the question was one which had to be answered by the Board of College Presidents*. Mr. Tippln then asked Dr. Morgan if he would present the question of the rotating schedule to the Committee on Athletics of the Board of College Presidents. He requested that it be put on the Agenda* The State. Teachers College Track meet will be held at West Chester State Teachers College on May 5, 1956. The State Teachers College Wrestling Tournament will be held at Lock Haven State Teachers College 3 - - on March 2 and 3, 1956. Mr* Benner next reminded the .representatives that in order for a special Teachers College Relay be included in the events of the Penn Relaysi it was necessary to have tt least 6 Teachers Colleges represented. Mr. lohe then read the letter from Merle Agnello in which he asked that the Teachers Colleges please forward to him their recommendations' for the All State Teachers College Conference Football Team. Mr. Agnello*s letter also included the Football Conference rating for the close of the 195^ Football Season^ Following the reading of the Football rating, as presented by Hr. Agnellow, the Conference Statistician Hr. Hester moved that Bloomsburg State Teachers CoH^g^ declared the 1955 Football Champions of the Pennsylvania State Teachers College Conference. Mrir Benner Seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. In his letter, Mr, Xgnellow also requested permission to prepare a booklet on the Conference which woulf^ include schedules, records of Svents, etc. He asked for permission to secure advertising from Athletic Companies which would pay for the cost of the printing of the-booklet. Dr. Black moved and Mr. Smith seconded that we recommend to Mr, Agnello that he prepare a working draft of a Press Data Booklet with the list of advertisorients and a financial accounting^ .and submit this draft to the President of the State Teac}iers College Conference who in turn will submit it to the Athletic Committee of Board of College Presidents for approval. Motion Carried unanimously. President Miller then asked if there was any further business^ There being none, he thanked the representatives for having attended the meeting and asked for a motion of adjournment. Mr. 0*Shields moved and Mr. Tippin seconded the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at U:0^ p.m. Respectfully submitted. jXck W, Yohe Secretary-Treasurel* Pennsylvania State Teachets Colleges Athletic Conference / Novenfoer 21, 19^5 Pinaneial Statement Balance forwarded from audit 1308.7U Receipts 7/13/55 7/^22/55 9/^20/55 9/28/55 10/13/55 Dues Dues Dues* Dues Dues •• Mansfield HLllersville Kutatowil Slippery Rock East Stroudsburg ®U5.00 i»5iOO 1j5.oo li5.oo l»5.oo ^25.00' 4533.7U "DisbuTBements NONE 11/21/55 Balance on hand I533.7it Audited by Respectfully submitted, Paul G, Ifertin, Bus^ I'lanager Jack W* Yohe^ Secy,-Treas# State Teachers College^ Bloomsburg, Pa